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drama The Chronicles of Damien Bolt


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This is a Fan-Fic that tells the story of my OC, Damien Bolt. So, without further ado, let us begin...





Part One: Discovery


Present day:


Chapter One: Mike was an ordinary pony. He wasn't exactly very special, he was a janitor. Although he did work at a special place: The Crystal Castle in the Crystal Empire. His parents had told him to take his talent(cleaning) to a place he would love. So he moved to the Crystal Empire and landed a job as the janitor at the Crystal Castle. -



- One day he was making his rounds through the massive castle when a bottle of cleaner fell off of his cart and hit the floor with a soft thump, he propped his mop against one of the ornate light fixtures on the wall and bent over to pick it up. After he picked it up, he went to grab his mop to find it stuck in the light fixture. He pulled on it, but it wouldn't budge. He then gave it a hard yank and the fixture turned to the left with a click. Then a secret door in the wall opened up right before his eyes...




Chapter two: Mike was shocked! He knew that the castle had many undiscovered secrets but he hadn't expected to find one himself! Multiple thoughts raced through his mind,"I discovered a hidden tunnel!" "Is it safe!" "What's in there?"


"Oh what the hay!" He said to himself as he slowly crept into the dark musty tunnel that lay before him. After a few minutes of walking he tripped on a rock and fell down what felt like ten flights of stairs. Once he landed at the bottom he got up and, as if on cue, crystal lights along the walls lit up, one after another brightening up the room. As he looked around he noticed a few things sitting on podiums, an intricately crafted obsidian sword, a helmet shaped to look like a wolf's head(also made out of obsidian) and a few other interesting objects. But what caught his eye the most was what appeared to be five crystal statues of ponies in the center of the room...




Chapter Three: Mike was so shocked when he saw those statues, his jaw practically hit the floor!At first he had thought that there was somepony else in the room. As he walked toward the statues he heard a voice echo through the room say,


"who is there?"


Mike was instantly terrified by the mysterious voice and only responded with:


"m-my name is Mike, I'm j-just the janitor."


For about ten seconds there was just silence, then the voice spoke again.


"How many years has it been since the fall of King Sombra?"


Mike then responded with:


I-It's been a th-thousand years."


"A THOSAND YEARS!!!" The voice boomed. I'VE BEEN TRAPPED HERE FOR A THOUSAND YEARS!!! That is an- interesting development. Tell me, is Celestia still the reigning Princess?"


Mike was startled at the sudden change of tone but responded none the less.


"Yes she is, but where are you? And more importantly,who are you?"


The voice then said: "Alright, I'm trapped inside the middle crystal statue right there. And my name is Damien, Damien Bolt...




Chapter Four: "I'm pretty sure you want to know more about me than just my name." Damien said.


Mike then nodded in response.


"Alright, let's start when it all began. One thousand and fifteen years ago I was found alone and abandoned at only a few days old by two crystal ponies, Opal and Onyx. They took me in and raised me along side their two children, Sapphire, the older brother and Ruby the little sister. It was the day of my fifteenth (or so they guessed) birthday when it all went downhill. That was the day King Sombra took over the Crystal Empire and enslaved all the Crystal Ponies. But a few of my friends and I managed to escape being captured, they were:



Topaz, a tall and strong orange stallion who had a secret crush on:


Amethyst, a beautiful lavender mare who could make an entire group of young stallions pass out by looking at them.


Emerald, a smart young stallion who could calculate the possible outcomes of a situation In moments.


And last there was Jade, the most beautiful mare in the Empire(to me at least) who was incredibly fast and had a quick wit too.


When Sombra took over and our parents were captured, we started The Resistance. A group of ponies devoted to overthrowing Sombra and freeing the ponies he had enslaved. It is getting late, come back tomorrow and I will tell you more."


With his blood pumping with excitement from what he had learned, he said goodbye to Damien and went home for the night...




The story for part four's Resistance was based upon the song "A call to Arms (Act I)" By "Crown the Empire". Actually, most of the plot of my story is based upon their music.




Chapter Five: The next morning, Mike got up early and got to work as fast as possible. He then proceeded to pull the light fixture to the left and the secret door opened up again.


"So it wasn't a dream!" Mike said to himself. Once he arrived at the bottom of the stairs, he called out "Damien! Are you still here?" In response he got:


"ha ha ha. Very funny Mike. How would I go anywhere, I'm stuck inside s statue you know."


"Can you get back to the story?" Mike asked.


