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private Sanctuary, Appleloosa

Jack Baker

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@@BloodDrops, @@Jack Baker, @@nx9100,


"Don't concern yourself about that," she said to Blood Drops, her previously jovial attitude fading away to irritation. "I have plenty more paper, enough for several days of writing like this. And knock off the whole attitude thing. I'm the person who pays everyone, not you. We got our permit to take a look around, and if we need to replace things on behalf of the city, it'll come out of the studio coffers. Or, if you don't knock it off, yours. So stop while you're still drawing a bigger paycheck than the others, hmm?"


Readjusting her glasses, she turned around, before saying over her shoulder. "Oh, and if us breaking and entering isn't okay, blatant thievery certainly isn't either, so I suggest you don't go rummaging through everything like a madman and hold yourself to your own standards."


Shaking her head, she turned to Raze and Random. "While that might be the best case scenario, I certainly don't see them particularly forthcoming, so we'll have to provide for ourselves." She quickly opened a section of her bulging backpack and withdrew some bottles of water for the group. "Make sure to stay hydrated, especially in a muggy place like this. Afterwards, what do you think, Raze? Should we go straight out the door in search for the main building, or should we go poking around here a bit?"

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"Kool, thanks boss!" Random said, taking a bottle.  "I was getting a bit thirsty."  He twisted the top off and took a long gulp.  "Ah.  So, did ya want to start in here, or are we looking for a bigger house."  His eyes dart around the room.  "Cause this place looks spooky enough...."





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"Well, this is just the guest house. We still have to go and see the state of the barn and the main house and take a look inside before we get started on the recording- just so we don't run into any mid-recording problems like a cave-in that blocks us off and ruins the flow or something. You know, a rehersal. Speaking of rehersals, what say we run one here? A quick fifteen seconds of the trek so far and initial impressions. Random, stand over here with the boom mike, and Blood, pick a chair and sit down. Or stand if you want. Raze, experiment with angles and what you think'll look good here; we'll spend about two minutes messing around before we keep going."


"Although I will say..." Quill said, looking up, "I'm not sure how structurally sound this place is. Certainly wouldn't want to be trapped here in a really bad storm. Watch your step."

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"You got it Boss!" Random says, moving over to where she pointed.  Setting down his bag, he starts pulling out equipment.  Hope I get everything right, he thinks.  Gotta make this job work, don't want Ennex to cut me off again!  His brother, who controlled their late-father's money, told Random that if he wanted to keep getting his monthly allowance, he needed to get a real job.  Which led to the want-adds, which led him here.  A few nights in an old, spooky mansion,  he thought, while getting the mic boom set up.  What could go wrong?





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"Don't concern yourself about that," she said to Blood Drops, her previously jovial attitude fading away to irritation. "I have plenty more paper, enough for several days of writing like this. And knock off the whole attitude thing. I'm the person who pays everyone, not you. We got our permit to take a look around, and if we need to replace things on behalf of the city, it'll come out of the studio coffers. Or, if you don't knock it off, yours. So stop while you're still drawing a bigger paycheck than the others, hmm?"


Blood Drops rolled her eyes again and laughed "Sorry, i'm the one doing two jobs, Presenting and also making sure none of you get possessed, unless any of you wants to wonder around the rest of your life believing your actually called fluffy, and you used to be a dog in a past life" she added, she smirked "Thought not". The whole possed state was a scam really, but it got her a bigger paycheck so she was happy. She sat down on one of the chairs, "Mic test, Un, deux, trois" she exclaimed. She decided it was working rather well.




"Catch" she exclaimed tossing her mic at him. She didn't care if he caught it or not. "I'm gonna be setting up some ghost box's in here, and probably want some more in the spookier parts of this place. Might even get a Ouija Board out, if anyone wants to give that thing a try?" she asked them. She began setting up the Ouija Board and then put in some ghost box's and cameras. She would let the others do as they wished for now, though she would want to give this thing a try.






