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open Mechquestria: My Life As A Equine Robot (00110010)


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The mechanized or cyberized denizens of Manehatten were well on their way with their days. Old school rust buckets that were vaguely pony shaped rolled across the streets. Sleek Equestiran models roamed the side walks in polished chrome plating. A few flesh and blood ponies rocketed across the skies on hoof mounted rockets or wings equipped with feathers made of crystallized energy. Pegasi drones left contrails in their wake as they roared between buildings.  Holoscreens depicted the latest news and dimensional events. 


On campus, cyborgs, Equinoids or even flesh and blood ponies that wanted to learn and interact in person, rather than just upload raw data on lesson plans, either converged or milled about on campus. Some rolling on wheels, a few hovering or levitating, most walking on their stainless steel hooves. Just about every make and model, from the simplified comical shapes of humankinds 50's movies, to the mecha designs from turn of the millenia Japanese animation, all the way to near realistic pony androids. Just about any mechanical configuration and design could be found on this campus. 


For whatever reason, you're here too, either attending, just visiting, or because of business. Life in the future, has called you out. 


Time to start the day. 


Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/145529-mechquestria-system-reboot/



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Twitch teetered for a moment, then shook his head.  Aside from the slight rattling sound, it seemed like he was still functional.  He began making his way up the steps, this time avoiding the steel post which functioned as the bannister.  There was the moving sidewalk next to it, but the stability servos still needed testing, and stairs seemed like a good idea for a trial run.


C'mon, c'mon, Grant thought, I know I calibrated everything well enough to function... you can DO this...


The ponybot stared at the steps for a moment, blinked, then began climbing them.  Twitch did so easily and deftly, without even the appearance of being hindered - he reached the top of the steps just like any other pony would.  The smile on Twitch's face was a translation of the one on Grant's own.




The hospice bed in his room at home creaked as he giggled with delight.  The heart monitor leapt a bit, but not enough to rouse his sister, who was his constant caretaker.  His illness was in check at the moment, but it still left him bereft of much movement; he was extremely lucky he'd finished building Twitch before he got to the point he no longer could.  The pain wasn't evidencing... yet... but he knew he only had so much time to acclimate himself to this world before his time ran out.


If he could infiltrate pony society as Twitch Glitch, then maybe he could find out how they downloaded themselves - and follow suit.  His body was dying; he didn't want to follow it into the grave.


Pleased with his triumph, Grant's hands clenched in fists in victory.  


Twitch followed suit, and promptly fell on his face with a loud >CLANG<!


"Oh b-b-b-brotherrrrrr," Twitch said.

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Shadow walked in front of the building. He looked at the building for a few seconds, twitched his wings, then walked in. He looked left and right to see if there was anything that could lead to trouble that might bring down the building or something."

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"yes Princess... yes, yes OK... no, no I'm here, yes, by your order." Emerald put her phone away as Twilight had finished. She is demanding these days, needs to be though. So this is the Campus then? She Proceeded to walk up the stairs, the two guards flanking her followed she stopped and without looking, "split up and check all of the ponies and droids on campus, find me the ponies i'm looking for. I shall try the main reception maybe asking will suffice."


The two guards split off and moved away, Emerald continued up to outside the entrance of the campus, a few eyes were looking at her, older amour always had that effect these days. Maybe this is the right place...

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@reader8363,@Shadow Dancer@The Riddling Spectre@Emerald Bolt@Randimaxis,


"Radar says that she's inbound. This will be a show."
"Isn't it always?"
One pony and two equinoids stood a ways from a wide dirt path. "She should be visible about... now. Time to play something fitting for the occasion!" Said a tall purple one, w/ sleek, angled plating. Her design was sinister looking, a spiraling and curving horn on her head that looked like a mishapen drillbit. Long fans protruded from her muzzle. A mix of ring lenses and LEDs gave her some eyes that could be described as equal parts sultry and predatory. Several filed down gears formed a small crown atop her head, and metal strips of varying lengths and thicknesses aligned to make a pinkish mane. One with holes in it.  

