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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
As Sunlight reminded him about her and Jade, Dynamo nodded in understanding. "You're right and that's my bad. I guess I was imagining that the two of you weren't always together when it involved looking for a career, or something along those lines..." Dynamo explained. "...I honestly didn't think there would be any jobs that were involved in magic. Although, I guess there are some jobs out there that I may have never heard of. Even so, I could imagine you considering a job that requires flight. I believe there's a spell that can help you to fly. I know I've seen Starlight use that spell a couple of times, but I could be wrong. I was always told by my mom that your magic is based off of your cutie mark. So, certain spells are possible, but they're difficult to master. Plus, I can imagine having no wings like a Pegasus would be an issue. Considering if it was based on a flight course for a flight academy, of course..." "...I remember Button telling me that he might need more employees to work at the arcade. That's only because it's just him and I working there. Some days the arcade isn't busy, but you can never be too careful, after all. He told me he'd figure it out after we get back from our trip. Thank you for telling me all about that, Sunny. Did you want to start heading back, or are you up for maybe one more song?"

Dew Drop:
"O-Okay, but the same can be s-said for you. There's n-no reason for you to apologize, J-Jade..." Dew smiled softly as she shook her head. "...It was an a-accident and I simply t-tripped. I guess I d-didn't expect to s-see any leaves on the ground. I d-didn't even see any leaves fall off of t-the flowers when we brought them t-to the front of the store today..." She explained, nodding at the offer as she held out a hoof towards him. "Y-Yup. Everything checks o-out in here. So, I-I'm ready to go and h-head inside the house."

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@Dynamo Pad
"I actually have a one song I was thinking of singing before we leave, but after that we should head back to the room." she then made her way to sign in and then next to the stage, since her turn was right after the current one. When it became her turn, she moved bit of her mane a bit to make it look less formal and made her way to the mic, this wasn't necessary as good of an idea she had first thought, but well, no backing out now. She lit her horn and the lights dimmed.



During the song she did some effects with her spells as probably expected, and after finishing she left the stage pretty quickly and signaled Dynamo to follow as she made her way towards the exit. 

Jade took the hoof and waited for Dew to lead, he was quiet for a while, but suddenly he asked "Why did you decide to help me?..." "...I mean, I'm very happy you did, but there is lot of unhappy ponies in Manehattan and you're...well, shy, what made you to get over you shyness enough to help a specific stranger? " 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
At the mention of one more song, Dynamo nodded, but frowned slightly with a fake pout. "Aw. Here I had one more song to sing, as well..." He tried to continue explaining, but a yawn had escaped from his lips. "Whoops. Oh, well. I think a yawn means that I should pass on the idea of singing..." He chuckled, watching Sunlight make her way to the sign up list. After the current singer finished singing, he watched as Sunlight started to make her way up towards the stage. He raised an eyebrow as she moved her mane a bit, but he didn't question her motives. As the song began to play, the blue unicorn's eyes widened slightly as he figured out what she was trying to do. He started tapping his back hoof to the beat as the smile never left his face. He watched as her horn glowed with magic to make some special effects. Once the song came to an end, Dynamo could only cheer as she left the stage pretty quickly. Upon seeing the signal, the gaming stallion nodded as he made his way over to his marefriend. "...That was amazing, Sunny! I didn't know you listened to Countess Coloratura."

Dew Drop:
As Jade had taken her hoof in his, Dew smiled as she lead the two of them out of the greenhouse. After making it back towards the front of the store, Dew turned to Jade as she listened to his question. "Hmm...d-do I need a reason to h-help out my now c-coltfriend...?" She smiled in thought for a moment as she lead them towards another door. One that was connected to her house. "...To be h-honest? I-I have honestly no idea. It was a-as if you had a lot on your mind when I f-first saw you. That, a-and you were pretty nice and k-kind to me. A lot nicer t-than most of the ponies in this town. I-It's almost as if they've forgotten w-what being kind is all about..." "...I didn't t-think about how cute andY-You're not wrong t-that I'm pretty shy. I guess I j-just gathered whatever courage I had in my h-heart and tried to talk to you. My parents always told me that if s-someone is feeling down, t-then it's always nice t-to talk to them and t-try to cheer them up. As we got to talking, I-I felt myself starting to fall for you. I-It didn't help that I thought you w-were kind of h-handsome. How about you? I c-could imagine that you could ignore me if I w-was trying to get your attention that day. W-What made you decide to listen to me and s-spend time with me?" She wondered as she wanted to know what he was thinking.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
"I don't, I don't technically listen any music, but I have seen her show before she went back to playing piano, and wanted to use my magic a bit..." Sunlight replied, she moved pretty quickly until they were out of the bar "...I just don't like gathering all the attention to myself like that, that's why I wanted to leave quickly." 