Damien then responded with: "Alright, where was I? Oh right, we had just formed The Resistance. So after about a month of recruiting, we planned our first attack on Sombra, a raid on his crystal mines to free his slaves. Everything had gone to plan until-until I went to find my family. I asked around and eventually found somepony who could tell me where they were. The news broke my heart, and my resolve, they had all died recently when a tunnel caved in. I-I was heartbroken, crushed. I didn't know how I could go on, until it occurred to me that there was someone to blame, Sombra. It was him who had captured my family, it was him who had sent them to the mines, so it was his fault that they had died. From that point on all of our raids directly hurt Sombra. From destroying supply trains, to razing his army's camps to the ground. Then, after months of planning and scouting, we finally had a plan to attack Sombra directly and storm the Crystal Castle. It took many hours of fighting, and both sides had many casualties when we finally made it to the throne room..."



Chapter Six: "Finally, after months of fighting, I had found him sitting on his throne seeming to be waiting for me.


'So, it seems you got here at last. You've kept me waiting for quite some time.'


Then I said: 'You killed my family, you enslaved the entire Empire, and kill countless ponies. But no more! Today you shall meet your end Sombra! Today you shall pay for your sins and you shall die by my blade!'


Just then, a large group of Sombra's soldiers arrived behind us.


'We'll take care of them Damien, you go get Sombra!'


I then approached the Unicorn King himself.


'Let's make this quick I have more pressing matters to attend to elsewhere.' Said Sombra.


"Oh I'll make this quick, if you'll just stay still.' Damien retorted.


'Foolish child, you think that you can best me?' He then leaped down from his throne and used his telekinesis to pick up his scythe. 'Think again!'


We then clashed for what felt like hours, with neither of us gaining any ground. Until my friends finished off the last of Sombra's soldiers and came to join me.


'Five against one is hardly fair.' Said Sombra. 'So if you cheat, I CHEAT!' He bellowed and then cast a spell.


Before any of us could react, we were encased inside crystal. My body may have been frozen but my mind was not.


Sombra then burst into a fit if maniacal laughter.




I then used my magic to communicate via telepathy.


'You won't get away with this Sombra!'


'Oh but I already have.'


He then used his telekinesis and put us in his hidden trophy room, where we are now."


Mike was amazed at the fact that just a bunch of teenagers had put together an army and almost overthrown a king!


"Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked.


"All you could to is find somepony with strong enough magic to free us from our prison. Will you do that for us Mike?"


"I will do my best Damien." He said.


End Part One.





Part Two: Change.


Chapter One: Mike ran as fast as he could to the throne room of the castle. It was there that he knew that he could find the one pony in the entire Empire who could help Damien: Princess Cadence. As he got to the door, he was stopped by the guards.


"Who are you and what is your business here?" One of them asked.


"Well it's obvious he's the janitor" said the other.


"Well I know That but what does he want?"


"Let's ask him and find out then genius."


"What is your business here?!?" They said in unison.


"I need to tell the princess something it's urgent!"


The guards looked at each other and they said.


"You may pass."


And opened the doors. He walked down the hall to the throne at the end, and when he arrived Cadence asked:


"What do you need?"


He took a moment to gather his thoughts and then told her the story of what had happened. After listening to this Cadence said:


"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go free him!"



Chapter Two: As Cadence and Mike reached the bottom of the stairs, Cadence was shocked by the sheer amount of relics in Sombra's trophy room.


"Stop staring at those things and come on!" Mike said. "We have to get him out of there!"


Cadence followed with a little reluctance. Once they got to statues, Cadence closely examined them to find out what kind of magic had been used in their creating.


"Uh, Mike?" Damien said. "Why is she staring at my butt?"


At those words Cadence jumped and fell over backwards. "Good grief! What was that?"


"That was Damien." Said Mike.


"How does he do that?"


"He told me that he uses telepathy."


"Impressive, how did you learn to do that Damien?"


"I don't know really, I've just always known how to do some of these things. No offense, but could we please get back to getting me out of here?"


"Oh, sorry, I kinda got carried away there didn't I. Alright let's give this a shot!"


As she started charging her horn with magic it glowed an bright pink. Then after a flash of light the crystal encasing Damien and his friends exploded and shattered like a thousand glass windows breaking at once





Thank you everypony for making it possible to reach 100 views!




Chapter Three: Damien was free, FREE! After a thousand years of torture he was finally free!


"Guys, we're finally free!" Damien exclaimed.


(Fast forward a few days...) "What do you mean we have to be separated!?" Damien yelled.


"I don't like it any more than you do, but it's not my choice, it's the way the system works." Said Cadence. If I could change it, I would but it isn't up to me. The council would have to change all sorts of laws and it probably wouldn't work out anyway."


