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private Following the Dream

Fallen Valkyrie

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Indus calmly awoke himself, and exited his sleeping bag before letting out a small yawn and a stretch of his limbs. He let out a small, content grunt as his joints popped into place. He had missed Summer's announcement, it seemed.


"Good morning, Miss Dragondanser," he greeted the former student, pulling out a comb from his saddlebag and brushing his black mane backward, letting it set neatly into place, "I hope you slept okay?"


He levitated his clothes over and started dressing.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Ay, I sleept as good as one can do witg the circumatances. And you? Thanks again for letting me use the bed. I would have sleept so bad if I had ro lie on the floor." Flearia answered while finishing combing her mane and started on her tail, facing her front to Indus as she finished, having Irra bump down behind her horn looking tired.

A faint glow from Flearias horn shined and summoned up a energyball the aice of her own head, moving it up to Irra. "Here you go, breakfast!" she let a happy smile as Irra shapes into a miniature wolf and started to gnaw on the energy.

"Speaking of witch. Indus have you packed any food? I sure haven't... Enough bits to last for several montha of food aure bur no food itself other then a few apples and chocolate bars."

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Summer flew around in circles in the sky and kicked all the clouds. The circles were getting bigger and bigger and eventually there was a big hole in the clouds exactly above their camping place.


Summer flew back down and entered the tent. She was still confused every time she entered it. Flearia and prof were awake already. 'There will not be any rain for the next hour or something but then it will defenitly start raining.' summer reported. Then her stomach started to make angry sounds 'Think it's time for some breakfast.' summer said looking down at her bellie.


She opened her saddlebag but she didn't have much else as a few slices of bread and the little cans with spices she always carried with her. 'did you say you have chocolat and appels?' summer asked flearia. 'I could make french toast with apple and chocolat. Never tried it but it has to be good when I add some cinnamon.' and she winked.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"You're welcome," Indus nodded to the mare, and watched as Irra began feeding on her magic, "Hm, I read that fire spirits fed on magical energy, but this is the first time I've seen it. Interesting."


He was about to answer her query when Summer entered the tent, announcing the clouds were cleared but rain was coming.

"Thank you, Miss Breeze," he nodded to her, and then pointed to a small cooler next to the tent flap, "I should have some apples in there, among other things. Both of you, help yourselves."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Ay they do. Mostly natural magic energy like gemstones. Tough Irra feeds of of my magic, she can't eat any others that's not based on my magic... When I was ill and couldn't use my magic for a week due to magic exhaustion, my mentor tryed to give her some of her magic but that didn't work. It just made us ill. so she keept herself inside me all the time instead."


Soon after Summer enter the tent, having both her mouth and tummy telling that it was time for breakfast!


"Ay if you could do that then please use them." She levitated up tree apples and two big chocolate bars from her bag. "Tough if this is going to be regular! And I really hope it isn't... being hunter out from a town that is... I'll have to stock some food in my bag too."


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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'Thanks flear!' Summer said when she got the apples and the chocolat from flearia. Then she nodded when she thought about flearia's concern. 'I feel the same, maybe I could make some food for when we're on our way too. since I'm assuming that we're going to the place of the map right?' summer said.


then she walked outside and poked the fire, it wasn't completely out but it wasn't really burning either. she threw some new sticks on it and blew to get the fire going. she got a frying pan out of her saddlebag and held it over the fire, then she put some appleparts in, among with the bread. she put some cinnamon on the apples and then put them on the bread and added a few chocolat pieces. once the chocolat was melted and the bread was nice and brown she got it out and tryed a first bite before she gave it to her friends. it was a new recepy and she wanted to make sure it was good before her friends tryed it  too. but to her surprise it was delecious. 'I'll need to write this down for once I get home' she said and took an other bite. then she made her grilled choco apple bread thing for flearia and prof.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Indus's ear twitched with annoyance at his offer being totally ignored. A simple 'no thank you' would have sufficed, he would be fine with that. But outright ignored? That was just rude.


Or perhaps his living in Canterlot for so long had made him rather expectant of good manners.


He blinked as Summer offered him some kind of grilled toast, with chocolate spread and cinnamon-coated apple topping it.

"Thank you, Miss Breeze," he said curtly, taking the food in his magic and taking a bite from it. His face was unreadable, but as he swallowed, he gave the mare a nod. "Nicely done. A perfect amount of cinnamon."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Flearia had totaly missed Indus comment on his cooler, posibly to getting cought up in her own reflection on Fire Spirits and Irra.


