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Askonequus! Er, Ask Widdershins!


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    Well, not so much bending as controlling. Like, a waterbender can't just make water from nothing, while I can work pre-existing medium and summon pancakes entirely at will. So, really, only tangentially and vaguely related to the original source material if you only know of the show from second-hand knowledge. So, basically M. Night Shymalan rules.

  Hah! BURN!!

      But, if you've noticed, what with what Draculanequity we know of in the show, some sort of sweet foodstuffs are trademark of a draconi... of chaos magic. Discord does Chocolate Rain, then there's the ones with cupcakes, muffins & pumpkin juice. It's very important to our kind to not tread too much into each others' themes and after awhile we each tend to have reaccuring things pop up like cheese or maybe berries & portals.

   Be-sides! Pancakes are very aerodynamic, fluffy & easy-to-wear!


   Ah, let's see.... I crushed a planet with one! Well, a vacant one... don't gimmie that look!

  Suppose that's not "Crazy."  Ah... let's see, I have a recipe for a semi-sentient Pancake Golem. Pretty resilient when they're made out of hundreds of things that can absorb any impact yet still being solely held together to be able to reform. Working on a Syrup Golem too, but it's hard to find that much maple syrup together at once.

    There's also the Doomcakes which summon my favorite dragons from the time I spent in the DragonManiaLegends Dimension. No... there's nothing suspicious how they look vaguely like me from a game that's mostly all about breeding dragons. It's just magic, stop questioning it!



     Oh, aye. Questions are for withdrawing information out of others, right? So why ask a question you don't require an answer for? Ain't that just how life is! Questions leading to more questions! Or are you saying Life itself is rude? You don't want to go off and piss off the Spirit of Life, I tell ya h'wut!

  And the Spirit of Confusion can use logic. I'm not the Spirit of Il-logic or Chaos, after all! Is not bandying around half-remembered truths not something deeply integral to Confusion and most internet commenters? Never said I was using logic well!


   Do I have dragon stuff, they ask...Hah! Dragons are some of my favorite subjects! That totally exist, shaddup, don't question me on this. ...you are right now aren't you? Fine. /pout   ...where was I? Oh, yes!

  I've got my hands on just about any dragon-ish book I could find! E. Nesbitt did some rather stellar stuff with dragons back in... their time. (think it was a girl using a male pseudonym or vice versa?) so i've got collections of those stories... three of the Eragon series I have yet to delve into because... well I've heard quite alot of flak about how bad the movie is and it does seem like it has more focus on the tween hero rather than the dragon. I've attempted Anne McCaffery's stuff, but she's just denser prose than even Tolkien or George R.R. Martin's lesser known short stories that... tend to have rather... dire endings. Uhp, no, just checked, Only have the first Eragon book. Seems D'lacey ripped off the same trait of having a dragon eye on his cover. But basically, yeah, bookwise I've got nearly everything I could manage.

  As for other regalia! I've got Dudley the Dragon perched over the door behind me, (he's a bit hard of a plushie to sleep with at night since he's all C-shaped with giant wire wings) Harold the herald (who's just the same crimson color as Dudley, but he's more cudley!) then there's my figurines too! There's a glow-in-the-dark Asian dragon, a polished wood Korean statue from overseas, a coaster-holder statue dragon (could have sworn I had a light-up fountain too...maybe it broke...) , a dragon shirt, (that i'm just terrified will one day start wearing off if I wear it too much!) two dragon paintings I got from a Renniscanse festival and the frames from a local yard sale, my twin-headed, obviously bootleg, dollar-store dragon action figure, (which reminds me, I should work on my two dragon OCs) a pewter dragon bracelet, a bone dragon pendant, another bulkier metal dragon necklace that I think broke and some iron-on dragon patch design that I'd rather die than waste on a pair of pants.

    ...unless I can find some dragon pants too...

Heh, heh! There's a reason I describe myself as DragonMad! Sarkhan is likely my role model in dragon-nerding. He's a dragonmage. "I cast another dragon at your face! *Hrng!* Flings another dragon at his opponent*"

  "I cast Dragonbolt!"  "You're just throwing another small dragon..."  "Dragonboooolt!!"


