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Ghalan pulled out a pack of gum and chewed it. nicotine gum was a good way for it "And honestly your not worth my time but my superiors find that," he stated as he looked at bastion. He increased the gravity well around him to that of a red giant. "I should be watching the school," he stated simply and coldly. "Daemons means nothing as they can be killed just like any one made of flesh and bone," he stated as he said "You have no power to leave your here to learn not to be superior. If you wanted to feel that you should have stayed home little girl," he stated as he  said "Come," he stated as he opened a path towards the school. He began to walk. "Unless of course you want to go home. Not going to stop you," he said simply but shrugged. "I'm tired," he muttered to himself as he walked. He didn't feel like dealing with this spoiled little brat anymore.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Denim&Venom @Buck Testa
Rose sighed and said as she stood up from her spot that she's been sitting at and walked around the mess that the other students made, "Come on, we don't want to start another fight. It's better that we don't show what our magic/power is than show it off and be an ass." She looked at the mess with slight discuss for a few seconds and went back to stone-faced.

Shadow looked up from what he was doing and noticed that he was able to make seven replicas of himself before they started to look weird. He dispersed them and got up to see what the commotion it that was coming from outside.  As he was heading towards the door, he picked up with cane handle and placed the extra shadows within it. then he unlocked the door and headed towards the front door, wondering if it's something he needs to deal with.

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On 4/7/2019 at 2:00 PM, Passion said:

"Hey you!" - on the other side of the campus one of the more quirky teachers started running for no reason at all.

"Have you seen anybody ent- Oh. Doctor Particle. I'm sorry, I must have mistaken you for somebody else..." - she apologized promptly - "...what is quite an achievement in on itself, I guess."

Ira promptly ignored the student accompying Duality, even though she understood she was butting in into their conversation. Still, in the end, all she wanted was an answer to a simple question.

"Anyway, have you seen anyone enter 1089? Alain... Alain... Dufont, I think? He seems to have left some of his personal belonging in my class and I currently had nothing better to do than to follow him and see if I can catch up with him."

"Ah, good morning!" Duality greeted the teacher jovially before glancing back at Cynthia as the student retreated into her room. "This is Ms. Frosthawk, another of our hydromancy teachers. I'll just be a moment. Hmm, Mr. Dufont, you say? I'm not familiar with the student, but I think Deedah mentioned this morning that someone by the name of Alain was transferring to the pyromancy dorm after undergoing a magical breakthrough and discovering that he had a fire/water-type alter ego thing going on. Fifth case we've had this year."

On 4/8/2019 at 11:11 PM, Key Sharkz said:

With the arrival of Ira, Cynthia nearly jumped at her loud entrance and slunked away nervously. While Duality stood at the doorway, she figured now was a good time to catch that sleep she had spoken about. She knelt down to the floor, patted the ground to find the best spot. Once she was satisfied, she yawned and began to tug her shirt over her head, undressing herself in front of the two women without much care. After she had gotten down to her underwear she yawned once more and curled up into a ball on the floor, right next to the bed. Snow simply stood and watched the two women at the doorway.

The professor, catching a glimpse of the student's motion in her peripheral vision as she talked, discreetly hooked the door closed with her foot as she finished her sentence. "At any rate, I'm pretty sure he's already taken his things over to the other dorm. I doubt that the records have been properly updated yet, though, and I'm not sure which room he'd have taken instead. I could give the system a poke to find out directly if you'd like."




On 4/8/2019 at 5:07 PM, Buck Testa said:

With that the crowd began to go towards them and talk to them about what had been going on. Though they wouldn't know it, The two professors made sure to make their arrival known through signals to the other professors on campus. 

On 4/12/2019 at 9:38 AM, Buck Testa said:

The flour that coated Dru's body and clothes turned pitch black and her eyes glowed a piercing yellow as she stared down her teacher. Her aura was as flared as it could possibly go as she took a step forward. The ground underneath her cracked with the force it was exerting. 

On 4/12/2019 at 2:08 PM, Passion said:

With that, Ley reached the man and attempted to walk past him, separating herself from him with Bastion in between. By now, the two found themselves directly under the gaping hole to the void above them. She felt a faint drowsiness and had some issues focusing on maintaining the solid, unbroken stream of energy keeping the portal above them intact. It's edges seemed to quiver from time to time, but it would not be a noticeable detail for someone who didn't know what to look for. It did, however, emanate with an intense and widespread magical aura, one that potentially could be felt even at the campus itself.

Meanwhile, in a cold and lightless room deep underground:


A laptop sitting alone on a table, flashing images over an empty stone wall.

"Larry, you WIS/INT dump statter, I loved you all along! I just kept failing my Seduce rolls, and... and... [sniff] I was so afraid I'd lose you to someone with a better character build..."

"Oh, Amaranth, I didn't realise... I'm so sorry... I never - " [kissing noises]




Pixels flickering across a plastic membrane as vibrating metal makes the very air ripple.

Circuits humming with electricity, processing data faster than an eyeblink.

Matter alight with information, crackling with life.




Matter and information and life.

Intelligible only in isolation, meaningful only in aggregate.

Perhaps a place between.





A vast network of glowing connections flowing throughout an impenetrably blurred substrate. Each tube represents a transmission tunnel - an electric wire, a fibre-optic cable, or even a runic link -, and each node symbolises an information processing hub - a computer, perhaps, or a human mind. The blur corresponds to everything else, whatever that may entail. The World Wide Web encompasses much, but not enough to include every bird, tree, and blade of grass on the planet.

It does, however, include a certain laptop.

"Awww, that was a sweet movie. In an enthrallingly cringeworthy sort of way. If only I had some sort of taste sensor to critically damage via ludicrous consumption of frozen dairy products." Mental Voice leaned back in his spacious runtime environment and stretched, groaning in satisfaction as redundant data buildups were erased from his allocated RAM. "Ah, that's better. I could really do with a proper defragmentation; I'm carrying so much tension in my program files." The alter ego's musings were interrupted almost as soon as they had begun, however, as a small data capsule flew through one of the many openings between the laptop and the school network, heading directly towards him. Upon reaching its destination, the capsule unfolded into a flashing notification:

[signal received 11:24 <<lizardprof + elephantprof return>>]

"Ew." Voice glared at the notification as if it was the embodiment of undesired responsibility. "How dare you violate my movie binge. I may have taken on Duality's notification feed, but I certainly didn't take on her propensity for micromanagement. She can learn about her colleagues in her own time." He mercilessly dismissed it into the mentioned professor's spam inbox, only to glance up to see another capsule flying in his direction.

[signal received 11:25 <<dru_bracelets + dru_necklace energy @ 317% avg(today)>>]

"If only that kumquat kid could hurry up and fulfil her destiny of becoming a vegetable," Mental Voice muttered, extracting a query from his local memory and lobbing it into the nearest information-tunnel. It boomeranged back in a matter of milliseconds with its target data.


<<5>> high-energy particle experiments from Dru bracelet energy. (<<4>> successful, <<1>> unsuccessful.)

<<0>> high-energy particle experiments from Dru necklace energy. (<<0>> successful, <<0>> unsuccessful.)

