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@@Dynamo Pad,




Quinty shook her head when the stallion asked if she was from around here or not 'Nope' she said 'I already told you that these pearls come from the north lunar bay. and just like the pearl, so do I.' she explained him. this was the best explanation she could give since she didn't really live in a town. her house was on a cliff far away from everything.



Quinty then rolled her eyes, he was getting a little bit over dramatic there with his 'treasure it always' and 'brought us together' 'Come on, don't be so dramatic.' she said but then a more confused look came on her face 'Friends? I-I dunno. didn't I just meet you? Can you make friends that quickly? you don't even know my name, neither do I know your name.' she said and looked at the ground a bit, then she realised she might have sounded really mean there which was not her intention 'I mean, not that I don't like you or something, you're really nice and all. I'd love to be your friend.' she quickly added and smiled a little bit while playing with the one secion of her mane that was braided and had a pearl at the end. then she took the bits he had put on the table and put them in a lcase made of shells. then she turned around and grabbed something from box behind her. it was a little case made of two shells on top of eachother. 'Here.' she said and handed it to him 'put the pearl in there, that way you won't lose it that easily.' and she gave him a playfull wink.

"Oh okay, again it sounds like a great place to get a name like that. Is it far from Ponyville, or is it close? I might check it out sometime if I get an oppotunity." Dynamo said rubbing a hoof through his mane at accidentally forgetting the place. Dynamo levitated the case and placed it carefully into his saddlebag. "Thanks again and your right. I don't want to go losing it now, would I?" Dynamo laughed joyfully while giving her back a wink of his own. He then closed his eyes and smiled at the mare in front of him. "Eh, I don't think it was really that dramatic. Also that's true, but I think I told you my name when I walked up to your stall the first time. If not, let me introduce myself." Dynamo opened his eyes and walked up close to the stall and extended his hoof towards the mare with a warm smile. "Hello, my name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. It's really nice to meet you, miss...?"

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Quinty thought for a while how to explain where the norht lunar ocean was 'Well, you have ponyville and then you go to the south, there is the undiscovered west and then you go up a bit, towards Tall Tale but not too much. I live about a half a day walking below Tall Tale. or, not really below since I don't live underground but that's how it looks when you look at a map' She said and smiled, she hoped he would get it now. 'It's quite far away, I traveled allmost the whole day to get here by hoof.' She then added to fully answer his question.


Then she also moved a bit closer to her stall and shook his hoof. 'Nice to meet you Dynamo. I'm Quinty Waves. Call me whatever you want. I know it's a bit weird name but has a story behind it. I promise.' she said with a little smile. 'But, I'll save that for later since I really need to put up my stall now. And you need to go to the majors office. Didn't you need to become an official inhabitant of ponyville or something' she added with a little smile.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Quinty thought for a while how to explain where the norht lunar ocean was 'Well, you have ponyville and then you go to the south, there is the undiscovered west and then you go up a bit, towards Tall Tale but not too much. I live about a half a day walking below Tall Tale. or, not really below since I don't live underground but that's how it looks when you look at a map' She said and smiled, she hoped he would get it now. 'It's quite far away, I traveled allmost the whole day to get here by hoof.' She then added to fully answer his question.


Then she also moved a bit closer to her stall and shook his hoof. 'Nice to meet you Dynamo. I'm Quinty Waves. Call me whatever you want. I know it's a bit weird name but has a story behind it. I promise.' she said with a little smile. 'But, I'll save that for later since I really need to put up my stall now. And you need to go to the majors office. Didn't you need to become an official inhabitant of ponyville or something' she added with a little smile.

Dynamo nodded showing that he got the gist of it. "I'm not really the best with directions, but that helped a lot. A day's travel doesn't sound too bad. I think I might go there sometime." As he shook Quinty's hoof, he had a bright smile. "It's really nice to meet you Quinty and I don't think it's weird. To be honest I think it's a really nice name for somepony like you. Also you're right. I don't want to get thrown out and or get into trouble when I just got here." He let go of Quinty's hoof, but was blushing in embarrassment and scraped his forehoof across the ground. "Hey Quinty, I was just wondering something. After you get done at your stall and I get settled in, w-want to meet up somewhere and h-hang out and explore the town? I-I mean, if you want to. I t-thought that we could get to know each other more and I'm curious on how you got your name."

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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As the song started her ears perked up. She started to slowly bob her head and tap her back hoof. She made quick work of her work area. Trying to organize her maps and charts. Once everything was square with that area she moved to her sleeping quarters. She quickly pulled the sheets tight and fluffed her pillows. As she gently placed her little blue hippo in the corner of her bed the next came started to play.  



