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Gridia snickered as Diamond's mother snapped in shock from her daughter's simple asking of a question.


She was starting to like this kid.


Though, a shiver escaped her as she felt the room getting... colder? And were those snowflakes? What the heck...?


The night rolled on, and Gridia could swear she felt snow on her paws. What was even happening?


Too curious, she peeked under the table...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Upon looking under the table, Gridia sees it:

A white earth pony wearing an eskimo jacket with sunglasses that completely cover its eyes, the left lens of the sunglasses has the letter "H" written on it with what seems to be bright blue duct tape and the right lens has the letter "S" on it written on the same way.

The jacket's left sleeve has the word "Helter" written on it and the right one has the word "Skelter".

The back of the pony has an oxygen tank that is connected to a mask the pony itself is using and the back of the hoodie of the earth pony's jacket has a mouth that seems to be sucking air like a vacuum cleaner.

The floor beneath the pony is covered in at least two centimeters of snow, which are touching Gridia's paws and Stardust's hind hooves since they are closer, and slowly approaching Filthy Rich and his wife's hooves.

The earth pony is on its knees and breathing heavily, it's possible to hear the tank whirring and pumping oxygen into its owner's muzzle.

This is DEFINATELY an enemy Stand.

Gridia then sees Star Platinum peeking under the table and returning to his user shortly after.

When Gridia returns from under the table, Stardust mutters to her:

"This is most certainly Straight Arrow's Stand...Its name seems to be "Helter Skelter"*, and its ability revolves around cold."

Gridia then sees Straight Arrow simply...Looking at them, smiling menacingly.

"Sheesh, Diamond's right, it IS getting cold here..."

Filthy Rich says, shivering slightly.

Gridia sees Straigt Arrow grab a nearby toothpick and simply drop it under the table.


(*"Helter Skelter" is the name of a song by The Beatles)

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Gridia blinked down at the... 'cool' little ice pony under the table. She had no idea where he came from or why he was doing it, but she had to admit, she liked his look.


She got upright and nodded at Stardust's info, deciding not to question how he knew all about it. Though, she was happy to accept Helter Skelter was indeed a Stand.


However, she didn't like that look Straight Arrow was giving them, so she poised herself to strike if she had to.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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(I am very sorry for taking so long to reply, i've been busy later, please understand.)

"It seems that you've found out about my Stand"

Gridia hears Straight Arrow's voice coming out of Helter Skelter say, he's using his Stand to talk to her:

"Your friend's right, you know? my Helter Skelter sucks the heat out of any closed rooms it finds itself in, once this room reaches the right temperature you'll all be frozen alive - the rich family will be fine and once i leave they'll be back to normal - but you and your bulky buddy over there will be shattered into pieces unless you get outta here right now!"

  • Brohoof 1
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(Don't worry about it, take all the time you need :P )


Gridia scowled at the Stand, hearing Straight Arrow's cocky voice coming from it. It was going to freeze everyone alive if she and Stardust didn't get out of there.


"Or," she growled, clacking her beak in challenge, "we could kick the crud out of you and warm down that way."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The user continues to speak through his Stand:

"I would think twice before that: remember: The rich family are my hostages here! As long as they're in this room, they will be my shield, as long as i have them here i am untouchable!"

As soon as he's done talking, Stardust tears out one of his coat's buttons and uses Star Platinum to fling it at the kithcen door right next to the staircase that leads to the second floor, punching a hole trhough the door.

"What was that?"

Filthy Rich asks, startled by the sound.

The three get up and go check it out, and suddenly everypony whose initials aren't S.S. blacks out.

When everypony comes back, the rich family seems to be inside the kitchen and Stardust is using a chair to hold the door shut.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

Straight Arrow asks, furious with the pale blue stallion.

"So the rumors were true, huh? You really can stop time, can't you? That won't matter, my Stand just needs to absorb a tiny little bit more of heat, and it'll be ready for the metamorphosys! You're too late already!"

Stardust doesn't awnser, he simply comes closer to Straight Arrow.

"Heh, you imbecile! You know that my Stand will freeze you solid if you come too close, and yet you are coming towards me? What, do you have a deathwish?"

The dark grey unicorn asks mockingly.

Stardust dryly replies to the question:

"No, it's just that...

I can't beat you up without coming closer, can i?"

Stardust's awnser simply makes the enemy start laughing.

"Oh come on, you? Beat ME up?"

He says, his Helter Skelter coming closer and standing behind him.

"You can try, but before you can even think about doing it my Stand will turn you into an ice c-"

Stardust then punches Straight Arrow in the muzzle before he can even finish his sentence, making a loud "SMACK!"

sound and sending Straight Arrow flying across the room and into the table, his blood and teeth flying from his mouth.

