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open Elemental Alicorns


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Link back to OOC thread- https://mlpforums.com/topic/152423-elemental-alicorns/#entry4542087


Long after the time of Twilight Sparkle, Equestrian society is nearly broken. In the mist of chaos are five alicorns (or in some cases, ponies with special powers) who bear the power of the five elements: fire, water, air, nature, and electricity. All five of them are on the constant run from enemies. In fear or jealousy of the power they possessed, most of Equestria has turned on them, trying to kill the element bearers or strip them of their magic powers. There is said to be a special mystery spell that will restore order and society, protect  the ponies' lives and let them gain control of Equestria. The spell is difficult to cast, can only be revealed by elemental keys, requires the element bearers to team up and trust, and nopony currently knows it. Will the element bearers succeed?



Light flew through the azure sky, enjoying the serene breeze the blew through her mane. When would I get another chance to enjoy the sunshine? The white alicorn turned around, eyes fell upon the unmistakable evilish grin of an alicorn hunter. Definitely not soon. Light gulped, and quickly landed in a hopefully well concealed clearing. Her pointed horn brushed against a sharp stone, and a sharp pain filled Light. A bright yellow glow came out of her horn and zapped the most flammable piece of foliage she could find. Probably not a good idea. Light had absolutely no control over starting fires as an unfortunate result of striking flammable stuff with very unnatural electricity. And the worst part is that she can't stop them, and she'd feel so guilty, but at the same time she was merely just having fun. 


A crackling sound startled Light, who jumped and trotted off to hide behind a tree. Fire? No, no no no no, no no no no I'll be roasted to death! Maybe more painful than getting caught by an alicorn hunter! Or not? Light didn't really want to think this through, but then she usually didn't. What she did know is that electricity magic could be dangerous, in the form of lightning, static, or lightning started fires. The fires were the worst, as she could do nothing. 

Edited by Fire Twii
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'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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Copper looked up at the sky, praying like he does everyday since he got his wings and horn.  He had been on the run ever since there was a declaration that elemental alicorns were to be stripped of their powers or killed.  He then closed his eyes and began to sing, as if the previous alicorns, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence, were there.


(Parody of 'If You Only Knew' by Shinedown')


"If they only knew, 

I only ever wanted to be friends with them.

If they only knew,

I'd rather have a normal life, but now I need, to win,

There's still time for the letters,

To send to you, they need to live and learn!


It's four-o-three, and I can't sleep,

Without these wings and horn I would never live like this,

If I die tonight, bring me back to life,

Would you please protect me, the only thing that I still

Believe in is you, but if they only knew!


If they only knew,

How many times I stated all the rules that are gone,

If they only knew,

How I refuse to let them go even when they're wrong.

I don't regret any days I spent, 

Nights I shared, or speeches that I sent!


It's four-o-three, and I can't sleep,

Without these wings and horn I would never live like this,

If I die tonight, bring me back to life,

Would you please protect me, the only thing that I still

Believe in is you, but if they only knew!


I still hold on to the letters,

You have sent, you've helped me live and learn.


It's four-o-three, and I can't sleep,

Without these wings and horn I would never live like this,

If I die tonight, bring me back to life,

Would you please protect me, the only thing that I still

Believe in is you, but if they only knew!"


He sighed after singing.  He didn't know how long he'd last, but he knew that he had to survive.  He walked deeper into the woods, trying to hide from the alicorn hunters.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Light tried to hide herself completely behind the tree, although it was so dense in trees, a little away from the clearing, she thought impossible to be spotted by an alicorn hunter. Well, maybe this time shouldn't go to waste. Light's magic lit up, and she shot bright sparks of electricity at the tree, not destroying it but leaving a blackish trail. Electricity is a lot like other forces of nature, in a way. Still concentrating on only her magic, Light began to think that magic practice can't go wrong. She was wrong.


A shill shriek was heard. Light jumped, and grimaced at the sound, as is something was shocking with electricity. The white alicorn felt like she had ants in her pelt, as she turned around and-




What was that?


It was a charred thing, all blackened and not that pleasant. Not just any thing. It was a squirrel, shocked and electrocuted by Light's own magic. Light's hoof immediately flew to her mouth, trying not to get sick. Ponies don't eat meat! Well it wasn't the worst that could happen, but by far the most creepy and disgusting. Light levitated the dead squirrel with her magic and flung it out, away, beyond that first clearing. Then she opened her wings and flew, flew away, away from the drama. She just hoped that things couldn't get any worse. 