She then began to play something over her speakers. 

"I bet she's gonna skip twice before grinding to a halt." said a light brown earth pony with an orange & blonde mane. Jagged, intersecting layers of metal covered her legs and appeared to criss cross her body and stop at the sides of her cheeks and nuzzle, like 3D tribal tatoos. The whole ensemble almost looked like armor fashioned from blades.  
And beside them was a rather large machine, vaguely pony like in shape. Very sleek in design, lengths of rubber and metal cables ran along various points of the body, as if purposely exposed. The entire thing was various shades of black, grey or a very dark green, very glossy too. The top of the head however was most bizarre. It contained the top half of a pony skull, encased in glass. Overall, it looked like something you'd get if you crossed Alien with The Matrix. "Grrrrruuuuaaaaaoooooooowwwww!Was the deep, distorted, echoing yowl it made when it opened it's mechanical jaws. 
"Heh, I'd love to see her dig her way out of that." said the armored one. The sounds of engines filled the air above. They could see a contrail from above. The two equinoids zoomed in, while the other had a scouter function activate over her right eye. "Yep she's coming in for a landing. Wait. Is that a flock of birds?"
*smack* *Caaaawwww...!*
"It was." Said the purple one. Just the contrail turned towards them, the sounds of a stouka dive bomber getting louder and louder, and the object getting closer and closer. It was gonna hit the ground any second now. Probably a hundred or so feet ahead. 
*Crash!* "Ow, bitch!" *Clank!* "Ow double bitch!" *skkkkreeeeeetttt* were the sounds made as a pegasus bot crashed, skipped and skidded on the dirt path along a contrail of sparks.
"Perfect three point landing Cat." said the armored mare.  
"Hey- ow- I don't judge how you walk! Don't judge how I fly." said a desert camo painted bot with a dark blue sheet metal ponytail mane and green LED Iris's atop black lead crystal eyes. She had several dents. Her paint was scratched off in places, and she sparking from her right foreleg and wing, which looked pretty bent and crumpled. 

"One of these days I'm tempted to shoot you down myself just so that you don't crash anymore." said sinister purple pony. 
"Don't take this away from me Bexy. It's the only thing I have." 
"Among other things..." said 'Bexy' with an eye roll. 
"Well now that your here, we can all eat. Let's raid the cafeteria!"
"Says the only one of us that actually needs to eat.." said 'Cat' as she limps to meet with the walking group. 

"Told you she would skip." 

Elsewhere in the building
"'Scuse us! 'Scuse us! Coming though!" Said a black n' white holographic projection of a mare in a business suit & skirt, her hair done up in a bun & bottle cap glasses on her face. Mini humming bird like bots projected her hologram as she proceeded to walk through ponies & bots alike. "Research facility docking bay is undergoing maintenance, so this thing has to come in the long way! Move it or lose it!"

Behind her, a set of black and yellow striped hover drones carried a tall and wide metal crate through the halls in fork lift construction clamps. Two bots, a white one with a pony torso on a set of tri wheels, possessing a vaguely pony shaped head, ears on top, sky blue pigtails on the sides, and a black screen over most of the face  rolled ahead on one side of the crate, looking like daft punk making a cameo on Wall-E, rolled to the crates left. An emotive digitized outline of a ponies face appeared on the screen. "None of this is adding up CD. They said that this thing was in storage for nearly a century. That lines up with about the age of our find. But it doesn't add up! There's no way that hard drive is a century old." 
To her right, a grey unicorn bot with a messy light green mane & tail design in double denim skirt & jacket. Old fashioned rivet designs covered the seems of her body. "How else can we explain it File Share? We tested, checked, double checked, triple checked! The carbonating on that hard drive box shows that it's a century old. We checked the cereal numbers of the parts. The dates fit around that time. The fact that the come from both Earth and Equestria years before the official contact was made public for both worlds does raise some questions. But they do fit in with the very start of the technological exchange. There's over a decades worth of parts in that box. And that-" She looked to the metal crate behind them. "Is the only thing that can get us some clearer answers from it."

