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open Mechquestria: My Life As A Equine Robot (00110010)


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@@reader8363, @@captainborgue, @@Denim&Venom, @@bronislav84, @@Randimaxis,


Drone glared at him even harder, "The only ​reason I'm not tearing you to pieces right now is because there are ponies I care about, and I don't want them to see me for what I really am. Remember that, you sniveling rodent." he growled out the last part and he looked at Twilight, still angered, he said the next sentence with a cold, harsh voice, like he had been screwed over on the deal of a lifetime or something, "...You were never worthy of being someone who should wear the royal crown. Your a self entitled drama queen that looks down on us as if we were a toy. Which is what you think we are...I've played nice with you since we met again. But now, my filter is off and I got some pretty heavy things to say to you. You underestimate my abilities, ALL OF YOU!...If I wanted, I could blast this shit hole of a city right off the map of Equestria. And if I really wanted it, and I put a little effort in, I could terminate this planet entirely. You think just because I've been civil the past few years I'm not something that should be taken seriously, BUT I WILL FUCKING SHOW YOU I AM NO FUCKING JOKE!!​... I'm fucking tired of acting like something I'm not...It's time for me to let out who I really am...The pony you, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and everypony at that damned lab feared I would be. A monster." he grit his teeth and made a death stare at Twilight.


It seems he'd had finally unraveled the true darkness that resided in him. The being that Twilight feared he would be, a monstrosity that was unstable and capable of ripping worlds in half. He broke his stare with Twilight only to look at Bee, then Emerald and then to Twitch and Shadow, then to Lektra and whoever else was in the room before spitting on the floor and walking past Twilight and Luster, heading to the door, he opened it and closed it like he was calm but as soon as the door closed they all heard him yell profanity without a care. He stopped spewing out curses and he punched the metal door that lead inside the room he was previously in and it made a huge dent with a large crack in the middle of it. He then opened the door slowly and walked in, closing it behind him and taking a deep breath, "Id like to apologize for...uh...well, that whole um... I guess a tantrum. I don't exactly know what got into me....but I'd like to say sorry and I'll try to keep those outbursts to a uh...Minimum." he seemed to be struggling with apologizing, so he shut up entirely and just grit his teeth occasionally glancing at Luster and Twilight with a glare.

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Bee just stared in shock as everypony devolved into screaming children. The thought that these same ponies had advanced weaponry... it was infuriating to think that anyone who was, ostensibly, an adult could act like such a spoiled brat.


"Are you bucking kidding me? Did any of you ever have parents? You are all squabbling like children over Nightmare Night candy!" Bee said, practically screaming. "And you think humans are destructive and dangerous? The closest thing to a human here has been trying to talk sense into all of you, as you have all been too busy threatening each other and attacking each other! What an absolute disgrace! I'll have no part of this childish nonsense- clearly, clearly having any kind of power is like a bucking disease: each and every one of you has resorted to the most debased and wretched aspects of ponykind, as though if you make the most noise and leave the biggest holes somehow it means you win! Well, if that's how you want to act, then you're on your own. Those of us who aren't screaming primates flinging technologically devastating feces have better things to do!"


With that, Bee's horn glowed teal and a moment later she vanished, recurring back to the safety and sanity of her office. She recalled the teleport enhancer bots, locked the door, and let out a heavy, disgusted sigh.

Edited by captainborgue
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Shadow watched as the creature teleported. He muttered under his breath,

"My mother was that great and never taught e anything,"

@@Aurora Lights,

He looked up at Drone and said as he walked towards him, 

"It's fine, we all have to release some steam at some time. 

He held out a claw and said, 

"It's been a while since I used that dagger. I guess you're almost as strong as me."


Feeder watched the whole thing while trying not to send an emp blast through the whole school.

