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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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Ember looked at jack "Infected? Dang... I was really starting to like you... I'm the sorry kid... I kinda wish I would've spent a bit more time with you." She said resting Festus against her shoulder similar to what a mother would do with a young foal.

Evelyn was upset with it too. "We were such a great team... too I hate to see this happening to someone as nice as you..."

Luna was angered "I'm going to take them down... All of them... You didn't deserve any of this... you never even got a normal life! I... I just... I don't get it... Why you..."

Celestia sighed "I... I hate to see this... It could be because of my lack of leading... I should've order Maple to stand down against that machine for example... I... I hate to see this happen"

Maple got up she had been laying there for a time when she got up she assessed the damage. "Dang... I'm... I'm sorry... I just didn't want any of you to get hurt..." She stared at the wing for a second at least it was still attached... "Jack... Good luck..." She sighed and walked away from the group, embarrassingly enough it was a limp from her shoulder joint being bent. At least now I can't charge into a huge enemy like that.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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A terrible feeling crept inside Jack, as he his entire body was filled with dread of the prospect he was going to face.

'This is really happening, Luna, Ember, Maple, Evelyn, Festus, Everyone, I am never going to see them again... I was so happy that I was free of that curse but now this...' Jack thought as his breathing became shallow.

'Oh no... That means... I will never see William again, or Garrow... I have failed them to the very core of my being....' Jack thought as the terrifying truth was revealed to him.


Cyril, Capital city of Marshclaw, 5 years ago.


Jack was sitting inside a destroyed building, the entire city where he was at looked deserted and abandoned, and next to him sat his best friend Willaim, a dark orange Terran, who was only a year older than Jack.

"Is she going to be ok? She has been acting like she was possessed, almost like she was going to attack us!" Jack asked his friend with worry.

"Who knows, Garrow can't seem to determine much of the situation other than that she might become one of those... things, I can't give a better description on those creatures, despite most of them have been one of us before," William admitted.

"So this is how we have life, trying to hide in ruins and decimated buildings while monsters are roaming around us all like they are the population of the planet? While everything we care about is stripped away under our noses and then rebuild only to attempt and convert us? just WHY is this happening?!" Jack exclaimed with a mix of sadness and anger.

"Jack... Think about it for a moment, after everything that has happened, one of the evil people in history has been resurrected from the dead, then manages to corrupt 1/4th of the entire Eldritch ruling body. Only for a few years later to start a murder campaign in where 143 planets had fallen under his armies, even going so far as to decimate one of the most defended planets in the entire galaxy, yet he managed to conquer and exterminate the remaining population in there by just a period of 2 weeks... 2 weeks Jack!" William said back with a grimace.

"No living being could accomplish such a feat, no matter how powerful or smart, these events shouldn't be capable of happening in such a short time. Which leads to the question, wasn't this meant to happen to all of us?" he asked Jack.

"Huh?" Jack looked at William with confusion.

"Remember what our elders always used to tell us? About stories of heroes and legends, how we were all born from a single entity, a massive implosion that shattered it into 3 separate beings, which gave birth to the 3 known races. It is called the Allexis Contratis, have they never thought you about this subject? From what I remember Eldritch are very knowledgeable about these type of things and would make sure their offsprings would remember it all." William asked Jack.

"I am aware of what that is, my father thought me alot regarding this, the creation of our races, the death of the ancient race, the rebirth of-" He was however interrupted mid-sentence.

"Rebirth, I think that word defines our future as a whole, hear me out on this, your father foretold Valtrek's return with his visions, yet no one was willing to believe him, but look where that brought everyone, turning into these monsters, I never used  to believe this type of stuff either, but when I look at has happened with us, how we went from very prosperous to this miserable state in a matter of 50 years, my doubt was gone, because these things have been foretold, many times over, but like the ignorant fools we where, we passed them along as just religious sects." William explained.

"But still, I don't see what that has to do with the entire situation." Jack admitted."What I am trying to say is, aren't we a danger to life as a whole? You see those creatures out there, with those golden eyes and cannibalistic/predator behaviour? Most may say see those things no longer as one of us, but if you think about it... they behaviour that they are displaying is not alien to us, it is PART of us, yet we don't show it, atleast not while we still have a form of decency, compassion and mercy, but if you take away those things, what do you get? The behaviour that those very creatures are showing.    Valtrek might have ignited this entire war, yes, but he did not CREATE it, he merely took an aspect of us and made that dominant over all our other things.  Now hear me out on this.."

