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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Dynamo Pad
"Money being involved doesn't make greed bad either..." Sunlight pointed out "...there's nothing wrong wanting more, it's only natural after all, the question of badness comes when we ask what you gonna do about it? What if you don't get it? Can you accept that you don't get it, or are you gonna do everything to get it?..." "...Wanting something is aright, taking it by any means necessary isn't." 

Jade smiled "Terminology aside, that's a great suggestion." his tone was similar to faked formality, it was like he was trying to hide how much he liked the idea, without actually trying to hide it. He proceeded to walk next to the bed, waiting for Dew to get ready before joining her.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"I love it when you make a lot of sense on things. You know that right...?" Dynamo responded with a chuckle, leaning over to kiss her cheek. "...I didn't just fall in love with how beautiful you look and/or your personality. I also love your intellectual side. Along with how you're able to open my mind to other possibilities that I didn't think was even there and/or possible. If it were me, then I would have to accept that I couldn't get the thing I was after. Considering if it was the only one of its kind or if the gift was too expensive. I know if I had to, then I would work hard and save up to earn it the fair way..." "...If you take something by any means, then it's technically considered stealing/robbery. Which is never a good thing and isn't worth it, in the end."

Dew Drop:
"O-Okay, then that's what the p-plan will be." Dew smiled, but had to hide a wide grin as she was happy that Jade liked the idea. She kept the door opened as it would provide light if one of them woke up in the middle of the night. The ebony pegasus moved over to one side of the bed, before taking a seat on the furniture. After throwing the blankets over her, she held her arms out towards Jade for her to be next to her. Almost as if she were reaching for a giant, stuffed teddy bear. 

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@Dynamo Pad
"Stealing is just one way to take what you want in a bad way, not everything one may want is physical item or money..." Sunlight pointed out, she had smiled at Dynamo's praise of her, but didn't say anything about it "...for example the situation at the arcade, there was quite a lot more than just attempt at stealing something, but it was still actions motivated by greed, greed for power and respect." 

Jade laid next to Dew after she was seemingly ready, watching her into the eyes and smiling after he had taken his place in the planned position. He didn't say anything as there was nothing that needed to be said.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"That's one way of looking at the subject. Considering that one could try and steal one's affections or loved ones away for their purposes. I guess that's another way of being selfish, or something along those lines..." Dynamo responded, nodding as he remembered that day at the arcade was as clear as day. "It seems odd that two events happened and the setting was the arcade of all places..." He chuckled at the irony, before shaking his head. "...I suppose it depends on which arcade you were talking about. If it's the most recent arcade, then I see your point. Cheap wanted to steal the necklace I was planning to give you and ruin what we have together. However, it was your power of love and respect that put him in his place. For helping me stay on that path and defending me is something I'm truly grateful for." He smiled, before a sudden yawn had made its presence known. I placed a hoof to his lips to try and stifle said yawn, but it was a clear sign that he was starting to get tired.

Dew Drop:
As Jade laid down next to her, Dew smiled softly as she wrapped her arms around him into a hug. Having his hooves wrapped around her made Dew feel safe, secure and truly happy. To her, nothing needed to be said as everything felt perfect in her eyes. "I-I hope you don't mind, b-but I think I'm probably going to f-fall asleep." She whispered in honest as her eyes were starting to become really heavy.

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@Dynamo Pad
"Both arcades..." Sunlight simply responded "...though in the first one it was lot more about greed for power..." she smiled "...but enough of that, you sound tired, go to bed, I'll be awake for moment more and I'll join you then." (going to sleep would be a good trigger for the timeskip)

"Sleep well." Jade replied quietly, watching as she fell asleep, he stayed awake for some moments longer, until he too started to fall asleep, though before he did, he wrapped his wing around Dew, drifting off to see the day on repeat. Until Dew woke him up earlier, Jade wouldn't wake up until closer to the noon.

