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Shadow stood on his hind legs and said, 

"Now do ya forgive him? I think your memories damage him as well."


After a few minutes, the ringing in Feeder's ear came to a stop, He said as he looked at the alicorn, 

"Ya didn't see my memories, why? Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but I just want to know why."

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"Oh I haven't completely decided on that yet. Just weighing: Do I want you to feel my pain of being violated, and use what's in your head for future blackmail, but at the cost of having your memories in my head and dealing with them for x amount of time? Or do I forgo this in exchange for another punishment?" 

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Feeder said, 

"I'll take any punishment to end this whole fighting and talk about our differences


Shadow said as he placed a dome of shadow, some logs, and grabbed a lighter,

"What  in the engineer's place anyways, why do you want to go when someone here can save you the hassle of walking there just for a tune up."

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@Randimaxis,@reader8363,@Mentis Soliloquy,

"Engineering department has the parts I need and the equipment to install them with. It's not just a tune up. It;s an upgrade to my chassis for my current system. As It stands, I'm an up to date system in a last generation model. So I'm not functioning at full efficiency. Plus it feels pretty tight in here. 


She turned back towards Feeder. "And really, what's there to talk about. You're an extreme pacifists. You do anything to end conflicts before they happen. I'm sompony who takes the first shot and make sure there is no threat. Destroy Equestria's enemies, so that pony kind can survive. This is my home. You are my people. And I do not want to loose you. I feel like I've betrayed myself if that ever happened." 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Denim&Venom, @@reader8363, @@Randimaxis,    


Crystal walks up to Luster. "Dose that mean you are like the next Princess? I mean that is what you are saying is it I mean i'm not wrong am I?" Crystal instinctive bowed to her, her head touching the floor in her bow. She felt like she needed to do it, something compelled her. "You have this meaningless Crystal ponies loyalty." She did not even know why she was doing this.

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@Randimaxis,@reader8363,@Mentis Soliloquy,

"Rise." She motioned to Crystal. "I'm no Princess. Never was. Never will be. If you knew the things I was willing to do, you'd desert me in an instant. I will be the necessary evil to keep Equestria safe. The things I plan to do, I don't do them because I gain pleasure from them or because I even want to do them, but because they are necessary. I knwo I won't be able to look at myself the same way. But it's a price I'm willing to pay." 


"Heh, yet another trait I still share with her. Not liking it when ponies bow to me..."

Edited by Denim&Venom
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Feeder said,

"I meant how we can fix ourselves, figuratively. For example, you could try to be nice, but serious, or you can take someone less serious and don't resort to  violence when your opponent does. What's wrong with ending it before it begins, it worked with the changelings, griffins, and the creatures at night."

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@@Denim&Venom@@reader8363@@Mentis Soliloquy


Grant almost facepalmed himself; he kept from doing so only because he was certain Twitch would do the exact same thing.


Oh, good grief.  I came here because of the technology level being so very advanced, and what do I find?  Children pushing each other around in the most advanced playground I've ever seen.  Give.  Me.  A.  Break.


"Uhm, would it be p-p-p-p-p-p-possible to continue this c o n v e r s a t i o n once we get to our destinatioooooooooon?"


Maybe if they were nudged in the right direction... politely...

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Crystal stood back up strait she was somewhat embarrassed by her rather weirdly spontaneous action, she then rubbed the back of her head and looked away a little. "I don't really know why I did that...um...if you say so...I...I'm just gonna go sat near Twitch now." She backed away till she was side by side with Twitch again. "Why did I even do that?"

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@@Mentis Soliloquy


"Don't feel too ba-ba-ba-bad; I kind of feel like a yes-bot, staaaaaaaanding here."


Grant made Twitch shrug his steel shoulders.


"Do you think things are are are are going to work out?  I hope so - I'll never get a c h a n c e  t o talk to Luster at this rate-te-te." 


At this point, Grant was beginning to wonder if, with everything Luster was saying, she would even consider him worth talking to about anything, much less how to construct a transfer device... 

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=====  ( 0=====


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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Drone stopped his tears shortly after she said to cry on her and took a breath softly, "I-I...I don't need to cry anymore...I'm fine..." he stares at the pictures and slowly begins to proceed, "They made me... watch as they killed people in front of me... Right at my hooves... Then...Then they drilled into my spine...they put a chip there... I-I did create the Neural Transmitter, but...but... Not they way you would think... It was military technology... I had the only transmitter for almost 10 years... Then, They made put on a-a suit... Armor...the prototype of a prototype... This armor that I have semi-permanent attached to my spine..." he said and looked down, waiting for Angel.