"I believe, that we caused this tragedy ourselves, we are the blame for our own problems, WE caused this to happen, to have all these creatures roam around pluage all those who are still pure." He said

"William... your theory does sound believable for me, but to blame ourselves for this? Valtrek is the one who started all this mess, HE made us who we are!" Jack replied back with a bit of shock.

"We started this alright, but not intentionally, we did it without realising it, and Valtrek did start this entire mess, yes, but he didn't *make* us act like a wild beast, it has always been part of us, it is in our blood, in our very genes. Now it might still sound unbelievable to you, but how would you react if I said that these creatures where already present long before Valtrek returned?" William replied back calmly.

"B-but, how is that possible, everyone believes that these creatures started to pluage us when Valtrek launched his terror campaign.." Jack said with disbelief.

"They where already present, but not in the same way we see them now today, before all of this, happened, they used to still have a small form of sentience, and actually be capable of following orders, they where like... protypes if you could call it, but now they seem to have deverted back to some sort of more bestial state, either that, or this very virus that we know is infact a blood sample from those protypes, and being used to infect others, wich, in turn, can infect its next victim by biting or killing it." Willaim explained.

"How did you know this? My father has never told me of this before!" Jack exclaimed.

"Garrow told me, and he heard it from others. It is presumed that Terrans where behind this whole *project*, apparently Garrow told me it with great importance, that in the far future that by any hope I or someone else could use this information to find a solution for the entire tragedy. To be honest with you, I don't know much about these creatures either except for what Garrow told me." William explained.

"Now don't misunderstand what I am trying to say, I am not saying we as a race should die out, but what I am saying is that" William pointed above with a finger towards the roof. "Someone up there, any god, deity, whatever thing someone believes in, has decided we should suffer and end our existance like this, I am not a religious or cultural person Jack, but so far nothing has made any sense, so I don't have much difficulty believing that there is something bigger going on than just this tragedy, but more of a lesson, or something."

"Perhaps... but I just don't see what we did wrong, surely they wouldn't condemn the good-hearted part of our race?" Jack said back.

"If you think about it, we as a race have unintentionally caused the demice of 37 races across the universe with this tragedy, of course, Valtrek was involved with orchestrating this, but many of joined him, and din't hesistate to carry out his orders, that is what our dark problem is Jack, that so many of wish to remain as a dominant race in the galaxy, it can drive many hungry for power in order to maintain such a status, and Valtrek obviously had a large hunger for power without a doubt." William said.

"You are not an Eldritch or have been raised by one, yet you talk about religion, fate and the overall situation of our race like you are an expert at it." Jack told him, noting just how deep William had gone into the subject.

"I am merely looking at it from a different perspective, if we would want a solution to all of this, such a mindset will come in handy, we will need to look beyond what is logic in order to determine what will work, because obviously magic has no rime or reason either from what you showed me." William said with a shrug.

"I wouldn't go so far as to say magic has no logic, it still has boundaries to what and what not is possible." Jack said as a smile crept across his face.

"Guess I gotta hand that one to you, but then again I don't need magic to cross boundaries, all I need is some equipment and random junk, that makes me able to create an electrifying sword with just a bunch of wires and some broken devices." William replied with a smug smile.

The 2 shared a long laugh.

"Still, I do wish none of this would have happened, all those who have to suffer from this, I just can't begin to imagine how it feels to turn into one of those creatures." Jack admitted.

"Nobody would have wanted this to happen, but it happened, and the only thing that we can do is survive, perhaps find a solution one day, but for now, as long as we have each other, nothing can deter is us, ever." William said.

"So, even if we would happen to get separated, you would never give up on me?" Jack asked him

Instead of answering, William grabbed a knife from one of the drawers and made a small cut in his right hand, in which, he then handed the knife to Jack "Your turn." he simply said.

"What for? I don't follow?" Jack asked him with confusion.

"It is symbolism, a sign of our unbreakable bond and friendship, a blood oath that we will hold forever, isn't that you wanted? Well, here we are signing our eternal friendship." William said back.

Jack didn't hesitate to grab the knife, he then made a small cut in his right hand as well, and then held each other's right hands together, the wounds connecting to each other.

"May we lead a good life together, Jack." William said with a smile

"And may it never change us!" Jack declared, a grin plastered on his face.


Jack's eyes started to water as the memory was playing in his mind almost like a movie, remembering every single sentence and action that had been made at that moment.  His breathing had stopped for a moment as he could not believe it was happening.

