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A Couple Questions About Spike


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OK, I know what you're thinking, but this is NOT a hate post on Spike, in fact I honestly like the character and think he gets way more hate than he deserves, so, basically in the same category as how I feel about Starlight Glimmer. Now don't get me wrong, Spike's had his bad moments and has unfortunately been victim to having a couple really bad episodes centred on him, but his personality and depth of character are really well written... Most of the time, and admittedly, only when the plot calls for it. I can relate to the little guy sometimes, as the lackey, the guy who usually has good intentions but ends up making situations worse whenever he tries to help and Isn't capable of doing much, and that's what makes him my favourite non-pony character in the show, I think. There are a couple of things about this dragon that seem to cause a bit of a small controversy and discussion whenever they DO manage to get brought up, some things that are either true or false in the eyes of different parts of the brony community.


1. Is Spike Useless? - This one I'm really not too sure about. I've always thought of Spike as the character with the low self esteem issues, and messes things up. He's never exactly done anything credible in the MLP universe sadly, I really want his existence to actually mean something for the plot of an episode, without completely destroying his character of course. And, he's obviously caused a lot of harm to others in the past, like the whole deal with that growth spurt episode. Hell, back in Season 4 they basically confirmed Spike being the least useful of the group in that superhero episode. Maybe Twilight just keeps him around because she doesn't want him to get hurt, or because she initially didn't like having to raise him but grew emotionally attached to him.


2. Could Spike And Rarity EVER Be A Thing? - Now, first things first, we know the actual show Isn't gonna do this most likely. Obviously, they will keep that whole Spike's secret crush on Rarity gag  going for as long as they want to, but would a dragon having a loving relationship with a pony be OK? Personally, I would love an episode where these two are featured over some kind of problem with an interspecies relationship, the moral could be that It's OK for people of different kinds to be in love (same sex, different races etc.). But is it wrong for Spike to have a crush on Rarity, or would it be better if they introduced another dragon for Spike to crush on?

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I would actually love to see a female dragon spikes age in the series. It would be absolutely comical. And even if ponies and dragons could be in love, Spike is a baby dragon. Rarity's like a teenager. Don't know how a teen would feel about dating a baby.

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I would actually love to see a female dragon spikes age in the series. It would be absolutely comical. And even if ponies and dragons could be in love, Spike is a baby dragon. Rarity's like a teenager. Don't know how a teen would feel about dating a baby.

Now that you mention it, that's another weird thing. They call Spike a baby dragon, but he walks and talks just fine. On the whole age thing, you're forgetting some ponies in the show date others much younger or older than them, so I don't think either of them would really even care considering all that.

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I don't think age is a real concept in Equestria now that I think of it. I mean how old is Celestia? Several thousand? I mean when ponies can live that long, you could kind of see why age might become meaningless

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I don't think age is a real concept in Equestria now that I think of it. I mean how old is Celestia? Several thousand? I mean when ponies can live that long, you could kind of see why age might become meaningless

True, and that just reminded me of the theory that Twilight might outlive her friends... I'm pretty sure Celestia only lasted that long because she's an Alicorn.

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I'm Near the end of season 1. I know but it's hard to watch it when you didn't start the show at the beginning of series premiere

We're the only people in this forum though so that's weird it's kind of deserted here

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I'm Near the end of season 1. I know but it's hard to watch it when you didn't start the show at the beginning of series premiere

We're the only people in this forum though so that's weird it's kind of deserted here

Yeah, I'll refrain from giving spoilers from now on. I myself have only seen 5 Seasons out of 6. I take it you only joined the franchise recently?

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As someone pointed out, even if dragons and ponies could get together, there's still the age difference between Spike and Rarity. 

Hate to be THAT guy, but then after that he said this:


I don't think age is a real concept in Equestria now that I think of it. I mean how old is Celestia? Several thousand? I mean when ponies can live that long, you could kind of see why age might become meaningless

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1. K, we already proved many times this season that Spike is NOT useless! I think that there's been passed. If he hasn't proved his usefulness by now, I dunno what's going to prove it.


2. Sex and species isn't what's not going to make Rarity and Spike a thing. I mean first off, none of the main characters are going to have relationships in the series (except Twilight on EG, but I don't count that), so Sparity isn't going to be a thing on the show. And if that's not enough, Spike's too good for Rarity anyway. All she does is use his crush on her to persuade him to do stuff for her, and even though they make pretty good friends still, I don't like Rarity manipulating Spike like that. That's what lost me in the crush. So I hope he gets tired of her sometime before the series is over.

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1. No Spike is not useless.  This season has been doing a great job at showing how useful he can be with things such as him improving the relationship between ponies and dragons, and possibly ponies and changelings.


