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open The lost one.(always open )

Colenso Rivers

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Yack, yack, yackit, yack, yack. *Bum bum, bum bum, bum bum, bum bum, bum bum,* The incessant ringing of tinitis in his mind worsened by his nerves. Too much noise. And so he shouted at his mind and body, SILENCE, i am your ruler, and this is my redemption! Don't ruin me... So he pulled out Redwoods chair for her before taking his own seat and flipping open his menu. His eyes and movements betrayed nothing than face values. And a most sincere, "thank you."

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@@Colenso Rivers,


After a few minutes of looking through the menu, Redwood said, "Ah think ah'll have th' hayburger and an order of fries. Y'all can have some if you want, ah might not finish 'em. Although, like th' hayburgers, they're real tasty. What're y'all havin'?"


Redwood was oblivious to the struggle going on inside Echo's head, and she was simply happy to be eating after skipping lunch.

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He closed the menu smoothly, in fact, most of his movements seemed that way. Unlike the strength he showed at work, or the shaking unstable pony that struck the troublemaker. His eyes closed serenely as he said, "I'll have the same. Thank you." Then at her, steady eye contact with a smile, "I wouldn't remember, its been a while since my last."

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood was a bit confused, although it was kind of nice to see a smile on Echo's face. In fact, she didn't think she'd seen his smile before, or even make real eye contact for that matter. It seemed like she was breaking down the wall between him and the rest of the world.


"Since yer last what?" she asked.

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He said with a sense of humor, "Well, many things, but I was speaking about hayburgers." Two glasses of water were served to their table as they waited. He took a steady drink before he set down his glass gingerly and continued, "But no misery made in forgetting."

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@@Colenso Rivers,


'What the hell is he talking about?' Redwood thought to herself.


"Uum, whaddaya mean by that?" she asked.


Redwood was hoping that Echo wouldn't have a breakdown in the middle of the cafe. Although, this also might be the first real social interaction he's had in a long time.

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He bit his lip, looking down in bittersweet thought before saying, "The good memories, like good times with loved ones, I cradle in my arms and cry over for they are lost. The bad ones I hold tightly in my heart, for while it makes me bleed, reminds me of my misdeeds and forces me to be better.... The small ones, like hayburgers, just fade with time." It was something he had thought long and hard about, then back up at her, "Is the military the same?"

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@@Colenso Rivers


"Hoo boy. Well, ah guess y'all could say that. Everypony comes outta it different. Some come out heroes, proud of thier service. Others get broken, and ain't ever th' same. Mahself, ah like to think ah'm one of th' tougher ones. Do ah got some memories ah keep locked up tight? Sure. But ah got good ones too. When yer in th' army, th' ponies who you fight with are like family."

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This was painful upon him. During his stay, he'd seen so many of the convicts getting along, supporting each other, but as surrounded by others as he was, he was completely alone. So he gave of a fake, faint smile and breathed out a faint whisper, "Yeah," before taking another drink to fill the hollow he felt in his heart. He fought alone, and he alone took responsibility for his wrongs, letting the others thrust their guilt, shame and anger out on him.


(You can decide when service comes at the place.)

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Virtus felt like the mare was acting a little strange by the way she spoke, or maybe it was just him. Regardless, changelings were okay in his book. "Love is one of the ways changelings live off of. Though, it would depend on what type of emotion they prefer, of course love is one of the easiest to obtain, but not every changeling will like it." He finished and started glancing around as if trying to find something.


"Hm, I can't help but think I'm forgetting something since I came here... What was it?" Virtus asked himself, tapping his chin with a hoof and his left brow risen. It was then his stomach growled and rumbled. "Oh, right, food! I haven't ate anything since this morning. Well, Luna, I would love to stand here and continue our conversation, but I'm afraid I need to search for some nourishment for my stomach. Would like to join me?" The pegasus asked her.



(( ooc: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been studying for a test I needed to take today. ))

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood could see the look in Echo's eyes once more. As before, it brought pain to,Redwood to see his hardship.


"Hey, chin up. Y'all got me as a friend now," she said.


The waiter then walked up and asked what they were having.


"We're both havin' a hayburger and a side of fries," Redwood replied.

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Virtus felt like the mare was acting a little strange by the way she spoke, or maybe it was just him. Regardless, changelings were okay in his book. "Love is one of the ways changelings live off of. Though, it would depend on what type of emotion they prefer, of course love is one of the easiest to obtain, but not every changeling will like it." He finished and started glancing around as if trying to find something.


