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Askonequus! Er, Ask Widdershins!


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 Did you just...?  You grouped in all of my two-something paragraphs including me quoting you in turn, then proceeded to then copypaste or such quote a line from all that back to me, despite it already appearing above you in the same internet page.  You know what I feel right now?

   Unmitigated Pride.

 I feel like your a son to me already! Have a congratulatory pancake! It's congratulations-flavored!

15 hours ago, SolarFlare13 said:

...and make it easier to the eye. I mean, who wants to see a massive wall of text!? OWO

  I do!! And your just pester-bothering me what with all this "order" that you're bringing all up in here!

 Besides! If you cluster it all into one, huge, dense pile of text it makes you look all important and intellygent!!

  I mean, sure, I'm doing that now, but only because these are all sequential, separate thoughts! And I'm UNIQUE!!


                  aH, Don't you worry none about Spoilers, Solly, or any of y'all! That's what we say! My attention span is far too short to remember what you said about whatever it was iffen I don't watch it,like, a full 24 hours later. It's the experience that counts! Me n' you could be watching the same thing happen at the same time and we can & will walk away with entirely different interpretations of what goes on! ...besides, think ya already told me!

   Think, we were... like, just past 28 Pranks Later. We haven't set aside the time to play catch up on the show, despite it bein' something we like. I may be essentially his creative side, but it's hard getting my human host to move his fleshy sack of a body! I tell ya, being a Tulpa is no slouch of a job!

  ...and if any of you are wondering... He just drank, like, half a gallon of water at once out of curiosity and he's SO passed out right now! #LOL! And soon! He's gonna be PISSED OUT! HHHAAAA! I slay myself!

16 hours ago, SolarFlare13 said:

I wanna know, what kind of magic do you possess??? :3

     Well, it's pretty much "Chaos" magic. Same shameal as Daddy Discord! That's how I peg it, you know? Most magic requires pretty much sheer focus of will. Regardless of franchise explanations like "drawing it from the land" (even if you're not technically on land at the moment or in unfamiliar territory you shouldn't have a 'connection' to) Magic=Focus.   Chaos Magic on the other appendage is the literal antithesis of that. Not like Void/Shadow magic as the Void & shadows are just as much an "element" as being a frost or fire mages & etcetra. Chaos Magic is creating magic with no end goal or will at all. It's like... having this massive spellbook of every potential spell & magical outcome... and just flipping through it in a split second to cast whatever you land on! Or, say, in that split second you thought it would be funny to don a huge sombero & shake some maracas then immediately poof them back away before the notion really solidifyed in your head. Chaos Magic basically is Impulse magic!

   ...and in that thread! One could say that those unicorns/alicorns that are completely devoid of talent in magic or erstwhile feel magically powerless are closer to mastering Chaos Magic! Could also say that "What it is Pinkie Pie does" counts as Chaos magic too.

   Buuuut in a nutshell, my powers are: "Whatever I feel like & my author narratively allows me to do!"


   Well, I would say that's not at all unusual. Putting aside the fact that their essentially living cartoons, different dimensional rules and all, It's really just placement! Lyra's spine in that is basically just bent into a big Capital Letter J... but backwards. Sort of like the antithesis (and yes! I do just like saying the word: Antithesis! Antithesis!!) to slouching, being more forcibly upright in an awkward position instead of just relaxing into an awkward position ya body oughtent be in! And I should know! My spine goes in just as horrible turns!

   Consider that it IS entirely possible for a human to walk on all fours. And let's face it, y'all are just humans after all and I"M not because I'm TOTALLY A SPECIAL CASE!



   Ooh! Monster House! A story of a Fat Lady from the circus being treated like a freak & outcast her entire life, so much so that she became to hate the outside world, got so fat to where she couldn't leave her house, and when her heart finally gave out her poor maligned, captive husband was forced to bury her in the concrete of the house's foundation which let her hatred & agoraphobia seep into the house itself, further ensconcing her husband and greeting the world with an even more freakish facade that the world had treated her with!

    Ya know! FO' KIDS!


     Well, same as that "White Room" as I mentioned before. Same as my "dimension" or sandbox, if you wanna call it that! But OOOH! THINKING TREES! I mean, sure, picked up a few sentient Tentacle Trees from the Tentacle Dimension where just litterally eeeeverything is made from writhing tentacles, and those come in a good variety, but I've never heard of ... more sentient trees! Sure, there's Ents, but those don't transplant well.


 Weeell... ME, of course! I mean, sure, on occasion words bleed from the walls, but that could just as easily be hallucinations. Ooh! Tell you what though, there was this one house my guy lived in in actual, real life where the walls really did bleed on him! Some said it was just nicotine from the previous owners being heavy smokers, but then that'd have to be 24/7 smoking with, like, orange-tarred cigarettes. Still hold it was orange slime/blood!

    ...take it you didn't get who I'm referencing? There's the two syllables... aaaand, tell you what, Look up Godwin's Law.

   You poor, adorable, naive, young'un!


     No, no, no, no! The OTHER Paper Mache dimension! I know, there's at least 25 of them! There's also a few Yarn Dimensions out there, but I think most have been wrecked by some living garbage disposal of an adorable pink ball guy.

   Killing people.   ...     HEEEE! What! Joking about murder is hilarious! Sure do play that note an awful lot though! Nah, but really.... Hmm, let's see... Watching people go mad is kinda fun, but... it's kind of sad if they get to a point they can't bounce back from. There's always pancakes of course! You can't even imagine how many uses there are to these floopy disks!! And I do like having snuggletime! Can't really produce my own body heat, so I do like coiling around who'll let me! An' I am a good hugger, I daresay!


  @General Solar Magus   I'm goooing to saay.... John Cena?      Whelp! Dat was easy!

  Still mad at Omnibus the Omnipotent for totally stealing my shtick of being an all-powerful, but all-annoying prick!


  OH! AN' DUADDY? About all that geometry stuff...

   Well, that's the thing though ain't it? If you lack the capacity to represent those higher dimensions by being restricted to only conveying it by the dimensions your kind is born into, than translating it well enough to interpret that is... Moot?  Lookit this way... Do you have an interpretation of that hypercube/tesseract that ISN'T rotating? Because, really, think about it, that perpetual rotation really ain't something natural enough for an organic mind to comprehend.

  A shape requires it be solid enough for a mind to grasp onto. On that, you can see the borders of that shape shift to begin the loop again. Your audience can't lookit that and say "That is a thing I can pick up n' touch." You pause that rotating shape at any point, and it becomes an entirely different shape. It goes from having a cube inside a cube to being slightly off from that. It's applying another dimension of movement as part of the shape. Which is something a mind can't figured out well enough to piece into our understanding of what a shape is.

  And really, that's kinda the dealio. Width, length, depth, forward, backwards, sideways, are all dimensions as much as when you or I say it to mean "another world." It's like teaching a fish to read a bicycle.    ...I may have just wanted to say that analogy!

   Like so many things, it comes down to perception. Making just the edges visible as lines draws attention to only those edges when the human mind expects a "shape" to have definate ends to its form & faces. Any three dimensional shape does change its "shape" as you turn it, as any aspiring artist can tell you, but in that, we can see lines, things viewed as unchangeable, changing.

  Show me a solid tesseract!                                                     heck! Spellcheck don't even recognize the word 'tesseract'!


   Define "carry." I have crushed a planet... which probably was dirt too, but that wasn't "moving it." Like, levitating dirt don't seem like "carrying." Weeell, let's see. Do tend to scoop up quite alot of dirt in my mouth when I land funny so that's some close to a wheelbarrow-full! I wanna saaay....  14 cubic feet!

   Oh! I thought Plasma had the best intentions, but were too stupid to recognize their own hypocrisy or even when they were being manipulated by Ghestis or even a wild Mushanara that one time. Their outfits were snazzy though!

   ...Weakness?... Is...Does.... wait... had another witty thing to say there... forgot it. I would say Focus is the worst thing I got! Bad focus! FOCUS!!

  Hmmm... that ones tricky.   ...Let's see... There's the major ones. Height, width, length, depth, inside, outside, time, space, capacity to think, capacity to feel, then there's each of its potential uses, as a friend or foodsource, there's also density, as in it's wool... then to add onto that there's the possibility of it being its own character with a personality and so on...  then I dicker about equating that to the Sheep dimension, which did have other creatures there too so it could have just been a Livestock Dimension, which, come to think of it now, might as well have just been another Equestria....

   Oh, Frogs? Intimate Acquaintance. Something like "Best Buds."    ..........She knows.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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2 hours ago, Widdershins said:

  OH! AN' DUADDY? About all that geometry stuff...

   Well, that's the thing though ain't it? If you lack the capacity to represent those higher dimensions by being restricted to only conveying it by the dimensions your kind is born into, than translating it well enough to interpret that is... Moot?

Yeah, but it gives you a - admittedly messed-up - way to visualise what would otherwise be ridiculously abstract mathematical concepts. It's a mathematical tool, in the same way that projecting a cube onto a 2-D surface enables it to be shown on the page of a maths textbook.

2 hours ago, Widdershins said:

Do you have an interpretation of that hypercube/tesseract that ISN'T rotating? Because, really, think about it, that perpetual rotation really ain't something natural enough for an organic mind to comprehend.

  A shape requires it be solid enough for a mind to grasp onto. On that, you can see the borders of that shape shift to begin the loop again. Your audience can't lookit that and say "That is a thing I can pick up n' touch." You pause that rotating shape at any point, and it becomes an entirely different shape. It goes from having a cube inside a cube to being slightly off from that. It's applying another dimension of movement as part of the shape. Which is something a mind can't figured out well enough to piece into our understanding of what a shape is.

  Show me a solid tesseract!  


^ That is a tesseract. Analogous in viewing angle to this picture of a cube:


The tesseract's edges are all the same thickness; the 'thinness' as the edges approach the inner cube is due to 4-D perspective. If you were to pick it up, it would feel like a cube.


^ This is also a tesseract, where the grey, blue, and red lines are all edges. Analogous in viewing angle to this picture of a cube:


The tesseract looks different from the top diagram due to perspective as well; this one is viewed from a different angle in the fourth dimension. If you were to pick it up, it would feel like a hexagonal prism. I think.

2 hours ago, Widdershins said:

Like so many things, it comes down to perception. Making just the edges visible as lines draws attention to only those edges when the human mind expects a "shape" to have definate ends to its form & faces. Any three dimensional shape does change its "shape" as you turn it, as any aspiring artist can tell you, but in that, we can see lines, things viewed as unchangeable, changing.

The lines in a tesseract only change as it rotates because of perspective.

If you look at a cube from different angles, it looks like its lines change as well.


Note how it appears as an irregular five-celled, four-sided shape, then as a seven-celled, four-sided shape, then morphs into a six-sided, irregular hexagon, with its lines 'changing their length' constantly. If our universe only had 2 dimensions, we would be looking at pictures of a rotating cube and saying exactly the same things you are. Look at the above cube in combination with your below comments.

2 hours ago, Widdershins said:

A shape requires it be solid enough for a mind to grasp onto. On that, you can see the borders of that shape shift to begin the loop again. Your audience can't lookit that and say "That is a thing I can pick up n' touch." You pause that rotating shape at any point, and it becomes an entirely different shape. It goes from having a square inside a square to being slightly off from that. It's applying another dimension of movement as part of the shape. Which is something a mind can't figured out well enough to piece into our understanding of what a shape is.