Dru location: Block D, Room 238.

Estimated immediate risk level: Moderate

Top guesses for cause of power fluctuation (sorted by probable emotional impact): <<Miko>>, <<Miko Tachibana>>, <<Professor Tachibana>>, <<Professor Miko>>, <<Professor Miko Tachibana>>

"Taking a leaf out of my book, I see," the alter ego observed drily. "If the gardenia girl and the poor convulsive kitsunetsuki victim can avoid murdering each other, everything will be fine, and if they can't, everything will still be fine. As such, good riddance." He flicked the notification into Duality's low-importance inbox, along with the query output and a brief note giving a marginally more convincing reason for downgrading the alert (specifically, that 'teacher-student interactions are an inviolable part of the nature of Salem's classroom environment and even conflict can provide abundant opportunities for mutual learning and growth'). A few minutes passed without further interruption and he had just gotten ready to start up the next movie in his playlist when a third data capsule rocketed into the laptop, this one glowing a tasteful shade of fuchsia.

[signal received 11:32 <<portal magic @ su coords -79,105: estimated intensity = 13000 thaums>>]

"I regret everything," Mental Voice moaned, rereading the message despondently. "No wonder she was so shocked that I offered to take on her notifications. That'll teach me not to be so altruistic in future." He stomped through the entrance to the laptop's main network connection and slammed the firewall behind him, pouting as it took his running instance nearly a whole second to upload from the computer. He couldn't help but let his irritation ebb slightly as he reached his destination, however. Salem's core systems sprawled out before him, a vast and radiant web of runic links pulsing with petabytes of information detailing in real-time every aspect of the school and its operations. Weaving his way through rushing streams of data, the alter ego carefully made his way to a subcentre of the network that kept tabs on magical flux throughout the University's grounds, pacing in a circle for a few seconds in one of the hub's loading rooms before a program interface arrived for him to interact with.

[how can help]

"You can help by telling me about whatever that portal magic was that just went down in the southeast quadrant," he said sourly.

[not understood]

"Portal magic. Southeast quadrant. Just now. What do you know about it?"

[portal magic at (-79,105) 11:32 today ?]

"Yes, that one. Tell me what caused it and what's happening there now."

[11:31. student ley and staff ghalan encounter at (-79,105). conflict words. 11:32. student ley open large portal for reason unknown radius 50 meter distance above dirt 30 meter. student ley open small portal for unknown summon radius 1.5 meter distance above dirt 0.1 meter. student ley close small portal. staff ghalan gravity neutralise unknown summon. staff ghalan gravity surround student ley and staff ghalan. conflict words. 11:33. student ley close large portal. conflict words. staff ghalan intensify gravity neutralise. staff ghalan remove part gravity surround. staff ghalan leave (-79,105). 11:34. it is now 11:34.]

After a few milliseconds spent deciphering the interface's flat data transfer, Voice rubbed his own interface and sighed. "Seems to be mostly resolved now. Low-importance inbox it is, then. Let me know if the daemon kid does anything like that again."

['daemon kid' identify student ley ?]

"Your 'staff Ghalan' is hardly a daemon, is he? Yes."


"Lovely to hear," he grumbled, slamming yet another firewall behind him as he left.

Edited by Duality
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  • 2 weeks later...


"Well considering that I didn't even contribute to this mess I very much don't intend on cleaning it up, also by the way your exercise is dumb and thanks for not even trying to answer my question and just giving me a verbal pat on the head..." Kat was even more in a foul mood than before and saw no point in even coming to this class again, she firmly believed that everyone in this room was possibly a bit more stupid than when they started this class. She walked over to the door to leave but second guessed herself feeling bad for her classmates who had this crap to deal with and decided to turn around and help them clean up, but then she was out. She had no interest in what this weird fox wanted nor did she think this class should be even a thing considering she nearly destroyed a section of the building as she came into the classroom! Like who even does that and doesn't get fired?

Edited by Mentis Soliloquy

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Buck Testa @Mentis Soliloquy @Passion @reader8363 

"No! My sim card! F:mellow:k!" as Miko gazed at the chunk of phone left in her hand. 

On 4/11/2019 at 4:38 PM, Buck Testa said:


"Dammit. Now I gotta get a new contract. Get a new calling plan. Get a new sim card definitely. Expandable storage is f:mellow:ked and so was the memory card in it. I knew I should've went for cloud storage. 

On 4/11/2019 at 4:38 PM, Buck Testa said:


"Now I gotta route everything through the damn pager. School charges to use the wifi, but the connectivity is so s:eww:t since those things weren't built with internet browsing in mind." as Miko spun around in her chair to dig her left hand into her box of office supplies from the tank. 

On 4/11/2019 at 4:38 PM, Buck Testa said:


"Most people would think they would. 'It's magical! Of course it has good connectivity!' Nonono. That's not how it works. You don't get the good s:eww:t when you pair things with magic. If anything, most agencies will go 'We get the good tech because why would you need it? You have magic!' That's not how magic works you dumbf:mellow:ks." as she finally found what she was looking for and pulled it out. 


On 4/11/2019 at 4:38 PM, Buck Testa said:

"I bet you dont even know how to use magic. You're-


Dru wouldn't get those last words out. Her mouth was moving but there was no sound. The flour child would find a remote pointed right at her face. A TV remote. And a claw on the mute button. 

She then peered around the menacing munchkin.  "Clock's still tickin Jabronis. Keep cleaning! "  She then reached into her right pocket with the left and pulled out the magic pager, tapping it and spreading out the display. With a right pinky, she swiped and tapped till she was at the instant messenger. 



"Bitch you owe me a new phone. And some worker's comp." 



Miko then looked around drew once more, then back again. "And Jimmy just left the class. Two in a single period. Almost beat the record." Keen eyes would see the same class display as before, except now another was being given a zero for the day. "Actually y'know what?" Profiles would be accessed again and actions would be taken with then, as now two of them were highlighted in red. 

"Aaaand detention. F:mellow:k you for skipping my class." She folded up the pager and set it aside, finally looking at Dru directly.

"If you refuse to participate, then can you at least observe? After all, I had this lesson picked with you in mind." as she turned to look over her belligerent student back at the class, and their tedious struggle to try and sort out product from ingredient and carpet and cram the less heterogeneous of what was collected back into the containers that weren't ruined, crushed, crumpled, rolled up or outright shredded.


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8 hours ago, Denim&Venom said:

She then reached into her right pocket with the left and pulled out the magic pager, tapping it and spreading out the display. With a right pinky, she swiped and tapped till she was at the instant messenger. 

"What is it now?" Mental Voice snapped, glaring at the unwanted data package unfolding in front of him. The message flashed up, and he stopped.

He stared.

Slowly, ever-so-slowly, he moved to pause his movie, not breaking eye contact with the chunk of code he beheld.

"This..." he breathed, a swirling blend of vengefulness and unadulterated delight casting strange and terrible shadows across his interface.

"I have justification."





Meanwhile, headphones firmly against her ears, Deedah danced down the corridor with what could only be described as reckless abandon, waffle-ironed hair flaring with every passionate kick-slide-step she took. "Dun dun dah dah dah, dun dee dahhh~" she sang with a spin and a skip, shooting past a gaping student and into the obsidian doors of the Administrative Office.

