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@@Wolves, Poppyfur brightened up at the thought of maybe training one of the kits when they were ready. She also decided to stay in camp rather than go on patrol; the thought that Shadowclan warriors were nearby was very worrying, especially since there were several queens with kits in camp. It was just as well to have a strong guard in camp in case an attack came.




"They should be careful," Midnightstar replied. "Thunderclan obviously are aware of our increased patrols in their territory; they are sending out more warriors on their own patrols. Make sure our strongest warriors go with you when you search for herbs."


The sickness was very worrying to Midnightstar. She thought reluctantly that they might have to organise a meeting at Fourtrees with the Thunderclan leader, as there was no telling whether it might spread to other clans; in fact, it was more than likely that it would. Midnightstar didn't care overmuch about Thunderclan in itself, but a meeting would ensure that Thunderclan warriors did not interfere with the medicine cat needing to gather herbs in their territory.



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The patrol edged closer to the loner, as he gestured with his paw in his unaware state of sleep. One curious apprentice padded forward, until he was just two tail lengths away from the grey and black spotted rogue. Then she turned to her mentor, who nodded, signalling the rest of the patrol to rudely awaken the loner with hostile caterwauling and surround him.


The loner would only barely move, when they began yowling, slightly raising his head to blink at his surroundings. 


He cracked a grin. 


"Well. I was wondering when my alarm clock would go off. I haven't overslept, have I?" He asked obnoxiously, with a bemused flick of his tail, getting up to stretch on the rock. "I must say, considering the sun, I'm late for a nap overdue over in the other side of the forest. Be a sport, and let me pass, mm?"


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@@P-Jay Suddenly, the patrol stopped in tracks. One older warrior tilted his head, confused, to one side. The loner's casual and bemused demeanor was something rather unfamiliar, considering the situation he was in. "Get out of out territory and we shall leave you in peace," the warrior meowed calmly.


@@Pripyat Pony Twigblaze flicked her tail and nodded in agreement with her leader. "Looks like the dawn patrol is just leaving," she mentioned. "is it alright if I head out with them?" She asked Midnightstar the question, just in case she was required to help around the camp.


@@The Cerberus Kitestar smiled at her deputy and then padded down from the highrock to inspect every den in the camp, making sure each was plenty secure. There was a rather bare looking patch of brambles sheltering one area of the apprentices' den, she realised.



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Slumberfur and Darkpaw arrived to the area in the forest that had lot of bushes and one rock that was about size of five toms, Slumberfur just finished telling Darkpaw about warrior code and it's importance. He jumped on the rock, "So, no let's see how quietly you can move, I close my eyes and only use my ears trying to avoid your attacks, Imagine that I'm the pray and you are hunting me"


And so Darkpaw started, he went into bushes and tried to sneak onto his teacher, Slumberfur was able to doge and block the attacks for now but Darkpaw didn't give up and kept sneaking from different directions.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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Suddenly, the patrol stopped in tracks. One older warrior tilted his head, confused, to one side. The loner's casual and bemused demeanor was something rather unfamiliar, considering the situation he was in. "Get out of out territory and we shall leave you in peace," the warrior meowed calmly.


"Oh, of course, rightio, I'll get right on that..." The loner bounced off the rock, stretching slightly more. "Although, I must ask: which of you cats are the leader--or at least, the one with most authority--in this little get-together we've got here?"




He smiled mysteriously. 


"...I actually come with a message, from the cats of Twolegplace."

Edited by P-Jay


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@@P-Jay "Our leader is not with us right now," the eldest warrior said to the rogue. He dug his claws into he earth below, glancing at each cat in the patrol. The mysterious loner then spoke again, and the confident young apprentice who had approached him before piped up; "and what might that message be?" she said, a challenging tone edging her voice.

Her mentor hushed her and awaited the reply of the rogue cat.



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"Our leader is not with us right now," the eldest warrior said to the rogue. He dug his claws into he earth below, glancing at each cat in the patrol. The mysterious loner then spoke again, and the confident young apprentice who had approached him before piped up; "and what might that message be?" she said, a challenging tone edging her voice.

Her mentor hushed her and awaited the reply of the rogue cat.


His eyes sparkled. "I can only tell it to the one with the most authority...Whoever has the most respect, come forward. It's something that the others cant know...And be sure to pass it on to your leader..."


He had started to ever so slowly stalk towards the eldest warrior...




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@@P-Jay As Rye stalked towards the eldest warrior, he backed away cautiously. "One of you... go and alert Kitestar about this," he told the patrol. One apprentice rushed off back in the direction of the camp. The warrior tensed but stood his ground, the told Rye, "what is it that is so important? I shall not be falling for any trickery."

Edited by Wolves



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As Rye stalked towards the eldest warrior, he backed away cautiously. "One of you... go and alert Kitestar about this," he told the patrol. One apprentice rushed off back in the direction of the camp. The warrior tensed but stood his ground, the told Rye, "what is it that is so important? I shall not be falling for any trickery."