  I don't know about disciplines though. My head got all fuzzy & achey whenever College started saying something about "Degrees." But yeah, I have always liked Biology & Chemistry. How things like DNA & molecules can build together to make everything else. Once I tried memorizing the Periodic Table of Elephants! ...Elements, and got about halfway! Though think I can only make it past ten today...

  Art, I'm interested in too. I've got a whole heap of stories & characters to tell, so I hope that one day I can figure out how to work my own creativity and be more diligent in practicing my writing & drawing!

  I did love schooling when I was younger. Math wasn't my favorite, but I sure clearly enjoyed loads more then everyone else did! History was kinda fun, but more depressing than anything else. Heh, I remember once when my class held a Mock Trial and I just kept delaying everything even further because I didn't want to risk letting an imaginary killer go & I just wasn't SURE.     *sniff* So proud ah' him!

   Young Me: "Well, it's also possible that that's also a lie, so maybe we can get some character witnesses in and maybe check to see if the bouquet wasn't somehow weaponized."   Ah! I was a regular Phoenix Wright in my day, I was!


  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@~Phoenix~   W-wait, y-you mean h-him, right? I'm going to say him! :blush:

  Hah! No, that was only to kill a universe devouring-demon!  ...what?

Ah, well, I figure that with as long as he's been around, he undoubtedly has gotten close, possibly even raised a family at some point when he was still roughly biological. But that was some thousand, thousand years ago, so far back that those relationships are dimmed memories. Which... is sort of my cop-out to get out of writing relationships, as I clearly don't have any experience there to do that! :adorkable: So, maybe, but I can't think of how to write it in. Maybe something very Rose Tyler-ish, if you get me. Besides, he's not one for such grand gestures.

   ....wow. That's some of the stupidest things you've said lately.

   You know what I mean!

  Hmmm... though there is a certain mare that he's known since his "childhood" that's been one of few things he's refused to let slip from his mind, that's kept his sanity pieced together what little it is now. One that he's held sacred as more of a family member than a potential mate, but... with that much focus, who's to say. Though... she might be a tad bit cannonically off-limits on top of that too.


  Oh, and another thing. I may refer to Widdershins as a 'he', but he's genderless now. Stallions are every bit on the table now as mares are. It's more of where his whims take him in the moment.

      Like that Braeburn beut! Hmmm! Who doesn't go for Braeburn, am I right?

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Widdershins fair enough. so then, ooc talk, you havn't actually hadn any ongoing relationships with him? just as part of his "possible" backstory?


if so, is it an idea you'd explore in the future? though, it may be hard finding somepony who can handle such a personality. maybe the won't even be a pony. 

sidenote: we can all come to a consensus that braeburn is hot

Edited by ~Phoenix~
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 Hah! If anything, it's very in my character to be out of character!

   Aye, its one aspect I haven't fiddled enough with. I mean... there's that, but that's in another part of his lifetime, even before coming to Equestria that he couldn't possibly remember & its in an entirely different franchise to boot.

  It's not something I can't imagine isn't impossible. (Whoo! What is that?...A...Quadruple Negative? Follow that, Chumps!) I mean, even the Doctor got a wife. ... for, like, one season, then never mentioned again.


  Also, Toooootally! Think its the boyish, flirtatious mane and the cute little vest!

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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i mean, that mane certainly is a large factor in braeburns overall attractiveness. almost like a mares mane. that and his generally small stature may make him simply feminine enough to be attractive to most males. 


hey! that gives me an idea for a question. which pony would you date? other than princess celestia, i mean. (i could be making incorrect assumptions)


edit: i did assume wrong. just reread your character page and it mentions that the relationship is platonic. :P

Edited by ~Phoenix~
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    Heh, Limestone is totally my pony waifu! Rainbow Dash is kinda dreamy too, but I suppose the spirit of a "date" infers that you might have something in common! It's like with Rarity. She's a right respectable lady that I can fully admire, but I have to agree that both her & Dash are undeniably pushy.