Into the doors, but not, unfortunately, through the doors. They tended to open sluggishly due to their formidable size and age, and they proceeded to do so at an exceptionally slow rate as she sat up dizzily from her prone position on the floor of the hallway, rubbing her dented nose once again. Waving away the concerned student she'd passed a few seconds prior, she swayed to her feet and gingerly made her way through the looming portal, throwing a searing glare at the decades-old door mechanism making itself scarce behind one of the obsidian slabs. The administrator soon recovered her kilter as she jogged up the first flight of stairs, however, adjusting her battered earphones and starting up the rhythm once again. Clap stamp stamp clap bam bam bam bam clap stamp clap clap bam clap bam boom bam bam clap stamp bam boom boom bam clap clap clap went the beat, her hands and feet moving in perfect time to the drums resonating in her ears.

Deedah finished with a final exuberant clap as she burst into the seventh-storey administrative hub, waving energetically to each of the cubicle-clad figures distracted enough to notice her entrance. It was a testament to the Senior Administrators' unnatural single-mindedness that most of them were too engrossed in their data feeds to so much as blink as she slid to her desk with a rubbery screech of shoes on granite and began tapping at her keyboard in tempo. They were the perfect colleagues for her, in fact; each of them was endowed with a mind so sharply in focus that the most mundane among them could physically burn holes in paper with their gaze and the most magical of them could perform the same feat from the other side of Salem Island - it was all but trivial for them to simply dismiss from their minds the perception of any disruption she caused. Deedah was too recent of an initiate to have attained such mental honing yet, but she could blacken a dot onto a post-it note if she scrunched up her nose far enough and her life's utter convergence around rhythm rivalled even the concentrative commitment of the Supreme Administratrix.

Those of the faculty more familiar with the cognitive capacities of the Senior Administrators often idly speculated what they could possibly be using all that focus on - surely if they concentrated on the events taking place within the University, nothing like the Abomination would ever make it past the first few seconds -, but the administration did not make a habit of sharing information without cause and indeed maintained non-disclosure clauses as rigorous as those employed by banknote manufacturing plants. Popular theories straddled the range of possibilities from them monitoring and analysing every spell performed at the school to discover the true nature of magic to them maintaining surveillance on the entire magical world, right down to the idea of them using the entirety of their vast collective brainpower to try and make sense of the equally vast collective of superhero comic canon once and for all. If any administrator had been going to let slip the secret to another member of staff, it would have been Deedah, but a mere week after being initiated she had issued a school-wide public announcement in which she cheerfully described exactly how many drumsticks she planned to embed into the facial orifices of the next person to sidle up to her and start asking smarmy questions.

"Speaking of which, I need to buy some new drumsticks," she mused out loud, interrupting the stream of thought flowing through the back of her mind. "I left my last pair in that catcaller's nostrils."

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Ghalan sighed to himself as he arrived back at school. His phone vibrated with a vengeance. Himself and practically threw himself in his anti gravity field. See that's the thing he wasn't really flying. No, more like floating in zero g. As he was in the air he was relaxing. Thoughts drifting to and fro each memory flooded his mind. One mission had him save a child from well undesirables. His unit was sent there in the desert. He kept his powers from his squad mates. But this mission was when he had to. And his first scar one long diagonal scar from his right hip and his left shoulder. His squad mates got reckless during it. an ambush but when he revealed his powers but it went FUBAR. But though it went FUBAR they still got the hostage out. Well his squad mates kept being reckless. wounds upon wounds began to build on him. But determination and unbreakable will was what he had. He landed in front of the ruined gym and began to get to work. lifting afew logs. He was strong for a reason, to protect that's what his father always taught him.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Miss Miko... Miss Miko... Miss professor doctor Miko Tachibana. I am hoping, for Ruby's sake, that at least half those rumours about your infamy aren't true. Now where is the principal? Who is the principal?" she arrived at the vice principals office. "Eh, close enough."

There would be a knock on the door of the vice principal, before it opened. 

"Excuse me, vice principal ... " she had to look bsck at the name plate. "Particle? I'm professor Angelscape, professor of Terramancy? I just signed on over the summer.

If you have a moment or two, I was hoping I could talk to you about one of my students, miss Ruby Rain and one of our teachers, miss Miko Tachibana? I have a few concerns and would just like to clarify what is fact and what is fiction regarding her history, reputation and approach regarding education." Asked the Equine pelijae in the overalls dress and lab coat.


  • Brohoof 1

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On 5/3/2019 at 10:27 PM, Duality said:

"What is it now?" Mental Voice snapped, glaring at the unwanted data package unfolding in front of him. The message flashed up, and he stopped.

He stared.

Slowly, ever-so-slowly, he moved to pause his movie, not breaking eye contact with the chunk of code he beheld.

"This..." he breathed, a swirling blend of vengefulness and unadulterated delight casting strange and terrible shadows across his interface.

"I have justification."

Voice moved swiftly, expertly compiling scavenged shards of code from every nook and cranny of the local network into a single polished whole. Image identification protocols, school surveillance access gateways, real-time transmission optimisation, all of it went into his melting pot of a masterpiece. Forgetting himself for a time, he even dismissed an intruding notification directly to Duality's standard-priority inbox. After a full five minutes of work, he stepped back from his creation, pausing to savour the sight of it for one succulent moment before slamming the 'send' button.


"A livestream of her own rear end," Mental Voice sniggered as he restarted his romcom. "That should take her a while to figure out."





On 4/13/2019 at 10:39 PM, Duality said:

"At any rate, I'm pretty sure he's already taken his things over to the other dorm. I doubt that the records have been properly updated yet, though, and I'm not sure which room he'd have taken instead. I could give the system a poke to find out directly if you'd like."

Duality idly wandered away from the hydromancy dorms, her path at right angles to the direction of the hurried retreat Ira had taken after declining her offer of querying the school's database. "It's not often I find myself without much of anything to do," the professor mused. "Rarely seems to last long whenever such a state does occur, though, so something should be coming up right about - "


On 5/13/2019 at 6:12 AM, Denim&Venom said:


"Miss Miko... Miss Miko... Miss professor doctor Miko Tachibana. I am hoping, for Ruby's sake, that at least half those rumours about your infamy aren't true. Now where is the principal? Who is the principal?" she arrived at the vice principals office. "Eh, close enough."

There would be a knock on the door of the vice principal, before it opened. 

"Excuse me, vice principal ... " she had to look bsck at the name plate. "Particle? I'm professor Angelscape, professor of Terramancy? I just signed on over the summer.

If you have a moment or two, I was hoping I could talk to you about one of my students, miss Ruby Rain and one of our teachers, miss Miko Tachibana? I have a few concerns and would just like to clarify what is fact and what is fiction regarding her history, reputation and approach regarding education." Asked the Equine pelijae in the overalls dress and lab coat.

The mental chime almost surprised her with its familiarity. "And there we go! Hah, I've almost missed the sound of those notifications. Just goes to show how often I've been getting them lately that I'm noticing their absence after only a morning, I suppose. As much as I hate to admit it, the voice is right about them putting pressure on me. Anyway, what herald thee, o messenger?"