These two diagrams are ways you can construct a tesseract, either by 'sliding' shapes through space (the upper diagram), or by 'folding up' 8 cubes through the 4th dimension (the latter, incredibly well drawn diagram that I totally got off some high-brow nerd website).


DISCLAIMER: This is some seriously abstract maths, here. It is no discredit to your intelligence if you don't understand it. Neither is it any discredit to my amazing teaching skillz. I am still brain-paralysingly awesome whether or not you know what I'm talking about. No need to start looking for a new role model because I crushed your expectations of my nerdness. :catface:


Now for questions, because I've earned them.

Are you actually interested in higher-dimensional maths, or are you just looking for ways to melt your brain without having to pour sulphuric acid in your ears? Before you dismiss this question as passive-aggressive revenge-questioning, remember this is you we're talking about here. I'm never sure unless I ask. And usually not even then. :derp:

Do you understand any concept or principle that no-one else does unless you give them a 2-hour explanation? If so, I want an explanation.

Have you ever owned a pet cactus? I hear they're simply amazing for bedtime snuggles.

How is it that you, despite supposedly living in some spazzy null dimension and jumping universes at your merest whim, don't understand how tesseracts work?

  • Brohoof 1
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Nyoh! I'm not the least bit interested & I've been leading you on this entire time! Just to get you to speechify at length in a forum about topics most won't get so now I've made you Look The Fool! Mwa-hah-hah! I profit from this!

   No, but really. I meant that earlier. I need to exercise my brain more than I do. Kind of feel my focus & memory deteriorating with just video games to occupy my time. Math was enjoyable back in my schooling days, perhaps not the favorite, as it did seem to produce the grumpiest teachers, but I clearly enjoyed it more than the outright scorn most seemed to have for it. Think we last left off at Letters for Integers (which I think is just another name for numbers) and some vague, fuzzy notion of what an "Imaginary Number" was.

 No, No I understand literally nothing! Not even what I'm doing, saying or thinking right now as we type this! ..Well, alright! Check it! What we're doing with me here is a character that is simultaneously an imaginary best friend, a MLP OC, and a character that is fully aware that I'm a character written by another being on an entirely separate plane of existence! Like, Literally Metaphorically! Wait... Meta as in meta-humor means metaphysical/metaphoric, right? Eh, saying It is anyway! It's like Deadpool, but less bangy-bangy & more pokey-pokey!

   I suppose, to put it one way, deep philosophizing is something I have a trend of doing. Like Plato's shadows on the cave wall or the Brain-in-a-Vat thought experiment, I find myself going back to the Question of Reality. Or, alternatively, Immortality. What happens when a being like the Doctor gets the biggest repercussion of them all, Death, taken away? How do you live when you know you have no price to pay or lasting impact to make? Life always finds a way to make fiction look plausible!

   Besides, there's a reason I call myself the Spirit of Confusion. Even in real life, I'll find myself in conversational loops trying to explain things when we're clearly on a different page.

On 6/25/2017 at 9:06 PM, Duality said:

Have you ever owned a pet cactus? I hear they're simply amazing for bedtime snuggles.

  You're a jerk, you know that? Or insufferable, whichever you prefer!


  Well, tesseract does not equal a trans-dimensional portal. There are countless ways to do that, since, of course, each innumerable dimension has its own rules and ways to get to that point. Some places are entirely unmagical, but what you can pull off if you just manage to crawl through the eye of a needle without breaking it...

   Frankly, I'm mildly offended you think something like "Continuity" or "relying on the things I said I could do before" actually applies to me! There's MY way of doing it, but you have at it you own way! Honestly, I've forgotten most of how I do it since I've laid off doing the whole "Punching-Holes-Through-Realities" thing some decades or millenia ago... whichever of those sounds more impressive to you. I mean, sheesh, You do a job of setting up a network of portals and then they blame you when the planet blows up! Gheese! You even know the kind of lawyers that get on your case when you've blown up a few planets? Yeah, "reparations towards the survivors & damage claims" sounds like a noble & likely cause... until you see how high that bill racks up!

    ...not that I'm only in Equestria right now to dodge court cases or anything!~~*

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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6 hours ago, Widdershins said:

Nyoh! I'm not the least bit interested & I've been leading you on this entire time! Just to get you to speechify at length in a forum about topics most won't get so now I've made you Look The Fool! Mwa-hah-hah! I profit from this!

Actually, you've made me Look The Genius, since everyone who sees my post now knows that I know stuff about higher-dimensional mathematics. :toldya:

6 hours ago, Widdershins said:

Think we last left off at Letters for Integers (which I think is just another name for numbers) and some vague, fuzzy notion of what an "Imaginary Number" was.

Integers = Whole Numbers (1, 2, 45, -32, -98765151, etc.). Imaginary Numbers = anything involving the square root of negative one (otherwise denoted as i). Just in case you didn't want to know.

6 hours ago, Widdershins said:

Meta as in meta-humor means metaphysical/metaphoric, right?

'Meta' means 'beyond' or 'transcendent'. Metaphysical means 'beyond physics' and 'metaphorical' means 'beyond phoricality'. Or something like that. :lie:

6 hours ago, Widdershins said:

  You're a jerk, you know that? Or insufferable, whichever you prefer!

'Insufferable' just means I have an amazing sense of humour and you're jealous. And 'jerk' is a physical quantity equalling the rate of change of acceleration with respect to time. So I prefer both. 'Jerkish insufferablerite' has a nice ring to it, don't you think? :catface:



To what extent does your day-to-day life depend on the continued existence of paperclips?

What is your favourite colour of rock?

What do you normally keep in your pockets?

If you were building a house for you to live in 20 years in the future, what shape would you make the roof, and why?

  • Brohoof 1
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  Paperclips?!!?  Why, I haven't even seen a paperclip in a fortyear! Could be one snuck up on me at some point without me knowing, but... not its really got me! I need to find a paper clip and FAST!

     Yeaaah! I just found three!  I'm gonna go take a paperclip bath now! MMM! It's painfully comfortable!

  That's no joke. I really did just go roll around ontop of three paperclips and attempt to bat myself with them. I get this odd feeling of being part cat.

21 hours ago, Duality said:

What is your favourite colour of rock?

   Graaay.   :maud:Because rocks are gray. You are a gray rock. Isn't that right, Bul'dar. :nom:

  You wouldn't think you could cuddle a rock. I guess I'm just an expert cuddler!

21 hours ago, Duality said:

What do you normally keep in your pockets?

  Ah, let's see what I gots in my pocketses...   There's the usual lucky Die, a random coin of unintelligable runes, a hanky, The One Ring, maybe a pencil on occasion, though those tend to stab my hand when I get 'em back out, Pokemon Go of course... maybe a pony figurine if I feel lonely that day, and really any small objects I find on my walks that catch my eyes.  Had an orange donkey in there once!


Oh, let's see... sort of long, sides of a rectangle but the front & back faces being that of an Isosceles Triangle. You know, the A-Frame houses? Kind of like the idea of living out in a forest where its quiet except for nature... but you do hear alot of bad things about Cabins in the Woods...

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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24 minutes ago, Widdershins said:

  Graaay.   :maud:Because rocks are gray. You are a gray rock. Isn't that right, Bul'dar. :nom:

That is racial profiling.

Not all rocks are grey.

Case in point: amethysts, sapphires, emeralds, fire opals, and pretty much any other gem one could care to name.

Maud is greatly displeased by your thoughtless blateration. :maud:

Yes, that's a word.

24 minutes ago, Widdershins said:

Had an orange donkey in there once!

Pics or it didn't happen.

28 minutes ago, Widdershins said:

but you do hear alot of bad things about Cabins in the Woods.

That only applies if there are psychos living in them.

oh wait...




By what esoteric means did you obtain your decidedly impressive vocabillularary?

On a completely unrelated note, have you ever stumbled across a site called The Phrontistery?

How often do you snuggle your various pony plushies (on a hugs-per-day basis)?

Do you live with your parents?

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Well, you did ask for MY favorite! Those are Gems, not rocks. In fact, I could dicker on stones being something else entirely too!

  Gasp! No! You can't out-vocabulary me! How can I be precociously pretentious without haphazardly bandying about hippopotomonstraesequiped words in place of lilliputian nomenclature?!!?  (though between you, me and literally anyone who comes to this page, the spell check helps immeasurably. Though I can't help but find it flattering when you out-knowledge the computor!) Away with your piffle-mongering poppycock & moidering ways! Your "blaternation" is pure hoopla! It's nowhere's in my ten-pound dictionary and when its that huge, you know it's definitive!

  There's Blatter and Blatterskite which both me nonsense. No... no they literally mean nonsense! You even know how many ways there are to say Nonsense? It gives my Insidey-Parts the palpitations!

IMG_3752.jpg He's not an eraser or anything... but somehow, a pencil does fit in his bum pretty neatly.

I really... just have no idea what he is.    ....    ...and, ah, yes. I did get bored while I had a candle running... Leaving me with an open flame for too long ain't a good idea.


   Well, I was a huge bookworm when I was a kid, and you do run across alot of context clues that way. The Series of Unfortunate Events is quite good for introducing big words to little kids! That's how I got onto Lachrymose & Ersatz! Though... if you do look into that series... it has the biggest, terrible cop-out of an ending to the whole shebang. Like, last book just ruins it all for you, so much buildup and it just whizzes out.  

 No, but I do now! I'll have to delve into a bit more when I got the time!

   Oh, a good two to five times a day, depending! Two of those of course being that I can't get to sleep at night without one, a role that used to be held by Edward, my lifesize python plushie who has now been dethroned as "Favorite" with my new overseas Dashie!

  Hah...haah....Nooooo... Let's just say, if you knew the things that spawned me, you wouldn't ask that question!


  Ah, well, that's a bit of a bladed question there, @Twilight Sparkle . I do worry about you man, and if you knew me, that's a high honor. You worry from a place of love.

    See, how do I put this...? I've noticed a trend with you, that I'm sure I've brought up before. You seem to enjoy villainy. Which, frankly, I am totally in the same boat! I just worry that maybe you're in it for the wrong reasons. Like, not that I'm saying you are or anything, but if somebody went around saying their role models were famous dictators like Sadaam Hussein or something, you can likely understand how their parents or local gossip might get riled up.

    I kind of get the feeling that your still a teenager. Still in your formative years where emotions run high and everything hurts. Believe me, I may be close to twice your age and I'm still growing out of that phase...  I get the feeling you might be the sort of kid to take things far too seriously, maybe meet an end they sensationalize in all the teen-warning black n' white serials they used to make.

  I don't mean to call you young too often. Heavens know I'm not the most mature myself yet, so pot callin' the kettle black.

  Your a bright kid, (Okay, maybe I just like saying "Kid" an awful lot! lol) as evidenced by pretty much the only two things you tend to talk about: Your very well documented dreams and a seemingly endless barrage of testing the school is giving you! Maybe because I know which path your walking, I can kind of get the idea of the sort of thoughts that can run though a mind that tracks its every move.

   Depression seems to be a common thread among the youth of today (okay, I'm starting to sound like an old man now...) Like, I'm surprised Goths are a bigger thing! I get the feeling alot of media and popular culture tells us that we need to be "up" all the time, like ever being down for any length of time is something to be ashamed of.

  I kind of see a bit of myself in you. I worry about what you might be fighting off.

