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open New Pony in Ponyville


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The air around Ponyville snapped with the soft chill of a coming autumn frost. All across the town ponies were in high gear prepping for the soon to arrive cold season. The market bustles with activity as supplies, clothing, and bits fly across counters to stock up for the coming festivities and weather. Amidst all this activity a new pony lands gently his mane frazzled and saddle bags tilted. Which acted as an odd counter point to his perfectly groomed and trimmed tail. 

Straightening his saddle bags and shaking out his mane he looks around trying to find a place he might at least trade his books in and grab a meal. As he starts to wander the new town his blue jeweled necklace glints in the afternoon sun. His wings are held tightly to his body belaying the open and friendly smile he put up. In short, this pony was clear a pegasi out of his element in such a busy setting and subtle body cues gave it away. Too many long hours in the country and not enough socialization left their mark on Winter Bolt and he hoped the cure could be found soon. 

Link to OOC Topic: https://mlpforums.com/topic/169390-new-pony-in-ponyville-ooc/
  • Brohoof 3

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Wolf Mint was looking at some fresh fruit to bring home with her. Her was scanning the fruits not sure what to by honesty. I'll just head up to AppleJack's place for some apples, she thought. She walked away from the fruit stand and started her way to the Apple's farm.

Edited by Wolf Mint

Wolfers Mint SIG Request 2.png

Thanks @Kyoshi for the amazing signature!!!

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Watts sat behind her stall, a whole range of devices of various kinds from automatic letter openers to a self-heating thermos for the ponies that weren't Unicorns. Preferably anyway. She had a cash box underneath her table, hidden away and actually stuck on the underneath of the surface. A bit different, yes, but at least no one's robbed her yet. She tapped her hoof and looked at the various ponies, smiling and when a customer did come up to her, she sold what he wanted and placed the bits in the cash register. With some help from a Unicorn friend, Watts had engineered the cashbox to make sure the cash that was put in would be teleported to a safe in her garage. Better safe than sorry.



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Winter Bolt stood there for a minute mentally sorting through what he needed. He needed to sell or trade his books for new ones. He needed to get a new journal for his travel log. He needed a hot meal. Tallying up what its likely to cost and he realized he would be down to his last few bits after all was said and done. Should he look for work here or should he travel on and hope to find a new place to try his luck at fitting in.

He was muttering to himself trying to make a decision when he came to an abrupt stop thumping into a poor pony's stall. He sits down hard on his rear shaking his head in a daze. Trying to get his bearings he was not sure if his embarrassment outweighed his headache. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Wolf Mint walked past Watts's stall. She didn't see the other pony besides her. "How much are these?" She asked Watts. She felt bad for the pony before her. She had room in her house to house a few other ponies.

Wolfers Mint SIG Request 2.png

Thanks @Kyoshi for the amazing signature!!!

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@Wolf Mint & @Jedishy

Watts gave a cry and steadied her stall. She looked over the edge and before she could help the fallen pony, looked at her current customer. "How much is it for what? What are you exactly looking for?" Watts asked her, tilting her head and gesturing to her wares. There were letter openers, security devices, robotic prostethic limbs, book readers, you name it, Watts most likely has a device for it somewhere.



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@Wolf Mint & @Jedishy

Winter Bolt gained his bearings and stood up trying not to look overly embarrassed. He mutters a soft apology and starts looking over the goods that cover the stall. It appears that this might be the exact place he was looking for. The stall was covered with almost everything he could imagine. He was elated to see that he might be able to get a new book or two and maybe an additional journal. He even started wondering about getting a new blanket for his travels. Then again he did not have a lot of bits to spend. So maybe he should take it easy and find temporary work first. 

Waiting on the batpony to decide what she wanted Winter Bolt mulled over what he should get and what he might wish to wait on. The town seemed friendly enough and he wondered if maybe this could be the place for him at least for a while. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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@Dji & @Jedishy

"How much are the letter openers. It is very unique." Wolf Mint said to Watts. She looked over to notice a book on the ground next to the pony, well Pegasus that stood by her. "Here." She said picking it up and showing Winter Bolt.

Wolfers Mint SIG Request 2.png

Thanks @Kyoshi for the amazing signature!!!

