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(before meeting Samurai)

Night Eyes held the map given to him with hesitation. It might have felt like someone handing him the occasional star chart but he didn't feel he deserved this one. Or at least that was what his reasoning would sound like. He handed the map back to to Crescent.

"Night Eyes. Scholar of the Canterlot Observatory. Thanks for the map but there's no need. Someone might need that map more than I do. What brings you to the fair today?"
@@Samurai Equine

Now the dumbstruck feeling hit him. He didn't know what kind of tree sap he was looking for and he might not find Gem where he left him. The ineptness finally began to sink in and it left Night Eyes paralyzed. Whether it was out of fear or confusion, only he could say but the words were lost with so many thoughts racing through his mind. 

"Oh.... well, uh... this is really embarrassing. I really don't know what kind of tree's sap I'm looking for. Anything you have that could be used in weapon enchantments? Probably something used to detect changelings?"


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"To be honest, Valence, I'm not sure how we came to be. I guess we didn't have anything to do with um... 'crossbreeding' as you called it. My clan is extremely wary of those outside of our ancestral forest and I don't recall ever hearing about contact with ponykind before I came into existence." 

Curiosity was certainly a recurring theme if the day's experience was anything to go by. Senlin had some idea on what it would have been like if he ever went into the circus business but days spent as an exhibit would've restricted him on his activities. Still, he basked in it because this kind of positive attention could lead to a more open-minded clan that didn't need to fear the outside world.

"This is a very interesting introduction, Valence. It's nice to know there are curious ponies around Equestria who wouldn't treat this longma like a traveling freakshow."


"Thanks," Val said, smiling. "Is your name Longma? Or are you referring to your species in the third pony? Why would anypony treat you like a circus performer if you aren't in the circus? Oh, wait, are you? That must be exciting!"




Scarlet gives the unicorn a distasteful look for just announcing herself "who do yo..." Summer puts her wing against Scarlets mouth "don't mind her, nice to meet you did you catch our names?" 


"No, I'm sorry, I don't think I did. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just barge in, I've never seen a Longma before and I was curious and this whole fair is a little overwhelming. I, er, haven't been out in a while. Are you two related?" Valence asked, as she wondered about the similar facial features. "Wait, that doesn't sound right. I think I missed a step there,"

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"I go by Senlin; longma refers to the name of my kind. I've heard of circuses taking in oddities from all around Equestria but from what I've gathered from eavesdropping, I fear for those who choose to become attractions to satisfy others' need to be certain of their visual perfection. I understand they need a means to live but it isn't a life that evokes dignity. I'm not in the circus but others may see me as one who works with them because of my appearance. I'm just out here to look for someone: my sister whom I miss so dearly." 

After he said his piece, Senlin felt somewhat relieved. A weight from his chest was lifted after he collected his thoughts and allowed them to flow cohesively out through his mouth, and he was satisfied with the feeling. 

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@@EQ_Theta, cresent shrugged putting the map back "supply's really" said the batpony getting back up, "also need something for my mare friends bday coming up. I think seeing something at the fair would be a worthy treat. I did see a fly of a japanos shop opening near here maybe we should check it out" said the batpony



at the shop

@@Samurai Equine,


as night eyes asked the desk pony cresent was browsing over his sholder looking for something that yelled Emerald to him, he only hoped if he did see something its something she didn't already have...

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(ok I think people just left my OC's alone so, improvisation time) 




Summer and Scarlet were talking but then ponies left them, however Summer saw a familiar pony, "oh my Luna, Crescent is here." 
"What, where?"
Summer by then had flown of and was now standing next to Cresent, "CRESCENT, what are you doing here?" 
Scarlet caught up and added, "yes this is a bit far for you."

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Seems as soon he gets one customer not interested in food, Samurai gets another. "Oh! Uh... One at a time, please! ...Tree sap? That's an unusual request. But I'll see what I can do!" Samurai brought an inventory of items. He was going to do his best to please any kind of customer! "...Quick question for the both of you. Did you want sap from a Cherry Blossom tree or some other tree? We have unique crops that mostly grow in Japon only."

