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open Anthro Slice of Life Redux


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"Um what about the seductress thing? Oh and the insane strength? I think I heard a few other things, but I can't recall them, or you've covered them already so yeah that's about it right this moment in terms of questions I can think of Miko." She looked to Mindie. "You've not said anything Mindie, what to? Or not? I mean I won't push if it's hitting a nerve or something I am curious is all." She said with a sense of genuine intrigue. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Seductress?  You mean appearing insanely attractive just to steal dude's youthfully energy, souls or blood? False. Not the insanely attractive part. We Kitsune are just a rather...promiscuous bunch."


"Ain't that the truth...."


"Insane strength? Well depends on your definition of insane. Strength is relative. I can probably rival your average earth stallion, but there are stronger of my kin. I'm more built for speed & endurance. May not be anything special in terms of power, but I can move as fast as your Pegasai can fly."


"Curious? About what again?" ​she asked of Quills inquiry.

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Midnight smiled as she rested her chin on his shoulder and sighs softly. "Me too" she says softly, her arms still wrapped around his waist and she giggles as she feels his tail wag. "I'm not all that tired right now hun, maybe we can just sit and talk for a bit?" she asks

"I guess, but don't blame me if I fall asleep." He grinned lazily, his ears drooping.


He hoisted her into his arms lazily, and moved inside the building, pulling his key out of his bike.


He scaled the stairs and nuzzled Midnight with his snout like a domestic puppy.


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She smiles and nuzzles him back "well if you fall asleep before I do, don't blame me for wanting to brush your fur and tail" she giggles as she snuggles into his embrace. Sure there were some furs and ponies who looked at them oddly, but in reality, she didn't care. All she cared about was being with Zeke,


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"Well that's those questions answered then, thanks Miko." She looks back to Mindie. "What am I on about you? What I mean is that your not a normal wolf can or will you care to explain to me about that, as I am rather curious now is all." She said with a casual smile. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Well, yes, you're kinda right, but not quite in the way your expecting. No, I am not a normal wolf. I am of the 'Kindred.' Beings who can change their, well, everything in relation to their form. I was born like this. But I can turn into the ancestor to primal grey wolves, the extinct dire wolf, seemingly at will with little discomfort. But also...I can turn into...well... I don't know what the other one is... I haven't seen anything like it in Equestria or back home. I've looked and found nothing on what the third creature is. It certainly isn't pony, and it definitely isn't a wolf." 

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"That is rather cool, better than some bog standard wold, your a kindred." She said with some intrigue. "Honestly that's rather damn cool Mindie, so what is this third form then have you ever turned into this unknown third from?" Again she was on the edge of her seat with intrigue to this tale she'd been told. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Nice to know that simply being a wolf is considered 'bog standard' around here." She said, a bit affronted by her choice of words.  "And yes, I have turned into this this third form. Hence how I know about it even existing and that it isn't like any other creature in Equestria."

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She changed her expression once she noticed the tone of how Mindie responded at least for her first sentence which made her ears droop a little. "I... I didn't mean to say that... just that your unique um sorry..." She did not know what else to add and not wanting to cause anymore offence 

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Zeke smiled.

"I don't mind that at all."

He walked along the corridor, only stopping to buy a bag of chips in the vending machine.

"So, I've showed you my favourite hobby. What do you like to do for fun? Other than singing, dancing, etc." He smiled down at his girlfriend.


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"does snuggling with the wolf of my dreams count as a hobby?" she asks with a giggle, leaning up to kiss him softly "well, I like to draw,  uhm..I dunno rally. I like to pick flowers, go out to eat.." she blushes "I'm kinda boring, aren't I?" she giggles as she nuzzles into his warm chest fur


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Yes. I am unique. Being a wolf does make me unique in the grand scheme of Equestria. A predator trying to fit in among a heard of prey. No, I cannot change the weather, be one with the earth, use magic, or tap into the divine powers of friendship,  but it certainly beats being a bog standard unicorn, at least." she said a little colder, and a faint undercurrent of hurt in her words.

Edited by Denim&Venom
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"I've offended you..." Quill saw no reason to stay and cause anymore damage, not to mention she had to do things today anyway and this was putting them off. She got up, "It was... um nice to meet you both, I'm going to head off." With that said she departed and started to make her way to her own home.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Way to go, bitch. You scared her off." Miko said as she went after her.


"Hey, not my fault she didn't want to be around a bog standard wolf." Mindie said as she walked back to her room.


"You know she didn't mean it that way!" Miko yelled out, but was met with a slammed door. 


"And she was interested in you too..." she muttered, before heading after.