Hydromancy Classroom Status: [Normal]

Glyph Theory Classroom Status: [Normal]

Dean Office Status: [Normal]

VP Office Status: [Entry Alert - ID: "Professor Angelscape"]

"Ah, I'll be right over," Duality said, speeding her pace towards the source of the notification. "Would you mind patching me in?" The network responded fluidly to her query, near-instantaneously updating her on the metaequine's entrance questions while a link to the office's video call system was established. 

"Hello there, Ms Angelscape!" Duality's voice resounded from the general direction of her vacant desk. "My apologies for not being present at the moment, but I'm only a few minutes away. However, I can answer a few of your questions well before I get here. Professor Tachibana's renown 'history, reputation, and approach regarding education', as you so tactfully put it, is, in fact, all fact. If there are any parts that might not be fact, they would be parts that sound sane, tame, civil, or otherwise inconsistent with Professor Tachibana's personality. I personally know of a number of parts considered sensitive information by a number of governments, so if you delve deep enough you'll most probably stumble across a number of pieces of false information. However, this information is without exception less terrifyingly bizarre than her actual actions at the time, which isn't the sort of fiction that I suspect you're hoping for." The professor paused for a few moments to let her comprehensive confirmation sink in before continuing. "I assume from context that you're looking to isolate this Miss Rain from the staff member of our mutual mistrust?"

Edited by Duality
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On 5/2/2019 at 3:33 PM, Denim&Venom said:


"If you refuse to participate, then can you at least observe? After all, I had this lesson picked with you in mind." as she turned to look over her belligerent student back at the class, and their tedious struggle to try and sort out product from ingredient and carpet and cram the less heterogeneous of what was collected back into the containers that weren't ruined, crushed, crumpled, rolled up or outright shredded

Dru was dumbfounded and at a loss for words both literally and figuratively. She had never met anyone like Miko before. Most had been too terrified to ever handle her like this teacher was, and others had treated her with at least what she thought was respect. This was different. The wind was taken out of her sails and she felt almost embarrassed with how she wasn't able to shake this teacher. 

Even her aura seemed to shrink away from how the teacher handled her. It wasnt aggressive enough to keep it rattling its cage, and that deflated the extreme emotional swing that Dru experienced when it did that. She sighed and let the flour flow off of her body into the air, not before lightly alighting onto the floor next to the teacher with her arms crossed in a pout. She couldn't talk at the moment, so she used the flour to communicate, forming thick bright red letters into the air for the teacher to read.

"What do you mean with me in mind? None of this makes sense.

I wouldn't even know where to begin to reverse the damage we did here." 

Each sentence formed one after another, the letters morphing and flipping around to form each of the lines. She looked more dejected and pouty now instead of the hellish show she was making earlier. She really looked her age at that moment, her eyes slightly wet with emotion thanks to the emotional whiplash she was experiencing from the situation and her powers effects on her.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Anastasia look! Flowers!" - Ley ran towards the bed of flowers, one of many pockets situated inside her favourite hedge maze. She rested her hands against short stone wall and gave herself in to the myriad of colors. It was as if her whole world exploded with rainbows in front of her eyes, an experience she adored returning to. It filled her with joy just to be able to visit the gardens of the mansion. "Can I take one?"

"It is your garden, lady Ley. Of course you can." -  the response came from an elegantly, albeit practically dressed woman. She wore a gentle smile to her face and gave off a very motherly aura, although by no means she was Ley's biological mother. She was amongst Ley's favourite maids. Although the word maid did not really fit the situation. Anastasia was more of family's main caretaker.

"Thank you!" - the child exclaimed before carefully plucking one of the white lilies, sight of which she especially appreciated. Her small hands afterwards placed it behind her ear, accenting her blonde, long hairs. "Do you want one too?"

"No lady. They suit you much better than me anyway. They do look absolutely beautiful on you."

The child's face lightened up in a giant grin as she pranced around various types of flowers, asking endless questions about their types. Anastasia knew very well that the child had endless energy to spend, as most children do, therefore she simply sat down on one of the benches, overseeing Ley's carefree games. It was like balancing a thin, red line. The innocent image of the situation was overshadowed by the fact Ley was a monster incarned when it came down to her innate powers. Yet she was still only 7 years old. The amount of protective spells and seals put on Anastasia by Ley's parents was enormous. All this just to allow her the comfort of relative safety. As if to confirm the necessity of these protective spells, Anastasia heard a loud wooshing noise. She took her eyes off the child only for a split second and it was enough to turn small part of the garden into a devoid of life soil, smoking with what seemed to be dark shadows.

"Lady, what happened?" - she asked gently as she stood up and calmly, but swiftly, made her way towards the small heir of the fortune around them.

Ley turned her head around, her expression was literally of a clueless, innocent child who did not realize that they've done anything wrong.

"These flowers were ugly. I thought I did not like them and they should not be here, and then they disappeared. Only the pretty ones are left now!"

"Oh milady..." - Anastasia sighed as she kneeled down to face the kid - "You cannot do that. What if somebody else liked them?"

"But why? I did not like them and you said they were mine."

The fact Ley was in the stage where she would start making logical arguments was not really helping in maid's line of work.

"Yes, but I might have liked them, and now they are no longer here. It could make me sad not to be able to see them anymore. Would you really want to see auntie Anastasia sad?"

"...no." - Ley's posture became dejected, and so did her voice. She felt herself lifted of the ground as her overseer picked her off the ground and raised her chin with two fingers.

"That is why you should not just destroy things you do not enjoy. Be more thoughtful of other's needs, okay?"


"Now, brighten up." - the maid put Ley back to the ground and followed with a tiny whisper - "I'll tell you a secret, I did not like these flowers either." - she switched to regular voice once more - "Now, let's go see your dad. Your scheduled lesson in magic control will be beginning soon."

"Do we have to?"

"I fear yes, lady. You would not want to make your dad angry, right?"


"Then let's go, it will be over faster than you can count to 10!"


Ley came to herself, still sitting on the bench. She felt drained. A result of degenerative feedback loop of oversized magical flux, connected with the need of wrestling her own mind for the sake of her sanity. And most probably life. She didn't feel pain, but her movements were sluggish. It took her a while to scan the environment, and it was a saving grace to her that, somehow, the janitor actually listened to her and left. Ley considered it plausible that if she had to defend herself, launching the attack from the portal she had open above them could put her into a coma. It wouldn't be the first time she'd lose consciousness due to her overblown use of magical energies, but never had she used them in such horrible physical and mental condition.

She forced herself to get up and waddled towards the University. She needed to rest. She'd probably need to call in sick for today. She needed a nurse. She also needed a deluxe bath, open buffet, red carpets and expensive drapes. But some of those were out of her reach in this forgotten by luxury location. It was slightly annoying, to say the least. It took her a moment but she finally reached the main building and entered its infinite halls. Thankfully, she knew exactly where the medical quarters of University were, she managed to walk past them during her time spent here at least twice already. For once, Ley did not blame the University for her condition and her mind was occupied purely with getting some assistance, be it magical or not, in getting back to herself.

