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open Equestrian Prisoners [RP]


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You've landed yourself in the Equestrian Prison. We here don't care what crime you committed, just that you are here, and we won't let you leave until your sentence is over.


The prison bus comes to a stop, you're dragged out of the bus and to the entrance of the prison, you could run away now, but that would get you shot. The doors open as you're taken into the prison and eventually lead to your cell the guards leave you to your own thing from there.


Zealous Enigma felt slight pain from the push of the guard's hoof as he was shoved into his cell. "Another day in the prison it appears." He muttered, he had been caught so many times that he started to admire the prison cells."Nice, they look better." But this time they actually improved in terms of looks. "Hey!" He turned around and waved at the guard before he left.


The guard walked back up to him. "What?"


"Can I have a drink?"


The guard chuckled. "How about, no?" He said in a stern tone.


Enigma had never thought of it before, but this was a good time to try it. "Please?" And what he was trying was his secret weapon; puppy dog eyes.


The guard didn't do anything but snicker. "That won't work on me." Enigma made his eyes bigger. "You can, during lunch hour."


Enigma walked over to his bed. "Nice to know." He said sitting on his bed. "Now shoo, I got some napping to do." The guard rolled his eyes and left.

Edited by Frannis
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You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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The buzzer sounded, and the outer door slid back on its' tracks, opening the inner security cell for the guards and their charge to pass through.  There were four of them; a high number for a prisoner, you'd think... until you laid eyes on him.


'Robust' would be a fair word to describe him - he was tall, yet thick with corded muscle... especially in his rear quarters.  His indigo mane and tail were short and neat, very business-like; they were both shot through with strands of iron gray, which belied his age.    His coat appeared to be two differing shades of gray - one natural, one from years - yet the dark blue patches still stood out proudly among the age spots.  Though it was obvious he was old, his physical form was in top condition; quite frankly, he looked like the kind of pony who had kicked rocks for a living, all his life.


The aged-yet-thick Earth Pony stood in the midst of the four guards, looking bored as they went through the rather tedious process of shutting the outer door, then checking his restraints, then preparing the way, then opening the inner door to the cell that worked as a stop-gap for those who would simply make a break for it.


The stallion among the guards almost looked strong enough to buck right through it.


They took him to the check-in booth, and had him step up to the red line.  The mare behind the counter looked at him, then stared at her paperwork, then returned her gaze to him.  "You're... the transfer from Canterlot, right?  Prisoner number zero-zero-five-four-two?"


His bespectacled eyes closed, and he gave an endlessly weary sigh.  "Yes."


She looked him over.  "You gonna be trouble, Big Fella?"


"Not unless I must."


"Why would you think you'd have to?"


"It's... a prison; trouble is corralled here; if it tries to harm me, I shall show it what trouble is... WHATEVER form trouble may take."


She glared at him for a moment, then turned and pressed the buzzer which brought the inner guards.  They came in, calmly taking the place of the four who escorted him in, who then took their leave.  He was officially their problem now - for better or for worse.


"I hope you don't think this place'll be a walk in the park like Canterlot is," she chided after him.


The small smile that crossed his muzzle wasn't even noticed by any of his new entourage; they simply took him to his cell, then shut the door behind him and locked it tightly, leaving him in criminal storage like a naughty bug in a very large jar.


He walked along the walls once, then wandered to the bed and sat down, a thoughtful look crossing his features as he appeared to lose himself in thought. 

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Dark Days looked at the prison, then walked in with his head down as he listened to the jeers from the other prisoners. He walked into the cell the guard led him to, then he sat down on the bed and started cleaning his feathers


Shadow got out off the bus and started walking around the yard like he owned the place, or it was a vacation. His leaned against the wall, opened a portal and pulled out a flask.

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Nearby, was the solitary confinement cell, where any prisoners who broke the rules too often were sent. An irritating humming, intended by the cell's occupant to annoy, came from it. Inside was a unicorn stallion of slim build, with dark red and indigo patched fur, a black mane and tail, and green eyes. An iron ring was around his horn; this was a magic suppression band, which was often used for troublesome unicorns, to stop them using their magic against the guards. However, the rules forbade the guards to keep it on for too long; said rules, they often cursed when it came to dealing with this particular unicorn.


The cell door opened, and a guard walked in, gritting his teeth at the annoying humming. "Right, Diego, you can go back to general population now," he growled. Diego grinned. He stopped humming, and swung himself off the narrow bench to the floor.


"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked, insolently.


The guard scowled, and used his own magic to remove the band from Diego's horn. "If it were up to me," he said. "You'd have that on permanently. Now, just get lost, and try to stay out of trouble for more than a day this time."


