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Well you could always get Monster Hunter Tri for 3DS, it has that second analog attachment. But the PSP has like three or four MH games, I believe.

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BTW, anybody looking to try Persona 3, make sure you get Persona 3 FES. It adds a bunch of stuff, fixes a few things, and is just generally better.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Well you could always get Monster Hunter Tri for 3DS, it has that second analog attachment. But the PSP has like three or four MH games, I believe.

It hasn't been released in the US yet though(if it`s even ever coming)! :( I would definitely get it over the PSP games though, because of the second stick attachment and the fact that it's a huge expansion of a game I already love. :wub:


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Valkyria Chronicles is a must play for RPG fans of this console generation for sure. It's just a great breath of fresh air in the JRPG market that's hard to match with it's unique style.



"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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I would get a PSP just for more Monster Hunter, but the lack of a second analog stick... I dunno if I could do it... :blink:


Seriously, I played MH1 on PS2 and then all the european released monster hunter for PSP.

I spent more than 200 hours on monster hunter freedom unite and the control isn't a problem at all.


It takes only a few time to get use to it and it's not what makes the game harder so dont hesitate.


And for the number of MH on psp there are 3, without couniting the ones only released in japan.

The first is like the first one on PS2 without the capital.

The 2 brings more weapons types (long sword i luv yu som much).

And the "unite" is like the 2 with more monsters, more weapons, but practicaly all for high level hunters.


The one I wont recomand is Monster Hunter tri on WII system. It's not bad but they throw away a lot of funny weapons and monsters and make the component colect easier (to me a monster hunter isn't ment to be easy).


Sory for being too talkative again, I just love this game:

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  • Brohoof 1
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Seriously, I played MH1 on PS2 and then all the european released monster hunter for PSP. I spent more than 200 hours on monster hunter freedom unite and the control isn't a problem at all. It takes only a few time to get use to it and it's not what makes the game harder so dont hesitate. And for the number of MH on psp there are 3, without couniting the ones only released in japan. The first is like the first one on PS2 without the capital. The 2 brings more weapons types (long sword i luv yu som much). And the "unite" is like the 2 with more monsters, more weapons, but practicaly all for high level hunters. The one I wont recomand is Monster Hunter tri on WII system. It's not bad but they throw away a lot of funny weapons and monsters and make the component colect easier (to me a monster hunter isn't ment to be easy).

That's the only one I've played actually, love that game. :P


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That's the only one I've played actually, love that game. :P


So if you love this one, your gonna die of hapyness by playing the others.

You wont have access to the online mode but the game will be more rich and chalenging.

As I said MH tri isn't bad, it's just that the others are even better.

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Valkyria Chronicles is a must play for RPG fans of this console generation for sure. It's just a great breath of fresh air in the JRPG market that's hard to match with it's unique style.





Ah yes, I love this game. I suck at it but I love it anyway. The game's missions are long and pretty difficult but the gameplay is just so durned fun. Especially when you learn that you can save before you do anything instead of having to redo the whole thing. xD


The mission I'm stuck on is the one after the searchlight missions with Alicia and Welkin alone where you have to get to your tank on the other side of the river. The very start of this mission is annoying because of that stupid mortar cannon (Which apparently you can destroy) that's guarded by a bunch of shocktroopers. Seriously, two scouts against a bunch of shocktroopers, that's unfair. I'm thinking of pulling a sniper on the other side of the river and trying to take out a couple of the shocktroopers by the mortar to make it easier for Alicia and Welkin to destroy it but I haven't touched the game in a while.



Seriously, I played MH1 on PS2 and then all the european released monster hunter for PSP.

I spent more than 200 hours on monster hunter freedom unite and the control isn't a problem at all.


It takes only a few time to get use to it and it's not what makes the game harder so dont hesitate.


And for the number of MH on psp there are 3, without couniting the ones only released in japan.

The first is like the first one on PS2 without the capital.

The 2 brings more weapons types (long sword i luv yu som much).

And the "unite" is like the 2 with more monsters, more weapons, but practicaly all for high level hunters.