"But that's what's I can't believe about this whole thing. It's talking to us Flashdrive. It shouldn't be able to do that. Nothing that old, and certainly nothing made on Earth. It shouldn't be able to talk back to us like that."
" 'She' shouldn't be. She made herself pretty clear as to who or what she is, or at least, what she thinks she is."



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As Twitch made his way across campus, Grant tried his best to get things into perspective.


Okay, if I can find the main office, I can sign up for classes - from there, I hope I'll be able to find out what I need to make a transfer.  Once I learn that, I'll have to build whatever gear I'll need to make it happen - but one thing at a time.  First, enrollment.


Twitch made his way in through the front doors and went to what appeared to be the help desk, an android secretary with a welded-on smile sitting idly behind it.  Heading to it, he grinned at the secretary... which was an interesting show, as minute plates on Twitch's face slid around rapidly to create facial expressions; in this case, a kind smile that seemed full of good humour.  His lips never moved, but his speakers delivered his words as clearly as if he'd spoken them aloud.


"Ex-ex-ex-excuse me, but I was wooooooooooooondering if you could direct-ect-ect me to admissions?  I'd like to to to to sign up for cla-a-a-a-a-a-a-asses, please."


He hoped the wonky vocalizer unit he'd had to cobble together wouldn't raise too many questions.

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"Oh. You need not go to admissions to enroll." Said the receptionist, whose voice sounded like it was coming from an answering machine. "You can just access the list of classes you wish via the schools web site.  If no scheduling conflicts or lack of availability arises, then you will be interviewed by Principal Live Wire." said the bot on the other side of the desk, who responded in a manner that sounded a bit too cheerful, pleasant and rehearsed. And maybe pre-recorded.

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Website... shouldn't be too hard to locate.  I'll have to access it through Twitch - which means the Laggy Monster may have a date with me.  Great.  Okay, well... since it has to be done, I suppose it has to be done.


"Thank you-u-u-u-u-u."


Twitch's face plates slid around on his muzzle until a curious look was depicted there.  His eyes were mismatched; one blue and one amber.  They both scanned the area, looking for a good place to sit while he worked his computer magic on EQuestNet.  Finding a decent corner, Twitch hunkered down and went into idle mode as Grant slipped out of Twitch's interface circuits and into EQNet, looking for the proper site and endeavoring to fill out the required forms.


Twitch sat there, eye-lights off; he looked asleep, but Grant kept the visual and audio feed in a smaller window while he filled out the tediously thorough forms.  He wasn't worried about whether he'd pass a background check; that had been something he'd set up months ago - he would check out as Twitch Glitch, a complete machine with an advanced (but not TOO advanced) A.I. system, and no criminal background... in fact, only enough history for the robot to appear to have had an exceedingly unremarkable life, up until now.  


He had prepared well... but he'd been so busy setting up the records and doing the final touches on Glitch's frame that he had completely blitzed on actually APPLYING FOR CLASSES; a simple oversight, but still somewhat embarrassing.  


Twitch sat there on the floor near the wall and out of the way... but his unique design might get him noticed yet.  He was a seemingly hodge-podge, yet well-crafted mechanoid equine.  There were a number of telltale signs that any student of Earth culture might recognize - a worn panel down one leg read "Coca-Co" in loopy script; on a strip up his spine were letters that spelled out "EST STOP - NEXT RIG"; and on his chest was a small steel plate with the word "TONKA" stamped into the metal, its meaning undefined.  Of course, he only looked like he was made of Earth junk... 


Still, he simply sat there, his creator swearing at himself while he patched the most obvious hole in his Master Plan.

