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Starry took a few bites, then said as she looked at Night, 

"Is something wrong, who did you think you saw, if it's not too much to ask."

She looked back to the plate and took a few more bites as she looked over the cloak she just brought. With the white outside, she could easily blend in with the snow as she heads back to the Badlands to test more magic that might be dangerous. She walked over to a vendor and small mannequin and a untitled red book and placed both in her bag

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"Have you heard of a hybrid creature called a longma?" Night Eyes began, eyes darting back and forth between Starry and in the direction of a large crowd watching what looked like the beginning of a parade. he thought about how to go about explaining the rest, suddenly remembering an influx of information he was told. 

"They sport the gait and general size of a pony but resemble dragons. I met someone earlier today who didn't come here to look for souvenirs to take home; he was looking for someone who meant the world to him. I feel sorry for him though. He was confused with all of this, didn't look like he fit in anywhere and he didn't know what to do if he was successful. But that shouldn't put a damper on tonight's festivities. Come, there is more to do." 

As much as he wanted to downplay his feelings on the matter, it didn't go away easily.  

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@@Contrast, Francis was worried for a moment there, and was wondering why Shutter was taking so long to shake his hoof, he was just about to place his hoof back on the ground before Shutter shook it. "Yes I am here for a drink." He said taking a drink from the stand. "Are you a photographer?" He asked pointing to the camera around Shutter's neck.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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"Interesting name, Valence. I'm Lin, Sen's sister." The female longma looked around and noticed someone else approaching her home and unsurprisingly expected her brother. Sen notices the two of them, mouth dropping open and ran to her, embracing her tightly. "Sister! How long has it been?" "Too long, Sen. I don't suppose you have met Valence here?" Sen turned to Valence and while he is happy to be reunited with her, he also is rather saddened by this development. Now that the two are together, it appears that their lives would go back to normal except for one detail: they can't go back. There is no life for them to return to and they are very much certain they can't leech off their friends. They may have to part ways soon as well. But that is another matter. For now, there is much to be happy about. "Valence, I don't recall if I told you about this but my real name is Sen."


Lin was impressed at what her brother managed to do and was happy to drop the dramatics. She was much more relieved, in fact; she didn't have to put on the act anymore now that she is much safer. 

"Those dramatics earlier? I had to put up a facade after I found out I was regularly being robbed by strangers stumbling into the forest looking for some place to hide." Lin propped up one side of the hollowed out stump and looked around. She was still unsure about the possibility that they were followed but she didn't make it too obvious. "It keeps some ponies away but if my brother trusts you, then I guess I can too." 

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Starry thought about it and said, 

"I haven't heard on that name, but I think I met one. He said his name was Shadow and he got my book back from some guards a few years ago, but I don't know anything else about him except he's a pony with scale, claws, wings, and eyes of a dragon."

She quiet levitated a map out of a passing stallions bag and looked it over to see which way to go after the festival's done

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"Oh, I didn't know of others that weren't so clandestine." Night Eyes replied with an air of curiosity. He was only aware of the clan he was told and from what he remembers, they were very insistent on keeping their traditions, even at the cost of losing their own for whatever reason. His acquaintance was very disappointed with them and left much to their dismay and anger. 

"I was told about the one clan that longma was part of. They seemed to be nice but I was mistaken; they raised such a promising member of their kind who had principles and integrity but they didn't see eye to eye. They parted on less amicable terms and refused to let him come home should he ever have second thoughts. His name was struck from their records like he didn't exist in the first place!"

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Lin was impressed at what her brother managed to do and was happy to drop the dramatics. She was much more relieved, in fact; she didn't have to put on the act anymore now that she is much safer. 


"Those dramatics earlier? I had to put up a facade after I found out I was regularly being robbed by strangers stumbling into the forest looking for some place to hide." Lin propped up one side of the hollowed out stump and looked around. She was still unsure about the possibility that they were followed but she didn't make it too obvious. "It keeps some ponies away but if my brother trusts you, then I guess I can too." 


Val was thoroughly confused. "Why would anypony want to rob you? And why would they hide in this particular forest? The city is close by, and it's not all that densely wooded. Heck, anypony that can fly could search the place in a day. I can't fly or anything, but momentum and drag coefficients can make up the difference, as it turns out," Val said, giggling to try and cover the sense of confusion she was feeling.

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Lin tried to hide the fact that she was unsure about the unusual jargon she just heard. Terms such as those were new to her and she was fairly sure showing some form of negative reaction was rude, at least in her own clan. On the other hand, Val had a point: anyone could've searched the place and they would've found her anyway if they searched from the sky. Fortunately, no one's bothered looking for her using that strategy; the skies were clear for the most part during the duration of her stay here. 

"Trust me," Lin replied. "There are the occasional wanderers from the city who forget to pack up meals whenever they venture out here for whatever reason. Or they somehow realized that the outdoors aren't their thing. Although that would mean it's partially my fault as well."

Lin sighed and walked back in to her makeshift home. "This wasn't exactly the first home I've made here. I've had much simpler ones that were easier to find since outdoors survival wasn't a skill I was taught. So... a lot of my early days living out in the wild were more prone to robbery and starvation, and I guess the need to put on the theatrics became a habit, for better or worse." 

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Lin tried to hide the fact that she was unsure about the unusual jargon she just heard. Terms such as those were new to her and she was fairly sure showing some form of negative reaction was rude, at least in her own clan. On the other hand, Val had a point: anyone could've searched the place and they would've found her anyway if they searched from the sky. Fortunately, no one's bothered looking for her using that strategy; the skies were clear for the most part during the duration of her stay here. 


"Trust me," Lin replied. "There are the occasional wanderers from the city who forget to pack up meals whenever they venture out here for whatever reason. Or they somehow realized that the outdoors aren't their thing. Although that would mean it's partially my fault as well."


Lin sighed and walked back in to her makeshift home. "This wasn't exactly the first home I've made here. I've had much simpler ones that were easier to find since outdoors survival wasn't a skill I was taught. So... a lot of my early days living out in the wild were more prone to robbery and starvation, and I guess the need to put on the theatrics became a habit, for better or worse." 



Valence nodded, "I can see how that would be useful. It can't be all that much fun scaring ponies, though. Or living all by yourself. Or maybe it is, I don't know enough about your kind to make those sorts of assumptions. Though I would love to know more. I'm not a biologist or anything, but the opportunity to learn something new is always welcome," Val said, smiling broadly.

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"Wonderful!" Lin exclaimed and ran into her makeshift home. She immediately returned with a small satchel in her possession. Upon opening it, she counted enough bits to fill her claws several times over before closing the satchel. 

"Looks like there will be a use for these things after all! I didn't know what they were when I happened upon them long ago but everyone carried them around and traded these for things they wanted. We didn't have such a system exactly like it back home; we bartered for goods so one party would get something the other had and vice versa. We could all go and get something to eat while and I can tell you what you want to know!"


Sen looked into the satchel again before closing it and turning to his sister, still showing a look of confusion. He felt something was off and he wanted to happen was to let Valence know his long lost sister was a thief. "Where did you get these? It's not like you picked every pocket you came across!"


Lin stepped back into her home and sheepishly started, "Well... about that..." 

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