    Buuuuut, then again, Imma big empathetic softie! As evidenced by all my talk of plushies!

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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8 minutes ago, Widdershins said:

Gasp! No! You can't out-vocabulary me! How can I be precociously pretentious without haphazardly bandying about hippopotomonstraesequiped words in place of lilliputian nomenclature?!!?  (though between you, me and literally anyone who comes to this page, the spell check helps immeasurably. Though I can't help but find it flattering when you out-knowledge the computor!) Away with your piffle-mongering poppycock & moidering ways! Your "blaternation" is pure hoopla! It's nowhere's in my ten-pound dictionary and when its that huge, you know it's definitive!

*Blateration. It's on the Phrontistery site I mentioned, which basically aims to contain all the English words from the 1600s onwards that everyone else - including your ten-lb dictionary - has forgotten. E.g., the word 'floccinaucinihilipilification', which means 'the act of estimating something as worthless', in case your dictionary doesn't have it.

Speaking of your dictionary: you only have one? I have a seven-pound-per-volume two-volume Reader's Digest Illustrated Dictionary, a 1-pound Webster's, and another 2 or 3-pound Home Study Dictionary from the middling 1900s that my granddad gave my mum who gave me. Plus, I'm going to inherit my granddad's 20-pound dictionary as soon as I can find enough space for it. It's a hyper-compressed version of a 50-volume set of dictionaries - the Oxford dictionaries or some big name like that - that contains eight normal-sized A4 pages of definitions on each single A3 page. You need a magnifying glass to read the thing. That's not even mentioning my Latin-English dictionary and my four thesauri of various hefts.

Not to show off or anything. :icwudt:

22 minutes ago, Widdershins said:

 Oh, a good two to five times a day, depending! Two of those of course being that I can't get to sleep at night without one, a role that used to be held by Edward, my lifesize python plushie who has now been dethroned as "Favorite" with my new overseas Dashie!

On the topic of plushies, have you seen the 11-inch Toywiz plushies? I bought a couple recently and they're so adorable! Officially Hasbro licensed, flawlessly sewn and embroidered (with stitched cutie marks on both sides), show-accurate even down to the tiny height difference between Twilicorn and everyone else, and stuffed to the perfect squish-scrunch ratio. And their ears are nommable like nothing else. :catface:





What do you think your middle name would be if you were born into a Spanish family?

Have you seen the MLP movie trailer? If so, what are your thoughts thereon?

Stainless Steel Rivets: Blessing or Curse?

What's your favourite bird (DRAGONS DON'T COUNT)?

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  Hee, I remember getting that from some old Estate Sale! Which is like a sort of Everything-Must-Go Yard Sale where they pretty much just let you rummage through their house. Usually its from some fellow who's lived in that house collecting things for, like, fifty years! I remember walking away with that huge, crinkly-leafed, literary behemoth holding the thing as thick as my own ribcage and my Pops just looking at me and saying something like "So the only thing you wanted from the sale was a dictionary...?" and clearly fighting off the urge to holler at his own son the age old meme of "NEEEEEEERD!"

   It does have that word in it too! Who needs your shelf-clogging volumes! Clearly it has everything in it! All hail the Book!


    Those are some incredible ears. It seems so hard these days to find plushies without weird plastic hair or foil-y plastic wings that are kinda pokey. Show accurate though? Huh-Fuh, CLEARLY Twilicorn is taller! Though kind of funny though, that so rarely does it seem we get to see Rarity's right side in the show, she looks rather incredibly adorable with it going over her face like that!


    Hmm, can't say I know much Spanish. Most of that has just Frittered away out of mind. Have always liked "Guapo" though! I know it means Handsome, but I've just loved the sound of it! Guapo! As in: "Of course Imma handsome! Donta you question me onna that or Imma gonna Guapo you one!"

   Ah, a critique on the Trailer, you ask? Well, from the good fortune & friendship of my Solar Flare I have managed to catch it!

   ...can't say I'm entirely excited. To a degree sure, but it wasn't as much pure, unbridled epic as Wonder Woman was. What I fear it's falling victim to is that, like so much these days (Hipster Mode Activate!) it seems to be trying far too hard to differentiate itself from the show proper. Like that wasn't obvious from the "Equestria Girls" nonsense. Sure, it's a cinch that more effort would be put into the movie they've spent years on, but that animation looks totally wonky & the kind of 3d tripe you know it'll be put into in all those IMAX theater stuff. This here is a franchise, nay, a fandom that has been built on just utterly garbage animation. We love it for that, and they've gotten better since some of the more obvious mistakes, (one of which gave us a mare of unbounded hope & love) but that's not the place where this all came from. When Lauren Faust was working on the show (Oy, don't slap me from bringing that up!) she brought to it a certain special something she does for everything she gets involved with. Like, Say, Powerpuff Girls. You could feel her own personality seeping through the show a bit. Like with something like South Park, you can clearly tell that the show itself is a byproduct next to the Idea itself.

   This... is trying to be a spectacle. I don't like that. It leaves me worried. Let me show you what I mean.

  The movie clearly opens up with a huge cakey mess when they're trying to impress the local Celebrity Du Jour: Sia. That get's sorted out, but then Oh No! Villains on Villain ship come in to party crash! Then Grubbins or whatever comes out and yells out a big hypefest into the crowd into a handy microphone and the scarred, broken, scary mare comes out to make threats!

   Then after that, they're in some Undersea Kingdom! Then magic hoopla happens! Dey fish mutants now!



 ...*ahem* Pardon me. A show doesn't need to be a show. You don't need to keep pelting me every twenty seconds with something blowing up on screen, be that literally or simply socially. I can't remember the last time a trailer ever actually told me anything about the actual story. Much like how books these days seem to think the Author is just as much or more important than the story itself so much as to refuse to give you anything about the book outside of its pages; This, this means nothing to me. This trailer, like so many before it boils down to nothing more than "Stuff Happens." Action & excitement is just so much noise. You want me to pay money to see your movie, then tell me what trouble the characters are in, what the plot & stakes are. Does this mean the entire movie is just going to be so much shouting then? I hope not. I'm seeing this movie for reasons far deeper than just a way to hype kids up or provide some momentary heart pulsing.

  I do still want to see how they get to the points they show us in the trailer. I'm sure that was the aim. But eyecatching alone means nothing by itself. I want to see a story, not a spectacle. If I wanted to see loud music, colorful visuals, constant action then I'd go to a music concert or something. Which I've never done, because that is just absolute overload for me. I want investment in characters, not having someone come before them to hop around, wave arms and yell at the audience about how awesome they are.

   Though, that being said, I do like Grubby, the little rolly mutt that he is! Do love his vibe of "Eh, I'm only really evil because its fun & I ain't got nothin' better to do." Do love the aesthetics on Caeleno & Tempest Shadow. Though if T.S. (yyyet another Twilight Sparkle derivative, you notice that?)  keeps doing that low-throated threatening voice, she's going to wear thin pretty quickly.             ...aaand also make me fall in love with her more. Hey, I'm complicated!

   What I wish for this movie is to not do what I see as the worst possible thing any creative endeavor could be. Be Predictable.


 Curse. No, no, you don't get any context outta me!


   Are... are you implying... that dragons are a type of bird?! Watch yourself, bro...

             Well, always have liked mimics like the Lyrebird or the white-fringed Magpie with is totally relatable habit of collecting shiny things off the ground. But those sort of just seem like big blackbirds to me. There's always been something sort of alien to a bird's expression to me. Somehow both frightening & curious at the same time.

  I prefer something more Gallinaecous.

   Consider, if you will, The Ignoble Plainstrider! Flightless and edible, a beak as big as its tiny head signifying a mind that likely has never needed think much beyond "Peck, or No Peck?" Yet beneath its floppy wings that seem to be useless for anything but impotent fustration, lies pillarlike legs that could buck through any wall or the bones of any aspiring predator. Be it the ancient monstrosities of the extinct Moa-Moa of Madagascar or the horse-eating behemoths of the Pleistocene or the doofy, gap-faced Ostrich and Shoebill of today, there is just something I find reassuring in the expression of Barely-Controlled Perpetual Panic.

   "You predator? You after my seed? Friend? Either way, I'm going to start flopping around like a half-dead fish anyway to be on the safe side. I'm good at that!"

  Do I still eat chicken? Well, sure, I've raised them so I know how brutish they can be if they feel like it. I'm not that sympathetic to them!

    Basically, basically, any bird you can see going "buk-buk..." even if it doesn't actually make that noise!


  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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2 hours ago, Widdershins said:

This here is a franchise, nay, a fandom that has been built on just utterly garbage animation.

Actually, quite a few people, animation critics and myself included, think it's rather high-quality as 2-D minimalistic animation goes. It's certainly better than current kids-show/anime animation on most, if not all, points.

2 hours ago, Widdershins said:

Are... are you implying... that dragons are a type of bird?! Watch yourself, bro...

2 hours ago, Widdershins said:


Don't mind me, I just felt these two quotes belonged together somehow...

2 hours ago, Widdershins said:

Do love the aesthetics on Caeleno & Tempest Shadow.

Didja notice how, when she threw herself into the air to ninja-grenade the M6, this unstable sparking blue corona of magic formed around the outline of where the rest of her edgily broken horn should be? Spot-on aesthetics.

2 hours ago, Widdershins said:

Those are some incredible ears. It seems so hard these days to find plushies without weird plastic hair or foil-y plastic wings that are kinda pokey.

I hear ya, brother.

The fact that absolutely no part of them is made using crinkly plastic-fantastic sparklefabric basically sold it for me.



What is your least favourite animal?

Plasma guns or rocket-propelled-grenade launchers?

What's your favourite musical instrument?

How much power (measured in "Yoda-Force-output-per-second"s) do you estimate that your electrical devices consume on average?

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On ‎26‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 9:23 AM, Widdershins said:

 Did you just...?  You grouped in all of my two-something paragraphs including me quoting you in turn, then proceeded to then copypaste or such quote a line from all that back to me, despite it already appearing above you in the same internet page.  You know what I feel right now?

   Unmitigated Pride.

 I feel like your a son to me already! Have a congratulatory pancake! It's congratulations-flavored!

On ‎25‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 4:15 PM, SolarFlare13 said:

...and make it easier to the eye. I mean, who wants to see a massive wall of text!? OWO

  I do!! And your just pester-bothering me what with all this "order" that you're bringing all up in here!

 Besides! If you cluster it all into one, huge, dense pile of text it makes you look all important and intellygent!!

  I mean, sure, I'm doing that now, but only because these are all sequential, separate thoughts! And I'm UNIQUE!!


                  aH, Don't you worry none about Spoilers, Solly, or any of y'all! That's what we say! My attention span is far too short to remember what you said about whatever it was iffen I don't watch it,like, a full 24 hours later. It's the experience that counts! Me n' you could be watching the same thing happen at the same time and we can & will walk away with entirely different interpretations of what goes on! ...besides, think ya already told me!

   Think, we were... like, just past 28 Pranks Later. We haven't set aside the time to play catch up on the show, despite it bein' something we like. I may be essentially his creative side, but it's hard getting my human host to move his fleshy sack of a body! I tell ya, being a Tulpa is no slouch of a job!

  ...and if any of you are wondering... He just drank, like, half a gallon of water at once out of curiosity and he's SO passed out right now! #LOL! And soon! He's gonna be PISSED OUT! HHHAAAA! I slay myself!