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Random looked up, just in time to see Blood's mic flying at him.  He managed to catch it, fumbling and nearly dropping it.  "Umph!" Setting it next to the rest of his stuff, he watched as she set up her ghost detectors and stuff.  Deciding to wait until they needed him, he shrugged, and sat down on a dusty stool, taking another swig from his water bottle.





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@@Bedman,@@BloodDrops, @@nx9100,

"Yes ma'am," Raze said to Inked as he tried to capture as much of the kitchen area as possible. He saw a closed pot on the table in the middle of the kitchen and took the lid off. Cockroaches immediately crawled out of the pot, and inside was a strong smelling, rancid stew of some kind. 


"Ugh... disgusting..." he said, then felt a tingling on his right hand. A cockroach was sitting on it, slightly startling him.


"Gah... Fuck, fuck!!" he said, shaking his hand to get the cockroach off. It landed on the table, crawling away.


"Damn bugs..." Suddenly, he noticed something on the table. A videotape was sitting there, the label containing nothing but the date


"June 16, 2015...." he said. "This is from... two years ago...?" He grabbed the tape, curious. "That doesn't make any sense... why is this here?" He turned to the others. "Hey guys, I think I found something." 

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@Jack Baker,


Blood Drops glanced up, and trotted over looking at the tape, "Awesome, maybe we could play it?" she asked. She glanced at the rest of the group, wondering what they would think of that idea, they had the equipment after all to play it, and it could contain good evidence as well.  






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Random wandered over to the others.  "An old tape?" he asked, watching Blood Drops inspecting it.  "Maybe somepony else started a show here before you, and left it behind!"  He scratched his chin.  "Or, maybe it's from a realtor agent, about the property, or something..."





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"Odd... well, this confirms that we aren't the first person here since 2012," Inked murmured to herself quietly as her hands continued to scribble. After a moment, she opened her pack and took out the recorded floor plans to the guest house. "Hmm... well, it looks like there's a living room down the hall. If we can find a generator and a television, then perhaps we'll be able to view it here. Otherwise, it looks like we'll have to wait. Don't think we have the stuff on us to play VHS, unless the camera can somehow?"

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Raze shook his head. "No, this camera isn't for VHS. Though I'm not exactly sure if there's still a source of power in this house, not even a generator..."


He slowly walked out of the kitchen and made a right. There was a flight of stairs that he was about to go up, but suddenly he heard a noise coming from the hall farther down. It was loud, and it sounded like... static?


"Huh?" He began walking towards the sound, stopping at a door to his right. Opening it revealed a living room of some kind.




Ahead, he could see the source of the noise: an old TV with a VHS player.


"How long has this thing been on...?" he said quietly to himself. "Hey, guys! I found an old TV with a video tape player that still works." 

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@Jack Baker,


"Awesome" She remarked, she quickly pushed her way into the room, and put the recording into the recording player thingy. She then pressed the play button and jumped onto the dusty couch. "Just need some popcorn" she added smirking, waiting for everyone to get into the room. She didn't press play but frowned "You know, this seems awfully like a setup." she remarked with a smile, then she pressed the play button.

Edited by BloodDrops






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@@BloodDrops,@@Bedman, @@nx9100,


"Hey!" he said to Blood Drops. "Don't just take that from me!! Ugh..." He stood to the side and focused on the screen.


The VHS color bars appeared, followed by a loud droning beep. The footage then cut to a screen showing basic information about the tape, with the date and the supposed title of the video: "House Footage". A name was shown underneath the date: "Arctic Breeze".


Probably the guy who recorded it...  Raze thought to himself.


The screen cut to outside the guest house. It was late at night, from the looks of it.


"Alright then!" An energetic teenage mare with a yellowish coat and light orange mane popped up on the screen, grinning in front of the camera. "Arctic, you recording?"


"Yeah, I got it," said a stallion from off-screen.