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"Because not all creatures wish for coexistence or peace. Some want supremacy or security. Some creatures have demonstrated that securing their future, means making sure others don't have one." She began to walk back down the hallway. "Creatures that operate out of their insecurities, out of hatred and fear. Creatures that wanted to be alone on top of the mountain for eternity, but now can't have that knowing you exist? A new race to compete with. A new race to watch out for. A new race that puts their guaranteed place in the universe in question. A race that challenges their very paradigm. How do you reason with beings like that?  Cause I would love to hear your plans of action."


She then heard Twitch's comment. 

{"You have something to say to me, Mr. House?"}


@@Aurora Lights@Mentis Soliloquy,

Angel was not happy with what she was hearing. She thought ponies did cruel things before, during the reigns of Sombra & Nightmare. But these were common everyday ponies. And they were the ones who did this? She was now leaning against the corner, till Emerald's request startled her. "Ummmm..." She whispered. She knew only Emerald could hear this. "I don't think he likes me very much." 

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@@Denim&Venom,@@Aurora Lights,


Emerald tried to keep a hold of him to just be there he needed someone to talk to and it was her. When she heard Angel she turned her head slightly so her right eye was looking at her, she raised her hoof and pointed to the ground, in a 'come here' fashion, she would not let Drone harm her. She looked back to Drone. "This is Angel...and we should leave this place."

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Feeder said as he watched Shadow toss the mind ball around, 

"I would go up to them and discuss politically to them, reasoning, but I won't resort to violence if I can, and I wouldn't harm them directly, then after the battle, I would heal their wounds. Shadow can you stop tossing that back and forth, it's really distracting."


Shadow said as he turned to Luster, 
"Just out of curiosity,  do you care to share what the memory you shared with Feeder was?"

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@@Mentis Soliloquy, @@Denim&Venom,


Drone looked at her with his eyes then to Emerald then back to Angel, "Hello. I am Sentinel Drone...This place...This place is my true home...My birthplace...So, Welcome to my home Angel..."he said and looked at the pictures again, "Only 2 ponies know about this... You and Angel...So please, Keep it that way. Also, Angel, I'm not going to hurt you, Why would I? Em thought I was dead... Can't blame her, I thought I was dead...One last thing before we leave, If anyone calls me Professor... Well, It's because I'm a professor at the local college." He said and turned back to the two mares. 

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Marcus started to go into a philosophical pondering as he walked thinking about the changes that happened since ponies and humans found each other. He thought of the intital hesitation to interact with the other world due to all the what if's. Then the hesitant out reach made by humanity while the ponies were quite eager then the tech trade and the ponies own tech boom over a hundred years ago. He even remembered when humanity learned how to extend the lifespan of humans to almost two hundred years thanks to the tech trade something that the rich and test subjects received himself being one though the first version was risky but raised life span to theoretically five hundred years. Marcus remembered being one of the twenty that out of two hundred volunteers survived the serum before a new version was made that was much safer but only doubled life span and was equally as expensive to receive (Half a million USD).


With his new life span he watched as the ponies used magic to progress further and faster and humanity although advancing most scientists refused magic tech due to the effect of magic on humans  having to go about the problems the way humans had for billions of years. Then there were the protests and riots against a lot of advancements from people that wanted to keep humanity 'pure' forcing experiments like the one he was in underground. 


Marcus viewed the ponies peace as a long lasting but fragile and fickle ready to shatter upon the smallest of things and during the interactions between the Humanity and Ponies it almost had many times. He knew some more uppity ponies had a holier then thou attitude towards humanity but those were the ones who had not studied Humanities Earth. How humans carved out something out of nothing over many millions of years, how somehow despite some of the bloodies conflicts know to both worlds groups of humans still managed to try and help each other, worked to make the world a better place. Marcus felt sorry for anyone that decided humans were just barbaric bloodthirsty animals bent of self destruction.


In his years of service to his country he saw the best and worst that humanity had to offer and it all reminded him why he still served in the military. 


