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open [RP] Yu-Gi-Oh! Equestrian Games!


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(OOC Version)




Turn 8.

Copper's LP: 400
Kaiba's LP: 1600

Copper's hand: Blue Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Impenetrable Attack

Kaiba's Hand: Polymerization, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Silver's Sky

Field(Copper): Blue Eyes Alternative White Dragon

Field(Kaiba): Blue Eyes White Dragon x2, Blustering Wind(set), Spellbinding Circle(set)

"It's over, Earth Pony."
Kaiba was being serious.  He had enough of toying around with this pony, and it was time to end it now.  "You were decent for a beginner, but the next turn I make will be the end of this duel, and you will see why I'm not challenged by any beginner duelists."
Copper growled in anger.  He was running out of options to beat this guy.  He's right.  I don't have many options.  My fate rests in my next draw.
Other spectators were watching this duel as well, the Pharaoh, Joey, Tristan, Mai, Celestia, Luna, the Mane Six, etc.
Twilight looked at Yugi, "Remind me again if he always acts like this."
The Pharaoh nodded.  "He's a no nonsense man who is all about himself, except for his little brother.  Copper has done well, but he made the mistake of summoning his own Blue Eyes on his first turn."
Copper looked at Seto Kaiba with keen eyes, looking for ways to beat this man.  He had an idea of how to do it.  "I draw.  Now I activate the spell, Card of Sancity!"  He discards 3 cards and draws another.  "I discard any cards and draw until I have two.  But that's not all.  One of the cards I discarded was The White Stone of Ancients!"
Kaiba looked shocked.  "If you discarded that card, then that means..."
Copper Grinned.  "That's right.  I not only set a face down, ending my turn, but that monster allows me to Special Summon, Blue Eyes White Dragon from my deck!"
A card popped out from his deck, and Copper drew it, placing it on his Duel Disk face up, then a dragon appeared and roared out as it was prepared for battle.
Kaiba looked infuriated.  "How did you get Blue Eyes?!"
End Flashback


Celestia looked onward at the duel, then said, "I have not an idea how Copper Strikes will beat Seto Kaiba, but he may have a plan to win this duel, he just has to hurry up and do it."


Copper closed his eyes and sighed heavily.  He put his free hoof on his deck and opened his eyes, drawing his card and looking at it.

Edited by DwhitetheGamer

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Dynamo Pad was among the crowd, watching as the earth pony, Copper, was about to draw his card. He was mostly a video game kind of unicorn, but hearing the game "Duel Monsters," sounded intriguing to the young pony. He was still a little new to the game, but was enjoying it nonetheless. It felt more like a video game, but with a more hooves on type of experience. He loved winning duels, but wanted to have fun and enjoy the game as well. He heard rumors from ponies about a duel going on at the main square of town and decided to go check it out. He saw two duelists squaring off with some spectators watching themselves. Neither side had given an inch and Dynamo became more and more thrilled as the duel went on. He didn't really particularly like this Kaiba person. His attitude towards dueling didn't seem very fun or exciting. Plus that cold stare in Kaiba's face gave Dynamo the creeps. It was Copper's turn and was about to draw to start his next turn. Seeing the results on the field and each players' hooves/hands, it felt like only a miracle could help this pony. "He just needs the right card to draw and then he can knock this Kaiba guy down a peg or two. Give it your best shot." Dynamo said quietly to himself as he looked on with a smile of hope on his face.

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Ticktock had been watching the duel of quite a while now, he was intreaged as to Copper's stratagy, it seemed rather risky to have played his blue eyed dragon so early and that duels current stat was proving that Copper was out numbered and his victory depended on his next draw, as such Ticktock stared intently as Copper's turn began.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Dynamo Pad@@Skylord Nexus,



"I draw."


And Copper did just that.  He drew a card and looked at it.  It was 'Chaos Form', and that was exactly what he needed.  He grinned at Kaiba and said, "Now I activate, Chaos Form!"


He set the card, and it appeared face-down on the field.  It flipped up, showing the card as Copper explained what it did.  "This card lets me Ritual Summon a chaos monster by monsters whose total levels equal the monster being summoned from my hoof or my side of the field.  And I tribute the Blue Eyes in my hoof!"