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@@reader8363, @@captainborgue,


Drone looked at Shadow and then his claw. He cautiously held out his hoof and shook his claw. He nodded to Shadow and then looked away, "It's not many times I get that angry...I don't know why, but ever since I was frozen, I've just been...well, on edge. And snappy." he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "No hard feelings, Shadow. I was just in a uh-well a uh...Kinda in a blind rage. Doesn't happen often for me, so I apologize." he said and looked at the door, "I guess I should try to calm down Bee...She seemed pretty pissed. Hopefully I haven't ruined my chances with her." he said and started towards the door, but stopping as he passed Twilight and Luster, not looking at them as he said, "If you need to see me again...Well, I'm assuming Twilight knows my location at all times...And Luster..." he looks at the metal mare with just his eyes as he finishes his sentence, "Never push me out of the way again, or Shadow won't be the once getting the brunt of my anger. And next time, I'll have all of my armament." he said to her with a slight edge to it, as if warning her ahead of time. He then walked past them and out the door, thinking of where Danger Bee could be. 


He blinked as he felt a hunch tell him to go to her office, and thus he did just that. He stopped at the door and sat on his rear end, thinking of what to say before knocking on the door. He was just staring at the barrier in between him and Bee, as if he was in deep thought about something before he finally knocked on the door, "Bee?...Hey, I apologize about what I did and said earlier...I don't know what happened I-I just got caught up in the moment and all I could see was red...I don't normally do that, you know that Bee. I mean...You don't, mostly because we just met like, today...But still, I don't do that often, trust me." he said and awaited a response patiently.

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"Well, this has turned out well. I was hoping for diplomacy and all I got a territorial pissing contest." Twilight turned back to Luster. "Perhaps melding human and pony attributes wasn't such a far fetched idea, as just demonstrated, we aren't all that different. You keep talking like ponykind is so much superior. Well did any of that provide proof to the contrary? What was your rationale? Humanity was going on a path of self destruction, and was going to take us ponies with them? Well, maybe it's the humans who need protection. Truth is Luster, at times, we're not much better. For every Stalin & Hitler, we've had a Sombra & Tirek. And yet, for every Cheerilee, Coloratura & Fancy Pants, there's been a Martin Luther King,  a Mahatma Ghandi, & Bill Gates. There is just as great a capacity for cruelty and destruction, as there is for compassion & creation, in both species. 
"If you're going to try and save ponykind, then perhaps the answer lies with humanity, rather than the forsaking of it."
Edited by Denim&Venom
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@Mentis Soliloquy @Randimaxis @reader8363, @Shadow Dancer,


"I know you didn't approve. But this was soemthign I needed to do. Yes, my original body had a few more centuries in it, but Equestiria's newest form of life was advancing much faster then predicted. They needed representation and understanding. It was best for Equestria that I set the example. Could anypony argue against peaceful coexistence with machines, when their own princess became one?" 


Before Twilight could answer the second question- "Oh please! Don't tell me you actually think this is purple smart?" Luster walked up to the two of them. "It's just an AI. A decently complex one, not as good as me, but still an AI. At best, it's just book horse herself at the controls somewhere back in that goddy tree castle! A soul isn't a tangible force that can be transferred. To quote a infamous egg head, "That's not scientifically possible! You're not scientifically possible!" She said, tapping her hoof to Twi's chest. 


Twi looked to Lektra. "Do you want to explain this or should I?"

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@Mentis Soliloquy @Randimaxis @reader8363, @Shadow Dancer,


Luster gave her an confused look. "You...you can't be serious? Tech that can tap into thaumaturgical forces is one thing. But transferring the essence of one's personality, memories, identity, emotions & thoughts, their spirit & soul, into an electronic medium, when such concepts are merely abstract and intangible to start with, is impractical and impossible!


The best you can do is a brain scan and memory duplication through genetic encoding. You'd get an approximation of that individual, but not the individual themselves. The ghost of book-horse is not in this machine!" She said tapping Twi's head, hard. 

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@Mentis Soliloquy @Randimaxis @reader8363, @Shadow Dancer,


"I assure you Luster, it is indeed me, the one you love to hate."
"Pfft. Prove it!" 
"You know what, I think I shall. For everypony & everybot here. Though be warned, the trip might be one that's out of this world."
Twi's horn began to glow. Brighter & brighter until it was blinding. And in a flash, the world changed. Every pony and everyone in the room, would feel weightlessness, and what could be best described as an out of body experience.  For they were all in a seemingly endless expanse of swirling blues & lights. 

"Welcome, to the either." 

