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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight stayed quiet, letting Dynamo to control her freely. She kept her eyes on him the whole time, and had a constant smile on her face. This went on the whole time they danced, and Sunlight's focus was fully on Dynamo, since even the little she had to do to not fall over didn't need any of her attention, and she knew she would hear the song without focusing on it either.
She chuckled a bit when they stopped and she could tell Dynamo was getting tired "If you want to." having their foreheads together, she felt that this should have been the moment they kissed or something, but she didn't do it, because she had given Dynamo the full control of the situation, and decided he would do it if it was necessary.

Jade just smiled when Dew giggled in her usual shyness, it was cute, but he wasn't sure if he was yet comfortable pointing that out in front of other ponies. He glanced through all the art as they went past them, but his focus was really only in Dew, and he looked at her every time he could without looking like he was purposely looking at her. "That is what I wonder too, because it's quite interesting to me, since I'm not that artistic due to my factual way of thinking."


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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo chuckled at Sunlight's response, but nods as he lead her back towards the table that had the flowers he got for her. He sighed happily as he took a seat, smiling towards the orange mare. "You're a really good dancer. I can imagine you learned about dancing from reading, but it's like you're a professional. I can definitely say my mother would love to meet you. She's a dancing instructor and she taught me to dance when I was younger. Normally, I don't dance that often, but that was a lot of fun." He reached a hoof across the table and placed his hoof upon hers. "I hope you liked my choice in song for that dance. When I heard that they could take requests, I wanted to make something special for you. I remembered the lyrics and to me, it felt like it fit the two of us perfectly. It's just like the lyrics in the song had stated. I give it all to you my heart and soul and I am yours. Which is why...I wanted to give you this." He levitated the flowers over to her, but made sure the keep the necklace hidden. "I can guess that you knew I would get you these flowers. I asked Dew Drop what would be perfect, so she asked me how I felt about you. I just told her everything that I liked about you and how much you meant to me. However, that's not all there is. Take a look and you'll see what I mean." If she looked in the flower pot, then she would see the necklace inside. A Silver heart necklace with and engraving on the necklace. Along with engraving, the necklace could open up to allow a picture to be placed.


Dew Drop:
Dew had looked back at Jade, while listening to his thoughts. She had wondered if he was staring at her, or looking past her. However, she decided not to question it, at the moment. "I-I'm not artistic either, b-but I guess some art can speak to me. Just l-like this one." She pointed out to a picture of a couple, who were sitting upon a grassy plain, while looking up at the night sky. "A-A couple that look to be in love. E-Enjoying the evening sky after a probably a n-nice day of spending time with each other." She smiled softly at how sweet that sounded, in her opinion. "I-I know you said that you have a f-factual way of thinking, but do you ever s-see yourself in a certain picture you might come a-across?" She tilted her head slightly in wonder.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Ultimately the skill of dancing is based on knowing where to put your hoofs..." Sunlight said "...And muscle memory is also memory.". She smiled when Dynamo took hold of her hoof, and didn't say anything regarding the song since Dynamo didn't really give a chance for that. She again just smiled when she was given the flowers, since acting surprised would have been useless, but she was genuinely surprised when Dynamo asked her to look at them closer, she wasn't sure why though, since of course there would be something else, since it wouldn't make sense to wait this long otherwise, considering it was obvious who the flowers were for. 
After some looking, she found the necklace, she smiled at Dynamo and leaned to him to give a kiss on his snout "Thank you".

"No and yes..." Jade replied "...I can't really see myself in them until there is something that looks like me, but I can relate to them if I see something that is familiar to me or otherwise on my mind. Good or bad." He had an idea why Dew asked it with this piece in particular, but the memory he actually got was a bit less pleasant, since it reminded him of Sunlight, Dynamo and the hill, which in turn reminded of him what had happened at the market...he pushed the memory away. 


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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad: 
"That's kind of what my mom had said when it comes to dancing. Although, she said that it's not about muscle movement, but more about letting the music flow through your soul." He chuckled slightly, before watching Sunlight, who was looking through the flowers. He smiled as it looked like she was happy at what he had given her. He wriggled his nose as she kissed his snout, before leaning over and giving her a kiss. "You're welcome and I'm glad you like it. I found that after you were window shopping at the mall yesterday. I made a small detour when you and your friends were in the clothing store. The clerk told me something special about the necklace and I just knew that it was the perfect thing. I remember what we talked about in the flower field that one day. Now it's like our hearts are truly connected, or something like that." He smiled softly with a chuckle. "I think the necklace can even open to hold a picture. That way, even if we are far apart at times. A part of me and, in a way, my heart will always be with you. Just like how you used your magic to give me that magic heart. I know you already have a necklace on, but would you like me to help put this necklace on you?"

