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open Mechquestria: My Life As A Equine Robot (00110010)


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Shadow walked up and said as he rested his scythe on his shoulder, 

"Who are ya, and will you care to explain what you're doing here."

When he heard that Twilight is coming here, he grinned and said to himself, Twilight hasn't earned my respect, I think she needs to earn it like the others.


Feeder pulled his visor out and scanned the one that just arrived.

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@@reader8363, @@captainborgue, @@bronislav84, @@Denim&Venom, @@Randimaxis,    (( OOC: Use Soundwave's voice as reference to Excalibur's voice. But use the opening scene as reference for when his armor covers him



Drone snapped out of his deep trance, his thoughts had consumed him, what would it be like, to finally meet somepony as demented as he was, to finally see how bad he could be. He gulped softly and made his armor consume his body with loud hydraulic hissing and metal clanking and sliding into place, soon after just 10 seconds, the armor consumed al of his body but his head. He gulped softly and said, "Here goes nothing." his armor then slid over his face in three plates, one coming down over his forehead, the other two coming up from each side of his face, all three of them clanking together loudly, the air tight seal locking al the plated together to make what looked like a single piece of armor.


He slowly stepped through the portal and popped in, he then looked around the room slowly, nothing making a sound on him besides the small electric motors and hydraulic pumps making their designated noises. He looked at Twitch, then to Reeder and Shadow, then to Bee, his eyes then focused on Emerald, then finally, the powerful robopony known as Luster, and what looked like her friend, or mentor...Maybe a form of mother...He took a deep breath, the suit masking his real voice with a deep, robotic one, " ​Luster...  I presume, anyway... I am Sentinel Drone... You may not know me, But, Let me tell you this, You and I are very similar. ​" He said before slowly taking a few steps towards her, " I've been hoping I was wrong, I've been praying to any god that would listen I was wrong about you, Luster. I pray the things I've heard about you are wrong. Because, Luster...​" he takes a breath and looks away a moment before looking back to the metal pony, "​I Don't want to fight you. I feel it would be unsatisfactory for you, I, and everypony in this room, this city...This world. So, I'm here to talk to you. I thought I could get through to you, because, Luster, you and I...You and I are very very similar...Designed for the same purpose. Built for the same cause.​" He was slowly inching closer as he talked, his glowing red LED eyes didn't flicker, nor did they break contact with Luster, seemingly peering strait through Luster.

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@Mentis Soliloquy @Randimaxis @reader8363@Shadow Dancer,




Luster took an aggressive stance with the second teleport, expecting Twi. She relaxed a little when drone came out instead. She cocked her head and blinked at the machine approaching and speaking to her. She turned to Lektra. "You never told me I had siblings." she turned back to Drone. "Oh, so you were built in a semi-defensive capacity for Equestria too huh? So tell me this. What about humanities advancements and behaviors convinced you that they were not the primary threat to Equestria's survival? What conclusions did your programming come up with in that regard?" 


She was now curious at how her "successor" came to differ from her.

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Drone shook his head slightly and looked down as his armor slowly shed off of his head, revealing his face, " I am not a program...I am not a robopony. I was genetically designed to be your superior, but...To the question about the Human threat... I believe they have the same amount of rights to live as you or I do. It's true, they've done us wrong in many ways, but, has Equestria not done anything bad? You and I for example... You and I are capable of annihilating both worlds. They created us for war, Luster. But that does not mean we have to make war. I understand your concerns, Luster, and I think that one day a disaster may happen, But that doesn't mean I'm going to destroy an entire race on a whim... Neither should you." he looks at Bee then back to Luster, " I believe all life, no matter what form it's in, Sentient AI, cyborgs, roboponies, humans... Is precious... It's true, I've killed, hurt, scarred, tortured and broken ponies and robots alike, But, I only did it because I was protecting somepony I cared about, or protecting Equestria as a whole." he stops talking for a moment and slowly sits on his rear end, still looking at Luster, " I may not know anybody on planet Earth, but I'll destroy any threat that may hurt it, because I will not let the innocent be hurt for something that won't happen. And Luster... I can honestly say, it's what I was born for. You as well, sister of mine. I know you have the ability to think past your programming, and I know you know that there is some sort of guilt you'd have if you ever went through with whatever plan you may have conceived. So, Luster. I ask you, my dear sister, Are you truly willing to kill billions of innocent lives? If the answer is yes..." His armor slid over his face again with a loud clank,"Then I must do what I was born for...​" He looks at her LED eyes and hopes the answer is desirable for him.