Not to long after the toasts where done, they had melted chocolate on them with apple chunks and cinnamon. It looked ok attleast as Summer handed her one and she took it in her magic before taking a bite...


"Oooh! This is far better then I tough it would be! Nice done Summer!" she finished the bite far to fast and licked her lips before biting of another one!


By this time she was to cought uo with the tasty bread to se that Indus had been a bit grumpy from something. After a third bite of the toste she started on the issue at hoof. "So... Summer, Indus. What are you to do now? I don't really know to much about your mission else than that Jackt was some treasure hunter looking for artifacts to sell. Are you gonna follow up on that? I could still follow on as I'm reserching. And you also got both the map and the key right?"

  • Brohoof 2


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Indus's ears flicked again as Flearia had directed her attention to both himself and Summer, asking what they planned to do next.


Well, some attention is better than none, I suppose.


"Well, the most logical thing to do would be to follow up on this map and key," he suggested, taking a polite bite of the bread, "I must admit I'm rather curious to see what this 'Jacky' would go to so much trouble to finding."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Ay, I'm also currious to se what it is all about and that she tough to get us the blame for." she too another piece of bread, making sure that she didn't overexceed her own share of it and munched away on it.


"Are we far away from the place on then?Didn't you have the map last Indus?"


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Summer nodden enthousiasticly when flearia sugested to go after jacky 'sounds lwike aw gweat idea!' summer said with her mouth full. Then she swollowed 'excuse me.' she said with a shamefull smile.


'should I make some snacks for when we are on our way then?' summer asked and walked over to the cooler that prof had said she could use. She opened it and looked at prof while taking some apples out 'I can use those right?' she said to him but didn't wait for the answer. She walked over to the fire that was still burning slightly. She cut the apples in parts and grilled them, then she put cinnamon on them. 'can you guys tell that I like cinnamon?' she said and smiled brightly.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"I did, yes," Indus nodded, and lifted the map from his saddlebag. He used his magic to unfurl the map and studied it closely, estimating the distance between their location and the mark pointing out the location. "Hm... if my geography is correct, and more often than not it is, this place we're looking for is a few hours away by hoof. We should reach it by this afternoon if we leave before midday."


He rolled up the map and looked at Summer, giving her a nod. "Help yourself."


He blinked at her use of cinnamon, and pulled on his longcoat.


I would never have guessed you had an affinity for cinnamon, Miss Breeze.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Summer made sure the apple parts were nice and hard on the outside but still soft on the inside before she took them out of the pan and put them in a box which dissapeared in her saddlebag. Then she looked at prof 'we can better leave early, I'm not sure about how long I can hold back the rain.' summer said and looked worried to the sky. The gap she made in the clouds was closing again and she was sure that it wouldn't be long before it started raining.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"Great, So you'v decided that we'll go to this place that Jacky wanted you to go?" She lifted up Irra onto the back of her horn together with the unfinished energy orb she was munching away on as Summer prepared the rest of the food.




'we can better leave early, I'm not sure about how long I can hold back the rain.'


Flearia cringed to the last thing that Summer mentioned. "I don't like rain... or snow... or cold weather... I wote for leaving as soon as posible!"


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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"I see no reason not to," Indus replied, politely wiping his face from the bread, "You can't say that you aren't curious as to what the fuss is all about."


He took heed of Summer's warning and nodded, standing on all hooves. "Then let us make haste. And thank you for the bread, Miss Breeze. It was delicious."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Summer nodded when she recieved the compliment and also stood up. 'I already packed my stuff so I can go for and clear the sky above the path if you want me to.' summer then said to flearia in reaction to her comment about not liking rain and cold weather and such. 'but I don't think I can do much, I'm not a really good weather pony.' summer then said. She wished rainbow dash was here, she could have cleared the sky while summer could only blow clouds to the side. Her wind wasn't ment to destroy things, she could sculpt things with it. 'why is it never needed that I make a cloud look like a bunny?' she muttered to herself.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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And now, finaly, our litle group of adventurers contineu there journey.


After couple of hours of walk, they made it to the point on the map Jacky marked. As they were walking towered this mysterious marked point, cold rain started to fall from now grey colored sky. As our adveunteres made there finaly steps, they relaised they were stending in front of an old catedral. Time did take its toll on this beautiful structure, and now this beautiful catedral was in ruins and was covered in green moss. On places were windows should have been, there was just holes in the wall thet allowed this cold rain to enter. Wooden dores to this old structure, were broken down but they were still stending. 