On ‎25‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 4:15 PM, SolarFlare13 said:

I wanna know, what kind of magic do you possess??? :3

     Well, it's pretty much "Chaos" magic. Same shameal as Daddy Discord! That's how I peg it, you know? Most magic requires pretty much sheer focus of will. Regardless of franchise explanations like "drawing it from the land" (even if you're not technically on land at the moment or in unfamiliar territory you shouldn't have a 'connection' to) Magic=Focus.   Chaos Magic on the other appendage is the literal antithesis of that. Not like Void/Shadow magic as the Void & shadows are just as much an "element" as being a frost or fire mages & etcetra. Chaos Magic is creating magic with no end goal or will at all. It's like... having this massive spellbook of every potential spell & magical outcome... and just flipping through it in a split second to cast whatever you land on! Or, say, in that split second you thought it would be funny to don a huge sombero & shake some maracas then immediately poof them back away before the notion really solidifyed in your head. Chaos Magic basically is Impulse magic!

   ...and in that thread! One could say that those unicorns/alicorns that are completely devoid of talent in magic or erstwhile feel magically powerless are closer to mastering Chaos Magic! Could also say that "What it is Pinkie Pie does" counts as Chaos magic too.

   Buuuut in a nutshell, my powers are: "Whatever I feel like & my author narratively allows me to do!"


   Well, I would say that's not at all unusual. Putting aside the fact that their essentially living cartoons, different dimensional rules and all, It's really just placement! Lyra's spine in that is basically just bent into a big Capital Letter J... but backwards. Sort of like the antithesis (and yes! I do just like saying the word: Antithesis! Antithesis!!) to slouching, being more forcibly upright in an awkward position instead of just relaxing into an awkward position ya body oughtent be in! And I should know! My spine goes in just as horrible turns!

   Consider that it IS entirely possible for a human to walk on all fours. And let's face it, y'all are just humans after all and I"M not because I'm TOTALLY A SPECIAL CASE!



   Ooh! Monster House! A story of a Fat Lady from the circus being treated like a freak & outcast her entire life, so much so that she became to hate the outside world, got so fat to where she couldn't leave her house, and when her heart finally gave out her poor maligned, captive husband was forced to bury her in the concrete of the house's foundation which let her hatred & agoraphobia seep into the house itself, further ensconcing her husband and greeting the world with an even more freakish facade that the world had treated her with!

    Ya know! FO' KIDS!


     Well, same as that "White Room" as I mentioned before. Same as my "dimension" or sandbox, if you wanna call it that! But OOOH! THINKING TREES! I mean, sure, picked up a few sentient Tentacle Trees from the Tentacle Dimension where just litterally eeeeverything is made from writhing tentacles, and those come in a good variety, but I've never heard of ... more sentient trees! Sure, there's Ents, but those don't transplant well.


 Weeell... ME, of course! I mean, sure, on occasion words bleed from the walls, but that could just as easily be hallucinations. Ooh! Tell you what though, there was this one house my guy lived in in actual, real life where the walls really did bleed on him! Some said it was just nicotine from the previous owners being heavy smokers, but then that'd have to be 24/7 smoking with, like, orange-tarred cigarettes. Still hold it was orange slime/blood!

    ...take it you didn't get who I'm referencing? There's the two syllables... aaaand, tell you what, Look up Godwin's Law.

   You poor, adorable, naive, young'un!


     No, no, no, no! The OTHER Paper Mache dimension! I know, there's at least 25 of them! There's also a few Yarn Dimensions out there, but I think most have been wrecked by some living garbage disposal of an adorable pink ball guy.

   Killing people.   ...     HEEEE! What! Joking about murder is hilarious! Sure do play that note an awful lot though! Nah, but really.... Hmm, let's see... Watching people go mad is kinda fun, but... it's kind of sad if they get to a point they can't bounce back from. There's always pancakes of course! You can't even imagine how many uses there are to these floopy disks!! And I do like having snuggletime! Can't really produce my own body heat, so I do like coiling around who'll let me! An' I am a good hugger, I daresay!

Yaay!!! ^D^ I love pancakes *gladly takes them from you* :3

I like to read through your messages and I wanna make sure that I don’t leave anything out ^w^


I do!! And your just pester-bothering me what with all this "order" that you're bringing all up in here!


So what you’re saying is, you want dis-organised Chaos full of chocolate rain and pies floating up into the sky!? X3

(…and my text all in the one row? :3)


Oh alright, if you say so :P I’ll be sure to bunch up my text the next time I message you :3


Yes, you truly are unique OWO I’ve never seen a draconequus (ugh…that’s the 5th time I had to type that in google images. Normally, I’m very good at spelling, but I cant seem to get that word right X3) with a rabbits head with Tentacles / Claws for arms. You must be VERY charming and I wouldn’t mind having tea with you :3


Ah, Don't you worry none about Spoilers, Solly, or any of y'all! That's what we say! My attention span is far too short to remember what you said about whatever it was iffen I don't watch it,like, a full 24 hours later.”


Heh…that’s what I’m like whenever I see spoilers on the internet (or even something I don’t like, for that matter :P I tend to forget pretty quickly)

If “The Saddle Row Review” had broadcasted earlier, I would’ve used this:




…and I’m glad that I got the chance to watch Season 6 (…AND Season 7) on cable. It takes too long for the MLP DVD’s to come out in Australia and they’re only JUST releasing Season 6 here :P

(…and yes, I’m old school. Is there a problem with that!? X3)


Well that’s true. I mean, we might watch one episode of MLP and we’ll have different opinions about it. For example: the Season 6 finale. A lotta people say they HATE the new changeling designs. I personally don’t mind them. If anything, it makes them easier to distinguish :3


They will be some episodes that we enjoy and some we don’t. It’s all up to the person and what they like / don’t like…


Ugh!!! I still hate 28 Pranks Later -_-

(she deserves to be punished for her actions…I dunno…Rainbow Dash USED to be my favourite Pony, but over-time…she’s fallen from grace and now, she’s my least favourite of the mane 6, right next to “Princess” Twilight Sparkle…and you know, it makes me wanna watch Cupcakes in amusement)


We haven't set aside the time to play catch up on the show, despite it bein' something we like”


IKR!? O_O I mean, I need to watch Seasons 3, 4, 5 and 6 again and watch those episodes PROPERLY.

To be perfectly honest, I’ve seen some of those episodes only two or three times, unlike Seasons 1 and 2 where I’ve seen them back-to-back :o


Tulpa??? :o what’s that? O.O

So what you’re telling me is, you’re controlling your human counter-part like a puppet??? Gee, that’s some 4TH Wall breaking stuff. Pinkie (…and possibly Lyra :P) would be proud X3


Yeah, I know how that feels :P It’s never good to drink too much water, it gives you a head-ache makes you go to the toilet more often X’D


Well, it's pretty much "Chaos" magic.”


Yes, but what kind of Chaos magic??? :P

Surely, there’s one or two spells that you like…


I thought magic was more or less tied to your emotions :3

Chaos Magic is creating magic with no end goal or will at all. It's like... having this massive spellbook of every potential spell & magical outcome...”

So what you’re saying is, you were the one who created that book in the Castle of the two sisters??? O.O




and just flipping through it in a split second to cast whatever you land on!


So, your magic is random then??? O.O


…and since you are a draconequus, how do you explain this:




I mean, you’re already on something that’ll go fast, why do you need to teleport? :P


More to the point, have you seen Screw-Ball lately? O.O




There’s been A LOT of rumours about her being related to Discord. Is that true or is it just a load of hoo-ey??? :P


So all in all, you can use ALL types of magic??? :o

What about Dark Crystal magic and Tartarian magic??? >=3


So wait…Pinkie Pie has Chaos Magic??? O.O that’s crazy!!! O_O

(well then again, she DOES have something called a “Pinkie Sense” which cannot be scientifically explained and she’s able to pull thing out of nowhere AND she has the power to break the 4th wall whenever she wants, so…I wonder how the Pinkie sense stacks up to Maud’s Sense and Cheese’s sense??? :/ are they all the same or are they slightly different???)


Buuuut in a nutshell, my powers are: "Whatever I feel like & my author narratively allows me to do!”


Oh. Well that sums it up then :P X’D

I’m assuming you’re spiritually connected to your human counter-part? :P


I apologize if I’ve said this before, but what is your favourite episodes of MLP so far? :3


How is Lyra standing on her hind legs NOT unusual??? O_O have you seen the way she sits!? X’P




Lyra's spine in that is basically just bent into a big Capital Letter J... but backwards.


Ohh :o I see where you’re going at O.O


I still don’t know what antithesis means :P I gotta look that up X’D

(looks it up on google)

Ohh. It’s essentially another word to “opposite” X’P


…but what I wanna know is: WHY is Lyra standing up on her hind legs??? Isn’t it more comfortable to have all four legs on the ground??? O.O


And I should know! My spine goes in just as horrible turns!


Oh really??? O.O then how would you explain this:





I know for a fact that the spinal cord is connected to the brain and Discord was able to separate his head from his own body. How does that work??? :o


Consider that it IS entirely possible for a human to walk on all fours”


Well of course. We used to crawl around when we were babies and our feet used to be an extra pair of hands in the past... (…and that’s living proof that we’ve evolved from primates :P)


…but ever since we started walking up-right, they became flat and if we started walking on all fours, we would develop extra feet where our hands are :3


And let's face it, y'all are just humans after all


Well I’m not :P I’m more of a Duck / Pony hybrid :3


Ooh! Monster House! A story of a Fat Lady from the circus being treated like a freak & outcast her entire life, so much so that she became to hate the outside world, got so fat to where she couldn't leave her house, and when her heart finally gave out her poor maligned, captive husband was forced to bury her in the concrete of the house's foundation which let her hatred & agoraphobia seep into the house itself, further ensconcing her husband and greeting the world with an even more freakish facade that the world had treated her with!


Yup ^w^ that’s the one!!! Although it’s been AGES since I’ve seen that movie O.O


So, your dimension is a figurative of your own imagination??? OWO


But OOOH! THINKING TREES! I mean, sure, picked up a few sentient Tentacle Trees from the Tentacle Dimension”


Oooh O.O what do these tentacle trees look like??? :o

Do they eat anything??? If so, what do you feed them??? :3

…and what kind of weird creatures live in your dimension??? :o


Wait…“Ents”??? :o


I mean, sure, on occasion words bleed from the walls


I’m assuming that’s a reference from “The Shining”??? :P X’D


but that could just as easily be hallucinations.”


Oh great. Now you’re making me think of ‘amnesia’ O~O

(…and NO, I have NOT played that game, but I have seen videos of it. Horror games are not my forte) :o


Ooh! Tell you what though, there was this one house my guy lived in in actual, real life where the walls really did bleed on him!”


Hmm…did he happen to be Bruce Willis by any chance? :P X’D

I mean, that guy gets blood all over the place X3


Eugh!!! O~O that doesn’t sound healthy…

I dunno if you’ve noticed, but Australia has completely banned the advertising of smoking…

Most of the packaging for cigarettes will be green and they’ll have some REALLY disgusting / unpleasant pictures on them…


Godwins Law??? :o Hmm…I wonder what that’s about…I’ll have to look it up later…


Which paper mache dimension are you talking about!? O~O X’P


There's also a few Yarn Dimensions out there, but I think most have been wrecked by some living garbage disposal of an adorable pink ball guy.”