The one I wont recomand is Monster Hunter tri on WII system. It's not bad but they throw away a lot of funny weapons and monsters and make the component colect easier (to me a monster hunter isn't ment to be easy).


Sory for being too talkative again, I just love this game:

Posted Image


Perhaps I should start with MHTri on Wii then. If I'm gonna start on a series I'd prefer to start off on a warmup rather than jumping into something that's gonna kick my ass. I'm not one for playing for challenge, in fact of a game is too hard I'll likely never beat it (Like Demon's Souls) so maybe I'll start with the Wii version of MHTri probably just to play it online (If the online is even still active) and to get used to it then when I get a PSP I'll play the others and know what I'm getting into :P


And don't apologize for talking a lot, that's exactly what I want out of this topic! A place to make some good conversation. The longer the posts, the easier to converse! :D


Also, I mentioned a list of PSP games that I definitely wanna get so I think I'll list them here just to see what you guys think. Keep in mind that you can't convince me not to get any of these games, if you try I'll ignore that because when I have my eyes set on a game, I will definitely, without a doubt, get it regardless of what others say.


Here they are:


Star Ocean 1 and 2 (I've played SO2 on PS1 and nearly beat it and I played SOME of SO1 on emulator, I know I'll love these cuz I love the Star Ocean series)

Parasite Eve: The Third Birthday (I still gotta beat Parasite Eve 1 and get PE2 off of PSN but I want it)

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (I loved Dirge of Cerberus so I'm more than likely gonna love this one too. :D )

Ys series (I hear this is a good series and I love the music I've heard from them so I definitely wanna check it out cuz music can make an RPG awesome for me even if it's gameplay is boring)

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (I'm a KH fanboy and played every single game but this so far, of course I'm gonna play it lol)


Just to name a few. I've also thought of the Metal Gear Solid and God of War games too but for the most part I'm an RPG guy and from what I've seen the PSP is the RPG system of this generation (Even though I've got quite a few DS RPGs as well)

Edited by Raronoopa
  • Brohoof 1
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And don't apologize for talking a lot, that's exactly what I want out of this topic! A place to make some good conversation. The longer the posts, the easier to converse! :D


You just earned a brohoof, nad my eternal friendship :wub:

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Perhaps I should start with MHTri on Wii then. If I'm gonna start on a series I'd prefer to start off on a warmup rather than jumping into something that's gonna kick my ass. I'm not one for playing for challenge, in fact of a game is too hard I'll likely never beat it (Like Demon's Souls) so maybe I'll start with the Wii version of MHTri probably just to play it online (If the online is even still active) and to get used to it then when I get a PSP I'll play the others and know what I'm getting into :P


You played Demon soul? Lucky you, I dont have a ps3 or xbox and my pc wont be powerfull enough.

But for MHF the best way to play it is as I did, not with random peoples you met online but one two or three real budies:

This game can be realy intense, and can be compare with demon soul when it's about dificulty, and random peoples can be a handicap more than a help.

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See the big monster (the bigest). I bet it with my BFF, the mission cant stand more than 30mn after the monster flee (win) or destroy the town (lose).

We were hiting him as hard as we could, the clock indicated only 1mn.....30 sec......15 sec...... and the "mission objective complete" poped out of the screen.

At first we thaught the monster was gonna flee, then I looked at the clock, 12sec left, and the monster felt, dead.


You cant imagine our face, priceless. After that we felt into each other harms (yup it can seems to be exagerated but it wasn't).


And the more you go far in the game, the more you'll have to face those moments of fear, doub, disapointness and joy. You cant share those emotions with randoms peoples, that's why I allways recomend playing this game with real budies.


And I dont know if tehre's still people playing the third online.

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That sounds pretty intense indeed. But I still doubt any MH game is as hard as Demon's Souls, few games are.