Edited by Catpone Cerberus
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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
At the mention of both arcades, Dynamo could only nod in response. "I guess I didn't want to make any assumptions, but you're absolutely right..." "...With the way those two were acting, I guess revenge can be added as a factor to greed for power. All I know is that I'm glad that their ideologies in their greed was proven to be wrong. I'm just glad those bullies were stopped. Otherwise, I'd be worried what they would be up to at this point..." He smiled, yawning once more to further prove Sunlight's point. "...Okay. You win, sweetheart. If there's anything bothering you, then just wake me up. I'm here and I'll always be here for you..." He crawled over towards his side of the bed, before resting his head upon the pillow. "...Goodnight and I love you, Sunny." He smiled one more time, before closing his eyes and allowing himself to fall asleep.

Dew Drop:
"W-Will do and same to you. G-Goodnight Jade." She almost wanted to say she loved him, but knew it was way too early to say those words. Considering that they had just become a couple not too long ago. During the night, Dew had felt Jade's wing wrap around her. This only caused her to smile softly as she snuggled closer to her boyfriend in her sleep. When the next day would roll around, Dew would wake up to see Jade was still asleep next to her. She began to wonder why he was even here, but she soon remembered that he had stayed the evening with her. She would try to wake him up, but it was to no avail. Sighing as she knew it was useless, she would get up and start preparing for the day. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Several weeks later.

Arriving to Fillydelphia. Sunlight stretched, it had been a uneventful train-trip from Ponyville, she had decided with Dynamo to go and finally meat Dynamo's mother in Fillydelphia now that the vacation was done and she had reported her findings to the princess, she had also gotten a smaller job from Fillydelphia that she would be able to do during the visit, so she didn't need to get another vacation time right away. "So, I'll go this through one more time so you really remember, Jade and I grew up in Fillydelphia, we were neglected as foals, our parents being rarely home and not giving any real attention to us when they were, so we had to take care of each other, that also being the reason why we aren't in contact with our parents anymore." 

Jade yawned and stretched when he woke up around noon, there was second of confusion when he looked around him, but he then remembered everything again, and felt bad for sleeping so long, Dew had a flower shop to take care of after all. He got up and made his way to where ever Dew was if she wasn't in the room, "Good mor...noon, sorry for sleeping this long, hope that didn't cause any bother."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Several week later.

As the weeks had gone by, Dynamo and Sunlight's vacation to Manehattan was at an end. Upon arriving in Ponyville, they had given their report to Princess Twilight, before falling back into the daily routine of their lives. During those weeks, the blue unicorn had received a letter from his mother, Gentle Step, who was wondering if he was making any plans to visit. After talking to Sunlight on the plan for Fillydelphia, the pair decided to take a slight vacation. The only difference was that Sunlight had secured a smaller job from his hometown when they would be visiting. After arriving at Fillydelphia, Dynamo stretched with a yawn as he made his way off of the train. As the duo began to make their way out of the station to find a means of travel, Dynamo looked over to Sunlight and nodded at the story to introduce her. "Okay and thanks for the reminder, Sunny. Although, I wonder if telling my mom the truth would be a good idea. I understand that it's probably too risky, but I know my mom is pretty accepting." 

Dew Drop:
As Dew had finished watering the flowers in the green house, she had opened the shop to start off the day. She had hoped that Jade would be up, but she knew the early mornings were pretty slow and uneventful. There would be the occasional customer here and there and then it would be quiet from time to time. As the time drew towards noon, Dew thought it would be good to make something for the two of them to eat. Taking an early break, she swapped the open sign to close as she headed back into the house. As she entered the kitchen, she grabbed some supplies from around the kitchen to have everything set for brunch. She began mixing a batter as she thought pancakes would be a good choice to have. She wasn't sure what Jade's favorite foods were, but she knew he would tell her over time. Once the pancakes were starting to bake, her ears perked at the sound of Jade's voice echoing into the room. She turned towards him and giggled at his change of words, before shaking her head. "G-Good afternoon, Jade. There's no need to a-apologize for anything. This is the f-first time that I saw that you w-were fast asleep. That, a-and I wasn't able to get you up a-after shaking your arm. I-It's something that we'll have t-to get used to as I'm more of a morning pony."