You mean this little Pink guy??? :P




Yeah, he’s been causing A LOT of trouble these last couple of weeks. Some-one outta give him a bag of chips before he comes over to MY dimension and drinks all the chocolate milk from my pond O_O


I thought joking about torture was hilarious :P


Hmm, let's see... Watching people go mad is kinda fun”


You mean rage-quitting??? :P X’D


You know, it makes me wonder if there is such thing as a Pancake dimension? :o


And I do like having snuggle-time! Can't really produce my own body heat, so I do like coiling around who'll let me! An' I am a good hugger, I daresay!”


Wait…you like snuggles??? OWO why didn’t you tell me that before!? ^w^

I’d gladly let you wrap around me. I’m warm, fuzzy and I produce A LOT of candy!!! O3O

Edited by SolarFlare13
  • Brohoof 1


This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3

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  Well, what I mean to say of course, is that this show, more so than most it seems, is famous for its animation errors. Whole youtube videos some close to a half hour are made just pointing out flaws like extra legs, no wings, an earth pony somehow being on top of a cloud or the ever famous one of poor Noteworthy getting one huge eye shoved into the center of his face. When I say Utterly Garbage, I assure you, I mean it in the best possible way!

    Well, I suppose a sign that It's my least favorite animal is that I hesitate to even refer to it as a living, breathing sentient creature.  The Bidoof.  ...No, no wait...

  Flies.  I'm a considerate guy. I like to not judge things or get angry. But everybeing has their few things that push them too far.

  Summer time now, and I can't even keep those harbringers of rot, death & decay out of my house. Filthy, vicious, viscous piles of worthless life haven't even the brain to do anything other than produce more of themselves and destroy everything you hold dear. How many times have I sat in front of this computor to have one whack me in the face a good seven times in a row because it is quite literally too stupid to live and find a different bloody direction to fly in. Just the other day, saw one be so stupid as to buzz right into a column of water out of my faucet! They literally do not deserve the gift of life. Gods above help me if I find any book where a guy turns into one.

   I know it... seems like... jumping into anger pretty quickly here, but... It's like in the Witch Trials days where toads or cats were considered analogous to Witches, Satan and basically everything wrong with your life at the time. I cannot separate the fact that flies appear after your "perfectly good food" has gone to waste, your house has fallen into shambles or... say a loved one kicked the bucket. To me, Flies are living embodiments of Entropy, Death, Evil, Depression... I can go on! Flies only exist to make your life miserable and take everything good from you! I sincerely wish no fly bothers me while I happen to be holding a hammer. Because... In the Name of Nefarian... I will rip apart every wall & unbroken skull in my path if it means murdering that tiny vermin. I have routinely bent cheap flyswatters in half and gone into a panting literal Bloodlust by trying to swat them when they go to my window in these summer months.    Well, if they even have blood in that goopy pile of worthless... *ahem* 

  If I could just be given the opportunity to train my body to Conan the Barbarian levels & be shrunken down just to personally decapitate each & every fly in existence with my bare hands and see them suffer underneath my own power then maybe, maybe, maybe then I would be happy...      But probably not.

   See, see? There's my level of madness, then there's his level of madness. I'm here to balance things out to a "fun" sorta madness!

Hmmm.. Let's see, how about... Plasma Rockets with Gun-Grenades duct tapes onto them? Gun-grenades of course being minature bombs that explode in a pile of much larger guns. A gunsplosion if you will.                      Can you tell we're American?

      Favorite musical instament? ...Ah! Right! The Spoons!...Dah Spoooons!    Ya Know, used to play the Knives but I had to stop after my legs got all bloody n' fell off.

  Hmm, measured in Yodas? Well, he is a pretty short feller...  I'd say... Two whole Yodas. But only because they seem to break every two minutes.


  *Frisbees a pancake a few inches over your head as today's salutation. It embeds itself in the wall behind you*

   I ought to stop making the Buzzsawcakes.


   ...and if you could just also make a simultaneous & equal amount of organized Chaos as well, that would be juuuust graaaaate! Nyah, ah-nyah, hyaaaah~~*

  Oh, the species name is very simple once you get used to it! Drac, like Dracula, short for Dragon! Equus being intellygent speakery for a Pony! So, altogether it comes together to spell like Dragon On Horse!  ... which reminds me. I have some Shipping I really must get to sometime.

   It's Drac. Then On, then Equus.  Drac. On. Equus. Dracon. Equus. Dahongawughakitzhelwhizzlt.... Darn. You'd think with several millenia's worth of collecting tongues I would have managed to pronounce that by now!

   And I'd LOVE to have you over for tea, Mr. Humanthatthinkshe'saHorsethatthinkshe'saDuckthatthinkshe'salsosomehowanAliconwhichprobablyhassomethingtodowiththevampirebathorsecatwithmagicorsomethingIdon'treallyevenknowbutwhateversohereyougo!  So settle in!    *slides you a teacup across the table. It's filled with raw pancake batter.*

    Ooh! I do thank you for your attention! I do pride myself on the parts I've piecemealed together over the minutes! ..Years, centuries, whatevs. Just don't get the order wrong & confuse me with my brother here!

Buntacles.jpg  Well, brother in the sense that I call him that!

 I do have my sometime hobby of going out to the Everfree and ramming two creatures together until I make a new one!

  Well, see, what a Tulpa is is basically a thought construct, a sort of imaginary friend & "What If." A sort of image you craft in your head of what could be! And that's how I created the human that is doing this writing right now for me!      ...No, no... dangit, that's the other way around! Don't make me look more schizophrenic then I already am!

    Augh! So much Meta, very wow! The Nightmare Becomes Reality! Waugh, Waugh, Waugh! It'snotweird!!!   Sigh, and my habit of quoting Youtube Reviewers & half-remembered references don't help this matter very much.

    But, to put it another way... Widdershins is my sort of thought experiment. That for every thought or idea begats yet another dimension. Like each show, like My Little Pony, has out there a dimension exactly like it and each fanfiction that tweaks that idea to its own ends creates, in turn, yet another slightly different dimension. So, really, with the unbounded possibilites out there in endless dimensions... then surely, there is a being out there that is fully aware that he exists solely because another from another dimension created him just as an Oc to be aware of that fact.

   Like, there's a dimension somewhere's out there where you spelled "Possibilities" right & actually went back to correct it!  Ah, shaddup.

     Actually, that spiked stone book is just a journal Celestia kept when she went though her Emo Phase.   ...What, no. Luna never went through an Emo Phase, why do you ask? Kind of funny how I know this despite not having been there for most of their life growing up! Hunh.

   A-ta-tah! "Immediately going with the first thing that comes to mind" Isn't completely like being Random! As much as there's a fully verifiable distinction between being Mad & being Insane!  /SageNod

  Oh, well that's simple really! It's the same reason why Twilicorn still teleports around despite having perfectly good, incredibly fluffy wings! Once a unicorn, always a unicorn! Psaw! Magic-users! Always being so dependent on the ease-of-use of their magics! *snaps his claw and several pancakes plop onto his face, the closest one to his mouth slowly numming its way inside of it* *Num* Quite silly really!

   Oh! Screwball? Oh aye! That is also, totally me!  Oh, stop claiming things!  It's what my character trait is! Hoo-Hoo!

    Hmm, but really, I would say that she might just be a corrupted filly. An effect of Discord's Chaos. Though, then again, one could say that the creations of a DaHuniePopQuiz are very much akin to its own daughters & sons. I know I have a few daughters that my Author is working on! ...once he figures out how to work a Gorgon, that is!

  Weeell, "All types of Magic" in the sense that I would have to be able to be familiar enough to call it as such when I cast it. If I just toss out "Dark Crystal" magic, but my author doesn't know how to describe it as such.... does it make it any less that sort of magic? 

  Chaos Magic works because it doesn't. Much in the same way some jokes are funny because they so clearly aren't. If some magic is happening, and clearly because of you, but you don't know how, that's Chaos Magic! ...How this is different from "Wild Magic" is something we'll have to mull over.

   Well, spiritually in the sense that... No, actually, yes. Straight answer there. Yes. That's actually a pretty much more succinct explanation of it than mine.

     Hmm, favorite episodes? That's a hard one. My memory is pretty shoddy. Well, I have always said my all-time favorite is Dragonshy. Partly because of Dragons, and for how much I related to Fluttershy! Because that would so be me, yaknow, were it not a dragon. If that were me, I woulda bounced in there like a total Draconic Weeaboo and annoyed the dragon out off Equestria just so it could get some peace to sleep in!

 Wellthat'sALSOsimple! It works because it doesn't! Doggoneitkwai are self-made thought constructs! (in my author's headcannon, anyway!) Basically, like living cartoon characters! We are capable of what we do because we want to do it! You know, just like what Pinkie Pie does.

12 hours ago, SolarFlare13 said:

Oooh O.O what do these tentacle trees look like??? :o

Do they eat anything??? If so, what do you feed them??? :3

   They look like tentacle trees, you Silly Filly!  And they eat the same stuff that both trees & tentacles do!

Well, not much really. Sure, a few things float through every now & again, but it's pretty barren. Kind of like a figurative Holodeck. There is my personal buttler buddy, V.I.A.B. that I made for myself back on Innistrad. Keep him fixed up in a corner for somebeing to talk to when I've had no other dimension to go to!

  D'awww! If I squeeze you, do you honk out a shower of candy? Careful now, sugary-treat-related magic is a quick bridge to being a Dahhonni... Druganda...

    Draconequus.  Yeah, that! The benefits of being a Fifth-Wallbreaker!

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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1 hour ago, Widdershins said:

Hmm, measured in Yodas? Well, he is a pretty short feller...  I'd say... Two whole Yodas. But only because they seem to break every two minutes.

You break a whole Yoda every minute??!!

Two whole Yodas every two minutes = one Yoda broken per minute. Yay for maths. And for grammatical ambiguity, for that matter.



What is your favouritistest verbal colloquialism? What situations do you most commonly use it in?

Why is the sky blue?

What is your favourite physiological feature of any organism on Earth?

Papaya blossoms?

  • Brohoof 1
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@Trixie The Evil  Hmm, want to say something a bit muted in tone & color. Something like Twilight Sparkle, you know? A sort of quiet, reserved, semi-gothic color palette.

  As for me? Weeell!   LOUD SLAPPING NOISE!

 A little somethin' like this!


   Well, Widdershins is my Draconequusona after all, but as a pony, something probably unassuming. And Peach colored. Because I like peaches! That's something I tried to do with my own Ponysona. Which... I guess, was also part changeling as well, because I can't leave an idea alone!


   Well, technically Duality, I don't know if I technically have a word I technically use often enough to technically fit into definition. Because, technically, I would technically have to know what it technically means. Otherwise, I don't technically know how to technically use it properly enough to give it its technically proper usage. Technically.

   But if you were to technically provide me a proper technical...


   Because you touch yourself.  Oh, behave.  Oh, like I wasn't going to crank that gem out here! Hey, I didn't say what they'd be touching!