As he approached, his tail flicked once, when the apprentice ran off to alert the leader. Although, he didn't seem concerned at all, over the development. Stalking ever so closer to the steadfast warrior, he would walk until he was directly in front of the bigger cat...


...Before he would slowly raise one paw...Raising it to eye-level with the warrior...


"...This is the message."


He gently booped the warrior's nose, then sprinted away, giggling. 


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@@P-Jay The warrior stepped back as the loner patted his nose, then rushed away, giggling. A bewildered expression was etched on his face. One younger warrior chuckled, but the glare he was shot by the eldest warrior silenced him. "Make sure he leaves Thunderclan territory!" he ordered, shaking his head in an attempt to rid of his understandable confusion. The patrol gave chase to Rye, not intending to bother the rogue again if he left their territory.


@@Summer Breeze @@Pripyat Pony @@The Cerberus Kitestar decided to visit the medicine cat den, where Willopaw's ill mentor was being cared for. The Thunderclan medicine cat lowered his head and looked at Kitestar. "I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do," he told his leader. Kitestar tilted her head.

"I had no idea it was so serious..." she said with a tone of realisation. "Has it spread?"

"It is suspected that the illness has come from Shadowclan. He was awfully near to their territory, I have heard..."

"Oh no..." Kitestar murmured. She felt a pang of pity as she fixed her gaze on the brave lost warrior.

"As long as this hasn't spread from him..." the medicine cat mentioned. "Hopefully it will not affect any others of Thunderclan." His voice was hoarse with grief.

"I shall inform Willowpaw, and assign her a new mentor..." Kitestar announced, her tone, too, shaky with sorrow.


Kitestar headed over to the apprentices' den and called to Willowpaw.



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After many attempts Darkpaw finally gave up. "You are cheating, I am sure I didn't let any sound."


Slumberfur jumped off from the rock and tapped Darkpaws head. "You trust too much to your speed, you have to get closer silently before attacking, and besides your prey has also nose and eyes so sound isn't only thing" "And this is your first day, there is lot of time in front of you to learn"

"You are probably right, but how long are we continuing this?"

"That's enough of that for today, but before the next test, I tell you little bit about sneaking and hunting..." Slumberfur told what Darkpaw should pay most attention to and demonstrated some things.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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Wilowpaw woke up and stretched in her moss bed. She had been quite lazy since her mentor got sick, now that she didn't get any training anymore and she also couldn't go with the patrols because she wasn't an apprentice for very long. the other apprentices had already left and she now had the apprentice den all for herself.


She thought of going to see if there was any fresh prey already or hanging around with her mother today when she heard a voice calling for her, she recogniced the voice of kitestar. She walked outside to see the leader. I hope this isn't about my little adventure yesterday she thought. She looked at kitestar 'Moring kitestar, what's wrong?' She said when she saw kitestars sad expression. this isn't about my mentor right?  she suddenly realised and waited for kitestars answer with a worried expression on her face. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze "Willowpaw..." Kitestar began, taking note of the worried expression the apprentice wore. She felt horrible having to deliver the news that the young she-cat clearly was hoping not to hear. "I'm sorry, but Kestreltalon was just too ill..." She told her slowly, shuffling her paws on the ground. "I'm sorry... I shall have to assign you a new mentor."



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Willowpaws eyes got big when she heard the bad news news. 'No, this-this is impossible, it can't be!' willowpaw said with a shaking voice full of grief. 'I can't beleve it! I have to see him!' She then screamed and she ran of to the medicine cat den. When she came there she walked straight to the dead body of her former mentor. 'No...' She said, shaking her head. She pushed her nose against kestreltalon's side but he didn't move. 'I'm so sorry, so sorry.' She said with an almost unhearable voice 'For everytime I didn't listen and ran off.


willowpaw knew that her mentor had been ill and that it was possible that he wouldn't make it but now that he really was dead she couldn't beleve it. It was just unfair, just when she became an apprentice and started to like her mentor she had to lose him. it was just not fair. 

Edited by Summer Breeze


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Wolves, "Yes," Midnightstar replied. "We need more herbs, or else, there will be more deaths. I know it is dangerous, but the patrol must get herbs from Thunderclan territory. If you should encounter any Thunderclan patrols, give Kitestar a message from me to meet at Fourtrees."


The Shadowclan leader hated to have to go to these lengths, but Shadowclan cats were sick and dying. Any leader would do the same.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Slumberfur and Darkpaw arrived to the clearing. "As you know there is lot of other cats and not all are friendly, and one of warrior's duties is protect the clan what ever it takes." Darkpaw looked at Slumberfur with curiosity "So you are teaching me how to fight?"

"Well, not yet teach but test, so will free to attack" "But, we have to be careful, we are not far from Shadowclan's territory's border, and their patrol has been detected in our territory."


