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Sabir Heyeck, 50th Test Room

I pulled my both hands from her vicinity, taking a step back as the smiley face shifted back to the standard dots. I ogled at the smashed bullet for a second before refocusing my eyes onto the wicked thing standing in front of me. “Good uh…perfect!” I yelled, giving her massive boomstick a quick glance before continuing. “Just testing your specs is all Mrs. tin can.” I said calmly as I raised my hands in a yielding gesture, letting the pistol hang loosely from my fingers before reinserting it into its holster. I then turned my helmeted head to look over her shoulder, that stupid little thing gawking at me like some cheap toy at the market shelf. I knew the machine was going to blast me into shreds for this but I was the friggin super soldier here! No one looked at me that way and got away with a smile like that. At that point I was boiling over inside, made a fool in front of the crowd...a bit gassed and half dead crowd but still, if I was back where I belonged I'd round them all up! My breath got even more ragged as I let out a slightly deranged chuckle.

“However, we at the American Mass Ration Technologies are very proud of our work and don’t only look at the strength of our products, but also the speed of their work, including reaction time!” I joked, starting a sudden fit of maniacal laughter as I hopped to the side slightly, my heavy footsteps crashing against the metal floor when I made a beeline for the brown haired woman who the android was so eager to protect, hands clenched into fists and an angry, white skull exploding onto my visor. The amount of adrenaline the anger was causing had clearly destroyed my situational awareness but to heck with that.

It was a really silly situation, no kidding. I was about to try and rough up girls not even half my size and still uncertain whether I'd live through it or not. I much fancied this way of conversing with others over the simple “sit down and chat” method that was more popular with the general public though. Where was the fun in that? Someone had to get hurt or no one would’ve had any fun! Heck, now that I thought about it…it was probably the reason I was always detained during briefings and meetings.

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They say you can't outrun destiny. I say that they just didn't have a fast enough car.

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@Lektra Bolt @Gabriel @Skylord Nexus @Denim&Venom @Arid_Blitz

Crona did not feel well as they regained consciousness. Though they could feel themselves being healed by whatever the sparkly power was in the air, it only seemed to be working with parts of them. Ragnarok was not faring so well. The gas had hit him the hardest as he tried to keep Crona alive, and these healing nanomachines did not seem to be able to do anything for his strange liquid composition. If he did not heal soon, he was going to die, and Crona was going to go soon after without the black blood supporting him. Ragnarok was hurting so much that he could not maintain his sword form, and he was starting to pool on the ground around Crona. 

Steven was the first to spot what was happening. He had panicked when the gas had entered the room and had thrown up a bubble shield around Star and himself. Star protested that she had everything under control, but after she had seen people starting to drop to the ground she changed her tune. It was a horrific few seconds for them, hearing the screams of pain and fear from everyone around along with the muffled rant of KOS-MOS. It spooked Star enough that she dropped out of her Mewni form and almost hit the bottom of the bubble if Steven hadn't have caught her in his arms. They hung there suspended in the air, inside of the protective bubble until the healing sprinkles had done their job and people were laughing. 

When Starfire had gone up to check on Star, Steven had spotted Crona on the ground with the black pool of blood forming around them. 

"Star, can you grab onto your friend if I toss you?" 

"Wait what?"

Steven did exactly that, launching Star towards Starfire with minimal effort on his part, she was quite light to him. He also didn't mind putting some space in between the two of them since he was feeling all kinds of mixed emotions at the moment. 

Star grabbed into around Starfire's neck in the air and grabbed on with a hugging motion so she didn't fall down. She was a bit to frazzled to activate her other form right then, so she hoped that the other princess could support her. 

"Hey again, uh, sorry about hanging on ya like this, bubble boy kinda tossed me" she said in a voice that sounded both embarrassed and amused at her predicament. 

Steven floated down to where Crona was with deep concern on his face. His eyes were still watery from the fear he had felt during the gas attack, and he was trying everything he could to stay focused on something. 

"Hey, hey, hang in there alright? We'll get you help okay?" 