"Perfect! Hello there anyone who's watching this! I'm Honey Glow, and today we're gonna be exploring this spooooky looking building! Well, we're not going to..." She went off-screen and pulled another stallion out; this one had a grey coat and black mane.


"Good 'ol Silver Colt here is gonna be doing it for us. He lost a bet between me and him in a game of cards! Isn't that right, Silver?"


The stallion, looking somewhat annoyed, rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."


"Aw, come on now, big guy! Don't be so glum! You lost fair and square, and besides, I know how much you loooove haunted houses."


Silver Colt sighed as he looked at the camera. "Do you have to record my reactions?"


"Of course! That was another part of the bet after all. Besides it'll be funny, trust me. You'll laugh at it too once you watch it for yourself, you'll see."


"Tch." he shook off Honey Glow's grip on him and began to walk inside. "Let's just get this over with, please?"


"Okie-dokie! Alright everybody, follow me!"


The scene then began to move towards the house. Honey Glow opened the door leading inside and they all walked in, with Silver Colt leading them.


"S-so wait... what's the story about this place?" he asked. "Didn't the owners of the property, like... disappear in a storm three years ago?"

"Why do you ask?" Honey Glow said. "You scared already?" She giggled a little.


"N-no! I just wanted to know what I'm getting into, is all."


"Hee-hee... well, to answer your question, yeah, that's what the townsfolk were saying when we came here. They were just... gone. Not a trace of them left behind."

"Well... i-if their disappearance is so recent... then, there's no way they could be haunting the place, r-right? There's no way that a house could become haunted that quick, r-right?"

"I don't know Silver, that's what you're gonna find out!" Honey Glow responded with another giggle as they entered the kitchen. Silver and Honey coughed a little at the dust all over the place.


"Wow... it's really dusty..." Honey looked around, observing the different parts of the kitchen while the cameraman followed her. Silver, meanwhile, looked around for a little bit, heading to the hall leading to the living room.


"Things got old in this in place really fast, huh?" Honey Glow said to herself as she looked around some more. She yelped as she appeared to have stepped on something in front of her. "EEK! Ew, a cockroach!" She shook her left leg quickly, trying to wipe off the cockroach she had stepped on. "Oh well... at least I wore my old shoes today..." She then saw a painting of an old, creepy looking house across from her. "Ooooh... this looks pretty creepy!" She walked up and stood in front of it while Arctic filmed her. "Looks like an old farm house or something. Hey Silver, come take a look at this!"


She waited for a response from him. Nothing.




No response again.


"Hey, Silver!"



"Arctic, where did Silver go?" 

"I don't know, I was following you," he said to her.


"Silver! Siiiilveeerrr!!" Honey Glow went out of the kitchen and towards the living room hall. 


"Where did he go...? Silver?!" She kept calling out for him, looking around the hallway. Suddenly, there a loud crashing noise coming from the living room.

"What was that? Did you hear that?" she said to Arctic. 


"Sounded like a banging noise," he responded.


The look on Honey Glow's face began to become more worrisome by the second. "Silver?!" She opened the door to the living room. 

"I-if this is some kind of joke, then it's not funny!" She peered around, trying to find the source of the noise. 

"Doesn't look like there's anything here," Arctic said from behind the camera. 

Honey Glow still kept looking, then noticed something: a small fireplace to the left of the TV. She slowly approached it, something catching her eye. She crouched down to get a better look.


"What is this?" She reached out and grabbed a small handle in the fireplace, and gave it a tug. Suddenly, a small compartment opened up from the wall next to her, reavealing a hidden area inside.


"No way..." she looked at the camera, then back at the newly discovered area. "O-o-ok. Never mind the bet, I'm starting to get scared. L-let's just find Silver and get out of this house..." She began to crawl inside, with Arctic following suit. Inside was a somewhat tight, smal corridor with a ladder leading down a dark hole. Honey Glow stopped in front of the ladder, giving Arctic time to catch up to her.