'I... I have failed him, we had been through so much together, shared so many secrets and were impossible to separate, and this is how I repay him... I could see his face before I got captured, I could see the devastation on his face. Back then my friendship with him was the only thing holding me together, but when that got destroyed, I became an empty shell, a shell that wanted to be put out of his misery. And just when I had hoped I would perhaps see him someday, I get infected, the very thing I vowed to not let happen, I would not...' Jack thought as he didn't finish his thought, his body went limp and collapsed on the front part of the saddle, his head landing on Evelyn's scales.

'I don't want to die...'

His breathing went on for a few more moments before it on into a very slow and silent pace, and his body stopped moving altogether.

He just wanted to escape the cruel world around him, cruwling up in a ball and hide from everyone, his mind had gone in such a panic and disarray that his body had sensed the panic and has shut off his body completely, throwing in some sort of small coma. He had already displayed such capabilities back when he had his brain almost fried at one point, only now it was something that had been bothering for almost his entire life, nothing could compare to how much he had worried about this, and with one final bang, his world crumbled completely before his eyes.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus
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Luna levitated Jack to her and hugged him "I'm... I'm sorry... I couldn't be there for you when you needed me the most..." She really wanted him to come back and Maple knew that even from where she was.

"He's worried about his friends... The ones on Cyril... I would be too if I was him... For now though we all need to focus on his last request... We need to save his sister before he changes. Now... Move." Maple's emotion was stern and cold but she wanted to help but was probably doing it in the wrong way.

"She's not wrong... Lets keep going." Evelyn said as a response walking towards Maple.

Celestia stepped in front of her. "Look at yourself... Maple you're in no shape to-" Maple just walked by her, paying her no mind. "Please... I don't want us to lose more than one at once... First Jack and now you're suicidal! What's next? Me or luna? Think for a second..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'You are right about your intentions, but your approach is wrong, how are you going to save his sister while you damaged like that? Putting yourself at a disadvantage like this is not a good thing to do. But more importantly..."

'I am going to tell you something that might surprise you, you wanted to learn how to lead better, but what you are showing now is the worst kind of leading, if a few ponies where under your command, and you would charge into battle like this, you know what your soldiers would do? They would follow your exact example and ignore their injuries while trying to head off to the next battle. Even if you might survive, your soldiers would not be as experienced and would die, which would make you responsible.'

'And above all else, you need to drop this attitude, your princess is giving you valuable advice, and you just ignore it, disliking her or not, she is showing more sense then you are right now, upholding the safety of others above the need of completing your task in a rushed way.  You wanted me to teach you how to lead? Then this advice will be your first lesson.'

'If you don't improve on this matter, you will likely die on Cyril, and Jack will start to hesitate to take you with him should he still be alive at that point.' Kiran thought to Maple,  it was not anger in the way he said it, but it is in the way how someone would scold his younger brother, with a hint of notable calmness in his voice, but at this point it was already noticeable, he was teaching and scolding her at the same time, something he used to do with Jack as well.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus
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Maple wondered if Kiran could hear her thoughts... she returned the thought to her 'It doesn't matter I'm damage... The fact is we need to keep moving anyways. If we don't that war machine shoots at us again and we're all gonna get hurt at that point nothing we can do about it. I know that I'm not making the best choice but it's the lesser of 2 evils. I'll repair myself before heading to Cyril... Back home... Where I'm a captain recruits are told to follow my orders, not my example I'm too good at making quick and rash choices... as you saw... I always have good intentions but bad execution of those intentions... I'm sorry.I... Have something I need to say, however.' Maple stopped walking and turned to Celestia. "I don't like you and I know I've made that obvious... 'Tia I'm sorry... I have no reason to, you may not help solve problems... But I realized something... you were the only reason there are places that aren't problematic. All you're work and I just was angry at you... Will you forgive me for my... Undeserved hatred."

"Of course Maple," Celestia said with the hint of a smile. "It takes a lot of effort to admit fault and, to be honest, I could've been helping more but I never did... You had every reason to spite me and it caused me to change a bit too. You're growing now Maple and you can still only go up. Now... Let's make a plan before we head out right Maple?"

"Right." Maple said quickly "But we should walk and talk... We need to get away from that giant machine." 

Luna nodded "I think our best move is to find the others, We seem to have gotten separated from the rest of the army after your... Reckless, but heroic, charge Maple. I just... wish you'd not've done that... Then again Ember and Festus were saved by you then... It's a mixed reaction."