    Well, One can assume that answer would be tentacles, since I am pretty open with being pro-tentacle. They do strike me as quite the most useful, cute & most best limb anyone could hope for, but.... well, If I can be entirely honest & sincere here (as I've already confessed much more to this site anyhow...)  ...Well... I really do have a thing for tails. I've already spouted off that I'm a Furry (which is something I'd rather die than admit to someone face-to-face irl) ,but I consider it a huge travesty that I was not born into a tail-bedecked species. They're good for balance & fat storage in some cases, (both uses I could use) offset that odd profile being bipedal grants you in my opinion, and over all are just cute n' fluffy in no matter what style they come in! I'm not one to lightly consider surgery, but if there was some scientist traipsing around in real life touting about how he could get you to grow or attach one, I rather think I would jump at the occasion.

   Kinda funny there innit? Tentacles, tails, the way he draws horns/hair curls, Heckadarn, the overall noodly shape of my body... Gosh! There is almost a trend here in long, blunt-ended objects! Gosh, whatsoever could that possibly mean?!!?   Oh, put a sock in it Widdershins...   Then there's some of his favorite plant Pokemon like Tropius, Meganium...   Don't make me erase the mouth off of one of your drawings!!            Freud would have a field day with us!  A-Hee-hahah!


   Yes.    *Large, whole, Papaya blossoms start slowly drifting down from above.*


  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎4‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 1:12 PM, Widdershins said:



  *Frisbees a pancake a few inches over your head as today's salutation. It embeds itself in the wall behind you*

   I ought to stop making the Buzzsawcakes.


   ...and if you could just also make a simultaneous & equal amount of organized Chaos as well, that would be juuuust graaaaate! Nyah, ah-nyah, hyaaaah~~*

  Oh, the species name is very simple once you get used to it! Drac, like Dracula, short for Dragon! Equus being intellygent speakery for a Pony! So, altogether it comes together to spell like Dragon On Horse!  ... which reminds me. I have some Shipping I really must get to sometime.

   It's Drac. Then On, then Equus.  Drac. On. Equus. Dracon. Equus. Dahongawughakitzhelwhizzlt.... Darn. You'd think with several millenia's worth of collecting tongues I would have managed to pronounce that by now!

   And I'd LOVE to have you over for tea, Mr. Humanthatthinkshe'saHorsethatthinkshe'saDuckthatthinkshe'salsosomehowanAliconwhichprobablyhassomethingtodowiththevampirebathorsecatwithmagicorsomethingIdon'treallyevenknowbutwhateversohereyougo!  So settle in!    *slides you a teacup across the table. It's filled with raw pancake batter.*

    Ooh! I do thank you for your attention! I do pride myself on the parts I've piecemealed together over the minutes! ..Years, centuries, whatevs. Just don't get the order wrong & confuse me with my brother here!

Buntacles.jpg  Well, brother in the sense that I call him that!

 I do have my sometime hobby of going out to the Everfree and ramming two creatures together until I make a new one!

  Well, see, what a Tulpa is is basically a thought construct, a sort of imaginary friend & "What If." A sort of image you craft in your head of what could be! And that's how I created the human that is doing this writing right now for me!      ...No, no... dangit, that's the other way around! Don't make me look more schizophrenic then I already am!

    Augh! So much Meta, very wow! The Nightmare Becomes Reality! Waugh, Waugh, Waugh! It'snotweird!!!   Sigh, and my habit of quoting Youtube Reviewers & half-remembered references don't help this matter very much.

    But, to put it another way... Widdershins is my sort of thought experiment. That for every thought or idea begats yet another dimension. Like each show, like My Little Pony, has out there a dimension exactly like it and each fanfiction that tweaks that idea to its own ends creates, in turn, yet another slightly different dimension. So, really, with the unbounded possibilites out there in endless dimensions... then surely, there is a being out there that is fully aware that he exists solely because another from another dimension created him just as an Oc to be aware of that fact.

   Like, there's a dimension somewhere's out there where you spelled "Possibilities" right & actually went back to correct it!  Ah, shaddup.

     Actually, that spiked stone book is just a journal Celestia kept when she went though her Emo Phase.   ...What, no. Luna never went through an Emo Phase, why do you ask? Kind of funny how I know this despite not having been there for most of their life growing up! Hunh.

   A-ta-tah! "Immediately going with the first thing that comes to mind" Isn't completely like being Random! As much as there's a fully verifiable distinction between being Mad & being Insane!  /SageNod

  Oh, well that's simple really! It's the same reason why Twilicorn still teleports around despite having perfectly good, incredibly fluffy wings! Once a unicorn, always a unicorn! Psaw! Magic-users! Always being so dependent on the ease-of-use of their magics! *snaps his claw and several pancakes plop onto his face, the closest one to his mouth slowly numming its way inside of it* *Num* Quite silly really!

   Oh! Screwball? Oh aye! That is also, totally me!  Oh, stop claiming things!  It's what my character trait is! Hoo-Hoo!

    Hmm, but really, I would say that she might just be a corrupted filly. An effect of Discord's Chaos. Though, then again, one could say that the creations of a DaHuniePopQuiz are very much akin to its own daughters & sons. I know I have a few daughters that my Author is working on! ...once he figures out how to work a Gorgon, that is!

  Weeell, "All types of Magic" in the sense that I would have to be able to be familiar enough to call it as such when I cast it. If I just toss out "Dark Crystal" magic, but my author doesn't know how to describe it as such.... does it make it any less that sort of magic? 

  Chaos Magic works because it doesn't. Much in the same way some jokes are funny because they so clearly aren't. If some magic is happening, and clearly because of you, but you don't know how, that's Chaos Magic! ...How this is different from "Wild Magic" is something we'll have to mull over.

   Well, spiritually in the sense that... No, actually, yes. Straight answer there. Yes. That's actually a pretty much more succinct explanation of it than mine.

     Hmm, favorite episodes? That's a hard one. My memory is pretty shoddy. Well, I have always said my all-time favorite is Dragonshy. Partly because of Dragons, and for how much I related to Fluttershy! Because that would so be me, yaknow, were it not a dragon. If that were me, I woulda bounced in there like a total Draconic Weeaboo and annoyed the dragon out off Equestria just so it could get some peace to sleep in!

 Wellthat'sALSOsimple! It works because it doesn't! Doggoneitkwai are self-made thought constructs! (in my author's headcannon, anyway!) Basically, like living cartoon characters! We are capable of what we do because we want to do it! You know, just like what Pinkie Pie does.

   They look like tentacle trees, you Silly Filly!  And they eat the same stuff that both trees & tentacles do!

Well, not much really. Sure, a few things float through every now & again, but it's pretty barren. Kind of like a figurative Holodeck. There is my personal buttler buddy, V.I.A.B. that I made for myself back on Innistrad. Keep him fixed up in a corner for somebeing to talk to when I've had no other dimension to go to!

  D'awww! If I squeeze you, do you honk out a shower of candy? Careful now, sugary-treat-related magic is a quick bridge to being a Dahhonni... Druganda...

    Draconequus.  Yeah, that! The benefits of being a Fifth-Wallbreaker!

*uses my magic to catch the pancake that’s hurtling towards me* >=3


I ought to stop making the Buzzsawcakes


…and I ought to stop making bombs in the form of eggs :P


Okay, I’ll try to keep my Chaos as organised as possible ^w^

(I’d just to say that the majority of my words like to fall off the paper whenever I’m typing up these messages and I have to use a roll of duct tape just to keep it all together :P It’s almost as if they were a bunch of Unown O~O I dunno how to keep them still X’P)


Drac-On-Equus??? :o Did I say it right??? O.O

(It’s not often that I have to sound out my words. I usually do that with my dad whenever he’s trying to learn English X3)

…and speaking of Dracula, I wonder if there’s such thing as a Vampire Pony? :o

(…and NO, I’m NOT talking about Bat Ponies or anything similar to that species…)


Dragon On Horse??? :o Well that sounds like an odd combination O~O

(well then again, having a pony ride on another pony is nothing short of weird)




It's Drac. Then On, then Equus.  Drac. On. Equus. Dracon. Equus. Dahongawughakitzhelwhizzlt.... Darn. You'd think with several millenia's worth of collecting tongues I would have managed to pronounce that by now!


Maybe your tongue has turned into a snake and it has slithered away??? :P

I know mine does it all the time whenever I’m trying to say a word like that X’3


“And I'd LOVE to have you over for tea, Mr. Humanthatthinkshe'saHorsethatthinkshe'saDuckthatthinkshe'salsosomehowanAliconwhichprobablyhassomethingtodowiththevampirebathorsecatwithmagicorsomethingIdon'treallyevenknowbutwhateversohereyougo! So settle in!”


Well, that bat pony gave me wings (…and no, I haven’t been drinking Red Bull :P X’D), so that’s how I turned into a Duck pony / Alicorn hybrid OwO


Oh, and there’s one thing I’d like to point out: I have no issue with gravity OwO

So if you want, we can have a upside-down tea party if you like. The only problem is that all my candy will be falling upwards instead of downwards. Is that ok with you??? O3O


Oooh :3 that looks nice ^w^ *pours some whipped cream into the glass*


(looks at the pic of your “brother”)


Aww ^w^ he looks adorwable ://3 what is your brothers name? <3

(more to the point, what does he eat? :O)


OH WOW!!! ^D^ same here!!! :3

I love to go for a stroll in the Everfree forest and playing with the timberwolves. They’re such adorable creatures once you get to know them…

…and speaking of which, did you know Discord was the one who created the Everfree Forest??? OwO

(start from 1:16 of the video to see what I mean :3)



An Imaginary friend eh? :P Well, I like to create duplicates of me and I like to talk myself instead O3O


And that's how I created the human that is doing this writing right now for me!


Oh I see. So he’s essentially a “puppet” on your string? OwO


But, to put it another way... Widdershins is my sort of thought experiment. That for every thought or idea begats yet another dimension. Like each show, like My Little Pony, has out there a dimension exactly like it and each fanfiction that tweaks that idea to its own ends creates, in turn, yet another slightly different dimension. So, really, with the unbounded possibilites out there in endless dimensions... then surely, there is a being out there that is fully aware that he exists solely because another from another dimension created him just as an Oc to be aware of that fact.


So what your saying is, there’s a “different” version of “us” in each dimension??? :o


Actually, that spiked stone book is just a journal Celestia kept when she went though her Emo Phase.


Emo phase!? O.O Gee, I knew Celestia had a dark side, but didn’t know she was THAT dark :P

I’m assuming she would’ve looked something like this:




Does it have anything to do with Princess Molestia by any chance??? :o


Uhh…because Luna’s black!? X’P

(Well her Nightmare Moon form is!!! OwO I’m just being honest :P X’D)


Kind of funny how I know this despite not having been there for most of their life growing up!


Ok, then explain to me how there are Vampire Fruit bats living in there? :huh:




"Immediately going with the first thing that comes to mind" Isn't completely like being Random! As much as there's a fully verifiable distinction between being Mad & being Insane!”


Uhh…so you’re like Pinkie Pie then??? O.O


Oh, well that's simple really! It's the same reason why Twilicorn still teleports around despite having perfectly good, incredibly fluffy wings! Once a unicorn, always a unicorn! Psaw! Magic-users! Always being so dependent on the ease-of-use of their magics!


Yeah, she should’ve been a Unicorn for all I care. I mean, she “technically” used a spell to get her wings :P



…and that’s cheating!!! D=< honestly, I thought you had to cut off a pegasi’s wings and attach them to your own body to be an Alicorn >=/


As for me, my magic is completely random OwO


*snaps his claw and several pancakes plop onto his face, the closest one to his mouth slowly numming its way inside of it*


Oooh :3 I’d like some pancakes ^D^


Oh! Screwball? Oh aye! That is also, totally me!  Oh, stop claiming things!  It's what my character trait is! Hoo-Hoo!