Diego smirked, and strolled out of the cell, making for his own. He idly wondered if he'd be sharing it this time, and who with; he just hoped that his cellmate would be worth talking to, this time. Diego had a deceptively harmless look, but the patched stallion was not one to mess with. This fact was indicated by his cutie mark, which was the symbol of chaos. His talent was for chaos magic and he was an extremely powerful magic user. Not many messed with Diego more than once; his reputation preceded him.

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Enigma was bored, very bored and there was only one thing he could think of that would entertain him; "Tick, tock, tick-" how irritating the sounds of a clock would be.


After an hour of making the sounds of a clock, the guard finally responded; "AGH!" He growled and turned to Enigma. "Shut, up!"


Enigma smirked. "Tock."


The guard growled again. "AGH!"


"What? Am I annoying you?"


"Yes, very." He felt a hoof tap his hoof. He turned around to see the source of the tapping. "What?"


The warden was standing there, she rarely ever talked to the guards personally. "If he's annoying you, walk away. He's not going anywhere."


The guard sighed and walked away, Enigma growled. "You took away my play toy!"


The warden smirked. "It's lunch hour, got and eat." She pressed a button and Enigma's cell door opened, and then she walked away.


Enigma smiled gleefully and ran out of his cell to the lunch room. "HELLO EVERYPONY!" He yelled, his voice strained leading to him coughing. "Enigma, is back!"

Edited by Frannis
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You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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It was time to tie on the feedbag.


The stallion made his way through the line like everypony else, though he didn't seem to be in any rush; he was getting a good look at the rabble he was surrounded by.  He saw hard-looking pones, fierce gang members grouped up, and the crazy ones who got left alone.


The tall, broad stallion looked old... but he also looked as though he could buck a brick wall down, so he didn't get much unwanted attention.  Bringing his tray to the dented and pockmarked metal table, he took his seat and gave his 'meal' a thorough once-over.


"Hmph.  Looks like curdled soap."


He took a bite, then wrinkled his muzzle in disgust.  "Tastes like curdled soap.  Feh."


However, despite this realization, he continued eating the porridge-like gruel.  It was odorless, flavorless, and useful for spackling holes in the prison ceiling, when it needed to be.  The Earth Pony simply took his time, eating in the manner of a proper gentlecolt.  He seemed as if he was some sort of high-class bureaucrat... but his size and muscles said otherwise.


His bespectacled eyes were keen and razor-sharp as they stayed alert to anypony who came near.

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Shadow got up and started walking around the prison. He stopped in front of an armory and went in. He opened a portal, pulled out his scythe, sword, and rarely used weapons and stored them in there. Then he headed to a cell that right now was empty, sat down in one of the corners, opened the portal and pulled out some jerky



Dark walked out of his cell and headed to the cafeteria to got food. He got his food, sat down and muttered, but barely audible,  

"You don't have to yell when you get here."

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@@reader8363,@@Randimaxis, @,  


A loud bang filled the cafeteria, then a second, and finally a third. then Silence followed. Eventually a scraping sound, metal upon metal screeched across the cafeteria. A large metal cage was slowly dragged to a table far from any of the other prisoners, on the metal cage was several large red letters, handle with caution along with Danger might bite. Something you might find at a zoo. it was almost comical apart from the fact that the guards had several bite marks and scratches along there body, they each were wearing full protective Armour along with serious weapons. No chance was being taken with this prisoner.  


The cage was slowly opened a hard task since it required four oft the guards to lift the door, the guards backed away and held there weapons like there life depended on it. They had come to hate and perhaps fear what they guarded. Though they never admitted it. One of them walked from the cafeteria, a chunk of meat in a bowl. He quickly slide it in-front of the cage, he was younger then the rest of the guards, and had the unpleasant duty of putting the restraints on his prisoner. 


Twilight Shadow glanced as her cell lightened, she smelt food, she glanced at the bowl of meat and slowly moved towards it, she dipped her head in the bowl before feeling something close around her neck. She glanced or more like glared at the young guard that had foolishly put a restraint on her, how dare he. She flung the bowl of meat at him, the blood running down his face distracting him for a second, plenty of time for herself, she then lashed out pulling him towards her, tugging on the restraint with surprisingly ease despite the fact he was much larger then herself. She gave him a quick bite to the hoof before feeling something struck her flank.


A baton.


She glanced at the other guards, they had moved in forming a circle around her, they were ready to lash out at her now. She slowly let go of the guard who she had bitten, as soon as he was free she felt several more baton strikes against her, she narrowed her eyes as pain briefly immobilized her, she felt a dull thud strike her head and she blacked out for several seconds, that was enough time for the guards to chain her to the table. She growled, her Changeling wings buzzing angrily. How dare they treat her like a beast.


Her anger was short lived, there was a sweet smell in-front of her, she glanced at the meat and gently tucked in. the last prison she was in had tried to serve her with the standard issue gruel which she had refused to eat. instead she fed on something sweeter, positive emotions from the ponies around her, which had eventually led to a riot of sorts, without positive emotions, ponies turned into beasts themselves.