"I'd like to say that there was some special reason but there really wasn't, I'm just the type of pony that if somepony wants to talk with me, I will talk to them, with few exceptions of course, and even if I was having a bad day, that doesn't excuse being a jerk..." he shrugged "...after that though, what kept me from to excusing myself and leaving, was at first simply the fact that you seemed to really care, and later I simply enjoyed your company so much."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Hmm...I won't say that you aren't the music type of pony. Granted, I don't listen to that many songs. Even though, yes, I do listen to mostly anime songs..." Dynamo jokingly replied as he stuck his tongue out at Sunlight. "...It mostly depends on the song that I'm listening to at the time. Sometimes the song can be either hit or miss for me. Although, I never knew you went to one of Countess Coloratura's concert/show's before. The way you used your magic during that song was pretty awesome. It was just like how Coloratura was able to do the same kind of trick in that song. The only difference was that one of the unicorn dancer's had used their magic to give her voice a sort of auto-tune..." He kept up the walking pace as he followed Sunlight out to the karaoke bar. "...There's no need to explain, Sunny. I get what you mean on being more conservative instead of gaining attention. I hope you don't mind gaining my attention as I still think you were amazing at singing on stage."

Dew Drop:
"I-I'm grateful that you took the time to be able to talk to m-me. What you had said r-really tells me that you are k-kind, caring and r-respectful. It shows me that y-you have manners, instead of b-being rude, or w-what you explained a-as being a j-jerk..." Dew smiled softly with a nod. "...I always t-tell myself that everypony is s-sort of like a flower. They have their own w-way to grow into being what they d-dream of. That, and they a-all have their own stories to tell. I-I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but y-you seemed really cold when I first started to t-talk to you. After our initial meeting, I-I started to understand more and m-more about you. The time we spent d-during the tour, going ice skating, the museum? I-I had to admit that I felt the s-same way about enjoying your company, a-as well."

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@Dynamo Pad
"Well, I do want to learn everything, that includes any songs of any popular artists..." Sunlight pointed out, she gave a humorous smirk as she replied to Dynamo's last comment "...I'm surprised I ever lost your attention enough for me to gain it again."

"I know I can come up as cold time to time, and pointing it out is perfectly fine..." Jade assured with a smile "...and in all honestly, I am rather cold compared to most ponies, because even now that new emotions are coming to surface, my emotional capabilities are still inferior to my sister and biological ponies, and that's just a fact." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Sounds to me like you have a good thirst for knowledge in the music arts. Granted, that's basically your special talent along with learning about information from books. I can imagine you've also learned most and/or every song from Sapphire Shores, Songbird Serenade and other artists out there..." At the humorous smirk and reply, Dynamo rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he returned the smirk. "...Who says you lost my attention. You've had my attention since the day we first met. Even before I crashed into the wall, you had my attention."

Dew Drop:
"O-Okay and thanks for l-letting me know. I could understand that s-some ponies might not like being told that they s-seem cold at times. I just w-wanted to point that out, so I d-didn't want to seem as if I was b-being offensive in any way, shape of form..." Dew sighed in relief as she returned the smile. "...I c-can see what you mean by fact. I k-know it wouldn't make a difference in s-saying this, but I would rather say t-that it's more of an opinion. You've just s-started to gain and d-develop these new kinds of emotions. I think you told me that y-you're sister is a newer model of b-being artificial. I don't think that would c-change the difference that you can s-still have the same emotional c-capabilities. Regardless, I s-still like you who you are and that f-fact won't change." What she had said might not have changed any opinions, but it didn't matter to her. She knew what was in her heart was true as she truly cared about the green pegasus walking next to her. As they reached the door, Dew grabbed the doorknob and pulled the door open for the two of them to walk through. "...W-Welcome to my humble abode. The house m-might not have that much, but it has all of the e-essentials."

