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Episode Idea: Flurry Heart


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I have a future episode prediction/request, or a possible prompt for a fimfiction (if this already exists, please notify me).

So, we start in Equestria, several years in the future. Flurry Heart is a young filly who is as beautiful as she is smart and kind. She attends Celestia's Magic School in Canterlot, where she studies spells and magic and learns to control her powers. She feels like an outsider, and doesn't know who actually wants to genuinely be her friend, or who wants to be her friend to be affiliated with a royal family. (We see a glimpse of this happening in season 7's "Once Upon a Zeppelin"). The episode follows Flurry as she wonders who to trust, and who she is meant to be. After the occasional musical number, Flurry goes and talks to each of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who are now fully grown mares. Each member reminisces about what it was like to try and find their place, and how they never gave up. 

Just an idea that I would love to see come to the big screen, or at least fimfiction.com. Thoughts? Comments? Questions? I'm all ears. Let me know what you think.



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I actually hope if the show ends, it goes further in the future with Flurry as main character and that her being an alicorn makes it difficult to have friends. 


  • Brohoof 2

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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8 hours ago, Hierok said:

I actually hope if the show ends, it goes further in the future with Flurry as main character and that her being an alicorn makes it difficult to have friends. 


OR, having the grown-up cuties as the central protagonists and McFlurry a secondary protagonist like the cuties and Starlight are in FiM :squee:


  • Brohoof 1


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1 minute ago, Steve Piranha said:

OR, having the grown-up cuties as the central protagonists and McFlurry a secondary protagonist like the cuties and Starlight are in FiM :squee:


The problem with the CMC is that their arc was almost complete right now, let alone an own serie/season.

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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