She licked her fangs clean as she finished the last scrap and then turned her glance towards the other prisoners, curious to why they were there. She had two life sentences, wait no three now after the prison incident. She smirked knowing full well she wasn't going back into confinement, she was a high risk, but better a inmate get harmed then a guard. she wondered who her cellmate would be, though if she didn't like them, she could always have a late night snack.


Fully fed she decided to have some fun, she changed her form to that of Celestia, though minus the horn, she hadn't perfected that part yet and lept onto the table. "Unleash me from the shackles, or i'll have my sister banish you to the moon" she growled to the guards. She got a blow from a baton for her trouble. She quickly changed back to her Changeling form before she got a second blow. Taking a beating seriously ruined her fun.

Edited by Ruby Splash
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@@Ruby Splash,

Shadow finished up his meal, then decided to head to the cafeteria to see what going on there, He opened a portal walked through. He ended up next to Twilight, he sat down, looked at the food, and decided that he'll stick with his jerky. then he said as he pointed a claw at Twilight,

"Hate to be a stick in the mud about it, but I can see that you aren't good at changing, Let me guess you're in because you tried to impersonate somepony?"

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Finishing the meal (if it could be called that), the stallion watched the loud and boisterous proceedings in front of him.


The disinterest in the varied and sundry ego-flexing he'd seen over his years in prison had grown to the point he rarely acknowledged it anymore; money talks - actions scream.  So far, he'd seen a temper tantrum from one, and a flagrant disregard for authority from the other.


One of them is potentially useful, at least.


That in mind for later, he calmly wiped his mouth, gathered his tray, and dutifully put things away where they were supposed to go; he did what was required of him to be left alone by the higher-ups.  It wasn't a matter of cowardice or conformity, and that was present in his movements and posture - it was a matter of pride, combined with a low-key sense of 'social stealth', that was at the base of this action, as he simply did what he had to do.


Heading out of the cafeteria, he considered making a remark or comment to the one with more potential... but decided now was the time, nor place to do such; he knew his limits - and respected himself too much to brag unduly.  Plus, the less the rabble in here knew about him, the better.


Keeping his words to himself, he merely passed as he left, not even giving them a glance.  If he accomplished what he now had a chance to do here, he wouldn't have to sneak out...


... he would simply WALK out.  FREE.


Then... revenge.  Cold.  Hard.  Years in the making.  And, should all go well, so VERY satisfying.

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Twilight Sparkle changed her form to that of a small filly, the restraints coming undone, after she was out of them did she change back to her normal form and sat down . "Indeed, among other things, Treason and murder. i believe" she remarked. She changed her form to that of Chrysalis. "though it's a big misunderstanding, they got the wrong Changeling" she remarked before changing back into princess Celestia still with the horn missing.


"Oh and i sat on the royal throne, apparently that's also a crime here" she remarked, she then changed to Twilight Sparkle. "along with attempting to turn Canterlot castle into a new hive, I mean what gives, wasn't like I was trying to overthrow the princesses" she remarked, she then got tired from all these shape changing and returned to her original form. She glanced at her guards, "Leave us" she commanded, "Or do i have to change back to royalty to get you're obedience" she growled.


The guards tutted but retreated, she was the inmates problem now, they lugged the steal cage out of the cafeteria. "So, where you get seconds in this place?" she asked still being rather hungry.

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@@Ruby Splash,

Shadow opened a portal around the cage that the guards were dragging off and watched the guard's faces when they tried to figure out why it was sinking slowly. He turned to Twilight and said as he balanced on his hind legs,


"I don't really know since I'm not going to be eating what this cafeteria is going to be serving."


He opened an another portal and grabbed a flask and took a gulp out of it

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She levitated the flask from his hoof and hovered it over to her, before drinking. She snorted and levitated it back to him. "well maybe you could find something for me to eat, that or I might be draining someones emotions." she said sniffing the air, she glanced around wondering who she could annoy.




She glanced as the stallion put his tray back where it belonged, she waited until he had left it before causing the piles of trays to collapse, along with the cutlery, causing a loud bang onto the floor. She let out a low chuckle as several guards hurried to clean it up. 

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@Ruby Splash



Lifting an eyebrow at the commotion going on behind him, the elder stallion took a single glance behind himself to see the effects of what had happened.  Putting two and two together was easy, and he now gave a single look to the one giggling in the cage.


"Well... I suppose children have to entertain themselves SOMEhow, yes?  Cute."


With that said, he took his leave of the cafeteria, paying no notice to anything yelled after him; he'd said his piece - let them act like brats in a playpen, for all he cared.  He was already working an angle to get himself the buck out of here, and he didn't have time to play 'King Of The Cesspool' with the locals.