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@Dynamo Pad
Dynamo pad:
"Well, logically if my singing gained your attention, there had to be attention to be gained, thus some of your attention had been lost at some point...." Sunlight pointed out with the same smirk as earlier "...so in short, you said that" she booped Dynamo on the snout.

"My sister's superiority is undeniable fact, but, that doesn't mean you would necessarily notice it, since we are talking about differences like being few seconds slower at something that takes several hours." Jade explained, feeling that that needed to be said to make it clear that he didn't feel bad about the inferiority in any way, he was just very aware of it.

"And that's all that house needs, besides maybe some decoration, blank white walls can get depressing..." He said cheerfully when Dew welcomed him in, his tone turning a bit more casual when he said the latter part.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:

As he listened to Sunlight’s explanation, Dynamo’s jaw dropped slightly as he shook his head to try and explain himself “Oh, no. I didn’t meant it like that Sunny. You’ve always had my attention. I guess it was sort of like a figure of speech, or something like that. I don’t even seem to recall ever losing interest in you. Seeing how I’m always so happy when I’m by your side...” After thinking for a moment, Dynamo could only guess the moment Cheap had shown up was maybe a time of losing interest. In his defense, he felt as if he would lose Sunlight as he didn’t deserve her. However, he learned otherwise as he saw how much The Orange unicorn truly cared about him. Seeing the same smirk on her face, Dynamo smiled and rolled his eyes playfully. He wiggles his nose as he felt Sunlight had booped his snout. “...I guess that’s true, but I guess I could have worded it all a little bit better. I sort of have a bad habit of wording something differently, or saying things at times that might not make much sense.” He chuckled as they made their way towards the elevator. 

Dew Drop:

As Jade began further explaining, the ebony Pegasus nodded as she started to see his point of view. “I-I guess that makes sense when you p-put it it that way.  I d-didn't think there would be s-specific differences between you t-two. Even so, w-why would I notice that w-when you are the one who’s a-always on my mind...?” She giggled as she playfully and lightly shoved his shoulder. ”...I do have a f-few paintings hanging up on the walls. S-Some of the painting are of places I have visited, or s-some places that I've always w-wwanted to visit one day...” Dew nodded as she took Jade’s opinion into consideration. “...Perhaps we can spruce u-up the place to make the home f-feel more lively. I’d like your a-assistance, if you are up f-for that, of course. P-Provided that you’d consider t-this home your home too, Jade.” She understood how Jade wanted to move out of town. So, she thought that a bit of redecorating would be a good first step.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Or..." Sunlight started as she moved closer to Dynamo's ear, whispering the rest "...I'm just purposely nitpicking your words...." her tone was humorous, as she was doing exactly that, she knew exactly what Dynamo had meant, she had just felt a bit nitpicky. she returned to her normal voice "...I though my smirk would have shown that I'm not being serious."

Jade let out amused and generally positive sounding exhale as response to the shoulder shove. "I of course am more than very happy to call this my home, but when it comes to decorating, I'm no pony to make such decisions..." his joyful tone got a bit of amusement mixed in "...but if you insist for my suggestions, I would suggest just adding some flowers."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo blinked as he felt Sunlight had moved closer to him, until she was whispering into his ear. "I think you're getting a kick when it involves nitpicking my words..." He jokingly replied with a chuckle. "...Oh, I know, Sunny. I like when you get to joke around when we chat. It's why I was returning the smirk and gave a joke every now and then. I know I'm probably not the type of pony who might take things a bit too seriously, but I do get a good chuckle from a not so serious joke. It might also be a bit of a surprise, but I'm a huge fan of puns." He nuzzled her cheek as she was still close to him.

Dew Drop:
"I-I guess since this will be your new home, t-then maybe we can t-try and make plans to get you to m-move to Manehattan. Of course, I-I can imagine we would have to have a d-discussion with your sister and w-whoever you're working for in this j-job you've taken. Also, t-that's fine. I only ask because I thought y-you could have some c-creative visions as this will be y-you're home too..." Dew smiled, giggling at the mention of his suggestion. "...Are you sure t-this is your suggestion, or were you thinking more f-for me..?" She smiled playfully, while looking towards Jade. "...After the help you gave me with t-the shop, I can see that you d-definitely have a green hoof for g-gardening. I do wonder something. D-Do you have anything f-from home that you would like to b-bring with you? I c-could always go with you to help with m-moving anything."