"What was in that stupid gas GACK!" Ragnarok gagged out. He could barely keep a face formed in the puddle spilling from Crona. After that the puddle of black blood grew deathly still, leaving Crona in an even worse state. If nothing was done soon, they'd both die. Steven's eyes widened at a thought crossing his mind. If KOS-MOS's magic wasn't working on him, maybe....

Steven wiped his hand across his mouth and watery eyes, leaving traces of tears and saliva on it before bringing it down into the puddle. His face brightened into a smile as the whole puddle started to glow. the black blood began to morph and radiate from where Steven's healing tears and saliva had touched, tuning into a dark pink, almost purple color. Crona began to change slightly too, their skin taking on a pinkish hue and their hair altering its appearance so it was almost white. It was almost a reversal of color. 

Crona stood up with Ragnarok who was now reformed into his muscular form, but now pink/purple. 

"What the HELL man, ya turned me into grape juice or something!" 

"I'm pink...I don't know how to handle being pink, it's weird...." Crona said. 

Steven scratched the back of his head apologetically. "I'm sorry... I saw you were dying and I had to help somehow. I would have asked your permission but...it all happened so fast...." 

"Our souls are different Ragnarok... the magic this boy used changed us in a lot of ways... most of which I don't understand...I feel stronger now though....Less nervous even..." They stared at their hands and flexed them as they spoke, almost half to themself than to Ragnarok. 

"It's true...I don't feel all that hungry for souls either now...that's weird... I'm not sure if I'm liking what you did to us kid, but we'll see how this goes." 

Meanwhile Star was hanging off of Starfire while the army guy and KOS-MOS were having their dick measuring contest. Everyone had been so enamoured with that they didn't even notice that a door to where this overseer was had opened up. Star lifted her wand and fired off a loud spell that created hearts and rainbows to draw their attention. 

"HEY! How about we stop fighting each other and start walking through that door so we can all get out of this stupid place! Quit acting like children for just a second!" yelled the 14 year old princess in a night gown hanging off of Starfire. 


Edited by Buck Testa
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Sabir Heyeck, 50th Test Room

I continued rushing at the woman at a swiftly increasing pace, not minding her bodyguards warnings, the little girls warnings nor the colorful hearts and rainbows straight out of my daughters diary that suddenly filled my peripheral view. I just wanted to hack this woman into paste, that was it. How was it so hard to just accept my one, tiny little wish? The skull on my helmet played a laughing animation in correspondence to me letting out another maniacal fit of laughter as I raised my right fist.

I hit her from full sprint, generating enough force to turn a small truck over. However, that's where all the good stuff ended since a loud *Crack* was heard and it was not from the girls skull. I felt a numbing pain shocking through my hand as it was shot backwards from some sort of force field, making me take several steps back as well before tripping on my heels and falling to the metal floor with a loud thump.

"Ack...hng...not fair!" I yelled out between my pained grunts as I rose up with haste, my right arm hanging quite limply while the left was taking a firm grasp of the assault rifles grip. "Damn you, alright?!" I shouted, slight desperation evident in my voice, judgement ability now completely blurred, the skull mimicking the movements of my mouth as I released the rifle from my chest, aiming it towards the brown hair and her force field like one would with a pistol before squeezing the trigger on fully automatic, gritting my teeth as I tried to minimize the recoil, something which proved to be a hard task for a right handed person. The bright muzzle flashes filled the room, the repeating loud noise easily enough to make someones ears ring in such a closed room.

They say you can't outrun destiny. I say that they just didn't have a fast enough car.

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@Lektra Bolt @Gabriel @Skylord Nexus @Denim&Venom

Steven's heart was thumping wildly in his chest as the armored man grew more violent and concerning. He had to do something and fast or else someone was going to get seriously hurt. Crona and Ragnarok were having similar thoughts as well, but they felt distinctly alien to them. They were never taught or raised to be concerned for other peoples well beings before, but their new pink selves were making them feel more than a little in tune with Steven's thought processes. Ragnarok didn't know how much he liked the idea of his mind being altered like this, but in the heat of the moment he did not have time to really question it. 