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Emerald entered the main hall she was still getting stares for her ancient armour she took them all as compliments she walked up to the receptionist. "I need to see the principal immediately..." she knew that the receptionist was automated, "override code: Echo, Zulu, Foxtrot, Foxtrot, 8,5,6." While she waited for the machine to respond she looked around her eyes stopped when she saw Twitch.



You are the weirdest looking droid I have ever seen?      

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The lights in the eyes of the receptionist seemed to flicker.  "Your request for an appointment with [Principal Livewire], has been accepted."


Normally notice would come from the principal office through the receptionist signaling that they were available to be met, since it would usually be the principal herself approving the meeting.  But such was not the case. So how does the desk bot respond? 


"Your continued business is valuable to us. Please wait for assistance." It then began playing smooth jazz. 


While this was going down two bots walked in, one rolled in, and one limped in. "Go figure we had to be the farthest away from the lunch room." said the armored earth pony. 


*Skreet. Skreet. Skreet* Was the sounds of a desert camo Pegasus bot dragging it's foreleg and wing across the tile. "Well we could've flown there but I didn't want to leave you guys behind."


"Correction dearie. I, could've flown there." said the tall, sleek changeling bot as she sauntered past her. 

"Grrrraaaaoooow!" "Oh don't you start agreeing with her too!"


As they were proceeding into the lobby, the mare in the cyber armor noticed a pony at the desk. She stepped closer to the changeling-bot whispering to her "Hey look. Pony in dated armor using a dated way of booking appointments." 

"She still works? I thought she was just there for decoration?" "Grrraaaaooow!" The other three paused. Then began to snicker. "The one without the pulse obviously!" 


"Though the both do look like they belong in a museum." 


"Hey, you want museum quality work? Check out that modern art piece over there." All of them turned to see a seemingly deactivated bot in the corner. 


The limping flyer looked to her compatriots. "Dibbs!" She began to hustle over to it at a slightly faster rate. When she reached it, she noticed no response. "I think it's asleep!" 


"Well we best wait for it to wake up then." "You're gonna try and scare it, aren't you?" 


Just then, waves of crackling energy washed over the changing drone, crisssing & crossing like reflections of light in a pool. And as this was happening, parts of her chassiss seemed to be whiped away with each wave, until there was nothing at all. Where there was once a machine, was now empty space.  


"Welp. I've lost her. Let's entertain ourselves while she plans her horrifying entrance." She said to her bulky black compatriot, which proceeded to roll with her as she went to observe the mishmash of pony parts in the corner.  

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"Oh nice to know that I can be invisible too." said the armored earth pony with an eye roll.  "Heck if I know." Said the banged up Pegasus bot, as she started poking the drone apparently in stand by mode. "Grrraaooowww!" Was the sound bellowed from the glossy black and bulky mechanized monstrosity next to them both. 

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Grant's mouth would make an excellent flytrap, hanging open the way it was.


He had known that Equestria was supposed to be of a higher standard of tech than Earth was, but this..?  This was incredible!  The cloaking field, the cybernetics, the sleek styling... he'd thought he'd at least done a decent job of building his own bot; this made him feel like Twitch really DID only match as a piece of art by comparison.


Except for what he's got under the panels, Grant thought grimly, as long as I can keep that a secret, I have a safety net.


He triggered the 'SEND' response to his application, then switched back over to Twitch's neural interface.  He hoped he could keep up the act; it wouldn't do for him to be found out, especially this early in the game, so to speak.


Twitch's eyes flickered, then tinny speakers inside the chassis made a sound like the classic Windows program opening as his optics lit up; one blue, one amber.  They blinked, and Twitch's head looked around at the others in the lobby - it had gotten crowded rather quickly.


He stood up and shook like a dog, the plates across his form rattling and shaking in different directions before clicking back into place.  His facial plates shifted into a slight grin with a lifted eyebrow.


