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What would the Princesses do in case of a pony uprising?


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Granted most seem to be satisfied with the way things are, but say an uprising were to occur looking to oust the Princesses, what would happen? Celestia, Luna and others don't seem to be the type that would use violence to end it. 

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Probably just not move the sun or moon. As either way that would mess things up really bad.

Then again ponies dont seem rebellious at all they seem to like Luna and 'Tia

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When in the Course of pony events it becomes necessary for one ponies to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, pegasus, and unicorns, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of ponykind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

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If there were enough ponies looking to ditch Celestia and Luna, they'd probably leave and live somewhere on the edge of Equestria, still moving the sun and moon and keeping an eye on things, but well out of the way of them nasty political revolutions.

Twilight earned her magic castle fair and square, and she doesn't seem to have too much political clout, so she'd likely still live in Ponyville doing what she's been doing, albeit with lessened responsibilities and authority. Cadance too, as she's the perfect caretaker for the empire of 'light and love'.

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46 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:

Probably just not move the sun or moon. As either way that would mess things up really bad.

Then again ponies dont seem rebellious at all they seem to like Luna and 'Tia

Yeah, Equestria kind of relies on Luna and Celestia. I don't think there ever would be an uprising. At least not a successful one.

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I don't think Celestia is prepared to deal with one, plus seeing how she isn't that great at defending her subjects from villains, who's to say she wouldn't get defeated by an angry mob?

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13 minutes ago, cmarston1 said:

I don't think Celestia is prepared to deal with one, plus seeing how she isn't that great at defending her subjects from villains, who's to say she wouldn't get defeated by an angry mob?


Unless said mob had leftover magic-blocking crystals from Sombra and/or remaining shards from Chrysalis's ex-throne, I think Celestia could manage this one.

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On 5/21/2017 at 2:32 PM, Azureth said:

Granted most seem to be satisfied with the way things are, but say an uprising were to occur looking to oust the Princesses, what would happen? Celestia, Luna and others don't seem to be the type that would use violence to end it. 

I don't think Sunbutt would be entirely opposed to using violence to deal with threats. Think about it- Equestria is a hotbed for monster attacks. Sunbutt was without the aid of her sister (who had actively helped in banishing baddies with the EOH), as well as no longer connected to the elements, once the used them to banish her sister. The Royal guard who were brought in after that event were useless as far as large scale threats were concerned (and also needed to be trained, which would've taken several years). Equestria was vulnerable during those 1000 years, so no doubt Sunbutt would've taken more drastic measures with invading forces, and to protect her ponies by any means necessary, without more magical and peaceful (EOH) ways of doing so. (which also would've served as an example/ warning to any other threats in the future)

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6 hours ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

I don't think Sunbutt would be entirely opposed to using violence to deal with threats. Think about it- Equestria is a hotbed for monster attacks. Sunbutt was without the aid of her sister (who had actively helped in banishing baddies with the EOH), as well as no longer connected to the elements, once the used them to banish her sister. The Royal guard who were brought in after that event were useless as far as large scale threats were concerned (and also needed to be trained, which would've taken several years). Equestria was vulnerable during those 1000 years, so no doubt Sunbutt would've taken more drastic measures with invading forces, and to protect her ponies by any means necessary, without more magical and peaceful (EOH) ways of doing so. (which also would've served as an example/ warning to any other threats in the future)

But you're talking about threats to the ponies of Equestria. If the uprising is formed by those they're supposed to be protecting, and the citizens want a change in government, then Celestia would more likely listen to their demands and actually step down if that's what they wanted.

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