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Quill was outside the building before Miko caught up with her, the mare's ears were slumped on her head. "What do you want Miko?... Come to rub it in more for insulting your friend I get that I messed up alright?" She said not really even looking a Miko at all, just staring at the pavement and her and Miko's hooves/paws.  

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@@Mentis Soliloquy
"Oh yeah I have so much time on my hands just to come out here and use my grievances aggravate things further. Seriously what is it with ponies assuming that? I know you didn't mean to hurt Mindie's feelings. I know. You were looking pretty enthusiastic while you two talked. She's just very proud of what she is. And well...for a long time she was told she shouldn't be. That's why your off handed comment struck the wrong chord with her."

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"I am making it worse... yay... I did not mean what I said, but what now? I've hurt her somehow inadvertently and have no means to fix this, I have things to do anyway. I just wanted to say hi to someone and be bold for once, worked for a while." She looked up at her. "Not working now, so I'll just leave."   

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Worked with me. Initially worked with Mindie. No, you don't have a means to fix this. At the moment. But you will definitely have none if you give up on her. She's a big softy on the inside. A big sensitive softy. And hey, if she was really upset at you, she would've tossed you through the window. Or the wall next to the window. Which did give me a bit of cause to question if our dorm room is up to code. "


(you may wanna start quoting me. I'm not getting mentions from this RP)

Edited by Denim&Venom

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"Worked with me. Initially worked with Mindie. No, you don't have a means to fix this. At the moment. But you will definitely have none if you give up on her. She's a big softy on the inside. A big sensitive softy. And hey, if she was really upset at you, she would've tossed you through the window. Or the wall next to the window. Which did give me a bit of cause to question if our dorm room is up to code. "


"You mean she'd get violent if I really offended her?" She sighed a little. "Well I suppose all is not lost then I guess then. Kinda big of you to come and well talk to me after I left, not many would of done the same. I am not sure if I could personally." She turns around to look at her. "So what now?" 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,

"Well it was easy, I am not the one who was offended. And I know down the line Mindie would probably start feeling bad about this, but be too ashamed to do anything about it. So it's whats' best for the both of you. As to what's next?   That depends on a few things. What time is it, what errands do you have to run and what are your BWH measurements?"

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"Well it was easy, I am not the one who was offended. And I know down the line Mindie would probably start feeling bad about this, but be too ashamed to do anything about it. So it's whats' best for the both of you. As to what's next?   That depends on a few things. What time is it, what errands do you have to run and what are your BWH measurements?"


 She rolled off answers after Miko spoke. "It's about 12-1 o'clock I think. I have to go and see another professor in like an hour about a class requirement... why do you need my BHW... did your mom not teach you not to ask a girls bra size?" She was a little embarrassed as well.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"An hour? Oh yeah will get this done by then.And no, not really. Though she did try to teach my brother that. Can't tell if she succeeded.  As to why, well it's part of the grand master plan for me to test the waters w/ Mindie. But if we're gonna skip that part then Imma need to borrow your clothes." 

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"An hour? Oh yeah will get this done by then.And no, not really. Though she did try to teach my brother that. Can't tell if she succeeded.  As to why, well it's part of the grand master plan for me to test the waters w/ Mindie. But if we're gonna skip that part then Imma need to borrow your clothes." 


"You are not borrowing my cloths, A, cose I like my cloths. B, What are you gonna do with them? C, well I don't have one..." She looks in her satchel getting out some paper and writing down some numbers, then giving it to her. "Here you get rid of this once your done or I'll put you on a roof." Tapping her horn. 

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"One of the worse things you could do for me is give me higher ground. But I will honor you're request. I'll have these numbers memorized anyways. *Ahem* So, next phase of the plan. If I'm not gonna wear your clothes, then i'm gonna need-" she looked over Quill. "This-" she pulled off a loose thread from her shirt. "This-" a thin thread of denim from her jeans "And one of these-" she plucked a hair out her mane. 

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"One of the worse things you could do for me is give me higher ground. But I will honor you're request. I'll have these numbers memorized anyways. *Ahem* So, next phase of the plan. If I'm not gonna wear your clothes, then i'm gonna need-" she looked over Quill. "This-" she pulled off a loose thread from her shirt. "This-" a thin thread of denim from her jeans "And one of these-" she plucked a hair out her mane. 


"Why... why are you taking bits of my cloths and a bit of my mane?!" She almost wanted to take these bits of her back, she'd not a clue what Miko wanted to do with these bits of her and her clothing but she had a feeling that it'd be some sort of deception of a kind, what? She did not know.

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