Festus had started to calm down and Evelyn was worried about Jack 'Jack... can you hear me?' She tried desperately.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'While you make quick and rash decisions, I do like your style, where others are lost in their thoughts on how to solve things, you do focus on the task at hand, determined to get it done, and let no obstacle stand in your way, that reminds me of myself all too well, only where you make rash decisions, I make decisions about where many will hate me still to this very day.'

'Although I had imagined my reaction to Jack's infection would be very severe, last time I was in a situation when a dear one got infected, I did things that caused many to question my honour and judgement, but this time, I didn't imagine myself to be so stoic about it. I guess the reason would be that I know something that others don't, but that is a story for another time.  I do wonder... Why are you the way you are? I can tell this didn't happen because of you getting older. There is something more to it than that.' Kiran thought to her, who was able to communicate to her due to the artefact connecting itself with Maple's core.


'E-Evelyn? Is that you? Hold on... Am I dreaming? I can hear your voice but... I don't see any of you.'  Jack thought to Evelyn with great worry.

But it was obvious that Jack was still in this coma state, dreaming, and he was very confused as he was able to communicate to Evelyn while in a dream, wich the only thing he was used to like that in his dreams is when Luna visited him during dream walking.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus
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'...' Maple stayed silent even in her thoughts there was a lot of quiet for about 3 minutes until... 'I used to be nothing... Even in the guard, before I was captain I was sad and pathetic... I had to hide from everyone because I was different even other bats didn't like me... There was nothing I could've done about my appearance so I trained... I trained a lot... A few of these sessions where with Shining Armor... Until I broke off from him and did it alone... But there was one training session..."


(Maple in the past telling Kiran about it)

An 11-year old Maple was fighting with Shining armor she swung a weapon at his neck and he dodged it retailing and he hit Maple in the face, between the eyes "OW!" She cried in pain as she got knocked away and dropped her wooden spear. She landed on her back holding the injury adn she started crying.

"Sorry Maple!" SHining said running over to look at her He helped her up and looked at the bruise.

"Why... Did you hit me so hard... I'm just a kid." Maple said through tears

"I'm sorry! I forgot that you're not trained, You fight like you are one. Though when you went for that last hit I noticed you hesitated..." Shining stated putting a cold rag against the bruise. "Why is that?"

"I didn't want to hurt you... I didn't join to hurt anyone. I just wanted to protect everypony." Maple told him through tears "Is... Is that wrong?"

"No No Maple. It's just..." He was intimidated to say this. "Well, you need to think about an opponent a little less. After all, you may be the only one who can save them from getting hurt or worse. You need to know that if it saves someone's life then DO IT! Never hesitate or someone could get hurt.

"But what if I get hurt?" Maple asked

"You'll be trained to take it. As I am! Come on Maple. I saw a serious spark in you and that's why I agreed to train you in private. I know you don't like the others... You're destined to be a lot little bat." He rubbed her mane "Promise!"


'Hope that clears up some of it... But genetics are in play too my father never really backed down from a fight... He was laughing even as he was being defeated. Not much else'

The others where rather quiet as the situation was rather sad and there wasn't much to talk about.

'You uhh... passed out if you can wake up somehow I'd love if you did and gave everyone a bit of hope... things are rather bleak here...' Evelyn thought to Jack with a bit of despair.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'Bleak... for me it is right now bleaker then it will be for anyone else, I just learned that I am truly infected, that I am going to eventually turn and others will be forced to kill me, there is nothing bleaker than that. I am going to lose everything, I am going to lose you...' Jack thought to her with a sad and devastated tone in his voice.

'Because even if I turned out not to be infected, I still feel uncomfortable in the group sometimes, having to sleep in the cold at night because others here apparently dislike snuggling despite it being safer then trying to lay alone and perhaps trying to make it warmer with magic, which just isn't the same.   Or when everybody is having problems, I am usually there to help and solve them, but when it comes to my own problems I am forced to solve them myself, not the bigger problems like the situation of my sister, but smaller problems in when something bugs me, it is usually the case that I am just forced to try and solve it on my own, which leads to problems, and furthermore, it let to my infection...'

'I know it is not the most opportune time to tell you this, but if I am going to die, I might as well just let it all out now, so I might be the last person to able to give anyone hope at this moment. In fact... If you could drop me off somewhere in the desert that might be appreciated, then hopefully something dangerous might just be able to kill me before I end up getting infected...' Jack thought to her with sadness, that last part because he was truly hopeless at this point, feeling like that Evelyn was going to abandon him after what happened recently.


