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open Fallout Equestria: Hurricane Season RP (Open)

crispy fries

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@@Gamer_KM, @@flame,
Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/152302-fallout-equestria-hurricane-season/#entry4533647

The battered boat chugged to a stop at the docks right outside the town of Fairway, one of the more notable settlements in Wetlands. It was decently big, and made a good amount of money from fishing and trading. Fairway was often a first stop for travelers who were coming into the Wetlands, and it was a last stop for those who were leaving it.

"We're here," said the boat's captain as he turned off the motor. "Good luck in the Wetlands. Now, get offa my boat."

The first thing that Redwood noticed when she walked out was the heat. She was from the deserts out west, but the heat there simply beat down on everything, and was easy enough to get used to. In the Wetlands, it was much more humid, and it felt like the heat was seeping into Redwood's armor, her gun, and even her very being.

Edited by crispy fries
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Gizmo stepped off the boat, his sword and Gun was sling across his back. It was hot as hell, and Gizmo was not pleased, He was use to the cooler air of seatrotle. It was bad enough he had to cross the wasteland to get to the boat to here. He sighed, no point in sitting around mopping about. "I swear, i am going to but a bullet in that ghoul when I get back"


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@@Gamer_KM, @@flame,


An old stallion who was missing a few teeth and had an empty bottle in his hand perked up at the sight of the boat coming in.


"Oh, if it ain't more new folk comin' to the Wetlands," he said in a raspy voice. "Huh... you're packin' a lot more firepower than the local fare."

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Kronos came up to shore. Not by boat, however, but rather by swimming from the water to the dock. He was sure as hell that he scared the crap outta anyone who saw him emerge from the water, which is what he intended to do. He flicked his two cybernetic arms to shake out his water-proof, cybernetic arms. He pulled out his Pip-Buck which he got off of an Overmare's corpse from when he explored and ransacked a desolate Stable. After taking a look at his Pip-Buck, he then pulled out an intimidating looking shotgun with a drum magazine and a bayonet as well as a customized pistol as his sidearm and a Powerhoof. He noticed that it was pretty hot and humid as soon as he came to shore. He loaded a holotape into his Pip-Buck and set a few commands. His internal systems optimized his cybernetics to adapt to the climate of the foreign land. He cracked his neck from side to side and breathed in the fresh air of the Wetlands.


"Ahh," he sighed, "Nothing like a humid air to breathe into your nostrils to later drown out your lungs as the water travels from your trachea to your air sacs." He started looking around for some company. If I don't find someone out here soon, he thought, I'll go insane for sure.

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Redwood was a bit surprised to see a hulking figure rise out of the water, but she had heard that the Wetlands were a strange place anyways.


"Sweet Celestia!" exclaimed the old stallion, his surprise a bit more pronounced. "You're lookin' like one of them Gator Teeth!"


"Everypony knows the Gator Teeth are just a rumor," said another pony off to the side.


"I seent 'em myself!" responded the old stallion. "They're as real as deathclaws!"

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Gizmo sighed, "i only have this because in my line of work weird happens..."he nodded to the stallion coming out of the water, his EFS didn't tag it hostel....yet. he didn't quite trust the arcane tech as much as he first did. He shrugged at the anti-Pegasus rifle, it was zebra tech, he hate to use it, but it was a damn good gun, acceleration gems set into the barrel ment it could hit a moving target, and knock them off off course . "Not much can out run this"


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Redwood was a bit surprised to see a hulking figure rise out of the water, but she had heard that the Wetlands were a strange place anyways.


"Sweet Celestia!" exclaimed the old stallion, his surprise a bit more pronounced. "You're lookin' like one of them Gator Teeth!"


"Everypony knows the Gator Teeth are just a rumor," said another pony off to the side.


"I seent 'em myself!" responded the old stallion. "They're as real as deathclaws!"

Kronos turned his head towards the strange mare that was shouting about him.


Hmm, he thought, viable company, perhaps? He walked towards the mare, carefully trying not to evoke her nor the stallion next to the mare.