The one thing that appeals most to me about Monster Hunter, without knowing much about it's internal workings, is the battles with gigantic creatures with characters I can fully customize so I can be the warrior I wanna be. :P

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Star Ocean 1 and 2 (I've played SO2 on PS1 and nearly beat it and I played SOME of SO1 on emulator, I know I'll love these cuz I love the Star Ocean series)

Parasite Eve: The Third Birthday (I still gotta beat Parasite Eve 1 and get PE2 off of PSN but I want it)

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (I loved Dirge of Cerberus so I'm more than likely gonna love this one too. :D )

Ys series (I hear this is a good series and I love the music I've heard from them so I definitely wanna check it out cuz music can make an RPG awesome for me even if it's gameplay is boring)

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (I'm a KH fanboy and played every single game but this so far, of course I'm gonna play it lol)


Just to name a few. I've also thought of the Metal Gear Solid and God of War games too but for the most part I'm an RPG guy and from what I've seen the PSP is the RPG system of this generation (Even though I've got quite a few DS RPGs as well)


Ok, here's my opinion:


Star Ocean: they are remake so I didn't bought it for my psp, but the original was preety cool, so I guess it's the same here.


Parasite Eve: the game that disapointed me more on PSP system, I played the first with my old PS1 and found it kinda weird but good. This PSP episode has one advantage: giving information about the story, and that's all. They tried to make a new gameplay with Aya using soldiers body to manifest herself but it's redounding as hell. All the weapons feels the same, and the auto lock make the game as easy as hell.

Seriously, I didn't find it funny at all. Even the shower scene is terible: before it was something unusual, now it's herotic nearly pornigraphic, and you can do it as much as you wants.

Sory to talk about it like that but I waited a lot for this game and seriously it wasn't what I espected at all (I expected a good game).

Last detail: a most part of the scenary isn't "watched" by the player, you have to read tons of files. When you are not English as I reading 10 files of 5 pages on a little PSP screen quickly get boring.


Crisis Core: This is my PSP

Posted Image


When this game came out, I sold my old PSP to buy this new one with the game, I lost all my economy and even now I've got no regret.

The gameplay of Crisis Core is kinda weird but the game is very rich (300 secondary mission before the secret boss ARGLLL).

And at the end you will cry, seriously you cant avoid it.

For the graphism and music it's a masterpiece, this video will prove it


YU DONT WANNA GET SPOILED DONT WATCH IT, nope it's not a big spoil and it's realy awesome you can have a look unless you realy want to discover everything by yourself




Ys: what a shame, cant talk about it. I know they are famous but I never had the time to try (or never took it).


KH birth by sleep: A must have, nothing else to say.

This game will make you cry too so be ready.


For metal gear, Peace walker is to me one of the 5 best game of the psp system (with Kingdom Hearts, Crisis core, dissidia, and MHF). And you also have to deal with your personnal army and the R&D section of your base so there's a part of RPG on it.


For god of was, both are goods, both are too short (took me aproxiamtively 6 hour for the first, 8 for the second). Both are kinda brainless but satisfying as hell.


And if I realy cant change your mind, ok buy Parasite Eve (the only one I dislike) but buy it at the end of if you find it very cheep.


That sounds pretty intense indeed. But I still doubt any MH game is as hard as Demon's Souls, few games are.


The one thing that appeals most to me about Monster Hunter, without knowing much about it's internal workings, is the battles with gigantic creatures with characters I can fully customize so I can be the warrior I wanna be. :P


Yup it's less hard than demon soul I must admit it.

But it's kinda the same: you nead to predict the attack of your enemy, read his movements, know what he's gonna do before he do it.

And if you make 2 or 3 mistakes, you're dead.


It's less hardcore but there's more kind of mission (colect, steal a dragon egg .....) and the "hunting" part isn't presnet in Demon soul. Sometime the monster will flee and it will REALY become your prey (that never happened to me with demon soul, I allways felt like I was the prey :( )


But if you are looking for customization and epic fighting this game is made for you. Just remind that to have the weapon / armor off your dreamns you'll have to kill 5 monsters as tall as 3 time your house, do it 3 or 4 time unless you are realy lucky. And each time you'll have to prepare yourself.





