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open [RP]Crazy Noisy Bizarre Ponyville


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Gridia hits Saffron, causing her to fall off of her and into the ground when Stardust comes in through the...Front door? Wait, wasn't he upstairs?
"I don't know how you teleported me to the other side of town, but i'm getting back at you for that!"

He exclaims bringing out his Star Platinum.

Suddenly she jumps on the table and seems to grab something from it, throwing it in Stardust's direction.

Neither of you hear anything, but after a few seconds you start smelling smoke coming from the floor.

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Gridia cocked her eyebrow when Stardust came in the front door, and his comment just made her all the more confused.


She was with me this whole time, how did...


She paused as she smelled smoke coming from the floor, and she instinctively hopped into the air and hovered. "The heck?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Stardust jumps up and grabs a piece of the roof with Star Platinum, and soonly after the floor catches on fire.

Saffron Thread starts to laugh as she sees the flames slowly start to burn;

"Hah! I took the "crackle" sound coming from the candle's fire and threw it at the ground! Now the ground itself is catching on fire, i've won, victory is mine!"
Smoke is filling the room and the heat is rising more and more, if this doesn't stop the whole house will be destroyed!

Everyone in the room hears the sounds of something hitting the kitchen door.

"What's going on here?!"
The house's owner asks, his muffled voice coming from the other side of the door.

What will Gridia do now?

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Gridia just stared at the little fire, dumbfounded at what Saffron said. "How do you..."


Filthy Rich's voice from behind the door made her jump, and she signalled to Stardust to start putting out the blaze.

"Uhh, just looking for something!" She lamely excused to the house owner. "Won't be long!"


She growled and sped after Saffron with intent to slam a speeding fist in her face.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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With the punch hitting her square in the face, Saffron is thrown into the wall and knocked unconscious.

Stardust jumps down and snuffs out the fire with his coat, then going to the kitchen door and opening it.

"I really don't understand..."

FS says confused.

"One second i was there and the other i was in the kitchen, what could've happened here?"

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Gridia turned around to see Filthy Rich, and gave him an awkward grin. "Um... it's a long story, sir. But let's just say a pony with some pretty unique magic was messing with your house, and we took care of her for you."


She pointed to the unconscious Saffron slumped by the wall.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Huh, i see...Well, thanks for taking care of it, i suppose."

The stallion replies.

After a while Gridia and Stardust leave, and before heading to the hotel Stardust speaks to the Griffon:
"Straight Arrow may have escaped, but he won't go far..."

S.S. says as he shows Gridia a few strands of long, smooth and black hair that he could only have taken from Straight Arrow's head.

"Now that we have the hair we just need to wait for Diamond Crash to show up, if i'm not mistaken he should be here by tomorrow, once he gets here we'll catch Straight Arrow before he even sees it coming."

He concludes leaving shortly after.

"Until then, see you."

Continues Stardust as he trots away.

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Gridia followed Stardust out of Filthy Rich's home and back to the hotel. That was a close one--she was glad he didn't ask anymore questions.


She blinked at the hairs, then up at Stardust. She had no idea how hairs were going to help them, but she decided it was probably best not to question him. He had literal hat hair.


"Later then," she shrugged and took off to the sky, looking for something to entertain herself with.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Gridia had found another rooftop to sleep on for the night, and Stardust's voice jolted her up from her slumber. She rolled onto her front and peered down to look at him.


She blinked slowly, remembering Diamond Crash--she was, albeit moderately, interested in meeting him, so she stretched her limbs and fluttered down to meet the stallion.


"I just hope he doesn't do creepy things with hair," she muttered, pointing to the strand he was holding.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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As the two await in the station for a couple of minutes, the train finally arrives, and among the ponies that come out of it is one who looks exactly like the one in Stardust's photo: a light lilac unicorn with deep dark blue eyes and dark lilac hairs styled into a large pompadour - which looks even more comedically outdated when you see it in person(pony? griffon? you get the point) - his cutie mark is a golden "love and peace" symbol shaped like a heart and he is wearing a small necklace shaped like an anchor.