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@Dynamo Pad
"We'll stick to the story for now, there is lot more to it than just acceptance, so it's better to keep things secret for now..." Sunlight simply stated "...I know she's your mother, but I can't trust that knowledge even to her before knowing enough about her first."  too accepting pony was also a risk, as they may accidentally tell it to somepony else due to not seeing things as such of a problem as they really are.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good sleeper, but don't be afraid to use more drastic measures to wake me up like pushing me off the bed or throwing water on me...."
Jade said with a smile "...I don't need the sleep, after all, I get my energy from other sources like food too, and I don't get mad for being woken up."  

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Okay. I know you told me when around the time that you and I had just met, but it was through different circumstances..." Dynamo replied with a nod. "...You're right. I visit my mom from time to time, but not very often. Since she lives pretty far, there's no telling what she could say if you told her. Although, my mom is good with keeping a secret, or something like that. Trust me when I say that I'm not trying to change your decision. It's just that I get that you'd have to get to know her first. I just hope the meeting goes well." He understood where Sunlight was coming from with her remark. The only ponies who knew about Sunlight and Jade's secret were Dew Drop and himself. He knew that the less others knew, the better in not finding out. 

Dew Drop:
"I-I guess I should have e-expected that. Especially the s-second time we hung out a-and I believe you said that y-you were going to be late. I-I'll keep the throwing water idea f-for now. What would you s-say if I tried to k-kiss you to help wake you up...?" Dew Drop knew it seemed like a random idea. Sort of like being part of a fairy tale story, but she couldn't help in asking her coltfriend. "...Y-You don't need sleep? Really? I-I guess that means that you can s-stay awake for hours and hours. W-Was that how you were able to find a-all of the info from the job you were tasked with? If f-food is a good source of energy, t-then I hope you like pancakes. T-They're just about finished. A-Also, thank you for letting m-me know. I wouldn't want to m-make you angry or upset over s-something." She says with a smile. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just nodded, she was quiet for a second before a question came to mind "How should I greet your mother? I mean, should I shake hoofs? hug? different ponies prefer different way of greeting somepony for the first time, so what it is for your mother?..."  "I want to make good first impressions after all." 

"I don't know if kiss would wake me up, nopony has ever tried as far as I'm aware..." Jade responded with clearly faked nonchalance, he couldn't hide that he liked the idea "...And yes, food works as replacement for sleep, and yes, I do like pancakes." he said the part about pancakes with a grin. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
As they had made their way off of the train platform and towards the front of the station, Dynamo waved a hoof in order to call a taxi over to them. As he waited for a ride, his hoof froze momentarily in the air. His ears perked, while glancing over to his marefriend's onslaught of questions. He couldn't help himself in chuckling at the amount of questions she was asking him. "I would just say smile and wave. Maybe introduce yourself to my mom and talk a bit about yourself..." "...I've met other gamer's on my road of being a professional gamer. So, I concur that everyone has their own way of greeting, as well as air or attitude about them. Knowing my mom, she'll do a bit of a combination. She'll probably shake your hoof, before pulling you into a big hug. I have no doubt that she'll be extremely happy to meet you. I also thought it was cute how you were asking me questions nonstop. It seems you picked up a bad habit of mine. I guess it's better to say we have that same sort of habit. I have a tendency to asking multiple questions if there's something I don't know about."