The large muscular demon arched down and cupped his hands together, allowing Steven to place his bare foot into it and brace himself. With a mighty heave, the pajama wearing boy was launched forward by Ragnarok and his own formidable legs towards the fight just before the bullets were about to be fired. Steven activated his floating ability to make sure he went straight forward instead of touching the ground, throwing up his arm defensively as he yelled out.


His shield manifested itself and struck into the muzzle of the automatic weapon. The bullets ricocheted off of its pink hard light surface and onto the walls and pieces of his own armor, before one of them was sent flying back into the barrel of the gun itself, jamming and damaging the weapon and making it fly out of his hands. With each bullet that struck the shield, an unearthly vibration emanated from the shield towards the attacking assailant. The armor and even the insides of the man felt the pulsating hum of the magical reverberation, cracking and undermining the armor he was wearing as well as having a chance of inducing a strong need to vomit. 

"Enough!" Steven continued to shout as he dove low and slammed the side of his foot into the ground, making the metal groan as it halted his momentum. It buckled like tinfoil under his heel, and he used the residual momentum to spin around hard before arching his elbow high and slamming it into the side of the large man's ribs with a resounding crack. The AmrTEK soldier's booted feet lifted from the ground at the several tons of force that had just been applied to a single point in his already compromised armor, the shock of it almost definitely cracking a few ribs before he careened at an angle towards the metal wall with an almost comical thud. 

Before he could hit the ground, Steven floated up and caught him by the back of the neck and floated him down to the ground as gently as he could. While he was on the ground, Crona tossed over the soldiers assault rifle to him out of instinct, and Steven used it to bend it around the mans arms as a make shift handcuff, locking his hands up behind the man's back. 

To those observing what happened, it had only taken a fraction of an instant, but the cute and chubby boy in his PJ's had managed to resoundingly subdue and knock out the armored man quickly and very effectively, hinting to the fact that he was not only much stronger than he appeared but that he had combat training to boot. 

Steven sighed and sat on top of the man, wiping his brow in relief. "Please nobody else start fighting each other. Pretty please?" 

Star's expression was rapt with wonder at the Bubble Boy's display, happily clapping in excitement while still hanging off of Starfire. 

"Whoa! Did you see Bubbles down there? Who'd have thought he had it in him. I for one am impressed." She said that last part with a slight hint of mock regality, her voice taking on a slightly higher pitch to it as she spoke the words. 

"Why did we help him again?" Ragnarok asked Crona, who only shrugged in befuddlement themself. They would need to figure out what exactly had happened to them later. 

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@Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom @Buck Testa @Gabriel

Through the events that had just transpired the Overseer had just watched some what awkwardly. Once Sabir had been dealt with the Overseer looked at the unconscious man "Thank god that racist bastard finally shut up, I was worried I'd need the neuro toxin again." The face then turned to Kos-Mos "I have to admit very nicely done with the nano-machines. Anyway if you would all like to come through the doorway I will address you personally, Oh and the cake I promised will be here... eventually. I'll send my assistant to grab our masked friend here." With that the hologram dissipated and a few minutes later a man walked through the doorway in a white and gold butler-like outfit, well man would me a slight stretch due to the fact that although his body and features were that of a fairly attractive human man in his mid twenties, all his skin was metal yet seemed to move like skin on a person would. The robot smiled and gave a bow as he entered the room "Hello there friends, my name is Alexander, as you will have no doubt summarised by now I am the assistant of the man that brought you here." Alexander then walked up to Sabir, effortlessly picked him up and slung his over one shoulder "Now if you would all please follow me. I will answer any basic questions you have on the way, however I think it's best for me to leave the more important ones to my master." With that the robot began walking down the opened hallway.