 Limestone though is completely different! In ways I'll have to figure out sometime. Hee, I do love me a strong, dependable, honest mare! ...and no, oddly enough, Applejack is nowhere near my list. For some reason, Applejack strikes me more like a sister type.

  ...aaand, you may notice an inversely occuring parallel trend there. I can admit that I might have been raised with vastly skewered gender roles!

  I was raised by a Hippy & a Demon. Guess who the Mother was! Too late! The latter!

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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that certainly is interesting, and in a way i can agree with you. to be honest, i don't think i have a pony waifu. i suppose twilight sparkle would be my first go since i'm pretty damn nerdy. even dated a girl once who was obsessively into books. even took her to a convention where she met some of her favorite authors. 


so, i suppose that's my take on that. though i could deffinately see the appeal of someone who is strong and dependable. 


i'll have to think of more things to ask to avoid boredome :P


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Eragon is NOTHING like the movie. That cannot be stressed enough. Epic dragon stuff. Lots of epic dragon stuff. Thousands of pages of epic dragon stuff. Miniscule quantities of tweenyspam, if any. Must-read for dragon fanatics (like yourself, self-evidently). :P

What is it about dragons that you like so much, though? Is it the concept as a whole, or do you also like the idea of other types of magical lizard/fire-breathing animal/arcane beast?

On ‎18‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 7:28 AM, Widdershins said:


     Oh, aye. Questions are for withdrawing information out of others, right? So why ask a question you don't require an answer for? Ain't that just how life is! Questions leading to more questions! Or are you saying Life itself is rude? You don't want to go off and **** off the Spirit of Life, I tell ya h'wut!

  And the Spirit of Confusion can use logic. I'm not the Spirit of Il-logic or Chaos, after all! Is not bandying around half-remembered truths not something deeply integral to Confusion and most internet commenters? Never said I was using logic well!

Questions ain't just for that, questions can also be for drawing information out of oneself, drawing information out of one's surroundings, or just plain drawing information around the place. Rhetorical questions are for the drawing of information to the forefront of another's mind, not for drawing said information out of them.

And you are using logic well. You're making logical loops, which, as previously stated, do make sense. Not confusing at all. In fact, this entire debate is ridiculously comprehensible. Quite frankly, I'm disappointed in you.

Unless you're trying to confuse me by making sense for once in your life. But that sort of argument doesn't make sense, which makes sense, given that you're all about confusion. Which doesn't make sense, as that strategy requires an advanced knowledge of logical loops to construct. Which makes sense, due to the fact that you've already displayed a penchant for logical loops. Which doesn't make sense, because you're supposed to be confusing, and logical loops make perfect sense.

That makes sense. :derp:

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  Sorry about that, having a ball of a time trying to keep up with everything... despite a lack of other options that would be consuming my time... /shrug

On 5/17/2017 at 8:37 PM, ~Phoenix~ said:

even took her to a convention where she met some of her favorite authors. 

   Th-...There's such a thing as a Book/Writers' convention?.... Huh, I'm going to have to look this up. Sigh... sure wish I had known that back when Sir Terry Pratchett was still alive...


   Oh, aye. The thing is & what I say, is digressing off on unrelated topics in the middle of another topic or maybe just using words by blindly throwing them at a sentence wherever I feel comfortable. Confusion is not the antithesis of Logic. Neither is there a direct causality relationship between Chaos & Harmony. If Discord couldn't stop doing Chaos anymore then a fish could stop swimming, then his Chaos would then become normal & expected, thereby no longer being Chaos.

   Confusion does not make me the Spirit of it; nor does it require some interdimensionally hohah like me to make it be. That half minute of indecisiveness you spent pondering over what to have for breakfast? That's confusion. That minor Freudian slip of the tongue where you called your girlfriend by your Ex-Wife's name? That minor traffic accident happened because you honestly did not see that stop sign or that oncoming car despite both being bigger than you & there being no logical reason why you couldn't have?

