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private Escape from Deep Science

Illiad Easle

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Gale looked over the two doors and figured that it going into either would be a possible death sentence. It wouldn't do any good to sit around and do nothing, though. The dragoness then moved towards the left door and tried to open it via the card scanner

Edited by Drago Ryder
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The next room was a familiar scene, a large security door with an elevator to his left. This one was unlabeled, and next to the door seemed to be a horseshoe scanner instead of the number pad. "For your sake I would hope not, I am presently unable to track 106 so I can't say whether he is down there or not. I will not be able to track or speak to you while you are down there, so listen closely. 049 may try to trap you down there as he has the switches to the elevators. You will have to flip both if you want to return to this level. Good luck."




The yarn was immediately agitated at the sight of Shadow sharpening a blade, the room was suddenly devoid of all light. Shadow could hear heavy breathing just behind him.


@@Drago Ryder,  


The scanner accepted her card and the two heavy containment doors opened.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Copper nodded in his turn, knowing now what he was going to be up against.  "Alright.  I'm gonna do my best."  He went into the elevator and pressed the button, and then he gulped nervously, knowing what he would be up against.  He was going to have to be super quick in order to perform the series of actions necessary.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Illiad Easle,

When Shadow heard the heavy breathing, he jumped up and swung the scythe at waist high then took a step back and said,

"Who's there, I will kill ya. Just back away and ya won't get hurt even more."

He listened closely to any noise that will let him know where the creature is.

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Gale's eyes widened and and she wasn't really expecting both of the doors to open. The dragoness then tried to relax before heading into the right door. She could feel her fire building up inside of her, and she was also ready to run if need be. "What were they storing in here?" She thought.

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It wasn't long before the elevator doors opened again to reveal tunnels quite similar to the maintenance ones. The right was an immediate dead end, but the left continued to a corner that also turned left.




The breathing seemed to move with him, as if the creature were always behind him, just out of sight, just out of reach. He could have swore he felt something brush across his back.


@@Drago Ryder,  


The other side of the security wall was a mirror image to the one she came from, it quickly became clear that both of the doors led to the same area on the other side of the wall. A closed door labeled Heavy Containment sat with a button opposite to the door she had come through.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle

Pink had dawdled at the chest longer than was probably smart, and Gale was nowhere to be found. With her new ballistics armor and firearm, the fluffy pony felt a bit more secure, however. 

She too retraced her steps to the four-way intersection, this time turning right. 

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Gale noticed the door she came through led to the same area as the other and looked at the door in front of her. It could lead to either death or freedom, and she couldn't waste time. She then pressed the button and hoped that whatever she would find was still contained..

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@@Illiad Easle,

Shadow turned around and swung his scythe down at the ground as if he was slicing something down the middle. He jumped back and said,

"I don't know what your problem, I'm not having a great day, so, why don't ya leave me alone."

He looked around to see if there was anything that could help him see

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@@Illiad Easle


Copper exhaled a long sigh.  He decided to walk the whole way to the containment area, in order to conserve his energy for as soon as he saw the creature.  He knew the stakes of surviving, and for keeping the title of fastest Earth Pony, he had to prove it.  He rounded the left corner of the section he was in, then made another left on the corner beyond it.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The door opened to a short hallway that had been blocked by a door much closer than usual, there was also a door to the immediate right of the door she was looking through.


@@Drago Ryder,


The door opened to a length of security hallway much like the one she had gone through soon after waking up, there was another door at the far end.




His scythe passed through the air like there was nothing, still the breathing continued, seeming to come closer with every breath. It was profoundly dark in the room, maybe the effect was limited to this room only.




As he turned the corner he could see the containment area up ahead. About midway down the hall on the left was a large open security door, on the right was a closed door that didn't seem to have any way to open it. There were two decaying bodies on the floor of the hallway past the door. The tunnel turned right after that.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Copper stopped just short of the containment area, gulping in anticipation.  He knew he had to be as quick as he possibly could in order to do what he needed to.  He closed his eyes, saying a silent prayer to Celestia, then opened the door, ready for anything to happen.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Illiad Easle,

Shadow stepped out of the  room and looked into the room. He looked at his blade and said, 
"What the hell is wrong with this place. I wonder how many jobs I have to do when I get back. They must think I'm dead."

He opened the portal and pulled out a glow stick. He cracked it with the side of his claw and tossed it into the room.

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Gale looked around as she moved foward, not really sure what to expect at this point. As soon as she saw the door. she began to look around for a way to open it. Eventuality, the dragoness gave the door a light tap in an attempt to open it. She had no idea what was on the other side.

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Despite pressing the button next to the door across from the open large door of the containment area, nothing happened. It seemed this door was broken. As he had come down the hall to the door however he could see one of the switches he needed to flip inside the containment area and no sign of 049. Perhaps the other switch was in there too. Next to the containment area was a sign: 'SCP-049: Euclid. Sentient and Violent.' It had a picture of an old fashioned plague doctor complete with the pointed mask.




