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Conservative pundit slams MLP fanbase as "effeminate" and "un-manly"


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I know bronies fighting as soldiers in afganistan! I want to kill this guy and make cupcakes out of him!


Now, now, remember, that is not the brony-way... just LOVE AND TOLERATE THE **** OUTTA HIM!!! :angry:

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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I posted a comment but it said it has to be approved by a moderator first. I don't think it will be approved. It wasn't a hateful comment. It was an explanation as to why the article was biased and his points about MLP destroying values and couldn't compare to the morals of Star Trek and Lord of the Rings were unfounded. I also mentioned that there are bronies serving in the military and protect this country and its people with their lives just as much as any other soldier. I would love to see my comment get approved.


EDIT: While I typed this post, my comment was approved. I registered as Iloveponies.

Edited by bloodyfox
  • Brohoof 2
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I posted a comment but it said it has to be approved by a moderator first. I don't think it will be approved. It wasn't a hateful comment. It was an explanation as to why the article was biased and his points about MLP destroying values and couldn't compare to the morals of Star Trek and Lord of the Rings were unfounded. I also mentioned that there are bronies serving in the military and protect this country and its people with their lives just as much as any other soldier. I would love to see my comment get approved.


EDIT: While I typed this post, my comment was approved. I registered as Iloveponies.


Hah, great post dude /]
  • Brohoof 1

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I know it's been said a million times already, but I just read the article and I only have one thing to say:


This guy's a jerk.

Edited by lordbababa
  • Brohoof 1

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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I know it's been said a million times already, but I just read the article and I only have one thing to say:


This guy's a jerk.


The jerk store called, they're running out of him!


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Why do people assume that bronies don't have lives outside of MLP:FIM?


News flash: bronies are regular people. We have friends, we have family, we go to school, we have jobs, we pay bills, we have boyfriends, girlfriends, heck, some of us have husbands or wives, and some of us may even have children.


I suppose that assumption isn't much different from an older perspective that treats comic book fans or Star Trek fans like people who completely surround their lives with the stuff. It's a stereotype that's true for some but untrue for most, and it's a shame among nerd-kind that a perspective like that still exists.

  • Brohoof 4
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As soon as I loaded the page and saw the pic, I was just like "NOPE" and closed right out. If you're gonna criticize something, at least get the correct picture of whatever your criticizing. Freakin' cheezits.

  • Brohoof 2

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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I refuse to click the link and give that person the pageviews they're desperately seeking.


So I guess it's super effeminate and unmanly to raise money for various charities and to promote tolerance, love, and friendship.

Real manly men don't give a **** about others and create all the enemies they can.


Good talk. I'll be here enjoying myself watching and drawing ponies while this guy has a miserable life full of shallowness and judgment.


I know what you mean. I don't even want to give the guy any pageviews just because I know its a page with nothing but shit smeared all over it that he dubs "writing". See, I haven't even seen this article and what everybody is telling me is making me pissed. As if MW3 didn' do that enough today http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png



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Sometimes, there comes times in this world where some moron comes out with a stupid statement, and violently, brutally, and painfully murders every last shred of hope I have for the very concept of human intelligence. Sometimes, people do things so incredibly idiotic that it puts me in severe agony from its sheer idiocy and makes every living thing in the universe dumber for its existence. Sometimes, people make me think that all logic and reason are dead and that the only thing left for is their insidious pestilence of stupidity to eviscerate every organism in the entirety of existence with any shred of sentience.


Congrats, Kurt. You're an abomination.

  • Brohoof 2
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I just don't understand this hatred toward My Little Pony fans. When I was in college (I'm older than a lot of you) groups of college kids both male and female would get together in a dorm room to watch a cartoon called "Animaniacs." It was considered cool among the college kids. We also watched "Invader Zim." It's really common for adults to like cartoons and/or kid's shows. IT'S REALLY COMMON.


Thousands of adults love the Toy Story movies and other Disney/Pixar stuff, but you never see people acting like dicks about adult fans of the Toy Story movies. I guess it's just because there aren't any fan forums dedicated to Toy Story.


Then again, some people like to act like douches about anything they don't personally approve of. This guy is not a journalist ... he's just a douche pretending to be one.


Love Invader Zim and Animanicas! I was just a youngin when those shows were out!

"Hidden behind my grin is something cunning, and possibly wicked, but it is always honest."


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And then I knew the opinion didn't matter.


Yeah, that. 0_0


And what Doctor XFizzle said, too. Not about to give that idjit one more click. (facehoof)


Y'all just beat me to all the good comments here. lol


(noob waves hello)

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For one, would it have killed the guy to get an accurate pic?


To answer your rhetorical question, yes.

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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For one, would it have killed the guy to get an accurate pic?


Silly rational being, don't you know that the anti-thesis of ignorance is accuracy? But I wouldn't expect you to understand; you obviously are far too reasonable and logical to understand the ways of the ignorant and, for lack of a better term, stupid. Poor, poor rational soul. B)


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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1.This guy has the wrong pic

2.Has he even took the time to watch the show?


Clearly you cant say anything bad about MLP until you actually watched an episode or 2

  • Brohoof 2

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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According to this guy, watching a cartoon is sickening but brutally murdering other people is ok and should be what everyone does.


I don't recall him ever condoning any such thing in the article.


1.This guy has the wrong pic

2.Has he even took the time to watch the show?


Clearly you cant say anything bad about MLP until you actually watched an episode or 2


@ #2: Probably not.
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