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open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora


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Whitetip was quickly given an answer to his question, get the ladies gear and make it mobile and subtle got it. He was also told to not go in the inn and investigate with her, not that he would be much use in that endeavor. After receiving all of the necessary information the griffon simply nodded and began heading for the market place, saying a few words before leaving. "Alright, I'll head off to the market and get you something suitable, if you need anything just call me on my echo frequency alright," I say to her as I give her a slip of paper with my echo code on it. She was playing nice as far as he knew, no signs of harmful intent,her goal was a mystery and might prove a fatal hindrance in the future, that was always the risk a griffon had to take in order to get help for a mission, a risk he took more often than not. But a more important question came to mind, who came up with the name inn? Seriously, it sounded way too similar to the more commonly used 'in', did the creator ran out of ideas for words?


Whitetip left the inn entrance and made his way to the market in a quick pace, he wasn't in any rush he just liked getting to places quickly. Truth be told there weren't many stalls or individuals selling in person, mostly vending machines. A griffon knew a place was frontier when machines greeted a buyer other than a cashier. It added its own unique flavor to a buyer's experience, one that felt oddly corporate if that was any description. From what the mare told him and his own personal observations, a pistol would be her weapon of choice, an smg if she wanted to throw more bullets down her enemies way. Fuck it, why not get both? Was the simple solution to his problem. The griffon found a maliwan pistol with corrosive rounds and a dahl smg matched with hollow point bullets. Armor was another problem, good armor on Pandora was limited and the only reliable pieces of armor were looted from the Crimson Lance. Unless...Crimson lance assassin armor? No. there were far too few of them for their equipment to circulate a market. Still, it wouldn't hurt taking a look around, these people collect the strangest things.

Edited by Ranger22
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When the griffin left, Dusk Rose took the code and entered it into the device.  Once she did, she then spent a small moment confronting something she had been ignoring.  She, essentially, was going to help kill somepony, if not do it herself.  And she potentially could be killed herself.  Why did she take up such a deal?  Why?  Weren't there better options?


No, she told herself.  Now isn't the time.  I've made my decision, now I have to focus.


With that, she went to the front desk.


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"We'd best watch out arses out here, mates." Kronos replied to Nightlight and Vampira, "We ain't even sure what kinds of wankers are trying to get a hold of us, but we know damn sure that there's a whole damn lot of them. You guys wanna head on over to the shelter I kept on talking about?" He then whispered over to them, "I have ton of entrances and exits to it, and I just recently ransacked Marcus' storeroom last time I got out, so ya never know."

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The shadowy blade dissipated from my arm, and I stared at the all-demanding newcomer.


"Now, watch closely as the mean ol' bounty hunter just ALLOWS YOU to walk away..."


I turned away - they didn't pose a threat to me at all - and simply headed for the bar.


"... and completely disprove your thoughts on why I'm here."


As I walked off, it occurred to me that, if I REALLY wanted help going after ATLUS, I was gonna need someone bigger and badder than this group.  I didn't give a damn what the bounty was on their heads; they'd pissed off corps themselves, and I had figured I could use the assistance...


... but they were idiots; I don't need idiots.


Holstering my pistols, a gave a nonchalant wave as I walked away.


"Whatever.  Have fun."


I needed a drink.

=====  ( 0=====


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It took Whitetip longer than he'd have liked but after a bit of searching and brow scratching the mercenary had finally found a vendor who sold armored plates. All had a digistruct design not to different from Tediore weapons, meaning after the plate's destruction it would replace itself after a significant amount of time. The plates themselves weren't too flexible but were small enough to be slipped underneath clothing without looking too obvious. With little other options he purchased one and placed it inside a bag he had also stored the pistol and smg he had bought for the mare. "It's like shopping for groceries, except instead of bread I have a 9mm death machine!" He had enthusiastically said to himself in a not so subtle manner, not that it was abnormal on Pandora. 


