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open Mechquestria: My Life As A Equine Robot (00110010)


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"Well i'm all ears, Lektra gave me a plasma one, halberd that is. I'll just keep dodging my comrades until you give me the nod, there's no way I can fight her alone despite how much I want to cut her head off her neck." She moved past more guards the place was crawling with them now for some reason. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,




"Defintiley hold back for now. When I make my move, you'll know it. Heck, the whole campus will probably know it. You're good, but she probably know's your techniques better than you do, and if she doesn't, she'll get the hang of it very quickly. I'm going to try to contact Lektra, see what kind of plan she has, if any." 


Twi got onto Lekrta's private frequency. "Lektra, are you still there?" 

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"Do you only hear what you want to hear? I said I wasn't going to help you if you continued on the path of effectively being evil. Human genocide, taking away freedoms of ponies, etc etc. That's still the case and my position on that is unchanged, but you seem to be coming around."

"I'm out to do the right thing, even if it isn't the moral thing, even if I do it alone."



Twi has had many moments where she's failed and had to pick herself up better than ever. Life lessons.

"Then you'd be surprised at the end conclusions she came up to each and every time. Purple Smart never wanted to call upon those she holds dear for help. If she could've handled all those threats and all those since then, she would have. Accepting help caused her to swallow her pride hard. Even with all those victories, she still felt upset that she had to burden her friends with those problems, that she failed them for not doing them herself, that all her lessons to that point didn't matter, that she failed to help her friends. She thinks she wasn't a good enough freind, cause she needed her friends to help her. She wants to do everything for everypony, and feels like such a failure whenever she needed help. She hides it well. But in her eyes, the ultimate friend doesn't need help protecting all she cares about. 


Think of it like this. You want to buy a gift for one of you friends, but you don't have the money. Yet they find this out and help you pay for it. They maybe happy, but you feel like a let down. That's book horse, every time she needed back up, she felt like a failure as a friend. "




"Now you're putting yourself down. You're smart. You've gotten this far. You can do anything you put your processor to. Talk to her when the time comes, and tell her what you're telling me. I trust you can come to an understanding where no fighting will be required."

"That's easy for you to say. I'm still predicting a high likelihood where she'll still be clingy and controlling. It'll take a lot to convince her that I'm alive, instead of the walking embodiment of the "want it, need it" spell.  An experiment of her's that's gone out of control and needs to be refined."



You don't need the update anymore if you continue on this path.

"It's more...akin to getting physically fit. I got the time, space and resources to work out, where your method would've been more like surgery and growth hormone to get to the figure I wanted. One had just less drastic changes than the other."



"Don't go back. Don't go back to what you were. You've gotten better and improved. This is unnecessary. As for powerless, going by recent events, not really."

"Maybe not powerless by your standards. But Book horse will try to keep me in check, try to have the upper hoof, try to have the superior tech. And has far as going back to what I was? I never left, like it or not." 



"I can't control my feelings any more than a bird can control their desire to fly. It is how I feel and what my body is telling my brain. I admit it's irrational and maybe even creepy, but the simple truth of the matter is Twilight Sparkle turns me on.

"Then you'll understand where my feelings towards her come from. She turns me off, figuratively and literally. She pisses me off. Like a bird wants to fly, I can't control my desire to beat her into scrap. All she is and what she's done, all the missed opportunities, the way she goes about things, frustrates me to no end, and it's worse now that I have her memories." 



"Luster did you know you can cast magic now with that frame? You would have if you'd accepted the v9.2.8 as well, but you can with that body. Twilight has practiced many spells, and one doesn't simply assimilate experience. She's not confined to a magic specialization, either."

"Yes, I'm aware of my spell casting capabilities, but unlike any physical or informational arts, magic isn't something that can be fully harnessed by a program. I need practice and experience with it, for which I have none.  Even in the Mk.8, I didn't have a single bit of magic in me. I had no means of accessing it. Now that I do, I haven't the first clue of where to go."