Kaiba looked angry again.  "Don't tell me you have that card."


Copper gave Kaiba a stone cold stare.  "Yes, I do.  I tribute my Blue Eyes from my hoof..." He discards the BEWD and continues, showing his other monster to his opponent, "...to special summon, Blue Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon!"


He lays the card face-up on the left side of the Alternative White Dragon, and it appeared on the field, then another dragon appeared from the card, roaring as it prepared for battle.  (ATK: 4000/DEF: 0)


Kaiba grunted.  "You may actually have a chance to beat me, Earth Pony."


Copper looked a little angry  "The name is Copper Strikes!  Now, Blue Eyes Alternative White Dragon, Attack the Blue Eyes to my right!"


The dragon did as it was told, preparing to unleash a blast at Kaiba's dragon.  But Kaiba just grinned.  "There's a lesson you need to learn, Earth Pony.  If a monster attacks another monster, and they both have the same exact attack or defense points, they both get destroyed."


Both dragons, as Kaiba's words were prophetic, were destroyed by them both attacking each other.  Kaiba continued, "And luckily, neither one of us loses Life Points."


It was Copper's turn to grin.  "That doesn't mean by other monster can't destroy yours.  Blue Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, attack his other Blue Eyes!"


That monster complied, preparing to charge a blast before Kaiba said, "Not so fast.  I activate my trap card, Spellbinding Circle!"


A purple card flipped upwards before shining, and the same circle engraved in it came to life, surrounding the Chaos Dragon.  "This card not only negates your attack, but your monster can't attack or change its' battle position."


Copper growled, then set his trap card, saying.  "In that case, I set one card face down, and end my turn.  It's your move."


Kaiba put his free hand on the top of his deck, thinking, That was a good move, I'll admit, but no matter what I draw now, this duel will be over.  He gets ready to draw what will be the final draw of the duel.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Dynamo watched Copper draw his card and saw the turn play out before him. His eyes widened in surprise at how Copper got out the ritual Blue Eyes onto the field. As both dragons destroyed each other, it looked as if Copper was going gain the advantage against Kaiba. Dynamo hopped in place at the scene before him and hoped to get a duel as amazing as this one day. He stopped hopping and was disheartened that Kaiba put a stop to Copper's onslaught. "Aww, Copper was so close right there. He still has a chance if he can manage to get the turn back to him." Dynamo said as he watched Kaiba was about to take his turn.

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Ticktock was rather inpressed with Copper's luck as he drew the exact card he needed in order to get back into the fight, however the problem for copper was that now with a clear board and no monsters Kaiba would defiantly win no matter what he drew, so Ticktock just sat and watched as Copper's defeat slowly came around.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Skylord Nexus@@Dynamo Pad,



(Turn 9.)


"I draw."


Kaiba drew the final card of the duel.  It was 'Mystical Space Typhoon', and it was rather needed for the trap that Copper set.  "First, I set a card face-down, then... do you know how Fusion Summoning works, Earth Pony?"


The Pharaoh, Joey, Tristan, and Mai gasped, and they knew exactly what was gonna happen.  Copper however, looked confused.  "Fusion Summoning?  What's that?"


"I'll show you.  I'll have the liberty of showing my other Blue Eyes in my hand."  And he did just that, showing his card to his opponent.


Copper was still confused.  "What use is that?  You already have a Blue Eyes on your side of the field."


"That's where another lesson needs to be taught.  I activate, Silver's Cry!"


He used the card, and it shined as he explained what he uses it for.  "This card allows me to bring back the Blue Eyes you so foolishly destroyed.  Come back, Blue Eyes!"


A portal revealed itself, and the Blue Eyes in there returned.  Copper, again, was confused.  "Okay.  So what does this have to do with 'Fusion Summoning'?"


"That's where this card comes in!"  Kaiba revealed his Polymerization card.  "I activate, Polymerization!"


The card appeared on the field, then did the usual glow.  "This card lets me fusion summon a monster using monsters from both my side of the field and my hand as Fusion Materials."




