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Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,


Ironblade shook his hand. "You know, the more I hear about you, the more I like you," she said. "Pleasure to meet you." She grinned. "I have a few tricks that I would keep up my sleeve if I weren't wearing a t-shirt. And I'm prepared mentally."


Iron shrugged. "Well, we have a monster hunter to kill, so there's no need to waste time. Let's go." 

Edited by Amorphous


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@@GingerLightning, @


Flash had been pretty quiet on the fly home but Mist had still enjoyed his company anyway. He had set up a game and was about to sit down and play it when he heard a knock at the door. He opend it and was happy to see Ginger. He was about to invite her in when he smelt something in the air. "What's bothering you Ginger?" he asked calmly, "and don't lie ot me and say nothing. I may not be able to smell all emotons like you, but i know what fear smells like."

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 Blood Fang smiled as Iron Blade sounded eager to kill this hunter, "Well I suggest we get moving then or we will become the hunted,"Blood said as he took a whiff of the air picking up the scent of the hunter who sat atop a building directly above them.

Mystic let out a loud laugh signaling her presence to the group down below, "I knew it the vamps and wolves are working together, man I am always amazed at the things I see doing this job." Mystic said as she jumped off the building and prepared to engage the enemy, "if I hope to end the vampire race for good I need to kill the queen so either move out of my way or I will have to kill you to." She said pulling out her pistols.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Emerald got up from the desk finished with her work and went home to her apartment thinking about what that hunter had said, it would be interesting if she was right living again as a normal pony? She shook her head as she got home getting out of her uniform and curling up with a book she was still reading picking up where she left off forgetting about the rubbish of her last shift...

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Scare Effect,


"Well, no need to waste time," Iron said. Her horn lit up a familiar red, and several small gray shards levitated out of her pocket. She spun one of them with a finger, and it vanished directly into the barrel of Mystic's gun. There was a harsh scream of metal as the shard did its job. When Ironblade retrieved it, the barrel of the gun fell to the ground, cut into two neat spirals, like springs.


Calmly, Iron moved several shards between herself and Mystic. "Not so threatening now, are we?" 

  • Brohoof 2


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*sunset walks on blindly to anything around him*

"all this to get to the city its cold,boring and tiring i should of hitched a ride i need a job to do and then i finally have a sort of normal life im sick of killing small animals for food i cant eat veg or chocalate when im a stinking lycan"sunset muttered quitely 

*sees the big city ahead and a smile creeps across his face*

"well at least im here"


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As they walked Mist couldn't help but somehow feel happy with Flash. He'd never met another pony who cared for the war as little as he did. It was actually kinda refreshing. "So tell me Flash," he said curiously, "I've always wondered do you go all wolf at will or is it a moon thing?"

"That's an excellent question, you see, we can change at will except when the moon is full, then it's involuntary. I don't find any joy in killing anything, so I almost always wind up locking myself in my closet whenever the moon is full, and as far as needing to eat meat, I just try and find some place that caters to dragons' carnivorous appetites and go there. Sure it gets me tons of odd looks, but I can live with that. How about you?" He felt a bit awkward asking this question, "How do you get the blood you need?" Edited by Damien & Flash
  • Brohoof 1

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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@@Dapper Charmer,

"Lady Revamp wanted me tell you something.I'm afraid that if I phrase it the wrong way I might have to fight and possibly kill several vampires and demons and possibly a few Werewolves.Which brings me to what I'm supposed to tell you.This might sound crazy but just listen...She told me to tell you that The war is going to end in a peaceful manner but, there is one pony standing in their way, She wants you to kill this pony who is a monster hunter named Mystic Moon And in return she will return you back to normal." Ginger Lightning said to Mist pretty quickly...

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 Looking at her guns with a frown,"Well that was unexpected," Mystic said as she felt a little bit of fear at the loss of her guns, but her frown turned into a lunatic's grin, but it was short lived as Blood Fang leaped onto her and began tearing at her with his teeth effectively killing Mystic.


"Well she wasn't so tough," He said as he got off the mangled body. of Mystic.




Far way in the hotel Mystic stayed at a bright light shined brightly, "Shit I died Again!" A voice growled angrily, As the light dimmed Mystic Moon was standing there completely void of clothing, "Good thing I always bring extra clothes, " she mumbled to herself as she got dressed after which she looked at herself in the mirror her eyes have changed from yellow to red," Well I cant die again till next week so I have to be careful tonight," With that she grabbed a small blade like weapon and left the hotel to find and kill the queen.

  • Brohoof 2


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,


Ironblade shrugged. "Not so tough, then," she said. "Although, if it's that easy to kill her, why hasn't anypony done it before?"

She pondered the question for a little bit. "No, seriously, why not? She seems normal enough to me."


With a shrug, Iron let the shards return to her pockets. Her eye vanished into the inky shadow cast by the glowing half of her face as she walked away into the dusky air. "I'll be claiming my reward soon," she said. 

Edited by Amorphous
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"I have no clue why no one has killed her before but the rumors state she has some weird ability, But no pony has ever figured out what it was,"Blood Fang said as he watched Iron walk away. "Return to the lagoon to receive your reward." Once the mare vanished he began walking away but a shadow stood in front of him.but before he could speak a seven inch silver blade embedded itself into his skull killing him.


the figure that caste the shadow and killed him walked into the dim light of the alley way, "I really don't like it when I am ripped to pieces by a wolf," Mystic said as she collected her mangled body by converting it to a silver cross which she attached it to the cross around her neck.a small spark showed that the magic from the cross was strengthened by her former body's left over magic. "Good one night worth of magic enhancement to kill a Vampire queen and her assassins, oh tonight is gonna be fun," Mystic said as her broken pistols reassembled themselves ,m she put the pistols into her coat and started heading for the Lagoon.