"I'm sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry, was I parked in a No Par-ar-ar-arking Zone?"  A slight, humble chuckle accompanied his question.

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Emerald had heard the entire conversation she walks up to the four of them, "I wear this as is for the Captain of the Guard consider yourselves lucky we scrapped bots like you lot when these projects first began, keep your mouths closed if you have nothing nice to say." She turned to the bot scaring the other one. "why dont I do that to you hey?"




She looked and offered a hoof to the odd bot. "names Emerald Bolt, Captain of her majesty's Guard, what's you name there falla?"   

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"Oh snap you do work! I was starting to think you were another waste of bits by our school as an attempt of aesthetic decoration." said the battered Pegasus bot.  

"Aww, I was gonna take him, I think it's a him, home with me and display him on my front lawn." She then looked over to the guard pony making a ruckus. "Do what to who? Admire the craftsmareship & dedication of one who chooses to operate a chassis based off, what looks like Terran scrap? Cause if you want to, you can."

"Unless you meant poking him till he woke up, then I wouldn't recommend that. You'll break your hoof! Ha ha!" 

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Shadow walked closer and said as he shifted his wings a little, "and what makes you think you can handle me. I am not some bot for you to mess with whenever you want."



He turn to the bot on the ground and said, "May I ask you what are you doing on the ground in the first place?

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Ow.  Damn, ponies are cruel.


It was unexpected, but it wasn't the first time he'd dealt with veiled insults and such; there was at least one pony who stood out, though.  Twitch reached out and shook Captain Bolt's extended hoof.


"Twitch Gli-i-i-i-i-itch is my designation, Caaaaaaaptain Bolt - a pleasure to to to to meet you.  I was hoping to enenenenenroll as a student this yearrrrrrrrrr, so we may see each other a bit-it-it-it, if you frequent here much, that issssssss."


To the other questioning his place on the floor, he answered, "In all the plannnnnnnning I did in order to prepare forforforfor my arrival, I forgot to actu-u-u-u-ually enroll..."  vents on his cheeks began to glow with a soft, warm red light, "an error I am f i x i n g  a s  o f  now."


To the others, his face plates spun until they had a worried gaze locked into his features.  "And... hello to youuuuuuu, too."

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Emerald turned to Shadow, "I wasn't including you in that scolding um thingy, I mean what are you?"




Emerald turned back to Twitch, "Twitch Glitch, that name suites you well droid, but no I won't be here for too long I have a job today and it's of a high priority, but anyway it was nice to meet you."   

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Shadow nodded and said,

"Name's Shadow, I'm a hybrid with metal in four part and a guard, May I ask what you are doing here."



He turned to Twitch and said, "Not to be mean, but is your voice thing broke or something?"


He unfolded his right wing and started moving it up and down, but kept it curled so that it doesn't hit anything.

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Twitch's face plates spun into a look of embarrassment before he answered Shadow.  


"I've been workrkrkrkrking on myself for a few yeeeeeeeeears now - I adjusted my vocal modulator to to to to to allow for a broader range of emotional-l-l-l-l output, yet it does sacrifice some of its r e l i a b i l i t y.  Still, as long as I can still communicaaaaaaaate it should be fine.  Thank you forforfor your concern."


Speaking of concern, Grant noticed the pegasus' broken wing.


"That looks quite-ite-ite-te-te disconcerting - but not irreparable.  Still, accorrrrrrrrrrrrrrding to the state of your equip-ip-ip-ip-ipment and the measured scuff-marks, I'd saysaysay say say it wasn't the first crash you've ever-ver walked away from.  You must be quite a fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiier, I take it?"


Okay, if I can meet the hostility with curiosity, maybe I can at least avoid a wiring short-sheeting later; they look like trouble... Frat Pack trouble.  I just hope I don't piss 'em off...