"What's the matter?" he asked her.


She looked at him. "Do... do you think you could go down first, please?"

"What? Why me?"


"Because! Because... y-you have the camera, which has a light on it! You can see better down there than I can, and it's not that big either! S-so just do it!"


"You're just scared aren't you? Fine..." The camera began to shake all over the place as the person holding it was climbling down the ladder. Once he arrived, it revealed a black, dreary looking area, with walls made out of cobblestone.


"Well? What's down there?!" Honey Glow asked from up top. 

"I don't know, I don't see anything..." He then turned around, camera in hand, and was a bit startled when he saw a figure with it's back turned towards his. A sigh of relief could be heard as it turned out to be Silver Colt.


"There he is..." He began to approach him, putting a hand on his shoulder to turn him around. "Dude, where've you been? You've been making--"


He stopped talking after what came next. The camera showed Silver Colt, bleeding from the eyes and the face, his mouth impaled on a sharp, rusty pipe sticking out from the walls. When Arctic turned him around, it managed to unhook him from the pipe's sharp edge, with a wet, squishy sound.


"Gah... AAAAAAHHH!!!!" Arctic screamed as he fell on the floor, dropping the camera. Silver's body fell on him, and his upside down face landed right in front of the camera, blood dripping from his red blood-covered eyes. In the background, Arctic could be heard gasping for breath, when suddenly, the camera caught someone walking over towards Arctic. From the angle of the camera, only their legs were seen, not their upper half.


At this point, the footage began to get staticky, but the audio was still somewhat coherent.


"Fuck! No! NOOO!!" was what Arctic was screaming before a loud grunt could be heard by what sounded like the unknown figure and a loud thud, then... silence. The video then cut back to the colors bars, before turning back into loud static.



Raze stared in slight shock at what he had just seen. He was silent for a few seconds, before he found the ability to speak again.


"What the fuck was that?" he said with a shocked tone. 

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Raze stared in slight shock at what he had just seen. He was silent for a few seconds, before he found the ability to speak again.   "What the fuck was that?" he said with a shocked tone. 


Blood Drops spewed her lunch up. She couldn't watch anymore past the impaled Silver. She began to process what parts she had seen "That, is our queue to leave. Before it gets dark" she remarked. It looked like the ghost or whatever it was, killed those people during the dark, though it was hopefully still light out. If not, she was tempted to jump out the window, if this place had windows anyway. 






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Having followed the others into the TV room, Random leaned against  a wall as they loaded the video into the player.  He watched the ponies as they explored the house, and looked for their friend.  But when the sight of Silver impaled on the pipe came into view, he dropped the mic boom he was holding, not hearing it clatter to the floor.  His mouth hung open in astonishment as the rest of the tape played out.  "Uh...." was all he could say, as the static returned to the TV.....





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  • 2 weeks later...


Raze followed Bood Drops, walking in front of her towards the door they came through. It was mysteriously closed, and when he tried to open it, it wouldn't budge.


"The hell?!" he said, struggling with the knob. He kicked at it again, and while he saw the door move, it quickly stopped in front of something. Someone had pushed something in front of the door.

"No way..." he said, backing up slowly. "No fucking way..." Someone's barricaded us in!" He checked the kitchen, which had a few broken windows. From the pieces of shattered glass, he could see that they were boarded up from the outside. It might've been from the previous family protecting the house from the storm.


"Damn it... damn it!" he said. He checked his cellphone. No signal. 

"AND we can't call the cops..." He went back to the living room and stared at the small fireplace.


Those kids... they found a hidden switch leading to a basement of some sort... There might be more that we didn't see...  Slowly, he walked over to the fireplace and crouched down. Sure enough, the handle was still there. He gave it a tug, and a small hidden door opened up, just like in the video.


"Alright, here's what we need to do... We gotta follow this area, see where it leads... for now, that seems to be our only solution," he said to the others.