With a sense of accomplishment from getting everything on his wishlist he felt like he had to celebrate at least a little bit. After he had stuffed everything in his bag the griffon made his to the best bar in town, if not the only one. A large neon sign with the letters spelling out the name MOXXI in bright pink/purple colors. "Lets not get kicked out a second time me," Whitetip said in a cheerful tone. He walked in and tried not to make direct eye contact with the Crimson raider patrolling the bar. He sat his armored haunches down on one of the seats and ordered without looking at the bartender," A cup of fruit juice if ya got any." After ordering he placed a few bills on the table and began scanning the bar, to his surprise he found the mare from earlier sipping from her cup and trying to look away from his direction.

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"Ah, you must be the mare that old lady was harping about.  Something about a bounty on your head?"


Dusk Rose didn't particularly care for the metallic sound that edged the front desk clerk's voice.  "Oh my apologies, he was just an excited acquaintance.  I suppose one forgets what's on them 24/7 time and again."  She flashed him a reassuring, fleeting grin.


"You sure?  It looked like a gun fight was about to start outside!"


"Sir, I assure you, it's a perfectly natural reaction to someone running up to you with guns slung across themselves.  We're told to not run with scissors, are we not?"


"Alright alright, fine.  But if that lady is proven right, I won't hesitate to turn you in, miss."


"Understandable."  Dusk couldn't have made any enemies at point, after all, though she sensed that might change.  "Now if you don't mind, I'd like to know where Ms. Dusk Star stayed."


From there, it was surprisingly easy to get the inn room number.  Perhaps it took a little more lying than she wanted, but she found herself before door number...  Well, the two looked more like a comma and was that P-looking letter supposed to be an R?  Still, going by alphabetical order and some left-over marks on the room sign, it was definitely 2R.


There was no door knob.  All it took was a nudge and the door swung open.  What a shame.  She had been eager to practice her lock picking skills if the key she was given didn't work.  But enough of that.  She was in, and she came to a most shocking sight.

Edited by Light of Night


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Upon being grabbed Nightlight only stared at the pony, continueing to scan him over and staying quiet, and the moment Vampira stepped in and feeling a relief he used his revert ability, teleporting right out of the hooves of his captor, watching the situation and remaining quiet as he just walked away.


Maybe he was a good guy after all? But something felt too off and feeling his hoof not hurt nearly as much he'd not to Vampira and Kronos.


Though, all his problems not being solved he looked over to Kronos. "I need to see a doctor and get my leg fixed, I can't be dependant on Vampiras magic and every second I'm only making the wound worse... after that I think I might change my plans, you two go ahead and collect Vampira's self and get us the money..."


Not bothering to say much and using his own spell and rifle again for walking the stallion to the nearest doctor, knowing whatever was going on especially now after he had abused the wound so much.


"I'll be fine. "


[Do excuse, I was very tired when writing, no time to proofread. @-@ G'nite]


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Kronos carried Nightlight's good leg over his shoulder as he dragged him over to the clinic.


"The doc oughta be able to patch ya up real good, mate," Kronos told Nightlight, "We just gotta find a way there that ain't filled with mercs that want our arses on a silver platter."


I wonder if one of those Inta-Health Vials from the doc's vendors will do any good for his bloody leg, Kronos thought to himself, Wait, why the hell am I thinking to myself in my new persona? Ah, nevermind, I'll just get my buddy here one of those vials and see if it'll work.


Upon thinking this, he dragged Nightlight near a medical vendor and tried to purchase a vial. Error, it read.


"What?" Kronos asked bewilderingly, "Bloody hell, this damn machine won't sell me a vial." He then held his friend in front of the vendor and told him "Here, mate, you try and buy yourself a vial and see if it'll work on your wound."

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It took what Whitetip considered less than a minute before the bartender placed his drink down in front of him. The mercenary was impressed to say the least, the lady knew her bar and shelves, he expected no less from the mare who ran the only bar in New Haven. Whitetip inspected his drink, a tall glass filled with an thick orange liquid, with ice as a nice added touch. Ice? Who would of expected a death world to be packing such nice commodities? One could argue that guns are sold in mass quantities why not ice? A good question with a very simple answer, Pandora was called a death world for a reason. But then again, Pandora had many locations with snow and glaciers, so maybe his questions were just a waste of time and offered nothing more than a way to past time.