Now that Gridia can see his body it's visible that he's lean and athletic, most of his muscle concentrating in his hind legs, the kind of build you expect to see in a sprinter or a swimmer.

"Hi there!"

The unicorn says waving at Gridia and S.S., he has a normal voice for a young adult stallion and he speaks in a very chill and informal way, it's barely noticeable but he seems to slightly roll his "R"s.

The light lilac stallion approaches Stardust Strider, shaking his hoof.

"Hey, Stardust! Nice to see you!"

He says.

"Same for you."

The bulky earth pony replies.

"And you must be Gridia! Stardust told me about you, nice to meet you!"

Diamond Crash says extending his hoof to greet the griffon.

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Gridia watched as the other pony approached. He looked just as... peculiar as Stardust, if not a little less so. At least his mane didn't double as a hat. The cutie mark was strange though.


"Uh, yeah, she nodded, and grabbed his hoof to shake it, "yeah, I'm Gridia. Nice to meet you too, guy."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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After leaving the train station, Stardust gives the hair to Diamond Crash.

"You know what to do."

S.S. says nonchalantly.


D.C. says, turning to face Gridia.

"So, i think i should explain what my stand does exactly in case you don't know:

My stand, Crazy Diamond, can restore any physical thing back to its original state, by using that ability i can fix broken objects, turn them back into their basic components and even alter their appearance by breaking and fixing them, this also allows me to heal the wounds of other living things.

Now, there's a few rules: i need to know how the object looked like before it was broken or else it won't work, so if an object i've never seen is already broken when i see it, it's gonna stay broken.

I can't bring living things back from the dead, my CD fixes their bodies, but once the soul is gone it's gone for good, no turning back.

So, if i use my stand on this Straight Arrow guy's hair, the hair will go back to where it originally came from - as in, his head - and we'll be able to locate him!"

Diamond Crash explains quickly before throwing the hair on the ground and activating his stand: it is a large and muscular bubblegum-pink unicorn wearing a baby blue armor with heart-shaped shoulderpads and kneepads and helmet similar to that of a Romanean(Roman) soldier, its cutie mark is a broken blue heart.

The unicorn's eyes are regular pink just like the aura emanating from its horn, it doesn't seem to have a mane beneath the helmet and its tail has the same color as its armor.

"CRAZY DIAMOND! Fix that hair and return it to its owner!"

Crash explains as the pink hulkling punches the hair, making it glow with Crazy Diamond's pink aura and start floating in the air right above the trio's heads.

"Now his hair is going to fly towards him, all we need to do is follow it."

The light lilac unicorn says confidently.

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Gridia just watched in silence as the new pony got ot work. He summoned a pink pony, who could apparently repair anything, and he said if he 'fixed' the hair, they could track it to its owner.


She wanted to say that's the weirdest thing she'd ever heard or seen... but that was a straight lie.


"Alrighty then," she nodded, "let's see where this hair leads us."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The strand of hair flies across Ponyville, eventually reaching a water well and diving inside it.

Lighting up the well with his magic, Diamond Crash tries to make the bottom of the well at least slightly visible, but to no avail: the well is far too deep.

"So...Is this like, a thing in Equestria? Or is there something wrong here?"

DC asks Stardust and Gridia in a confused and surprised tone.

There's no way the well was already like this, somepony or something intentionally made it deeper.

It's impossible to see or hear anything that could be coming from the bottom, but now the three know for sure that they'll find Straight Arrow in there somewhere.

"Yare Yare."

Stardust mutters to Gridia and Diamond.

"It's a good thing you can fly, Gridia. You should jump down last because of that, since that way if anything goes south you can go get help.

Diamond, you'll go behind me, having you between me Gridia means that we'll always be within your Stand's reach, you'll be able to heal us without much trouble.

My Star Platinum's time stopping and enhanced vision should give us an advantage, therefore i'll go on the front, what do you say?"