I only wish she reciprocated these feelings, but one does not simply turn another being Bisexual. It actually took me a while to realize I was. Compound it with the fact that she's not organic and hasn't been for a long time, and it just becomes frustrating to not have the feelings reciprocated."


"And that's another thing that frustrates me so much about her.  She's so grown up and mature in some areas, but such a foal in others! It pains me to see all those that have shown a genuine interest in her, made the attempts to reach out and have something more, only for her to not notice. Not reject, cause that'd take some acknowledgement, not notice. She never quite got it when a pony approached her romantically. She always boiled it down to them just being extra friendly. I saw how you looked at her, how you acted, how close you tried to get. I would've gotten the message! It was so damn obvious to everypony. Everypony except her. Just by being a friendship spreading egghead, she spurned quiet a few ponies. I'm not the only one who noticed either. There were others who saw the attempts. But no pony knew how to get it through to her, and those that tried, their message went right over her head, dismissed in the fog of whatever she was doing at the time. You deserved better then that. You all did."



"You must be prepared, and you must understand that with what you've gained recently fighting is unnecessary. Your program has grown and evolved, and if you continue on this path you can be a better pony. Not a better Twilight, just a better pony. That's what I've always wanted for you, and what I've always guided you towards." "I'm actually proud of you."


"It maybe unnecessary. But I'm still angry with her, and I still want to leave her in a state that would put trash compactors to shame. Is that so wrong, to want to feel that way after how I was treated, and how she treated you?" Luster stiffened when Lektra went to hug her.


"Admit it. One of the reasons you're so angry, is because you still care for her. Still care for your almost not mom." 


Luster slowly lifted a hoof and compromisingly returned a half hug to Lektra. 




"I'm here for you. I will help you in your endeavors. The Professor wishes to do the same."

"And you said you couldn't find any acceptance here."




Meanwhile in high orbit

"I'm fine. Twilight you need to see this, if only to understand how it happened. In that offline exchange you two had, Luster gained your memories and it's improved her. Unless I'm seriously misinterpreting this, Luster seems to be growing up, or has already grown up. I believe fighting will no longer be necessary. If she continues on this path she will be a better pony, and not just a creation to be molded how you or I see fit. She's your child too, probably more so than anyone's now that she has more of you in her. Would you really destroy your own child?"


Twilight had read the message and replayed the recordings in nanoseconds.  


"I may need a second opinion on this." she reestablished comms.

 @@Mentis Soliloquy"Emerald, I'm sending you what Lektra sent me. Tell me what you think our next course of action should be with this." she forwarded Lektra's message & recordings.


Nopony would know it, but Twi was now lost in thought.


"Did you really change? Just like that?" 

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"That's a trick, a lie or somthing there's a killing machine under whatever falsehoods she wears to disguise it for some reason, I won't be fooled by this Rubbish. Bad ponies don't just reform and change their minds over night you'd think we would of learnt this from Discord. 

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"That's a trick, a lie or somthing there's a killing machine under whatever falsehoods she wears to disguise it for some reason, I won't be fooled by this Rubbish. Bad ponies don't just reform and change their minds over night you'd think we would of learnt this from Discord. 

"That's a fair point. Either way, it appears that she has swayed Lektra, not that she ever left Luster's side for long anyways. Best way to get her to a place where we can safely confront her is to play to her ego. She think's she can beat me? Let's give her that opportunity." 