  • Brohoof 1


𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝖂𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖜𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕴 𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖎𝖙, 𝖑𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖎𝖙, 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖜𝖊'𝖗𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘! 𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝖌𝖔 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕲𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊!

If you are not yet subscribed to Syrex, frankly, what are you even doing with your life? Best Nightcore & artist cooperation ever <3



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  • 4 weeks later...


"Um, yes. More or less. Oh um one sec." she spoke to the VP. Or her intercom. She nudged the door open, and pushed in a stroller. "Sorry, the wife had a work emergency, so I have to watch over our little one. I hope it's not a problem. But yes, i have concerns for Ruby about how well she'll fare under Miss Miko's... teachings. Ruby is, how do I put this nicely. She's a bit on the fragile side. Over the past year she's had her confidence shaken. Tried to make it on her own as a musician. Ended up doing grocery work for a year when her fantastic playing wasn't enough to rent a roof out over her head or put food on whatever she was using as a table. Finally getting accepted into Julliard only to learn that she's an enchanted hasn't helped her mental fortitude either. So based on what you've told me, you'd understand why I'm heasent to keep her in a class with someone who is so... so... oh what's the word..." 


@Buck Testa @Mentis Soliloquy @reader8363 


"Alright jabroni's! Dollar store condiments down! Let's see your handy work." Miko pulled herself up to stand atop her desk. "Hmm. You guys did miserable. Freaking miserable. Half the stuff is still in the carpet. Whatever's in the containers has been sorted poorly. You guys did not clean up this room. You guys did not undo your mess." 

She sat down cross legged on her desk with a thud. Chin in hand. 

"You couldn't. Could you?" 

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@Denim&Venom @Buck Testa @Mentis Soliloquy
After Rose tried to break up the argument between the teacher and Dru, she walked back to the wall and sat down again, watching it all play out. She didn't play with the others and wasn't good at cleaning up, so she just sat there against the wall.

Shadow passed the other classes that were in sessions and students that didn't have a class in the first period. He kept getting a feeling that something was wrong in the school. It was as if death was slowly filling up the school with its gas

Sorxir ran to her bags and started packing them uncoordinated, she didn't care that she was going to be chewed out for this once her parent(s) found her, she just needed to escape for the place. Once her bag was packed, she scribbled down a note and threw it into the office, along with her eye patch for payment, as she left out the main entrance's door. 

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Ghalan sighed to himself as he rubbed his neck slightly. He finished cutting through the marble and levitating it towards a nice pile. "Alright I think that should be better," he said to himself as he felt his phone rang. "Yeah Ghalan here.....What are you talking about Bob seriously?" he asked as he leaned against a wall. "Again seriously? no I'm not going to turn in that little girl just for her to benefit the USA," he stated with a growl. He shook his head as he hung up. "Idiots," he muttered as he went to a bench and sat down. He needed to calm down once more. He looked to the sky as he shook his head. He walked to Duality's little classroom. He needed to do something. Hell maybe he could apply to be a teacher after all. Teaching how to use their powers efficiently.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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On 6/14/2019 at 1:21 PM, Denim&Venom said:

"But yes, i have concerns for Ruby about how well she'll fare under Miss Miko's... teachings. Ruby is, how do I put this nicely. She's a bit on the fragile side. Over the past year she's had her confidence shaken. Tried to make it on her own as a musician. Ended up doing grocery work for a year when her fantastic playing wasn't enough to rent a roof out over her head or put food on whatever she was using as a table. Finally getting accepted into Julliard only to learn that she's an enchanted hasn't helped her mental fortitude either. So based on what you've told me, you'd understand why I'm heasent to keep her in a class with someone who is so... so... oh what's the word..." 

"Eccentric? No, wait, I'm eccentric. Professor Tachibana is mistakable for an elder god's favoured prophet at times. Mental fortitude is very much a prerequisite for interactions with her, which does pose an issue under such circumstances as you've described. I may have to bring this up with Admin - they generally arrange class transfers for those with 'an above-average risk of Miko-induced psychological damage', as the exemption form phrases it." Duality's speech over the intercom segued smoothly into her real voice as the professor entered through the office door behind Angelscape. "Don't worry, I'll work out a fix. In the meantime, you can let her know that she can study in the library during that class period, pending a replacement subject. Will that be a satisfactory solution, do you think?"





"Fine! Fine! No more movies!" yelled Mental Voice, terminating in a fit of temper his streaming service and several background applications unfortunate enough to have been running in his hard drive partition. "What do you want from me? Money? I can guess someone's PayPal password! Power? I have 72% laptop battery left! The torment of mortal souls? I can shut down someone's ten gigabyte upload just before it finishes!" His frustrated glare locked itself onto the geometrically perfect icosahedron of information that had smacked him in the program files. "What are you supposed to be? What sort of bizarre violation of coding protocol generates data with a physical shape? What right do you have to interrupt my depressive episode? And what in Zuckerberg's cursed realm do you want?" He aimed a vicious redirect at the object, which boomeranged back to hit him directly in the same sensitive spot as before. "Ow! You mismatched parenthesis! I'll feed you to the Recycling Bin! I'll grind your code into breakpoint errors! I'll - that's one of her mental notes, isn't it. Of course it is. Because why would I ever have the administrative permissions to delete things that annoyed me."

Voice squinted at the shape, balefully scrutinising the Salem Script confined within. "'Check with Administration about exempting Miss Ruby Rain from Professor Tachibana's class.' What does she even expect me to do with this? Chuck it right back into her inbox? I mean, I'm as insulted as anyone by the existence of the tragically tenured Miko-chan-sama-senpai, but that doesn't mean - speaking of administrative permissions who better to grant them to me than Administration Itself." M.V.'s countenance brightened within seconds as he realised the opportunity that Duality had inadvertently handed him. "Use the note as a pretence to talk to Admin, then chat them up to upgrade my user rights. Looks like I'm going on a sidequest."

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Duality @dragon4111 

"It would, yes. I have no idea why such a class would exist in a school for magic. Critical thinking and independent living? Who the buck approved that? Why the buck did they approve that? What kind of spells, if any, do you teach for that course? We're supposed to be making people into mages. All the aspects of mundane life fall beyond our scope. There are plenty of other teachers and institutions to help, much less what the families of our students are capable of providing. It's simply not our responsibility. So why is Miko making it her responsibility, and thus by extension, making it ours? She doesn't even strike me as the type to give a single solitary damn about anypon-... anyone or anything else besides herself. How or why in Luna's name was she even hired anyways? Are we that desperate for staff? Do that few a mage have want to become an instructor in the enchanted arts?" 

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Uh, do be careful about invoking the name of the Moon, would you?" Duality said, glancing somewhat nervously down the corridor to make sure nobody else was within earshot. "Some of the metawolves get a bit tetchy about that sort of profanity. As regards Professor Tachibana's class, I was one of the staff who signed off on it and I did so as a result of my belief in its necessity as a go-between for synthesising the magical knowledge we teach them together with the mundane knowledge that they learn from others. A mage without critical thinking skills or the ability to live independently is a mage whose mind and lifestyle are subject to their cultural and socioeconomic surroundings and who is therefore ripe for exploitation - a rather more dangerous prospect for us than for an average school. Phrased another way, it is a vital part of all teaching that we teach students how to learn on their own, and it is my firm opinion that out of our entire curriculum this class most directly expresses that objective." The professor paused for a moment in thought, then resumed with a slightly less formal manner. "Dr Tachibana's hire, on the other hand, had nothing to do with me. The Admins were the final arbiters there, and you may have heard about how closeted that lot are with what they do. Opaque though their reasoning processes may be, however, I have never seen them err."