Anime-Black-font-b-Butler-b-font-font-b-White-b-font-Uniform-Set-Cloth-Set.thumb.jpg.bc111fd50cc4c6c716fbbd793e9e4f57.jpg(A general idea of what he's wearing/looks like)Soushi_Miketsukami.png.b0142f6ff8f31d3a68368366cfa107fa.png

Edited by Skylord Nexus
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​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Lektra Bolt @Skylord Nexus @Gabriel @Denim&Venom

"Hold on just a minute!" Star yelled down from her perch with Starfire. After giving the titan an apologetic look, she clambered up and over the fellow princess, performing a handspring off of her head before acrobatically landing on the ground with a practiced roll. Even with everything being metal she had made sure she had landed in such a way that she wasn't going to get hurt. Not skipping a beat she marched forward towards the suit wearing robot and wagged her wand at him in anger. 

"I'm not taking your highfalutin fancy act, you get me? I live and breathe that junk for a living. I was BORN into royalty, is this getting through to you mister Butler man? I KNOW when the hoiity toity act is being used to get people's guard down. You think you can just saunter on in here and play the part of some fancy metallic butler and for us to just roll along with it? Especially when you kidnapped us, some of us in our sleep mind you," Star punctuated that by shooting a ribbon out and grabbing Steven by the ankle, who let out a yelp as he was yanked over to her side.

"Look at the two of us, We're in our pajamas for crying out loud. Do you have any shame? Especially after you tried to have us killed the way you did, you're expecting us to just fall in line with this charade?! We are going to talk alright, and when my people get here there is going to be even MORE talking. Am I making myself clear? Now Bubble boy..."

"Steven..." the boy said under his breath. He was getting visibly annoyed with the nickname. 

"Sure sure whatever, Lets get you into something more people appropriate. I know I'm tired of feeling a draft in here, and I'm sure you'd like some shoes on in this metal room." 

Steven smiled ruefully at that and looked down at his slightly tattered PJ's. He did feel a bit self conscious now that attention was brought to it. 

With a wave of her wand she unleashed a poof of smoke over her body. When it finished dissipating it revealed a regal gown with a crown on it, adorned with two ruby red horns. She looked like she was ready for business and seemed to have a more serious expression on. Everything from her elbow length gloves to her tall boots spoke that she was both dressed for formalities and for battle if it came to that. This whole situation had awakened the more princess like side to her personality. It had probably had something to do with the near death experience. 

"Now as for you....I think I have just the clothes!" Steven flinched as she shot a spell at him, but resisted throwing up a bubble to protect himself. When he opened his eyes again he looked down to see himself wearing a comfy red hoodie and black jeans that felt a touch tighter than he was used too. Most disheartening of all was his brown and white shoes as well as socks that adorned his feet now. He had almost exclusively worn sandals or had gone barefoot his whole life, so wearing shoes and socks felt rather weird. 

"Thanks." His hands went to his newly acquired hoodie pockets as he shuffled his feet around. He felt his cheeks warming for some reason he didn't quite understand, though he knew he felt something similar around Connie. 

 Meanwhile Crona was staring at their hands as they walked over to where the others were. The unnatural pink hue their skin had taken on had been mesmerizing. The more they got used to their new body the more strange it seemed. Ragnarok had retreated back inside of Crona's body, but things felt odd inside of his meister. 

"Hey uh, Crona....Your hearts beating really slow now. Like...REALLY slow. That should be a bad sign but I think that's kinda natural for you now? I don't know what that kid did to us but I don't even think your even close to human anymore....maybe we're a keishin?" Ragnarok was intimately aware of Crona's circulatory system since he was their blood, and the lack of movement inside of Crona felt weird and unnatural to him. Well, weird and unnatural in comparison to what they had before. He also felt far less inclined to bully and berate Crona, which was another oddity for him. This whole situation made him feel off. 

"No...this is different. Medusa's probably not going to like it. I don't know how to handle it if she saw me being all pink. She's used to my hair being pink but not my body. My body is usually white but now it's pink and that's different. I don't think she likes different too much." 

"think we should hide?"

"I'm not sure. We've never really hid from Medusa before. How would hiding from her even work? She could sense our soul wavelengths?"   