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Bee slowly managed to regain her composure, though it helped that Drone finally teleported in. His combat skin was 'on', so to speak, which was very impressive. Bee sent him a friendly ping over the network. "VLAD HAD ESTABLISHED A TELEPORT AUGMENT FOR THREE ENTITIES. AS ORGANIC AND CYBORG ARE PRESENT, THE ONLY ONE OSTENSIBLY MISSING IS THE ROBOTIC FORM DESIGNATED 'SPARKLE, TWILIGHT'," VLAD said to Lektra.


"Yeah, what VLAD said, professor," Bee said, still chuckling. she looked at the guy with the- was that a scythe?!- and busted up laughing again. "Oh, you are precious! talking all big and macho while wielding an antiquated farming tool in a room full of the most advanced technology and powerful magic to ever exist! Oh, it's almost quaint!" Bee said, laughing. "But seriously kid, simmer down. I'm a professor here, so there's no need for the third degree," she added, barely stifling laughter.


"VLAD RESENTS IMPLICATION THAT VOCAL SUBROUTINES ARE INADEQUATE," VLAD said, bristling, at professor Lektra's insinuation. "VERBAL COMMUNICATION IS INHERENTLY FLAWED AND INEFFICIENT, NOT VLAD'S FAULT OF ORGANICS CONTINUE TO USE- ooookay, VLAD, that's enough, let's not go insulting every living thing in here, hmm?" Bee said, as she made her way over to Drone's side. 'You look good in your fancy clothes,' Bee sent to him in an encoded transmission. There was no need for anypony else to hear her trying to mask her fear with flirtatiousness. 'I gotta say though, I don't see the family resemblance.'

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Drone smiled slightly under his armor, sending back an encoded message, ​' Heh, thanks Bee. I haven't had the chance to show you what this machine can really do, but I hope I don't have to. Your looking pretty good yourself, but isn't that always?' ​h​e sent her the message and cut off his voice transmitter so they couldn't hear what he said over the encoded radio frequency.

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@Mentis Soliloquy @Randimaxis @reader8363@Shadow Dancer,


​"Protectors, set about on opposite sides." she said to the metal clad face of the pony in front of her. "At the moment, no I won't set about killing them, for the sole reason I am unprepared to do so and are unsure how my adversary has changed. So rest easy, for now. However.." she marched up almost nose to nose with Drone. "Know this. I do not appreciate being obstructed. Sibling or not, I will put you in your place. "  


Luster acknowledged Bee's comments towards Shadow, and grinned herself. "You may wanna take note Shady. That thing is way out of date. Maybe consider using a bow and arrow to take down your prey next time."



"It's nice to see everypony getting along somewhat. However, you may want to listen to him Luster. He's got the right idea." 


Luster bristled at this voice seemingly coming out of nowhere. "Book horse..." she said in a low growl and moved away from Drone. "Show yourself!"

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Drone slowly stood on his hind legs, his armor plates shifting to accommodate for the battle stance he was getting into and he sighed as he turned on his voice transmitter, " Then, alas, Luster...I must fight you.​" Long blades slid out on the top of his forehooves, the shining metal then suddenly having blue electric arches coursing through the blades, he then held up his blades, pointing them at Luster as he reared back one hoof and shifting his body in a slightly sideways stance, he blinked once and said, "Sister...Don't make me do this... Even if I'm not killing you, just delaying your plans, I'll have accomplished something.​" He said in a desperate attempt to try to convince her to stop her plans.

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@Mentis Soliloquy @Randimaxis @reader8363@Shadow Dancer,





"Stand down Drone. There is no need for violence at the moment. I can handle this."  She said in a calm voice. 


The lights of the transporter coalesced. In a flash, they were gone, and standing int heir place was a tall, regal looking alicorn bot w/ lavender tinted silver plate polished to a mirror shine, and a long indigo blue mane that looked like it was sculpted of stained class..  


"Hello there Luster. It's nice to see you again." she said with a small smile.

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'Saucy!' Bee transmitted back, feeling herself flush a bit. It was terrifying being here, but it was also kind of exciting, and the excitement was muddling her brain a bit. She could feel the same kind of twitterpation she'd felt before, when they were out on their walk. 'Wait! Before you fight her... maybe there's another way. I mean, I know this is a long shot, but... what if she had a, you know, mate?' Bee transmitted hurriedly, as Drone unsheathed some kind of monomolecular blades.