Thanks you AJ

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Trust me, I know how the Third Birthday has been received but remember one thing: I am the type of person who likes games most don't. No matter how repetitive it is, no matter how awkward the dialog is, I still like games because I play them just to play them. I don't play them to criticize them, I don't even play them to get a continuation of games before them, I just play them as they are and don't worry about wishing they were something else. That's why I tell people not to try to convince me otherwise because they can't, not because I won't listen but because I value my own opinion of games far more than anyone else, even people I trust completely because I tend to have very different opinions. So don't think it's because I'm just plugging my ears and not listening, it's just that I know how I am and I was just making that clear.


As for Star Ocean, from what I understand the PSP version of SO1 is altered so that it's ability system and battle system more closely resemble SO2 but SO2 is exactly the same as the original on PS1 but with voiced dialog instead of voices only in battle. I have SO3 and SO4 (beat SO3 and almost done with SO4) and I really wanna complete my collection of the SO series. It's too bad the SO2 sequel on GBA is Japan only. :(


I forgot to mention the Dissidia games, I definitely want those, as well as the FFIV collection.


There's also Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles. Even though I have SotN off of PSN I wanna play as Maria so I wanna get that to play Rondo of Blood and to play as Maria in SotN.


Oh and I've seen that scene in Crisis Core. It's absolutely amazing, the graphics are top-notch. Oh and FF Type 0 is on PSP, I dunno if it's out yet but I'll probably want that too!


PSP is a whole other ballgame from DS, that much I can tell.


I definitely feel like I could REALLY enjoy Monster Hunter, I just need to get it. But I need to get a job first and before I ever get a PSP I have three games on PS2 I must absolutely have before I buy anything else and it could be a bit costly since one of them is really expensive.


Wild Arms 3, 4 and 5. I have waited far too long to play these games, I must have them before I have anything else when I have a job.

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I forgot to mention the Dissidia games, I definitely want those, as well as the FFIV collection.


There's also Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles. Even though I have SotN off of PSN I wanna play as Maria so I wanna get that to play Rondo of Blood and to play as Maria in SotN.



Seriously, you reed my mind didn't you?


Castlevania isn't in my "top five" list because it's a remake, but I consider it as one of the best game, and deal, on psp system (even more cause I'm a fan of the serie).


And you know you can play as Maria in SoTN?


This game is amazing and the only part I fearded was the remix of the soundtrack, and it's still awesome.


I hope you'll have your PSP, this console was bad treated by its editor (not enough game at the begining, useless light and no dick reading versions) but it's one of the best.

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Yeah, you can only play Maria in the PSP version of SotN, the PS1 version doesn't do that and I have that from PSN. :(


Castlevania is one of my absolute favorite series' and I would definitely buy them without a second thought.

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  • My favorite series is Fallout because they have a good storyline that sort of runs into each game but not to the point where you HAVE to play all of them. Also, they can be serious and funny at the same time
  • My favorite RPG is Fallout 3 because it is beautifully crafted and, despite it's glitches, is still an amazing, revolutionary game that I still enjoy 5 years after it's release.
  • Ability system, I'd have to go with the Mass Effect 2 abilities. I know Mass Effect is truly an RPG but I do like how the abilities and powers are unlocked and used.
  • The best characters are the ones with a big backstory that proves why they are who they are or are shrouded in mystery which is why I have to go with John Marston from Red Dead Redemption. Once again, not truly an RPG but his backstory as a criminal and his "redemption" throughout the game makes him an awesome character. And he's a badass :3
  • I don't really have a favorite boss, to me they're all just another enemy to defeat. To me a boss is simply another obstacle, and I find really hard bosses to be the best ones.
  • Favorite setting is either in "medieval" time period, like Skyrim or Oblivion or post apocalyptic like Fallout or Dead Island because the "medieval" setting has so many beautiful aspects like castles and villages but can also have awesome wilderness because only a few areas are civilized. The post apocalyptic setting is cool because I can imagine what the world would be like if some apocalypse were to happen.
  • Random encounters are the best because they keep the game interesting and change the whole area completely each time.
  • I prefer RPGs that are traditional but are unique. if all followed thew exact same path, what would be the point of getting a new one be?
  • I would recommend the Fallout series. Fallouts 1 and 2 are fun in a different, unique kind of way and 3 and New Vegas are more along the lines of a regular RPG but have awesome worlds to explore and people/factions to meet. I'd also recommend the Elder Scrolls from Morrowind up because that's when they truly started getting awesome. Also, while not truly an RPG, the Mass Effect series is awesome if your into great storylines. I'm currently still on ME2 but the story is like reading a good book, with tons of development in the plot and the characters.
  • I never really played RPGs for the music nor do I really pay attention to it so I'm not gonna answer this one

