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So I know this seems like a strange idea..but I'm serious. I would put my heart and soul for what you asked for. I don't think I'm a horrid writer but I definitely need to improve. It's just to earn some Christmas money. My goal is to get 50 dollars. I think this is how I'd price them 

30 cents for a short poem 

50 cents for long poems 

1.50 dollar for 1,000-3,000 words 

3.20 dollars for 5,000-6,000. 

I know it seems like a pipe dream but I'm really not that good at anything else... it's so I can get my love her gift. 

This is kind of a rough sketch idea. What do you all think? 

Oh! I will only do NSFW if I feel comfortable with the subject and you're 18 or older. 

Here is an examples poem : 

This night rages for me 

Devil, how you whisper to me from shadows I elude

Shallow breaths and tear stained skin 

Our my warrior markings 

Sighs and trembling lips I try to greet my reflection 

For all I see is an ugly beast with no worth 

God help me, I hate what I've become 

No more talking now 

My mind is here to remind me of better times 

Just need some feedback on this idea

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Hello @twilight24

Taking into account that this topic displays a price sheet despite the fact that the section it lies within is directed towards the requesting/offering of free art, I'll be forced to lock this topic.

I'd advice to always peruse guidelines and section-specific regulations, as well  checking topics within the section to apprehend its function through context.

If you desire to set up a shop such as this, I'd suggest contacting an admin (preferably Pathfinder) to arrange a place in the Commissions section.

Have a lovely day now.

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