The griffon grabbed the glass and quickly downed the sweet beverage, after his incident with Tediore he had began preferring drinks with more sugar than alcohol, or a nice cup of water instead. However, Whitetip had always preferred sugary drinks more than anything before the incident anyhow, the incident had just given him another excuse to avoid the bottle, with alcohol in it of course. After finishing his drink Whitetip had activated his ECHO's comm unit and contacted his new friend, who he now knew as Dusk Rose. "Hey it's Whitetip, got all your gear in a bag, I got a drink to pass the time. Do you want me to deliver your new armaments now or you want me to wait?" 

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The room was very clean.


Well, not that it would take much effort to be considered that.  In stark contrast to the stains and utter disorganization of the few rooms she peered in and the inn itself, the bed (that was more like a futon) was made and washed, the rug wasn't torn (though there were obvious stitches), the drawn curtains had no holes (though there were mismatching patches), and the floor was swept.  Were Dusk Rose staying in the same room, she wouldn't have even bothered.


Perhaps that's what made this room stand out to her.  Perhaps that's why she was quite certain beyond a doubt that she was on the trail.


Taking a few steps into the room, she stopped and swept the room with the light from her ECHO device, closing the door behind her with her magic as she did so (not all the way though, not that it with its lack of a doorknob would make much of a difference).  From all appearances, it was a very plain room with very few, very plain furnishings.  


It certainly made the task of searching closely a little simpler.  Levitating the rug up revealed nothing underneath it or on its underside.  The dresser had only two drawers when there were supposed to be four and neither had anything in them, not even fake bottoms.  Nothing underneath or attached to it either.  As for the bed, she searched it over and found nothing out of the ordinary either, save maybe for a few stains that certainly looked as though somepony worked tirelessly to get them out, but failed.  




Just when she was remaking the bed, she tensed as she heard a sudden voice.  The shock, however, passed as quickly as it came, and she brought up her ECHO device to respond.  "I think now would be a good time.  I'm..."  She trailed off as she noticed something within the light cast by her device.


By the window, there was nothing.  Nothing but a long shadow on the wall.  Casting that shadow?  What seemed like nothing.


"...On second thought, I'd rather you wait," she added quickly.

Edited by Light of Night


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I had already gotten a taste of what MOXXI'S had to offer - drinkwise, anyway.  I'd already been told what kinds of diseases were floating around this town... but it didn't matter one whit, anyway...


The mares didn't exactly go for my sort of looks.


I kept my girls holstered for the moment, and clambered onto a barstool on the end of the counter where folks sat to be left alone.  The one with the most bullet-holes in it, sure... but it was rarely taken.


"Cider.  Hard.  Please."


The first time I'd wandered in here, about three days back, some folks had stared at me for saying that one little word: please.  It was not a common courtesy on Pandora; it could be seen as a mockery, a derogatory ideal, or even taken as a sign of weakness.  The latter example being the group that had tried to jump me when I'd left MOXXI'S that night.


All of 'em wearing those stupid goggles, the ones with the numbly grinning smiley-faces on 'em.  Made it to where I couldn't look anyone in the eye while I fought.  It was meant to disconcert a target.


All it did was give me something to aim for.


They didn't last five minutes.  Next night, when I went back in and said please, no one batted an eyelid - except the pretty mare behind the counter, who apparently approved of manners.


The straps around my face were starting to itch again; I'd have to wipe down again soon, or my sweating would REALLY start to hurt.  Lucky for me, my silent partner was willing to take a good chunk of that pain away from me - as long as I let it live with me.  On me.  IN me...


ATLUS was gonna pay for what they did to both of us.  I was gonna see that day, no matter what...




Help would've been nice.  Hell, with everything I'd heard these two had done, I'd been thinking they'd be all up for sticking it to a corp... 


I waited for my drink.

=====  ( 0=====


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Whitetip had almost got off his stool until he had heard Dusk Rose's second sentence, "on second thought I'd rather you wait." On second thought? What had caused her to change her mind? The griffon thought to himself as he licked his beak after noticing some left over juice. She didn't seem the type to not call on help when she needed it, to keep things simple for himself the griffon chose not to look to deep into it and accept her request. Slapping down another couple of bills onto the table the griffon order another round of the sugary  sweet beverage.(natural sugar of course) A brief moment and another glass was in front of him. With a smile Whitetip quickly gulped down the beverage in an efficient matter, much to his dismay that he couldn't savor the flavor longer. If the mare truly needed him, she would just give him a quick call, he knew her location so getting there wouldn't be too hard in an emergency.