Dew Drop:
"I c-can relate to that. If t-there was a way for me to see myself a-actually in a picture, then I feel as if I-I'm in that moment. I guess i-it's more fitting if an a-artist had drawn a picture of you. T-That way, you would b-be able to see yourself in said pictures." She looked to him, before frowning slightly. It seemed that the picture she looked at had made Jade feel sad and/or somewhat distant. She took a look at the picture once more, before suddenly realizing something about the picture. While she hoped it would be like how her and Jade would resemble the couple. She had remembered Dynamo and Sunlight would act in that sort of way, as well. "U-Uh...hey. Let's look over here. T-There must be more interesting a-art that we can look at." Her wing tugged on his wing to motion Jade to follow her. She felt terrible that she had made Jade feel this way. She thought the picture would be something to imagine her and Jade to be in, but it had the opposite effect. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just smiled again, she really didn't want to reply anything to Dynamo's stories, not because she disliked them, but because all the talk about meanings and symbolism, it just didn't really matter to her mind, even if she tried. "Go ahead." Sunlight said smiling, loosening her grib on the necklace enough so Dynamo could take it with his magic. "I think I put a picture of us both in there someday when we have such picture." 

Jade was bit surprised by Dew's reaction, because he hadn't noticed that he had shown anything outside, but he could tell from how she had said what she had said that she had to had noticed something, which in turn made him feel bad because he could guess she was blaming herself. He decided to speak up, even though he knew he risked talking himself to a situation where he would need to tell her the truth about himself "It's not your fault you know..." "...that my mind went to negative things from a thing you wanted to bring positive thoughts." "I know your tried to get me think about us two, but unfortunately my mind doesn't work like that, perfect memory has its problems." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo nodded as he levitated the necklace in his magical grasp. He then moved the necklace around Sunlight's neck, before hooking the necklace together. After hearing a snap, he smiles as the necklace was in place. "There we go. A beautiful necklace that matches a beautiful mare like yourself. If we need a picture, then we can take a picture of us in the field of flowers. If not, then we can take a picture of us on the hill overlooking Ponyville. That actually sounds perfect when you think about it. Thank you for this surprise and this nice day. I love you, Sunny." He smiled softly as he looked into her eyes.

Dew Drop:
The ebony Pegasus winced slightly as Jade had taken notice of her reaction. She shuffled her hooves slightly, while hoping that he hadn't noticed her earlier reaction. "Oh, I-I know. I guess I felt g-guilty, in a way. I know you s-said that your mind can be n-negative to positive at times. I w-was trying to imagine t-the two of us in some of these pictures. After what you had said, I-I can imagine that p-perfect memory isn't all it's cracked up to be." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight smiled back, meeting Dynamo's glance "That's actually a good idea, it would be nice to have one of those places on the background." she said, as she quickly looked at the necklace before returning to look at Dynamo's eyes "But we need somepony with a camera to do that, we can't get a good picture alone.".

"It really isn't as nice as one would think..." 
Jade said kindly but seriously "...and to avoid making you feel guilty, I want to tell you exactly what it really means to remember everything." "Let's say we are eating Ice cream, then somepony falls over somewhere nearby for totally unrelated reason and causes a stupidly long chain reaction that ends up hurting you..." "...From that point on, any time I see ice cream, I remember you getting hurt."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Okay. It's like keeping a moment frozen in time. I guess we'll ask somepony if they could take the picture for us. Maybe Jade, or one of your friends as they visit Ponyville like you told me before. I would say that one of us could hold the camera in our magic, but then the camera might move as it's floating. That, as well as how our horns would be glowing. It would probably make the picture look off." He smiles as he saw that Sunlight was looking at her necklace. "So, how are you feeling? Are you up for another dance, or is there anything else you'd like to do?" He asks, still unsure if she was tired from the nonstop dancing.