"Cherry Blossom tree sap is the most stable so that would be nice......but umm...." he turned to the seller "ummmm.....Are these things alive?................I've been looking for a pet for a while and they look cute" He smiled and brushed his hoof "Also how much would it cost to keep?" He then proceeded to reach to get some bits for the tree sap

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@, cresent turned seeing the familiar mares


"hey lady's fancy seeing you here too" he said bowing to them. He got up and said


"kind of running low on supplys back at the tree house, and shopping for emerald her birthday is coming soon, thought id find something for her here as well.....and I could use a hoof with that part tho" he said scratching his mane with his wing somewhat blushing at the fact he docent know what to get his are friend


"what about you guys, what brings you up here?" he asked casualty    

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"oh I'm here to help Scarlet and do some shopping" Summer replied with a gleeful smile.
"...and I'm here selling produce in bulk supply, hopefully I can make some sales for a few months supply again."

Same time: "but we can help you pick something for Em." they both laughed at that.

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@, cresent had  hunch he'd need to make a 2nd trip after shopping with these two with them smiling like that. he shrugged looking more relaxed


"good hate to give her something she would hat is all" he turned towards the vendor scanning the shelves for something that would speak to him


"is this the good spot for that, I cant see anything that says 'emerald' to me" he thought outloud

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(before reaching Samurai's stall) 
"Let's proceed. Well, I'm also looking for something to get for somepony. A small gift to make up for a misunderstanding that could've had everpony sending guards to him; I mistakenly thought he was a changeling. I'm really terrible at picking out something for him and I'd like to ask: If you were in that kind of situation, what would you give?"


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(before reaching Samurai's stall)

"Let's proceed. Well, I'm also looking for something to get for somepony. A small gift to make up for a misunderstanding that could've had everpony sending guards to him; I mistakenly thought he was a changeling. I'm really terrible at picking out something for him and I'd like to ask: If you were in that kind of situation, what would you give?"



Cresent blinked a bit at the question as the two ponys began to make their way "well that's one hey of a spot to be in" he racked his brain for a audible answer "asaide from time fixing it go for his favorite food, or if your going for a symbol of forgivness...a very ruff tool you can see him using a lot" the bat replied
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"Anyway despite my offer I need to be at my stall till the fair closes for the day, Summer you can help Cres." With that Scarlet leaves and returns to her own stall a way further down from where the three of them are now standing. "Bye sis, I guess i'll have the fun." She turns to Cresent "so can I tag along then Cres?"

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@, cresent smiled relaxing more, he couldn't understand how or why but Scarlet made him jumpy yet the rest of Emeralds family didn't "by all means having another pair of eyes helps when shopping really" the more he thought about it its probably related to how the two met.......being grabed by your main and threated about an army being sent after you could have something to do with that....but that was water under the bridge...he hoped.  


"so what do you see here Emerald will go for" he said turning back to the vender's shelf's hopping to find something

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Summer walked over bringing her hoof to her mouth, "I'm not sure, she's a practical mare so nothing pointless she'll hate it, but Emerald is hard to shop for she's really tied to her job and you." Summer giggled, "but really I'm almost in the dark as you are you spend more time with her you chose and I'll judge." 

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@, cresent nodded "that sounds safe enough, and I try not to get in her way but I love the way things are going with us"


he blushed a bit more thinking of his lover. he shook his head clearing those thoughts and spotted a very fin looking quill, he always saw her running out of writing quills, mostly they had the same feather on them. so maybe a difrent coler would work for her,


"how about that quill over there in the case" he nodded towards the shelf "she keeps losing them" he reasoned    

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"A...quill? Nope I can't do it..." Summer fell over backwards laughing her legs kicking the air. "...hahahaha, Oh Luna...hahaha..." she kept laughing for a few moments then managed to stop and got up and looked at, well she tried to look at him with a straight face, "buy a quill for a pegasus?" She punched him in the shoulder, "why dont you by me some wings." she laughed again, "sorry, sorry too funny, Cresy pegasi use there own feather when we write, but what about that inkwell?" she pointed out a rather stunningly crafted ink stand.  

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Cresent looked at summer then back to the inkquill, the face hoofed "gah your right that dose explain how she somehow keeps losing them a lot because they match her coat" He then looked at the Ink stand wondering how he didn't think of it first.


