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ooc Legends - "Hunt"


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RP: https://mlpforums.com/topic/151068-legends-hunt-infinties/?p=4489753


Hey y'all, it's been a good run this year, and I just want to end my school year with a good RP before it ends, so what do y'all say?


Legends is going to be about an alternative version of Equestria, during different time periods, and the current time period will be selected by YOU!!! There are six time periods to vote from, and the chosen one for this roleplay, codenamed right now as "Hunt" is:


New Future

- Mega Cities, Lasers, Robot AI, NEAR FUTURE, 2100s


Accepted OCs:

DarkHaert - Segundo Llave: Wizard

DarkHaert - Mr. Clock: Revolutionary? Terrorist? Spy?

SigmaBrony - Galena: Engineer

Sinusoid - Dorian: Musician

Colenso Rivers - E.C.H.O.: Autonomous Unit

child of the night - Spirit Silver: Doctor


DarkHaert - Segundo Llave: Wizard

DarkHaert - Mr. Clock: Revolutionary? Terrorist? Spy?

Edited by DarkHaert
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This looks interesting. I'll join! I will put up an actual character sheet soon but in the meantime:



- Name: Galena
- Age: 19

- Gender: Female
- Race: Unicorn
- Occupation: Engineer/Tech Specialist (hardware more than software)
- Gear: Wrench, Magnification eye piece/goggles, cutting device (laser or saw), HUD (if future), laser/ray pistol, drawing tools, radio kit/mini satellite dish


- Personality: energetic, optimistic, sociable, strong sense of justice
- Quirks: sometimes takes things apart and reassembles them to relieve stress

               Finds it easier to concentrate when others about her are busy too (as opposed to the Pressure Of Silence)
- Time Period Chosen: 

1) Near future

2) Steampunk

(in order of priority)



I have tried to make the gear work for both settings. Just to say, she wouldn't be interested in entering a relationship. I look forward to starting

Edited by SigmaBrony
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Name- E.C.H.O. Encious Chimera Core

Age- Mature form (New)

Race- Machine pony, designed as alicorn for superior design. (Lacks magic, boasts flying capabilities)

Gender- Male model.

Occupation- Weaponized multi-usage being. Now used for war.

Gear- Alloy body. Bullet Arc booster systems. Sync sections (His body is a multitude of sections connected to a solid frame, each section boasts a connecting device which allows him to connect, intermingle, overide, and use any complex machine) Chimera core A.I. System. Shell pod (A shell is an exo suit which his whole body interconnects with, allowing him to specialize. It requires a pod machine to mix him with a shell.) Standard Anti-materials B.E.C. cold matter slug horn rifle. Ten round clip extending past mane. Two fore leg sync spikes. (Saying this, he does not have a shell with him, and if this is going somewhere where he cant begin in the pod, he won't have it with him. Shells often give him too much power)

Modes- Amity mode- Eyes and body mark blue, he reverts to his original purpose, to help others. He is kind, but can easily be caught off guard.  Chimera mode- Eyes and marks red, gives full effort to dealing as much damage to all targets as quickly as possible, completely disregarding anything else until his job is finished. E.C.H.O. mode- Eyes and body marks purple, he is ready for anything, his sensory array and A.I. is given full reign, allowing him to react to things with supernatural reflexes, and calculate thousands of possible outcomes for every action, choosing the best the system can come up with.

Personality- Stoic, honest, doesn't leave anything up to luck, detail oriented, hospitible in low stakes situations, hostile in high stakes.

Quirks- Fails to understand nuances of emotions. Enters standby mode in no stakes situations, tends to connect to every electronic he can find. Can be a tad too overbearing, and desires all information before taking action. Often mentions the Grace Core.

Time period- Infinities.

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So as of right now the story relates to one of two things, you guys can choose the "bait"


A significant bounty




A dangerously powerful rumor


These relate to the story, and it involves tracking down an uncanny individual know as Mr. Clock. However this is a bit more difficult to do, as Mr. Clock has many enemies prowling through the megalopolis of Canterlot which has now joined Manehatten and made history of the Everfree Forest, and now supposedly the infamous Mr. Clock has a great treasure as well.

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How can a rumor be dangerously powerful?


Anyway, a bounty is probably a more plausible story-driving choice.

Edited by Sinusoid

I wrote this thing.

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I'd say bounty too. So, are we all part-time bounty hunters or just doing a one-off mission or what? None of us seems like that would be their dayjob. And how do/did we meet?