"She can't sense us in other dimensions nitwit! Maybe we can make a break for it in another reality! We could become a Keishin in one of those and rule that world!" 

"Maybe.... I don't think Medusa knows how to go to different dimensions. She hasn't talked about that or anything. Maybe we could do that. It'd be weird though... plus if she did find us in another reality she'd think we had betrayed her. I don't know how I'd handle her if she think we betrayed her." 

The conversation died down when they finally got close enough to the group, though they still whispered under their breaths between them and Ragnarok. 

Edited by Buck Testa
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@Lektra Bolt @Gabriel @Skylord Nexus @Buck Testa


Reina just looked on, her mask mostly hiding her befuddlement at the absurdities occurring before her. Her brain trying to process it all. 

"What am I seeing? What am I witnessing? Is everyone high? Am I high? Maybe it's all this pixie dust in the air. Maybe it's actually LSD turned into an aerosol. Perhaps that explains the lack of cohesion with reality. And why the cosplay crew over there are giggling like my last trip to the dentist. I must say, it was worth trading my wisdom teeth to experience such an out of body experience. I thought that would be my last time on psychedelics. 

But it looks like not everyone is feeling the positive vibes of the universe, man. Daft Punk over there is having a bad trip. He's loosing his mojo. Now he's trying to get his groove back. By screaming at cosplayers. Hey, sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. 

And it's not working, cause if it were, he wouldn't be pulling out a gun. I think it's a gun? I'm not getting my regular inklings around guns so maybe it's just a prop or an airsoft gun or- *BANG* 

"Sweet mother Theresa on the hood of a meredez Benz! dude actually is packing! And it caught m off guard for once! That never happens! Did I just see a straight up murder go down right in front of me? Holy Shiznit! He's got to go. He's got to go down! Like right now! Before he kills anyone... at all?" she noticed Kos-player still standing. "Huh. Maybe it was an air soft gun. Or he's just a really shite shot." Reina paused as she watched Kos-Mos hold up the bullet.

"... that's still possible. There's this one time a soldier was shot in the face and the bullet went up his nose and out his mouth.  Soooo.... maaaybe this is the same-"

she held that thought as the round was crushed. 

"Or it was a really crappy bullet.Yeah. Yeah that makes more sense. Yeah, edge lord storm trooper has just been emasculated. Perhaps he should deal with his inadequacy issues in some more constructive ways. Aaand having a freaking Gatling gun materialize right in your face isn't gonna help. How did she do that? Is she a cosplay artist and a magician? That both some serious practical effects and slight of hand.  Looks that did the trick though, as chrome dome is backing offffaaaaand now he's attacking the normal lookign one of the bunch. Good slight of hand too, as she just pulled a riot shield out of her a-"

Reina saw the shield break. And she got that inkling in the back of her mind as Shion was slammed into the wall. "Okay, this is looking serious. For real this time. The parlor tricks were good but they can only get you so far. But never fear. For the glorious Reina de las tigres! Is here! To... watch as banana jama boy freakin bends his assault rifle into a Schneider's pretzel. With Robocop stuck in the middle. Huh. Well that deescalated quickly."

With the wind taken from her sails, Reina barley registered the appearance of the butler bot. "Two people disappear.  One newbie arrives." But then he suggested that they follow him down the corridor.

"Wait. Last time we were asked into a room we got our lives threatened and almost suffocated from industrial flatulence. Now were expected to fall for the same trick twice? Somebody has to point this out!" 

Reina raised a finger to articulate her point. Which died in her throat as Shiva the fairy princess began giving him an ear full. Reina retracted said finger. 


And to add the candied cherry atop this shroom sundae, Hoity toity princess and the pajama avenger got an instant make over in the ward robe department. 

Reina just sighed. She turned around, walked to the farthest corner of the room, and leaned against it, slumping down to the floor. 

"I'm ready to wake up any time now..." 


