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open Fall of the Kingdom


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/150573-fall-of-the-kingdom/page-3#entry4474416



At what was once Canterlot Castle,  but now home to the Draconic Empire Spike walked around the palace he now ruled.  Ever since Twilight had gone dark,  things had changed.  Friends had become enemies,  and old enemies had been forced to become friends.  Truly times were changing.  Spike hated that Celestia, Luna had ascended,  and that Cadence had been murdered.   Annoyed he breathed fire and lit up the torches in the Canterlot Castle that had belonged to Celestia,  Spike sighed.  Twilight was powerful enough to pose a threat that couldn't be stopped by conventional means.  Even though she'd turned Discord to Stone,  Spike had a plan on how he could free Discord. 


Sighing,  Spike walked through the castle to the Courtyard where Discord had been turned to stone. Closing his eyes,  Spike began to inhale deeply... building up a massive burst of fire-breath within him but charging it with energy,  energy that would allow Discord to be freed from his prison.  Even though he didn't trust the Lord of Chaos,  they'd need all hands on deck in order to stop this madness.


"Discord,  it's time you made yourself useful. We must re-awaken the Elements of Harmony and put Twilight's Eternal Reign to an end.  She has lost herself... she's no longer my friend or sister." 


As he said this,  Spike would also use his abilities as Dragon Lord to give a summons to any dragons who could answer his call,  to come and aid them. 



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Redwood had been called to Canterlot castle for some unknown reason. While she was a decorated veteran, that didn't seem like reason enough to have been summoned. There was something more at hand. Could it have to do with Spike himself? Redwood walked into the castle, curious of what awaited her.

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Feeder walked to the castle and started looking through his bag. He stopped next to discord and said as he sat down and started writing down notes on Discord's appearance 
"So this is what a draconesquus looks like, I thought it would look a little different, being of chaos magic and all."

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It was never sunny anymore.


Oh sure, the sun was up - she'd seen to THAT this morning - but it didn't matter HOW bright the sun was today, or any day for that matter... the kind of sunshine she'd been missing had been gone for a long, long time now.  The kind of sunshine that came with party cannons and beautiful dresses and Zap Apple Jam.


If those griffons take one single step towards the borderline, I'll fricassee every last one of those birdbrains.


Those days had been wonderful; they were a pure slice of life, and that slice was juicy and delicious back then... nowadays, the slice often tasted like it had gone rotten at some point.  The cannons she had now were the ones pointed at any and all borders, waiting for a single misstep from ANYONE, pony or not.  She had a wardrobe FULL of gorgeous, one-of-a-kind dresses; the last one Rarity had made for her had rotted into dust about a hundred years ago.  And since the Apples' Farm had been shuttered for good when the last Apple died with no heirs, nopony had any Zap Apple Jam anymore - and hadn't in centuries.


The library is locked... the library is locked... the library is locked... the library is locked...


But that had been when Celestia had still been in charge, when Luna had still been in charge of the moon, when Cadence still loved everypony with all her heart.  Everypony had thought that Alicorns were immortal... well, THAT was a lie.  The three of them hadn't been showing TOO many signs of aging, but when they'd approached her about taking over, they had been adamant: 


Twilight Sparkle was the ONLY pony they knew could handle things in their absence.


There's no Changelings anymore... the scouts were lying... they were LYING!...


So, she accepted her calling and had taken the Amulet, filled with the life essences of all three of the Alicorns contained within... Cadence's having been added posthumously, after her unsolved murder.  The goodbyes had been extremely hard, and she had cried for what felt like days.  But it had only been the beginning...


Rainbow Dash had been the first to go of old age; she always did push herself too hard, and it finally caught up to her.  Next had been Pinkie Pie - that one had hurt far more than Twi had expected.  Then, before the dirt had even settled on Pinkie's grave then another one had to be opened for Applejack.  When Rarity passed, Spike took it hard - it had been one of the last few times she could remember Spike seeming so helpless - he sure wasn't that way anymore.  Last had been dear Fluttershy; she could still hear Discord sobbing his eyes out over losing her.


And where are you NOW, you scatterbrained moron?  Hmmmm?  Providing relief for the birds of Equestria again?  Bet you NEVER thought I'd put you back in that statue, did you?  HAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!


Loss... another decade, another funeral.  It happened again, and again, and again, and again, and again... and would NEVER stop happening.  After all, life was fleeting, right?  WRONG!  Life was PAIN, over and over again without mercy, without reason, without end.  


And she had learned ALL the lessons life had to teach her... about pain, suffering, misery, shame, and dread... and she KNEW what was expected of her now... because she'd been through so much, and it had made her stronger, hadn't it?  Strong enough for the Princesses to have left her behind to do their DIRTY WORK while they finally got the chance to rest... oh yes, so very nice to be able to rest, isn't it?  Since she had taken on the mantle of Empress, she hadn't known she'd be so busy ALL the time... but she took to it well enough.


I know they're watching me... I don't know who they ARE yet, but when I find out, ho ho ho hoooo...