"Hm, I can't help but think I'm forgetting something since I came here... What was it?" Virtus asked himself, tapping his chin with a hoof and his left brow risen. It was then his stomach growled and rumbled. "Oh, right, food! I haven't ate anything since this morning. Well, Luna, I would love to stand here and continue our conversation, but I'm afraid I need to search for some nourishment for my stomach. Would like to join me?" The pegasus asked her.



(( ooc: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been studying for a test I needed to take today. ))


"I wouldn't really mind, but I can cook a bit, then again that might be a bad idea. I live with three other ponies, and they are a very interesting group. " Luna laughed a little over the memories she has. Trying to think of something and not wanting to hurt this pony that he just met.

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He looked up at her as his heart filled with something he hadn't known since he was a foal... Not joy, not even relief... Hope, but only after he looked for any lies inside of her. He gulped and nodded before saying, "Well. I guess there's nothing else that I could ask for.... Thank you." His eyes met hers again, and while there was no smile, there was a sort of peace about him.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood met Echo's eyes and felt a warm feeling inside herself. She had thought this feeling had been drowned by the violence she had both committed and witnessed, and it was good to feel it again. Redwood had a real friend, after all of hers had been gone.


"Feelin's mutual," she said.

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He shook off his heart and went for a more casual and less heartfelt conversation topic, "So Redwood, what was life like before the military for you?" He fifured getting to know his friend was a requirement to having one, he'd never done it right before. It wasn't like he wasn't interested either.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"It's funny, that's just more military. Mah family's proud army stock. Mah Ma and Pa were in th' army, grandpa, aunt and uncle, little brother, big sister, th' list goes on. It'd be quicker to list who wasn't in th' army. An'd been raised as an army gal, just like th' rest of my family."

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"Well...................................................................................." The silence that followed was him trying to come up with conversational topics, but frankly he was out of practice and he didn't have much to go off of. Then he perked up, "So what do you do on your down time." He was exceptionally proud of himself for that meager addition.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Well, ah used to play some sports here and there. Ah used to be real good at hoofball. Ah also like to have a good game of cards. Just havin' a drink or two with some friends is somethin' ah'm always up for. Y'know, ah been goin' on about mahself, why don'tcha tell me a little about you?"

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He was wordstruck. OH MY CELESTIA!!! CASUAL CONVERSATION! He took another drink and then looked up at her as if hadn't caught what she said, "Hmmm." Then answered awkwardly, "Oooohh. Umm.. I like to write. Aaaand I play music....... Ooo! And I like tooo..... *shit* ThiiiIIInk?" Yep... He was going to go home tonight and will himself dead.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


The waitress came back with their food. "Enjoy," she said.


Redwood picked up her burger and took a satisfying bite. It had been cooked to perfection, and tasted delicious. She then said, "What kinda music do y'all play? Ah know how cliché it is, but ah'm a sucker fer country."

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He nodded to the waitress with a , "Thank you," and took a bite. From which a jolt of chills ran visibly down his body and blushed before an almost too punctuative swallow. He closed his eyes with a sense of pleasure that threatened to overflow from within him and spill out onto the table before he answered smoothly, "Rock, metal, sometimes classic." His eyes turned up to her before responding, "Cliche's are good if executed well."

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Are y'all alright?" Redwood asked with a chuckle. "Ah know th' burgers here are real good, but they ain't that good. Anyways, playin' music's real nice. When ah was little, ah took harmonica lessons, but that went all of nowhere."


Redwood ate a few of her fries, which were just as good.


(I'm going to bed now)

Edited by crispy fries
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His head fell to the table as he ate and answered, "Well I can either just contain this goodness, or amplify it for myself..." He looked towards her and asked sensibly for how nonsensical he was being, "Well you had fun playing while you did, didn't you?" He looked at her with wide eyes as another french fry disappeared into the abyss.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Ah'll admit, it was kinda fun to annoy mah siblings with mah terrible playin'. Hey, y'all mentioned that y'all liked to write. Whaddaya like to write about?" Redwood said as she took another savory bite of her burger.


The conversation seemed to be going fine so far, even if Echo was a little weird. He seemed to actually be opening up.

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He picked his lips and looked aside, commenting, "The kazoo was my instrument of chaos until I moved to the bass..." Then back to her wit a mouth full. He waited a moment until it was vacant again before shyly adding, "Fantasy, sci-fi, horror... just nerdy stuff." He picked his head up again.

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