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@Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom @Buck Testa @Gabriel

When KOS-MOS ask about the energy source Alexander looked at her clearly supprised "Oh! You can um... sense that. Well please understand that I'm not at liberty to really discus it with visitors, the fact that you can sense it at all is a rather large security risk. I'd say that you better go into more detail with my master." Fortunately for the robot however Shion had provided the perfect Segway for him, his face instantly lighting up "Oh yes I assure you I am fully sentient, I was created by my master when he was a young boy, though back then I was a computer based AI attached to a small lab, of course over time I was worked on and eventually moved into a full body, so whilst I'm not programmed bias I am bias to my master... actually trust is a better term, or possibly believe in, put simply: He's my best friend. And no I don't have any built in combat functionality like your companion ma'am though I am trained in many forms of combat and weapons proficiencies."

Alexander was quite off set by Star and was obviously not good with at dealing with situations like this "Well... firstly it's a pleasure your majesty, secondly I am definitely not doing any form of act highfalutin or otherwise, and thirdly while time in the multiverse is a constant, the rotation of planet's is not and you were all picked at random so we had no way to discern times of days. I also find it prudent to mention that going to talk was what we were doing anyway." However the robot's voice began to trail off as he realised that what he was saying wouldn't really make a difference.

As Reina slumped to the floor she would feel a large metal hand ,that had seemingly materialized out of the wall, grasp her and begin moving down the corridor, just as the others had reached the end. The hand proceeded to carefully place her down and gave her a little pat on the head before waving as it melted into the wall.

As everyone entered the next room they would see that the room was a large cylinder with a domed roof with six massive green glowing pipes rising from the floor and meeting at the top, creating a transparent beam of green light. Floating in the light were the six pieces of metal that made up the Overseer, and now that they were face to face the difference in size would become very apparent, with the head taking up most of the room. Underneath the head however was a cake, hovering in mid-air, it seemed to made of chocolate with the words "Sorry about trying to/succeeding in killing you"

Alexander proceeded to chuck Sabir onto the floor and took a place somewhat next to the giant floating head "Introducing one of the greatest minds in the multiverse, my creator as well as that of all you see around you, Lord Lucius .T Nexus the fourth." With that a arc of purple electricity jumped out from the top of the Overseer and started streaking across the ground; as it did however it began to take shape until a seemingly human man in his early twenties was skidding across the floor, in the process knocking the cake into the air. As he began to slow down Alexander materialized a silver fire extinguisher and blasted it at the man, stopping the smouldering of his clothes before they had properly caught fire and then out stretched his other hand, catching the cake.

The man looked at the group of people he had ,only a few minutes ago, tried to kill with a smile on his face "Hi! It's a pleasure to meet you all properly face to face."

Anime-Boy-Black-Hair-Brown-Eyes.thumb.jpg.9fa8a77f89a56536fab66776a1c659d0.jpg<--------- Lucius .T Nexus IV

Edited by Skylord Nexus
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​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Lektra Bolt @Skylord Nexus @Gabriel @Denim&Venom

"The feeling is not mutual Lucius." Star spoke as she strode into the room, the heels of her boots clacking against the floor. Her previously chipper and fun demeanor was now a mask of dead seriousness and formality. In that moment she felt like she was channeling her mother in the way she handled herself. She could see why her mom did it now. It demanded attention and respect. The kind of person you'd expect to wear a crown or wield a royal wand. She held her gaze firmly on the scientist, everything about her expression was chilling and unamused. His quirky entrance nor demeanor had done nothing to put her off guard. 

Steven did not particularly like the change in Star's personality. He found her colder demeanor rather off putting and kind of scary. 

"Let me explain the situation you are in Lucius. The only reason you are even alive right now is because I do not know what dimensions these people are from." she said, gesturing to everyone else, "If you had only kidnapped me, I would have vaporized you on sight and moved on with my day. Honestly I'm half tempted to do so anyway just to make myself feel better." She punctuated that last remark by plopping the head of her wand into her other palm in an intimidating motion, like she was going to beat him to death with it.