Stardust started to let loose a bit more. This was one of her all time favorite songs. She fluttered above the ground a bit and put her head down shaking it back and forth to the beat. Wiggling her little body around. At this point she didn't care if she made a goof of herself. She darted over to Skyjumper and grabbed him by the hoof, pulled him into the now clean sitting room and started to dance. The smile on her face was contagious and she just couldn't help but start to laugh. And once the song came to an end she played it again! 

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As the song started her ears perked up. She started to slowly bob her head and tap her back hoof. She made quick work of her work area. Trying to organize her maps and charts. Once everything was square with that area she moved to her sleeping quarters. She quickly pulled the sheets tight and fluffed her pillows. As she gently placed her little blue hippo in the corner of her bed the next came started to play.  




Stardust started to let loose a bit more. This was one of her all time favorite songs. She fluttered above the ground a bit and put her head down shaking it back and forth to the beat. Wiggling her little body around. At this point she didn't care if she made a goof of herself. She darted over to Skyjumper and grabbed him by the hoof, pulled him into the now clean sitting room and started to dance. The smile on her face was contagious and she just couldn't help but start to laugh. And once the song came to an end she played it again!


Skyjumper was no dancer but Stardust's enthusiasm was spreading. He joined her in laughter, and by the time the song had finished, the two ponies plopped onto the floor, panting, and heavily breathing away the laughter. "Took the song a tad literal there, did we?" He laughed once more.

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She was laughing so hard that her side began to hurt. "Oh goodness yes! I can't help it!" She was trying to catch her breath. Once she was able to slow her heart rate she could finally form a full sentence. "Wow, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. That was really nice. And look! Everything is clean!" She fluttered up and quickly made her way to the kitchen for a large glass of water. She filled one for Sky as well.


"Now, I should probably start dinner, it takes quite a bit of time, roughly an hour-ish. If you want you can pop in a movie, I have quite the collection over by the television. Hope there is one in there that you might fancy." She took a bit swig of her water and filled her cup again.  

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She was laughing so hard that her side began to hurt. "Oh goodness yes! I can't help it!" She was trying to catch her breath. Once she was able to slow her heart rate she could finally form a full sentence. "Wow, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. That was really nice. And look! Everything is clean!" She fluttered up and quickly made her way to the kitchen for a large glass of water. She filled one for Sky as well.


"Now, I should probably start dinner, it takes quite a bit of time, roughly an hour-ish. If you want you can pop in a movie, I have quite the collection over by the television. Hope there is one in there that you might fancy." She took a bit swig of her water and filled her cup again.


Skyjumper downed the water without question. "Actually, if you want I can either help with the food or just...well, I could keep you company if you don't need the assistance." He smiled, there was a slight bit of desperation in his voice. It had been long since he had laughed that hard as well. He didn't want the interaction to end.

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"Sure." she said as she smiled at him. "I'll put the kettle on and we can have a cup of tea while the stock starts to boil, and the onions start to caramelize." She moved about the kitchen to fill the kettle, grab two now clean mugs from the drying dishes and two tea bags. "Come sit with me." She said to him as she motioned to the kitchen table. 


"I do hope that you like this dish, it's one of my favorites. Especially on a bit of a cooler day like today." She opened the small window above the stove to let just a bit of breeze in. She knew from experience that if she didn't open it, it would become extremely warm in the entire observatory. She would much rather sip on her piping hot tea to keep warm than to boil alive in the heat that can be generated by her tiny stove. 

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"Sure." she said as she smiled at him. "I'll put the kettle on and we can have a cup of tea while the stock starts to boil, and the onions start to caramelize." She moved about the kitchen to fill the kettle, grab two now clean mugs from the drying dishes and two tea bags. "Come sit with me." She said to him as she motioned to the kitchen table. 


"I do hope that you like this dish, it's one of my favorites. Especially on a bit of a cooler day like today." She opened the small window above the stove to let just a bit of breeze in. She knew from experience that if she didn't open it, it would become extremely warm in the entire observatory. She would much rather sip on her piping hot tea to keep warm than to boil alive in the heat that can be generated by her tiny stove.


He sat with her, and enjoyed the breeze. "Thank you by the way, for the hospitality. Truly. I mean, I know a short while ago we were complete strangers, but uhm...well hey, we seem to be coming along nicely." He smiled. He stared at her for a moment, "And if it means anything to you. I hope you're always so quirky and fun. It's very refreshing. You're not the every day mare."