Besides - he wasn't about to give them the satisfaction of getting his goat.  None of the guards had yet, nor the warden in Canterlot, nor ant of the guards... there had only been ONE pony who had bested him.  And THAT was where his vengence was aimed - the one who got the better of him.


He headed toward the prison yard; he wondered if time outside was meted out, or if it was simply open for prisoner use.  Well, he'd certainly find out, that was for sure.

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She blinked dumbly. She wasn't a child, her shell was hard, not soft like a hatching. She snorted angrily, though by the time she thought of some way to punish the stallion, he had already left. She would catch up to him later she decided, first she decided to cause some trouble. She was extremely good at that.


She levitated one of the guards, she then began giggling again. She levitated his baton and smacked him over the head with it, she continued to giggle in a perverted manner, enjoying his pain. She was unaware of the guards beginning to look though the inmates, trying to figure who was assaulting the prison staff. She smacked the guard in the eye with his own baton. She thought that was immensely funny. Right until a shadow came behind her. She glanced up.spotting the warden, she blinked dropping the guard and baton to the floor. "It wasn't me" she gulped.




She pointed at the pony next to him, "he did it" 

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@@Ruby Splash,

Shadow grabbed his drink out of the air and said as he placed it down,


"I don't think changelings can drink this stuff, to most ponies, it's too strong of a drink for them, but for me being a hybrid. It's fine."


He sat down and said as he pulled a piece of jerky out and held out a claw,


"I should say what I'm in for, but that's a long list. Name's Shadow

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She snorted, "Well, I'm Twilight Shadow, though you better call me Twilight" she remarked, changing into Twilight Sparkle. She then turned to the Warden, "shoo, can't you see were having a decent conversation" she snapped. She held out her right hoof and began making 'go away' gestures at him. "go on, good warden" she cooed.


The warden frowned and snapped a bracelet onto Twilight's hoof, causing her to return to her original self. "Behave" he growled before trotting off.


Twilight snorted, she glanced at Shadow, "so what you do, steal? murder? sleep with Celestia?" she giggled. 

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@@Ruby Splash,

Shadow leaned back and said,

"Let's see, murdered hundreds, treason, kidnapped ten, blackmail, threaten the princesses, betrayal, robbery on dozens of times, and I think that was in the last two years, so they gave me lifetimes, Luna wanted a death sentence, but I had info on all the guards."

(I hope mentioning all that is fine)

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She blinked, "huh, sucks to be you, i'm getting out of here in 300 years" she remarked letting out a yawn. She grinned, "you want to get out early? If we kill that warden, i can disguise myself as him and walk you out the front gates" she remarked. She glanced at her bracelet. "all you need to do, is take this off me" she remarked, shaking the hoof with the bracelet on.

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@@Ruby Splash, @@reader8363, Enigma wandered around looking for a spot to sit having gathered what food he wanted to eat. He spotted a changeling sitting at one of the tables and mumbled; "Weird" He had never seen a changeling in a prison before, there was another pony that caught his eye, one who could open portals. "Cool." He walked over to the changeling looking down at a empty spot across from her. "Is anypony sitting here?" He asked tapping his hoof on the empty spot.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


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@,@@Ruby Splash,

Shadow shook his head and said,


"No thanks, this is a vacation for me, I could walk out those doors whenever I want."


He heard somepony talking, then he bent his head back and said, "Nope, no one's sitting there



Dark got up, and headed out of the cafeteria without cleaning up his tray and headed back to his cell

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She nodded "yeah you can sit here" she said to the newcomer. She sniffed him curiously "so what caused you to be locked up here, I'm planning on killing that warden, maybe you want to help me?" she asked him smirking. "maybe i'm going to kill him now" she remarked.


She nodded goodbye to Dark.

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@@Ruby Splash, Enigma sat down as she asked him what he was in here for, It was while since somepony asked him that, he had committed a large list of crimes. "I'm in here for derailing a train." He paused dramatically. "On purpose." He smirked slightly. "That and murder, destruction of property, harassment and stalking and that's all of them."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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Twilight smirked, "you're strange, all i did was impersonate the princesses and run up there royal bills" she remarked. She let out a yawn, "maybe you can take this bracelet off my hoof" she said, she then could impersonate some pony and cause some trouble. She blinked, "come on if i cause some trouble looking like a Changeling, i'm going to get found out" she grumbled

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@@Ruby Splash, His eye twitched, he started growling a bit. "Strange?" He mumbled, everything else she said faded out of his attention. but faded back once she asked if he could remove her braclet. "Heh, no. Those are impossible to remove." He lifted up his right hoof showing that there was a bracelet around his. "I don't know why they gave me one though, I don't have a horn." He brushed his mane to the side showing his broken horn, which didn't have much of it left. "See?"

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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