  Confusion is something unavoidable & integral to life. Sure, some may be fully capable of always coming across like everything they say & do is scripted out in a pre-ordered speech, but for most of existences, we all tend to be randomly flinging every tool we have at everything we do all of the time just to see what sticks. Really now, who would have it any different?!


PinkHorse is pinkest horse!

   As for Dragons though: I think you may be right about it being the concept.

   I have heard it said, (well, from a newspaper humor columnist, I suppose their not exactly experts, but nevertheless!) that little children tend to gravitate towards symbols of power. Little girls supposedly like unicorns because they basically are a symbol of majesty, grace and essentially Wish-Fulfillment on a stick. Little boys do this even more so with something like dinosaurs. That whole "Well, Mr. T-Rex could stay up as late as he wants and eat pizza n' ice cream all the time! If I was a big ol' dinosaur, Mama N' Papa couldn't tell me to do nothin'!" 

   So too, I was practically raised on the Pokemon Franchise. I was huge into dinosaurs in my youth and I still have several of those books. Add onto the power trip idea the fact that I've always loved to see a continuous stream of fresh ideas like some sort of Monster-A-Day thing like Pokemon is. There used to be this whole world of dinosaurs before us with thousands of species all tailor-made to fit into their own biological niches! Dragons just take all this, bundle it up & take it to a whole new level!

  I remember seeing the Discovery Channel advertise for some CGI show they were going to do all about how maybe dragons actually were real, and maybe they'd be like just so. I darn near wet myself in glee. Did you know that every culture, nation and era has had at least some story about dragons no matter how far apart or unrelated they may be? Sure, "Big scaly beast" may be vague, but I love the idea that deep down inside each and every one of us there's that sense that we need some scaly mega-predator around.

   There's so much wonder & whimsy to the many forms dragons take! From ones more elemental like fully Ice dragons, mechanical dragons that can be dismantled by some quick hand with a screwdriver to the poisonous, legless, eel-like Lindworm to the ever more famous European Wyvern built for combat or the spiritual leaders, lords & bringers of rain & life, the Eastern Asian Lung Dragons with their lion's manes, antlers and weird obsession with humongous pearls! One could even connect the line to the impressive but often forgotten Hydra, of which I enjoy just as much as to create what is probably the only hydra character I've ever seen, (and Ask Blog! EnterShamelessSelf-PromotionHere!) or the purportedly colossal underground catfish that Japan blames for its bad luck with earthquakes!

   Dragons are symbols of a force of nature to me. They can be basically anything, yet still have their own minds and aren't always just mindless monsters. They can still have remorse, they don't need to raze a village to the ground, but they are big monsters after all still, they need alot of food & humans aren't exactly going to set up trade lines or anything with them. Like, don't set up your livestock in a crowded pen then if your going to get all huffy because they made an easy meal for a predator! A dragon is sort of a symbol of being true to yourself. A dragon never needs to think twice, because the world kind of has to make way for the dragon around it. A dragon can't ever be anything other than a dragon. It may not fit into your human big cities or society, but if some little boy wants to be friends with it... well, a dragon can make do.

    Dragons don't doubt....                                         ...shoot, think I just made myself another Life Motto/Catchphrase!


  Though, I will say there is definitely limits. Let's use the royalty of the Black Dragonflight for example. Onyxia I love, sure, I can't argue the fact she's clearly a villainess who wants to take over the world & likely eats people...but that seems to come from a place that she only wants the best for her dragony family. Her brother on the other claw... is clearly a murderous psychopath that has done some inexcusable, abusive things before... though he is still fun to listen to & combat. He's one of the best villains in my opinion.

   Their father though.... uh... well, he's pretty to look at. I wouldn't mind him just hovering around on some mountain top as decor but... well, let me put it this way...

Deathwing.jpg  I do somewhat doubt that a fellow who's as big as a mountain, and has had most of his skin melted off, likely doesn't give a fleck what happens to an easily crunchable mortal like us. I need SOME redeemable qualities in my dragon!