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@Dynamo Pad
"Why did you try to explain yourself then?..." Sunlight pointed out "...if you knew I'm not being serious, why reply like I was?.." she then smiled humorously "...honestly I'm surprised you didn't use it as a chance to praise me more, something like..." she lowered her voice closer to Dynamo's voice, still keeping her own voice "...I never lost attention, because it got you more than 100% of my attention..." she changed back to her normal voice "...now, my choice of words didn't sound as smooth as your compliments do, but you get the idea."

"There's nothing to discuss with my sister, I own the apartment, and her opinion doesn't matter in this, and the princess doesn't care where I live, after all, none of my work is done home anyway..."
Jade stated rather nonchalantly. "....And yes It really was my suggestion, but I agree that you do deserve more flowers too..." he then added with a smile "...and I only have my personal stuff, which fits in few bags, but if you are missing any furniture or such, we can bring them from my apartment, since neither I or Sunlight will have use for any of it."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Hmm...I'm not entirely sure, to be honest..." Dynamo responded as he pondered on the reason. "...I guess I was replying like you were as it seemed you were having fun with a teasing tone. I guess I was playing along and joining in on the laughter. Seeing how you easily know how to make me laugh, smile and to be myself..." At the mention of more praise, Dynamo had stopped in his tracks momentarily. "Oh, sugarcubes! Why didn't I think of that idea sooner...!?" He placed a front hoof to his forehead and closed his eyes. He opened his eyes a moment later, while sticking his tongue out playfully at Sunlight with a smile. "...Oh, well. There will be other chances for me to praise you..." As he took his front hoof away from his forehead, he blinked a couple of times as Sunlight had mimicked his voice. "...Okay. Well, there was that kind of compliment. I never would have thought of that. I honestly thought what I said before was sort of a compliment. That was very well said, sweetheart." He chuckled as she changed back to her normal voice.

Dew Drop:
"O-Oh. I would have expected that y-you both own the apartment 50/50. I g-guess it all depends on who leases the a-apartment under their name..." Dew Drop responded, remember how confusing leasing both a shop/house complex had been. "...I s-suppose that is true. You mentioned that all you h-had to do was gather the information and then r-report back to the princess. Although, I-I feel that your sister's o-opinion could matter. Family is family after all a-and family s-support is both nice and r-reassuring..." She decided to let the subject go as she felt that Jade didn't want to discuss further. She just found the whole family aspect difficult as she didn't really have any siblings. So, she truly didn't know what Jade and Orange had gone through. "...Aw. Y-You're the sweetest, y-you know that? I have a bit of f-flowers around the house, but it's just to add Feng shui to the home. Maybe you and I can l-look around my house and see if w-we need any more types of furniture. Seeing h-how your apartment is going to be empty soon. I-It would be a waste to go and throw away p-perfectly preserved furniture. W-Whatever the results will be, t-then I'll go back to P-Ponyville with you to help with any s-sort of moving. If we do need to take some f-furniture, then we can always c-call a moving company to help us out."

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just smiled and chuckled as responses, not really having anything more to say about the topic in hoof. "So, what are we going to do now? It's still middle of the night and I'm not tired still, though, you did yawn earlier so I take it that you are tired? If you are then feel free to go to bed, because like I said when we woke up, you don't need to be awake just because I am."