Dew Drop:
As she began to listen to Jade's explanation, Dew Drop couldn't help, but nod as she continued to understand the green Pegasus. "It s-sounds like one small t-thing can change everything to be a g-good thing, or a bad thing. It doesn't h-help that having that kind of m-memory will never make you forget. I'm sorry t-to hear all of this, b-but I'm glad you told me. I g-guess I'll be learning what makes you tick e-every now and then. Which is okay t-to me as I want to know all about you. T-That does bring up a g-good question. E-Even after having that memory f-from those chain of events. Is there e-ever a way to overwrite a b-bad memory, or i-is it simply impossible?" She asks as she turns to Jade, while her gaze was drawn toward his eyes.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Let's sit here for a while, looking at the time, our friends should be here soon." Sunlight replied after thinking for a second, and not long after, the group arrived from the door, all wearing good looking dresses, though in Golden's case, the dress was clearly picked based on comfort over beauty, not that it wasn't beautiful, it just was notably less detailed. Other things to notice was that Golden seemed a bit more careful that she did at the mall. They made their way to the couple, "Ah, you're already here, has it been fun?" Lunar said when they got to them, eyeing the necklace with knowing look. 

"Neither yes or no..." Jade replied, it was clear he had had to think about the wording "....As in, there is no way to overwrite any memories, since I can't forget anything, as far as I know that is, but they can be...killed off? So to speak." "What I mean that, using the Ice-cream example, let's say we go for an Ice cream several more times, and only good things happen, then it will eventually change that now the Ice cream by itself won't cause the memory, but for example Ice cream in certain weather will." "In other word, there is no way to overwrite it, but with enough repeats of all the events and conditions , it can be pushed back in a way that only way to remember it is either by experiencing perfect recreation of the situation, or on purpose." "That's how it works because...well, I probably don't need to tell that it would be rather hard to do anything if I constantly had all the memories from my whole life relating to certain thing going in my head at once." Because Jade was in explaining mode, he didn't realize they had had a eye contact the whole time he spoke.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo smiled with a nod as he continued to sit in his seat alongside Sunlight. He didn't have anything to say as he felt happy and peaceful at the atmosphere of the dance room. He continued to hold her hoof in his own as he was happy his plan was a complete success. As time had gone by, Dynamo looked over to the door to see Sunlight's friends had made their appearance. He noticed that each of them were in dresses. He assumed that those were the outfits they had chosen from the mall the other day. He smiled and waved to the others, who made their way over to him and Sunlight. "Hey, you guys. Glad you were able to make it. You all look nice, as well. I wouldn't call it just fun. I would say it's been amazing, in my opinion." He chuckled as he took notice of Lunar's knowing look. All the while, returning the knowing look with a grin.

Dew Drop:
As Dew listened to Jade, she blushed slightly, while taking notice that the two had been keeping eye contact. "I g-guess that means that some m-memories can't be changed, b-but can be altered s-slightly or even be c-channeled. So, m-maybe ice cream in the summer m-might be fine with g-good memories. However, if we had i-ice cream in the winter, then it m-might trigger something in your memory? It s-sounds pretty complicated, but I t-think I can understand what you're trying to say. H-Has that ever happened when it involved your sister? I-I hope I'm not bringing up a-anything bad. If so, then p-please tell me. I'm just trying to imagine that t-this is sort of the same train of thought, or idea." She held a hoof up as a way of letting Jade know he didn't need to explain if he didn't want to. She knew this whole thing was important to him, but she didn't want to trouble her crush in any sort of way.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Well thank you Dynamo, but I'd guess we're nothing compared to Sunlight." Frail said to Dynamo's compliment in joking manner, and meanwhile Golden had went to next to Sunlight and asked her if she was wearing the dress she had bought to herself that one time, to which Sunlight replied yes and that she didn't have any other dresses, not that she needed more.

"Ultimately it isn't really any different from how your memory works..." Jade explained "...because you get reminded of things by other specific things too, the only real difference is that for me those things will be lot more specific. It's just hard to explain in a clear way." "And for question, do you mean if my sister reminds me of certain bad memories? or are you asking if bad things have happened involving my sister?..." "...Regardless, the answers are no and yes, no, ponies by themselves don't remind me of things regarding them, only items, conditions or situations do, don't know exactly why, and yes, there's more bad memories including her than I'd like to admit, though they all include her being negatively affected, they are those failures i mentioned before."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"You're welcome, Frail and I won't deny that. The moment I saw Sunlight in the dress, I thought she looked absolutely beautiful. I mean, she's always beautiful in my eyes, but it's like the dress further added onto her beauty." He says, kissing Sunlight's cheek as Golden walked over to talk to Sunlight. "So, how are things going for you guys? I heard from Sunlight that you all had invitations to this dance." He says, standing up to walk over to Lunar. "I just wanted to let you know that the rings worked. They can still absorb magic, but I'll make sure to use the ring again later. It turns out that both the theory and what Cheap had said were right. So, at least it was possible to take this poison type of magic away." He decided to drop the subject, unless Lunar had asked him or Sunlight about the rings. He wanted to let his friends know as soon as he could, before the could all relax and enjoy the dance party.