"Greetings," he greeted, "Name's Kronos, Wanderer of the Wastes, Protector of the Innocent, Immolator of the Wicked, Archangel of Justice, Harbinger of Death and Destruction. I have other nicknames, but the list of my reputation goes on and on and on. Who are you guys and what in Xerox's name is a Gator Teeth?"

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Redwood turned her attention to the pony in power armor and said, "Th' name's Redwood. Ah'm-"


"Well I'll tell you about the Gator Teeth!" interrupted the old stallion. "They're the meanest sumbitches this side of the Wetlands! They's hidin' out in the Everglades, and they could strike at any moment. Some say they's just a rumor, but I seent 'em. I was out fishin' and I saw a pair of eyes and the barrel of a gun stickin' outta the water, but it was gone the second I looked away. Y'see them?" He paused and pointed to two well armed ponies in combat gear. "Them's South Beach boys, and they ain't to be trusted. The Gator Teeth are gonna drive 'em outta the Wetlands one day."


"South Beach is the only reason some mutant isn't feeding you to its dog," said another pony off to the side.

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Redwood turned her attention to the pony in power armor and said, "Th' name's Redwood. Ah'm-"


"Well I'll tell you about the Gator Teeth!" interrupted the old stallion. "They're the meanest sumbitches this side of the Wetlands! They's hidin' out in the Everglades, and they could strike at any moment. Some say they's just a rumor, but I seent 'em. I was out fishin' and I saw a pair of eyes and the barrel of a gun stickin' outta the water, but it was gone the second I looked away. Y'see them?" He paused and pointed to two well armed ponies in combat gear. "Them's South Beach boys, and they ain't to be trusted. The Gator Teeth are gonna drive 'em outta the Wetlands one day."


"South Beach is the only reason some mutant isn't feeding you to its dog," said another pony off to the side.

Kronos turned towards the direction the mare was pointing out. He chuckled to himself when he saw how pitifully equipped they were compared to him. Then he thought again and realized that he's the one at a disadvantage as he's unfamiliar with the terrain and territory and that these Gator Teeth things have that advantage over him, so he made sure to watch his guard.


He then turned back towards the mare and thought, Hehe, she has a funny accent. But at the same time, she looks kinda cute. But, it's too soon to think that way. I shouldn't try to imitate her accent. It might offend the local residents. Just gotta make sure that I keep my guard up. He cocked his shotgun and replied, "Well, I'll try to keep an eye out for those...particular individuals."

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@, @, @@Gamer_KM, @, @@Spellvamp,


One of the South Beach troops that the old stallion had pointed out walked up to an elevated platform, and using magic to amplify his voice, said, "Attention citizens of Fairway: the South Beach Army would like to announce that we are now offering a 500 cap bounty for the capture of a suspected Gator Teeth associate, one Brick Trace. He was last seen in the residential area on 5th and Clarke. That is all."


"Looks like ah got mahself a job," said Redwood to herself.

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@, @, @@Gamer_KM, @, @@Spellvamp,

One of the South Beach troops that the old stallion had pointed out walked up to an elevated platform, and using magic to amplify his voice, said, "Attention citizens of Fairway: the South Beach Army would like to announce that we are now offering a 500 cap bounty for the capture of a suspected Gator Teeth associate, one Brick Trace. He was last seen in the residential area on 5th and Clarke. That is all."


A bounty, huh? Kronos thought to himself, Heh, better go and see where this Brick Trace guy is. He set his shotgun to ready position as he came up to troop and asked, "I'm game to give this bounty hunt a challenge. Can you please point me out to the location known as 5th and Clarke? I'm unfamiliar with this area and wish to know where my target is at. Also, alive or dead? And if dead, how would you like proof of death?"

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In the path from Fairway to the Everglades, a small shack would be seen, almost hidden by the ruined environment, off-course from the beaten road. The house itself was small, barely a two-room. It looked as if it had been rebuilt, many times over...Crudely painted red, and black.


Mines, of all shapes and sizes, decorated the area around it. Along with signs that read 'please don't take my mines,' and 'imminent death is imminent.'


One sign just had a face with horns on it.