"I think that will be best, I forgot dose she have that munch ink left, would be rather a waste a nice stand like that with no ink in it wonder if we can find some sparkling ink.....no she'll have too much fun with that" he thought out loud thinking of waking up with a glitter mark on his face with the ink if she ever got annoyed at him.


Then again most of the arguments they had were small stuff, which they soon compromised and moved on with the day.  

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(no more posting mate from us for now or well leave the other behind, this is not a one on one for once :D)


"Oh go on get her it and some ink she always needs ink she's constantly sending reports back to Canterlot and so what if she ink's you face it would be rather funny."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Samurai Equine

The Japon stall was before them but even from a distance, the already enthusiastic pony behind the counter was what told Night Eyes that he was in the right direction without needing much direction. The pegasus pondered on what Crescent told him but he was still unsure.

"I see what you mean but I barely know him. What do ponies think of acts of kindness, in general? Whoever I wronged isn't exactly a pony but he was raised like one. I wondered if he was raised just like us, with a strong sense of values and principles."

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@@EQ_Theta, "everypony or being is raised differently, bat pony's like myself for instance vs you pegisi with our wings" he raised his right wing looking at it


 "i know different ways to write, grab, hook, and most importently fight and fly with these. my mare friend is a pegisi and she use's her wings totally different from me on the daily when it comes to those tasks. so of course there's going to be a difference in how one see's values" he continued. It was odd how the pegisi was talking like he was a usual one himself, it felt nice really.  


"so if all else fails I think who ever you wronged could use a nice ink quill for writing, quills are useful for everypony or being, thing. am I making sense or going in circles?" asked cresent

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@@EQ_Theta, before he makes it too the shop

cresent turned seeing the curious pony "Japon? never herd of the place is it outside of equestrian, if so I cant help you out on that, but I do have something that might help you out next tie your in the everfree forest"


Cresent slung his bag to the ground opening it up and using his wings to pull out a one of his maps he copied and held it to the pony with his wing "here you go this will show you one of the few exists iv found in case your lost" said the bat pony smelling.


"oh my apology's names cresent mr..." he asked the pony


"Japon? Oh, well, we're definitely allied with the Solar Empire. We are mostly ponies after all. But we've had a few troubles with Changelings, Snow leopards, and other strange creatures that cause havoc. Of course, it's nowhere near as bad as what Princess Twilight and her friends have faced." Samurai explains. "And my handle is Samurai Equine. It's a pleasure."


@@Samurai Equine

Now the dumbstruck feeling hit him. He didn't know what kind of tree sap he was looking for and he might not find Gem where he left him. The ineptness finally began to sink in and it left Night Eyes paralyzed. Whether it was out of fear or confusion, only he could say but the words were lost with so many thoughts racing through his mind. 


"Oh.... well, uh... this is really embarrassing. I really don't know what kind of tree's sap I'm looking for. Anything you have that could be used in weapon enchantments? Probably something used to detect changelings?"





"Oh, if you are looking for something for practical combat use, you might want to meet with me in private a little later. I prefer not to bring that kind of stuff into a peaceful culture exchange, but I do have my resources. Japonese magic is very different from Western Equestrian Magic. I could show you some amazing things." Samurai explains.


at the shop

@@Samurai Equine,


as night eyes asked the desk pony cresent was browsing over his sholder looking for something that yelled Emerald to him, he only hoped if he did see something its something she didn't already have...


"Is there anything else I can interest you in?" Samurai asks, curiously.


"Cherry Blossom tree sap is the most stable so that would be nice......but umm...." he turned to the seller "ummmm.....Are these things alive?................I've been looking for a pet for a while and they look cute" He smiled and brushed his hoof "Also how much would it cost to keep?" He then proceeded to reach to get some bits for the tree sap


Samurai pulls out a vile of Cherry Blossom sap. "Saved this stuff from the last Spring Festival. It should be very potent. That'll be 2 bits." Samurai looks at his fish. "Oh! The Koi Fish? Why yes! A free Koi Fish for any pony who wants one. They come with a month's worth of food. You might be able to buy more food locally. Feel free to pick one in your favorite color. And if you don't want the fancy fish bowl they come in, I can put it in a plastic bag for you. I know other ponies like to use their own ponds or fish tanks." Samurai says.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@@Samurai Equine

Night Eyes turned to Crescent first and thought about what he had just said. He knew he had something to make right and any advice he gets is worth it. "You're making sense, Crescent. That, and the idea sounded great, maybe a little odd as a gift but it is the thought the counts, right? I guess it can work."

