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Conservative pundit slams MLP fanbase as "effeminate" and "un-manly"


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"magic unicorns that spray rainbows from their horns"




*SARCASM ALERT* Wow, I must have missed that episode, link? *SARCASM ALERT* :P Edited by Leatherneck
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Not to mention this show has the only pony in existence that can single-handedly turn rainbows into WMDs.


That's how we'll get Fox News to endorse MLP; just tell them that Rainbow Dash is always ready to combat the Red Menace with her nuclear rainbow destruction! Brilliant! ;)


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I just don't understand why people are so negative towards bronies. I mean seriously, are we doing anything harmful? I don't think so and yet we get so much attention from the media. Also, that guy needs a nice, long banishment to the moon.

  • Brohoof 3
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Again, the problem is not whether or not someone is conservative; the problem is just straight up ignorance.


Eh, I suppose "close-minded people" would be more accurate, then? :P
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