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@@Orange Sparks, @@Hazard Time,


"I think I got all that..." Skyhop peers over to Clockwork again then back up to the view outside the ship. For a second he looses himself in the view. He could not wait to get off the ship and walk around. Maybe even hunt a bounty again, action always did keep life moving at a good pace. He grinned slightly as the present returned to him. Maybe once they landed he could go for a swim and get the stir craze out of his system.


"It's a very....wet planet. I'm not seeing any land down there" He says squinting at the vast oceans that engulf the planet, " I wonder what they do down there for entertainment and such"

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Hazard Time


"Ah! Sure thing. Laters, Razers." She waved at him as he left and began watching the navigation system panel as instructed. While Clockwork and Skyhop initialized the descend on the oceanic moon's surface, all the instruments looked green across the board - much different from Ganymede's panoramic view, which was an endless blue ocean all around. Beautiful, yet somewhat intimidating.


"That's gorgeous, innit?" she pointed out, resting her elbow on Trinket's shoulder.  "You think we'll have the time and money to go to the beach?  I could use a new bathing suit."


"Yeah... Looks pretty from a distance, but doesn't change the fact that it smells terrible. It is a fishing port after all." She giggled. "The beach doesn't sound like a bad idea, though... We could really use some relaxing sessions." She sighed, briefly daydreaming about a day on the beach.

Edited by Driz
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Raze had finally arrived at the armory after taking his time to get there, a somewhat wide, spacious area of the ship. A small portion of it was made to house the actual armory, while the rest was converted into a sort of shooting gallery, with both areas separated by a row of empty crates. Looking around, he had found his signature Beretta sitting on a repair bench, and he walked over to it and picked it up. Looking it over, it seemed Clockwork had done a pretty good job of fixing it up. Of course, bounty hunters couldn't kill their targets, that would defeat the whole purpose of what a bounty hunter was. Weapons in this "profession" were more or less tools of intimidation; rarely should bounty hunters ever get in to a shootout. Still, never hurts to have some weapons training.


There were a couple of silhouette targets set up a few feet away from him, along with a clip of ammunition. After loading up, he took a few steps forward until he felt he was a good distance away. Drawing his gun and assuming a combat stance, he aimed down the sights, focusing on the two targets.


Fifteen rounds... he thought to himself, then flipped the safety off and pulled the trigger, firing on the first target, the sound of gunfire echoing across the armory walls. He took two second pauses after every couple of shots, adjusting his aim accordingly. After shooting seven rounds into the first target, he quickly shifted his aim to the second, firing once again, until he ran out of bullets. He lowered his gun and took a look at the targets. For the first one: five shots at the chest, two around the facial area. For the second target, all the remaining rounds hit the body of the silhouette.


"Hmm... not bad at all," he said to himself, smiling. He put the safety back on and went over to where they stored the ammunition, grabbing a couple of spare magazines and loading one in the gun before holstering it. He walked back to the bridge, where he could see the large colonies of Ganymede floating across the water. He walked over to where Trinket and Bronze were standing.


"I'm back," he said. "How's the nav system looking, Trinket?"



Edited by Detective Adachi

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"Yeah, uhh... What do the messages 'Meteor Shower Inbound' and 'Black Hole Warning' flashing red mean?" Trinket asked, staring dead silent at Raze, before breaking character with a laugh. "I'm joking, love. Everything's looking fine... Assuming Clockwork already has the permission to land, we should arrive at the port any second now." She looked back at him. "By the way, what were you doing back there? I heard gunshots... Perhaps you've learned of something we could get our hands on down there? Maybe a robber armed with a fish, or an unauthorized cannonball dive near the city?"

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Skyhop was listening to the conversations in the background, but was mostly focused on the basic flying. He watched Clockwork carefully and digested each word he said slowly. The stallion was right, it was a lot like driving a car, except with a lot more to consider on a three dimensional plain.