Jade didn't say anything more about the topic of him and his sister, because even considering his feelings towards Dew, his reasoning for his decision to not ask Sunlight's opinion wasn't really any of her business. "Lead that way then." Jade said happily at the offer to look around the house to see what was needed, he was going to add that Dew should leave the worrying about the moving process to him, but he felt that could come out wrong and didn't take the risk. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
At the mentioning of what they could do now, Dynamo stopped momentarily and closed his eyes. "Hmm...I'm not sure, to be honest. True, it's the middle of the night. The only problem is that I'm not sure what's available to do at this hour outside of town, or at the hotel..." He opened his eyes as his ears fell slightly. "...I wouldn't say that I was tired, sweetheart. Granted, I never had the opportunity to stay up before. Given that I always have a tendency to fall asleep in the most random of places. Most notably being my chair whenever I've played video games or watching anime..." He chuckled sheepishly as it was kind of embarrassing to say. "...I know what you mean, but I still wanted to be up with you. Seeing how I was hoping we could have continued the date you had planned. I know we ran into a bit of speed bump earlier, but I still wanted to continue that date. Plus, it didn't matter to me whatever it was that we did. All that truly mattered to me was that I wanted to see and make you happy, Not only that, but I just wanted to spend time with you, Sunny."

Dew Drop:
The ebony pegasus had noticed that Jade had not mentioned anything further about her sister. She frowned slightly, but knew it was for the best. She accepted that maybe Jade and Sunlight had their differences and had trouble getting along. She wasn't sure, but she knew she might not get any answers for the time being. For now, she returned the smile and nodded as she started to give a mini tour of her house. "O-Okay, then. Let the mini tour c-commence..." As she walked through the house, Dew had explained where each and every room was placed. Some rooms they stopped in were brief as there wasn't much to talk about. Other rooms were explained in detail to give a good idea on where to locate said room. "...By the way. I-I forgot to mention that there is a g-guest room. I w-wasn't entirely sure on how the s-sleeping arrangements were g-going to turn out."

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
"The planned date ended the moment I had to leave the event..." Sunlight pointed out "....but it was nice to have a smaller date with you in the karaoke bar..." she sighed "...only thing I'm really unhappy about regarding the failure was that the whole thing was planned you in mind and can't really be redone." 

Jade was seemingly taken off guard by the mention of sleeping arrangements, he hadn't even thought about it, his preference of course was obvious, but he wasn't sure if it was appropriate to just straight up suggest it yet, considering how short time they had known each other. "I'm fine with any type of arrangements, and I mean any, I can even sleep in a nearby tree, wouldn't be the first time." he chuckled.

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@Catpone Cerberus 

Dynamo Pad:
"Hmm...I guess that does make a bit of sense. I mean, I would have expected the date was to continue after the dance. It would honestly depended on where we would have gone when walking through town..." Dynamo pondered, before nodding. "...I agree as that was a lot of fun. Plus, it was nice being able to hear my goddess of a marefriend..." He frowned as he heard her sigh, before placing a hoof upon her shoulder. "...Hey. To me, the date wasn't a failure. What happened was an inconvenience. Just like what happened at the arcade in the mall. Even after all that had happened, I still enjoyed the date. The reason was because you put so much effort into the date and I was just happy to spend time with you. While it's true that the plan can't be redone. Unless you had a time machine, go back in time so we can avoid any conflicts..." He chuckled, shaking his head at a terrible joke. "...What I'm trying to say is that there will be many more planned dates like that in the future. Especially if there's more traveling to other towns throughout Equestria. That's why I thank you for today as the date really did mean a lot to me, Sunny."

Dew Drop:
As she listened to how he responded to the sleeping arrangements, Dew giggled and shook her head at her coltfriend's antics. "O-Oh, shush you. N-No coltfriend of mine will be s-staying in a tree to use as a bed to s-sleep. Don't you know you'll h-have a stiff back and a k-kink in your neck...?" She jokingly replied, before turning back to Jade. "...H-How was the sleeping arrangements for you and y-your sister when it revolved around y-your home in Ponyville? W-Were there separate beds, o-or separate rooms to fall asleep in?" She wondered as she was hoping to make her home very hospitable for Jade to stay at.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
"I know you're trying to comfort me but there's no need, nor is there really any use either...." Sunlight said with a warm smile "...me feeling unhappy for the plans going south is perfectly expected thing, it's only natural after all, and even though this night have been a success, it doesn't change the fact that the original plan was a failure thanks to the certain stallion..." she opened the door to their room and let Dynamo in before going in herself. "...but if you don't want me to be unhappy about it because of what you missed, I'll be unhappy about the fact that it was waste of money." there was a humorous tone in her voice for the last point, but it was also party true, because as selfish as it may be, it did annoy her that the money put into the surprise was wasted. 