Sleep suffered, but she adjusted.  Eating habits varied, but she paid it no attention.  Even her usually impeccable grooming habits suffered a bit of a blow, but there were more important things to do.  ALWAYS more important things to do.  There was never any time to rest, to breathe, to even pause - she had it in mind that she HAD to make sure every tiny little detail was taken care of.  She had to be sure that ALL of Equestria would learn the lessons that SHE had to... she had to teach them ALL...


One more pony tells me I look beautiful today, and I swear I will GUT them simply GUT them they don't LOVE me they just NEED me can't they SEE me I just don't NEED them either maybe I should just KILL THEM ALL... no, no, no... maybe I should just KILL THEM ALL instead... maybe after lunch?


... and the clock... was... ticking.

=====  ( 0=====


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Aaaaahhh. This feels amazing!


Discord stretched his arms and legs.


It's been a while Spikey. How desperate should you have become if you came here just for me? I'm flattered.




Discord looked down at the blue pony.


Oh, I'm sorry if I'm not chaosy enough for you! I was forced to take a physical form you know. Otherwise, ponies would go crazy only by looking at me. Not everyone can handle pure abstract manifestation. Here, since you are here, take this.


He popped his head off and gave it to Feeder.


So, you want me to find the elements of harmony for you yes?


He sighted.


I guess you are right. Things indeed need to change. 


He grabbed Feeder.


Hey! Look! I found one already! That was easy enough... Hmm. ow....


He put Feeder down.


It's look like...you are the element of....kindness...

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Feeder backed up away from Discord and said,

"Sorry, if it sounded offensive, You're the first I've seen I don't know exactly, do you mind if I ask one or two questions, don't worry, I won't hurt you for answers, I can't stand to see someone getting hurt or is in pain."

He pulled out his note and sat down.

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Discord shook off the nasty feelings and looked at Feeder amusingly.


Well, you just wasted a question by asking this.


He started laughing.


But yo can ask another one if you like as well. 


He popped down a chair and sat on it.




Missklang walked to Twilight. And said amusingly.


Well, good morning your majesty. You look beautiful today.


He grinned.


Of course, they all deserve to die. But if there were no more ponies around, it would be rather dull. We need servants, no? Perhaps if so is your wish we could execute one or more ponies. Just to remind them of their place. But I'm sure all of this can wait after lunch. Would you prefer for it to be brought to your chambers, or perhaps you wish to be served in the dining hall?

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Spike looked over at Discord,  and said. "Lord of Chaos..."  With that he knelt before Discord. "... as the steward of friendship and Emperor of the Dragons,  I humbly request that you would assist us to restore Harmony to the land,  as it has lost it.  Will you please grant my request,  Honorable Draconnequis,   in return for having Fluttershy restored to life?"   As Spike asked this he unsheathed the sword he carried across his back,  the blade of fire the symbol of Dragon Royalty and dropped it at the feet of Discord.  


Spike was doing his best to get Discord on their side. The absolute last thing they needed was for Discord to side with Twilight as she was nearly unbeatable presently.  Still,  their survival had to be guaranteed somehow.   Spike then sighed and said to the other Elements of Harmony that were gathered. "On this day,  Pony, Dragon and Draconequis unite for a common goal. We will gather the Elements of Harmony,  and bring the Harmony that is needed back to the land. Princess Twilight Sparkle will be made to see the Light of Friendship if it is one of the last things we're able to do." 

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Feeder took a deep breath and said,

"were you always stone, how can you take off your head and does it hurt, why do you look like that, are you always sarcastic?"

Feeder  took a deep breath and wait for Discord to answer the questions.



Shadow came out of a portal and said, 

"Talking to yourself are we or are ya going to be lost in thought for a while?"

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Redwood was told to see Discord. She had heard that he was some grand villain a long time ago, but had been reformed since then.


"Ah was told to show up to th' castle and report in to y'all, assumin' yer Discord" she said as she approached him. "Ah'm Redwood, formerly Sergeant First Class Redwood."

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... as the steward of friendship and Emperor of the Dragons,  I humbly request that you would assist us to restore Harmony to the land,  as it has lost it.  Will you please grant my request,  Honorable Draconnequis,   in return for having Fluttershy restored to life?" 


Ow, stop it, Spike. 


Discord hid his face behind his paw.


You will make me blush. If someone would tell me that one day Spike would come to me, nearly begging me to help, I wouldn't believe it. Fine, I'll help. But only for Fluttershy's memory... And because Twilight needs to be stopped.



He looked at Feeder


I was in stone for at least two thousand years of my life. No taking my head off don't hurt but I won't recommend you doing the same thing. I am like that because I am the embodiment of Chaos. And yes, I am very polite usually. Thank you very much.


@@crispy fries,


Oh hello, miss Redwood. Nice to meet you.


He approached and started shaking her hoof. He walked away, his arm popping off and still shaking Redwood's hoof.