"That's right.  Now I tribute the three Blue Eyes White Dragons from my side and my hand!"  The dragons on the field backed up into a portal type cyclone, as well as the card.  "Prepare to witness the ultimate monster of my deck.  Behold, as my Blue Eyes Dragons transform into Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!"


Suddenly, a three headed dragon appeared, roaring as it was ready to serve its' duelist.  (ATK: 4500/DEF: 3800)


Celestia looked shocked.  "That monster is stronger than the Chaos Max Dragon!"


Kaiba grinned at Celestia before turning back at Copper.  "That's right, Princess.  Now watch as your Chaos Max Dragon, and your Life Points, get reduced to nothing, Earth Pony.  Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack the Chaos Max Dragon!"


The dragon complied, its' mouths opening wide to attack, but Copper saw it coming.  "I think not!  I activate my trap card, Impenetrable Attack!"


The card appeared as Copper explained, "This card prevents attacks from any monster for the entire turn."


"Not good enough," Kaiba replied.  "I activate, Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying your Trap card!"


A typhoon appeared, sucking the trap card in.  Copper was stunned.  "But that means..."


"My Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon will finish you!"  And that's what happened, as the Chaos Max Dragon was destroyed by the triple blast, and Copper covered his face from the resulting wind.


(Duel over, Kaiba wins.)


Copper lowered his hooves, then saw the gauge for his Life Points drop to zero.  "So I lost."

Edited by DwhitetheGamer

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Skylord Nexus@@DwhitetheGamer,


Dynamo watched as Kaiba was able to summon out his Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Seeing a monster like that with that many attack points would send shivers down anyponies spine. It seemed very fitting towards someone like Seto Kaiba. Dynamo had to shield his eyes from the bright light after the attack of Kaiba's dragon. He felt bad that Copper had lost, even though Kaiba left no option for Copper to defend himself. He decided to go talk to the pony who dueled against Kaiba to cheer him up as best as he could.


"Hey, that was a pretty good and close duel. It looked as if it went down to the wire while I was watching it. You going to be okay?" Dynamo asked as he walked over and laid a hoof on Copper's shoulder.

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Ticktock almost fell backwards at the sight of Kaiba's fusion monster "Holy mother of Celestia look at those attack and defence point's, it's a really impressive feet to be able to pull a summon like that off, all pretty much in one turn too!" Ticktock then regained his composure "Well this Kaiba guy sure knows how to win in style that's for sure."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Dynamo Pad@@Skylord Nexus,



Copper looked at the pony trying to comfort him, and smiled at the unicorn.  "I'll be fine.  I should duel some more to hone in my skills."


Seto looked at the pony with an un-amused expression.  So he accepts losing. he thought.  He walked over to a few feet away from Copper and said, "I will admit, you weren't a complete waste of my time."


Copper gave his own unamused expression, saying sarcastically, "Gee, thanks for the support."


Seto grunted and turned around, then looked over his shoulder and saying, "You have a decent league, but you were playing in the big league.  You shouldn't play in the bigger leagues unless you're truly ready."


He walked until he was near the princesses, telling them, "I want to see you both in your castle."  And with that he walked away from the crowd of ponies, some clearing a gap in the circle, letting him pass.


The Pharaoh walked over to Copper and put his hand on his shoulder.  "You've impressed me, Copper Strikes.  You've learned how to duel in such a short amount of time."


Copper smiled at Yami Yugi.  "Thanks, Pharaoh."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"That's good to hear. Maybe we can have some duels sometime. I just got into dueling myself and I'm starting to get the hang of it. It also looks like a lot of fun." Dynamo said as he looked up to see Kaiba talk to Copper before walking away. "I have to admit that guy is a great duelist. Though he really needs to fix that attitude of his. He just needs to relax and have some fun once in a while." He whispered to Copper before chuckling to himself. He noticed the Pharaoh walk up towards Copper and talk to him. He seemed to have a sort of powerful aura around him. "Hey did you say Pharaoh? As in a Pharaoh from Saddle Arabia? Also I don't think I introduced myself. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo or D-Pad." He said as he raised his hoof towards Copper.

