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general media Which FiM pony best matches Pokemon who evolve through friendship?


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Has anyone ever tried to put together a Friendship is Magic team of Pokemon that they think best represent the ponies characters- specifically the Mane 6, since the max amount of pokemon one can have on their team is 6.


The Pokemon who evolve through friendship are:

Golbat to Crowbat

Chansey to Blissey

Eevee to Espeon

Eevee to Umbreon

Pichu to Pikachu

Cleffa to Clefairy

Igglybuff to Jigglypuff

Togepi to Togetic

Azuril to Marill

Budew to Roselia

Buneary to Lopunny

Chingling to Chimecho

Munchlax to Snorlax

Riolu to Lucario

Woobat to Swoobat

Swadloon to Leavanny


Personally, I think Twilight would best be represented by none other than Espeon. Both are purple, and Espeon's psychic type and emphasis on teleknetic type attacks resemble Twilight's unicorn/ alicorn magic.


Rainbow Dash, I feel, is best represented through Crowbat. Both are fast flyers and that's pretty much all I got.


Pinkie, without a doubt, would have to be Blissey. Lots of pink, and its baby evolution is Happiny, which is Pinkie summarized in 1 word.


Rarity is a bit harder, since Leavanny, like Rarity is the fashion designer of the Pokemon world, and quite pretty as Rarity is, but Roselia is also, and just screams glamour and elegance. In the end, though, I chose Leavanny for her.


Applejack was harder still, but think Pikachu best represents her. Pikachu is Ash's lead Pokemon in the anime, and like him, AJ is a leader. Her buck carries a powerful wallop, like Pikachu's electric attacks, and Zap Apple/ APPLE Jack- Pikachu being an electric type (and yellow, like AJ, too)


Fluttershy, probably would best be Togetic. At first, I considered Jigglypuff for her, since both have cute, soothing singing voices and hidden tempers, but Togetic just seemed better. Fluttershy, like Togetic, has wings/ is a flying type pony, and sort of has an egg-like barrier about her, most times- and Togetic is basically a flying egg. Also cute as a friggin' button.


(And I'm throwing Spike in for 7, because why the hay not? Much as people hate on him, he's part of the mane 6...7, too, and a pretty central character) if Spike were to be represented as a friendship evolution Pokemn, then it would be Umbreon, hands down. He's kind of in the shadows a lot of the time, and better works as a support character, much like Umbreon has a decent moovepool of support moves, and is a special defense tank, but is terrible on offense.


But what do you guys think? Which pokemon that evolves via friendship best represents one of the mane 6, and WHY?

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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