Dew Drop:
"T-Thank you for letting me know about all of this. I k-know we touched upon the s-subject, but I guess I didn't really u-understand." She continued to listen to the options of the question she had asked him earlier. While it didn't really answer her question. She did listen intently as she appreciated Jade telling her what had happened. "For the question, I-I guess it would be for neither. W-What I meant was that d-did she go through similar s-situations like you? I guess that's k-kind of like the latter question. I-I hope I'm not bringing anything up, b-but I do, then please l-let me know. You don't have to answer, but i-it seemed like her stallion friend has helped h-her through some t-troubling times. How about we m-move on with the museum. W-We still have a lot of a-art to look and a-admire at." She says, hoping that they could drop the subject they were on. She didn't want to trouble Jade or bring up anything like what had happened yesterday. However, she always wanted to keep learning more about the green Pegasus next to her.

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@Dynamo Pad
Lunar just nodded at the ring report. "Nothing has changed since we saw at the mall, all of our lives are the same as they always have been, and at least for me there's nothing to tell, until you want to hear about handsome stallions and dress shopping." she said, being the first to respond to the question, for the latter part she was obviously joking, even though there was a truth in it too. "I've been too busy working to have anything interesting happen to me." Frail then joined in, neither of them said anything about the tickets since there was nothing to add to that Golden had finished her conversation with Sunlight, so she replied too "I don't really have anything to tell either, I haven't really been anywhere for a while."

"She has, her memory works like mine, since we share the talent, but some of her memories having had a traumatic effect, can't be pushed back like other can." Jade simply replied, wanting to bring the conversation to the end, but not wanting to leave it open. "As you wish." he said with a smile, if something was bothering him, it wasn't visible outside.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad: 
Dynamo nodded as he listened to what the others had been up to since last seeing them. "I guess nothing really has changed since then. Seeing how we just met yesterday and there might not be that much to discuss since then. Also, thank you for the offer Lunar, but I think I'll pass." He chuckled, turning to Sunlight with a smile. "Did you want to all go together towards the bar and get some beverages, sweetheart? It'll give you time to talk with your friend and I can get to know your friends some more." He suggested as he remembered the plan she mentioned for when the others would arrive.

Dew Drop:
"I s-see. It just seemed as if D-Dynamo had done something to m-make her both happy and a-avoid those kind of memories. I g-guess I'm looking too much i-into the subject. I can see h-how there are some d-differences between you and your sister. M-My apologies for looking t-too much into it." Her expression was neutral as she didn't want Jade to think that she felt bad for asking these questions. It was that every time she thought she knew Jade, he told her something that her learn something new about the green Pegasus. She looked back to his his smile, which caused her to return the smile. As she held his wing with her wing, she continued to look at the other art and pottery that was positioned along the museum. "I-If there is anything you want to see, t-then please let me know. I c-can imagine we are w-wandering around aimlessly, b-but it's fun to explore and view the different a-art exhibits." 

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@Dynamo Pad
All the mare's nodded but Golden, she instead said "I'll wait here, I don't really like crowds, it makes it harder to know where I am, Lunar knows what I want." Lunar confirmed this with short 'yep'. Sunlight got up and waited for Dynamo, meanwhile Golden sat down to wait. When Dynamo was to be ready, the group would head towards the bar.

"Like stated previously, I have absolutely no preferences on what we look at or do." Jade reminded with kind turn, which turned to humorous when he continued "Until of course you're one of the things to look at." he made it sound like a joke, but it was fully true.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad: 
"Okay, then. We'll get our beverages and then we'll be back." He nods as he heard Golden calling out to them. He got up from his chair and walked over to Sunlight, before taking her hoof into hers as they walked up towards the bar. "I wonder what kind of drinks they have to offer. Do you think they have beverages like soda and water? I've had apple cider once, but that's only on either cider season, or at a social party/get together." He says, turning towards Sunlight and the others to get their two cents of the bar.