'I see, this Shining Armour sure did influence you with his teaching there, but there are some problems with that, take in this situation, If there where multiple lives at stake, and you could only save certain ones, you would have to choose, and some might judge you for that action, never forgiving you for that. I am telling you this for good reason because things that happen around these places are alot different then you are used to back to where you live, things will arise where you will have to choose against your better judgement.  I am going to ask you something, and I want you to answer, not getting angry or anything, just let the feeling of what this question will give you sink in, and learn to feel what it will do to you.'

'If Woody and Jack were about to die, and you could only save one, which would you choose? Because you can't expect that such things might not happen, everything can happen, no matter how much you presume, give it a good thought and tell me your answer, but also how you feel about it, it is important that I know.' Kiran asked Maple, this was yet another one of his training methods since he couldn't do any physical training with her, he was doing mental training with her instead.

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'I... Can't make a choice like that. Jack is possibly... Actually...' Maple thought about it and it seemed no matter how much she tried to help Jack would find something he hated. Either it is something else or the way she saved him 'My brother... No doubt I'd save him... However... If I could save them both and take that death for them I would in a single heartbeat. If you wanna know what would happen after... Should it only be Woody... I'd be an emotional wreck. Devastated by the fact I couldn't keep a promise I made for Jack. The promise I've already failed... Great now I'm not even good at saving lives... For crying out loud I almost died to save them and I get yelled at... I just... Can't keep being a hero like this if I'm only causing more pain.' Despite Kiran telling her to stay calm, she was losing herself. If she could cry she'd be as bad off as Festus. 'Let me say it straight. I'd rather die than let someone else even get hurt I just can't help it...'


'Have you... Expressed these concerns to them? I know they have magic but I'm pretty sure they can't read minds... Well maybe all of them except Woody perhaps... But that's beside the point. My question is, have you? I mean Woody said he wen through the realm you where tortured in to get to you knowing well what could happen to him, yet... He still did it for you...'

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'I think I how much it troubles you, but there is something that others have told Jack before, you need to have more faith in others. You do say that you rather die than let someone gets hurt, but the others around you are just as capable as you, and won't let that happen, there is just a bit of miscommunication between all of you at moments, not always, but I have seen moments one side wants to focus on safety, while the other side wants to go straight into the action, if such things aren't being talked trough properly, that is when people can get hurt, not because you couldn't do enough.'

'If I may say this from what I think, you should try to have more faith in others, and especially know when to back down, because you do say they get mad at you, but its good reasons, they are worried about your safety as well, if Celestia hadn't intervened, you could have died in that just recent battle, the last thing they want to happen is that you get yourself killed because you wanted to protect others, it may sound honourable at first to die in battle like that, but once you are dead, you can't fight in any future battles, wich renders your sacrifice useless.'

'You are not the only one who is making mistakes, Celestia has been staying away from battles for far too long, she has a strong magic potential, and from what I have recently seen also a pretty strategic personality as well, so I am glad she decided to step up. Luna has been doing great in the care department, and despite my rather unfortunate discussion with her, she is doing good. Evelyn is doing good as well, but I do wonder if she is going to do everything she can in order to protect Jack and not let someone else do it because this can conflict with group communication, and make things turn out after all. Festus is a type of person I can't really say anything bad about, I admit that his devotion to defending Jack to such a high degree impressed me, which is hard to do.  On Ember i don't have much to say either, she is more of a loner type, wich is just like me, tough the times that she has been present she has been very loyal and could be counted on when it comes to giving out orders, instead of trying to formulate a plan of her own in her head, she did what she had been asked without question, a trait that is very good to have if you are around others, so there is no wonder why Jack prefers her to be in team operations.'

'About Woody i don't really have much to say, he seems to fix his own problems pretty good so far from what i have seen, and Jack, i am going to say it without a lie, he is currently a wreck, not that he is bad, but the condition that he is in is very bad, can't blame him for that, you of all people know how it feels to get infected, so i won't have to explain that to you. But oh boy, can he be difficult, he has some very big trust issues and more importantly, he is clinging on to who he is, he is struggling between having a happy life with a mother who can comfort him and very good friends who he can rely on to help him, but his other side, he becomes a differen't person, he is then very stoic, he shows almost no sign of emotion except for pure rage and grief, not only that but instead of wanting to stay away from bad things, he sort of embraces it, anything that can make him feel bad or cause him discomfort, he thrives on that, like he wants to feel worse and worse in order to embrace all the hardship that our race had to go trough. Tough in the end it does make very resilient and strong willed, but he starts to ignore his own safety and well being, to a concerning degree...'