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Rain... The thing that made you weat and cold... The group had been walking for several hours, luckily the rain that had been looming around hadn't catched them yet but now their luck was out. a few dropps falled down and hit Flearia right on her muzzle and she let out a small. measily cry. turning to her friends. "Are we close yet? If not, can we attleast take shelter from the rain inside that old ruin over there?"


Not waiting for her friends to answer her question she had already runned of towards the shelter that was the old ruined cathedral. putting her hoof on the gate ready to push it open.

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Indus blinked as a drop of rain hit the map, and he looked up to see the grey clouds were quickly reforming. He rolled up the map and tucked it underneath his longcoat for protection, scowling unfavourably as the rain began to get heavier.


He would usually generate a small magical shield over himself to act as an umbrella, but it wouldn't be fair on his companions.


He looked ahead and saw an old cathedral. Time was not kind to it, with moss coating the gothic architecture, the stained windows cracked and smashed, and the wooden doors fractured and laying open.


"Hm, easily medieval period," he muttered to himself, "Just before the Age of Chaos, I'd wager."


He looked to Flearia, who was gingerly pushing on the rusted old gate to push it open.

"It would be a wise idea," he agreed, trotting up to the unicorn, "This rain shouldn't last too long, and I must admit I want to have a closer look at this cathedral."


He used his telekinetic magic to push the gate open with a loud creak and a clank, and walked onto the weedy and overgrown grounds.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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As they entered this old structure, they could see thet inside of it was nothing beter then outside. Plants have ower taken evrything, and on place were probably was wooden flore now was onli dirt and grass. In corner it looked like some kaid of sculture was onces stending, and from all its glory now onli two, beast like legs were stending.


There was almost noting un usual in side of this old structure, exepct in the midle of it was a hole thet by looks of it was dug up resently, probably some time in lest 30 days. This hole was probably reason Jacky wanted to bring our heroes, and thet key, to this location.


If our tomb raiders were to look in side of this hole they would see onli blackness because there was no light annywere in side of it.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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summer had tried to hold back the rain for as long as possible but after a few hours it was just impossible and the rain began to fall. she saw an old cathedral.


she saw her friends run inside and folowed them. she was pretty exited to go in there, it looked so cool and old. the outside was nothing more as a ruin with a roof but the inside was even more spectaculair. it was completely overgrown and it looked like an old magical place, but one that she wasn't scared of. it was dark on the inside however, she couldn't see much. 'flearia, proff, could somepony make some light so we can explore this' she said.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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As the group entered the cathedral there was a smile on Flearia's muzzle. No rain inside here! Tough, it was dark inside there. No wonder as it where raining outside and no sun to be let in.



'flearia, proff, could somepony make some light so we can explore this'



"Ay. I almost can't se a thing in here. Just a secon-" She answered as Irra emerged up and gave out a brighter glow then she usualy had. Lighting up the cathedral so they all could se what was inside it, there was everything one would expect form an old cathedral, all exept the one big hole in the middle of it!   "Well now, isn't that an interesting sight? Looks like someone dug this up recently,You don't think that it was Jacky do you?"


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Indus watched as the flame spirit illuminated itself some more to provide some light. He created a healthy blue glow in his horn to assist it.


A large gaping hole replaced most of the roof. The pews were either moulded and old, or knocked over. Rain fell in from the hole in the roof.


"I wouldn't say it was her," he shook his head, "this cathedral has been in disrepair for many years, by the looks of it. Abandoned, I'd wager."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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the old cathedral lit up by the light comming from irra and summers eyes got wider when she saw the big hole in the ground 'ooooo, look at that!' she said and walked towards it. there was no grass or anything inside it yet so it had to be fairly new. 'It has to be jacky!' summer said and a dark glimmer came to her eyes. 'it looks like she burried her onw grave. we only have to find her and put her in it.' she said with an evil smile.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Flearia walked up to the hole duggd up in the middle of the cathedral together with Summer and inspected it. It defenetly looked like it was newfly dug, no grass or anything that would resemble it being a old hole.

Irra had whent away to inspect the corner where a statue once had been, now smashed and only the two beastial legs was shown from it.




'it looks like she burried her onw grave. we only have to find her and put her in it.'

Her ear flickered to Summers comment. "Now that was something I didn't expect to come from you Summer!" Flearia exclaimed in a supprised manner as Irra joined her on her horn. Making a purple light light up the hole. "Dosn't it look like this hole is going rather deep? Don't tell me we need to climb down there! In the... mud?" A harrid grin appeared on her muzzle. "I really don't want to get into that! Do you know how hard and how long it takes to get mud out of white fur! Hours of scrubbing!"


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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