Bee had no idea where the concept had come from- but once it was in her brain, she couldn't let it go. If Luster had somepony to personally care for, a face to recall whenever she was feeling genocidal, then maybe that individual could do what the endless, faceless peons could not- be personally disappointed or disgusted or angry at her. It reminded her of a species of Terran ant she had studied- a fairly primitive, isolated species from the region they called 'Australia". The species formed very small colonies, and once they grew to beyond 100 or so individuals, they began to fight amongst themselves, as they could no longer recognize each other as being of the same group. One of her colleagues had dubbed this 'integration limit' as the Monkeysphere, and further postulated that many species, even sentient ones, were biologically incapable of recognizing anything above a certain threshold of being their same species. Monkeys, for instance, could recognize a couple dozen of their own, but any more than that and they just couldn't see the excess monkeys as actually being monkeys. They were something 'other', something foreign, and thus injuries or deaths among the 'other' had no impact.


What if AI constructs, even very fancy ones, were the same? What if humans were the same, and that was the root of their psychoses? And, since Luster was 'part human', so to speak, she would have the same weakness. The endless billions would mean nothing to her, as they were outside her Monkeysphere- they were the extraneous 'other'. BUT- a mate, on the other hoof, was concrete. Real. A known entity, within the familiar, well entrenched inside the Monkeysphere. The loss of a billion 'others' would mean nothing, but the loss of one mate would be devastating.


'Just hear me out a sec. What if the reason she doesn't see billions of human lives as being worth saving is because she can't? Because humans themselves are biologically incapable of recognizing more than, say, a hundred or so other humans as actually being alive? Luster is, in a sense, part human, right? So whatever inherent flaws they possess, she would too- including the threshold of recognition!' Bee transmitted, the metaphorical wheels in her head turning furiously, as VLAD pulled academic studies, brain scans, naturologist reports, biological comparisons, and as much data as was available on human neurology. 'I know it sounds way too easy, but the data doesn't lie! Terran primates all display this same limit- and humans are primates! She is limited by the same biological threshold, only nopony thought of it!'

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"Princess Twilight!" Crystal fell to her knees bowing to her.


"About time you showed up, your creations are acting up. This is not why you sent me here not, for me to have my past dragged back up." She was looking at Twilight rather angrily, a few things had her pissed, what she'd learnt about Drone for the most part.  

Edited by Mentis Soliloquy

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Shadow turned to Luster and said,

"Keep up with the nicknames and I will  place this scythe in your head. I've been using this scythe for a few hundreds of years, so I know how to kill android, robots, cyborgs, humans, ponies, and any creature ya can think of.

He turned to Twilight and said, 

"Hello, Twily, or do ya prefer Twi. It's a pleasure to meet the youngest princess. So, you still into books, and prefer not to fight. If that's the case, then killing ya will be easy."


Feeder bowed and looked at Twilight to scan her.

(Hope it's fine with the nicknames and age)

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@@Denim&Venom, @@captainborgue, @@Mentis Soliloquy,


Drone looked at Twilight as she teleported in, then back to Luster, his blades receding back into the forehooves of his suit. He sighed and walked over to sit beside Bee, sending back another message, 'Maybe, but where can we find somepony willing to date her? I mean, not saying that she isn't pretty, but still. She's a genocidal robopony created over a century ago. Hell I'm slightly surprised I've gotten as many dates as I have, especially with some fantastic and pretty damn sexy mares. You including. But that's not the point. Point is, it'll be tough as hell to find somepony willing to be with her, but then again...Stranger things have happened.' ​He said over the encoded transmission, looking at Bee the entire time as he talked.


He hoped that maybe Twilight could get through to her more than he could. He also hoped Bee's theory was right and she was just a sad lonely mare with some depression issues. Wait...


Drone looked back at Luster and his armor completely retracted into his metal spine, he then took a deep breath and said to Luster, "I'm sorry Luster. I'm sorry for everything that you've endured. Sorry that the only pony in the world that meant anything to you treated you like trash, thought you were a simple robot, made to follow orders. I'm sorry that everything leading up to this has been too dark, too heavy on you. I'd like to make you an offer, Luster. I'll let you destroy me, tear me to shreds to get your frustrations out. But you must promise me that you won't attack the humans. If you agree to this stipulation, then you'll never have to see me, hear from me, or think about me ever again. I'll be gone. Far far away from here." he said, all the while he was talking, he was getting closer to Luster, till eventually he was sitting right in front of her and Lektra.