Tinkering, and buzz-saws whirring, were heard within, as a fine, steady plume of smoke escaped the modified chimney...Obviously, whoever was inside, didn't wish to be bothered. Then again, seeing as whoever was in there, lived in-between Fairway and the Everglades...He might know a thing or two, about the Gator Teeth...


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"Ah'll take a stab at this bounty too," said Redwood as she stepped up next to the pony in power armor.


"Very well. 5th and Clarke is southeast of here, towards the Everglades," explained the soldier. "We want Brick Trace alive. He doesn't need to be unhurt, be he at least needs to able to talk. Trace is an earth pony, mid thirties, red coat, and brown mane."

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"Ah'll take a stab at this bounty too," said Redwood as she stepped up next to the pony in power armor.


"Very well. 5th and Clarke is southeast of here, towards the Everglades," explained the soldier. "We want Brick Trace alive. He doesn't need to be unhurt, be he at least needs to able to talk. Trace is an earth pony, mid thirties, red coat, and brown mane."

Kronos cracked his metal knuckles. "Oh, don't worry," Kronos replied to the soldier, "I know just how to bring him in alive and scared enough to make him squeal." As he finished, he puled out a custom-made Ripper blade that seemed gargantuan in comparison to standard Rippers. Kronos pulled the trigger on his Ripper sword and replied, "I'll make him talk, even if I have to torture him, one leg at a damn time." He took off into the direction he was directed to with his Ripper sword creating sparks as he dragged it across the ground, oblivious of the mare that also wanted in on the bounty.

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Gizmo Looked at the soldiers, EFS tagged the location and it appeared on his compose. Gizmo shrugged, "I don't haven't anything better to do..." he said, He turned to the marker. It wasn't quite true, but he wasn't going to hunt for that with out a lead. if fact this stallion might know where it was. He loaded a clip into Judgment, and looked around. it seemed others were going after the bounty. He knew better then directly ask for help, still.....He scratched his chin...


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The pony in power armor was already gone, and Redwood figured with a gung ho attitude like that, he was bound to get himself killed. Her gun was loaded before she had even gotten here, but Redwood was in unfamiliar territory, so it might have been a good idea to get some help.


She turned to the stallion with the large rifle and said, "Now, th' way it looks, both of us are goin' after th' bounty but neither of us know our way around, so how about we work together?"

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Gizmo Nodded and Extended his hoof, "I don't see a problem with that, My name is Gizmo, Gizmo the Tinker" He refamed from adding his other titles, 'don't need to make your self seem more of an aers then you already are'  he thought 'Probably should tell her....no the tag says it's not to far what could happen...'


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Kronos was wandering around the ruined streets of the Everglades, clearly lost.


Dammit, he thought, Why did I just go with the vague directions instead of asking for something like a landmark or something like that. Dammit, I'm lost as fuck. 


He saw a few things to swing his giant Ripper sword at. It cut quite a few objects there with ease and eventually sliced up a few other things he swung at.


Haha, he thought, this Super Chainsaw is awesome. Still, I wish I could use it on someone already. I'm really looking to cause a massacre here. C'mon, damn raiders, come out so that I can slaughter you lot.

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"Y'all can just call me Redwood," she said as she shook Gizmo's hoof. "Alright, we got ground to cover, and ah don't intend on havin' that fella in power armor claim that bounty first." Without waiting for a response, Redwood set off in the direction that the soldier had pointed out.

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"Y'all can just call me Redwood," she said as she shook Gizmo's hoof. "Alright, we got ground to cover, and ah don't intend on havin' that fella in power armor claim that bounty first." Without waiting for a response, Redwood set off in the direction that the soldier had pointed out.

Somewhere off to the north, a unicorn was traveling through the wetlands. Well, more like hobbling, given the blood soaked bandage wrapping around his left foreleg.


'Damn raiders,' he thought. 'I just can't get away from them can I?'


"Sir," said the AI inside his modified PipBuck, "You've lost a lot of blood, you need medical attention ASAP."


"I'm well aware of that Sheila." He responded, "I'm trying to find a settlement, but your map card is damaged and I'm lost as hell."