Damien was crestfallen, a few days after finally being able to talk with his friends again, he would have to say goodbye. - - At the ponyville train station, they all said their goodbyes, and Damien got off the train.


"I'll see you guys again someday, I promise!!!" Damien yelled as the train started to leave the station. "At least, I hope so..."




You can expect some t.C.o.D.B. animations soon because i'm working on some animations with a friend of mine called Bajam.


Edited by DamienBolt8592
  • Brohoof 1

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Chapter Four: Damien was sad, he had just been reunited with his friends only to have to leave them days later. Cadence had told him that for now, he would have to stay with a friend of her's, Twilight Sparkle. He approached the giant castle and was greeted at the door by a young dragon.


"Hello, I'm Spike. And you must be Damien, we got a letter from Cadence the other day saying that you would be here soon. So, come on in. Make yourself at home!"


Damien walked through the doors and made his way into the grand hall. He was then greeted by Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six. Twilight then proceed to ask him a slough of questions about himself and the war, which he answered reluctantly. So, after the introductions were taken care of Twilight then showed Damien to his room.


"Wow, this is HUGE!" Damien said. "This is very nice of you to let me stay here Twilight."


"Oh, don't mention it, I have plenty of room here and it's always nice to have company." Twilight said.


Damien then remembered what his room used to look like and was lost deep in thought when Twilight said:"I think I'll leave you to get settled." And left the room...



Chapter Five: The next day Damien woke up to find a note an his desk, it read:


"Dear Damien, I have to take care of some things today so you will be there alone. There us plenty of food in the kitchen if you get hungry. Well, you get it. Just don't brake anything.


See you later today,




Damien spent most of the day exploring the castle, that is, until he found the library. Then he spent most of the afternoon reading. When it was almost dinner time, Twilight came back.


"Hey Damien, we have a surprise for you, come outside."


Damien walked through the hallways and eventually got to the door. When he opened it, he was greeted with just about all of ponyville shouting "SURPRISE!!!"-



-Later that night, after the party had ended and everypony had gone home. Damien climbed into bed and slowly drifting off to sleep. The next thing Damien knew, he was standing alone in the middle of a creepy open space with a thin layer of fog on the ground.


"Hello?" Damien said. "Is anypony there?"


Then a deep ominous voice that seemed to come from every direction said: "Well, it seems we have finally met Damien."


"Who are you? And why are you in my dream?" Said Damien.


The voice then responded, "Oh I'm not just in your dream Damien, I'm in your head. And I've been here for a long time now."


"Why are you in my head? And more importantly, how?"


"Well, that was a long time ago. But I think I can remember, oh yes. It was when Celestia and Luna destroyed Sombra. I was severed from his soul and would have died had your defenseless body not been near by. So I paid you a visit and decided to stay. And I have big plans for you Damien, big plans..."




Get ready for Ragnarok! Coming soon in part three!!!

Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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This is an interesting first draft, but it will take a lot of polishing to get into what I consider a good book. First off, it's very rushed. There's little to no exposition, which forces the story forward at a reckless pace. Second, you tell too much and show too little, for instance, instead of saying Mike was startled, you could say Mike's eyes opened wide and his jaw nearly hit the floor. Third, general writing problems, such as grammar, and the lack of paragraphs, though you did much better in the fifth chapter. And last but not least, there's not much characterization.


With that said, I do like the story, so far. Having a fragment of Sombra inside Damien could be a very good plot point, though if you don't handle it right, it could go badly. It's a good first draft, in any case. ^^

This is my signature.

Because everyone needs a signature.



Special thanks to Blue Moon for the signature pic.

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Thanks for the advice, this is my first fanfic so I'm pretty new to this. I will be sure to take what you said into account and "polish" this up.



The inspiration for Damien came from the character "Johnny Ringo" from Crown the Empire's music. And the idea for having a piece of Sombra's shadow came from watching Ask King Sombra by Bobby G.

Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Here are some kewl photos.



  • Brohoof 1

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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UPDATE: Fight Scene,


Hello, I re-wrote Part One, Chapter Six with a fight scene. Hope you all enjoy! :D

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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INFO: Part two Chapter three


If you were confused by what happened in this chapter then here is some information. You see since Damien's family died in the mines, he has no one to live with. (And if you think that his friends don't either, since the entire Empire was lost for a thousand years, time there was stopped. So their families are still alive.) So then Cadence has it arranged so Damien can stay with Twilight in her castle.


Hope this clears up some confusion.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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