'And about that part Jack being mad at you, it is not really mad at you, he is dissapointed in Luna and Evelyn at given moments, because in moments of danger, you are the first to jump into the fray, hoping to save someone's life, but in his view, he sees you jumping in there, yet Evelyn and Luna just stand here at moments, relying on you to take care of the problem, he feels sad because his 2 idols are holding themselves back while you are trying to do everything, I am not sure if you understand what i mean here, but imagine it like this, your 2 idols, who you love and respect so much, end up doing nothing, while someone else is doing all the work, getting all the glory, while your very idols are not trying to join in, wich makes you think if they really care.   Jack isn't mad at you, but he has the feeling that since you are jumping in so many battles and are always the first volunteer, he thinks it is demotivating others to do anything, ending up thinking that you will handle the job for everyone, not sure if it makes much sense to you, but this is coming straight from his own toughts.' Kiran said to her.


'I have tried to tell them such things alot of times, but they keep on ignoring my things at given moments, back when he had escaped that slave centre, I was trying to tell Celestia something, she ended up ignoring it. I tried to tell Luna something very important, but she ended up ignoring it. These instances happen alot, and then i just stand there, wondering if they really care about me, because last time in that desert when Celestia ignored my thing, i ended up getting sick, and i had gotten an illness from trying to cross the desert under that gazing sun. But whats more important, these are things they should know beforehand, it is basic things that you would do as an instinct rather than having to figure it out, it saddens me that i have to point it all out, and end up getting ignored with that, it just.... hurts.' Jack thought to Evelyn

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'You think that was a rather bad time to tell them? There was a lot going on then if I remember they're explanation correctly.' Then suddenly another voice came through the same link 'Adults tend to not listen to you as much. I tried to make that point to you alright Jack.' It sounded like Festus 'I don't know if you can hear me or anything but... Ember said it hasn't spread much since you passed out... I'm sorry I reacted the way I did... It wasn't very "Dragon warrior" was it...'


'That's really how it was a lot of the time at home... I tried my best to rely on the guard but well they didn't do a lot but they did things... It was always my mother and her friends... I wanted to be like her, Saving people, being heroic, Helping everypony... I guess that was a dream...' Maple was interrupted in a sense.

'Maple!' Woody said to her through a mental connection he set up 'Oh 'Tia thank you... I heard explosions in the far distance... I thought... Well you're ok and that's all that matters but... Did I hear another voice?'

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'Festus, is that you? I am glad I can hear your voice... But you don't have to worry about the way you reacted, you did show you cared. Though I can't lie to you that I am rather... devastated by the fact that I am going to eventually turn, atleast William isn't here to see how I have turned out.' Jack thought to him, though he did seem actually relieved and a bit more happy to hear his voice.

'Hey Festus, could I ask you of a small favour? Could you hit me on the pressure point of my neck? I think the shock might wake me up because I can't really wake up myself, atleast not in this instance, I have sort of... locked myself in this state during a big panic...' Jack asked him.


'You bet you are hearing another voice, my name is Kiran, tough you should already be aware of who I am for the most part. There is something I am wondering, why do you 2 keep calling Celestia Tia? Is that like some sort of nickname for her? Well, nevermind that, before you talk any further, some things have happened, Maple got a bit damaged, Jack got infected, and someone is presumably setting us up, that sums up our entire experience so far.' Kiran said.

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'A wing of mine is broken... But other than that I'm fine bro. I'm kinda glad you checked on me... It makes me feel a lot better. Yes Kiran it is... or well it was a way for me to spite her but now that she's earned a bit of my respect it's just something I'm used to doing that I'll have to force myself to stop.' She chuckled out loud starting to both calm down and cheer up.

'Jack's... Damn... Now he's going to die with a grudge against me... No wait he didn't say he was mad... I'm going to...Hold on you were set up? That means that they could know where the city is! With you call gone they could level it in minutes... Let's hope they don't know...'