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Stardust was beaming when she heard that. Not many ponies think her quirkiness to be enjoyable.  "I don't know what it is about you, but even though we have just met today, I feel very comfortable around you. I think that is why I just keep opening my mouth." She smiled at him and took him his cup of tea. As she walked away her tail flicked a bit high and fell onto his right hoof, she didn't notice but it smoothly slid off of his arm as she made her way back to the stove to check the stock.

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Stardust was beaming when she heard that. Not many ponies think her quirkiness to be enjoyable.  "I don't know what it is about you, but even though we have just met today, I feel very comfortable around you. I think that is why I just keep opening my mouth." She smiled at him and took him his cup of tea. As she walked away her tail flicked a bit high and fell onto his right hoof, she didn't notice but it smoothly slid off of his arm as she made her way back to the stove to check the stock.

He figured it would be best to blush while she was not looking. Not like he had a choice. He narrowly smacked his lips together and thought for a moment, 'What keeps happening here?' He turned to look at her and realized that at the moment, it was her backside that was facing the stallion. He quickly spun back around and faced away, the blush intensified and the back if his neck no doubt felt like the sun.

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"Would you care for milk or sugar?" She asked as she placed the kettle back on the stove. After checking the vegetable stock and adding the rice to a smaller pot with just a few spoonfuls of the already hot stock she looked over her shoulder noticing that Sky was turned away and looking at a blank wall. She giggled, "I've always loved that wall, it is such a very interesting wall. I have named that wall, it's name is Bob." She made her way back to the table with the sugar bowl and pint of milk. She sat at the table with him and dunked her tea bag in the water a few times before placing it on the saucer.  

Edited by Stardust*
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"Would you care for milk or sugar?" She asked as she placed the kettle back on the stove. After checking the vegetable stock and adding the rice to a smaller pot with just a few spoonfuls of the already hot stock she looked over her shoulder noticing that Sky was turned away and looking at a blank wall. She giggled, "I've always loved that wall, it is such a very interesting wall. I have named that wall, it's name is Bob." She made her way back to the table with the sugar bowl and pint of milk. She sat at the table with him and dunked her tea back in the water a few times before placing it on the saucer.


"Black is fine." His words were short, and he tried to fight off the blush. The breeze flowing into the room helped. He cleared his throat again, and thought to continue conversation, he should go into familiar territory. "So, I guess you've heard a bit of my singing by now? Do you like it?" He grinned

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"Mmmhhmm." She said as she took a sip of her tea. "When I heard you singing at the Cake's I couldn't get your voice out of my head for days." She took another sip then got up again to check on the food. She started to slice the mushrooms. "To be honest, I would go to Sugar Cube Corner about every other night just in case you might be back in there singing to the twins." She felt a bit more comfortable to talk with him.  

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"Mmmhhmm." She said as she took a sip of her tea. "When I heard you singing at the Cake's I couldn't get your voice out of my head for days." She took another sip then got up again to check on the food. She started to slice the mushrooms. "To be honest, I would go to Sugar Cube Corner about every other night just in case you might be back in there singing to the twins." She felt a bit more comfortable to talk with him.


He felt like he should almost be disturbed, but flattery took over. "Well, thankfully, the Cakes don't need my kind of help that often." He smiled to himself, "Every other night, though?" He sipped his tea, then proceeded to get up and stand next to the mare. A sly smile now rest on his face, and he had an eyebrow raised. "You know, if you really wanted to hear it, you very well could've come to the main street during the day at some point." He chuckled.

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"Wait... did I really say that out loud!? Oh goodness. It's not like I went there and stood creepily outside the cottage just waiting. I did go in and order something." She chuckled nervously. Noticing that he was not standing next to her she felt butterflies in her stomach again. Why is this happening? What is my problem? He is just a stallion, in my home, helping me cook and clean, and he is staying for dinner, and I am going to show him the stars. What is the problem? Why do I feel like I'm about to throw up?! Why do I have the urge to throw my hooves around him?! I just met him!! This has never happened before! Keep your cool Stardust, just breathe and you can get through this night without too much more embarrassment. Just get to know him, and you will have an actual friend. So many thoughts were running through her mind.


"And don't forget, I'm usually sleeping during the day. With the large project that the University needs me to get done I have been very dedicated and focused to make sure that it gets done. So I've been very strict with my sleep schedule, except for today that is." She was anxious with him being so close to her. She could smell his cologne, and as she tried not to make it obvious that she very much enjoyed the scent. 