As you can see, I'm basically the typical console RPG player :3

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I love Fallout 3 (it's the only Fallout I've played but I wanna play the others) but there's just one thing that puts Oblivion ahead of it for me and that's the different classes you can have. In Fallout 3 you pretty much will play the game the exact same each time you play it and while that doesn't bother me in RPGs like Wild Arms or Final Fantasy for a game as open as Fallout 3 it just doesn't feel the same as playing through the same areas with different classes like in Oblivion. I've yet to explore all of Fallout 3's world though even though I've beaten the game so at least I have that to occupy my time. I've got lots to do still.


I've yet to play the Mass Effect series but it's on my list of games to get. I can't play the first since I don't have a PC or 360 but I can get 2 and 3.


Oh and if y'all haven't played Baroque on Wii or PS2 you should. It's a great and unique post-apocalyptic roguelike RPG. You'll have a hard time finding a game as unique as that as far as story and setting go.

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Yeah, you can only play Maria in the PSP version of SotN, the PS1 version doesn't do that and I have that from PSN. :(


Castlevania is one of my absolute favorite series' and I would definitely buy them without a second thought.



I didn't mention Castlevania since I don't consider it am RPG, but now that we're on the subject, it's my favorite game series ever. I have every CV released on all systems I own :)


My favorite is Order of Ecclesia, by far. It's just so... amazing. I just can't think of anything wrong with that game.

  • Brohoof 2

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I didn't mention Castlevania since I don't consider it am RPG, but now that we're on the subject, it's my favorite game series ever. I have every CV released on all systems I own :)


My favorite is Order of Ecclesia, by far. It's just so... amazing. I just can't think of anything wrong with that game.


I love castlevania. Granted if you asked me which I prefered I might have to pull the hipster card... lol just kidding, SotN is still probably my favorite because it got me interesting in the franchise to begin with.


I was actually thinking of something. Tabletop gaming is included in this right? So I figured I'd give D&D an honorable mention from my previous post. Dungeons and Dragons is one of my favorite RPG's just because of the kind of freedom you have to screw around with characters, that kind of customization. I think of RPG and I keep forgetting about western RPG's Bolders Gate and what have you. They just have so much customization and I can really get behind that kinda stuff, being able to make your character! (That protagonist that you name after yourself, you're the hero!). RPG's are best Games :)

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Oh and if y'all haven't played Baroque on Wii or PS2 you should. It's a great and unique post-apocalyptic roguelike RPG. You'll have a hard time finding a game as unique as that as far as story and setting go.


:blink: It looks even more creepy than Persona, i'll try to find it on PS2 if i've got the time (so not now).


I didn't mention Castlevania since I don't consider it am RPG, but now that we're on the subject, it's my favorite game series ever. I have every CV released on all systems I own :)


Castlevania is just a concentration of awesomeness:

Am I right Rarity?

Posted Image


Apparently yes. (and sory AVGN but Simon's quest is still a good game).


And SoTN is the best in "metroid style" with a very long game, a lot of secret, amazing sound and graphics and a main character with my name (I was like omigod when I saw it, even if I know it's childish).

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I love Fallout 3 (it's the only Fallout I've played but I wanna play the others) but there's just one thing that puts Oblivion ahead of it for me and that's the different classes you can have. In Fallout 3 you pretty much will play the game the exact same each time you play it and while that doesn't bother me in RPGs like Wild Arms or Final Fantasy for a game as open as Fallout 3 it just doesn't feel the same as playing through the same areas with different classes like in Oblivion. I've yet to explore all of Fallout 3's world though even though I've beaten the game so at least I have that to occupy my time. I've got lots to do still.