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@@Randimaxis,@, @@reader8363,


"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me!" said the former flyer. A compartment opened up on her other side and a thin mechanical arm unfolded out the other side. It began adjusting crumpled sections and doing spot welding on the wing area.


"Yeah, yeah, that's her thing. Tom Cat, that's Tom Cat by the way, loves to fly. Loves to crash even more. And above all else, she loves to do repairs. On herself. You see she pretty much gets off of doing damage to herself, and then repairing the damage herself. Gives her this feeling of-"

"Mmhmm...oh yeaahh..." Tom Cat began to moan out as both the side arm and her left fore hoof began mending up the damaged wing.  Her LED eyes appeared to be closed, and an expression of... bliss? Adorned her features.  

"Yeah well, that." Said the earth pone, as she sidestepped away. "It's pretty much a combination of masochism and a hero complex. She savors the 'pain' so to speak, and enjoys the sensation of the repairs. We're... trying to work her out of it." "Don't bother... I'm good..." she breathed out. 

"*ahem* "Yeah. Anyways, I'm Angelscape, one of the few semi-organics not creeped out by our motley crue." She waved a hoof over herself, highlighting the overlapping bladed armor that arched up her legs and crisscrossed her torso. "Oh and if your wondering about the design, you can thank Marco Silvestri for the inspiration." 

"And this." Rolling up to Twitch was the glossy black massive mechanized botstrocity with the glass encased top half of a pony skull aornign the head. "Grrraaaaoooowwww!" Was the sounded bellowed out right in Twitches face when it opened it's maw. "This is Daffidaisy! She says hi!"


'Daffidaisy' appeared to stare at Twitch with her absent eyes. Then she began to shake. Making fast paced deep grunts. Her maw curved into a snarl as a black viscous fluid began to seep out. Angelscape looked at Daffidasiy. Then to Twitch, then back.


"Hmmm. That's a really good point. I can totally see that."

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"ok you have me confused now, I don't talk um machine?" Emerald scratched her helmet in confusion.  


Crystal was walking in for her first class of the year with a song blasting in her ear

and she was not looking where she was trotting and crashed into Tom Cat, and fell over backwards onto be flank. "oh sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."

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@Randimaxis,@Emerald Bolt@reader8363,


"Uhhh....mmmmm...oh ye- what!?" *clank!* Tom Cat in all her blissful ignorance, didn't noticed somepony walking up to her, and careened face down to the floor. This did not go unnoticed by Angelscape. "Bfft hahaha! Dont' worry. She's probably gonna thank you when she wake up." She then turned to Emerald. "Hmm. Oh right, your unrefined meatbag ears probably cant understand her. She said, and I quote *ahem* "He would look really good in a Koala suit."

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNREFINED MEAT BAG!? A Koala suit? Anyway my ears would pick up sounds that you can't even hear droid hmph." 


Crystal stood up and looked at the Anglescape, "um are you sure she won't mind I was totally at fault for that." Crystal looked embarrassed her ears went back.

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Grant was a multi-tasker by nature, so the hodge-podge of conversation in front of him didn't confuse him... but the chaotic nature of the grand traffic jam of ponies in the lobby was certainly disconcerting.


To Daffidaisy, who was the closest to him, his face plates shifted until they had a somewhat nervous smile.  "Thannnnnnnnk you, I think?  But whywhywhywhywhy a Koala?"


Turning to Angelscape, his face rearranged itself into a happier grin.  "And thank you for-or-or-or-or the introductions.  I don't really know anypony here - I  g u e s s  I  s t i l l  have the wrapper on, so t-t-t-t-t-t-to speak.  But I do appreciate having-ing-ing-ng-ng-g-g a taste of what I'm in for; much appreciaaaaaaaaaaaaated."


He glanced at Tom Cat and her moans of pleasure.  "Well, whateeeeeeeeeever straps your saddle dow-ow-ow-own, I suppose."


He checked the status of his application as he nervously waited to see if he'd be accepted as a pony... or dumb scrap.

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