  And that sure doesn't seem to happen in some video games! There's this type of what I call "Demon-Dragons" in your Lords of the War or Fire Emblems. They seem to be less dragons and more sheer, unmitigated, sky-darkening, randomly-placed-eyeballs, all-bad-tentacley, pure evil! I draw the line at some huge demony winged-insect beastie like Grima!    ...No! No I'm not giving you a fanart/screenshot of him! He's just absolute nightmare, I tell you!!!


   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Duality  Eeyup! Totally do, have a good pile of his books resting in my closet right now and I worry that I might not have literally every entry of his work!

     Think my favorite is probably Feet of Clay. Who else but Sir Pratchett could not only make a golem character, but give him funny lines and focus a murder mystery around it!


   And! If you think about it, if I tried to not try at making sense & succeeded at doing the opposite of the thing I wasn't, then I would just be failing at the proper amounts of failing.

 BASICALLY, I'm working on Wonderland Logic here.

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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     .... Sigh.   The Internet.

  ....You know, that's probably something that needs to be taken down. As it's likely something that tends to get people banned or... whatever goes for this sort of thing. Or it's quite possibly illegal. Since... I would not doubt the possibility of you being underage. But... I'm not one to report people & censor ideas.

   I will say that I like your hair. Goes well with your glasses.

 ...can't say I believe in exhibitionism. Meeting the expectations or opinions of others is a losing battle. Accepting yourself & self-worth is far more important.

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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    Well... I consider honesty a considerable quality of mine. I'd be lying if I didn't say that even bringing that up on my computer made me feel uncomfortable, but I am rather prudish myself. I feel it's important to understand what consequences can be had. Think I remember that they say they try to keep these forums accessible for small children, seeing as the show is targeted after all for kids under the age of ten or somesuch. Heh, but I'm the wrong buddy to be talking to about "having a bit of fun."

   I can understand though that something like Nudism has its enviable levels of confidence. Certainly not something I would even think about doing! You are quite a brave lass, I'll warrant you that!

  Heh, but I'll quit harping on it then. I don't want to come across as someone who would make you do anything you don't decide for yourself.

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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On ‎24‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 5:35 PM, Widdershins said:

@Duality  Eeyup! Totally do, have a good pile of his books resting in my closet right now and I worry that I might not have literally every entry of his work!

     Think my favorite is probably Feet of Clay. Who else but Sir Pratchett could not only make a golem character, but give him funny lines and focus a murder mystery around it!

Feet of Clay was the first one I read. I was at a holiday camp and found it on a shelf of old books that was sitting in the lobby. Read it in 2 days and immediately started wondering where Sir Pterry had been hiding my whole life. Still working on reading through the 50-odd Discworld books. Tracking them all down to buy is the next step. :D

Also, have you tried Wikipedia to find the titles of 'literally every entry of his work'? That's usually a pretty exhaustive source.

On ‎24‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 5:35 PM, Widdershins said:

And! If you think about it, if I tried to not try at making sense & succeeded at doing the opposite of the thing I wasn't, then I would just be failing at the proper amounts of failing.

 BASICALLY, I'm working on Wonderland Logic here.

we're all mad here... :umad:

Edited by Duality
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   One could definitely agree that a certain buoyancy of brain is most enviable. After all, enough creativity puts us all down to an even level, is it not? Why, to put that even more succinctly...                                   We all float down here!

  Augh! No! Don't start in on Stephen King! I couldn't even handle him writing about a guy that ate grass!! Blasted Father picking up books on tape and leaving me nowhere to run on a car trip with King of all things!


  But anyway... liked Guards! Guards! too because, you know, dragons. Huh, didn't think about Wikipedia or perhaps buying them online; I'm not all that used to technology myself.

   ...Fhoo, really need to get back into the swing of being a bookworm again. I've had a dryspell for years now & it terrifies me of the possibility of libraries shutting-down if this generation gets too ignorant of the printed page.