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@Mentis Soliloquy @Randimaxis @reader8363@Shadow Dancer,

​Luster was looking back and fourth from Drone to Twilight.


"Okay first of all, draw your weapons against me again and I will smack you so hard it'll feel like you kissed a freight train. If life don't check you, then I will. Second, say I do kill you. Equestria is still in danger you moron!  Third. I'm supposed to protect ponies from getting killed. That includes you! And fourth-" she pushed drones head aside. "What the f--k is this?  A robot? She sent a freaking robot to confront me? She didn't have the decency or chutzpah to meet me face to face!?" She marched past Drone, purposely nudging him out of the way. 


She started circling Twilight. "It doesn't even look like her! Muzzle too long. Legs are too long. Flanks are too big. The horn is overcompensating for something. It looks like sunbutt. What? Couldn't get her in bed after all this time, so you instead built a robot duplicate of her in your image? At least when I did it I tried to put a sinister spin on it, add that domineering presence."


She made her way back to face her, looking up at the face of the other alicorn bot. "I should've known you didn't have it in you to meet me face to face." She shoved a hoof into her chest with each of those last 3 words. "Are you even behind the controls of this thing? Is this just another AI? Or is your drake servant Spike running this errand for you?" 


She was getting in the face of machine that could turn her and the entire city to sheet metal with a thought. Even still, Twilight still stood,. Calm, composed and with that small smile on her face. 

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Emerald walked up to the rage full looking Luster. "Um that's her the real one she's in that now she's not like me or Lektra nature caught up with her and well she left her body and was put in what you see now there in no tricks it's her Princess Twilight Sparkle, in the metal." 

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Drone was pushed out of the way and he sat there, staring at the floor, he felt the anger inside of him build and grow, and as such, his metal plates slowly creeped onto his body, his words were dark and heavy as he spoke, "You listen to me, you fucking robot prick...I am not some ragdoll you can push around...I'm stronger than you, faster than you, and ultimately, your true superior. You may have fought deadly enemies, and killed ponies without thinking about it, but I promise you...​Your no match for me. " He turned around and glared at the robot in front of Twilight's metal body. He was now on his rear legs again and blades drawn, now the edges of the blades have bright blue plasma roaring with heat and he holds one up as he lets out a deep growl, much like a deadly Tiger. He pointed one blade at her and said, "You can't beat me Luster. For one, Your WEAK...Second, I'm immortal and I'll never stop hunting you down. Even if it takes me eliminating every robot in this world, every single computer, I will do it. I'm done with this diplomatic shit. Time to start proving whose the real Death Incarnate.  ​" His final words were accompanied by his armor changing to make his armor more defined and thicker, seemingly more robust and stronger now, He heard Excalibur say in his helmet, "Scanning threat...Threat assessed, probability of attack...Impending. Processing necessary counter measures...Counter attack planned, preparing for battle...Maximum armor achieved, ready for battle. Operator, I'd like to advise you use precautionary measures when facing this threat. Energy levels match our own. This threat has better weaponry than we do at the moment. It's ill advised to attack head on. Tactical options displayed." H​e saw his hud outline Luster in a red tint, making her more visible than the rest of the ponies in the room, then he saw multiple options be thrown up beside Luster, he looked at them and chose the one that most suited him for this battle. He'd use his speed and quick reaction time to his advantage here. He didn't move an inch, waiting for her to strike first. He never even broke eye contact, blocking out all signals to him from anypony in the room, including Bee. 

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@@Aurora Lights,

Shadow sighed, stood up, opened a portal, and stepped out next to drone. He stepped in the way, looked him in the eyes and said as he placed under the throat,

"Why don't ya give up, before I have to cut ya. Then again, that would be the same thing as saying you're weak, or ya could fight me instead."

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Drone blinked and his threat detection resounded with a loud beeping and he then placed one blade on the scythe, rapidly redirecting it into the ground and he jabbed his other blade towards Shadow's throat, the searing hot plasma blade only centimeters away from touching his throat before he spun his body around and his right hoof hit him in the center of his temple, making explosive waves of pain through Shadow's body, " ​Your not my target. Get out of my way before you end up a statistic, you teleporting freak.​" he said with a seething anger, his attention then directed towards Luster once more, seemingly ignoring Shadow once more.

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"P-p-p-p-please don't."


Twitch slowly and calmly stepped into the danger zone - right between Drone and Luster.