"We shared a room but had our own beds..."
Jade simply responded "...and that has been the case in every apartment we have had, there hasn't been a need for separate rooms, but we wanted to give each other a little privacy still, so our beds were on the opposite walls of the room."

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“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"I know, but I guess I try to look on the bright side of things. I sometimes can be a realist as I try to think of every situation and possible good/bad case scenarios. However, I just have to go with what my heart tells me and be a little more optimistic..." Dynamo explained with a small smile. "...I always remembered hearing that some plans never go perfectly. Only because there will be a time where a random wrench will be thrown into the plan, but I guess it's better to roll with the plan and make the most out of it. Although, with the wrench that had been thrown into the plans for today. I wouldn't want to roll with that, in my opinion..." As they reached their hotel room, Dynamo nodded in thanks as she opened the door for him. After making his way into the room, he heard the door being shut behind him as Sunlight stepped inside. "...Okay. If you want to be unhappy about that, then I completely understand..." He playfully rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he heard the humor in her voice. Although, he felt he could hear the disappointment in her voice, which he couldn't blame her.

"...I know it sounds bad, but there are times that I, too, worry if I wasted money or not. It's partly the reason as to why I save up as much as I can. Just in case I ever run into an emergency. Although, I've learned that money is not really a necessity, or something like that. All that would really matter to me is one's own happiness." He would have asked if he could pay her back the money that she spent on as he knew how hard she worked. However, he didn't say anything as he felt saying such a thing would be seen in a bad light. If the topic would be brought up, then he knew he would try and talk about it.

Dew Drop:
As she listened to Jade's response, Dew took note of how their sleeping arrangements could work out. "O-Okay, then. I can u-understand that as it would save up s-space in the apartment for other room ideas. Privacy is a-always important, so I t-think we can work something out..." She thought for a moment, before looking back to her coltfriend. "T-There is a guest room right down the h-hall if you want to use that. I-It's wort of only used w-when I may have c-company or if my mom and dad visit. M-Most of the time the room is just e-empty space in the house. It's a few door down next t-to mine, s-so I wouldn't mind if you took that room. T-That is if you want that room, of course."

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@Dynamo Pad
"I wouldn't go as far as saying money isn't necessity, you can't really be happy if you don't have food to eat...." Sunlight pointed out as she headed to take off the dress and such "...or well, you can, but that requires an amount of optimism that I have hard time imagining...." she folded the dress neatly on top of her luggage and started shaping her mane back to its usual style.

"I don't necessarily need a room, the privacy concern was mostly on Sunlight, you know, mare things..."
he paused for a moment, looking slightly unsure when planning his next words, he decided to be honest, he couldn't start lying now "...okay, I'll just say it, I'd actually prefer sleeping with you, I know it may be bit inappropriate suggestion at this point, but I'm awful at making excuses so I'm better just being honest like always."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"I guess food is an important necessity when it involves money. That and drinking water, so you don't become dehydrated..." Dynamo responded, chuckling slightly as he took off the suit he had been wearing. "...I guess I meant more along the lines of money used for expensive gifts and other things. Seeing how if you have everything you could ever want, then it's the best reward of all. As it's the thought that counts, in my opinion." He made sure to fold his suit nicely, before placing said suit inside his suitcase. He then shook his head from side to side to get his mane back into its regular style. 

Dew Drop:
"Oh, I k-know. Privacy is t-the best p-policy, after all..." She smiled, before listening to Jade's explanation. As she was listening, she blushed slightly as she began to understand what he was talking about. "O-Oh. So, t-that's what you meant when it i-involved sleeping arrangements..." She looked away slightly as she felt somewhat shy of the idea. After a moment of looking away, she glanced towards him as their eyes made contact. "I-I mean, I think it would be okay if w-we fell asleep t-together. It would be k-kind of awkward if w-we weren't a couple, b-but that's not the case..." She nodded slightly, before looking up to him with a small smile and a shake of her head. "N-No. You haven't been inappropriate t-to me, Jade. I like h-how you don't make any sort of e-excuse. It shows to me that y-you're honest and always k-know what you want in your l-life."