The pegasus now faced the vendor, Samurai, with one less issue to worry about. 

"I'm not quite sure if weapons are really what I had in mind when I first came here. Like I said, tree sap that has some magic properties in it, the kind that detects changelings, is what I'm looking for. Forgive me if this isn't going anywhere but I really don't know what kind of plant's sap could do that. Oh, and I'd like some writing tools, maybe a quill and inkwell."

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"I go by Senlin; longma refers to the name of my kind. I've heard of circuses taking in oddities from all

around Equestria but from what I've gathered from eavesdropping, I fear for those who choose to become

attractions to satisfy others' need to be certain of their visual perfection. I understand they need

a means to live but it isn't a life that evokes dignity. I'm not in the circus but others may see me

as one who works with them because of my appearance. I'm just out here to look for someone: my sister

whom I miss so dearly." 


After he said his piece, Senlin felt somewhat relieved. A weight from his chest was lifted after he

collected his thoughts and allowed them to flow cohesively out through his mouth, and he was satisfied

with the feeling.

"I see, how wonderful! It is a pleasure to meet you, Senlin," Valence said, smiling.

"I've never thought of it that way. Though to be fair, I've never been much for the circus,

crowds make me nervous and I tend to talk too much when I'm nervous. I suppose some ponies enjoy the

spotlight, but Valence Bond is not one of them. My daughter Nova loves spectacles, though, which is more

likely the result of the thrill of novelty more than an actual aptitude at her age," Val said,

feeling a little less nervous. "I wish I could be more help, but I've never seen any Longma

aside from you. Maybe I could help you look?" Val said cheerfully.


The earth pony and pegasus who seemed aggravated had wandered off, though Valence was not sad to see them go.

They had seemed a little put off by her, which she assumed was due to some social faux pas on her part. Even

still though, in an environment like this which so many cultures intermingling there was bound to be some

kind of breaches of etiquette now and then.


"Given the layout of the carnival, the booths near the entrance would have seen almost every

guest. Or we could talk to the guards, maybe they have seen something. It's a shame that No-" Val said,

barely catching herself in time. "Sorry. So, where have you already looked? Do you have a map

of the carnival grounds? We could cross out places you have been, to save time?"

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There was a fair present in Canterlot but a carnival wasn't scheduled at all, at least from what pamphlets Senlin encountered. As far as he knows, only the fair was meant to be around for a few days. 

"I'm sorry but you must be mistaken. There's no carnival around and there isn't going to be one. I've searched around many towns, following up on possible leads but they've all stopped at dead ends. I hoped Lin would be here since this is the kind of place she'd likely go to but I haven't seen any trace of her. I suppose we could have a look around since I just got here but I don't want to waste your time, Valence. If I may ask, what brings you here to Canterlot?" 


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@@Samurai Equine


The pegasus now faced the vendor, Samurai, with one less issue to worry about. 


"I'm not quite sure if weapons are really what I had in mind when I first came here. Like I said, tree sap that has some magic properties in it, the kind that detects changelings, is what I'm looking for. Forgive me if this isn't going anywhere but I really don't know what kind of plant's sap could do that. Oh, and I'd like some writing tools, maybe a quill and inkwell."


"Sounds like a rumor to me. I've never really seen Japonese tree sap with magical properties before. Maybe the shogunate knows something about that... But if you want tree sap, Cherry Blossom tree sap is all I have." He pulls out another vile for Night Eyes.


"Ink well? Quill? We don't use those in Japon. We use these." Samurai also pulls out a calligraphy set consisting of a paint brush, an inkstick, an inkstone, a few scrap pieces of mullberry paper, and a set of instructions. "This is a standard starting kit for anyone interested in learning Japonese calligraphy. There are advanced and professional sets, as well as inksticks that come in different colors. The calligraphy set is 5 bits, the tree sap is 2 bits. That comes to a total of 7 bits."


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