(Damn it just got bored and reflective)

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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"That's a very pony mentality. One that presumes the enemy is rational. Not all we encounter are such. Tell me, how do you treat an enemy that is just as willing to commit atrocities against it's own kind? Slaughter countless others of their kin over trivialities throughout it's history? If an enemy is willing to be that cruel to itself, what is it willing to do to you?


And if by shared, you mean the memories Mr.pacifist here stole from me, then no, as that was pretty much my whole life he just viewed. "


@Aurora Lights@Mentis Soliloquy,


​Angel was shaking now, being called out on the spot. She peaked aroudn the corner to see both Mr.Drone, and more improtanly Emerald there, waiting expectantly. She tried to stop. She took a deep breath top steel herself. Then she started walking, rounding the corner she hid behind. One step after the other. The hallway seemed longer then it shoudl have been. Before she knew it, she was standing before the two. Angel had to count on her cybernetics to stop the shaking in her hoof as she raised it before Drone. "Um..Hi?"

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Drone looked to her hoof and held his out as well, then he shook hers, he didn't seem mean, nor angry, but there was obviously some sort of tension in between the two, "So...Have you been taking care of the gap I couldn't fill?" He asked with a certain sarcasm that made him seem more like his old self again, the smart-ass, cocky stallion he could be and is.

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Feeder thought about it and said to Shadow,

"I don't really get most of it, but what I do get, I don't to get." 

Then he turned to the alicorn and said, 
"Then I would do the same thing, shut them done and have someone else hurt them when I'm not around. Do you feel better enough to tell me your name?"

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*CLANG!* another blast door was sent flying. 


"So pass the problem onto somepony else then? But how do you know they can and will get the job done, when you are certain that you yourself are not only capable, but willing to take on the burdens? And if you must know, it's Luster, now stop asking."


@Aurora Lights@Mentis Soliloquy,

"W-well, I like to think I've had a good start. Y'see, funny thing is, Emerald and I only met recently. So, I'm not quite sure how well I've done by comparison. Heh he...

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Feeder nodded and said, 

"I am capable, but I don't want to, I'm a doctor and a vet for everyliving creature, including bots, and cyborgs, not a killer or something."


Shadow yawned and said to Luster as he tossed the ball,

"here, hold this for me. I'm getting tired of holding it."

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@@Denim&Venom,@@Aurora Lights


Emerald actually giggled from Angel's statement. "I've known you about a day longer Angel I have a habit of falling in love within a few hours of meeting someone so no to worry love." Emerald stopped for a moment. "Do I have to choose between you two I don't want to can I have you both?"

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"And that's the difference between us. Not everypony is meant to fight. Not everypony is meant to nurture. We're two very different beings. I'm not asking you to make the ethical sacrifices needed to secure everypony's safety. That's my job. Despite the objections, I've already accepted the responsibilities. I might be bitched at from here to eternity for the gravity of my choices, but at least there will still be ponies to bitch at me. Let them hate me. Let me hate myself. As long as you all continue on, I'll find a way to cope with it."


@Aurora Lights@Mentis Soliloquy,

"I don't think so. I mean, hey listen dude. We both love Emerald right? We both want her to be happy. So wouldn't she be the happiest mare on two earths of she had her two favorite ponies in her life? I mean, what's the hassle? Monogamy was so last century." 

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Feeder nodded, smiled, and said,

"It seems that you already made your decision and sticking with it. Ok, just try not to make my life a living hell. I already have to deal with the culture of different species, diseases, and a bunch of other stuff. 


Shadow tossed the ball underhand to Luster as he said to Feeder, "My life is worse than you can imagine."

Edited by reader8363
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@@Denim&Venom, @@Mentis Soliloquy,


Drone chuckled softly before looking away, thinking quietly to himself before he said, "Well, it would be pretty bad-ass...Ah screw it, Sure, I'm in." He glanced to both of them before his gaze settled upon Angel, "So, I suppose you and I got some catching up to do. First things first. I have two things I need to get accomplished before the end of the day. The first thing...Eat. I'm so hungry I could eat...well...you. Both of you. Second thing, I need to find the ones who took me. Froze me. When I do..."he looked away and glared at the wall a minute before he said in a burst of anger, "Fucking assholes...I'll eliminate every one of those fucks..."he growled out in a low tone, just then his pupils shrunk to tiny points, he then looked back up at Emerald and he growled out, "Let's fucking blow this shit house...These photos are making me angry..." he said and advanced towards the door.

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