((Finally got around to posting this. Sorry for the insanely long delay everyone...))

  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Random watched as Raze opened the hidden door to the basement.  "Wait... you want to... go down there?" he asked, startled.  "After what we saw on that video?"  He glanced back at the closed door.  "Uh, you sure it just isn't stuck, or something?"





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On 07/04/2017 at 11:44 AM, Jack Baker said:

"Alright, here's what we need to do... We gotta follow this area, see where it leads... for now, that seems to be our only solution," he said to the others.

"Nah i'm ok, let's not go in a confined space and get trapped" she remarked smirking. "Lets go upstairs and jump off a window, it would be safer then getting trapped in the basement. Unless you want a date with a chainsaw or something of the like" she smirked.

"That or I could do some of my work, and get rid of the spirit by finding its contaminanted object and burning it" she remarked. 






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@BloodDrops @Jack Baker @nx9100

Salem watched the video and cringed at what had happened. She took notes on her notepad of what happened. She followed everypony to the door, and Raze try to open the door but failed. "No way, No fucking way. Someone's barricaded us in." Raze said as he back up. Salem watched Raze flip out about them being locked in. She was a little scared, but she pushed the fear away. "Alright, here's what we need to do... We gotta follow this area, see where it leads... for now, that seems to be our only solution," She heard Raze say. She had to agree with Raze. "Guys I have to agree with Raze, who ever trapped us in here, could be that pony we saw in the video. We could find away out of here, down there." Salem said. She put her notebook in her bag and headed to the fireplace to find the switch.

Happily Dating @SlashBlaze!!

Thank You @Iced_Coffee Nerd for My sexuality Signature!!


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18 minutes ago, Queen Chrysalis Servant said:

@BloodDrops @Jack Baker @nx9100

Salem watched the video and cringed at what had happened. She took notes on her notepad of what happened. She followed everypony to the door, and Raze try to open the door but failed. "No way, No fucking way. Someone's barricaded us in." Raze said as he back up. Salem watched Raze flip out about them being locked in. She was a little scared, but she pushed the fear away. "Alright, here's what we need to do... We gotta follow this area, see where it leads... for now, that seems to be our only solution," She heard Raze say. She had to agree with Raze. "Guys I have to agree with Raze, who ever trapped us in here, could be that pony we saw in the video. We could find away out of here, down there." Salem said. She put her notebook in her bag and headed to the fireplace to find the switch.

Blood Drops joined her, though she made sure she was in the middle. The pony in the middle never got picked off, only the ones at the front and back did. "Sure, but I dibs on being in the middle" she remarked, beginning to search the fireplace. "Not finding much apart from much needed cleaning" she remarked. 






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1 minute ago, BloodDrops said:

Blood Drops joined her, though she made sure she was in the middle. The pony in the middle never got picked off, only the ones at the front and back did. "Sure, but I dibs on being in the middle" she remarked, beginning to search the fireplace. "Not finding much apart from much needed cleaning" she remarked. 

@BloodDrops @nx9100 @Jack Baker

Salem began to place her hooves all over the fireplace, until she heard a click. "Bingo, I'll take the front." Salem said walking down the dark staircase. It creaked under her hooves as she walked down. "Guys be careful the last step is broken." She said jumping over the last stair. She used her magic to give of a light. She looked to her right and ran back it to Drops, startled by the pony skeleton right by the stairs. "Oh my god, could that be Sliver Colt?" Salem asked. She took out her notepad and wrote down what she found in the role. It smelt like rotting flesh and rancid blood. Salem gagged at the horrid smell.

Happily Dating @SlashBlaze!!

Thank You @Iced_Coffee Nerd for My sexuality Signature!!


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@Queen Chrysalis Servant

Raze made his way into the secret room through the tiny entrance, then slowly made his way down the wooden ladder, camera on his shoulder. As he was climbing down, one of the ladder handles gave way, and he lost his grip, quickly grabbing on to another handle. But, that one broke as quickly as he had grabbed it, and he fell down to the other below. There was a loud thud and a crunch as the video camera fell right next to him.


