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Crystal Frost the first pony/dragon hybrid, Phoenix Fire how a Pegasus became an Alicorn, WaterFall a mysterious freshwater Pony


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Crystal Frost is a one of a Kind character i created. Here is a little bit about her life.......

Before Ember became the Dragon Lord........

Crystals mother is a Earth pony, Her Father is a Dragon. And here is a little brief information about her parents, please be patient it’s a work in process. Give it time i will get more in detail about their stories.

I first got inspired when in the MLP FIM TV Series Twilight Quoted that ‘Ponies know very little about dragons because, they were too afraid and scared of them’’

So I thought what about if one pony was saved by a dragon, their bond grew into a relationship.  However considering the fear ponies have of dragons, and that dragons despise ponies, they chose to meet in secret. Throught  this time she tells her dragon love she is with foal (Expecting) knowing they could no longer go back to their own home, they both decide to leave, and journey deeper into the out lands  not knowing what dangers and perils await them. This is just a brief part of the story. I will get more into detail.

i have other plans example, like when her mother goes into labour, the foal hybrid dragon is born, however due to the birthing complications the mother does not survive, leaving the  father dragon on his own to care for their newborn hybrid daughter. This is Tragic considering he Just lost the love of his life, however his newborn daughter gives him a purpose to continue  on.  He faces new challenges into raising a young foal hybrid dragon. And so this continues on to spin a new epic story line ;)

Years past and Crystal Frost, grows into a beautiful  elegant pony hybrid dragon . With her love to fly and especially under a moon lit sky, this creates a new challenge for her father who will do anything to keep her safe from harm.

Ember is now the The New Dragon Lord, and with her truce with the ponies of esquestria, this sparked anger and outrage in the dragon kingdom, many dragons get together in secret and plot to over throw her from the kingdom, and plan an all out war with the ponies to teach them a lesson, to stay out of the dragon way of life.   

Twilight and her friends, got lost in the out lands and stumbled across Crystal Frost, only to be attacked by her dragon father, who only is trying to protect his daughter from outsiders, whom he feels just won’t understand .

With the discovery of a new hybrid pony/dragon.  Twilight is so overwhelmed with a mountain of questions, Example  ‘’are there more out there?’’

This new discovery gives spike hope that maybe he will have a chance with Rarity, Whom he has a Major Crush on ;)

Crystal Frost being careful. by RaphLuna

this is a new character I been working on lately, His name is Phoenix Fire. here is his background Story..

He is Pegasus who has been abandon at the steps of the Manehatten Orphanage. As he grew up around other orphaned ponies ( earth, Pegasus, and unicorns.) he became fascinated with unicorns and their magic. He wanted so badly to learn how to make and create magic. With his desire to be as magical as the unicorns he got teased to pieces at the orphanage, with his obsession in magic and no desire to learn how to fly, he was undesired to potential adopted couples. Whom consider him to be way too odd wierd and strange. He spent his entire life growing up in the orphanage, till one day he, herd the conversation of the caretakers talking abut him, taking their discussion the wrong way, he felt he was no longer wanted, so late one night he left the orphanage, as he ventures out beyond Manehattan and into the unknown forests outside equestrian, He comes across some dragons, stealing eggs from a phoenix nest, he confronts them and demands they put the eggs back, the dragons laugh and tosses the eggs high in the air, Phoenix tried to fly after it, however never learning how to fly impairs him form catching the eggs in the air. So he tries really hard to use magic that he learned, All of a sudden the eggs started to glow and float in the air, he himself noticed being lifted from the ground, and suddenly a glow of Golden light shone in the night sky, the dragons blinded by the glow decided to leave, and look for other places to stir trouble. Later Phoenix woke up to find the Eggs near the shore of the water unharmed, and as he reached out to get the eggs he saw his reflection in the moonlit water, he had a horn just like the unicorns, he was surprised and shocked. He still had his wings, and now has a horn. He became the first Colt Alcorn

Phoenix Fire how a Pegasus became an Alicorn. by RaphLuna
I also plan to intertwine his storyline with Crystal Frost storyline This is when they are both older, of course.

Phoenix will have his own stores about life in the orphanage.

Crystal will have her own stories, as well.

I plan to have both Crystal and Phoenix meet each other when they are older. And with Crystals father being so overprotective, it creates a challenge for the two to become friend and who knows...

stories are so FUN. Spelling However is a Challenge, punctuation  is where I'm weak at too. At least I have spell check to help with spelling...


New character Water Fall...