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@Wolf Mint & @Jedishy

"The letter openers ... oh, these," Watts picked up a device that looked like a knife with a slit on one side that was powered by simple cogs and wheels. "They are ten bits apiece or thirty bits for five," she smiled at him. She looked down at the fallen stallion and sighed. "I'll serve you after, if that's alright."

  • Brohoof 1



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@Jedishy & @Dji

"Here." She said handing Watts ten bits. "Hey if you guys have no place to stay, I have enough room at my music shop/house." Wolf said. She stood there hopefully to get an answer. She would love the company. "If you want to my shop is by Pinkie's bakery." She added

Wolfers Mint SIG Request 2.png

Thanks @Kyoshi for the amazing signature!!!

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@Dji & @Wolf Mint  

Winter Bolt was now totally recovered from his mindless thump into the stall. He was a little embarrassed but none the worse for the event. As the shop keep addressed him his ears pinked a little as he felt foolish for rattling the stall. It was just a bad start to his visit to Ponyville but what the hay he had to give this a chance. He knew that he needed to give things time before he could declare he had messed up yet again. 

" Oh that will be fine ma'am. I'm in no rush. Just trying to get my bearings and the lay of the land." As he was offered a room to stay at Winter Bolt scuffed his hoof a little out of nerves. He was not used to such a friendly welcome. But to turn down free lodgings when he was low on bits would be foolish. " Oh that would be very nice. But I'm pretty new to the town. Where is this bakery that you mentioned?"

May the Friendship be with you. 


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@Wolf Mint & @Jedishy

Watts was taken aback at themsudden offer. "Thanks for your offer,"'Watts told her with a smile. While she placed the bits in her cash box, she pondered on it. "I've been living in my garage for the longest time. It's where I make everything. But it's not exactly the comfiest of places. As long as you're offering ... that actually sounds like a great deal," she told her customer and then talked to the clumsy pony. "Sugarcube Corner is the name of the bakery and going from my stall. You face me, turn left, and just walk straight. Eventually you'll be out of the marketplace but it will be on your right somewhere along the way. And while I'm talking, do you want anything?"



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@Jedishy & @Dji

"Alrighty then. I have to stop at the apple's farm to get some fresh apples. My door is open so you can walk right in. I have a fellow pony named Ocean Whiplash working their. She can show you to the spare rooms." Wolf Mint said before trotting off. She was happy to have some friends now. "Oh sorry I never got your names." She said turning around to then. "I'm Wolf Mint by the way."

Wolfers Mint SIG Request 2.png

Thanks @Kyoshi for the amazing signature!!!

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@Dji & @Wolf Mint  


Winter Bolt looked at the shop keeper still a little embarrassed at his thumping her stall but smiled openly trying to recover from his blunder. He looked over the stall and wondered if she took trades. Deciding that it was not going to do him any good if he didn't ask he looked up and decided to just list what he wished to find. " Do you take trades on books? If so what books might I trade my current ones for? Aside from this, I am looking to get a new journal, a new quill, and I need a leather patch and sewing supplies as my saddle bags are a tad thin in spots. Oh, and do you know where I might get a bite to eat?" 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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@Wolf Mint & @Jedishy

"My name is Watts Mechano, but everypony calls me Watts," Watts smiled at Wolf Mint, giving him a wave with her wing. "As for the books, that depends. What books are you trading? With the journal, quill, leather patch, and sewing supplies ..." Watts trailed off as she looked at her wares. Underneath a few pieces of prostethic limbs, she pulled out a rather old journal with its spine still intact but none the worse for wear. She managed to get a quill from one of her wings and as for the leather patch and swing supplies. Watts looked in her saddlebags resting behind the stall, just in front of her, and poked around inside it. She found a spare leather patch along with her own sewing kit before handing the items to her latest customer. "Here. For free. Just make sure you give the sewing kit back and I sadly don't have any ink either," she smiled broadly.

  • Brohoof 1



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"Well, thankfully I'm good on ink. I've got a metal bottle that holds up pretty well. Sadly can't say the same for quills with all my traveling. As far as books go I've got  "H.Thornhoof's Brief History of Canterlot", The third AK Yearling novel, and "Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghoulish figures." I'm really looking to replace them with anything new. Also are you sure about all of these items being free? I dont mind spending a few bits just as a way to say thanks at least?" 