  Just checked too, seems I've only got twelve out of the fifty! Well, if there is fifty of them  that is. But either way, think we can't dispute the fact that they'd be odd!


   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Just checked, there're 41 novels and a few short stories and non-fiction worldbuilding corollary books.

The Ankh-Morpork Guard arc is the best arc of Discworld books, with the Death arc a fairly close second, in my humble opinion. Have you read many of the Death-arc books?

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   @Duality  Huh. I guess I only have the two: Reaper Man (think that's the one where Death courts a lady... completely without any disguise over his bones) and the ever-famous Hogfather. They made a pretty loyal adaptation of a movie out of that one that I believe I caught on NetFlix. Do love the kind of writing chops a guy has to have to make a concept a character!

  Have to say that I think my favorite arc involves Rincewind! The best anti-hero I could hope for. He's not immoral or edgy... he just wants to stay alive! Probably don't need to point out that I do love me a good bumbling oaf & loudmouth.

   ...I get the vague idea that I'm supposed to be upset at that or something. Quick! Narrate an emotion for me!!

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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4 minutes ago, ~Phoenix~ said:

do you watch anime?

  Do I!??!   That I do!

  Though, admittedly just as much with my reading I've slacked off on that too. Haven't seen any "current" anime stuff since... this year started, I suppose.

   I tend to say alot about the Rom-Com genre, but really, when I say that I specifically mean that in anime! Must admit though, my all-time favorite would be Sailor Moon... even if I'm a guy... though I really don't get all that bad reputation about their skirts being too short or somesuch.

 Under that though is Rosario+Vampire! That was undeniably a show about everything! Sure, what the way the dopey guy kept picking up girls, I can't argue its being a harem anime, but considering the heart-felt pleas and the all the rescuing of the girls from their own... dark corners of their emotions, I see it as more of a "friendship show" like MLP is.

  Did love Monster Musume too! Even if... it certainly had it's... ... ...not quite... recommendable episodes.... kinda toed the line in a few spots.

 OOH! OOOOH! EXCEL SAGA!!! THAT was pure madness! Sure, it had its unique way of storytelling and some awesome humor, but they way they ended it by just throwing it at the fan with a "Aww heck, we're cancelled now so... OFFEND EVERYONE!!!"

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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ah. i'm a fan of anime with a really deep story. ones like fate/zero and fate/stay night: unlimited blade works. as well, i also love code geass and guilty crown. 


i'm also a mecha junky, so gundam is in there as well. 

would widdershins pilot a 60 foot war machine that was as agile as a ballerina and could fly as fast as a sonic jet? 

  • Brohoof 1
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  Honey. That implies I'm not already a sixty-foot war machine!

...You certainly aren't anywhere near agile enough to be a ballerina. Stop giving him ideas...

 Ooh! And Heat-Seeking Party Missiles!  Flame decals of course, because how could you not?

 In fact... you know that one very american anime? Some gorgeous redhead from the future or something crashes through time and for one reason or another her giant mecha can only be piloted by some overweight redneck and his anemic, gothy buddy. Can't remember the name... only thing I can remember is...

Ah, geez... please don-


How are you throwing horns like that when you don't have any fingers?!!?






     ...We've created a monster.

Edited by Widdershins
Remembered the Awesome!

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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21 hours ago, Widdershins said:

   @Duality  Huh. I guess I only have the two: Reaper Man (think that's the one where Death courts a lady... completely without any disguise over his bones) and the ever-famous Hogfather. They made a pretty loyal adaptation of a movie out of that one that I believe I caught on NetFlix. Do love the kind of writing chops a guy has to have to make a concept a character!

I love how he didn't characterise Death as an aloof, inhuman anthropomorphism - like pretty much any normal author would do - but made him a pragmatic, cynical cat person. :D

21 hours ago, Widdershins said:

Have to say that I think my favorite arc involves Rincewind! The best anti-hero I could hope for. He's not immoral or edgy... he just wants to stay alive!

Truly the noblest cause for a wizard to pursue. Or indeed any mortal.


your giant robots scare me...

  • Brohoof 1
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