"So, wanna have a go too?"

Stardust asks Gridia, turning to face her while Straight Arrow struggles to get up.

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Gridia's eyes widened as she saw Stardust deck Straight Arrow across the face, sending him careening across the room and landing in a heap on the floor.


At her ally's question she smirked and hopped up to hover in the air, Jailbreak emerging next to her. "We'd be delighted."


She zipped toward Straight Arrow, attempting to try out that bullet punch move Stardust had taught her. "RRRAAHHH!!" she squawked.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The attacks all connect and leave a noticeable impact on Straight Arrow, falling unconscious, he limps over and falls...Off the screen? He clips out of the ground and into what seems to be...an endless void? What kind of Stand could even do this? Either way, it's clear that he isn't alone, there might be somepony else nearby.

"Celestiadamnit, we almost had him! Either way, right now we need to focus on finding who or what made Straight Arrow disappear like that!"

Stardust exclamates, when the two Stand users hear F.R.'s voice coming from the kitchen: 

"Excuse me, but i think we're stuck in here...I don't really know how we got here, but we are."

Stardust glances at the door before brushing it off.

"They're safer in there. I'll check upstairs and you check down here, what do you think?"

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Gridia stared as Straight Arrow fell... through the ground. How did that even work? "Did... did I do that? Or was that him?"


She looked at Jailbreak, and the two just shrugged.


She looked over to the other room to hear Filthy Rich's voice, then looked up at Stardust.


"Sounds like a plan," she said with a nod, "I'll let you know if Frosty the Snowcolt shows back up."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Gridia looks around for a while, only to find nothing, but shortly after she sees something unexpected:
a Saffron colored earth pony with greyish green eyes and a cadet blue mane simply clips through the roof and falls in front of Gridia.

"Jeez, that was close, but i think i lost...him..."

She says, slowly turning his head to face Gridia.

Behind the pony materializes what could only be her stand: an earth pony made entirely out of white bricks with metal pipes for joints, instead of a face, the pony has this symbol: http://www.feelnumb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/pink_floyd_hammers_logo_the_wall.jpg covering its face, the letters "T.W." are painted on its chest with red paint and the words "All In All" are written across its waist as if it was a belt.

"Let me guess, you're after me too, huh?"

The saffron colored mare asks.

"Forget about it, my Stand, The Wall...Can you see it? If so, then take a good look, it's the last thing you'll ever see."

Continues her, wearing a threatening glare.

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Gridia hopped back as the new mare emerged from the ceiling, with a... peculiar looking pony behind her.


Well... the pony wasn't so much a pony as it was seemingly some kind of insane construction experiment that somehow sprang to life.


Knew it, another stand, she deadpanned in her head.


Though, upon seeing the mare's violent stance, she held up her talons defensively. "Whoa, whoa, I'm not after you. I don't even know who you are!"


Jailbreak reemerged from the griffon, the breezie fluttering closer to the mare to give her a look. "Check it, I got one too."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The mare smiles and approaches Gridia.

"Oh, is that so? Alright then, my name is Saffron Thread, and you're...Gridia, right?"

She says, extending her hoof to the griffon.

"So you have a Stand too, huh? My Stand's powers are...Kinda difficult to understand, tell me, are you familiar with the concept of 'the fourht wall'?"

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Gridia smirked and took the mare's hoof, shaking it. "That's me. Glad to meet ya."


She blinked and tilted her head at the question. Fourth wall? That kinda came out of left field.


"I've heard of it, but nothing else apart from that," she admitted, "I'm guessing that's what your Stand's all about?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Pretty much, yeah."

She says.

"There's a simple concept in theatre which says that a stageplay happens within four walls: three literal walls that symbolize the set in which it takes place and one metaphorical wall that symbolizes the 'invisible wall' between the characters and the audience. Over time this concept became broader and broader until it finally began to encompass all works of fiction...But what if i told you that we are in a work of fiction right now, and that my Stand allows me to acknowledge that?"

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Gridia slowly blinked and tilted her head as she processed that information. Everything was fiction and her Stand let her know that?


"Uhhh... right," she muttered, sounding more than a little skeptical, "so, uh... how's your Stand work? I mean, what does it exactly do? Y'know, since mine lets me go really fast, and yours... does fourth wall things...?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Thread approaches Gridia, continuing her explanation:
"That`s right! My Stand not only allows me to acknowledge the fourth wall`s existence: it allows me to interfere with it! i can hop between the settings, "Clip" through solid objects to go to other "backgrounds" but most importantly: i have acess to the "script"! the "behind the scenes" of our fictional world! You see: we exist within a "Role-Playing Game", a game based around players interpreting different "roles" in a story - kinda like that Ogres And Oubliettes Game - we are currently being controlled by beings from a reality not our own! Now, that does not mean we don`t have "free will" or "consciousness": We do! but there are specific moments of our existence that can be seen and controlled by the "players", all the rest however is not only out of their control, but impossible for them to see. By knowing that, i was able to read the different "Pages" of the game, it was easy: there`s only about 10 of them right now, and by reading them i got to know the rules of the game and how it operates, i know this fictional reality like the back of my hoof."