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The brain scan and soul rip procedure is fairly expensive and not everypony can afford it, either. There is a potion involved and the components are -pretty- hard to acquire, as well as the power cost for the genetic encoding system.


Grant felt his spirits falling; the more he heard, the more impossible his impossible mission was beginning to sound.


Now there's POTIONS, too?  What the living Hell, man!?  I knew it was gonna be HARD, but... this is starting to look IMPOSSIBLE.  How am I ever gonna get all that stuff together?  Where do I even start LOOKING for it?  How long is it gonna take for me to figure out HOW to build what I have to - not to mention ACTUALLY building it!  And that's if they ever accept my application to begin with!


Though Professor Bolt spoke of doing the job for free, Grant was still rather certain that she wouldn't agree to it - that NOPONY would agree to it - if they knew he was human.  After all the talks of how humans were violent, tribal savages, he felt sure that anypony here might have scrapped Twitch... except for Crystal.


Twitch's lenses tracked on Crystal for a moment; she'd figured it out rather quickly, and she hadn't told a soul, as far as he knew.  He would have asked her for help with his situation, but even she admitted she was no technophile.  Still, she had sympathy for him, and even seemed to accept his being a human - so far, she had treated him better than anypony else had since he first logged into Twitch's programming when he reached Equus...


It would even be accurate to say that she had treated him better than most other humans had.


I have no idea how I'm gonna do this, but I promise that if I CAN pull this off, I'll make sure you'll get the thanks you truly deserve from me, Bass... IF I can make this work.

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Shadow leaned back and kicked up his hoof and said, 

"This is almost like being in one of my portals. Couldn't ya have done something different." 

He stretched his claws out in front of him and nearly jumped out of his skin, figuratively. His claw were covered in black scales. He looked at Twilight and said, 

"What did ya do?"

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Crystal felt off as she floated around in this 'effect' "I feel weird."





"Well, this again hooray what is this Twi like 4 times now you've dragged me into one of your damn weird ass spells." Emerald was laid out with her forelegs crossed, in a huff she had enough of these petty squabbles and was getting annoyed by a few things.

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@Mentis Soliloquy @Randimaxis @reader8363, @Shadow Dancer,


"This is the ethereal realm. Celestia took me here when I first ascended. The reason some of you have changed, is because it reflects who you are on the inside." Twilight glowed white, her shape began to change. When the light faded, standing before them was a shorter lavender allicorn, w/ indigo blue mane & purple/magenta stripes in it. "Shadow, your claws were altered to the way they once were. Your physical ones were replaced, but your spiritual ones can never be taken away." 


She turned to Lektra, and looked over at Luster. "It appears that we did. Only a creature with a soul can ask the questions she asks. And have the temper tantrums she has. I mean, if anypony on Earth believed she had a soul, it would've been you." Luster herself was looking different. Instead of how she was in the real world, she was now standing as her imposing Mk.8 self. 


She sent a glance over at where Twitch was standing. "Hmm, interesting." 

Edited by Denim&Venom
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@@reader8363, @@captainborgue,


He blinked as he felt a hunch tell him to go to her office, and thus he did just that. He stopped at the door and sat on his rear end, thinking of what to say before knocking on the door. He was just staring at the barrier in between him and Bee, as if he was in deep thought about something before he finally knocked on the door, "Bee?...Hey, I apologize about what I did and said earlier...I don't know what happened I-I just got caught up in the moment and all I could see was red...I don't normally do that, you know that Bee. I mean...You don't, mostly because we just met like, today...But still, I don't do that often, trust me." he said and awaited a response patiently.


Bee wrested control away from an indignant VLAD before responding. "Oh really?" Bee said, opening the door with her magic and giving Drone a thunderous look. "All that talk before about wanting to avoid a fight at all costs flew out the window pretty quickly, didn't it?" Bee said, angrily. "But, to be fair, you've been through a lot. I get it. I do- after my augmentation, I was angry and bitter for a long time. Getting used to VLAD, coinciding with the peak of my youth, trying to make something of myself when all of a sudden I didn't even know who or what I was anymore. So yeah, I get the rage," Bee said, walking towards Drone.