The sun rising in the east, shone a ray of bright orange light, awakening Crystal, she streches and lets out a big yawn. As her eyes start to focus on her surrondings, a bright blue flower growing near the rock captures her interst, she leans over to try an grab it with her mouth. only to loose balance, slip off, and tumbles to the ground.
The comotion woke her father, Skyler.  ''Morning already, well I better fetch our breakfast.'' a loud rumble echos off in the distance, looking up, he notices some dark clouds, forming in the sky. "Looks like a storm is comming. ''
Crystal got up, shook the leaves from her mane, all of a sudden, a cricket jumped out of her hair. and hopped to the ground. She stooped down her tail up in the air wagging, she leaps to try and catch the cricket in her hoofs, only for the cricket was fast and hopped in time to get out of her reach.  
''Crystal, we have to go'' skyler says in a serious stern voice to his daughter.
Crystal frown, she really wanted to catch the cricket.  Leaving the bug behind, she quickly follows her father. The cricket watches the two disappear into the woods and hops off to follow them.
As they journey deep into the woods, they come across a river,
''This looks like a perfect place to catch some salmon.'' Skyler looks back at Crystal, chewing on some Dandy lions that grew from the Ground.
''Crystal Stay here by the Shore, I'm going to catch our Breakfast. Do not wander off.'' skyler said as he walked into the river.
Crystal, slunk down, on the wet grassy ground, near the river, wishing she had someone to play with. Looking up, watching her father, standing still, not making a sound waiting for just the right moment to strike, and catch a fish.
hop, Hop, HOP.
That sounded familiar, She perked up her ears, and HOP, the cricket hoped right on her nose, so excited she tried to be still and reach her hoofs out to catch the cricket, however as soon as she moved the cricket leaped off her nose and back on the ground. Excited to have the cricket back, she follows the cricket determined to catch the bug.
The cricket, trying to get away, decides to hop on the rocks, trailing out to the deeper end of the river. Crystal tried to leap after it, she was so determined to catch the cricket. She did not notice the water looking deeper and the current getting stronger. She makes a big leap to the last rock far out. looses her balance, and falls into the river,  in panic and fear, she scrambles to try and get back to shore, splashing frantically and crying, she gets swept away in the current.
Splash, Splash, Spash. ''This got to be my best catch yet.'' Skyler grinned as he Retrieved from the river. 5 fish, jump around in the tall wet grass, trying to make their way back to the water.
“Crystal,’’ Skyler cried out. There was no answer.
“Where did she go now.’’ Skyler mutters to himself, looking in the direction he last left her. He finds the flat patch of grass, and follows his daughters hoof print tails.
As the hoof print grass trail ends it continues into the shallow end of the river, He lifts up his head and notices a trail of rocks with wet hoof prints. He quickly takes to the air, and flies close to get a better view, he finds a cricket stranded on the last rock.
‘’Oh no,’’ fear consumes him as he realizes his daughter, has been taken by the current. He flies off to follow the river rapids.
Kaboom The sound of thunder Echo’s the sky, covered by dark grey clouds, giving the illusion of night, with lightening the only light to see by. A huge gust of wind grabs Skyler, and slings him out of the sky, he loses control and falls though thick trees, hitting and breaking brances as he lands with a thud to the ground. Rain starts to pour from the sky. Soaked by the rain, A few bruises on his body, blood dripping from his cuts, Skyer gets up, coming to his senses, its far to unsafe to fly. He races by foot, off to try find and follow the river rapids. Thunder booming, rain pouring, lightening flashing, as he dissepears off to look for his lost daughter.
The pouring rain, comes to a slow down. The dark clouds move on in the distance, the sound of thunder growing faint as the storm starts to break up, as the lightening comes to and end, the sky growing brighter, as the sun tryies to peak through the clouds.
A strange creature, comes up to the surface, holding on her back, the small earth pony dragon hybrid. She swims close to shore. Splish, splish, splish, Plop. She drops the hybrid near shallow end of lake. Turns back to the lake, Splish Shipsh, Splish. I loud Splash is herd, As the creature retires to the bottom of the lake.

WaterFall by RaphLunaOddly on the end when crystal and Skylar gets separated, she is mentioned as some creature. Her name is still unknown.  However she too will have her own tale... 

I love to create illustrations where you can follow the story too. Comics I'm not good at however I love to tell stories and illustrate characters.... From those stories that tell a tale...


Got a long way to go in developing story skills I do have ideas. And love to advance further with them...


  • Brohoof 1


"Life is like a Roller Coaster, You never know what to expect"  RaphLuna. http://raphluna.deviantart.com/ Here is where you can view more of my art.

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All of them have nice stories and designs, but don't forget that Phoenix Fire isn't the only Pegasus to become an Alicorn! In Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, Princess Cadence was revealed to be born a Pegasus and became an Alicorn through a very vital task, gaining an unicorn horn in the process!

Edited by WiiGuy2014


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Yes that is true, however. Phoenix Fire is the First Male Alicorn , and this is the story how he earned his horn. All the Alicorns in Equestrian are Female, in the story I write Phoenix is the first Colt (Male) Alcorn.    

Thank you for the heads up. Do you have the link to how Cadence earned her horn I love to read about it.



"Life is like a Roller Coaster, You never know what to expect"  RaphLuna. http://raphluna.deviantart.com/ Here is where you can view more of my art.

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  On 2017-05-27 at 1:14 AM, RaphLuna said:

Yes that is true, however. Phoenix Fire is the First Male Alicorn , and this is the story how he earned his horn. All the Alicorns in Equestrian are Female, in the story I write Phoenix is the first Colt (Male) Alcorn.    

Thank you for the heads up. Do you have the link to how Cadence earned her horn I love to read about it.


Phoenix Fire's not the only Male Alicorn I've seen, canon or fanmade. Have you met Stickman Stickian Gunderson? He's the King of Joy and Protector of the Cartoon universe and someone I'm about to go on a RP Quest with.

As for the book involving Cadence, it's Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Hello @RaphLuna

In stead of organization and overall pulchritude, do take into account that Written Fan Works is best fit for topics showcasing singular pieces of written work, or at the very least a single topic with updates on your creations. In cases such as this, people may be slightly confused/bothered due to the mixing of background-styled stories, regular narrative stories and external brain-storming regarding how to improve them. Whenever you find a clear variety within the content you're about to post in a topic, remember that there may be a specific section that's more suitable for part of it. 

For instance, if you're looking for feedback on your OCs backstory, it would be more fitting for Original Character Help. If it is only the story that you've created that which concerns you (and need Critique for it), then AK Yearling's Resources.

Were you looking for Critique/Feedback on these stories, by the by?

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