" I think I'm starting to get the hang of this" He announced, giving a rare genuine smile out towards the blue planet.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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"Just practicing... Clockwork said my gun was fixed, might as well test it out," Raze said to her, smiling at her remarks. Ever since she had joined, he always kind of had a thing for her. "Speaking of which..." He looked at his watch. 8:28 AM.


"Only five more minutes..." he said. "I hope it's a big one... in the millions range at least... I don't care if it's a man armed with a thousand nukes, I just want to be able to eat bell peppers and beef again..."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@Driz @


"That'd be nice, ye..."  Not that the mare had gotten her fill of relaxation.  Most of this job entailed sitting on a ship that barely had room for five ponies and waiting, waiting, and waiting some more for a bounty to come up.  What made sitting on a beach and soaking up the sun any different?  Oh right, she got to show off her body to every hunk and bunny she met.  Now THERE was some excitement.


"Fought I 'eard gunshots," Bronze mused.  "I could use some practice meself, but as scarce as ammo is around 'ere, you fink I could get away wif using more than ten rounds?"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@Hazard Time

"Well, you know ages old saying with guns and ammo: 'make every shot count.' So if you can do that... then yeah, maybe you can get away with it," Raze said to Bronze. "And hey, ammo ain't that scarce here, we have more than enough to go around. I mean, it's lasted longer than our food supply, anyway..."


As they descended near Ganymede, the ship was floating towards the first city, flying a bit close to the water.


"Set 'er down nice and easy," he told Skyhop. "Just set the ship carefully in the water while you're moving, inch by inch. It'll float, don't worry."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Skyhop watched as Clockwork brought the ship down. Now that he knew the very basic controls of the ship, he would learn from watching Clockwork bring the ship in. Each action he took helped Skyhop understand just a bit more.  As they came closer to the large blue marble, his eyes grew wide. The ocean expanded from horizon to horizon. The only land Skyhop could make out was artificial cities dotting the vast blue plain that swept across the planet.


"Lets hope this colony is as pretty as it looks from orbit" He whispers to himself.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Clockwork nods with a grin "All clear for the landing cap'n" he says as he gently glides the Vega into the docks. "Look at all that water, thank the stars my metal parts are all rustproof" he says with a slight laugh before smiling at Skyhop "So there we are champ, think you'd wanna give it a try next time?" He asks then looks to Raze "i think our ladies have a thing for you cap'n" he laughs

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@ @@Driz


"Least we got that."  They might starve, but they could still do their jobs.  Not ideal, but still preferable to the alternative.  If she had known that earlier, she probably would have gotten some practice in.  The growing amount of blue before them, however, indicated that she had squandered what time she had.  Plus, everyone's favorite show was about to come on, and she wasn't about to miss it.


@@Orange Sparks @@Commander Tangent


Bronze arched her eyebrow.  "You sure it's a good idea, allowing the newbie to land the ship?  Also, I don't know about you, Clock, but after a few weeks in space, any pony starts looking attractive.  Cabin Fever at its finest."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@Hazard Time

Raze looked at Bronze with a raised eyebrow. "So what... you're saying I'm actually unattractive or something?" he asked. "Gee Bronze, that's a pretty low blow, ya know... might just shatter my poor, fragile self-esteem," he said sarcastically with a bit of a smirk. He walked past her, lightly tapping the tip of her nose as he did.


"You guys go on ahead, have a look around Ganymede," he said. I'll be in the living room if you need me."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@Hazard Time,@,  


Clockwork chuckles "I think that was more aimed at me" he says with a wink, he then gets up and smiles at Bronze "well he's gotta get some practice in somehow, in fact everyone should know, just in case we have an emergency and they're the only one on the ship" he states and stretches, his metal arm creaking a little. He then gets up and goes to the supply cabinet "So, who wants to go fishing with me after the show?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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 "i think our ladies have a thing for you cap'n" he laughs

  "You sure it's a good idea, allowing the newbie to land the ship?  Also, I don't know about you, Clock, but after a few weeks in space, any pony starts looking attractive.  Cabin Fever at its finest."