Wait…you were Screwball in Season 2!? O.O

So what about the rumours of Screwball being Discord’s daughter??? :o

(or is that just fake? :P)


Hmm, but really, I would say that she might just be a corrupted filly. An effect of Discord's Chaos


Oh. Well…that’s…pretty sad when you put it like that :o :(


I know I have a few daughters that my Author is working on! ...once he figures out how to work a Gorgon, that is!


Uhh…you have daughters??? :P


Weeell, "All types of Magic" in the sense that I would have to be able to be familiar enough to call it as such when I cast it. If I just toss out "Dark Crystal" magic, but my author doesn't know how to describe it as such.... does it make it any less that sort of magic?


So, your Author is controlling your magic and what you do / how you act? O.O


Chaos Magic works because it doesn't. Much in the same way some jokes are funny because they so clearly aren't. If some magic is happening, and clearly because of you, but you don't know how, that's Chaos Magic! ...How this is different from "Wild Magic" is something we'll have to mull over.


Uhh…so it just naturally happens for you and you don’t even have to think about it? :o


Hmm, favorite episodes? That's a hard one. My memory is pretty shoddy


Don’t worry. My memory is pretty shoddy as well, considering there’s more than 100 episodes of MLP :P X’D


Well, I have always said my all-time favorite is Dragonshy. Partly because of Dragons”


You know, I don’t we’ve seen THAT type of dragon since dragon-quest :o





I wonder if it’ll another appearance in a future episode :o


“…and for how much I’m related to Fluttershy!


Oh? What qualities do you share with Fluttershy??? :o

As for me, I’m more like Applejack :P I’m 100% honest and I’m horrible when it comes to lying X’3


Heh…Weeaboo’s :P X’D


They look like tentacle trees, you Silly Filly!  And they eat the same stuff that both trees & tentacles do!”


Uhh…fish??? Spinach??? O~O


There is my personal buttler buddy, V.I.A.B.


Oooh :o what does he look like??? :3


Innistrad??? :o


D'awww! If I squeeze you, do you honk out a shower of candy?


Why yes, I’m like a living piñata :3 Just don’t squeeze me too hard, please O//n//O

I am part-duck too, you know :(


Heh :P the 5th wall!? X’D I wonder what that is? :P


…and I’ve noticed you’ve mentioned in one of your previous status updates that you like to be cuddled. Why didn’t you tell me this sooner!? OwO

I could’ve been snuggling you this whole time :3

Edited by SolarFlare13


This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3

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  That Guy.

  That Guy There.

  That Guy Then.

  This Guy Here.

  This Guy Now.

  That Guy Did.

      @Trixie The Evil

   Well, you do bring up a solid point. I do love seafood. I get rather grumpy, down and antagonistic if I'm not around greenery or a humid environ. Pretty much every bathroom I've ever been given responsibility for has had the walls start peeling from the sheer amount of steam I put out in my showers, since I spend a good deal of time there. I would consider my moods tempestuous, mercurial or even stormy. After all, it has been said of me that I sometimes seem to have a "black cloud over me." Even my favorite type of sky would be one overcast & cloudy!

   And, most pressing of all...  I was born under the water sign of Cancer (I've spent my whole life with Cancer!) as a Water Snake in a Yin year. Yin being the more watery of the duo of the ever-famous Yin-Yang. ... Well, okay, granted, I'm an Earth Snake from being born in an Earth year, but I'm watery if it ascribes more to pairing up the chinease zodiac with the constellation foretelling practice. 

   But, no... Water is by & far my least liked element, even below Light & Dark. In fact, kind of have Bathophobia. Sky-Water I'm fine with, but taking a boat over the ocean gives me the willies! Water is something deeply ingrained in me... but I prefer to think of it more as stormy weather rather than a lake or ocean. In pokemon terms, I would say I'm an Ice-Type! Huh... kind of makes me wish I hadn't gotten rid of my Yugioh Cloudian deck...


   But, I digress! Where in depth do you want me to go? I'm using Twilight Sparkle as more of an aesthetic basis. Dark, yes, but not intimidating. Something somber & respectable that sorta says that this here is a pony that spends alot of time indoors! At that, definitely unicorn, I would say. Unless, of course, your asking me to help you make your Ponysona, hee!


  Hee-Hee! Yaays!  *fling*  *Fwap!*

 Oh, haven't thought of giving him a name yet. Something like Buntacles? Feel free to toss in! He's really just my brother in the sense that I'm just stating that now!

 Hmm? Oh, souls! He eats souls! ...what? Oh, hoh, no! Soul extraction isn't always as painful as you would first think! 


    Actually... don't see where it says in that that Discord made it. Maybe just the Plundervines underneath it that encouraged the growth of the forest outward. Sort of is my theory that Ponyville and the Everfree Forest are at a central Nexus where all the magic pools. Which is why its so easy to set up portals there or have pretty much every whackadoo of a monster come stumbling into the little One-Pony Town! What, you never found it odd how it's always... "The Town of Ponyville... IS UNDER ATTACK!!"

  Oh, aye. Believe they call it the Multiverse Theory. Where every decision you make can split reality into entirely separate universes. It's quite the favored trope in fiction!

  Oh, and no, think it was something a little more like this...

ponymania-collection-1pc.jpg...and yes, that is an actual toy too...


  Oh! Well, that's a simple question! Because the show writers wanted scary bats to fit the scary setting & cute, fruity scented/flavored bats wouldn't have fit!

  Do have to admit though. Twilight has gotten a pretty wonderful, fluffy pair of wings!

          Though that's why you got to take care of & respect your limbs! Kept grinding my own wings to a pulp in my landings and they went off, mutinied and Haven't seen them since they flapped off!


   Oh, think it goes a bit far beyond some major character traits. Like I have covered in my About Me on my Profile page, I'm rather hard pressed to find an example of something Fluttershy has done that I haven't done/relate to. In fact, even made a blog sorta like that too! 

  Oh, and if your interested in the Voice In A Box, I have a page around here on him... somewheres... 


   ...and, uhm, can't say I know much about open shows of affection. Can't say I would be one to outright ask for it, so much as.....   Well, ah, could say I could use a class in cuddling, I suppose, heh.  

  • Brohoof 2

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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On ‎19‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 2:45 PM, Widdershins said:


  That Guy.

  That Guy There.

  That Guy Then.

  This Guy Here.

  This Guy Now.

  That Guy Did.




If you had the superpower of telekinetically hitting people with an object, what would that object be?

If you could have a single pocket-sized pony in real life, which one would you choose, if any?

What is the single most physically painful event you've ever experienced?

What is the most interesting pattern you've ever seen?

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On ‎19‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 0:45 PM, Widdershins said:


  Hee-Hee! Yaays!  *fling*  *Fwap!*

 Oh, haven't thought of giving him a name yet. Something like Buntacles? Feel free to toss in! He's really just my brother in the sense that I'm just stating that now!

 Hmm? Oh, souls! He eats souls! ...what? Oh, hoh, no! Soul extraction isn't always as painful as you would first think! 


    Actually... don't see where it says in that that Discord made it. Maybe just the Plundervines underneath it that encouraged the growth of the forest outward. Sort of is my theory that Ponyville and the Everfree Forest are at a central Nexus where all the magic pools. Which is why its so easy to set up portals there or have pretty much every whackadoo of a monster come stumbling into the little One-Pony Town! What, you never found it odd how it's always... "The Town of Ponyville... IS UNDER ATTACK!!"

  Oh, aye. Believe they call it the Multiverse Theory. Where every decision you make can split reality into entirely separate universes. It's quite the favored trope in fiction!

  Oh, and no, think it was something a little more like this...

ponymania-collection-1pc.jpg...and yes, that is an actual toy too...


  Oh! Well, that's a simple question! Because the show writers wanted scary bats to fit the scary setting & cute, fruity scented/flavored bats wouldn't have fit!

  Do have to admit though. Twilight has gotten a pretty wonderful, fluffy pair of wings!

          Though that's why you got to take care of & respect your limbs! Kept grinding my own wings to a pulp in my landings and they went off, mutinied and Haven't seen them since they flapped off!


   Oh, think it goes a bit far beyond some major character traits. Like I have covered in my About Me on my Profile page, I'm rather hard pressed to find an example of something Fluttershy has done that I haven't done/relate to. In fact, even made a blog sorta like that too! 

  Oh, and if your interested in the Voice In A Box, I have a page around here on him... somewheres... 


   ...and, uhm, can't say I know much about open shows of affection. Can't say I would be one to outright ask for it, so much as.....   Well, ah, could say I could use a class in cuddling, I suppose, heh.  

Buntacles??? :3 that sounds adorable ^///^


Hmm…well I’m not that good when it comes to naming things :P Maybe Sir Fluffy-Kins??? X3

(I mean, that’s a name...)


Hmm…so where does your brother live??? :o does he live in the same dimension you live in or somewhere else??? ‘Cuz I’ve been to the dimension of mutant cabbage’s and one of them tried to eat me D=  


Wait…he eats souls!? O_O well that’s a scary thought…

Does it give him any strange powers whenever he devours them??? O~O


Hmm…I dunno about that…I still remember what happened in the Season 4 finale and the ponies in that episode looked like they were suffering when they had their souls sucked out of their bodies :(


I know it’s been a while since we’ve seen the Season 4 premiere, but I do re-call in one of the flash-back scenes where Discord was eating those seeds and it just so happened that the seeds that fell out of his bag started to grow. Of course, the magic of the Tree of Harmony prevented them from growing upwards, so it started to grow around the tree of harmony, making up what is now the Everfree forest…


At least, that’s MY theory *laughs nervously* (I wish the show could give us a more detailed explanation about the origins of each place…)


Well as far as we know, there is only one mirror pool that’s been discovered :o

(there were AT LEAST two or three in War Of Harmony 4, but that’s completely different…)

….and that had been used to create duplicates of Pinkie Pie in that one episode :P


Well then again, Sweet Apple acres was built near the edge of the Everfree forest…


Oh, aye. Believe they call it the Multiverse Theory. Where every decision you make can split reality into entirely separate universes. It's quite the favored trope in fiction!


Hmm…sounds A LOT like the Season 5 finale, with its alternate time-lines :P

*looks at the picture*


Hmm…I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Celestia toy like that before :o

If anything, it looks as if some-pony had painted all over it to make it look gothic :P

Does it have any specific packaging? :3


Oh! Well, that's a simple question! Because the show writers wanted scary bats to fit the scary setting & cute, fruity scented/flavored bats wouldn't have fit!


Well then again, it IS in the Everfree forest and there are Zap Apples there, so there would be a reason for those Vampire Fruit Bats to be in there :o

…but lemme ask you this: how did they get inside that room??? :o


Do have to admit though. Twilight has gotten a pretty wonderful, fluffy pair of wings!


Hmm…I dunno…deep down inside of me, I still wish she was a Unicorn :3

She was a lot more cuter (…and sassier) back then ^w^


Though that's why you got to take care of & respect your limbs! Kept grinding my own wings to a pulp in my landings and they went off, mutinied and Haven't seen them since they flapped off!


