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The generation three bashing needs to stop


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It shouldn't even exist, in my opinion, unless it's specifically gen 3.5, Newborn Cooties. Each gen (besides Newborn Cooties) has charm, and appeal, even if just very slight.


Personally, I adore gen 3. Sunny Daze is cool, Toola Roola is cute as a button, and relateable as an artist, and Star Catcher is gorgeous, and quite a unique looking pegasus. Kimono is wise and level headed, and definitely needed more screen time, and Puzzlemint's accent is cute. And even though Silver Swirl was a g3 toyline exclusive, her design is prety cool.


There's no need for genfourers to hate on g3, or even older gens. It's not cool, and looks immature and disrespectful to a gen that bred gen 4, and provided many of the beloved gen 4 characters we love today.


Thoughts on gen 3 ponies? (Stay respectful)

Thoughts on the g3 bashing from Bronies? (Stay respectful)

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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It shouldn't even exist, in my opinion, unless it's specifically gen 3.5, Newborn Cooties. Each gen (besides Newborn Cooties) has charm, and appeal, even if just very slight.




There's no need for genfourers to hate on g3, or even older gens. It's not cool, and looks immature and disrespectful to a gen that bred gen 4, and provided many of the beloved gen 4 characters we love today.


Saying that G3 hate shouldn't exist, and following it up immediately by saying that G3.5 hate is okay, and then adding that hating older Generations is immature and disrespectful is pretty much a self contradicting argument.  This comes across as 'don't hate G3 because I like it, but feel free to hate 3.5 because I thought it sucked as well'.


Liking G4 does not create some sort of obligation to like earlier iterations, it comes down purely to whether or not the individual in question appreciates the aesthetic and content of those earlier generations.  Whether or not G4 characters share a lineage with earlier iterations is completely irrelevant.


I withhold any specific comment on the earlier generations because (apart from the very first episode and maybe one of the films) I haven't seen much of them, what I did see didn't give me any inclination to watch more.


It's a work of entertainment, people are free to like or dislike it as their own view dictates.  I would however caveat that last statement with the condition that expressions of hatred for G3 should come from only those people who have seen enough of it to make a fair assessment of whether or not it appeals to them.

  • Brohoof 4


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Sounds like you're pulling a looper here...


Personally, I don't like G3 nor G3.5 because of the shallowness of it all...

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Saying that G3 hate shouldn't exist, and following it up immediately by saying that G3.5 hate is okay, and then adding that hating older Generations is immature and disrespectful is pretty much a self contradicting argument.  This comes across as 'don't hate G3 because I like it, but feel free to hate 3.5 because I thought it sucked as well'.


Liking G4 does not create some sort of obligation to like earlier iterations, it comes down purely to whether or not the individual in question appreciates the aesthetic and content of those earlier generations.  Whether or not G4 characters share a lineage with earlier iterations is completely irrelevant.


I withhold any specific comment on the earlier generations because (apart from the very first episode and maybe one of the films) I haven't seen much of them, what I did see didn't give me any inclination to watch more.


It's a work of entertainment, people are free to like or dislike it as their own view dictates.  I would however caveat that last statement with the condition that expressions of hatred for G3 should come from only those people who have seen enough of it to make a fair assessment of whether or not it appeals to them.

my only agument was that gen 1-3 (sans 3.5) had appeal. I've watched 3.5 and going off what I saw, there was no appeal at all. I tried looking, but failed to find anything. If you want to call me contradictory, then please, present something that shows that 3.5 has appeal, then I'll edit my post

Sounds like you're pulling a looper here...


Personally, I don't like G3 nor G3.5 because of the shallowness of it all...

it's only shallow if you don't bother trying to dissect it, like everyone does with g4.

The ponies have character and quirks, when you really look at it. Plus, what's great is that it de-glamorizes the princess trope in "Princess Promenade"

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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my only agument was that gen 1-3 (sans 3.5) had appeal. I've watched 3.5 and going off what I saw, there was no appeal at all. I tried looking, but failed to find anything. If you want to call me contradictory, then please, present something that shows that 3.5 has appeal, then I'll edit my post


Appeal is not universal, just because G3 holds appeal for you it does not make it axiomatic that it must hold appeal for everyone else.  If you need proof of that just look at any discussion about any episode or character on this site and you will find a whole range of different views from a whole range of different people.