Winter Bolt caught the scent of baked goods on the wind and his stomach snarled with hunger. It must be that bakery that they mentioned. Good thing it's on my way to my next stop he said mentally. He was excited by how friendly this town seemed. Maybe he could make a go of it here after all. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Mist Threader was in her element, watching with interest from a low hanging cloud, as all types of ponies came in and out of Sugarcube Corner. It was a rather busy day and she was glad not to be caught in the middle of it. Observing social interaction was one thing, but being up close... that was another story entirely. She kept writing in her battered journal whatever bits of sound she could discern. Apparently Mr. and Mrs. Cake were having a sale for the upcoming winter. Maybe she should fly down and buy one herself. It would be bad to be caught in the middle of the crowd but Mist really loved their chocolate and banana bread. She gathered strength and lowered the cloud she was lying on, ready to battle for a piece of dessert and then flee back to the safety of her cloud. 

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@Jedishy & @Wolf Mint

"Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry about it," Watts chuckled. "You look like you're in need of cash, so I don't mind giving things out for free when ponies need it. For the books ... while I do get the odd book trade, I think I have a few reading materials if you want to look at them," she told Winter and reached into her saddlebags once more. She brought A Guide to Ponyville, a comic book called Power Ponies Powerplay, and a rather thick book called Winds of Fire.



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@Dji & @Wolf Mint


"Anything new is great. So even trade then?" Winter Bolt traded his books for the new ones and gathered up his supplies. He then looked around wonder what he might do from here. Did he want to look for food? Should he travel to the room he was offered first? Or maybe just explore and figure out the other two later. It was definitely always a good time when you didn't know your surroundings. But with a mighty growl, his stomach reminded him that it was the boss. He looked towards the bakery that might be near his home. It seemed like the best place to grab a meal quickly. So he started in that direction wondering what Ponlyville had to offer. 

  • Brohoof 1

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Mist Threader weaved her way through the cloisters of ponies, swinging left and right to avoid a hoof or wing to the face as patrons waved around their appendages in delight for their desserts. "Mr. and Mrs. Cake must have outdone themselves this time", she muttered as she got closer to the cake displays and the cashier. One thing she was certain of though, it smelled heavenly in here, the scent of cinnamon and frost hanging in the air. Licking her lips instinctively, she inched towards the promised sweets, only to bump into someone. 'Yeeep"

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Techno was walking through the markets nearby where Winter Bolt was and he was extremely bored. He also had his massive five meter long cape on and his cape was extremely soft and warm. His cape was navy blue and it was covered in blue circuit board patterns...


TU: I'm so bored! Even though I have my massive cape on I'm still really bored!


Techno then spotted Winter Bolt in the distance...


TU: Or maybe I could have some with that blue pony over there!


Techno then ran over to Winter Bolt and draped his cape over him...


TU: So isn't your name Winter Bolt by my memory? Anyways I'm Techno and I'm extremely bored right now so maybe we could go on a winter adventure together! Anyways I wonder what you think of my cape!   

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Jedishy & @Wolf Mint

"Thanks for your patronage!" Watts called out to Winter and placed the new reading material in her saddlebags and popped her head out, looking at Wolf Mint. "Is everything alright there? I'm actually about to head for lunch if you want to join me at Sugarcube Corner," Watts offered. "Or if not, I can accompany you to Sweet Apple Acres?"

Edited by Dji



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@Dji & @Wolf Mint @Techno Universal


"Oh well yes I'd love to head to lunch with you....." Winter Bolt looks at the pony that just threw a cape over him a bit startled. " Well, to be honest, I need food more than adventure but yes that is my name. How did you hear it I just got to town. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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On 24 August 2017 at 4:53 AM, Jedishy said:

@Dji & @Wolf Mint @Techno Universal


"Oh well yes I'd love to head to lunch with you....." Winter Bolt looks at the pony that just threw a cape over him a bit startled. " Well, to be honest, I need food more than adventure but yes that is my name. How did you hear it I just got to town. 

TU: Well to be honest because of how I originally created equestria I naturally know the names of everyone here! Or I think I may of created this place as that sector of my memory is all jumbled up so I might not of created equestria in the end. Though I do somehow naturally know everyone's names but anyways why don't we just have lunch for now!

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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