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"Wait... did I really say that out loud!? Oh goodness. It's not like I went there and stood creepily outside the cottage just waiting. I did go in and order something." She chuckled nervously. Noticing that he was not standing next to her she felt butterflies in her stomach again. Why is this happening? What is my problem? He is just a stallion, in my home, helping me cook and clean, and he is staying for dinner, and I am going to show him the stars. What is the problem? Why do I feel like I'm about to throw up?! Why do I have the urge to throw my hooves around him?! I just met him!! This has never happened before! Keep your cool Stardust, just breathe and you can get through this night without too much more embarrassment. Just get to know him, and you will have an actual friend. So many thoughts were running through her mind.


"And don't forget, I'm usually sleeping during the day. With the large project that the University needs me to get done I have been very dedicated and focused to make sure that it gets done. So I've been very strict with my sleep schedule, except for today that is." She was anxious with him being so close to her. She could smell his cologne, and as she tried not to make it obvious that she very much enjoyed the scent.


He chuckled and returned to his less inquisitive demeanor. "Well fair enough, I suppose." He sat down at the table once more, "I'm excited to see how this meal turns out. I can cook a little, but what you're making seems gourmet for Ponyville." He smiled, "You sure you don't have several other cutie marks under that one?"

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She was relieved when Sky went back to sit at the table, she could breathe a bit easier.


She chuckled. "You caught me! This is all an illusion, bet you didn't guess I was also a magician!" She added the mushrooms to the onions and stirred them around a bit, turning down the heat and adding more stock to the rice.


She also went back to the table and picked up her tea taking a few small sips. "So back to those silly questions, I have more! What is your favorite spot in Ponyville, aside from your cloud that you attack each morning." She smiled. "Oh and what is your all time favorite food?"

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She was relieved when Sky went back to sit at the table, she could breathe a bit easier.


She chuckled. "You caught me! This is all an illusion, bet you didn't guess I was also a magician!" She added the mushrooms to the onions and stirred them around a bit, turning down the heat and adding more stock to the rice.


She also went back to the table and picked up her tea taking a few small sips. "So back to those silly questions, I have more! What is your favorite spot in Ponyville, aside from your cloud that you attack each morning." She smiled. "Oh and what is your all time favorite food?"

He chuckled. The bombardment of questions caused him to pause for a moment. "I'm telling you I'm very bad at favorites." He smiled at her, and sipped his tea once more. The stallion fluttered his wings a little. "Sorry, I'm not the best at sitting still." He chuckled once more.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Quinty smiled when dynamo said that he would come and visit her some day 'That would be nice. We don't get visitors that often. The last time was...' she stopped to think for a second 'two years ago or something. But I don't know who it was, I was surfing when he came and my parents told me about it later.


"It's really nice to meet you Quinty and I don't think it's weird. To be honest I think it's a really nice name for somepony like you. Also you're right. I don't want to get thrown out and or get into trouble when I just got here."
'What do you mean with 'somepony like me'?' Quinty then reacted, her voice was serious now since she didn't really know what he ment with that. she still wasn't used to talking with other ponies. but then she chuckled 'It would be sad if you got thrown out already, I just met you. and it would really buck if you had to go already.' she said smiling. 


"Hey Quinty, I was just wondering something. After you get done at your stall and I get settled in, w-want to meet up somewhere and h-hang out and explore the town? I-I mean, if you want to. I t-thought that we could get to know each other more and I'm curious on how you got your name."
Quinty thought about that for a while 'I guess we could do that.' she said 'but that would have to wait untill the afternoon or something, I'm going to try and sell as many pearls as possible today. But getting settled in a new house also takes quite some time I assume so I think that could work.' and as she was talking she started putting stuff on her stall. 


she spread an aqua collored piece of fabrick on the table, almost the same color as her fur, and put bowls with pearl on it. The bowls were shaped like big shells and the pearls were al sorted by shape and color. Inbetween the bowls she put other stuff you could find at the beach, like real shells, seastars, dried seaweed, rocks and many more things to make her stall look nice. Then she put pricetags on the bowls. 5 bits for small pearls, 8 for the medium sized ones and 12 for the big. 

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"Don't worry about it." She said, "Just didn't want there to be another awkward silence." She looked out the window, the sun was nearly on it's way down. She still had a bit of cooking to do, but it wouldn't be dark by the time they were finished with dinner. She wondered what they could do after they ate.