Dew Drop:
"I-I know, but it would be b-both fun and interesting to follow your suggestions. I w-wouldn't want to do everything that I s-suggest. A friendship is a f-form of compromise, or something." She blushed as her jaw dropped slightly from both his statement and humorous tone. "I-I mean, i-if you want to. I-It's fine with me, b-but there would have to be a d-drawing or a-art of me, of course. I'd hope I-I can do the same and have you b-be one of the things to look at." She looked away slightly as she curled a lock of her mane with her hoof. A soft smile was ever present upon her face. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"Every place have those, they are required options." Sunlight informed "Other than that, there's plenty of options most likely, this is expensive hotel so they want to satisfy the need of their customers'." Lunar then spoke "There indeed is lot of options, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, and surprisingly enough, they are pretty cheap too"

Jade smiled softly and let out a short chuckle "You're so cute." he then said, and though his expression was as calm as ever, there was a bit of blush and he sounded a bit awkward. He gave another short laugh "It's funny, after yesterday's ending one would assume a bit of complimenting would be nothing, yet here we are both being awkward and embarrassed." now that Jade had came to the conclusion that it has to be that he liked Dew more than just as a friend, it was easier to keep his mind in control, even though it was still far from clear.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"That's a relief. I mean, I'm up to try anything, but I'm not a big fan of cider. I'd date a cola or some other beverage any day." He looked around from side to side in slight worry, before turning his attention back to Sunlight and the others. "Just make sure that you don't tell Applejack that I said that. I know how busy her family works on Cider season. Even Rainbow Dash is a big fan of the cider they make. Granted, I like the cider too, but I'm not a huge fan, if that makes sense." The blue unicorn gained a rather thoughtful look upon his face. "I guess it's to help build variety and not to focus on one whole option. That way, if they run out, then the hotel has backup options, so to speak. It's rather surprising to see that the drinks are cheap. Given that this hotel looks rather fancy to do serve cheap alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks."

Dew Drop:
Dew's ears perked suddenly at being called cute. "D-Don't sell yourself short, Jade. Y-You're pretty h-handsome, yourself." She giggled, looking back to see a blush on his calm face. She was slightly surprised, but she thought he looked really cute with that blush upon his face. "I-I guess that now that we knew about m-my crush on you. E-Even when we established h-how our friendship and p-possibly relationship would work out. I g-guess i-it can't be helped on things being a-awkward and/or embarrassing. N-Not that it's a bad thing, m-mind you. I-It's a nice change of pace to see you being a-awkward. I-It makes you a bit goofy in a good way a-and charming to me." She chuckled as she gave the green Pegasus a soft smile. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Dynamo would again just get smiles and nod as response, and a little chuckle from Sunlight to his comment about Applejack. They arrived to the bar and it didn't take long for their turn to order to come, Frail and Lunar took some kind of colorful drinks with hard to say names, and for Golden they ordered a similar drink but specifically mentioned that it was to be non-alcoholic. Sunlight ordered simple soda, orange taste.

Jade smiled with a slight blush "I just find it interesting, because like I said, I'm not really that familiar with these things, as I have never even considered liking somepony as more than a friend." "Same goes for the compliments, it's so different to get honest compliments like yours from somepony else than my sister." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
As the group arrived at the bar, they had become next in line to order their drinks. After waiting patiently for the others to make their orders, Dynamo had ordered a soda, but with a lemon and lime taste to it. Once he was given his drink, Dynamo levitated the glass cup up to him to take a sip. "Mm...now that was really refreshing. The drink really helps you to cool down after you go dancing for a little while." He smiles, remembering the couple of songs he and Sunlight had danced to. All the while, waiting to make sure everyone had what they needed, before they would have to head back towards their table.

Dew Drop:
Dew simply smiled softly, leaning up to nuzzle her cheek against his own. "I-I think I'm really starting to s-see how interesting it is. I-I guess it's giving you a chance to e-explore something you may not know. S-Sort of how you said you're all about w-wanting to learn everything. It's like a unread book t-that you may not have known had existed." She wasn't sure if that made sense, but it felt related to Jade's talent. "It seems t-that after getting to know somepony, then you might learn to r-receive compliments from others. I-I can guess that Dynamo might have complimented you and your s-sister, but it seems that i-it's different with me. I just want you to know what I'm f-feeling in my heart, Jade. It's better to let others know how you feel and b-be honest to the best of one's a-ability." 

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@Dynamo Pad
Dynamo would again get smiles as response, since there wasn't really anything anypony could comment on. As the group made their way on the table, Lunar gave Golden's drink to her and with Frail sat down, again leaving Sunlight and Dynamo their space. Sunlight sat down and took a sip of her soda.