Festus flew over and hit Jack in the point of pressure that Jack had specified. "Jack?... Did it work"

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'They already know where the city is, they just always have been hesitant to attack the city, they have tried multiple times in the past, but never came that close to capturing it, considering its strong defences and all, though that won't mean that they will try again one day. But I doubt they would attack the city now, many of these strike forces aren't headed towards the city, we have in fact encountered one recently.' Kiran said, he, however, left out specific parts, since it would not be smart to tell the others just yet.


Jack suddenly shot awake, the hit that Festus had done on his pressure point had caused Jack's body to get an internal shock, and while it worked, it was very painful for him with his muscles being forced to quickly reactivate like that.

He started coughing like crazy, but when it was over, he was staring at the ground as he was panting heavily, trying to recover from this sudden and forcefull switch.

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'Still you never know... I'll keep watch here and let you know if anything happens Kiran...' Woody sighed from where he was 'Maple? Are you going to be alright without that wing? I know you rely on those a lot to fight...'

'I'll be fine. I can fight without them. I just... Hope it didn't cause permanent damage to the remainder of my body...' Maple looked at it and it looked ok she then approached Celestia "Could you fly up and find the others?"

Celsetia nodded "Yes. That sounds like a good idea." She spread her wings and took off. It would be a bit before she spotted the others.


"Jack! Sorry... Sorry." Festus said trying to get his body to calm down he set his hand against Jack's forehead seeing if something was wrong with him.

Luna Jumped too "What did you do! Jack?! Are you ok? Is... Is this... Part of the infection?" Luna didn't know what to do. Her brain had just shut down she was so stressed, not even Magic could fix that.

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked a bit pale, his body temperature being very hot, but the glow that Festus had seen in his eyes before now seemed to be more visible, though the only sign of infection in his eyes could be seen by something pretty subtle, his once light blue eye colour now has taken a bit more of a darker and orange like appearance.

"I... I think I am ok, but I am not sure if this is part of the infection, I asked Festus to hit me on my pressure point because my body had locked me in this sleeping state during a massive panic in my head. W-we, she should tell everyone about this ordeal tough, what has happened, better than everyone knows then that it comes to a surprise during an even worse moment." Jack said with a bit of a dry throat.

"Come to think of it, Where are Celestia, Maple and Windphaser at?"

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Luna was quite to answer Jack's question "Celestia just flew into the sky after Maple told her something and Windphaser is with Kiran and the others He told me that he was giving you a bit of space as well, He did add that he needed to chat with you, however, Whenever you two meet again. He said it could wait of course... And he told me that before the attack but I didn't tell YOU since I thought you didn't want to see him for a while... Maple's up ahead thinking about some thing I think... But you... I just... This is something I can't comprehend."

Festus hugged Jack "Sorry... For everything..."

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack hugged Festus for a long while.

"I just wish I had never gotten infected, but I can't do anything about it now, I must accept it and meet my fate head on." Jack told Festus, in which he after that parted from the hug.

"Oh, alright, i will try to talk with him tonight, i think i feel the most comfortable in doing it at that time." He answered to Luna

He stood there for a moment before he talked again, his face growing even paler. "Hey Festus, if I happen something happens to me, sooner then after my infection, or... after... Can you give the artefact to Evelyn and tell her to rotate it mechanism's 3 times before making it light with fire breath? It uh... is something important, it um... gives a messa- It gives off something important, but after I am already... D-dead, it really is..." He told Festus with worry like Jack knew something terrible was going to happen.

"I need to get going guys, I will see you all up ahead.." Jack called out on a rather low volume before running ahead in the desert.

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"H... Hey, wait!" Luna said loudly as Jack hurried off. Luna took off in a sprint to follow him.

Festus didn't want to chase them both. "... It sure is a lot to take. I did my best to keep him safe, He seemed really nice when we met and ran from his mother... Now he's gone. Besides Ember, he was the only person I was really close to... Since other dragons laughed at my misgrown wings.


'I knew it was only a matter of time before Jack got infected... He and Maple share a lot of reckless traits... I'll try to contact Equestria about a cure... Since Zecora was working on one... If need be I can perhaps use the demon realm to get to Equestria and come back with that cure... However, it's unlikely that it's done... I'll be back Maple keep this chat between you and Kiran going since I'll need to sense it again to connect with you again. I didn't sense it for a long time after the explosions... Kiran thank you for allowing me to chat with Maple. I'll be back here soon.'