The merc decided to past the time by taking a scan of the bar like he did the last time he was there. The mare next to him was still trying to not make direct eye contact, it was understandable yet was still a little insulting. There were two Crimson raiders leaning on walls parallel to each other keeping an eye on the patrons, the merc was pretty sure they knew everyone in the establishment and were just there to look busy. The other patrons were having conversation within their own little circles or were drinking alone. Whitetip was about to order another drink before the corner of his eyes had spotted a particular individual. The merc put on his helmet and began approaching the stallion his drone had taken a picture of, this interaction would surely not result in anything bad happening the merc had thought to himself.

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Stepping around the newly-made bed, Dusk Rose walked in a half-circle around that area, keeping the light of her ECHO device on it.  As she circled it, the shadow moved as well.  Tentatively, she tried to direct her magic towards whatever owned that shadow and a golden aura appeared.  It still did not show itself, so she tapped it against the floor.  A rickety box came into being.


An object enchanted with a weak invisibility spell.  It was definitely her doing.  And if it was still in effect, that means she hadn't left a long time ago.


Dusk Rose couldn't help but be rather overjoyed.  Surely it meant that she couldn't be far?  But then again...


She saw that the box had a lock and lodged between the floorboards under where the box was was a key.  She sighed, being of the opinion that the hiding place wasn't a great one.  However, part of her figured that whatever is in the box wasn't that valuable enough to warrant a more secure method of concealment.  But then, why try to hide it at all?


Then a thought crossed Dusk's mind as she unlocked the box.  Perhaps her mother knew she was in town and she figured her investigating artist of a daughter was smart enough to at least get to this point.  But if so, why?  How?


Inside the box was a letter with a small, simple image of a setting sun and a rising moon.  It read:




Dear Rose,


I had a feeling you would follow me despite my warnings.  If you're reading this, turn back now.  I'm well aware of the dangers of this planet, but this is my last hope.  You of all ponies should know why.  Without family wandering here, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  I figured I could tell you, as I trusted your judgement.  But I suppose my faith was misplaced if you're indeed reading this.


If you're looking for an apology, I'm sorry.  You've heard it, now go home.


Love, Mama




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Nightlight hit the machine, glad his friend helped him out, annoyed aswell though feeling like a vial was not going to be of much help with the damage he could slowly feel returning to him.


"Stupid thing... though I feel a vial won't help me too much.." 


Entering his ECHO eye he looked around, scanning the machine, figuring he could hack it but knowing full well there was no reason as what he needed was a proper doctor, not some potion. However, smiling lightly he activated his eye, breaking into the controls of the machine and letting it work, figuring it was worth a try... And out came out a lovely small pack of crisps, opening it up, and casually looking at Kronos he stuffed one salty crisp into his mouth, giving out a very lazy impression. 


"Who knew these things had a secret button combination for a packet of crisps. "


Stuffing one more chip he rolled it up and stuck it into one of his bags, chuckling at the situation and offering his hoof back to his buddy. "Now, I need a doctor... Think you could get me there and keep an eye on Vampira in the meantime?"


He then turned towards the pink mare.


"Or seeing how you saved me last time with no surprise I can guess you can handle yourself?"

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"It's alright, mate," Kronos replied to his partner, "The doc's clinic is right there." He dragged his friend over to the doctor.


"Oi, doc," he called out to the doctor, "My buddy here needs to get his busted walker all fixed up."


"Alright," the doctor told Kronos, "I have absolutely no clue as to why the hell you're talking like that, but I'll help your little friend there. I'll need an upfront payment before I perform the procedure first."


Kronos coughed up the cash for the doctor, $1500, which on a mercenary's salary wasn't really all that much.


When he set Nightlight on the doctor's operation bed he told him, "Don't worry, mate. I'll keep a watchful eye on the lass." He then turned towards the doctor, "Make sure that he's actually patched up properly, doc."


"Yeah yeah, I hear ya," the doctor replied, "I'll fix him up nice and easy."


"Thanks doc. I'll be seeing ya soon, mate."


After he dropped off his friend and payed the doctor, he went up to Vampira to do what Nightlight instructed him to do.