Edited by Concerned Bystander


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G3 isn't that bad. I mean people are within their rights to hate something based upon the quality, but G3.5 I feel is mostly disliked because it had a younger target audience clearly. G1 is pretty good, and G2 technically didn't have a show. I saw G1 and it's not that bad.

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G3 isn't that bad. I mean people are within their rights to hate something based upon the quality, but G3.5 I feel is mostly disliked because it had a younger target audience clearly. G1 is pretty good, and G2 technically didn't have a show. I saw G1 and it's not that bad.

disliking something is one thing. Going out of your way to bash it and make fun of it is another. The latter is what I'm addressing.

As fof the former, and quality issues, I think people tend to forget that technology, even for such a short time ago when g3 aired, wasn't as advanced and polished as what tech can do, today

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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disliking something is one thing. Going out of your way to bash it and make fun of it is another. The latter is what I'm addressing.

As fof the former, and quality issues, I think people tend to forget that technology, even for such a short time ago when g3 aired, wasn't as advanced and polished as what tech can do, today


Why? People don't like something, they generally voice it. It is the nature of men. Bashing something people dislike is just how it's going to go sometimes, and they are within their right to do that. Now going to people who like it in topics that are clearly designed to praise the content and not asking for opinions and raining on people's parades is a crappy thing to do, but other than that, people can hate if they want to hate.

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Why? People don't like something, they generally voice it. It is the nature of men. Bashing something people dislike is just how it's going to go sometimes, and they are within their right to do that. Now going to people who like it in topics that are clearly designed to praise the content and not asking for opinions and raining on people's parades is a crappy thing to do, but other than that, people can hate if they want to hate.

again. Nothing wrong with presenting a case on why you dislike it. If you dislike it, you dislike it. But bashing it is just being a dick and making fun of it, unnecessarily.

Like this:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0JwUM_L2N4s

We have opinions. I have seen generation 3, and it sucks. Generation 1 is awesome, 2 is great, four is also great, but 3 and 3.5 are terrible. That is an opinion, and you don't tell me what I should like or dislike.

point out where I said you couldn't dislike it.


Point blank, the title says BASHING. The op says BASHING.

If you don't like it- fine. But don't fucking MAKE FUN of it, because you don't like it.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Nah, can you imagine how boring the world would be if we are not allowed to bash something we dislike ? Is bashing a cartoon too disrespectful ? Well, perhaps I will stop if I actually respect it. ( Spoiler: I don't ) 

  • Brohoof 3
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Point blank, the title says BASHING. The op says BASHING. If you don't like it- fine. But don't fucking MAKE FUN of it, because you don't like it.




I don't know what the supporters see in him. I don't get involved with politics, period, bcause they all fight dirty, and lie, lie, lie, never able to keep what promises they make, but Trump gets so much publicity, and is just looking more like a baboon's ass, to me.


Your words.  You don't have to like Trump, or other politicians for that matter, "but don't make fun of them, because you don't like them" (paraphrasing slightly).


What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


People like to 'bash' things they don't like. I do it, you do it, everyone does it.

Edited by Concerned Bystander
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Your words.  You don't have to like Trump, or other politicians for that matter, "but don't make fun of them, because you don't like them" (paraphrasing slightly).


What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


People like to 'bash' things they don't like. I do it, you do it, everyone does it.

smears are fair game in politics, especially when a politician goes oht their way go make themselves look like a fool. G.3 doesn't go out its way to make itself appear as a laughing stock. Completely dfferent subject matters

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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So basically, "please love my stuff, because if you don't, you're a mindless basher" okay then.


I really really dislike gen 3, because it's not for me.

  • Brohoof 2

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



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Your words.  You don't have to like Trump, or other politicians for that matter, "but don't make fun of them, because you don't like them" (paraphrasing slightly).


That's a great example because it demonstrates when something is so unlikable that it more or less is goading you into saying something about it. Like it's easy to ignore something you don't like and just exists in its own right, but when something you don't like is always in your face and always being talked about and you're asked your opinion on it, yeah you're going to say something.