Maple nodded to herself as Celestia came back down they're not far from here if we head a bit forward then a bit to the left we'll catch up with everyone." Celestia told her

"Alright let's tell the others." Maple said stopping and letting the others catch up with her once they did she told them. "We need to run a bit that way." She pointed to where Celestia had seen the others... "Where are Jack and Luna?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack had been running for a while now, he hadn't heard Luna as some sort of static noise had started to play loudly within his head.

He eventually stopped to catch his breath, and let himself fall to his knee's in the sand.

'Finally alone... This damnable infection, I can feel every fibre in myself starting to get all tangled up in this feeling...' Jack thought.

He looked around in the desert, the sound of the wind flowing around.

'I can't be around anyone like this, but even then I feel misunderstood, if only I could say out loud how I really feel, it would just be embarrassing and wrong of me to say, but still... How can i something that my counsious won't allow me to say oud loud?' Jack tought.

'But now i am infected, so many things have gone wrong and all those promises and oaths i have been trying to follow will be negated with my current situation, just what cruel god decided that this has to be my fate? At this point it doesn't matter what i do, i either turn or i will die battle, strangely enough the latter sounds like something i would have done back in the old day's, and if i look at it now, it just doesn't seem that since i am going to die in a sense anyway, i am like an expandable, just having a purpose with death as its end result.' He tought with regret.


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Eventually Luna caught up with Jack. "Jack! Where are you going! Please... Stop running. I know you think this is bad... but please you said you wanted to see you sister again before turning... Whatever you're planning isn't going to allow that to happen... Come back this way... We'll do everything we can to get you to see her again... I'm sorry I wasn't there for you before now... And I'm sorry that I wasn't more motherly to you..."

Evelyn had watched Luna run off. "Hold here everyone... I need to make sure Luna and Jack are both ok." She opened her wings and flew off in that direction

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked at Luna, a sad look in his eyes.

"I am sorry myself, I just don't know what to think, because soon I am going to lose everything I hold dear, so it doesn't really matter what I do, its a guaranteed end for me, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. And even then, I am not even sure if I would be able to reach my sister, for all we know I would already turn by that time."

"And everyone has already confirmed it, i am a lost cause, waiting for my end to happen, how can i be near anyone like this?"

"I have always been scared of getting infected, when i was younger it was my second biggest nightmare, and now it has happened... I promised someone that i would not let it reach to the state of here i would completely turn, but instead would do something about it, so i wouldn't become one of those monsters..." Jack said as he started to tear up a bit.

"I care about all of you, and the last thing i want to do is turn when i am near any of you, its the worst thing i could possibly do... Please, forgive me, I always care about you Luna, more then you know." Jack said as he wanted to walk away again, he felt to ashamed of himself to the point where he felt he din't deserve to be near anyone else.

Back when he was still alone, he din't much at stake when he would get infected, but now that he had grown attached and close to everyone in the group, he felt more bad then ever with having to lose them and all, and din't want to expose them to w


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"Jack... please... I want to spend as much time with you as possible... I want to make up for my mistakes... I just... Don't want you to turn and someone else put you down... It's like you and your sister in a way... Please... just... stay with us as long as you can..." Luna was crying. She'd felt the guilt of leaving him and not keeping him safe and it was very visible on her face.

Evelyn landed next to the two and heard luna's whole speech before saying "Jack! Luna! Where are you two going? The others are that way." She gave a friendly, but concerned grin to Jack "She's right you know... We don't want you to just 'Die' Alone in some wasteland alone. Come on... your friends are waiting." She motioned to Luna who obviously needed a hug.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack heard Luna's words and then hesitated if he should trough with what he was doing, his bond with Luna was very strong, and her words where always capable of leaving a good impact on him, something that only 3 others were capable off to Jack.

But when Evelyn also joined in the situation and heard her words, he no longer hesitated and Hugged Luna tightly, tough his version of tight was literally weak compared to Luna's alicorn strength.

"You are both right, I just can't leave, it wouldn't be right of me to do... I am sorry... I don't want to leave, not anymore..." Jack said as he started sobbing in her coat.

After a bit he spoke again "But how, will we do it? Eventually i do have to be put down... and who knows when that will happen..."


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"I know Maple could... Both me and Luna aren't going to do to it... I can tell by the way Luna looks" Evelyn said. Luna herself was a bit too emotional to say much but since Jack wasn't just leaving she started to do better "I don't really know about this "Putting you down thing but Maple... Seeing as she knows exactly what being infected feels like... I don't doubt that she would spare you from that nightmare... C'mon let's not worry about that right now and regroup... Alright?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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