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{VLAD!  I'm stuck in Professor Lektra's lab!  If I could get OUT of here, I could do something - but I can't do ANYTHING as long as she can stop me; if you can manage to get me OUT of this laboratory, I can try to do what you've asked.  Either way, there is a MAJOR situation happening here - I'd call for whatever BIG GUNS you ponies have, because it's about to get REALLY BAD.  Have me called to the front office, have me summoned by magic, have whatever you can do done - but I can do absolutely nothing with Professor Bolt watching me!  [TwItChGlItCh]}


VLAD pondered over the possible meaning of "big guns" for a long time. Almost two full seconds, even. VLAD lacked seriously heavy weaponry, most of its defensive systems were designed to protect Bee, not kill an aggressor. That left a big fat 'zero' in the big guns column. However, getting Twitch out of the lab was comparatively easy. By using the same teleport-enhancing drones, VLAD could evacuate Twitch even through magical interference. The tricky part was getting those enhancer drones to him.


Teleporting in was too risky- the amount of weaponry and/or erratic tech in there was an unknown variable with possibly lethal expression. There could be a gunfight going on in there, and teleporting in- grabbing Twitch- and teleporting out without injury- would be like running through a rainstorm without getting wet. Drone had an impressive combat skin, but VLAD was hesitant to contact Bee's paramour directly- it was super awkward last time, and VLAD didn't want to have to explain itself.


VLAD's processors whirred furiously at it concocted a methodology that was mathematically sound and statistically likely to succeed. Lacking any real concept of humor though, VLAD was unable to find it hilarious when, five minutes after Twitch's message came through, a misshapen rubber duckie teleported into the lab, exploded far more violently than a rubber duckie has any right to, and six teleport enhancer drones- each roughly the size of an unstretched duckie in the first place- promptly buzzed around the room at top speed, collided with Twitch with a series of clanging noises, and powered on their enhancer fields. VLAD's receivers picked up the signal and initiated the transport sequence. Failing any better idea, the target was Bee's living room.

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Twitch looked at the ducks stuck to him.


"What in the... am I being... ducknapped!?"


He had enough time to look up at Lektra and Luster, say "oh, boy" and the spell flashed him out.


Twitch landed directly in the middle of the living room table; pieces of it scattered across the floor, leaving quite an interesting mess to explain later.


Unfortunately, Twitch was now in a sitting position with his eyes shut and his poker face on... sideways, on the floor.


The teleport had broken Grant's connection.






Grant flipped up the visor, and scrambled over to his setup.  there was a small ribbon of smoke drifting up from his connection grid, and he began blowing on it and fanning it wildly.  A moment of this, and he began furiously working to get everything back in order, eager to get back into Twitch before something else did.




His nimble, thin fingers worked their magic while he kept sweating over whether or not he'd get 'claim-jumped' again.

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"Actually......the right thing is kinda relative. Generally what you've been doing since you were reactivated has been gray, but your general intent would be considered evil by most beings. Killing humans for example."


"Evil things for proper long term security.  I'd rather be hated than know that my home was lost. Yes, even if Equestria is centuries ahead, human history has shown plenty of examples of an inferior force overcoming the superior one. Their penchant for innovation and resourcefulness is frightening. Call me paranoid, but I've a reason to be more than worried."




You want to do things yourself, but it's not a the worst thing in the world to ask for help.

"No. Not The worst. But it's still not fun." 




Don't be like me.

"Why haven't you found anypony yet? Don't tell me you've been lonely ever since beofre I was shut down?"


"Was that my fault? My Doing? She couldn't move on after me?" 





"Well at least you can rest easy knowing I'll try to get things reasoned out. If you two fight it's because I've failed as your mother and Twilight's friend, know this."

"No. This has been a long time coming. With or without you, this would've been inevitable. And being in this body for so long, how easy of a fit it is for me, I think I've figured out why book horse and I never meshed and never will."




You're a better pony now, but thoughts of genocide aren't completely gone."
"Yeah. But are thoughts of genocide every really gone form a pony? What pony doesn't think the world woudl be better if 'x' species wasn't wiped off the face of existence?."




Just know what you're getting into.

"I refused because of the strings attached. It would've been pointless. All the tech in the world, and I'd be powerless to intervene and save it the way I saw fit. And what do you mean what I'm getting into. They either like my rule or I walk away the ultimate failure. Proof that I am to be inferior to purple smart." 