"But here's something I've learned- and it didn't take me centuries, like with all those raving lunatics over there. You can't choose what you start as, but you can choose what you want to be. Luster, Twilight, that weird guy with the freaking scythe, they are all revenants. Every last one of them is a throwback, they don't know how to exist without conflict- they need an enemy to fight, and they will create one if none exist. That level of paranoia, that kind of blind rage, that's how foals act! They think that their pain, their suffering, is all that has ever existed, is the only important thing, and anypony who thinks otherwise is an enemy. We are no longer primitive herd beasts cowering in the darkness from predatory eyes shining out of the black- we are enlightened, civil, intelligent beings. We do not need to make war on anypony, yet Luster, Twilight, and... whatever the buck the little pest's name is. what have they done? They have tried to make enemies among themselves, among an entire world, even among bucking students! There are children in this place, and they walk about with the most destructive weapons to ever exist!" Bee said, incredulous.


"Everything they claim makes humanity and Earth itself dangerous, they have demonstrated. I don't believe in coincidences, Drone. There's a reason for it. Why would they choose to emulate all the violent tendencies of humans, instead of teaching humans about the utopia our kind have built here? Why would they integrate human technology and philosophy into Luster? Why build you... why use such deplorable and horrifying methods to make you what you are? what could they possibly gain from it? Our entire history, peace has never been achieved through force. But now, all of a sudden, we can only secure our way of life through extreme violence, directed and enemy and ally alike? It's wrong, Drone. And giving into that same urge is playing right into their hooves," Bee added, worriedly, as she stood in front of him and slowly sat on her haunches.


"In the whole of Equestrian history, we have never fought a war. We have never needed to fight a war. And I, for one, will not have any part in it. Ponies do not rule through fear. Ponies do not debase ourselves with torture and violence and death to force everypony to cower before us. And anypony who does resort to such depravity does not deserve to rule. Now, the reason I'm saying all this..." Bee said, quaking, as she stood up and approached him, and stood mere inches away from him, before taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. "You have two sides to you. That's something I am familiar with, sure. But you... you could go either way. I'm drawn to the side that is kind, and clever, and brave... but the other side is cruel and capricious and violent and arrogant. One makes me feel safer than I've ever known, and the other makes me afraid of what it could do, and angry at the same time. I'm not going to live in fear, Drone. I don't want to see that side of you. I don't want to see what they turned you into, I want to see what you have chosen to be," she said, whispering, as she lay her head against him.


"I stand by my theory- friendship and love made Equestria into a paradise. I firmly think that they can save us all, even Luster, even Earth. Hate and fear will only ruin it. I choose friendship and love. Which will you choose?" Bee said, shaking, afraid of the answer.


VLAD had been quiet this whole time, spending its considerable resources trying to solve the puzzle at hoof. Friendship and love... there really was only one solution that presented itself, and all the data irrevocably pointed to it. There were no possible candidates to mate with Luster at present. One would have to be built- and it would need Terran traits as well, since Luster was built from Terran traits. VLAD knew of only one being with experience in building complicated, Terran influenced designs- and that was Twitch.


While Bee was talking, VLAD had been busy communicating which the school's Registrar server, scouring for the few specific traits it had seen firsthoof. Apparently, the only thing missing was endorsement by faculty. VLAD, noticing that Bee was still on a bit of a rant, sent an endorsement approval to the server's processing algorithm. It shouldn't take more than a day for the automated update to list him as a student. and there was contact information, as well...



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Grant's eyes FLEW open as he realized the implications of what Twilight had said, and he looked down at himself in panic; the LAST thing Grant wanted everypony to see was not that he was human, but how he LOOKED...


The form was HUMAN - his heart sank - but, wait...  what was..?


He was kind of short, but thin and lanky, and there was wiry muscle that belied a hidden strength there.  He had long and nimble fingers, and what his sister always called 'monkey-toes'.  His face was long and lean, and his skin was clear and smooth, completely clean-shaven.


However, there was also a bright blue light that seemed to pulse in his eye sockets, and lines like circuitry rolling from the tips of his fingers down to his bony-sharp elbows.  In small patches on his skin, like a dappled coat on a pony, there were little groupings of what appeared to be glowing blue circuitboards.