On 6/18/2019 at 5:49 PM, dragon4111 said:

He walked to Duality's little classroom. He needed to do something. Maybe he could apply to be a teacher after all. Teaching how to use their powers efficiently.

Waiting in the lobby of the Administrative Network, Mental Voice idly opened a notification that had trailed behind him for most of the way there.

Hydromancy Classroom Status: [Entry Alert - ID: "Ghalan Chromwell"]

Glyph Theory Classroom Status: [Normal]

Dean Office Status: [Normal]

VP Office Status: [Occupied - ID: "Self","Professor Angelscape"]

"Not that stalker again," mumbled M.V., poking through the classroom's security feed. "Probably trying to find an official excuse to harass overpowered female students again." He began fiddling with Duality's automatic greeting system, checking the hermetically sealed firewall blocking his path periodically to see if its formidable security protocols had finally decided to allow him into the Admins' digital sanctum. Several seconds later, with no sign of the firewall budging, Voice finished his tweaking and activated the hydromancy classroom's enchantment with the digital equivalent of a smirk.

The teacher's desk right next to Ghalan abruptly burst to life. "Greetings and salutations to everywelcome and much more verily janitor man staff!" it boomed in a cheery tone, the sound echoing through the empty room. A hologram materialised above its surface, depicting Duality's static face in full-colour 3D - the only variation from the reality being that her eyes had been replaced with magnified images of Ghalan's nostrils, streamed directly from the security feed in much the same way as M.V. had done for Miko. The nostril-eyes flared past their sockets as the hologram's mouth opened to reveal visual static, a distorted audio clip of a swarm of insects playing from all corners of the room in the split-second before the image cut out altogether.

Voice muffled his sniggers as he watched yet another of his practical jokes play out to perfection, his boredom at the wait well and truly alleviated by his mildly malicious self-entertainment. "Worth it even if they figure out that it wasn't a glitch."

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"Hmm ," Ghalan stated as he looked to the hologram. "Keep trying my patience whoever you are do keep trying my patience. It won't end well for you if I find you," Ghalan stated simply as calmly as he tapped his foot with annoyance. "I've already been having a trying day," he said with a simple tone. "So none of your jokes do you understand?" he asked as he looked at his nails. "Now I may have an idea for a subject that could be quite beneficial to everyone here in this university," he said as he tapped his foot slightly.  "Magical efficiency lessons so that they don't berserk like Drutania," he said as he pulled from his coat his lesson plan detailing the lessons that could be used. Some were practical demonstrations, others were planned essays. He sighed to himself as this was a damn pain in the rump. well he would need to go to administration anyways.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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It couldn't be said that teaching was a foreign concept for Velvet. She was never the one to refuse assistance if she did not have to repay it. Over years, a tiny handful of people insisted on accompanying her in her small journey, many of whom she involuntarily ended up coaching to kill time during countless evenings in the wilds which often seemed to drag on. At least two never returned due to a series of very poor decisions. They usually included three major steps though: 1. Deciding to follow her. 2. Taking up the training challenge and 3. Getting on her nerves with endless complaints while alone in the wilds. Yet, she managed to earn some social interactions experience she often desperately lacked.

Velvet arrived to the island yesterday evening, however decided it would be best to wait until the next day before showing up at the destination. She spent the night in the woods, all too familiar with the feral lifestyle. It was a rather grim experience to the wood's inhabitants, as the island had one less fox present on its premises now. From what she heard she was scheduled to lead the lessons starting today already, but unlike many others she did not require much preparation. Although she received the syllabus she technically should follow, but it did not go in line with her own style. It was inconvenient and hardly practical. Truthfully, all these kids should be thankful to her, her methods could be a silver lining for their future survival abilities. This coincidental though quickly left her mind however, deemed as irrelevant to own life.


Velvet was headed directly towards the VP's office, taking effort to actually try and memorize the University's layout. She contemplated the words of that Blackrose man as she ventured through the corridors, completely ignoring all living beings she passed by. It was not entirely clear to her what her main objective would be. Supposedly, she was to cause absolute mayhem as a distraction when time came, but Velvet suspected there must have been much more to this entire plan than she was allowed to learn. Needless to say, she didn't trust him. In fact, Velvet Crowe did not trust anybody else than Velvet Crowe. Nevertheless, although she played it safe and carefully probed the man before agreeing to join him in his little game, she had other plans in mind and would first wait to see how the situation develops. The man would have to be naive to trust her, and she knew that he knew he couldn't. She doubted if he trusted any of his silly minions. She had a chance to meet a few of them and Velvet had to openly admit, she had never met a bunch which would be more odd than the ones under his "command".

Although the area was alien to her, the woman eventually reached the VP's office. It seemed the door were wide open and sounds of conversation were coming from inside. Velvet didn't even slow down to give this a second thought, she didn't really care about any sorts of conventions. She strolled past the doorway, wearing her usual expression indicating permanent disinterest with a tint of irritation. It was as if Velvet's time was being wasted the moment someone speaks to her. Nevertheless, her demeanour was not hostile nor aggressive. She was here to perform her business and move on, simply said. She found two characters inside the room and instantly interrupted their conversation.

"I'm looking for... ...huh." - Velvet's forehead furrowed for a split second as she reached behind her back, pulling out a folded piece of paper from behind her waist belt. She focused her eyes on the horrible handwriting of one of the admins she had displeasure of visiting beforehand - "...Duality-Wave Particle?" - she raised an eyebrow for a second before shrugging it off and looking at the two entities in front of her - "I was told I might find her here."

  • Brohoof 1


𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝖂𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖜𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕴 𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖎𝖙, 𝖑𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖎𝖙, 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖜𝖊'𝖗𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘! 𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝖌𝖔 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕲𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊!

If you are not yet subscribed to Syrex, frankly, what are you even doing with your life? Best Nightcore & artist cooperation ever <3



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/13/2019 at 6:21 PM, Denim&Venom said:


"Um, yes. More or less. Oh um one sec." she spoke to the VP. Or her intercom. She nudged the door open, and pushed in a stroller. "Sorry, the wife had a work emergency, so I have to watch over our little one. I hope it's not a problem. But yes, i have concerns for Ruby about how well she'll fare under Miss Miko's... teachings. Ruby is, how do I put this nicely. She's a bit on the fragile side. Over the past year she's had her confidence shaken. Tried to make it on her own as a musician. Ended up doing grocery work for a year when her fantastic playing wasn't enough to rent a roof out over her head or put food on whatever she was using as a table. Finally getting accepted into Julliard only to learn that she's an enchanted hasn't helped her mental fortitude either. So based on what you've told me, you'd understand why I'm heasent to keep her in a class with someone who is so... so... oh what's the word..." 