I still think you can be a better pony if you take over for her in the right capacity, but she will be back somehow so enjoy it while you can.
"Knowing her, I won't be able to enjoy it for long. She's already planning against me, I know it. She's never down for long. History has shown that."




Maybe if she went back to her organic body, depending on how soon we see a backup come back anyway."

"Wait. If that's the case, then how come you were coming onto me?"  




Somepony needs to be the referee or mediator, and it may as well be me."
"I would like to see you try. Really I would.  Miracles do happen, so I've been told."




Luster quirked an eyebrow as well. Followed by a look of surmise as Twitch & his admirier vanished.






"I really need to just accept death and train a successor. Honestly I'd hoped it would be you, but you're busy now and you'd probably find my job boring as buck."


"Um, our human piloted anomaly of a bot and one of your assistants just got teleported to who knows where and you're not the least bit concerned?"  

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Twitch looked at the ducks stuck to him.


"What in the... am I being... ducknapped!?"


He had enough time to look up at Lektra and Luster, say "oh, boy" and the spell flashed him out.


Twitch landed directly in the middle of the living room table; pieces of it scattered across the floor, leaving quite an interesting mess to explain later.


Unfortunately, Twitch was now in a sitting position with his eyes shut and his poker face on... sideways, on the floor.


The teleport had broken Grant's connection.






Grant flipped up the visor, and scrambled over to his setup.  there was a small ribbon of smoke drifting up from his connection grid, and he began blowing on it and fanning it wildly.  A moment of this, and he began furiously working to get everything back in order, eager to get back into Twitch before something else did.




His nimble, thin fingers worked their magic while he kept sweating over whether or not he'd get 'claim-jumped' again.



VLAD hadn't counted on the noise of a mechanical equine landing in the living room, which startled Bee awake. "NOTHING TO WORRYING ABOUT, VLAD HAS THIS UNDER CONTROL. GUEST HAS BEEN TELEPORTED INTO APARTMENT IS ALL," VLAD tried to say, though its hoped for effect of calming Bee down did not at all work.


"Wait, you WHAT?" Bee said, incredulously. "I get that you are autonomous when I'm asleep and all, but there's a bucking line, VLAD! What in the world could you possibly need to say to anypony face to face?!"




"You... what the... everything you said is insane! How is that even possible?! Where did you get such a ridiculous idea? How could- wait a minute. Wait just a bucking minute. Did... did you get this ludicrous insane idea by watching me and Drone? Is that what your plan was?" Bee said, incredulous, as she stormed into the living room to see Twitch lying in a heap, next to-


Wait. Who the hell was that?


"Okay, so, my onboard AI has been randomly teleporting ponies into my apartment, and I just woke up from a lovely nap next to a lovely stallion so I'm a tad grumpy, and not in a particularly good hostess frame of mind," Bee said, sitting down heavily. "Let's start with, why would VLAD think you guys were in such mortal danger that teleporting you into my living room in the dead of night would be a good idea?"

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"Yea? Why?


"it's because everything she see's in me, are the things she hates about herself.  Everything she's tried to hide away behind that faithful student facade throughout the years, everything she's been told are flaws, things she refuses to admit, have been manifested in me. I am her reflection, seen through a glass darkly. The night Nightmare moon returned, Lesson Zero, The time she met her future self, before and after the royal wedding, the day she fought Tirek, even accounts of her Terran doppelganger when she first channeled magic, are all sides of book horse rarely seen, and seldom acknowledged by she herself. I am her, and she cannot stand it."




"I slipped, ok? Thinking you might replace her is a logical fallacy, since you are still predisposed to your own motivations. I know that now."

"So just use Twi's brain scans, make soem tweaks and have the purple smart of your dreams. Simple."




"Is that a challenge?