To top ALL of this off, he was wearing sandals, cargo shorts, and a bright blue Led Zeppelin t-shirt, a naked angel reaching for the sky on the front.


For the first time, the ponies gathered heard Grant Edison House speak, and it was a soft tenor voice with rich undertones.


"... F... U... D... G... E."


Looking up, he cast a look to each and every pony present, then slowly lifted a hand... and waved sheepishly.





When it rains, he thought. 


[reply:-:{As soon as I get... un-busy... I'll be there - I have NO idea where I am right now. -=TwItChGlItCh=-}]


All he did was send a message; what the ponies saw was Grant extend his hand outward, and his fingertips glowed as he seemed to compose a short, rapid symphony with his human hands.  Once finished, he dotted the air and his eyes flashed; message sent.


He then looked around at the others again.


"Uhm... okay, I guess this kinda voids my application, huh?"

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Emerald was floating around annoyed until she saw Grant... "A human? Wait who is missing? Twitch is a Human!!"




Crystal 'swam' over to Grant. "Well hello Twitch, you don't look very well but then I have not seen many humans." she held out her hoof to him. "Would you touch me? I want to see what you feel like humans don't have fur."

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@Mentis Soliloquy



Grant looked at Crystal for a moment.


"I... uhm..."


Then, being an Internet junkie, Grant knew exactly the first contact to make with a pony, especially one like Crystal.


He smiled, then reached out with a single finger, and touched the tip of her muzzle.


"Boop,"  he said.

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Crystal giggled like a filly. "I think that was funny but can you 'hold' my hoof I want to see what your hand feels like but the 'boop' was kinda funny I do say, your a nice human despite the hate coming out of this room you seem alright, is Twitch your real name?" 

Edited by Mentis Soliloquy
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@Mentis Soliloquy



He looked around, unsure of how the others were going to react... then he realized something.


He didn't have to worry about hiding it anymore.


It was finally out; now, for better or worse, they knew what he was.  It felt... liberating, in a way.  No longer a burden on his mind, he could breathe a little easier with one less thing to worry about, at least as far as this group went.  He didn't know who would yell at him, who would speak to him... and who would possibly attack him.  


Through it all, though... Crystal was proving to be a true friend.  He was glad to see the stories weren't lies after all.


He reached down and carefully took her hoof in both of his hands; his touch was smooth and warm, and he was gentle with it.  He grinned as he gave it a fair, slow shake.


"No, that's my little buddy's name... my name is Grant.  Grant Edison House.  I'm... well, you've all got eyes; I guess you can see for yourselves.  Of course, I've got no idea where the glowy-stuff comes from..."


He braced himself mentally, waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop.  Perhaps a horseshoe.

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"Your hands are weird...Grant, humans have odd names..."


This interment time was paused when Emerald moved over to them. "Twitch...Grant, human I have never seen one on this side it's surreal, well you have been privy to this whole thing what are your thought about Luster? Not to mention some of the brightest minds in the land are here in this room and my liege she can wave all the costs involved in the transfer I belive you want."


Crystal's face lit up from that. "Yeah ask the princess she can see you into Twitch or a well a nicer model? Though Twitch has a thing about him but you'd look stunning in a Stallion Mk. IX Pegasus or maybe a Unicorn model...oh, oh can humans cast magic?"


"Calm down there young one, I think we need to see to Luster first you will be ok for a few more hours yes, Twi...Grant!...?"

Edited by Mentis Soliloquy

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@@Randimaxis,@@Mentis Soliloquy@reader8363@Shadow Dancer,




"Geeze. And just when I thought my expectations of how would look in person couldn't get any lower, you actually do show up. Goddess you are a sorry sight. No wonder you want a transfer so bad. And Zepplin? Please. Grow up and listen to some SlipKnot."  


Twi just faced hoofed at this. Hard. "You know that part about you having a soul? I take that back." 


She turned to Grant. "After hearing that, you can have a scholarship for your troubles." 

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Grant looked at Luster with a dash of hurt in his eyes.  "... I think you look cool."


He then turned to face Twilight Sparkle, and bowed respectfully.


"I... thank you..."


Grant sighed.


"... but I can't accept that."


He looked humbly over to the adorkable pony in front of him, keeping his voice soft.