The darkening effect did not spread to out of the room, though the added glow-stick could no longer be seen once it passed the threshold of the door. Quite the odd effect. (It was this or you going permanently deaf). The breathing could no longer be heard, likely whatever made the noise was still in there.


@@Drago Ryder,  


On closer examination of the door she found a button next to it, it looked similar to the ones she had encountered so it seemed that this section operated on the same mechanics as the last.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Shadow got an idea, he tried to will the shadows to his will, but he couldn't control it. He tapped his metal claw against the ground and sighed when he heard the familiar clicking of metal on tiles, then he headed to the office to see if he could find anything that could help him

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It didn't take long for Gale to notice the button and with a slight hesitation, gently pressed it down into the wall. She knew that it would open the door and she also knew that she should proceed with extreme caution. While she was curious to see what was behind the door, she didn't know how it would react to seeing her.

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@@Illiad Easle,

Looking between the two doors- one on the right and one on the left, Pink really didn't have many qualms about picking one. They both looked equally (and probably misleadingly) not-dangerous. She armed the pellet-weapon and sidled up to the door, pushing it open and ducking immediately back into the hallway, gun at the ready.  

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@@Illiad Easle


Copper didn't know what to do now.  How was he supposed to get inside the containment area to get the card needed to get where Colon is at?  He looked around, wanting to know where he could open the door.  He shrugged, then decided to try and open the door himself, so he pushed on the door.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Given the coordinates on the map the head office should be straight down the hall from where he had found the navigator. As he entered the room on the other side of the room he found the navigator in he found a long hallway with a door on the far end, and a door to either side about midway down the hallway. The left door had a number pad but the door was already open, the right door had a button like most of the doors in this facility.


@@Drago Ryder,


The door opened to reveal a T shaped security hallway with a button operated door to the left and right, there was no sign of anything interesting here, maybe that was a good thing.




The small door did not budge when he pressed on it, maybe it wasn't meant to be opened from his side? From his current vantage point if he turned around he could see right through the open door to the containment area where no trace of 049 could be found, but the other switch and the level four card could be seen at the opposite end of the room from the first switch.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle

Shadow looked around and saw that the door was open, He cautiously walked up to the left door and got ready to swing with his sword at whatever is on the other side. He placed a claw on the door and slowly pushed it open while holding his breath to hear anything. 

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Gale walked forwards and looked between the two paths. She had no idea where she was going at this point and didn't really spend a lot of time thinking about it. The dragoness the walked down the left path and pressed the button next to the door. A few possibilities ran through her mind as to what she would find on the other side and none of them appealed to her.

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The door opened to reveal a sort of monitoring area for the next room. No cameras, just a microphone, which picked up nothing but the ambient noise of the facility. Something was on the other side of that wall. This room had a door to the left, on which an old note was posted. 'Warning: testing of SCP-1074 in progress. Do not look at SCP-1074 even partially.' She would have to take caution if she opened this door.




The room was a large office, every surface of which had been heavily corroded, by the goo creature no doubt. Two slightly burnt notes could be found among the ruins of the office, as well as a pair of saddlebags, seemingly untouched by the corrosive goo. They were tagged SCP-101. Just inside the door was a corroded nameplate, 'Dr. L.'


Burnt notes:


"Stupid machine with a stupid idea of a stupid world. Buggering clockwork moron doesn't play fair. I gave it a nice card, and asked nice, and I got a better one in return. Off I skip, until the old man comes and takes my toys away, and off I run. I give it again, and sweet talk and pet, and I get some kind of plastic stick. It glows. The doors don't know it, the computers don't like it, and now I can't open the security boot. I need to get another, try again, maybe, but he's there, sitting, standing, stalking. I can't go back, I hear scraping. Where did my batteries go?"

"Recalled to the pain, as a dinner bell, or just a shiny thing? I can't get to the section with the recall set-up, so I'm the brightest, most ringing bit here. Just a little snap, a little cut, and the old man comes a runnin'. We never know what, or why, but on he comes, The floodlights are supposed to subdue, the shapes and liquids, confuse, but I think he's just lazy. Like a lion. Roar. Takes what he can, but isn't about to work for it. There's always another day, another way, another dead. I can hear him watching me. Through the floors, watching like a fish tank. Blub blub."



@@Drago Ryder,  


The door opened to reveal another Tesla gate, it seemed to operate on the same principle as the one they had encountered previously.




The door behind Heart opened, revealing the concrete statue. If she didn't act soon she would be dead.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle

Shadow placed the notes in his bag and grabbed the saddlebag and looked inside of it. As he was walking he yawn and decided that after he checks the two doors he will get some rest. He walked out of the left door and headed to the right door. He pressed the button and walked in

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The bag was much deeper looking in than it would appear on the outside, deep enough that he would have to stick his whole arm/foreleg in to reach the bottom, perhaps that was it's anomalous property. At the very bottom of the bag was a level five key-card.


The room opposite to Dr L.'s office was a conference room. It was unfortunately devoid of anything useful unless he could find a long flat table useful. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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