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@@Skylord Nexus,

"Well this Kaiba guy sure knows how to win in style that's for sure."

"I'll say." A mare, with a thoughtful expression on her face, spoke from beside Ticktock. She had apparently been observing the entire duel. "I could count on my right hoof exactly how many have stared down that dragon and survived." She chuckled, realizing that she only had two of those. "Isn't it a little curious... What brought such a powerful duelist to a town like this?"


The mare turned towards the pony that she had spoken to, "Look at me rambling, I'm sorry stranger."

Edited by Contrast

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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@@Dynamo Pad@@Contrast@@Skylord Nexus,



The Pharaoh looked at Dynamo and smiled at the unicorn.  "An honor to meet you, Dynamo.  But I'm not the Pharaoh from this 'Saddle Arabia.'  I'm the Pharaoh from 5000 years ago on Earth.  I'm also a duelist, just like Copper and Seto Kaiba."


Copper grinned then looked as Kaiba, along with his little brother, were in a helicopter and flew away to Canterlot.  "I know I can to beat Kaiba one of these days, I just know I can."


The Pharaoh looked and smiled at Copper.  "You can.  Just believe in the heart of the cards, and it will guide you to victory."


"'at's right, little pony."  Joey said, who walked up to meet the two, along with Tristan and Mai.  "Take it from this man right here.  He knows that the heart of the cards will help him win.  Also, do you have any Polymerization cards?"


Copper craned his neck, then looked at his deck for one literal second.  "Well, darn.  Those cards were right in the bottom of my deck!"


"Bad luck."  Joey said, frowning at the result.  "It happens.  It happens a lot for me."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"YIKES!, It's really hard to believe cards like that can exist." Ticktock put a hoof to his chin in thought "Yeah it is kind of weird isn't it, also why would he duel this pony specifically?"


Ticktock then turned to the mare he had been speaking with "What? Oh no it's fine, honestly I don't really talk to anyone that much really, it's nice to have a friendly chat. So do you duel, or do you just like watching matches like this?"

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@DwhitetheGamer@@Contrast@@Skylord Nexus,

Dynamo looked surprised at the amount of years the Pharaoh had said. "Wow, that's cool and crazy. I know Princess Celestia has lived over 1000 years, but I've never heard of anyone from 5000 years." Dynamo said.


He saw the others that were with the Pharaoh earlier walk up towards the group. "I've never heard of the heart of the cards. It does sounds pretty powerful and awesome as well. It reminds me of the elements of harmony, or something along those lines. I know what you guys mean too. Sometimes I don't always have the best luck, so you're not alone on that one." Dynamo said as he looked to Copper and Joey. He then looked back towards the Pharaoh before taking his deck box and looking back the Pharaoh and his deck.


'I know I just got into dueling myself and hearing about these strong duelists sounds scary. Maybe, just maybe...' Dynamo said as he thought to himself. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@@Dynamo Pad@@Skylord Nexus@@Contrast,



Joey chuckled a bit at Dynamo's response, saying, "Nah.  Heart of the Cards is something different.  Nothing powerful happens, it's just when you have to believe and you'll draw the right card."


Copper raised an eyebrow at Joey.  "Well, that still sounds cool.  Well, anyway, I have one more duel left in me before I'm done for the day."  He turned to the crowd of ponies.  "Does anyone want to duel me?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"What? Oh no it's fine, honestly I don't really talk to anyone that much really, it's nice to have a friendly chat. So do you duel, or do you just like watching matches like this?"


The mare took a moment to think before she answered. The stallions' question, while innocent enough, seemed hard for her to answer. "I guess I'm a duelist of sorts." She smiled as she continued, "And I do spend a lot of time watching duels. I try and keep an eye out for... 'interesting' cards."


She waved a hoof, almost as if to dismiss a thought. "That's enough about me though, what about you ~" Her last word trilled off, as the mare came to the realization that she still didn't know the pony's name. "I guess it would be kind of awkward to keep calling you stranger, I'm Witty."