2. Spike and Rarity will never become a thing.  Rarity is too old for Spike and the relationship would be kind of creepy.

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1. K, we already proved many times this season that Spike is NOT useless! I think that there's been passed. If he hasn't proved his usefulness by now, I dunno what's going to prove it.


2. Sex and species isn't what's not going to make Rarity and Spike a thing. I mean first off, none of the main characters are going to have relationships in the series (except Twilight on EG, but I don't count that), so Sparity isn't going to be a thing on the show. And if that's not enough, Spike's too good for Rarity anyway. All she does is use his crush on her to persuade him to do stuff for her, and even though they make pretty good friends still, I don't like Rarity manipulating Spike like that. That's what lost me in the crush. So I hope he gets tired of her sometime before the series is over.

1. Um... Could you give some kind of example? I mean, I wish he had a useful moment but nothing really springs to mind.


2. Yeah, not a fan of Flashlight. And, when did they say none of the Mane 6 would have relationships? But now that I think about it, Rarity kind of abuses Spike's feelings about her, well, she doesn't know, but she still abuses his abilities. I mean, I want the crush to stop but I want it to keep going at the same time. The show Isn't the same without it.

1. No Spike is not useless.  This season has been doing a great job at showing how useful he can be with things such as him improving the relationship between ponies and dragons, and possibly ponies and changelings.


2. Spike and Rarity will never become a thing.  Rarity is too old for Spike and the relationship would be kind of creepy.

1. Well, if that's true, then I'm even more excited for Season 6, but as of now, I've not seen it. But I sadly can't remember a moment from seasons 1-5 where he's done much more than being Twilight's assistant. As I said before, I love Spike as a character though, so don't take this as an insult on his behalf.


2. I've already discussed this but I figured it needs explaining again. It's just a theory, but I don't think age really matters for anything in Equestria, there's no logic. You have Granny Smith actually looking like an old person, while Celestia who is thousands of years older looks like she's still in her 20's, Spike is considered a "baby" dragon despite being able to walk and talk. Come on, he's a pre-teen at LEAST. So I don't think It'd be very controversial for a dragon Spike's age to get with a pony Rarity's age, when Equestria has no real consistency with age in the first place.

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1. Um... Could you give some kind of example? I mean, I wish he had a useful moment but nothing really springs to mind.


2. Yeah, not a fan of Flashlight. And, when did they say none of the Mane 6 would have relationships? But now that I think about it, Rarity kind of abuses Spike's feelings about her, well, she doesn't know, but she still abuses his abilities. I mean, I want the crush to stop but I want it to keep going at the same time. The show Isn't the same without it.


In The Crystalling, he helped Starlight get back with Sunburst, and he helped her not give up on friendship all together, saying both he and Twilight are lucky to have her around. In Gauntlet of Fire, he and Ember defeated the other dragons so Ember can become Dragon Lord, and because of Spike and Ember's friendship, a dragon colony has allied themselves with Equestria. Also in the changeling episode, he helped a changeling get along with the crystal ponies, and perhaps now because of Spike, Thorax might be able to form a Changeling Resistance against Chrysalis!

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In The Crystalling, he helped Starlight get back with Sunburst, and he helped her not give up on friendship all together, saying both he and Twilight are lucky to have her around. In Gauntlet of Fire, he and Ember defeated the other dragons so Ember can become Dragon Lord, and because of Spike and Ember's friendship, a dragon colony has allied themselves with Equestria. Also in the changeling episode, he helped a changeling get along with the crystal ponies, and perhaps now because of Spike, Thorax might be able to form a Changeling Resistance against Chrysalis!

Yeah, sorry, I stopped reading after I saw "The Crystalling". Season 6 spoilrs, I don't wanna risk it. Sorry, but I'm sure whatever points you made were valid, and maybe I'll come back and read this once I've watched.

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Hate to be THAT guy, but then after that he said this:


Not to mention that in Hearts n Hooves day, part of the song mentioned how the perfect Very Special Somepony for Cherilee included someone "too young" and someone "too old".

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Not to mention that in Hearts n Hooves day, part of the song mentioned how the perfect Very Special Somepony for Cherilee included someone "too young" and someone "too old".

Dang, this would've been the perfect counter to someone a month or two back if I'd thought of it.


There's this one really messed up guy who comments on Equestria Daily (I'm pretty sure he's a pedophile), and at one point he was arguing (and linking) some long thing he wrote up a explaining his theory (which he thinks is conclusive, and that anyone who argues is only doing so because they're "close minded") that in Equestria sexual relationships with children are normal and healthy, and essential to the species' survival. (He even argued that Rarity and Sweetie Belle are in a relationship. Yeah... This guy is seriously messed up. >_>)

1. Um... Could you give some kind of example? I mean, I wish he had a useful moment but nothing really springs to mind.


2. Yeah, not a fan of Flashlight. And, when did they say none of the Mane 6 would have relationships? But now that I think about it, Rarity kind of abuses Spike's feelings about her, well, she doesn't know, but she still abuses his abilities. I mean, I want the crush to stop but I want it to keep going at the same time. The show Isn't the same without it.