"Ugh..." he grunted, as he slowly got up. Looking towards the video camera, he grabbed it and checked the damage. He shook his head.


"Dammit... the lens is broken." He sighed. "That's definitely coming out of my paycheck... wait, what am I saying? Now's not the time to worry about that!" He slowly put the camera down, and looked to where Salem was looking towards. Hearing what she said, he squinted his eyes in disgust.


"That could be him... or maybe... someone here before him..." He looked ahead, and saw an opening leading deeper in. "Come on, this way. This could lead outside... maybe to a sewer or something..."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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39 minutes ago, Queen Chrysalis Servant said:

@BloodDrops @nx9100 @Jack Baker

Salem began to place her hooves all over the fireplace, until she heard a click. "Bingo, I'll take the front." Salem said walking down the dark staircase. It creaked under her hooves as she walked down. "Guys be careful the last step is broken." She said jumping over the last stair. She used her magic to give of a light. She looked to her right and ran back it to Drops, startled by the pony skeleton right by the stairs. "Oh my god, could that be Sliver Colt?" Salem asked. She took out her notepad and wrote down what she found in the role. It smelt like rotting flesh and rancid blood. Salem gagged at the horrid smell.

Blood looked at it and snorted "looks like a nice big lump of meat to me" she remarked. She trotted past down the stairs and glanced at Salem "still taking notes? want to take any samples? maybe a quick pic" she added dryly. She snorted amused "Maybe I should get out my ouija board out and play 20 questions" she remarked. 

14 minutes ago, Jack Baker said:

@Queen Chrysalis Servant

Raze made his way into the secret room through the tiny entrance, then slowly made his way down the wooden ladder, camera on his shoulder. As he was climbing down, one of the ladder handles gave way, and he lost his grip, quickly grabbing on to another handle. But, that one broke as quickly as he had grabbed it, and he fell down to the other below. There was a loud thud and a crunch as the video camera fell right next to him.


"Ugh..." he grunted, as he slowly got up. Looking towards the video camera, he grabbed it and checked the damage. He shook his head.


"Dammit... the lens is broken." He sighed. "That's definitely coming out of my paycheck... wait, what am I saying? Now's not the time to worry about that!" He slowly put the camera down, and looked to where Salem was looking towards. Hearing what she said, he squinted his eyes in disgust.


"That could be him... or maybe... someone here before him..." He looked ahead, and saw an opening leading deeper in. "Come on, this way. This could lead outside... maybe to a sewer or something..."

Blood jumped backed as the camera crashed near to her "Oh you clumsy foal. You nearly cut me with that" she growled at him showing her teeth. She was defiantly one of those bitey mares. "That's definitely coming out of your paycheck, this whole thing is a deliberate scam, and you've just broken a camera. Well unless you get eaten that is, then I'll have your cut. Hey that sounds good, if everyone else apart from me and the producer gets eaten, we can sell a massive cut and keep most of the profits, cut down on labour anyway" she giggled.







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@Jack Baker @BloodDrops @nx9100

"It doesn't matter at the moment." Salem said to them. She picked up the camera and handed it to Raze. "Don't worry, I pay for it." She said. Salem went up to the to the skeleton, and rested her head on the skull. "Rest is peace, whoever you are." She whispered. She walked away from the skeleton. "Come on let's continue, guys. Everyone ready?" She asked everyone.

Happily Dating @SlashBlaze!!

Thank You @Iced_Coffee Nerd for My sexuality Signature!!


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Random had followed the others in silence, not sure what to make of all this.  For what was supposed to be a simple weekend job, it was turning into one hell of an experience.  "Yeah, I'm ready," he replied to Salem, wincing a bit at the skeleton.  "Let's get this over with..."





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