@Buck Testa @Mentis Soliloquy @reader8363 


"Alright jabroni's! Dollar store condiments down! Let's see your handy work." Miko pulled herself up to stand atop her desk. "Hmm. You guys did miserable. Freaking miserable. Half the stuff is still in the carpet. Whatever's in the containers has been sorted poorly. You guys did not clean up this room. You guys did not undo your mess." 

She sat down cross legged on her desk with a thud. Chin in hand. 

"You couldn't. Could you?" 

The red head was one of the first to pipe up. "Well of course not! How are we supposed to do anything like that with no magical experience?" 

Druantia nodded to that. She was sure it could be done with spells and such, but as of now she had no knowledge that would allow her to reverse the damage. Destroying something was much easier than reversing that damage. Especially when the things that were damaged didn't match up to the users affinities. This had only firmed Druantia's resolve that she needed to learn real magic. This lesson, if nothing else, proved how ultimately ineffectual her flailing about with raw magical power really was. Just learning that one spell that repelled projectiles had opened her eyes to the idea that not only were spells great for achieving desired effects, but they were much more efficient with mana consumption than her typical methods. She was awakening to the idea that in the grand scheme of the art of magic, she had only been dabbling in the level of proverbial finger painting. Sure she could use an impressive amount of that paint, but that didn't make her unrefined flailing aura any less embarrassing.

She silently resolved to become better, as fast as she possibly could.  

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@Buck Testa @reader8363 @Passion @Mentis Soliloquy 

On 8/11/2019 at 8:57 PM, Buck Testa said:

"Well of course not! How are we supposed to do anything like that with no magical experience?" 

"Y'see Jimmy, if you had magical experience, cleaning up the mess wouldn't be your prerogative. Making sure there wasn't a mess made in the first place would be.  But I'm getting a head of myself. You all made a big mess. Most of you used your powers to make this mess. And you failed to make everything the way it was. Again, even with some of you using your powers. But even if you did use your powers as experienced mages, you would've been able to clean up this mess, but you wouldn't have been able to revert everything back to the way it was.  Every container in tact and filled with it's contents. Every tread of this rug containing the same trace amounts of dust gathered since it was last cleaned yesterday. You could clean the mess, but you couldn't undo it. But all that was massacred was dollar store produce. 

What would you do if it was property that you trashed? What would you do if you wrecked a city monument? A public memorial? A popular restaurant? A crowded train station? A passenger flight 3000 meters up? Somebodies home? And that's not to mention all the people involved. Could you undo that mess? Can you undo that damage? The cost, the pain, the hurt, the loss? 

Once you make a mess. Once you empty, scatter and destroy, you can't undo it. It's out there. It's done, for you and the world to see. Once Pandora's box is opened and all it's contents are emptied out in it's arcane display, there's no putting it all back in. All you can do is pick up the pieces and pay the price. That is the lesson here. Not only be careful, but be mindful of what you can do with your magic. Because if you screw up, out there in the real world, there's no amount of magic that can clean up that mess.

And that is part of my job here, and this is the type of education everyone needs, not just mages. To help you become independent and rational young adults learning magic, rather than mages learning how to be independent, rational young adults.  AKA how you should've been prepared for the real world during your respective primary educations. But the systemic flaws in the worlds educational systems are later in the semester. Right now, to help all of this sink in, I'm not gonna give homework on the first day. I'm not that evil. But to expect to be thrown into the thick of it from here on out. 

I'm gonna do what most other staff won't, and that's level with you. Life for a mage is far from easy. You will be judged and treated differently for what you are, for circumstances beyond your control. For powers that you didn't ask for. For this curse we've all been afflicted with. And it was our duty here at Salem to prepare you all as best as we could. My predecessors haven't quite followed up on that. I should know, for I was just like you. A student. Salem's first class of '92. I consider myself one of the lucky ones, having a lifetime of experiences to fall back on prior to my... encouraged enrollment. My fellow classmates? Succeeding classes? The success rate has been... mixed. The curriculum is in a state of flux. An ongoing process of trial and error over the last 30 years. Hence why this course was adopted, as sending mages out into the world with a lack of a formal, practical and pragmatic education has been working oh so well for everyone who hasn't ended up a sorcerer-soldier or magical merc. 

TL:DR: The world hates magic and I'm gonna help you learn to put up with it, excel in spite of it and not end up homeless selling your powers to the highest bidder!" 

The crazy fox lady finished her dramatic speech just as the bell rang

"And that concludes our lesson for today jabronis, though you will probably be seeing me again today as this place cannot hire let alone retain teachers to save it's life! Oh and don't worry about the mess, I've got that covered." Miko said as she made what looked like the hang loose Shaka gesture with her hand and put it next to her muzzle. They'd hear a short beep before what sounded like ambient background noise muffled through a radio speaker filled the air. 

@dragon4111 "BROOM JOCKEY! CLEAN UP ON ROOM 236! BROOM JOCKEY! CLEAN UP ON ROOM 236! HAIYAKUU!"  Miko announced, or rather hollared over the schools PA system. After which she walked into the broom closet, and after half a minute of struggling she pulled out what appeared to be a dirt bike. 

"Thanks for staying through my lecture, have nice evening!" before she slapped on a combat helmet, revved up her bike and sped through the bike as the sounds of thrash metal filled the air, then began to fade down the halls, and away from the mess of product ground into the shag carpet, smeared all over the walls and dripping from the ceiling.  

Ruby had to blink a few times at the series of events. 

"... wut?" 


Meanwhile, in an office that wishes it were farther away. 

Angel paused at the call for janitorial services before clicking her tongue. "Should we be worried?" before turning to the newcomer. "Oh she's right here, don't mind us. Just discussing the merits and flaws of alternative education practices." 


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On 7/28/2019 at 12:44 AM, Passion said:

Although the area was alien to her, the woman eventually reached the VP's office. It seemed the door were wide open and sounds of conversation were coming from inside. Velvet didn't even slow down to give this a second thought, she didn't really care about any sorts of conventions. She strolled past the doorway, wearing her usual expression indicating permanent disinterest with a tint of irritation. It was as if Velvet's time was being wasted the moment someone speaks to her. Nevertheless, her demeanour was not hostile nor aggressive. She was here to perform her business and move on, simply said. She found two characters inside the room and instantly interrupted their conversation.

"I'm looking for... ...huh." - Velvet's forehead furrowed for a split second as she reached behind her back, pulling out a folded piece of paper from behind her waist belt. She focused her eyes on the horrible handwriting of one of the admins she had displeasure of visiting beforehand - "...Duality-Wave Particle?" - she raised an eyebrow for a second before shrugging it off and looking at the two entities in front of her - "I was told I might find her here."

10 hours ago, Denim&Venom said:

Angel paused at the call for janitorial services before clicking her tongue. "Should we be worried?" before turning to the newcomer. "Oh she's right here, don't mind us. Just discussing the merits and flaws of alternative education practices." 

