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E3 Anticipation Thread

K.Rool Addict

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What games are ya'll looking forward to? What do you think will be shown off? Any surprises you are anticipating with bated breath? I personally cannot wait for E3! \(^o^)/ It's always so fun to watch through each conference!



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E3 isn't even worth anticipating anymore, considering there are way easier and cheaper ways for developers and publishers to make announcements, especially foreign and indie devs/publishers. It didn't even actually occur to me that it was E3 month until I saw this thread.

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Praying for the least amount of cringe as possible. But as always, I'm extremely excited. It's like the Super Bowl of video games.

Sony played all of their cards last year, they won't show anything new, save for maybe one game. We'll just see some gameplay and trailers with no release dates, or at least release dates that are highly unlikely; which is the usual crap Sony pulls.

Xbox will come out swinging immediately with Scorpio, but the price point will be the biggest talking point. Everyone already knows it's going to be a beast. I still think it'll be $499, they continue to advertise it as a premium console for only the hardest gamers. You can tell they don't expect it to sell well. Phil Spencer knows Xbox lacks games at the moment, so I expect at least 3 new IP announcements, with hard release dates for Crackdown, Cuphead, and Sea of Thieves.

Nintendo is always one giant headache inducing question mark, so I'll just sit back and pray Super Mario Odyssey is the next Mario Sunshine.

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I already posted this a blog, but I think it's worth reposting in this thread, the typical E3 buzzwords, and their true meanings.

  • Suspenseful = Jumpscares
  • Cinematic = By-the-numbers drivel
  • Innovative = mundane
  • Competitive = We want the E-sports crowd
  • Inspired by = Borderline copyright infringement upon
  • $59.99 = Worth $20 tops
  • Deluxe edition =  One additional skin
  • Pre-order now! = Recouping costs before reviews hit
  • Diversity = We want the Tumblr crowd
  • Exclusive = Multiplatform/GOTY Edition in 6 months
  • Game of the year = All devs label their game as their GOTY
  • 10/10 = I'm so funny and original in my scores!
  • Story-driven = Filled with cutscenes, See "Cinematic"
  • Compelling = See "Cinematic"
  • Bring your friends! = Our single-player portion is garbage or nonexistent
  • Sexy = PG-13 innuendo
  • Dynamic = Glitchy, buggy AI with lot's of crashes, no QA
  • Procedurally-generated = We substitute content with randomization algorithms
  • 8-bit = 16/32-bit graphics with chiptunes
  • Early Access = Money grab with no intent of release
  • Lifetime Subscription = It'll tank and go F2P in 6 months
  • Controversial = Trying too hard
  • Wider audience = dumbed down
  • Progressive = See "Diversity"
  • Free to Play = Unplayable until you fork over $20
  • DLC = B-Team/C-Team afterthought garbage
  • Expansions = Dead outside of MMOs. MMOs mean 10 more levels of the same crap
  • Rich history = Two sentences of lore
  • New IP = Proof of concept that won't be fully realized until the sequel, and driven into the ground until 3 onwards
  • Sequel = Cash grab
  • Prequel = Hanging off the coattails of an established franchise, not associated with the original team and only vaguely familiar with the franchise 
  • Season pass = Get about 50% of the DLC for about 150% of the price
  • Exciting new features = Gimmicks
  • Fun = Simple
  • Complex = Two whole choices
  • Hilarious/Funny = Full of memes
  • Thought-provoking = Pretentious hipster garbage
On 6/5/2017 at 8:58 PM, The Undefeated of the East said:

Need to get that Bingo card ready :P

Here is one:




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I know many people feel no excitement for E3 these days and I don't blame them. However, I always find myself getting excited regardless. The feeling of new games being announced and that the whole show is like a celebration of gaming, which I love, even with the corporate tomfoolery. The only show I majorly care about is Xbox, but I am curious if Nintendo does anything at all this year, let alone anything worthwhile.

I am looking forward to the show. *grabs pizza and drinks in anticipation* 

The main I want really is for Microsoft to handle Scorpio properly. Give it a good price point, hype it up, but ddn't focus on it too much. Let everyone know that Xbox is a gaming brand and that scorpio, at least for now, is not replacing the Xbox One. Keep the image intact. Any new IP's could help support that notion. 

  • Brohoof 2


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4 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

I know many people feel so excitement for E3 these days and I don't blame them. However, I always find myself getting excited regardless. The feeling of new games being announced and that the whole show is like a celebration of gaming, which I love, even with the corporate tomfoolery. The only show I majorly care about is Xbox, but I am curious if Nintendo does anything at all this year, let alone anything worthwhile.