"Oi, Vampira," Kronos told her, "Let's go, love. We gotta get you to your pop before more wanker mercs show up."

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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Lemme explain a bit about my own personal fashion sense.


When I bonded with my partner, it was NOT pretty; sure, I got all sorts of cool-ass powers and stuff... but it literally ate my skin away like ultra-concentrated bleach being ground-on with a steel wool head on a sander coated in lemon juice and... and...


Well, YOU get the picture; the upshot is that I look like a science class invisible stallion model... but I have extra crispy edges.  


'Cuz of this, I tend to wrap my frizzle-fried self up reeeeeeeally tightly, so that not a single centimeter of me is exposed to the world.  After all, when even sunshine makes your exposed nerves sing, you don't wanna miss a single spot, bucko.


The black straps were made of vinyl, wrapped good and tight around anything that stuck out of my duster, and the goggles and hat covered my head.  The light armor plating in my bodysuit wasn't thick enough to stop explosives or a barrage of bullets... but it kept me free of holes most of the time.  Good enough, in my book.


As I don't exactly wanna go 'round looking like some wacky-colored pony, I got all my straps in BLACK.  Blends in with the shadows better, don't have to worry about bloodstains so much, and hey - angsty as you'd wanna be, heh heh.


All together, I tend to come across as either some kind of kinky freak, or some costumed crusader - neither of which put out that "hey, come talk to me" vibe... so why was there someone coming my direction?


I didn't turn or even blink - my silent partner was ready to strike at the slightest provocation; it was damn near jumping for joy on me at the prospect of a fight.  It still felt slighted from the fracas in the streets, and wanted a reason to act.  Just one.


But it wouldn't act without a threat... at least, I HOPED it wouldn't...

=====  ( 0=====


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The photo Whitetip's drone had took of the stallion wasn't in the best quality, originally he had thought it was merely his drone's camera not being calibrated. Now Whitetip had figured out why the photo looked a bit dim, the stallion's entire outfit was coated in dark colors, black being the one color that stood out. The whole outfit was something Whitetip would expect from an edgy character with a dark backstory that some angst filled teenager would make on an echo sim, it was so surreal of a situation that the mercenary didn't exactly know how to approach the stallion. Though Whitetip appreciated the comedy that came from the scenario he had truly wanted to know the broody pony's take on the situation his drone had captured. Some morale obligation? An outward appearance of aid that would provide an advantage at a later date? The griffon could only guess, and since the pony seemed to be ignoring him asking was the only way to get an answer.


"Hello there, now I know you you don't want me talking to you but would you please take some time from your day to answer a quick survey?" Whitetip had asked before taking a seat in front of the stallion. The merc obviously knew the risk that this interaction posed, however presenting himself in a light-hearted fashion was a tradition he tried his best to uphold to and keep alive. "Well not really a survey but a couple of straight forward questions that invade your privacy, I don't expect a truthful answer but I'll ask anyway. What is your reasons for trying to aid the ponies known as the watcher and the psycho?" Whitetip had asked in an outlandish and exaggerated manner, and judging from the stallion's appearance hostile action may just present itself. However, the merc was focused on finding answers, if blows came to blows he'd think about it then.

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"Hello there, now I know you you don't want me talking to you but would you please take some time from your day to answer a quick survey?"


What.  Fresh.  Hell.  Was this?  Anyone who took surveys on this rock was bonkers, plain and simply put... but sometimes, bonkers could be interesting.  I sat my drink down, but didn't move.  Yet.


"Well not really a survey but a couple of straight forward questions that invade your privacy, I don't expect a truthful answer but I'll ask anyway. What is your reasons for trying to aid the ponies known as the watcher and the psycho?" 


Not expecting a truthful answer, eh?  Let's see what you do with this little nugget, buddy.


"Because they're reckless, loud, and destructive - and those traits come in handy when you move against big names."


I took a drink then, because it was dramatically appropriate, but didn't turn around yet.


"Want any answers more honest than that?  Buy me a drink."


The funny thing?  I actually used to be quite a sociable fellow; looking like your skin's made of shredded and fire-blasted wheat doesn't exactly add much to your social status.  And forget dates.  But I couldn't help but try to strike up a convo here - it wasn't that I didn't WANT to talk, mind you... 