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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Amarok pressed forward through the forest, leaving a hunter behind him, laying on the ground. His coughing had ceased as mystical water poured out of their mouth and nose. It was over for them. Amarok refused to die, he had for years, and he would forever longer do so. Each plant he pressed paste, and those surrounding him he created thin icy webs on. This technique would help him sense anypony whom decides to approach if they were to break. Kinda like the webs of the spider, telling the predator that another being has entered their range. He was venturing further into the foliage when he smelled smoke in the air and decided he wasn't having any of it. He laid down and created a thick dome of solid ice around himself and began to concentrate, in which to condence the moisture in the forest and fortify it. The humidity in the forest during his concentration rose exponentially, and any fires, would be quickly suffocated. He would have a few minutes to retaliate if anypony attempted to destroy the dome as well, it was quite formidable.

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Magmosor walked through a very dry air created from the very flames that continously went around him, that was until he entered a part of the forest he had hid in where everything became very humid, humid enough to quench the flames he had put down. His friends and his only company in this lonely world. His tail started flickering on and off from being magmalike as the air around him became drier and drier as the heat kept on rising, if one stood next to him one would see clearly the rage filled eyes he had. But imagine, can you blame him? His friends were harmed, this almost meant war to him. Soon however as the heat had been rising visible plasma had started to form around him flying in any direction due to the enormous energy they almost instantly was given. However, around Magmosor a dense thick cloud of plasma had gathered heating up the wind causing it to become as dry as possible. The heat from the shell was above any organic being's resistance as it was enough to cause fluids to instantly vaporize if they got close enough. He could feel the visible toll this took on him, plasma was indeed the hardest form of heat to create, controlling said heat would prove to be a bigger problem however as it would instantly leave at least a trail of molten magma around him if he let it out of control, thankfully he should be though. As he himself would be safe from its wrath, it would only expand outwards and not inwards towards him which was why he could even be alive at this moment. The heat only penetrated enough to warm him. Unlucky for his stalkers though, or maybe hunters? Either way they're the same now, just fuel for the flames.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Copper sighed a long sigh, then felt somepony close to him, one quick look later, he galloped away from the alicorn hunter that was chasing him.  Being the fastest Earth Pony that he was before he got his wings and horn, he was now able to run faster then the racing pegasus, and within a few seconds he was gone.


@@Colenso Rivers


He stopped a bit after seeing that the alicorn hunter after him was no longer following him, to look at what was ahead.  He knew he would be meeting a fellow alicorn, because he saw a dead hunter who apparently was after the other one, and not only that but there was a dome up ahead, and what looked like another one of the elemental alicorns.  Seeing that, he casually approached the dome, stopping only a few meters from it, before looking around to see who made said dome in the first place.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Something had broken quite a few of his webs in extremely rapid succession. Not only that, but for some reason things were only getting hotter. He had to get out of this forest, asap. His dome collapsed on his body to form a suit of sub zero armor and his eyes immediately met those of another. Blue. Just an a**ton of blue. He would have none of this. He didn't look closely enough to see it was another alicorn, all he knew was as long as he kept himself isolated, neither he nor anypony else would be cause harm on his behalf.  In a split second A small platform of ice formed under his hooves and rose out of the ground with him atop, becoming a spire that reached the skies, where he looked down to see most of the forest lit ablaze and a trail of electrical snaps. He thought aloud to the blue face, "Good luck." Before taking to the skies.

He was once a unicorn. His feathers were made of ice. His fur was saturated with water. He had absolute zero armor on. All these combined meant one thing. He needed all the help he could get to fly, and that meant the spire.

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@@Colenso Rivers


Copper looked up at the alicorn, as his first thought was true, as they flew with the platform.  He had practiced with his own wings for flying, so he took to the air to try and stop his fellow alicorn.  "Wait!  I'm on your side!"  he yelled after them.  Once he reached level with the other alicorn, he said, "I'm an alicorn on the run as well.  I'm sorry that I didn't say anything.  My name is Copper Strikes.  What's your name?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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A few years after she had just became a alicorn Petal tried to hide from alicorn hunters.c She had no where to hide so she just had to go into a lake. She just had to go to the lake because the alicorn hunter tried to take away her powers. She was deep in the forest so she had no other choice but to call her animals like her manticore.