Sheila made no further response and Lupus struggled on.

Edited by Damien & Flash

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Somewhere off to the north, a unicorn was traveling through the wetlands. Well, more like hobbling, given the blood soaked bandage wrapping around his left foreleg.


'Damn raiders,' he thought. 'I just can't get away from them can I?'


"Sir," said the AI inside his modified PipBuck, "You've lost a lot of blood, you need medical attention ASAP."


"I'm well aware of that Sheila." He responded, "I'm trying to find a settlement, but your map card is damaged and I'm lost as hell."


Sheila made no further response and Lupus struggled on.


Coming back from a recent hunting trip, he usually didn't struggle but luck was on his side this time around and his saddlebags were laden with fresh alligator meat and pelt from particularly agile creature that nearly killed him. He had a slight limp to his right front hoof that indicated injury. He managed a quick splint with some cloth and wood after the matter and was making his way back to the local settlement of Fairway to sell his goods and find medical help. If the weight is any indication, at least this will keep me afloat while I heal back, He surmised. Upon hearing a strange voice chirp up from some point ahead, he noticed another pony with injuries like himself. Curious, he held back from initially looking into it. Last thing he needed is to be distracted until he reached the outer reaches of town. As fair as he was concerned, any thing could happen out here. maintaining a comfortable distance from the pony ahead of him, it would only be a matter of time before he noticed him. In any case, it wouldn't matter regardless. He hardly cared for the troubles of anyone else.

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Coming back from a recent hunting trip, he usually didn't struggle but luck was on his side this time around and his saddlebags were laden with fresh alligator meat and pelt from particularly agile creature that nearly killed him. He had a slight limp to his right front hoof that indicated injury. He managed a quick splint with some cloth and wood after the matter and was making his way back to the local settlement of Fairway to sell his goods and find medical help. If the weight is any indication, at least this will keep me afloat while I heal back, He surmised. Upon hearing a strange voice chirp up from some point ahead, he noticed another pony with injuries like himself. Curious, he held back from initially looking into it. Last thing he needed is to be distracted until he reached the outer reaches of town. As fair as he was concerned, any thing could happen out here. maintaining a comfortable distance from the pony ahead of him, it would only be a matter of time before he noticed him. In any case, it wouldn't matter regardless. He hardly cared for the troubles of anyone else.

Lupus thought he heard something behind him.


'Well shit,' he thought. 'I bet those raiders decided to follow me, I'll make them regret doing so, cause either way, I probably won't survive another ambush.'


He turned around, the two assault rifles on his battle saddle ready to fire.


"Whoever's there show yourself!" He said, hoping above all hope that they weren't hostile.

  • Brohoof 1

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Lupus thought he heard something behind him. 'Well shit,' he thought. 'I bet those raiders decided to follow me, I'll make them regret doing so, cause either way, I probably won't survive another ambush.' He turned around, the two assault rifles on his battle saddle ready to fire. "Whoever's there show yourself!" He said, hoping above all hope that they weren't hostile.


Using telekinetic magic, he drew his rifle at the sudden hostility of the pony ahead of him. "If you are going to shoot me , you better shoot first. Fair warning," he said his voice steady and cold. "Make your choice now." The friction in the air grew steadily as he waited for the other pony's reply.

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Kronos' rampage had certainly not gone unnoticed, and from the rooftop of nearby ruined building, a camouflaged pony with a high powered rifle was training their sights on him. When he was sure he had a bead on Kronos, a crack rang out as .50 caliber round was fired at him.

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Using telekinetic magic, he drew his rifle at the sudden hostility of the pony ahead of him. "If you are going to shoot me , you better shoot first. Fair warning," he said his voice steady and cold. "Make your choice now." The friction in the air grew steadily as he waited for the other pony's reply.

Lupus heard what the unknown pony had said and replied,


"I only shoot in self-defense so if you have no ill intentions then I won't shoot."


'Well, at least it isn't those raiders.' He thought, relived. 'I just hope this guy's reasonable, cause I'm in no condition to fight.'

  • Brohoof 1

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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