"I meant in brokering a peace between us. But since you brought it up, I don't have to kill you to defeat you. You may know how to defend yourself, but I know how to fight. You're a scientist. I'm a general. Also, Twi doesn't seem to have told you, but it appears she based this model a bit off my Mk.8 in that it uses Slipnir & black crystal to absorb & deflect magic, even more than what I had. Luna appears to have been generous in the donation of her precious metal. So, your metal bending powers are essentially nerfed. I can defeat you, but in the context of my original statement, your more likely to defeat me than broker a peace." 




"Now you're just being paranoid again.

"i know how she thinks.  She's plotting against me. Even as I looked over her memories, I saw recollections of a specific one. Or rather, lack of a specific one. A countermeasure made specifically for use against me. Project Everton. Something so crazy, that she's apparently wiped it from her own memories to keep it classified, and has entrusted only Spike, & Professors Simone Del Sol & Sasha Sparks of the research team with the knowledge. So whatever it is, she's gonna bring it out against me."  




"Well yes, and also no. I have certain responsibilities safeguarding the spells needed to make Magitek work, and nopony else knows the complete spell. This keeps me from accepting death. But thinking about how I effectively failed to save you has kept me from moving on as well."

Luster noticed the tear. "You didn't fail. The way you built and programmed me helped me to survive.  And don't blame yourself for how I ended up. Again, my choices. They're my victories and my defeats. My accomplishments and mistakes. Not my programmings. You don't get to take that much credit. "




@@Mentis Soliloquy,

Twilight recieved the message. "More intel from Lektra. She has quite a bit of faith in her creation. What do you make of this Captain?"



"I still think fighting will not be necessary, especially since Luster says she will walk out if she fails in your place as a ruler. For everything else, there's your frame that was meant for her and my armor that she can't defeat as hard as she tries, anyway."

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"Scan me to confirm if you want.

Luster did just that and crunched her statistics. "Unfavorable, but not overwhelming. Difficult, but far from improbable.  You should fear me for the same reason I fear humans. Their knack for finding ways to have smaller, technologically inferior forces overcome the bigger more advanced ones. So if a bunch of monkey's who think at the speed of a donkey cart can do that, then a synthetic life form that thinks at light speed can figure out something. No, it won't be easy. But your defeat? It's doable. If, it should ever come to that. After all, even with that brilliant mind and boundless tech, you are only equine after all."




No, anything but the real deal transfer at a real point in time that includes the willing soul wouldn't work out."

"Well, keep reaching for the stars then professor. Maybe after I break her will to stop pursuing and possessing me, she'll come running into your hooves." 




I'm honestly glad it didn't because it means we get to spend more time together."

"Even after all my proposed genocidal talk, you're still willing to have me around. You're weird."


"But that's not unwelcome."  


Luster embraced the hug. 

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"I still don't belive it but I will follow your lead Twi you've always done the right thing so as you command." Emerald was still sneaking around it was a lot easier with this suit from Lektra with her own abilities she was not being found as she waited for what was to come. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Lektra appears to be talking her down, but isn't trying to get her out of that body. Her capabilities are too much. The connections and power she has over Euqestria are too far reaching, as was demonstrated with the guards. We need to get her out and into someplace secure, where we can reprogram her. Even if Lektra says she's matured, I need to see that hardcode for myself. I may have a countermeasure in hand, though it's been a very longtime since I've looked it over. Remain on standby, Captain. I'll see if I can set things up." 



About a minute after that, Emerald's ear piece began to ring. Caller ID: Scape, A. 

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She answered the call reluctantly. "Who is this? I don't really have much time to chat also how did you get this number it's not publicly listed." Another pair of bots made there way past her this place was crawling with these buggers not usually be an issue but now...

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@@Mentis Soliloquy, "Because you gave it to me before you left?" Said a familiar voice. "It's me babe. Just thought I'd check in if everything's alright over there. You've been gone for a while. Well at least, I guess it isn't so bad, since your okay. Everypony is talking about what's happened, footage of EUP bots on campus and such. Everything is under control over there, right?" 

