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Do you think the elements of Harmony would work on any of the DBZ villains?


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In FiM the most powerful enemy we have seen is Tirek, still the rainbow powers/elements of harmony managed to work quite well against him.


I'm curious though, do you think the EoH/RP would work on some much stronger villains from DBZ such as Freeza/Cell/Buu?

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On Buu: Sure. There's a friend waiting to happen in every young-at-heart (his good side anyway).

On Frieza: MAAAybe. They would have to reach inside to his subconcious past the source of his rage, and show him that lives can be worth sparing if you can see the value in people.

On Cell: Nah. Too cold and mechanical. He wants to be the best with no equals. Not exactly a room-leaver for friendship. Him and Dash would become mortal enemies.

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Different universe, different rules, so who knows.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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I would say yes since it even turned Discord into a statue. It might not outright kill them but it could probably imprison them in some kind of stasis form or about 1000 years (plenty of time for Goku to train up to beat them) or turn them into stone. The Elements of Harmony is magic based that could even defeat Discord so yeah might be able to take them out.


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I would say yes since it even turned Discord into a statue. It might not outright kill them but it could probably imprison them in some kind of stasis form or about 1000 years (plenty of time for Goku to train up to beat them) or turn them into stone. The Elements of Harmony is magic based that could even defeat Discord so yeah might be able to take them out.


And in DBZ, Bibidi and Babidi were able to repeatedly imprison Buu.

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