Steven blanched at that statement. Something told him from the sound of her voice that she had done that before, and that made her even scarier in his eyes. He wasn't sure he wanted to be around her much longer with this feeling he was having. At first she seemed like a normal kid like him, but right now she seemed like something else entirely. He had gotten that feeling out of Aquamarine when she had threatened to kill one of his friends if the crystal gems didn't cooperate. 

An icy smile grew on her face, but it did not go to her eyes at all. It gave them an almost dead and cold look to them as she continued. 

"So instead, you are going to send these nice people back to their home realities, and then we can discuss how lenient my kingdom is going to be with your sentencing. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky." 

She changed position, putting her hands behind her back and turning to the side a bit as she looked up into the air at nothing in particular. 

"Now I know what you are thinking. 'I'm the one in control here, not this little princess, I'm Lord Lucius T Nexus the fourth, nobody can tell me what to do!' " She gave him a sidelong look with a Cheshire grin "And you see, that's where you are wrong.

 The distinct sound of her wand went off as a unspoken spell went over to the cake they had made for the group. It began to grow and morph, emitting unearthly sounds as it began to glow from the inside. The eerie green light show of its transmogrification lit Star in a rather ominous way, darkening her her face and the front of her body that was facing Lucius until a large behemoth of a monster was standing next to her. on it's muscled chest the words "Sorry for trying/succeeding in killing you" were written on it. It was clear it was still somewhat a pastry, but there was no doubt from it's glowing eyes and mouth that it was indeed a threat. The Golem's heavy limbs thoomed as they found their purchase on either side of Star, Taking up a decent portion of the room as it loomed over her. 

"You lost control of this situation the second you brought me into it." 


"Stop!" Star glanced over and softened her expression as Steven moved to place himself between Star and Lucius. He had his pink shield up and was staring at Star, but it was clear from how much his legs were shaking and lip was quivering that he was terrified. He had seen something like this golem only once when the dust of a corrupted gem had gotten into a breakfast he had made. Somehow her cake monster was scarier than that thing was. Still, he had to make sure nobody was going to get hurt. He couldn't let her just kill him without doing anything to try and save him. 

"Please, no more fighting. I... I just want to go home." He definitely seemed his age as he said that, his voice cracking a little as he tried to stand his ground and keep this situation from escalating. He didn't want anyone to kill anybody else. Nobody deserved anything like that. Not even this Lucius. 


"Crona, this Star chick is the most powerful witch I've ever seen. I think she could beat Medusa even!" 

"Stop it Ragnarok, I need to hear the talking. I don't no how to handle it when you keep chatting inside me while other people are talking." 

Star felt bad for scaring the little guy so much, but she didn't let down her front of regal intimidation. She was doing this for his own good after all. 

Edited by Buck Testa
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  • 3 months later...

@Buck Testa @Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom @Gabriel

A very devious and cocky smirk crept onto Lucius' face as that young girl in front of him started threatening him, he then started to laugh "You know, I like you! You've got heart and your brave to boot. Given, maybe slightly stupid, but all the best people are... mostly... kind of... ok not really but that's beside the point" All the while he was pacing, and hopping around the room like a toddler hyped up on way to much sugar.

Lucius then went back to looking at Star, getting closer and closer to her face as he spoke "Though I would say you're mistaken in your thinking that you would be in control. Now if you will, go along with my thinking for a moment; as you said, the only reason I'm alive is because you don't know where these over people come from yes? Therefore I hold all the cards because as far as you know, I'm the only person who has the answers you seek, meaning you can't kill me, which then ,in theory, would leave you at my mercy if I was a nasty person... Fortunately I'm not though." By this point, Lucius was 'all up in Star's grill' as the kids would say, at which point he booped her nose, aptly going "Boop!" Before backing off, paying no mid to the giant cake monster behind the girl.. 

Though the whole time, Lucius did seem to be avoiding looking at the upset child next to Star, a slight look of guilt in his eyes. "Anyway, I know I have a council meeting in..." Alexander quickly responded "5 minutes Sir." To which Lucius clapped his hands together "Ah, excellent, so we have about 15 then. You can all feel free to ask anything what so ever."


(And with this I breath new life into this RP! Hurray!)

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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