Edited by Contrast

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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This mare had began to spike Ticktock's interest "Would you mind defining interesting?" Ticktock then realised he hadn't introduced himself yet "Oh well it's nice to meet you Witty, I'm Ticktock and as for me... I duel from time to time, I'm constantly working on my deck to improve it and what not." Ticktock then turned his head to Copper's announcement "Do you think you'll take him on?" Ticktock said smirking at Witty. 

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Skylord Nexus,


"define Interesting..." Witty put a hoof to her chin in thought of what to say, "Oh, just cards one might define as... 'interesting'. " The mare chuckled at the added emphasis on her words. She was clearly being being vague.


"As for taking Copper on in a duel..." Witty took a moment and looked towards him, she seemed almost lost in a thought; and without turning her head away, muttered a barely audible, "I don't think I will." @@DwhitetheGamer,


When she realized how distracted she had gotten, Witty turned her attention towards Ticktock and frantically shook her head. "What I mean to say is~" She took a moment to regain her composure, "He went toe to toe with Seto Kiba, for more than two minutes. Imagine what he'd do to poor me?"

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Ticktock cocked his head to Witty's answer about 'interesting cards' but he shrugged "Well to each their own I guess."


Ticktock then nodded his head Witty's response on the duel, "Yeah good call there, I might of taken him up, but I don't think I have what it takes to duel someone like him yet."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@DwhitetheGamer@@Skylord Nexus@@Contrast,



"Wow that sounds really cool and it sounds powerful in a way. Being able to believe in drawing what you need and then find that miracle sounds awesome!" Dynamo said and his eyes widened a bit at the information.


Hearing that Copper wanted to duel one more time that day made Dynamo a littler nervous. He wasn't sure he would do very well, even though he had started dueling for just a little while himself. He closed his eyes as his ears fell, contemplating on what he should do. After giving it some thought and not much to lose, Dynamo opened his eyes a smile on his face. "Sure, I'll give it a shot. I've dueled for only a little while, but I'll give it my best shot." Dynamo said as he turned to Copper and the Pharaoh, as he pulled out his dueling deck with his magic. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@@Dynamo Pad


Copper and the Pharaoh looked at Dynamo, then the human smiled, saying, "Best of luck to the both of you, then."  Then he and his friends retreated a bit so that they could duel together.


Copper had just gotten his deck ready, and put it in the deck slot of his Duel Disk, then activated it as soon as he was in the opposite side of Dynamo, where he said, "It's time to duel!"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@DwhitetheGamer@@Contrast@@Skylord Nexus,


Dynamo nodded at the Pharaoh's words and watched as he and his friends backed away from the duel area. Dynamo got his deck ready and was about to start when a thought occurred to him.


"Hey Copper, instead of a regular duel should we have more than one duel? You know, a sort of tag duel where it's 2 against 2. It would make the duel that much more interesting and fun that way. Also...can somepony hand me a duel disk? I just realized I left mine back at my house." Dynamo said as he rubbed the back of his hoof through his mane.  

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@@Dynamo Pad


Copper gave Dynamo a raised eyebrow, before a voice came out of the crowd.  "I'll hand you my duel disk."


Another human came out of the crowd, and his name was Yuma.  He was accompanied by Astral, though no one could see or hear him, but the Pharaoh could sense him.  Yuma walked to Dynamo and took off his duel disk.  "You can use it.  Just be sure to give it back when you're done.  Also, you can use this Duel Gazer."  He gave Dynamo his duel gazer.


"I would not recommend doing that, Yuma."  Astral said to his companion.  "What if he is a thief?"


"I already told you, Astral, these ponies here don't steal!" Yuma shouted angrily at him.  The crowd looked confused as to who he was talking to.  "Stop being so cautious!"


"It does not matter if he is a pony.  "It matters if he tries to steal." Astral kept his composure throughout the argument.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Dynamo saw a human walk over to him and was given a duel disk to borrow. He saw the human yelling at someone, but didn't understand what was going on. He took the duel disk and duel gazer with his levitation magic, a blue aura enveloping the two objects.


"Hey thanks and whoever you were talking to, tell them there's no reason to worry. I promise I'll give your stuff back after this duel. Also you can keep the duel gazer because I don't think I'll need it. Unless it's required to go along with the duel disk, or something along those lines."

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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