"Cider.  Hard.  Please."


This could be interesting.

=====  ( 0=====


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"...It's about that, eh?"


Dusk Rose's low voice cut the silence that had taken hold.  It was probably only about ten seconds, but it was as though she was frozen for a thousand years.  Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, she folded up the letter and stuck it inside the journal along with some of the other bits of information she picked up beforehand(hoof?).  Seeing that her "friend" hadn't called her back yet, she decided she mine as well record what she had found.  Going to a corner away from the window, she flipped to a blank page and penned terse, coded words about her findings.




Found a letter from her.  Situation was worse than I thought.  Doesn't want me to follow.  Might know I'm here.  




She figured there would be some time later to add in the emotional and mental factors, like after succeeding in helping out a mercenary and not getting killed in the process.  Perhaps as a reward.


And seeing there wasn't much left in this town, she had a feeling she knew how she was going to use the griffin's favor.




It took a few seconds longer than average to find the call option, but she got there without much difficulty.  Having regained her relaxed tone, she spoke into her ECHO device.


"Ah, sir, I'm done now.  Where should we meet?"


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Whitetip took a moment to swallow the words given to him by the very motionless stallion in front of him. It didn't take the mercenary much time in order to decipher the stallion's meaning, at least the gist of it. So if he wasn't going to cash in on the bounty was he going to ally with the two? That would prove quite counter intuitive to the griffon's goal, but the stallion's actions weren't set in stone, if his overall goal was to strike back at a big wig he might overlook Whitetip's hunt if he proved more useful than the Watcher or the Psycho. The griffon did a scratched a part of his helmet where his cheek would of been before walking over to the bar and slapping down a couple of bills, "hard cider if you don't mind."


As soon as a large mug of hard cider appeared in his face Dusk Rose had contacted his ECHO device. Feeling a bit of relief nothing happened he responded, "meet me at MOXXI'S, the only bar in town with a bright neon sign out on the front. I'll give you your equipment there, oh and I'm meeting with a guest so please mind your manners." The griffon cut off his ECHO afterwards and brought the mug to the stallion, "Here, first things first. The names Whitetip, pleasure to meet ya."

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MOXXI'S, MOXXI'S...  Dusk Rose definitely saw such a place.  Been there herself in fact.  Not her cup of tea (small, crowded spaces never were), but not as bad as some of the other places.


Finding nothing else in the room, Dusk Rose took her leave.  As she left the hotel, she wondered over and over just what exactly her mother hoped to find.  This "last hope".  She felt a growing realization, like an ice spell slowly encasing somepony who doesn't take notice until they're neck-deep in ice.  But she couldn't be mad enough to chase after something like that, right? 


Then she walked headfirst into a post.


Immediately, she tried to pull her head away from the post, having to put in a bit of effort because her horn got a tad stuck.  Realizing she had been lost in her head again, she immediately tried to melt into the shadows.


When she was a ways away, she could've sworn she heard,"HAHAHA!!!  You're the second mare to do that this week!"


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Whitetip... did I know that name?


Normally, one would just shrug it off and go on with whatever they were doing... but I was miles from normal.  I decided to do a little research of my own after this; hey, he might be another bounty hunter, right?


Heh heh... yeah, sure.


Anyway, he bought the booze, so I guess I'd need to compensate with talk.  Well, it'd been a while since I actually carried on a conversation with anyone but my partner... and I don't call him a 'silent partner' for nothin'.


Still, I guess having someone who actually WANTS to talk to me will be a nice change.


I took the mug from him.  "Nyx.  And thank you."


The long draw I took from the drink felt cool and soothing going down my throat - after all, I wasn't just burnt of the outside, y'know.  Unfortunately, the relief doesn't last as long as I hope, and even with my silent partner drinking in my pain, I could still feel where that damned drone had tagged me with those HiveBurst rounds.


Anyway, I gave a slight sigh and turned my goggled eyes to look at his face.


"So... you normally go 'round asking folks about stuff like this, or am I just that special?"