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Steel slinked through the halls of the old castle coming upon a window he looked out seeing spike and the others he stood silently listening closely to what was said and watching them his ear twitched as he watched them his mind began to wander about the price on spikes head and how much twilight would pay to have him stopped

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Flash was half excited, half curious. He had been told to come to Canterlot Castle ASAP, so he had flown over as fast as his wings would carry him. He arrived at the castle in about an hour, 'I made it in good time' Flash thought. 'Now let's see why I've been summoned here', he then knocked three times of the door and waited.

Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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I appeared out of nowhere in the castle. Teleportation of course, but the silent kind. And the tasteless kind. No metallic taste left after. That was horrible. I stood up straight and looked at where I was. Canterlot castle. Or what it now it. I remember this place when it wasn't so, dark.


I turned and saw Discord. I simply waved "Hiya Dissy."

  • Brohoof 1


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"How come as was summoned here?" Redwood asked Discord as she pulled her hoof away from his disembodied arm. "All anypony told me was to show up to th' castle."


@@Ethan Sawyer,


Redwood didn't expect the unicorn who suddenly teleported in behind her.


"Were y'all summoned here too?" she asked.

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Spike stood up as he looked at the ponies that had been gathered.   "As you are well aware the Elements of Harmony,  and the Tree were destroyed by Princess Twilight.  Yet there is one solution that could allow us the power we need to stop her.  The Forge of Harmony.  Once it is located,  the Elements of Harmony can be recreated,  and at the same time the seeds of a new Tree of Harmony can be planted.  


Yet the location of the Forge of Harmony is in the hooves of one pony... who may be difficult for us to persuade into giving us the location. Still between our combined efforts,  persuading King Sombra into giving us the location of the Forge of Harmony may be easy.  Still,  I will require all of you to assist me.  So are we all in this situation together?"   As Spike spoke,  he'd use a bit of magic to make his voice echo across the entirety of the Castle which wasn't really that difficult. 

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"Hold on a second, somepony's knockin' at th' door. Shouldn't we hold off fer a second until we're all here or at least it's dealt with?" asked Redwood.


Aside from that, Redwood remembered how Discord referred to one of the others who had came as the element of kindness. Could she have been called here because she was meant to bear an element of harmony?

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Steel took flight and landed down by discord and spike he looked at spike "you" he said "you're the one that sent out the summons that drew me out what do you want with me" he asked eyeing him glancing at discord "it had better be very important to have interrupted me"

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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After waiting for a while at the door, Flash grew impatient and went inside. After looking around for a bit, he finally found the courtyard where Spike, Discord, and a few other ponies were gathered. He realized that Spike had been saying something so he asked, "Did I miss something? 'Cause I've been waiting at the door for-ever!"

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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"Well, 'scuse me if ah'm skippin' introductions and bein' forwards, but Spike was tellin' us that he summoned us here to overthrow Empress Sparkle by convincin' King Sombra to give us th' location of somethin' that can recreate th' elements of harmony. That fill y'all in?"

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"Well, 'scuse me if ah'm skippin' introductions and bein' forwards, but Spike was tellin' us that he summoned us here to overthrow Empress Sparkle by convincin' King Sombra to give us th' location of somethin' that can recreate th' elements of harmony. That fill y'all in?"

"Yup! Works for me! By the way, my name is Flash Lightning. And it's nice to meet all of you! So, does that mean I get to be one of the Elements of Harmony? That's so awesome! But then again, Everything is Awesome!!! Don't you agree? Well, except for the fact that Twilight Sparkle is an evil empress who wants to destroy us all and had recruited six ponies meant to be the anti-Elements of Harmony and one of them was a good friend of mine and I don't know what happened." He then caught his breath and smiled at everypony.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Redwood didn't expect the unicorn who suddenly teleported in behind her.


"Were y'all summoned here too?" she asked.

"Well, it depends on your definition of summoned and here. If by summoned you mean was I asked to be here by some magical force, then yes! I was asked! And if by here you mean this castle, no. I appeared somewhere down the mountain. Never trust a magical summon location if you're doing the teleporting yourself. They have their own definitions of where things should be, and it doesn't usually coincide with what everything else in the multi-verse thinks."


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Steel heard what was said "why am I needed for this I'm not a preacful pony I'm a warrior an assassin a blade for hire not an element in harmony" he said "if you want my help them hill have to pay like every pony else no exceptions" he said to spike "otherwise I'll be leaving"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Spike looked over at the Mercenary. "How does my entire hoard sound if you help us? We need at least one person who can fight in the Elements of Harmony, because unlike previously we don't have a period of relative peace to live in. "   Spike then held out one claw and snapped.


Runic circles surrounded each Element of Harmony who was present. "While I cannot give you the power of the Elements of Harmony... I can provide you temporary powers to hold us until we find the Elements of Harmony.  For you,  Honesty. As you are rigid,  and unyielding like the Earth. You can now command the power of the Earth and bend it into weapons,  and defenses."   Scowling Spike would repeat the ritual,  giving the others Elemental powers of their own that they could use.  Spike then would collapse to one knee weakly. "I forgot how much the Heart of Heroes would require for me to cast. We are only missing Generosity." 

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