Jade was taken bit off guard by the nuzzle, not really sure what he was supposed to do, but he didn't try to stop it. He listened everything Dew had to say before saying anything "That's a good way to put it." he lowered his voice a bit "But what to tell others if you don't know even yourself how you feel..." "...and how to be honest if you fear the truth?" 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
As the group made their way towards the table, Dynamo took a seat next to Sunlight, while the others sat near Golden. Dynamo continued to take a sip of his beverage, before taking notice of the room around them. It looked as if everyone was happy and having a lot of fun. Dynamo smiled as he was having a nice time, as well. As he looked over to Sunlight, who finished taking a sip of her drink. He leaned over towards her and nuzzled her. He had nothing to say at the moment, but he just glad to be here with his marefriend and their friends.

Dew Drop:
Dew smiled as he agreed on her train of thought. She leaned closer to him as it seemed like he was muttering something, but she was close enough to hear him. "Hmm...I-I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. I-It's just...may not be p-possible to know everything on how one can feel. I g-guess it's how one feels at the moment as e-everypony can go from one emotion to the next. For me, I j-just go by how I feel b-by what makes me happy or t-thankful. Seeing that m-my parents, my flowers, your friends and sister a-and most of all, j-just being with you, Jade. I-If the truth is s-something to be feared, then everypony would fear the truth. I know that there are t-times that the truth hurts, or c-can be considered scary. Although, i-it's better to know about the truth. If you told your c-close friends and loved ones the truth, then they should accept you, n-no matter what. If they can't do that, t-then they aren't your friends, i-in my opinion, at least. I-I hope that helps. Why d-do you ask though?" She tilted her head as she looked at him shyly with care and concern in her eyes. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Sunlight to her usual manner just smiled and returned the nuzzle, their friends also just smiling, except golden since she couldn't tell it happened. Sunlight decided to break the silence and ask something from her friends since she hadn't seen them in a while and they mostly talked about her at the mall "How are your businesses going Lunar and Frail? have you been busy with anything special?" Both of the mares shook their heads and replied among the lines of 'this is quiet time of the year.'

"Well..." Jade hesitated "...I haven't really been honest about everything with you, I haven't lied, but I haven't told everything, and what has been left out is quite important." "I can't say anything here, because there's a very good reason why I haven't talked about it, but I feel bad for not being honest....probably why I have also avoided getting too close to others until now." 

  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

As he listened to the discussion between Sunlight and the others, Dynamo had remembered the jobs Lunar and Frail had. "You said your talent was glassblowing, right Frail? I haven't gotten a chance to learn more about that trade. Is there any big projects that your working on when it comes to glassblowing? The same can be asked for you Lunar? Are there any new artifacts and/or jewelry that you've been working on? When you say 'quiet time of year,' I'm guessing it's more along the lines of a dry season when it comes to shopping? I can relate as it's the same for video games. Usually, there isn't a major title that comes out for everypony to play. So, it won't be busy at the arcade, at times. I know my boss tries to get the game into the arcade to help promote the game for the other gamer's."

Dew Drop:
The ebony Pegasus had noticed the hesitation in Jade's voice, but decided to wait and let him speak. "Y-You haven't lied, b-but there's something i-important that you have to tell me? I-Is everything okay, Jade? Y-You know you can tell me a-anything, right? W-Would it be better to go back to the shop, so you can t-tell me what's on your mind?" She was feeling confused about what was happening, but the confusion turned into concern for her friend/crush. She began to wonder what Jade had kept from her that was making his this worried. At the same time, she couldn't tell what the answer was to this situation.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Not at the moment." Frail said, as she was the first one to be asked by "Sometimes there is custom orders that may be pretty big, but at the moment there isn't any." "The busy time is usually some time before things like the gala or Hearth's Warming because ponies buy them as gifts and such."  Then was Lunar's turn "For me there's isn't anything big either, though, I rarely do any big orders due to what I'm selling." "And I'm not working on any artifacts at the moment, but i'm always making new jewelry, since there's always somepony who wants normal jewelry."

"More like show, and everything is okay, or well, depends really who you ask, since there's few ponies who think it's one of the worst things." Jade started, his words probably not making that much sense to Dew at the moment "And it's not really on my mind, since what's on my mind is the fact I haven't been honest and the worry about how you'll react, but yeah, that could be good, though any private place will do." 

  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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