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@Dynamo Pad
"It's not good to have everything you want..." Sunlight commented as she was finishing with her mane "...though technically speaking it's also impossible since ponies do have bit of natural greed, which means they always want more..." she made her way to her suitcase, took the dress, and put it in "...even I and Jade have that, but that's towards knowledge rather than money or stuff." 

"Well, as long as you're aright with it..."
Jade said with a smile "...I just don't want to be pushy or anything, I'm new to the whole relationship thing so if i'm doing anything wrong, please do tell me..." he knew that Dew didn't have experience either, but he believed that for biological pony it came lot more naturally, and he had noticed that mares in general just seemed to be more natural when it came to relationships. "...but if there's nothing more for today to do or say, should we head to bed?"

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"I guess not. Besides, I’m already happy and grateful for everything I have in my life. I remember watching a movie that had that same kind of lesson. Something about the stallion who got everything he could ever want. The thing that happened to him was that he lived happily ever after, but I don't think that's what you were talking about, right...?" Dynamo wondered as he ran a hoof through his mane. Smiling as his mane was back to it's original style. "...I can agree to that as I've had times where I wanted to be greedy. Whether it was to a new video game, a new plush or plans for a convention. I always planned ahead to make sure I could try and get whatever I wanted. However, I had to contemplate on what was important and always felt getting some things were not worth it in the long run. I guess the same can be said when it involves playing video games. Seeing how I've seen player's cheat in a tournament, or playing unfair would be the better term. I'd do my best to play fair, but then there would be times where I had to play the same way as my opponent..." He nodded as he closed his suitcase, before moving over and taking a seat on the bed.

Dew Drop:
"I-I'm okay with the idea t-that you're suggesting. A-As long as you're okay with t-the idea, as well..." Dew responded with a nod, before shaking her head with a smile. "...Y-You're not being pushy, Jade. I-I'm honestly glad that you told me that. I-It shows me that you g-genuinely care about my feelings. W-We can take our time on t-this relationship. W-We'll learn more about our relationship t-together. I hope t-that you can do the same. I-If there's anything that's wrong that I m-might have done, t-then please tell me, okay...?" She was new to the whole relationship, as well. So, it would mostly be trial and error for this new relationship with the green pegasus standing right in front of her. At the mention of bed, she yawned softly, yet cutely, before nodding. "...I think g-going to bed sounds good. I-It's been a pretty e-eventful day and I think I could u-use a good night's rest. My room is r-right down the hall o-on the second floor of t-the house." She took Jade's hoof into her own, before leading him down the hallway towards her room.

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@Dynamo Pad
"You make it sound like greed is only a bad thing..." Sunlight noted as she made her way to Dynamo "...it isn't, many things that aren't bad are just forms of greed...competitiveness, will to make yourself better, thirst for knowledge...the list goes on." she sat next to Dynamo.

Jade followed Dew, letting her lead him by the hoof, he didn't say anything as there was nothing to say. When they arrived, he spoke again "So how do you want to do this? What I mean is what would be the most comfortable way for you to sleep? Back to back, face to face, hooves wrapped around?"

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“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
As Sunlight made her way towards him, Dynamo tilted his head in both confusion and curiosity. Upon further explanation, the blue unicorn gained a look of understanding to a degree. “Huh. I guess I never really thought of it in that perspective. I always thought that greed or being greedy was always seen as a bad thing. From what you said, there can be other forms of greed that aren’t technically bad. I could be wrong, but I’m glad competitiveness isn’t in that category. Unless there’s bits involved when competing in a tournament.” He says with a sheepish chuckle.

Dew Drop:
After a moment of leading Jade down the hallway, she stopped as they stood in front of the door to her room. “W-Welcome to my room Jade. I h-hope you don’t mind a bit of a m-mess.” As she opened the door, the room was revealed to be a pretty standard room. There were the essentials such as a bed, a picture or two of flowers hanging up on the wall. She had a nightstand that had a picture frame of her and her parents. There was a bookshelf next to her bed that stored a couple of books. Most of which were based on flowers, while some were of cloud designs and cloud types. There was also a desk and chair that had books stacked on the side. She heard Jade’s earlier question as she thought momentarily on the idea. “I-I would say face to face, b-but hooves wrapped around? So, it w-would sort of be like cuddling, or maybe that would b-be more along the lines of s-snuggling.”

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