I've yet to play the Mass Effect series but it's on my list of games to get. I can't play the first since I don't have a PC or 360 but I can get 2 and 3.


Oh and if y'all haven't played Baroque on Wii or PS2 you should. It's a great and unique post-apocalyptic roguelike RPG. You'll have a hard time finding a game as unique as that as far as story and setting go.


Fallout is great. I haven't played 3, but I've played 2 and NV, and both are great. Although, the older callous are WAY different than the newer ones. The old ones are much more RPG, and the battle system is turnbased tactical.


Also, I checked GameStop near me, and they have baroque for $10, I'll pick it up on my way home from work :)

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I was actually thinking of something. Tabletop gaming is included in this right?

Never had the time (and enough volounteer) to play seriously a tabletop RPG.

I'm actualy learning the "Call of the Cthulhu"'s rules.


Ne peu mourir celui qui à jamais dors.

Et au fil du temps peu mourir même la mort.

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I didn't mention Castlevania since I don't consider it am RPG, but now that we're on the subject, it's my favorite game series ever. I have every CV released on all systems I own :)


My favorite is Order of Ecclesia, by far. It's just so... amazing. I just can't think of anything wrong with that game.


I forgot about Castlevania because in terms of RPGs they are definitely borderline and that's only the Metroidvania ones. My favorite is probably Dawn of Sorrow but I love all of the Castlevanias. Though I can honestly say the one that is the easiest to pick up and play is SotN for some reason. I've played it more in the last year than I ever played Dawn of Sorrow and Aria of Sorrow. xD


I have played nearly all of the Castlevania games, Rondo of Blood is like...the only one I haven't. Oh and Harmony of Despair. Love that series soooo much.


I love castlevania. Granted if you asked me which I prefered I might have to pull the hipster card... lol just kidding, SotN is still probably my favorite because it got me interesting in the franchise to begin with.


I was actually thinking of something. Tabletop gaming is included in this right? So I figured I'd give D&D an honorable mention from my previous post. Dungeons and Dragons is one of my favorite RPG's just because of the kind of freedom you have to screw around with characters, that kind of customization. I think of RPG and I keep forgetting about western RPG's Bolders Gate and what have you. They just have so much customization and I can really get behind that kinda stuff, being able to make your character! (That protagonist that you name after yourself, you're the hero!). RPG's are best Games :)


Anything goes in this topic. :D


I didn't mention them because I've never played them (Never had anyone to play with. :( ) so have at it! I've wanted to play them but until I have a group of friends to play it with I can't do that. Closest I get is WRPGs like Oblivion.


:blink: It looks even more creepy than Persona, i'll try to find it on PS2 if i've got the time (so not now).




Castlevania is just a concentration of awesomeness:

Am I right Rarity?

Posted Image


Apparently yes. (and sory AVGN but Simon's quest is still a good game).


And SoTN is the best in "metroid style" with a very long game, a lot of secret, amazing sound and graphics and a main character with my name (I was like omigod when I saw it, even if I know it's childish).

Posted Image


Dat Rarity. <3


Seriously though, as much as I love Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow I wish the games would go back to having weapons have special abilities like in SotN. (Rapier + Moon Rod = Best weapon combo when you don't have the Crissaegrim) Dawn of Sorrow is the closest to this and the abilities are more dependent on weapon type rather than individual weapons and it makes me a bit sad. I had played AoS and DoS before I played SotN so I didn't think about it before but it's something I definitely miss.


Fallout is great. I haven't played 3, but I've played 2 and NV, and both are great. Although, the older callous are WAY different than the newer ones. The old ones are much more RPG, and the battle system is turnbased tactical.


Also, I checked GameStop near me, and they have baroque for $10, I'll pick it up on my way home from work :)


Man, I'm gonna have to get the earlier Fallouts when I get a PC. I also wanna get Brotherhood of Steel which I hear is more of a topdown shooter rather than an RPG but it sounds fun.