@@DarkHaert, you say Clock has many enemies. I'm struggling to see how this would make it harder for us to find him. Surely the more of his enemies the merrier? Well, for us.


BTW: note my character sheet changed. Her name is Galena.

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- Name: Spirit Silver (Imagine the filly in my photo but older)
- Age: 18
- Race: Unicorn

- Gender: Female
- Occupation: Doctor... Nurse? One of the two...
- Gear (Weapons & Armor): Carries a Medical-bag with her wherever she goes with medical spices within it. Also carries a container of needles which she uses for disarming enemies.
- Personality: While spirit was relatively shy when she was younger after her brother died in her hooves she became more outgoing. 
- Quirks: When her brother died in her hooves she vowed to become a doctor and learned everything she could. Pushing past most of her classes she became an accelerated learner until she quickly exited college at the age of 17. One day a set of men broke into her living quarters trying to force information out of her about her brother which she didn't know about. Not knowing how to respond she ran into a table with her medical supplies on it. Pulling out a needle she teleported it into the ponies bodies killing the ponies on the spot. When she realized what she had done she vowed to herself never to kill again no matter the cost and instead to use her knowledge and powers to help and only ever disable. She still wants to take down the people responsible for her brothers death but she is not sure where to start.

- Quirk 2: Except for her brother she never liked any boys and has a sort of girls complex. She absolutely fawns over any girl she can get near.

- Time Period Chosen: Any is fine with me but preferably one in the future sections...

Edited by child of the night



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@@child of the night,








"Information is power, pursue the rumors to gain knowledge... Well you might find some opposition. With a knife thrower." - *CENSORED NAME*


Because every second you don't have him... He can get away.


However you are completely correct regard enemies. I like being merry.

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I have been watching this topic, and, according to the patterns that I have seen in similar topics, I do not expect anyone to join soon. Because of the limited time, I suggest that we start.

Never mind. I was ninja'd.

I am confused by the initial post. Where are our characters supposed to start? Is there no backstory provided?

I wrote this thing.

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Nope. I throw you headfirst and see if you swim....




Actually just post about what your character is doing and such, show them during their off time or whatever. It's about six in the evening if you're wondering time.


I'll give backstory after a couple posts.

Edited by DarkHaert
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Okay, I made my intro post. DarkHaert, could we have a little bit of world building information? Just so I can know what kind world my character is living in. I mean, Near future but other than that. Like what is the Unicorn consensus on technology? We have 3 unicorns, 2 are engineers and one is a medic, and I'm guessing any self respecting people would invest technology into medicine. So we have embraced technology. Are we the exception? Do some unicorns see it as a threat to magic? Or is it the Unicorns realm because only they can build the machines accurately?


Sorry, question wall.


Colenso Rivers: why will we regret it?

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Why will we regret it?



I have been watching this topic for most of the day, and things are rather slow; I have intentionally not posted anything else. I think that there should be more exposition and a converging action.

I wrote this thing.

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Actually I was going to make a post here regarding that matter so to answer your questions.


Alrighty heres a basic idea.


Certain technologies interface with magic that's innate to their particular race. So an example would be a Pegasus would be better at making a car faster and more aerodynamic. An Earth Pony would be able to add standard rounds and weapons and how to protect that car with armor. The Unicorn could make the car have certain properties, it can make the standard rounds magic, it could get rid of the axle for more speed and control, as they can manipulate magic. The other side to magic is that not every unicorn is going to be able to know how to upgrade the car or even care to upgrade it. Unicorns are powerful, but they trade stamina and vitality for maximum magic power. Unless they're a f*cking alicorn.


Unicorns accept that magic can aid them, however a unicorn might be more inclined to buy a unicorn made version of a standard item. Those however, are far and few between.


Also, some extra info:


Lady Light = Celestia

Lady Night = Luna

Lady Dusk = Twilight

Princess Ataru = Cadance


Segundo is a large feline Mage. He can manipulate and use magic and has a series of "quickened" spells to mark and keep an "eye" on certain ponies. His age is undetermined, but he appears to be about 25 years of age. He wears a wide wizard's hat and has sleeveless robes as well.

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Segundo is a large feline Mage. He can manipulate and use magic and has a series of "quickened" spells to mark and keep an "eye" on certain ponies. His age is undetermined, but he appears to be about 25 years of age. He wears a wide wizard's hat and has sleeveless robes as well.


@ comments regarding this cat, #1 what is the gender of the cat?, #2 I don't want my stuff "sped up" so I made the comment saying it would be very bothersome :P 



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