Wait…your wings left you too??? :o Where did they go??? O.O


Oh, think it goes a bit far beyond some major character traits. Like I have covered in my About Me on my Profile page, I'm rather hard pressed to find an example of something Fluttershy has done that I haven't done/relate to. In fact, even made a blog sorta like that too!


Oh. I see :o I’m assuming it has to do with something personal? O.O

(I still remember that one time where you told me that I would be more closely related to Pinkie Pie than Applejack :P X’D …and you’re right, to an extent :P :3)


Voice-In-A-Box??? What do you mean by that??? :o


Wait…are you saying that you don’t like to be cuddled??? :(

Edited by SolarFlare13
  • Brohoof 1


This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3

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  • 2 weeks later...


   Pancakes. Really now, you oughta have caught onto that by now, Boopie!

Well, I dunno, Celestia's rather my favorite though her size & grace is half the reason there. A tiny alicorn seems like a fuss. Hmmm... well, one pony I can think would be none the less for being less would be Limestone Pie! A lot less pointy bits on earth ponies, eh? And I can only imagine what her usual voice would sound like then!

   Well, other than mentally, I've been graced not with much physical pain in my life. I've gone in for eye surgery but that was just "uncomfortable" if you get me. Other than that, there was that one time I stubbed my toe right into the pointy end of a log and pretty near split my toe! Though I've been impaled many a time. In fact, kinda funny how often my author goes back to the idea of impal- Stoooop...                                 But, to take the emphasis of your question on the "Experienced" part, there was this one time I was out helping my Mother garden and she slipped with the steak knife she was pruning with and sliced her hand clean open. In fact, come to think of it, seems like everyone else in my family has had showy, super painful experiences but me. ...is gore-jealous a concept? "Aww, dang! Everybeing else is settin' themselves on fire or gouging themselves! Lucky!"

     ...Interesting pattern?... Does this count?

     Could have sworn there was a several thousand at once one too. Somehow, its incredibly relaxing for me.  "Is it any won-der I got toooo much, time on my hands. Is it any won-der I'm insaaaane?"



     Aww, that's a cute name! Yeh! Sir Fwuffy-Kins it is! I somewhat forget where last I saw him, but think comes from what I call the GoogleImages Dimension.

  Oh, don't worry now! Souls aren't as that important as most would have you believe! Why, we haven't had a soul of our own for AEONS now! You can splinter a bit off here and there without any harm done, like how vampire bats only just scrape a bit of blood off here & there! Heck, some dimensions use Souls as practically currency! 

Well, think the Plunderseeds are supposed to be the added effect that made the forest expand, not so much a "natural" part of the Everfree. Think that's my idea there, that all of Equestria would work as naturally as Everfree does, just pony culture is so used to micro-managing nature that its considered "unnatural" for a place to be that natural.

   Oh yeah, that's a legitimate Hasbro toy! Pretty sure I've seen that for sale in a Wal-Mart somewhere too!

On 7/30/2017 at 4:07 AM, SolarFlare13 said:

but lemme ask you this: how did they get inside that room??? :o

  ... :ooh:  uuuhh, A Writer Did It?

Oh, I dunno! Left them back in one of the other worlds I've been in! Probably still out there for all I know! 

  V.I.A.B. is like my own little box-butler! A sort of Oc's Oc! ...Have I posted you his bio-page-pic? Can't remember!


  Ah, well... It's more like I, uh, just don't come from an upraising where showing affection was very common. Heh... kind of more of a confidence thing, I'd say. But I certainly still do, of course! It's not like I don't, don't get me wrong!

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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On ‎10‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 4:24 AM, Widdershins said:

Pancakes. Really now, you oughta have caught onto that by now, Boopie!

Frankly, I was hoping for some sort of dramatic revelation that, actually, you prefer something other than pancakes for hitting people with. That would've made me a pretty penny via gossip mag royalties.

On ‎10‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 4:24 AM, Widdershins said:


Well, I dunno, Celestia's rather my favorite though her size & grace is half the reason there. A tiny alicorn seems like a fuss. Hmmm... well, one pony I can think would be none the less for being less would be Limestone Pie! A lot less pointy bits on earth ponies, eh? And I can only imagine what her usual voice would sound like then!

I've never actually heard Limey's voice - never seen any episodes in which she appears - but I think it's safe to say it'd be 'squeakicute'.


Speaking of squeakiness, pocket-sized earth ponies seem like the type of miniaturisation to make an adorable rubber duckie noise when lightly squished.

Further testing is necessary to verify.

On ‎10‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 4:24 AM, Widdershins said:


Well, other than mentally, I've been graced not with much physical pain in my life. I've gone in for eye surgery but that was just "uncomfortable" if you get me. Other than that, there was that one time I stubbed my toe right into the pointy end of a log and pretty near split my toe! But, to take the emphasis of your question on the "Experienced" part, there was this one time I was out helping my Mother garden and she slipped with the steak knife she was pruning with and sliced her hand clean open. In fact, come to think of it, seems like everyone else in my family has had showy, super painful experiences but me. ...is gore-jealous a concept? "Aww! Everybeing else is settin' themselves on fire or gouging themselves! Lucky!"

Everything in this paragraph disturbs me. :blink:


What is your favourite colour of rock?

What is your favourite musical instrument?

Plasma guns or rocket-propelled-grenade launchers?

What's your favourite animal?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@OmbreInks    Well, gosh. Don't think I can really toe the line to really nail any puns on that. I don't want to come across in some clipped tone like I'm being cute-icle. I don't know if I really keratin (heh, get it? Care-A-Ton?) about applying wit to such a narrow area of expertise. I kind of have some doubt if I can be Keratin (creatin') any much puns about it anyway. So guess I'll just have to file this attempt as a failure!

   Toe-ta for now!



  Well, Limestone Pie is kinda the shouty-angry sort. A kinda raspy hollering that I kinda find a bit cute myself. Would likely be even cuter if she's shrunken down, you know, in a very chihuahua way!

 Well, pretty sure you've already asked me about rocks. While any of my six favorite colors probably would fit, as I do like emeralds & rubies, I can't help but have a bit of a distaste for too much color in gems & rocks I find. I don't like how some crystals, geodes or agates get dyed just so they can sell better in gift shops. Like, nature ain't good enough for you. 

   I'd have to say white... nothing looks more naturally cool than cut marble countertops, and I have this pretty, foamy-like rock; paler looks better on rocks! Like, you know, Limestone!

On 8/10/2017 at 11:36 PM, Duality said:

What is your favourite musical instrument?

 Hmm... good question. Only one I've had any personal experience with is drums, which are alot more complicated than you'd think. Though I do like complicated, something with a wider range like an accordion or... ooh! Bagpipes! That's my final answer!

  Ooh! Do Theremins a.k.a the Aetherphone count?!!?

On 8/10/2017 at 11:36 PM, Duality said:

Plasma guns or rocket-propelled-grenade launchers?

Pretty sure you asked that already. I'm not much for weaponry myself though, more of a shield-guy myself.

 But I'll stick with what I'm sure I said before! Plasma Grenades!

On 8/10/2017 at 11:36 PM, Duality said:

What's your favourite animal?

 My favorite animal is Dragons.

  But I suppose, under that at second place is Dogs. And then Llamas. Maybe bunnies... anything fluffy really.

   Kinda still on the fence though whether I find Hippos cute or terrifying...

  • Brohoof 2

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎4‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 6:33 AM, Widdershins said:

Well, pretty sure you've already asked me about rocks.

Pretty sure you asked that already.

argh you're right

how could I have let this gross oversight enter my post


[I would like to point out, though, that you gave appreciably different answers each time, so it wasn't entirely redundant.]

On ‎4‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 6:33 AM, Widdershins said:

Kinda still on the fence though whether I find Hippos cute or terrifying...

They bite people in half.

Therefore, terrifying.




Now, some questions that I'm certain I haven't asked before:

What are your thoughts on flat-earth conspiracy theorists?

What are your thoughts on Einstein (the person, not his theories)?

What are your thoughts on [insert random celebrity here]?

What are your thoughts on [insert random person you've met at some point in your life]?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎10‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 2:24 AM, Widdershins said:


     Aww, that's a cute name! Yeh! Sir Fwuffy-Kins it is! I somewhat forget where last I saw him, but think comes from what I call the GoogleImages Dimension.

  Oh, don't worry now! Souls aren't as that important as most would have you believe! Why, we haven't had a soul of our own for AEONS now! You can splinter a bit off here and there without any harm done, like how vampire bats only just scrape a bit of blood off here & there! Heck, some dimensions use Souls as practically currency! 

Well, think the Plunderseeds are supposed to be the added effect that made the forest expand, not so much a "natural" part of the Everfree. Think that's my idea there, that all of Equestria would work as naturally as Everfree does, just pony culture is so used to micro-managing nature that its considered "unnatural" for a place to be that natural.

   Oh yeah, that's a legitimate Hasbro toy! Pretty sure I've seen that for sale in a Wal-Mart somewhere too!

On ‎30‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 8:07 PM, SolarFlare13 said:

but lemme ask you this: how did they get inside that room??? :o

  ... :ooh:  uuuhh, A Writer Did It?

Oh, I dunno! Left them back in one of the other worlds I've been in! Probably still out there for all I know! 

  V.I.A.B. is like my own little box-butler! A sort of Oc's Oc! ...Have I posted you his bio-page-pic? Can't remember!


  Ah, well... It's more like I, uh, just don't come from an upraising where showing affection was very common. Heh... kind of more of a confidence thing, I'd say. But I certainly still do, of course! It's not like I don't, don't get me wrong!

Aww, that's a cute name! Yeh! Sir Fwuffy-Kins it is!


Yeah, I thought that would be a good / cute name for your ‘brother’ :3

Why he looks positively ADORWABLE!!! ^D^ I say, does he like to be cuddled? OwO does he show any signs of affection / emotion? :o


I somewhat forget where last I saw him, but think comes from what I call the Google Images Dimension.


Google Images dimension? :o What else is lurking in that dimension besides squid bunnies? :P

(…you know, I did hear a rumour about this blood-sucking bunny once. Was a terrifying little thing…)


…and have you seen Pinkie Pie by any chance? :o She often has a tendency of breaking the 4th wall and appearing in other dimensions :P


Oh, don't worry now! Souls aren't as that important as most would have you believe! Why, we haven't had a soul of our own for AEONS now!


So…you’re completely hollow from the inside??? :o well that’s rather interesting…


You can splinter a bit off here and there without any harm done, like how vampire bats only just scrape a bit of blood off here & there! Heck, some dimensions use Souls as practically currency!


Now I wouldn’t wanna sell my soul to Satan / Tirek. That could have MAJOR consequences :P

(a friend of mine sold his soul for immortality and he turned into a flaming skeleton)




So what would be the currency in your dimension? :o


Well, think the Plunderseeds are supposed to be the added effect that made the forest expand, not so much a "natural" part of the Everfree. Think that's my idea there, that all of Equestria would work as naturally as Everfree does, just pony culture is so used to micro-managing nature that its considered "unnatural" for a place to be that natural.


So what you’re saying is, Discord is responsible for the birth of the Everfree Forest? :o

(…I wonder where he got those seeds from…)




  V.I.A.B. is like my own little box-butler! A sort of Oc's Oc! ...Have I posted you his bio-page-pic? Can't remember!


Uhh…no, I don’t think so :o so who is this V.I.A.B. you speak of and what does he / she look like? :3

  • Brohoof 1


This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3

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