Darkpaw started his attack and Slumberfur was surprised by his performance, it was actually challenging to Slumberfur to keep track of Darkpaw's movements. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@@Pripyat Pony @@Summer Breeze Kitestar followed Willowpaw into the medicine cat den. She sighed sadly as she the apprentice shaking with grief. "I'm sorry..." she repeated herself. "He was such a great warrior, and a good friend." In that moment, the medicine cat appeared and his dull eyes betrayed his pity. He apologised to Willowpaw himself and then went to the elders' den.

Kitestar padded out of the den, leaving Willowpaw by Kestreltalon's motionless side. She spotted Poppyfur and called to her deputy, hesitantly and slowly explaining what had happened.


Twigblaze nodded, agreeing with her honourable leader's words and then walking over to join the dawn patrol. The group headed out into the swampish woods to go and find more herbs and hunt.


@@The Cerberus The apprentice who had been sent back in the direction of the Thunderclan camp by the patrol had no idea what had really happened. As far as he knew, Rye could be attacking his clan mates at this very moment; he hadn't a clue what had really happened, which was a far cry from what he had expected. As he raced through the territory, he stumbled into a clearing and very nearly crashed right into Darkpaw as he was training with Slumberfur. "Sorry!" he cried.



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@@Wolves, Poppyfur knew that something was wrong the moment that Kitestar approached her. It was the expression on her leader's face that told her, even before Kitestar began to speak. Once the news was broken, Poppyfur was horrified. "Poor Willowpaw," she said. "So horrible, to lose a mentor in that way. This sickness... we need to find out where it originated. Maybe even... approach Shadowclan."


Poppyfur spoke this last with reluctance. She knew the reputation of Shadowclan. But a sickness like this was not just Shadowclan's problem; it was everycat's problem, especially if it spread.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Darkpaw jumped back at sudden appearance of another apprentice, after recognizing him as one of the Thunderclan's Darkpaw calmed down. "Don't worry..."


But before Darkpaw got to finish Slumberfur took part to the conversation. "Didn't you go with a dawn patrol, why are you running here alone?"


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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Rye bolted through the forest with surprising agility, dashing left and right as the warriors gave chase. Snickering the entire time, easily pulling ahead, before crossing the border into Shadowclan territory. 


"...Oh, its too easy..." He said to himself, watching as the cats from Thunderclan stopped, and began to give the usual warnings. 


'If we catch you on our territory again, we'll skin your pelt', blah, blah, blah, all that good stuff. 


He found another rock, on the Shadowclan territory, sitting down to begin grooming himself...Although he was barely a few fox-lengths from Thunderclan's border.


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@@Pripyat Pony Kitestar nodded gradually in agreement with Poppyfur. "Luckily, it appears not to have spread from poor Kestreltalon. Hopefully, no one else in out clan will fall ill, but if this had spread from Shadowclan then we are all still at risk," she mentioned. "The gathering isn't too far away, but both Thunderclan and Shadowclan will likely benefit from meeting sooner."


@@The Cerberus The apprentice caught his breath and then answered Slumberfur. "A rogue was spied on Thunderclan territory!" he explaining hurriedly. "I was sent back to the camp to alert Kitestar, just in case he attacked."


@@P-Jay The Thunderclan cats hissed furiously after Rye, but eventually the eldest warrior instructed them to continue their border patrol. "We'll keep an eye out for that loner..." he had said, glaring at the cat once more before padding along the Thunderclan border further.



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"So now there is rogue too"  "I don't think any rogue is so stupid that they would attack whole patrol... but you should finish your duty and report it to Kitestar" Slumberfur looked at Darkpaw "We'll go see if patrol got it already solved" and they left to direction apprentice had come...



..They arrived to on the border and Slumberfur smelt the air. "Patrol just passed here, I guess they got him dealt with, since they are continuing patrol normally". He turned around and was ready to go back.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@@Summer Breeze Kitestar decided that it would be best to assign Willowpaw her new mentor as soon as possible - an attack from Shadowclan could still be a threat to them, if the clan ended up in a fight with a Thunderclan patrol. She bounded up onto the highrock and called a gathering, summoning the clan. She announced the unfortunate news.



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Willowpaw walked out of the medicine cat den when she heard kitestart calling the clan together. She didn't really know what to do so she decided to sit as far away as possible and she stared at the ground. She saw a pair of white paws coming towards her, it was her mother butterflyfoot. Butterflyfoot sat next ot her daughter and didn't say anyting. But that wasn't really needed, the only thing willowpaw wanted now was a little bit of compagnie. 

She sat like this, next to her mother and listened to kitestar tell everyone the bad news, hearing it again was hard for the little cat and she tried her hardest to stay where she sat and not look at all the cats that looked at her. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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When Slumberfur was starting to go back breath of wind came from direction of Shadowclan's territory, it carried unknown but still somehow familiar smell with it.

He pointed Darkpaw stay where he was and walked at the border @@P-Jay,

"Whoever there is, I can smell you!" He wasn't sure if it was cat from Shadowclan or that rogue that apprentice told about, but why would there be lone Shadowclan cat if whole patrol had been sensed in Thunderclan's territory. He turned away and continued. "I just suggest staying in that side!"


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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