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Nyx? Wasn't the first time strange name that had greeted Whitetip, not that Whitetip was any more normal anyway. "Well, I only ask when said person obviously has a connection to the goals I currently have or at the very least a possible hint of connection. I think it's best to be straightforward when it comes to business so here I am talking to you Nyx. So tell me, why did you help those two individuals of interest down back on the streets. Why did you take time out of your day and risk your life to go help two wanted individuals. Surely aiding the two would put a target on your head would it not? It isn't the brightest idea making enemies with more than one big player." 


Whitetip was perplexed, truly curious about the mysterious stallion in front of him. If the stallion was picking a fight it made sense looking for help from skilled people. Even then, helping out wanted people, especially those wanted by a corporation was a risky business venture, one Whitetip had made before. But seriously, loud, reckless, and destructive? Those traits were literally the absolute worst to have when fighting big wigs. But something else had taken his attention, where was Dusk Rose? Surely MOXXI'S wasn't that difficult to find, with it being one of the if not only bars in town.

Edited by Ranger22
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Speak of the devil!


It didn't take long after that minor accident.  Dusk Rose found the neon sign a tad tacky, but it did make the place more noticeable.  At least, when those bright neon colors aren't like staring into a solar eclipse.


Walking in, it didn't take much effort to identify Whitetip.  However, she didn't even move from the entrance when she saw the... ah, very interesting-looking he was talking with.  Something about him screamed danger, even more so than a griffin running up to her with an arsenal.  Could this be his target?  An ally?  She couldn't decide which was more dangerous.


Well, let's try and find out.


She decided to take a seat near and behind Whitetip.  All this time, she had made sure not to make eye contact with anypony, putting on some what of a tired appearance (which was somewhat true).  She had half a mind to make use of her invisibility spell, but she felt it wouldn't last her through a conversation and an effective escape, not to mention it would be attention-grabbing to simply vanish and reappear right then and there.  So she just faced a wall and shook her head at the mare who asked her if she wanted anything.

Edited by Light of Night
  • Brohoof 2


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Well I'll be damned... he WAS a bounty hunter, after all.  Good thing I didn't bet any bits on that.


"I already have a price on my head... and I welcome whatever total badass decides to take me down to give it a try."


It was the truth; if I fended off whatever came at me without showing fear, it'd send a very distinct message to anyone else who thought they had big chestnuts... and if I died?  Well, I'd hate not getting my revenge on ATLUS, but honestly?  The pain would be over.


Win-win situation, either way.


"If those two have such a big bounty on their heads, then that means they're good enough to piss off SOMEone... or, of course, they're idiots who just sort of blundered their way onto some major domo's most wanted list."


I took a long pull off my drink.


"Unfortunately for me, apparently it was reason number two." 


More goings-on in the bar: the waitress asked around at the tables, flicking her tail for the stallions and getting buddy-buddy with the other mares; the ancient-looking brew taps that were hooked up to kegs made of Luna-knew-what kind of metal; the 'colorful decorations' that looked like they were mostly salvaged because they were once brighter colors than anything else in here; the worn-out looking mare who came and sat, sending the waitress on her way; the rather shnookered stallion who was peeing blithely on a plastic plant in the corner, laughing up a storm; the countertop covered with all manner of nasty, unidentifiable stains of decades an decades of improper care...


"All the same, I gotta ask why you'd give a flying buck about 'em.  What, the three of you old pals or something?  You wanna crack my skull for the attempted assist?  Or maybe you just wanted that bounty for yourself, eh?  Or maybe, just maaaaaybe..."


Nopony would ever be able to see it under the straps, but I smiled.


"... you're after MY bounty."


ATLUS still wnated me back - they no doubt had SCORES of experiments they wanted to run on me and my partner... but I'd be damned if I was hanging around that place any longer.  BUCK that noise; they could take whatever they wanted to do with me, and shove it where the saddle don't cover.


I stared at Whitetip hard for a moment through my goggles.  Then, just like that, I simply turned away from him once again - though my companion was MORE than ready for him to try to buck up.


"Of course, you're welcome to try.  Heck, y'might beat me, too; I ain't King Dung o' Manure Mountain... but I ain't gonna go to the NewU alone, I promise you that."


I then turned to look over my shoulder at him.


"Of course... if you wanted to hire me, that's a different bottle of glue altogether."

=====  ( 0=====


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