I am looking forward to the show. *grabs pizza and drinks in anticipation* 


Microsoft is gonna need to pull a rabbit out of a hat in order to regain my interest :o All of their IPs are insanely stagnant imo. I used to love Gears of War and Halo back when I was an edgy teenager, but nowadays generic alien shooters just bore the crap outta me. I'll say this; if Microsoft busts out a Forza Horizon 4 or Sunset Overdrive 2 running at native 4k 60 fps on Scorpio I will lose my shit o,o

Sony is what has me most interested. They have had blockbuster hit after blockbuster hit with The Last Guardian -> Horizon Zero Dawn -> NieR:Automata (only progressively getting better, might I add). Surely they wont have anything on par with those games but I can dream! *-* The Last of Us is crap; don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. I see no reason to be excited for TLoU 2. Same goes for that new God of War... just eww. As long as Sony brings the hard hitting Japanese "AAA"s, I'll likely be satisfied, but I'm honestly hoping for something to get me excited (Oh God a Spyro compilation HD remake ala Crash Bandicoot would be AMAZING! Q.Q Yes, I know I'm setting myself up for disappointment)

Nintendo will focus on Super Mario Odyssey, which makes me happy. I really hope there are way more than 4 worlds as Gamexplain's Andre theorized. I'm just so glad Nintendo finally went back to the old 64/ Sunshine format (I personally could never really enjoy the more linear 3D Mario games as they felt very boring and tedious to me). Hoping Xenoblade 2 ends up a worthy successor to the immaculate Xenoblade Chronicles X, but I'm expecting something inferior to even the original Xenoblade. Pikmin 4 would be great. I'd love to see more of the roster from Fire Emblem Warriors (hopefully some Nowi gameplay <33). Oh a new F-Zero would be insane. And a new 3D Kirby game. And soo much other damn stuffs that I wish Nintendo would release! >.< They have all the IPs I am interested in, all I can do is wait until they actually DO something with them! T^T


Bethesda, Ubisoft, etc... I just don't care lmao

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30 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

, but I am curious if Nintendo does anything at all this year, let alone anything worthwhile.


Let's just hope they don't make another crap like their E3 2008 :dry: . Seriously, that shit lowers your IQ :scots:

  • Brohoof 1


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I only care about Metroid. Literally. Please, Nintendo, I will buy a Switch just for that if you release a new Metroid. Made by Retro Studios.

Oh, have this e3 buzzword chart, by the way. Good stuff.


@Vulon Bii Damnit I was off by an hour!

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After the Pokemon Direct, I feel even more certain about what Nintendo's E3 is going to be like.

As a Wii U owner, right now the Switch is looking like a Wii U port machine. The one really exciting title they've got planned is Super Mario Odyssey. I applaud them for changing away from the seemingly hopeless stagnant direction that series was going through, but I want to want a console for more than one game.

I remember all of the exciting titles they threw at us during E3 2010 when they announced the 3DS. I wonder why they can't ever do that again. I wonder why all system announcements nowadays just feel so underwhelming. (aside from Super Mario Odyssey).

I don't even know what I can even look forward to anymore, to be honest. Zelda just got a new release (which was great! so I'm not too disappointed we can't expect any news). Mario Kart was ported, so we won't be hearing anything new there any time soon. Super Smash Bros. is likely to be ported too (meh). Pokemon has nothing too exciting coming out as indicated by the Direct. The Paper Mario series' soul has been ripped out so any new title in that series would make me cry. The Golden Sun series is dead.

The one thing they might be able to do is a new Animal Crossing. It seems like it's about time. The problem is they have that mobile game they have to show off, and I just know it's going to be microtransaction Hell.

Hopefully Square-Enix will show something Kingdom Hearts III... But the whole announcement that it might take another three years really blew any hype I had for that away.

  • Brohoof 2

Everything needs more woodwind!

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18 hours ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Bethesda, Ubisoft, etc... I just don't care lmao

Bethesda usually has something awesome to show off when they show up. I remember when they showed Doom back in 2015, and them last year, Quake Champions. I personally am hoping for a new Elder Scrolls. Not an expansion to the online game, a brand new one. Hopefully on a new engine...



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2 minutes ago, Vulon Bii said:

Bethesda usually has something awesome to show off when they show up. I remember when they showed Doom back in 2015, and them last year, Quake Champions. I personally am hoping for a new Elder Scrolls. Not an expansion to the online game, a brand new one. Hopefully on a new engine...

To be fair, Doom and Quake are iD's, were it not for those, Bethesda's showings would have been crap. If there is a new TES this E3 I expect it to be more of the same as Skyrim. Because Bethesda are unoriginal.

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1 minute ago, Vulon Bii said:

Bethesda usually has something awesome to show off when they show up. I remember when they showed Doom back in 2015, and them last year, Quake Champions. I personally am hoping for a new Elder Scrolls. Not an expansion to the online game, a brand new one. Hopefully on a new engine...

Bleh. FPS's don't really interest me anymore. Unless we get a legit Bioshock 4 from 2k Marin (Bioshock 2 was always my fav <3  F*ck the overrated pieces of crap that are Bioshock 1 and Infinite -.-).