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smears are fair game in politics, especially when a politician goes oht their way go make themselves look like a fool. G.3 doesn't go out its way to make itself appear as a laughing stock. Completely dfferent subject matters

And yet the principle of freedom to criticise remains exactly the same.


I'm fairly certain that G3.5 didn't go out of its way to make itself look foolish either.  Your arguments thus far have been riddled with inconsistency bordering on outright hypocrisy.


If people don't like G3, they are are allowed to express that dislike, in exactly the same way that you are allowed to express your dislike of G3.5, Trump, and politicians in general.

Edited by Concerned Bystander
  • Brohoof 1


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smears are fair game in politics


Actually not really as many people frown upon smearing. There is a difference between smearing and pointing out legitimate flaws in their standpoints. 

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smears are fair game in politics, especially when a politician goes oht their way go make themselves look like a fool. G.3 doesn't go out its way to make itself appear as a laughing stock. Completely dfferent subject matters


What does politics have anything to do with this? Seriously, is your skin so thin, that you get enraged when people bash your series just a bit?


There are people out there bashing G4 and nobody gives a damn here.

  • Brohoof 3

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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While I can agree bronies can get really obnoxious and borderline obsessive with bashing G3, going as far as to say it deserves all its hate/doesn't deserve fans(when it clearly has its fans/audience and has it's qualities they like), that doesn't mean people shouldn't not be allowed to voice their opinions or give criticisms if they don't like something, especially when those opinions are commonly shared by the majority(whether their legitimate criticisms or they're bandwagoning however is another topic for another time*shrugs*) 

Edited by Megas
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Personally I don't like anything of what I've seen from G3 and G3.5. All of it seems utterly vapid and devoid of any form of real content.


As for the bashing, I honestly see nothing wrong with it. I firmly believe that everything and everyone is subject to criticism of any kind, including the scathing hateful kind. In the end all bashing is is people giving their opinions on something. I see nothing wrong with voicing your opinion, and I don't even care if that opinion is based on anything. I'm going to form my own anyway, so if the majority of people is bashing something I like it doesn't affect my enjoyment of it in the slightest. Hell, in some cases the bashing is even spot on and funny to listen to.

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While I think the OP ended up making G3 (and themselves) a target simply by creating this topic, I do believe there's a certain degree of hypocrisy present in the fandom when it comes to criticizing past gens.  Why?  Because any criticism aimed at G4 by non-Bronies will often be treated like something akin to hate speech.  Bronies tend to behave as though others' dislike of MLP:FIM automatically makes them a "hater" or "anti-Brony," and they will fervently defend the G4 show and ponies in painfully futile reply wars.


I'm not saying you aren't allowed to dislike or criticize G3.  But the next time you're frothing at the mouth over some "anti-Brony" slander of FIM, maybe take a moment to appreciate the irony.  Though, if you actively and genuinely HATE G3, you're wasting time and energy that could be devoted to more constructive things.  Like, Idunno, drop-kicking puppies.


Lastly: I've more or less made my peace with G3.


  • Brohoof 2

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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It shouldn't even exist, in my opinion, unless it's specifically gen 3.5, Newborn Cooties. Each gen (besides Newborn Cooties) has charm, and appeal, even if just very slight.


Personally, I adore gen 3. Sunny Daze is cool, Toola Roola is cute as a button, and relateable as an artist, and Star Catcher is gorgeous, and quite a unique looking pegasus. Kimono is wise and level headed, and definitely needed more screen time, and Puzzlemint's accent is cute. And even though Silver Swirl was a g3 toyline exclusive, her design is prety cool.


There's no need for genfourers to hate on g3, or even older gens. It's not cool, and looks immature and disrespectful to a gen that bred gen 4, and provided many of the beloved gen 4 characters we love today.


Thoughts on gen 3 ponies? (Stay respectful)

Thoughts on the g3 bashing from Bronies? (Stay respectful)


>Hating on all other generations of ponies because its not g4


Only real bronies watch all generations of ponies and enjoy it!


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