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Gridia arrived at the well with the two stallions, and stared into it. "Echo! ...echo... echo..."


She looked up at the two, and heard the plan. "So I go last, because I can fly. I hear ya."


She smirked and cracked her talons. "Let's jump down this well! ...that sounded much cooler in my head."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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As the three dive down the well they find themselves in a tunnel of some kind, they can hear a loud noise in the distance similar to that of rocks being crushed.

The only way to go now is forward, and even thought it's dark, with the only kind of light in the room coming from Diamond Crash's horn, it's possible to see a faint red glow coming from deeper within the tunnel.

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Gridia fluttered down to the bottom with ease, and looked around in the tunnel. "Well, this looks thoroughly pleasant."


She followed Diamond Crash, wondering what she was doing with her life just as she noticed the red glow at the end of tunnel.


"Hey, anyone else seeing that?" She muttered, narrowing her eyes to focus her view.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Yep, i did, alright."

Says Diamond Crash.

"I saw it too."

Replied Stardust.

Using Star Platinum, Stardust tries to see further into the tunnel, only for the red glow to approach the trio absurdly fast, runnong right past them like a mid-flight Wonderbolt.

"What the?!"

Stardust exclaims as he is thrown off balance and falls on his back.

Noticing directly after that his coat's sleeve is on fire,he puts it out before it can spread any further.

"What the hay WAS that?"

Diamond asks as he sweats profousely, visibly startled by what just happened.

"Looked like an enemy Stand to me."

Stardust mutters.

"We better keep our eyes out, that thing might show up again."

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Gridia stumbled in midair as the red thing zipped past them. If that thing was a stand, then its owner was down here also.


"I'll take care of it if it does," she declared with a cocky smirk on her beak, "nothing faster than me, right?"


Jailbreak emerged and zipped around her user, looking ready.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I hope so."

Stardust awnsers the griffon right before the red stand appears once again, stopping right in front of the trio: it takes the shape as the skeleton of an unicorn completely covered in flames, the letters "HS II"* are carved into its skull and its eye sockets have glowing yellow dots where the pupils would be if the Stand had any eyes.

The stand's calves are wrapped in what seem to be white shreds of cloth, slightly synged and ripped, but still attached to the enemy Stand somehow.

The skeleton opens its mouth as the user begins to speak through the fiery stand:

"So, it's you two again, and you brought help..."

The voice coming from the stand says, it sounds exactly like straight arrow!

"How do you like my Helter Skelter Act 2? My Stand evolved to fit my needs, as you can see! now i have just the power i need to destroy you!"



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Gridia's eyes diluted slightly at the sight of the practically demonic unicorn standing before the group. It wasn't until it revealed its voice to be Straight Arrow's that she put on a more exasperated face.


"Oh joy, it's you again," she drolled, rolling her eyes. Jailbreak buzzed angrily. "So you want one more round, do you?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Why, yes i do!"
Straight Arrow says, leaving his guard completely open.

"Go ahead and attack me first! i'd like to see you try! BUT, i'll warn you first and foremost that whatever you try to do against me, it isn't going to work! It just isn't, my Helter Skelter Act 2 is the ultimate attack AND the ultimate defense...Go ahead and attack me if you dare! Whatever you do against me is useless, useless, useless!"

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Gridia gave her companions a look that just screamed 'Are you seeing this guy?' while Jailbreak buzzed angrily in Straight Arrow's direction.


The griffon cricked her neck and raked her talons on the ground before zipping toward the spooky pony for a surprise first attack.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The attack connects as Helter Skelter Act 2 is thrown back, but as soon as Gridia touches the foe her talon catches on fire!

"This is what i meant..."

The adversary explains, recovering from the attack.

"...My Helter Skelter Act 2 creates so much friction with everything it touches to such a level that it catches on fire! Like rubbing two sticks together, the friction created is enough to set anything aflame, no matter what it is.

Anything that touches it will inevitably catch on fire, that's why attacking it is utterly futile!"

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