Bethesda won me over with Oblivion and Fallout 3, but Skyrim and Fallout 4 have lowered my expectations for their future RPGs so damn much that I simply cannot get excited for a potential Elder Scrolls 6. Maybe they can surprise me, only time will tell. Although, I gotta admit, the trailer for Fallout 4 made me think it was actually going to be good ;_;

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41 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Bleh. FPS's don't really interest me anymore. Unless we get a legit Bioshock 4 from 2k Marin (Bioshock 2 was always my fav <3  F*ck the overrated pieces of crap that are Bioshock 1 and Infinite -.-).

Bethesda won me over with Oblivion and Fallout 3, but Skyrim and Fallout 4 have lowered my expectations for their future RPGs so damn much that I simply cannot get excited for a potential Elder Scrolls 6. Maybe they can surprise me, only time will tell. Although, I gotta admit, the trailer for Fallout 4 made me think it was actually going to be good ;_;

Dood, play Doom 2016. It's tons of fun.

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1 minute ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Nah, I'm good. 

I like depth in my games, not just quick, linear, shooty-shooty -bang bang :P 

Um, have you played Doom before? It's not your typical CoD. In fact were it not for Doom, you wouldn't have your bioshock.

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Here are my official projections for Nintendo at E3:

  • A lot of time spent talking about ARMS and Splatoon 2
  • A lot of time spent on new Amiibos and Amiibo tie-ins (not just to the above two titles).
  • Breath of the Wild DLC talk
  • Probably a new Kirby game or two.
  • New info on Super Mario Odyssey
  • A Super Smash Bros. 4 Switch port
  • Less exciting first party title announcements (think Metroid Prime Federation Forces, Nintendo never fails to come out with games like this)
  • Animal Crossing mobile
  • More Third Party ports to the Switch, but probably less than initially looked like.
  • Probably one major first party surprise. They really have to if they want to be taken seriously, but I'm not saying this is a guarantee.

Also, because it was leaked a while ago:


Mario and Luigi Superstar remake

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 1

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2 minutes ago, Celli said:

Um, have you played Doom before? It's not your typical CoD. In fact were it not for Doom, you wouldn't have your bioshock.

I actually don't like Bioshock (just Bioshock 2 lol). Since the Levine left the project that pretty much confirms the lead devs would be the same ones behind Bioshock 2 if we were going to get a new Bioshock game.

Now, I must admit, no I have never played any of the Doom games. When I was a kid in the 90s, I liked playing stuff like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Sonic, Spyro, etc. Shooters were mostly dark and depressing, something I couldn't stand at that point. And honestly, I still kinda feel that way. Although I am perfectly capable of playing a darker toned game if it interests me enough. With Doom, I see linear boring gameplay. I'm sure there is visceral, highly responsive shooting and enjoyable pacing etc, but with this genre I can only enjoy myself so much.

I can count the FPS games I have truly enjoyed on one hand: Fallout 3, Bioshock 2, Call of Duty Black Ops Zombie mode (yes only the Zombie mode the rest bored me to death D:), aaaand that is it I think ._.  Halo 5's campaign was fun for some quick "shooty shooty bang bang" but it left me feeling overall very underwhelmed (and yes I played it on Legendary) 

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19 hours ago, Steve Piranha said:

Let's just hope they don't make another crap like their E3 2008 :dry: . Seriously, that shit lowers your IQ :scots:



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7 minutes ago, Envy said:

Mario and Luigi Superstar remake

Oh God i really hope so....

That was such a fucking good RPG. I didn't like Partners in Time, Bowsers Inside Story, or any of the crappy 3ds attempts very much, but man, oh man did that first one captivate me *-* Superstar Saga was better than Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, in my honest opinion. :o 



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@K.Rool Addict Do yourself a favor and buy the first doom on steam, it's literally $5. Then download gzdoom and run it through that. It is much better than Halo. Also, my point still stands. If it weren't for Doom, none of those FPSs would exist.


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Just now, Celli said:

@K.Rool Addict Do yourself a favor and buy the first doom on steam, it's literally $5. Then download gzdoom and run it through that. It is much better than Halo. Also, my point still stands. If it weren't for Doom, none of those FPSs would exist.



I'll keep that in mind once I get my laptop =^-^=

Atm my only computer is this:


^Yes I know, but it was soooo cute I couldn't resist! /)^3^(\

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@K.Rool Addict Well, I spoilered it because I was under the impression that it was a credible leak. It might just be a rerelease and not an actual remake, but that'd seem pointless.

Edited by Envy

Everything needs more woodwind!

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12 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:


I'll keep that in mind once I get my laptop =^-^=

Atm my only computer is this:


^Yes I know, but it was soooo cute I couldn't resist! /)^3^(\

You can run the original Doom on a potato...

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