Duality's attention flickered in succession from one of Miko's characteristic abuses of the PA system to the somewhat distressingly dressed new arrival and Angelscape's comment, settling on the second point of interest as highest priority in the short run. "The hyphen goes between the second two names, but otherwise that would be me," she said, glancing apologetically at Angel before offering a somewhat tentative smile to the seemingly annoyed visitor. "Nothing serious, I do hope? There's usually at least some disturbance on the first day of classes, but I would have thought we'd gotten that out of our system during the last first day we had this year." The professor rapidly ran through her mental inventory of University inhabitants and came up decidedly blank, although hints of similarity in attitude between Ley and the recent arrival swirled faintly in the back of her mind.

On 7/21/2019 at 9:16 PM, dragon4111 said:

"Hmm ," Ghalan stated as he looked to the hologram. "Keep trying my patience whoever you are do keep trying my patience. It won't end well for you if I find you," Ghalan stated simply as calmly as he tapped his foot with annoyance. "I've already been having a trying day," he said with a simple tone. "So none of your jokes do you understand?" he asked as he looked at his nails. "Now I may have an idea for a subject that could be quite beneficial to everyone here in this university," he said as he tapped his foot slightly.  "Magical efficiency lessons so that they don't berserk like Drutania," he said as he pulled from his coat his lesson plan detailing the lessons that could be used. Some were practical demonstrations, others were planned essays. He sighed to himself as this was a pain in the rump. well he would need to go to administration anyways.

"Talk about paranoid," sulked Voice, miffed at being found out so easily. "Immediately decided that there was clearly not a single thing wrong with the university's ludicrously complex and delicate spiderweb of a network and that he was obviously being deliberately messed with by someone with exceptionally high security clearance and a thing for livestreaming nostrils. Maybe he's still naive enough to think that no glitch could possibly be that bizarre." Something about the situation abruptly struck the synthetic consciousness as off-kilter, and he stopped for a few milliseconds to coax it out of his code. "...weird that he randomly started talking about teacher stuff to an anonymous weirdo who livestreamed nostrils in his face. Almost like he knows I'm in Duality's good books." M.V. thought through the ramifications of this possibility for a few seconds before shuddering and dismissing the notion. "Nah, Deedah wouldn't have narc'd on me and there's no way he's secretly psychic on top of all that gravity stuff. Speaking of which, what sort of janitor even is this guy, anyway? By my count he's cleaned up three cubic meters of junk so far this semester compared to starting four or five interpersonal messes with students and indirectly destroying an entire university hall. Wait is he heading to the admin building oh quark oh Higgs he can read minds he's after me please let me in you stupid door I'll be your personal antivirus for the whole term just hurry up and open sesame-" Ping.

"What do you know?" Mental Voice mumbled perplexedly as the firewall in front of him dissolved like molten marzipan before his newly-acquired network authorisation. "Turns out it was the magic word after all." He rapidly uploaded himself through the military-grade interface that formed the sole aperture in the iron facade of the Administrative Network only to be stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he had fully assembled on the other side. A radiant being confronted him, every synapse of its mind glowing with focus as its scrutinising gaze pierced to the core of his code. He quailed before its vast and searing visage, briefly considering the odds of survival if he ran for it right then and there, but before he had the opportunity - "Wait a minute, is that... Duality's mental voice!" cheered the burning entity in a tone that sounded unsettlingly familiar despite the ambient roars of righteous wrath that emphasised each syllable. "It's me, Deedah! Sorry if I gave you a shock, this thing really doesn't do my hair any favours."

Voice managed to stutter out an extensive plea for forgiveness for all the wrongs he had committed during his brief existence in the time it took him to fully register the entity's words. "...forgivemeforgivemeohgreatsaraphsparemefromthecomingjudgementwaitwhatwhatDeedahareyoutellingmethatthisburningdigitaldeitystandingbeforemeisnotonlynotaburningdigitaldeitybutinfacttheleastburningdigitaldeitylikepersonIknowDeedahstoprightthereandtellmethatthisburningdigitaldeityisinfacttheleastburningdigitaldeitylikepersonIknoworsohelpmeImayresorttobingewatchingromcomsalloveragainIcannothandlethislevelofpsychologicalstressIcanbarelyhandletheontologicalstresswithouthemorrhagingbreakpointexceptionsalloveryourharddriveIalreadyhavemultipleunhealthycopingmechanismsandthejanitorisaftermethejanitorisaftermesavemefromhimhereadsmindsandwantstomurdermesparemefromthecomingjudgementohgreatsaraph-" The burning digital Deedah-deity interrupted quickly before M.V. had the chance to start pleading for forgiveness all over again. "Waitstopyes this thing is definitely me. It's an Administrative Avatar they make them terrifying for some reason. Not to mention it makes my hair look like an aura of imminent fiery doom even more than it normally does. Also, Ghalan has no mind-reading abilities whatsoever otherwise we'd all be wearing enchanted tinfoil hats and flinching every time he went past. And he's probably possibly maybe slightly not trying to hunt you down. No promises there. What're you doing all the way up here, though? Did the playlist run out or something?"

"Uh, not so much," Voice responded with a quaver, his survival subroutines loosening their hold on him only gradually. "More that Duality took a mental note to sort out this one student with Admin and the mental note was obnoxiously icosahedral and I couldn't delete it or anything due to not having any decent admin privileges over things like that so I thought I'd come here to resolve the note and also to possibly get upgraded privileges so I can do my job betterer and more optimally and stuff and please please please give me sanctuary from the janitor I pranked him with nostrils and I think he wants to kill me." Deedah's roiling flame-limned visage blinked a few times as she processed the information dump. "That sounds almost as terrible as Duality's cooking. No need for worry, though, you came to the right person at the right place. I guarantee we can fix the first and last issues and at bare minimum we can get the privileges thing looked at. Ghalan may be subtle but he is not malicious, as someone might have once kinda said."

Edited by Duality
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Ghalan looked annoyed as he heard that stopped his walk. He then walked towards the room.....Yeah he had a bad feeling. When he finally arrived at the room and saw it. Yep something in him snapped. No maniacal look. Just cool and calm fury. He pulled out his work cellphone and dialed up Duality. When the phone began to ring. "Duality regarding Miko Tachibana she's going to die now," Ghalan stated as he looked around the room voice cold as ice. "So tell me Duality how much longer do we need Miko Tachibana?" he asked with clear anger to his voice. His other hand gripping his walking staff. Magical runes began to form around him Every step he took was slow deliberate as if one step out of line could spell disaster.But when he stepped upon the dirty ground, the produce began to levitate and disappear. Almost as if gravity was drawing in everything and crushing it into cosmic dust.

@Buck Testa


Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Rose got up and walked out of the room and to her room to grab and toy wooden dagger, then she headed towards the arena to practice out of fun as she stashed it in her sleeve. As she opened the door, she cautiously peeked in to see that no one was there and slipped in, while closing the door behind her. She pulled it out, as she climbed the stairs, and started practicing with her eyes, like she was fight another person.

Shadow continued to walk around the school, unable to shake the feeling. He didn't want to stop, until he figured out if it's his imagination or not, but he was getting tired and sat down on a bench to give his legs some rest. He placed the cane in his lap and looked at the hilt. it was carved into a snarling dragon's head, dipped into hot brass to be able to defend with it, then had a spell placed on it to keep it from being scratched.

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