As Saffron Thread finishes, her expression changed to that of a crooked smile.

"As a matter of fact, i just sent somepony else to a different "Setting" - Straight Arrow was sent by me to somewhere else - it wasn`t too hard at all: this world operates through "text", simple written words can weave the reality in which we live, as long as they follow a strict set of rules, that is.

Of course, now that you know that you`ve probably figure out that i`m your "enemy" and will want to fight me, and just to prove how powerful my The Wall can be, i`ll give you an advantage by giving you a hint: Brute force alone won`t work against me! If you want to win this fight, you`ll have to use your head too! Think ahead and strategize before acting...Now...Let`s fight!"
S.T. speaks as she suddenly takes out of nowhere a large boock and tries to smacks Gridia`s cheek with it - it`s the book that Stardust used to find out about the stone mask!

"With my The Wall i can bring "Assets" from other "Scenes" into my current location, sorta like how a lazy artist will re-use character or prop designs in a comic book!"

Will gridia try to dodge, block or counter attack or will she respond in some other way?

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Before Gridia had a chance to register just what was happening with this mare, she was smacked across the face with Stardust's book. It took her a few moments to respond.


"So, I'm just gonna assume you're a weird little reality warper and leave it at that," she decided, "and, uh, are we fighting? Because you don't strike me as a 'bad guy'. Just another pony who got it in the tail with an arrow."


She shrugged, and Jailbreak buzzed in challenge. "But, if you wanna go, then alrighty then. I can go."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"This fight will be more than easy!"

S.T. says, "ripping out" a piece of one of the planks of the floor as if it was paper, revealing a white paper-like surface beneath it.

"You see, i can not take control of other "players" in this game - that would be against the rules! - but inanimate objects have no will on themselves, thus making them entirely mine to control!"

 As she speaks, she pulls out a pen and writes on the white surface inside the plank, reading it out loud shortly after:
"And then, at an astounishing speed, the plank that Saffron Thread wrote on went flying on Gridia's direction!"

As she finishes reading, the plank jumps out of the ground and then, at an astounishing speed, the plank that Saffron Thread wrote on went flying on Gridia's direction!

"Let's see how you get out of this one!"

The enemy stand user says.

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Gridia was almost transfixed by Saffron Thread performing her ability, and only snapped out of it in time for the plank to smack her upside the face. She stumbled back and shook her head.


"Firstly, isn't that kinda cheating?" she asked, then carried on. "Secondly, I got speed on my side." She demonstrated by zipping behind her, like a blur, and Jailbreak zipping into The Wall. "Thirdly, I will admit, your power is pretty awesome."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Not at all! I can make events happen but i have no say on their outco-"

She stops when she sees that Gridia suddenly disappeared, standing behind her.

"...Clever, really clever...Alright, so you managed to find a crack in my defense, i'll let you have this hit for that! Go ahead, gimme all you've got, but you won't be as lucky next time!".

Continues her, awaiting for Gridia to attack.

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Gridia narrowed her eyes, not trusting this mare's willingness to let her have a free hit. A pony with those kinds of powers can't be trusted too much.


Though, she took her up on her offer. She zipped to another angle and threw a quick punch, hoping to catch her off again.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Saffron Thread takes the hit, but something's...Off.

She's thrown back almos tall the way to the other side of the room, which isn't very...Plausible.

Suddenly she slams into a wall and starts frantically moving her limbs...Inside the wall?

This triggers some kind of weird occurency that causes her to launched out of the wall and in Gridia's direction.

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Gridia smirked as her attack landed, but the result wasn't what she was expecting. Saffron got... stuck in the wall?


"Whaaaaa--" she muttered, before the mare shot toward her. She raised her talons to defend herself against whatever attack this pony had in mind.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Gridia manages to block the attack as Saffron Thread hits her talons, falling on top of her.

- "Alright, no more messing around, let's go straight to the point!

You're tougher than you seem, i gotta admit, but it's time for me to finish this!"

She says, making her Stand punch Gridia aiming for her stomach.


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Gridia grunted as Saffron fell on top of her. "You're not bad eithe--" she gasped as the air was punched out of her.


Out of instinct, she went to headbutt her square in the forehead. It was the best form of attack she could think of at the moment. Hopefully it would get her off.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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