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"Angel?! Hi honey I'm a little um 'busy' at work my dear I can't really go into details so please don't ask just know I'm ok." This was a nice distraction. "Um so what are you doing my little one eh? I'd like to hear about what your doing make a change to what I am doing right now." 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,

"Well actually, it's been kind of crazy ever here. A whole bunch of stuff has happened. To make a long story short, I'm moving out of here. I'm going to be finding myself a new place with different roommates. Hopefully you weren't too attached to that apartment.

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"Am I attached to the apartment I've been to once? Um no i don't think so despite what we got up to but yeah that is no issue Angel I have no qualms with you moving out. But where are you going to go I'm staying at the local barracks remember? I mean you could bunk up with me?..." 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,

"I mean I am looking through places.  I'm in discussions with a trio who own a surprisingly lavish studio place. But should that fall though, I guess I'll be living on base with you. Yeah I'd be up for giving that a shot. See what the guard life is like. Can civilians bunk up with CO's?"

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"Not usually no they can't but I am The CO so I think I can bend the rules for myself without anyone complaining and if they do I don't really care I'll just make them laps of the barracks till they learn to shut up not to mention I do have my own room so we and not in the shared barracks."  

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,

"Right. You have some clout. And I doubt anypony will complain since you work directly for the princess. Who is pretty much the only one who can complain and override you. Which she doesn't really seem like the type to do. So, we'd probably be alright then." 

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"Yes of course Twilight has always given me a lot of free reign in my job so I have nothing to worry about I believe that we have anything to worry about. Honestly I don't think that the rank and file would complain either so I think we are good but there really is not much there I must add."  

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@@Mentis Soliloquy


"Well, we can spruce it up with all my things.  That is, if you aren't too creeped out by my collection. I can always put it in storage and we can just run by bargain bits and pick up some 'lavish' decorum from over there. That's how the girls got this place looking so 'spick and span'. Hey wait? Doesn't The Princess have like, three castles? Maybe we can stay in one of those?" 

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If he comes back that is.




Grant's fingers flew furiously over the frazzled mainframe; too many more incidents like this, and he'd have to replace things - things he might not have the supplies to replace.  Still, Fate was smiling on him today, because he managed to get a spark going, and the system came back online.


"OhsweetCelestiaTHANK GOODNESS."


He pulled himself back onto the bed, then glanced at his hands.  They seemed to be shaking just a bit more than normal... but Grant simply shook his head and picked up his headset, dropping it into place on his skull once again.  A few button presses, and he slid back into the system smoothly.


As Twitch's mismatched eyes lit up, he looked around to see where he was... and was greeted with the sight of Professor Bee looking tired and a bit cross, Lab Tech looking bewildered and worried, and what was arguably once a living room table in pieces around him.


Twitch looked over at Bee and his faceplates spun into a sheepish grin.


"Uhm... hi, Professor..."


He had no idea exactly how VLAD had done what he had done, but one thing was certain - he was out of the Magitek lab, and he could have kissed VLAD for that.

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"Uhm... hi, Professor..."

Bee grumbled as her horn flared to life and magically reassembled her broken furnishings. VLAD was busy running GPS scramblers- it did not fancy either Twitch or Lab Tech being tracked to the apartment, after all. "The expression on your face says you have no idea why you're in my living room," Bee said, smiling in spite of how irritated she was. "So that makes two of us, at least. Or three, I guess," she said, glancing at Lab Tech.




Bee sighed. "Ugh. Don't quote protocol at me, VLAD. That's not what I asked and you know it."




Bee sighed heavily. It was pointless trying to argue with her construct. "Fine. Just do whatever it is you are doing quietly, ok? Like, remote download the necessary subroutines into an autonomous drone, so I can get some sleep."


VLAD beeped acknowledgement. Remote download... what an excellent idea.




Bee never specified where to download, after all.

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