1. Well, if that's true, then I'm even more excited for Season 6, but as of now, I've not seen it. But I sadly can't remember a moment from seasons 1-5 where he's done much more than being Twilight's assistant. As I said before, I love Spike as a character though, so don't take this as an insult on his behalf.


2. I've already discussed this but I figured it needs explaining again. It's just a theory, but I don't think age really matters for anything in Equestria, there's no logic. You have Granny Smith actually looking like an old person, while Celestia who is thousands of years older looks like she's still in her 20's, Spike is considered a "baby" dragon despite being able to walk and talk. Come on, he's a pre-teen at LEAST. So I don't think It'd be very controversial for a dragon Spike's age to get with a pony Rarity's age, when Equestria has no real consistency with age in the first place.

I think Celestia's just a little over 1000, actually. :)


As for Spike, someone once asked Faust about how old he was - Elementary school, junior high, etc - and she said something along the lines of "Elementary. I see him as being about 8 in terms of maturity".


(She's described the Mane 6 as 12-17 maturity-wise, for the record)

Edited by Daring_Do
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Dang, this would've been the perfect counter to someone a month or two back if I'd thought of it.


There's this one really messed up guy who comments on Equestria Daily (I'm pretty sure he's a pedophile), and at one point he was arguing (and linking) some long thing he wrote up a explaining his theory (which he thinks is conclusive, and that anyone who argues is only doing so because they're "close minded") that in Equestria sexual relationships with children are normal and healthy, and essential to the species' survival. (He even argued that Rarity and Sweetie Belle are in a relationship. Yeah... This guy is seriously messed up. >_>)

I think Celestia's just a little over 1000, actually. :)


As for Spike, someone once asked Faust about how old he was - Elementary school, junior high, etc - and she said something along the lines of "Elementary. I see him as being about 8 in terms of maturity".


(She's described the Mane 6 as 12-17 maturity-wise, for the record)

Wow, I've gotta say, while I'm open to new theories and such, that one just doesn't make sense to me... It just sounds odd. But I mean, technically Rarity and Sweetie Belle ARE in a relationship, but that's just because she's her sister - they're family. Saying somepony's a pedophile over something like that though, is kinda pushing it.


The world may never know.


That's... Honestly very strange to me. The original creator comes out saying Spike is 8 in terms of maturity, but I think he's at least teen levels of maturity. Trying to look at him like he has the mind of an 8 year old, he's just not simple minded enough to class as one to me, not to say that 8 year olds are dumb, we've all been there, but for example, if you took some footage of an 8 year old kid, and then lip synced him up with some audio of Spike's lines, it just wouldn't seem right.


I'd also like to point out that how mature somepony is ISN'T the same as their actual age.

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Now if Spike is useless or not, that's not what i wanna discuss here. :P


The thing with spike is that Spike is just too young to be with Rarity and that he is just a dragon. Yes, i don't know what kind of concepts Equestria has, when it comes to age, species or what not. But we have to consider one thing. This show needs to take an example, meaning that it's also a show about morals, which are based on our daily lifes. So Spike dating a different species, that is way older then him, seems very odd for children and believe me, i hate to be THAT GUY, who makes a big fuss about Morals. But in this case, this is just a bit too much for me.


Besides, i think the writers never  considered this to be ever a big thing. I would rather think that he will go out with Ember now. :P

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Wow, I've gotta say, while I'm open to new theories and such, that one just doesn't make sense to me... It just sounds odd. But I mean, technically Rarity and Sweetie Belle ARE in a relationship, but that's just because she's her sister - they're family. Saying somepony's a pedophile over something like that though, is kinda pushing it.


The world may never know.


That's... Honestly very strange to me. The original creator comes out saying Spike is 8 in terms of maturity, but I think he's at least teen levels of maturity. Trying to look at him like he has the mind of an 8 year old, he's just not simple minded enough to class as one to me, not to say that 8 year olds are dumb, we've all been there, but for example, if you took some footage of an 8 year old kid, and then lip synced him up with some audio of Spike's lines, it just wouldn't seem right.


I'd also like to point out that how mature somepony is ISN'T the same as their actual age.

About that one guy, that's not the *only* thing - Though it was probably the biggest sign for me. There's other stuff too, sadly.



And as for Spike... Well, then, maybe his "actual age" is even younger than that, considering he is (as you pointed out) a baby dragon... ;P

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