"I know, how about after dinner we go flying, and we can find a place to watch the sun set and star gaze." She suggested.  

Edited by Stardust*
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"Don't worry about it." She said, "Just didn't want there to be another awkward silence." She looked out the window, the sun was nearly on it's way down. She still had a bit of cooking to do, but it wouldn't be dark by the time they were finished with dinner. She wondered what they could do after they ate.


"I know, how about after dinner we go flying, and we can find a place to watch the sun set and star gaze." She suggested.


He grinned at her. "I don't mind a good awkward silence if I am with the right pony." He inhaled, "Aaand...I think I might know a great place for a sunset." He raised an eyebrow at her and stretched his wings a bit. The smell of the cooking was starting to fill the room. "That smells quite good."

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"Great, I'm excited.... wait... it's not your cloud is it?" She teased. As they were talking, another song started to play softly in the background.



The two nearly got lost in conversation, laughing and poking fun at each other. Everything seemed to be going very well. Stardust was continuing to cook but she couldn't help but continue to smile as she and Sky talked. As time passed it seemed like only moments went by and she was finished with the cooking. She reached for the plates and dished them up. She placed them on the table and when she went back to grab the forks she fluttered just high enough to reach out the kitchen window where she had a flower box and picked a red daisy and placed it in her single flower vase and placed it on the table. 


"Bon appetit!" she exclaimed and she sat down more than ready to dig in. 

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"Great, I'm excited.... wait... it's not your cloud is it?" She teased. As they were talking, another song started to play softly in the background.




The two nearly got lost in conversation, laughing and poking fun at each other. Everything seemed to be going very well. Stardust was continuing to cook but she couldn't help but continue to smile as she and Sky talked. As time passed it seemed like only moments went by and she was finished with the cooking. She reached for the plates and dished them up. She placed them on the table and when she went back to grab the forks she fluttered just high enough to reach out the kitchen window where she had a flower box and picked a red daisy and placed it in her single flower vase and placed it on the table. 


"Bon appetit!" she exclaimed and she sat down more than ready to dig in.


The food was served and the conversation seemed to disappear for a moment, as the two ponies were hungrier than they thought. Skyjumper was amazed by the quality meal, though he thought maybe he shouldn't be, Stardust seemed to be adept at cooking, as it were. He finished his meal in short time, using as much tact as he could. "That was wonderful!"

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Quinty smiled when dynamo said that he would come and visit her some day 'That would be nice. We don't get visitors that often. The last time was...' she stopped to think for a second 'two years ago or something. But I don't know who it was, I was surfing when he came and my parents told me about it later.


'What do you mean with 'somepony like me'?' Quinty then reacted, her voice was serious now since she didn't really know what he ment with that. she still wasn't used to talking with other ponies. but then she chuckled 'It would be sad if you got thrown out already, I just met you. and it would really buck if you had to go already.' she said smiling. 


Quinty thought about that for a while 'I guess we could do that.' she said 'but that would have to wait untill the afternoon or something, I'm going to try and sell as many pearls as possible today. But getting settled in a new house also takes quite some time I assume so I think that could work.' and as she was talking she started putting stuff on her stall. 


she spread an aqua collored piece of fabrick on the table, almost the same color as her fur, and put bowls with pearl on it. The bowls were shaped like big shells and the pearls were al sorted by shape and color. Inbetween the bowls she put other stuff you could find at the beach, like real shells, seastars, dried seaweed, rocks and many more things to make her stall look nice. Then she put pricetags on the bowls. 5 bits for small pearls, 8 for the medium sized ones and 12 for the big. 

Dynamo's eyes widened a little, but was surprised it's been a while since somepony had visited and what she could do. "I never knew you could surf. That's pretty impressive because I never knew many ponies could surf back where I came from." Dynamo was surprised by the tone, but smiled a small smile. "I'm sorry if it sounds like I said something the wrong way. To me, you seem like a really nice individual. You also have this air of mystery around you when we talk. I mean that in an awesome way because there's so much I don't know about you and I want to know all I can. I hope that doesn't sound weird or anything, but it's a truly nice name. Yeah I would hate to leave Ponyville now. To be honest...I'm starting to like it here, you know?" Dynamo said hesitating on the last answer. He started to turn away from the shop as he started to head towards the mayor's office. "I'm good with waiting until the afternoon. My boss told me that registering for residence in Ponyville doesn't take that long and it will give me time to set up my living arrangements. How does a little while after lunch sound?" He could see the items she placed on the stall and thought that they looked interesting and cool.

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