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What was that? Light shied away from a crackling bush, and flicked her tail out of the way, to let a poison snake pass. What other creepy crawly things are in this blasted forest? The white alicorn opened her wings and took to the air, gliding just under treetops. Light liked to fly, away from her worries, away from... burning squirrels. That charred squirrel was a mistake, not something Light would be proud of. She didn't like shocking innocent animals with her elemental magic, unless absolutely necessary. She didn't like killing either. She for sure didn't like toasting squirrels for lunch. I'd sooner die than eat a squirrel for lunch! Like magic, Light's sudden thoughts were answered. 


An alicorn hunter shimmered into view, an azure unicorn with a menacing glint in her dark amber eyes. Light's heart began to race a hundred miles, she couldn't die, not just yet. Suddenly Light was engulfed in amber magic aura, and pinned to the ground. The alicorn hunter jumped on top of her and looked Light in the eye. There was something in her gaze, something Light recognized. Fear. Fear of her. How could anypony fear one measly alicorn? I don't know. That something Light didn't know about, and really didn't want to find out. 


"Say good bye to the world," the alicorn hunter hissed in her face. Light frowned, trying to think of something logical to do, something not really her forte. 


"I'm just saying goodbye to you," Light replied sweetly, and tried to fake a grin. 


The unicorn was unsettled, and while she was distracted, Light shot her with a lightning bolt and flew away, hiding near a rushing brook.


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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An alicorn. He answered with his thoughts, "How does being an alicorn change your position in my eyes?" Before he could answer, he finished, "It doesn't. If staying in motion means that I'm on the run, then running with another fugitive puts me at greater risk, don't you think. Wait, of course you don't." He heard the crack of thunder from below and looked down with great irritation. He had to move, so his ice armor gave him the shape of a large kingfisher, a legendary beast called the halcyon. He took flight and cried out, hopefully drawing attention to him from the forest, the hunters would be drawn to appease to one, which would give him the chance to finish them off.

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@@Colenso Rivers


Copper growled at the fellow alicorn at his insolence.  He had a point, but he didn't have to explain it that way.  Either way, he had to team up with this one eventually, and hopefully soon.  But for now, he had to run, or in this case, fly as far away as possible...




...That is until he found yet another alicorn, facing an alicorn hunter.  He saw the lightning bolt hitting the hunter, and he decided to help her.  He rushed down to her side, saying as he touched down, "I'm on your side.  Name's Copper Strikes.  Better run while you can, I'll take care of this hunter for you."  And with that, he faced the hunter, and said coldly, "You got a lot of nerve facing alicorns that are beyond your potential.  Why don't you run away while you can, so that you won't have to face the might of us?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"Hello, Copper. My name is Light. Thanks for dealing with that one," Light replied. She stayed hidden behind lichen, magic ready in case anypony decides to sneak up. She simply ducked down, hiding her face behind the fronds and tried to relax. This was proven impossible, as every slight movement by friend or foe, made her jump. The white alicorn was glad to have found an ally, she was sure she would have been dead by now if Copper hadn't shown up. Using magic was not something she was very used to, therefore making her a bit weaker. How many more hunters are out there? A lot. Nearly all of Equestria is against us. Somehow we need to turn the tides...


Light tried to produce a magical barrier to protect herself, in case the alicorn hunter got away. She failed, this was a spell far beyond her level. The thing she was good at is shooting electricity at foes and toasting squirrels. Light frowned, the memory of that dead squirrel still made her cringe.


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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The alicorn hunter scowled, still having fear in his eyes.  "You don't understand.  We will never serve you and the other alicorns.  We had our services to Princess Twilight and the original alicorns, but the new alicorns are seen as threats to us."


Copper just scoffed at the response.  "We're no different from the originals.  We were destined to be rulers as they were.  Why can't you see that?"


"Because you were never meant to be rulers, and you know it."


Copper growled.  He knew the hunter spoke the truth.  But he said, "If you won't give us a shot, then leave Equestria.  It's as simple as that.  But since you insist on killing us off, we have no choice but to fight you."


Copper then flew at high speed at the hunter and delivered a hard punch to the muzzle, sending him flying to a tree, knocked out.




He then walked over to Light, and said, "I rather not use magic unless I really have to, which is why I use my hooves in battle situations like this.  Are you alright?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"I'm fine." Light responded. "A bit dazed, and confused. What was the hunter trying to tell us? It sounded a bit important."


Why aren''t we destined to become rulers? We're alicorns, we have magic, we're so powerful. But we were randomly chosen. Our ascensions are so predictable. Where's the meaning behind all of this? This doesn't make any sense. Light stared into space, lost in thought. But why were we chosen? Why did Equestria turn on us? What made society break up? The white alicorn had so many questions, but there was one she couldn't wait any longer to hear the answer of.