Raze looked at Bronze with a raised eyebrow. "So what... you're saying I'm actually unattractive or something?" he asked. "Gee Bronze, that's a pretty low blow, ya know... might just shatter my poor, fragile self-esteem,"


Trinket's face achieved an incredibly vivid tone of red, as she desperately scrambled around looking for somewhere to hide inside. "G-Guys! P-Please, have some d-decency! I-I mean, not that I don't think that you're all ch-charming in your own ways but THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR IT!! I mean, we do have more important issues to take care of and-- Oh hey! Look at that! Big Shot is about to start!" She made a run for the living room's couch as quickly as she could, sitting down with a giant, obviously nervous smile plastered on her face.


Despite the little show she put up, she was actually quite curious to see if there were any reasonable bounties they could hunt down.

  • Brohoof 1
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Bronze snorted at the boop, sneering at her captain.  "Piss off, you plonker," she chuckled, smacking him on the shoulder with the back of her hand.  Still chuckling, she looked back to watch the scenery, hoping they wouldn't crash.


Would she ever sleep with Raze, though?  Eh, though at the same time, if it went sour, there would be no getting away from it on a spaceship of this size.  Celibacy had its perks, though if they hit pay dirt, she knew what she was doing with her cut.


@@Orange Sparks


"Not me, I'm stretchin' me wings at the soonest opportuni'y."  As if to accentuate how stiff and atrophied they'd become, Bronze stretched one feathery appendage to its full length, only for it to knock against the other wall.  "Use 'em or lose 'em, ay?"




Bronze rolled her eyes and gently patted the head of the earther mare as she passed.  "Sorry for viola'ing the sancti'y of your virgin ears, princess.  Your parents never give you the Talk?"  She chuckled and shrugged.  As high stress as this job was, was she not entitled to a little banter?  Ah well, giver her time and she'll come around.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Driz,@@Hazard Time,


Clock chuckles at both mares' reactions and shakes his head as he promptly lays down on one of the sofas to watch Big Shot. Truth be told, despite his gruff nature, he was a bit of a gentlecolt and couldn't help but admire both of the mares. However, he was also a firm believer that if anyone on the ship was interested in him, he'd let them approach him. He closes his eyes with a big grin on his face "Sure you ladies don't wanna see this hunk of stallion in his swimwear" he teases and laughs shaking his head.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As usual Skyhop was silent. Not saying much, he rose from the chair and looked out the window one last time before walking over to the room to watch big shot. He couldnt help but chuckle at everyone banter, especially the captains reaction.  Finding himself a chair, he plopped down and threw up his feet onto the table.


" Come on now yall, dont need ya going into heat just before we start a mission" He softly says before leaning back, "Next thing we know yall are gonna be droolin over your guns and the ship too" He smiles.


Turning his attention towards the TV, he hoped a good bounty would come up. They needed money and he needed something to do. Especially if it meant he could go swimming or diving. He had not been around water often in his past, but he had a fondness for it and enjoyed swimming when he could.


@@Orange Sparks,


"How about some SCUBA gear, nothin like skin tight rubber right ? " Skyhop made an unusual attempt at a joke.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Driz @@Orange Sparks


"'Hunk of stallion'?" the pegasus scoffed, walking back towards the living room with an incredulous smile.  "Color me unconvinced, but I fink you're missin' a few CC's of testosterone.  Might wanna give your bollocks a kick to wake them up."  She had a seat on the opposite side of the sofa from Clockwork and leaned against the armrest.


"Anyway, Big Shot's almost on and Trinket looks like she's about to 'ave an aneurysm, so everypony shut it."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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Raze looked at Trinket with a bit of a confused expression. "Riiiiiiggghtt.... you're acting pretty uptight right now, you know? You need to relax a little bit..." he said, taking a seat next to her and pulling up the Holo-Monitor. He tuned it to channel 95, and as he did, he heard the familiar tune of every bounty hunter's favorite show.


((Imagine this being played in the background))


The words "Big Shot: For the Bounty Hunters" popped up, and the two hosts appeared, sporting their signature western attire: Punch, and Judy.