"This is ridiculous-ous-us-s.  There's so much angst here you could slice itITit and serve it with tea - aren't you supposed to be something better than baaaaaaaaase thoughts?  If you are as you say you are, then you owe owe owe owe it to yourself to find a better path, don't you?  All the m o d i f i c a t i o n s in you, all the changes... who cares WHY they were done in the f-f-f-f-f-f-first place anymore?  They're DONE - nothing can change that.  What matters from this point onononward is how you USE them.  Use them in anger, and you'll just get angrier... but, iiiiiiiiiiif you use them wisely..."


He let the thought trail off, fairly certain that this pony could draw his own conclusions from that.


"Again, please... there's no need for all all all this posturing."


He turned back to look to Luster.


"You did just kind of knooooooock him aside, you know.  That isn't-..."


Another lick of pain slapped at his midsection, and Grant gritted his teeth against the desire to scream.


"... v-v-very... nice..."


Grant could feel himself sweating profusely; how much more he could take before he absolutely HAD to leave was unknowable... but he didn't think he'd have much longer to wait before he found out.  He just hoped he wasn't still stuck here when it happened.


Twitch seemed as if he wanted to step back into the shadows and keep out of the spotlight, as it were... but he remained where he was, between the two massively powerful bots, eyeballing each other.

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@@Aurora Lights

Shadow stood back up and said, 

"I dealt with creatures worse than ya. It's not teleporting, I can make portals and travel through them."

He pinched the plasma blade and lifted it up and said as he let go and show that there was no damage.

"I don't think ya can cut my arms, they are really durable. even your blades would be able to destroy them, but I can probably destroy your armor. Why don't ya back down and ya won't get hurt." 

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@@reader8363, @@Randimaxis,


Drone looked at Twitch for a moment and listened to him speak, then he saw Shadow once more, filling him to the brim with fury. He growled loudly and stabbed Shadow in the chest with both of his blades, twisting them in the same motion, then he threw him aside into the wall. He then growled out, "​ Now you've pissed me off, you freak. ​" he then dashed forward quickly, his rocket boosters on his hooves making him move almost faster than light in that short burst, his blades were sunk into Shadow's stomach as he growled darkly.

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@Mentis Soliloquy @Randimaxis @reader8363@Shadow Dancer,




"Our friend here, Mr.Twitch was it? Has a good point. You're all better than this. The two of you may not have had the best of lives, but you can choose to be better than you're circumstances. Aspire to become more than you are. And just becasue you are brother and sister in a sense, doesn't mean you have to bicker like it." She said as she slowly walked to stand next to Twitch. "I know, believe me, I know how much you love a good fight Luster. And you Drone, were built to endure and inflict violence that most ponies couldn't. But I ask you both to be better than that.  


Or else I can, and will, shut you both down where you stand. Neither of you look favorably upon me as a parent. I would rather not act the part regardless. And Shadow, you are a member of the Royal guard. You have an example to set, and your actions are not bringing favor to your station. You're a professional. I expect you to act in such a capacity. You're job is to mediate and keep the peace, not antagonize and escalate. " She said, her tone very calm and diplomatic.  



Edited by Denim&Venom
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@@Aurora Lights@@Denim&Venom,

Shadow laughed and said as he sunk into the wall,

"I know a pony that can throw better than ya."

He out of a portal behind Drone, leaned on his back, and said, 

"That's all ya got? I was expecting a little more than that."

He pulled out an almost paper thin dagger and slipped it between the plates of the armor and said,

"It's fine, Twi. He barely did any damage."

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@@reader8363, @@Denim&Venom,


Drone growled and felt the dagger insert into his body, the plates were strong, but even they couldn't defend against the proper weapon. He growled and spun around quickly, his glowing red eyes flickered and went black, his armor peeling away to show his limp body, blood pooling around his wound, he lay there, still.


Soon, a few moments later, in fact, his blood slowly wrapped around his body, concealing all his real colors, while he was being washed in his own blood, he lifted off the ground, then the crimson fluid started to vaporize, like it was being burnt off of him.


He glared at Shadow intensely before he glanced at Twilight, "I don't take orders from you. Never have, never will. But this fight is useless. Besides, I don't have time for fighting petty beings such as yourself." he growled out hatefully.

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@@Aurora Lights,

Shadow walked over to Drone and pulled out the dagger and said,

"You were too easy anyways. Don't see how you are ultimate if ya can die by a dagger



He turned to Twilight and said, 

"I only follow orders and respect from creatures that have strength. I'm just a guard, technically not royal, though I beat up a few of them."

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