"I've heard a LOT about humans from everypony here, Your Majesty; and I'm not so naive to think that it isn't true - I DO believe Luster, wholeheartedly, that there were humans intent on harming Equestria.  But I also believe that humanity was scared; not so much about ponies, as what was capable from someone other than ourselves."


"I think people just shuffled back into their corner of the galaxy and hoped THEY wouldn't be attacked; the rate of technological progression was astounding... and terrifying to humanity.  Back then, anyway.  So yes, fringe elements were bound to pop up, and the ones with some sort of pull would have tried to do something... but other people, the RIGHT people, would have done everything they could to stop them."


He looked at Luster.


"I'm NOT excusing what was done; I'm trying to explain that those terrible few are not accurate representations of humanity as a whole."


His eyes turned back to Twilight, and he put on a determined look.


"Which is why I have a LOT of proving to do... and every victory I earn will be tainted in other ponies' eyes if I'm just handed a scholarship.  As much as it means to me that you accept me enough to offer such, I have to prove humanity is more than a bunch of primitive hoarders... and that means I have to WORK for that respect."


He began wringing his hands nervously, but slowly - he was worried, but not panicking.


"Please understand... I'm almost as lost here as Luster is, herself.  If I'm planning to transfer to Twitch here, then I have to prove that it's a safe thing for me to live here in Equestria - that I can be trusted.  I was gonna do that quietly, but..."


He shrugged.


"... here we are."

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Shadow smiled at the sight of Twilight and said,

"I agree with ya about the soul. When are we going back in our bodies, I'm not saying that I missed my original claws,"

He opened his wings to see that they were black and leatherly

"and wings, just wondering."


Shadow turned to Grant and said, 
"True, some people would save Equestria, but if they met the villains of here, then that's where they probably want to destroy us. Out of fear of what else is hidden here. If it helps ya to relax, I trust ya, very little respect, but trust."

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@Randimaxis,@Mentis Soliloquy@reader8363@Shadow Dancer,


"That's very admirable of you. And with the talent you've displayed in constructing Twitch, I can tell that you show more than a lot of promise and that we could only benefit from your admission here at Manehatten University. Consider your application on the fast track. 


"Oh, and don't worry too much about Luster. She only teases the one's she likes. "


"DO NOT!" The weaponized alicorn bot roared out. 


"Why so defensive?" 


"Why such a bitch!?" 


"I'm only stating the obvious, what how foals tease the ones they like. Hay, given all that you've said and done, you probably like Emerald too, and maybe even love me." 


"Do I have to impale you again!?" 

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@@bronislav84, @@captainborgue,


Drone blinks at the open door and smiled slightly as he saw Bee, but listened intently to her words, hanging on to each one as he stared at the floor, When she finished, he took a deep breath and let it out as he said, "I'm...I'm sorry about that side of me...I can't control it...It just happens, I don't know why though...Maybe it's just because all I am is a ticking bomb...Maybe it's just my mind finally breaking and making me go into a part of myself that I never want to be again...I love you Bee, I-I mean...we just met but, still...I mean, your so sweet to me, and I feel like being that side you love more...I feel like I want to be real..." he said softly and held her to him softly as he continued, "I-I'm sorry...but the side of me that is destructive, that's angry, the side that is violent...It's what I was based around, and whenever I feel like someone is in danger, I just...The only thing I can think of is defending the ones in danger, at all costs...It's like...a switch that flips in my head, and I'm scared of how little control I have of it..." he sighed ashamedly. Softly petting her mane, he said in almost a whisper, "I'll never be able to get rid of my dark side...but I can try to control it, harness it and use it for the better...But I'm afraid I need help with that...And, Bee...Your one of the smartest mare's I've ever seen..." he smiled at her softly.


He then got the message of the blueprint and he sent back a message that said, 'Thank you, Lektra....I'll come by later, I must discuss something with you as well...Besides my armor...' he sent the message and looked back at Bee softly.

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Shadow sighed, flew over, and said, as he got between them and opened his wings like a barrier, 

"That's enough. Luster, why do ya insist with attacking one of your creators that is trying to help you. Twily, hope you're fine with the nickname, will ya quit teasing Luster, or whatever you're doing. 

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