"Hi amigos! All 300,000 bounty hunters of the star system! How y'all doin'?" Punch, the male host said, with a mixed Mexican and Western accent.


"And now it's time for Big Shot, the show that tells all about fugitives!" Judy, the female host exclaimed excitedly.


"Shucks howdy!" Punch exclaimed. "Here's what's on today's menu!"


The picture cut to a mug shot of a slightly chubby man sporting shades. 


"This hombre, Black Gambit! An infamous small gang leader, wanted across six moons for smuggling of illegal drugs!"


"And the bounty for this man is as big as it gets: a whopping 9.5 million woolongs!" Judy exclaimed.


Raze grinned at the sound of the bounty. "That's what I'm talking about..." he said quietly.


"As per our standard, you must bring this criminal in alive and undamaged!" Punch said.


"If you kill him, kiss the reward good-bye!" said Judy.


"Our sources tell us that he was last seen in Ganymede. This is one of the biggest rewards this season, so go out and get 'im buckaroos!" Punch exclaimed. Raze shut the monitor off there, then stood up, facing his crew. 


"Well then..." he said. "Seems like we're gonna be hunting fish of a different kind. And the best part is... he's right here." 

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@Orange Sparks @@Driz @ @@Commander Tangent


Bronze's smile fell off her face as the bounty passed her ears, her eyes locking raptly to the screen.  At the mention of the location, she went stiff as a board, her heart pounding in her chest.  Oh, that wonderful rush of adrenaline, how she missed it.


9.5 million woolongs...how many jars of marmalade could she buy with that?


"Fan-bloody-tastic!" she cheered.  "'oever suggested we go to Ganymede gets a free kiss from yours truly la'er.  'o wants to lead the 'unt?"

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Commander Tangent


"Aaw shucks mate, looks like our fishing and scuba trip will have to wait, but hey money's better than fish any day" he says then look at the picture on the screen "That's Black Gambit?! He looks more like an underling rather than a boss.." he remarks and sighs then looks to Bronze


@@Hazard Time,



"Ah come on now, ya know I was joking" he says and looks to her "I think I have some contacts with fellow mechanics here, so I'll go check them out, what about the rest of you?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@,@@Orange Sparks,


Skyhop's eyes widened a bit.


"That name sounds fairly familiar, might have run into him in my smuggling days..." the stallion scratched his chin, " Well, hopefully he doesn't remember me too much. Would be kinda awkward" a small laugh sounded from the young stallion, " So how are we goin about this ? I could find a local drinkin hole and see if I can find a dealer. " He suggested as a start.


@@Hazard Time,


"You seem the most excited about it, maybe you can be our ever so enthusiastic leader ? "

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Hazard Time,

Raze looked at her with narrow eyes.


"Who do you think, genius; I'm the captain, so I should lead." He yawned, stretching his arms. "I'll need one other person to come with me, the others can either split up and search individually or group up and find some info on this guy together." He looked at Trinket.


"Wanna come with me?"


Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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While the show was ongoing, Trinket tried her best to ignore Bronze's taunts, locking herself up inside her own big bubble of awkwardness - the temperature around he cheeks rising constantly. However, as soon as the bounty was revealed, her ears immediately perked up and jolted herself from her seat in shock. "NINE AND A HALF MILLIONS??" She exclaimed in disbelief. In all of her years as a cowgirl, she had never heard of, let alone seen, a bounty that high. 




She looked up at Raze with worried eyes. "A drug dealer worth 9.5 million woolongs?? For real, Raze... This Black Gambit guy must be extremely dangerous! Given, we're probably the closest to him right now as we'll ever be, but that's just the more reason we should be careful. W-We can split up in two groups, as long as we rendezvous somewhere as soon as we spot the guy. We can't expect to take him on by ourselves."

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"Like I said, finding a dealer may come in handy. Perhapse we could capture and ask him " Politely" about his chain of command. Work our way up from there ?" He asked Trinket quietly. He didn't like the two conflicting sets of orders, but he felt most comfortable collecting information on the ground and among the crowds. Being a target had never really been his thing.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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