I can't say for certain but you'll probably love Baroque. Keep in mind that to advance through the story you will have to go through the same dungeon multiple times (though it changes constantly because it's a roguelike....if you know what that is then you'll understand better) but as you advance through the story by doing specific things or giving specific items to specific characters you'll be able to go deeper and deeper into the Neuro Tower. I've yet to beat the game myself because it got a little tiring playing through the Neuro Tower so many times but I still love the game and would recommend it to anyone. It's not a short game by any means and it does get a bit repetitive but other than that it's a great game. You'll likely never play through the Neuro Tower with the same equipment each time (unless you do something in particular that lets you get your equipment back from the previous playthrough which you'll find out more about or you can ask me cuz I can answer most questions you might have) because when you beat the Neuro Tower each time you will lose all equipment and levels and start over, as is the wont of a roguelike.

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I forgot about Castlevania because in terms of RPGs they are definitely borderline and that's only the Metroidvania ones. My favorite is probably Dawn of Sorrow but I love all of the Castlevanias. Though I can honestly say the one that is the easiest to pick up and play is SotN for some reason. I've played it more in the last year than I ever played Dawn of Sorrow and Aria of Sorrow. xD


I have played nearly all of the Castlevania games, Rondo of Blood is like...the only one I haven't. Oh and Harmony of Despair. Love that series soooo much.




Anything goes in this topic. :D


I didn't mention them because I've never played them (Never had anyone to play with. :( ) so have at it! I've wanted to play them but until I have a group of friends to play it with I can't do that. Closest I get is WRPGs like Oblivion.




Dat Rarity. <3


Seriously though, as much as I love Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow I wish the games would go back to having weapons have special abilities like in SotN. (Rapier + Moon Rod = Best weapon combo when you don't have the Crissaegrim) Dawn of Sorrow is the closest to this and the abilities are more dependent on weapon type rather than individual weapons and it makes me a bit sad. I had played AoS and DoS before I played SotN so I didn't think about it before but it's something I definitely miss.




Man, I'm gonna have to get the earlier Fallouts when I get a PC. I also wanna get Brotherhood of Steel which I hear is more of a topdown shooter rather than an RPG but it sounds fun.


I can't say for certain but you'll probably love Baroque. Keep in mind that to advance through the story you will have to go through the same dungeon multiple times (though it changes constantly because it's a roguelike....if you know what that is then you'll understand better) but as you advance through the story by doing specific things or giving specific items to specific characters you'll be able to go deeper and deeper into the Neuro Tower. I've yet to beat the game myself because it got a little tiring playing through the Neuro Tower so many times but I still love the game and would recommend it to anyone. It's not a short game by any means and it does get a bit repetitive but other than that it's a great game. You'll likely never play through the Neuro Tower with the same equipment each time (unless you do something in particular that lets you get your equipment back from the previous playthrough which you'll find out more about or you can ask me cuz I can answer most questions you might have) because when you beat the Neuro Tower each time you will lose all equipment and levels and start over, as is the wont of a roguelike.



I actually can't stand DoS. AoS was great, but DoS was horrible, IMO. Story was good, I'll give it that, but the gameplay was bad. Everything revolved around getting a bunch of souls, and getting a bunch of souls means farming :(

Want a better weapon? You can upgrade them... By farming souls. Got a cool soul, but it's damage is crap? That's okay, you can level it up... By farming souls. Want to get through that door? Farm souls.

Another problem with having a soul for every enemy in the game is that most of them are totally useless, or only have one highly situational thing they're good for.

Another thing was that it was a little too RPG for me. There was much less emphasis on the mad dodging skills I've come to love in CV and more emphasis on leveling and having better equipment and stuff (in other words, more emphasis on farming souls).


One of the reasons I loved OoE is because it puts so much more emphasis on technical skill than levels and equipments (or glyphs, I guess). If you can't react quickly, or read boss patterns, or dodge on the fly, you will be punished hard. It takes CV back to its roots of "hit without getting hit. Learn patterns, know the blind spots, and dodge everything. Oh yeah, and you can level up and stuff".


And I like roguelikes. I haven't played many, but Diablo 2 and Binding or Isaac are roguelikes, I think. Binding more than Diablo.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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