"Are we really that dangerous?"


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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Copper shook his head.  "He basically said that randomly chosen alicorns by way of cutie marks were seen as threats to them.  We were supposed to be chosen by the original alicorns to rule Equestria, according to Twilight, who taught me my magic skills before her passing, so I'm older than the ones who have ascended to alicorn-hood.  And apparently, we are dangerous.  With the exception of me, we can't control our magic as well as the originals, which is a shame, really."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Light wasn't really surprised. Her magic was quite difficult to control, and she was pretty sure her actual special talent was flight, not magic. 


"The truth can be rather disappointing sometimes," she murmured sadly. Light was glad to finally find out why she and the other elemental alicorns were feared so. Now that she knew the truth, Light's mind got a little clearer. 


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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As he flew past, he noticed the other alicorn growl. Well, this one clearly had entitlement issues. He landed in a clearing right outside the forest and used this opportunity to one: Appear more convincing and two; using his frost beak as an opportunity to properly groom his feathers.

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Copper overheard her murmur, and nodded at her.  "As it is, Light.  I wish I knew a way for them to know that we can rule like the originals.  A way to let them trust us like they did the old rulers like Twilight Sparkle."  He looked up at the sky, sighing as he remembered his short time with Twilight.  "I miss her.  She was a great mentor, and an even better friend.  Ever since she and her friends passed away, heck ever since I got my wings and horn, I prayed to the original alicorns, and often sung the same song I've known for quite some time to them."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"I never knew Twilight, but I had always wished I could have a chance to meet her. She seemed so friendly, and could have taught me how to control my powers better."


Light shuddered as she remembered today's charred squirrel. 


"Uh, Copper? Do you know the original reason started to hunt us? It was to be more than just fear and jealousy."


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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Copper though for a few seconds, then responded.  "I... have no idea, really.  It might be that because of the number of alicorns.  I think they fear that too many alicorns to rule over Equestria, to have a say at discussions.  I didn't think much about being a prince, but after a while, I grew to liking the title, and wanting to embrace it."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"Five alicorns are probably a bit too much. I've never wanted to become a princess, I would probably be all royally awkward..." Light laughed, thinking about how life as a sheltered little princess would be like. "Maybe us alicorns are being hunted because they think we can't be controlled in any way. A pony isn't a thing, so now I'm just getting confused by my own ideas."


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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Copper thought about Light's thinking, nodding casually at the statement.  "Maybe.  Five alicorns do sound like too much, but I think we can split our ruling five ways.  As for being hunted, it sounds plausible, but I can control myself."


He looked up, then back at Light.  "Let's get moving.  I think it's best if we got out of the forest as quick as we can, barring alicorn hunters in our path."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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As Magmosor's ball of plasma grew slowly he suddenly felt very worried about the life on the outside, the fires told him it was all fuel but... Its living, is it not? If he truly wishes to hurt something like that, wouldn't he be a murderer? He questioned himself to the brink of losing conscious actions. But regaining full control was too late, the spell he had been channeling suddenly became uncontrollable, the ball of plasma expanded in one swift moment into a large explosion creating a ring of magma around him as well as a desert in the middle of the forest due to the heat instantly evaporating the trees. Who could imagine such a disaster would occur? He could not imagine it, he knew fire was dangerous. Not to play around too much, but when is it too much? He certainly saw it now.


Suddenly remembering the alicorn hunters he quickly started flying without using his wings, how he did it was by blowing hot air downwards to propel him upwards by the use of fire that started from the very air just under his hooves, or more at the bottom of them if he were to change their direction. It was rather awkward for him to first control but since he had a natural instinct with communicating with the flames he quickly caught on how to properly fly using this method, he wasn't an agile flier or anything like that but this is certainly easier than flying... However it did drain his energy faster. He had already spent a lot on the earlier spell so he decided to fly using his wings to fly away... No matter how awkward the landing would be, so he started flying very very badly... Someone's got to notice such a bad flier must never have been a pegasus before.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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A fiery being entered the sky, it wasn't that hard to spot. He had no doubt this was the one whom was burning down the forest. Amarok, still in disguise cried out to the figure. Hopefully, for the rest of the forest, and any others in the figures way, he could cool it down. If not, he would have no reservations in killing. There was the fact that this creature clearly manipulated heat, which could prove problematic. Hmm.... He had to consider the practicality of fighting a creature like this. Bose Einsteinium condensates and absolute zero temperatures could give him the edge he needed.

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