  • Brohoof 2


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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*sunset  starts walking around the city and soon leaves a note in the language of the lycans on the walls of most streets*

"heh well lets see the vampires hide the suckers will die these symbols will take  some abilities away i hope"

*coughs and continues putting the symbols down*

"well i better report to blood fang once im done"sunset whispers to himself"and that hairy old wolf better appreciate this"

*once done drawing symbols grabs a pheonix and sends a letter to blood fang and waits in a reserved flat for a message back*


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@@Scare Effect,


Ironblade's ear turned towards Mystic. Then, she turned her head with an abrupt jerking motion, allowing Mystic to clearly see her eye. Slowly, she turned around. 'You," she said, voice tight  "are altogether too persistant for me."


Her horn lit up in a blaze of red as the shards levitated from her pocket. She charged Mystic in a hail of razor-edged debris, pulling a knife from her back pocket.

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Mystic quickly pulled out the small bladelike weapon, it began to glow as it expanded into a large claymore sword which she held in front of her to guard against the shards, when Iron Blade got close she moved the blade swiftly and brought the side of the blade to the her chest sending Iron blade flying through a brick wall of an abandoned Casino.


"You know I barely use my sword for hunting only for creature and ponies who make me mad," Mystic said as she followed Iron Blade into the building, "This will be the last time we fight,"

Edited by Scare Effect
  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,


Ironblade wheezed as she slammed into the wall, blood trickling down her chest. She noticed the cut with a sort of detachedness. Well, she's no griffon, Iron thought. Griffons have the good sense to go for the throat and ignore the theatrics. She gave a small cough in an effort to get her lungs working again. She could still feel her horn fragments, but she felt dizzy and wasn't sure she'd be able to hit Mystic before she got run through.


Well, she thought, if it's a show you want, a show you shall receive.


Limply, Iron dropped sideways, allowing her arms to flop across the ground. She made certain she was on her left side, and let her eye go dark. She waited for just a few seconds before setting the spell off.


It was a standard thunderflash, but all the more effective for it. An explosion of strobing light and noise enveloped Iron as she struggled to get her bearings back. She tried to ignore her newest slash wound. I've had worse.

  • Brohoof 1


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Mystic wasn't phased by the light due to her sunglasses and the noise didn't bother her as it had during their brawl in the casino. she pulled out two knives and threw them one struck Iron Blade's horn while the other barely missed her ruby eye. the spell died down and Mystic took this chance to leap into the air and swung her Claymore downward toward Iron Blade's head.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,


Iron shifted to the side, yanking the knife from its place in her horn. Blood trickled from the slit and the cut near her eye, but she ignored them once the blades were out. She'd used magic with worse, and it wasn't obscuring her vision, so she didn't care. She let the red haze of battle and the equally-read haze of magic consume her, as the shards scattered on the concrete started to glow. She allowed her magic to enhance their edges to a ridiculous degree and pulled them recklessly towards her. They flew in a small cloud , whistling towards the wall above Iron's head. Sparks spat from the dent in her horn. as she swung the shards as fast as she could make them go.


All she needed to do was kill one mare. That wasn't so hard, right? Ironblade scrambled to her feet, reasonably upright.


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Mystic's Claymore landed on the ground causing sparks upon impact, she quickly took notice to what Iron Blade was doing so she quickly grabbed Iron Blade and tossed her into the air before the shards reached her and when the shards made contact with they bounced off harmlessly off her skin on to the ground.


Mystic caught Iron Blade by the throat with her free hand and slammed the claymore into the ground and quickly snatched the gem from Iron Blade's eye and dropped it onto the floor Picked up the claymore and crushed it with the colossal blade. Mystic then threw Iron Blade against the wall. "You have lost so give up, or I will have to kill you," She said, Now she stood there waiting for Iron Blade to choose her answer.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,


"And I assume that if I surrender, you'll also kill me," Ironblade said. She coughed. "But if that's not the case, I will consider it as a viable option for saving my skin."


She shrugged a bit, slack in Mystic's hands. "What do I lose if I surrender to you?" she asked. "Because I was promised a nice bounty for your head and I don't give up bits easily."


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"So you value money over your own life that is just sad," Mystic said as she dropped Iron Blade, "So I will just give you this," Mystic tossed a small bag of bits at Iron Blade's hooves, "And I want you to tell me where I can find Lady Revamp," Mystic said putting her claymore away.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,


"I didn't say that," Iron rasped, stumbling to her feet. "I said that I wanted to know what your mercy would look like, so I could decide whether it was worth it. You passed." She chuckled weakly, wiping blood off of her face.


Ironblade leaned against the wall to catch her breath. Revamp hadn't provided her with a contact method, though.


"Tell you what," Iron said. "I'll go to an intersection and wait for her. When she shows up, the stage is yours. I don't backstab my clients, and she didn't tell me where she goes anyway. Deal?"


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"deal," Mystic Moon said in agreement.




Lady Revamp sat in her penthouse waiting for Iron Blade and Blood Fang to return with news that the hunter is dead and so she can pay off the bounty hunter and continue with her Plans to unite the two sides to help take over Equestria and bring forth the reign of darkness.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,


Ironblade nodded. "I suggest you conceal yourself," she said as she started to walk. The Blue Lagoon seemed like a good place to start in her search. She left the shards of horn scattered on the pavement. She would have liked to pick them up, but provoking the monster hunter was the absolute last thing she needed at the moment.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Dapper Charmer,

Ginger Lightning started to pace around  nervously "And she could just come out of nowhere...And kill us all..." she said  looked around but then she smelt something... Something sweet...Her eyes dilated like a cat that just spotted it's prey...she instantly turned to where she smelt the sweet thing...she was focused on a surprise birthday party, her horn gave off a few sparks of green magic.

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