Dew Drop:
"I see..." Dew Drop responded, while hiding a subtle smirk. She decided to drop that part of the conversation for the time being. She was elated to hear Jade's reply as she had an idea for the next time that he would be sleeping late. "...I g-guess that makes sense. F-Food does provide the b-body energy to function f-for the day, after all. S-So, let's have something t-to eat so we can enjoy t-the rest of the day. Oh, and n-not a moment too s-soon." She smiled, looking back to see that the pancakes were just finished on being baked. She used a spatula to flip the pancakes onto two available plates. After turning off the stove and held the plates within her wings, she walked carefully towards the table and placed the plates on the furniture surface. She then grabbed a couple of utensils, along with some syrup for them to add to their breakfast. "...T-There we are. Brunch is served and r-ready to enjoy. I-I hope you like the p-pancakes, Jade. B-By the way, is there a-anything you'd like to have as a d-drink to go along with your pancakes?"

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight chuckled "You know me, I want to know everything, and when it comes to habits, it's like some say 'if you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas', when you spend time in certain company, you will become like said company." Dynamo hadn't really answered the question since he first said neither and then both, but Sunlight figured it just meant that she should do like she always does.

"Water please, I don't want for the taste of your delicious baking to get covered by something else."
he smiled warmly as he said it, he waited for Dew to sit down before eating. After eating the first piece of his pancake, Jade spoke again "So, any specific plans for the day? Besides taking care of your shop of course."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"That's what makes you the best, after all. It doesn't help that the concentration you have when you're learning about other things makes you look adorable, Sunny..." Dynamo chuckled, raising an eyebrow and titling his head at the sayings Sunlight had mentioned. "...I've never heard of those sayings before. Although, the second one sounds somewhat familiar. Trust me when I saw fleas and I don't mix at all. That once happened when my mom and dad had a dog and it was utter chaos. We all made a promise to never go through that again. Never again..." He shivered and shook his head to try and erase the thought away. He stopped and smiled as he saw a taxi was starting to make its way over to them.

Dew Drop:
At the mention of water, Dew smiled and grabbed a couple of glasses for their drinks. "W-Water, huh? An excellent c-choice. I also wouldn't w-worry about the taste being covered by s-something else. I would say that it'd be the o-opposite with how tasty these pancakes are..." She giggled cutely as she filled up one glass with water from the sink, while the other was filled with orange juice. After turning the kitchen sing off and putting the orange juice away, she placed the glasses to their respective sides of the table. "...Hmm...not in p-particular. Normally, I would have said the s-same thing in letting the wind t-take us along. Although, I was thinking that m-maybe that you could c-choose this time on what we could do. I r-remember that you had let me choose the a-activities about twice before. I felt that m-maybe it can be a nice change of pace. S-Seeing as how there's a lot to do, w-while being in Manehattan."

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@Dynamo Pad
"It wasn't literal silly..." Sunlight chuckled  "....also there was only one saying, the second one was my explanation about what the dog saying means." this wasn't the first time...or the last time when she needed to correct Dynamo on things like that, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, since Dynamo's sometimes simplistic mind was one of the things she liked about him, it was a good contrast to her overly complicated mind.

"I'm not really good with coming up with ideas like that..." Jade admitted, but after a thoughtful moment he continued "...but if you insist, there is a place I want to show you, though I won't reveal anything about it yet." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo stuck his tongue out and rolled his eyes playfully at Sunlight. "Oh, I know, sweetheart..." He smirked with a chuckle. "...I just can't stand the fleas or spiders when they are brought up. Fleas are not too bad, but they can leave really bad bites. Not the most fun thing to talk about in the world..." He walked over towards the taxi and levitated his suitcase into the trunk. He waited patiently for Sunlight in case she wanted for him to place her suitcase into the trunk, as well. "...I actually thought there were two meanings, but it appears that I may have been mistaken. I still think that's a pretty interesting saying. I can tell that you'll feel as if you've become a part of the family once you get to know my mom."

Dew Drop:
"I w-wouldn't say that. The only r-reason you say it that way is b-because you haven't given it a try. Y-You might even surprise yourself..." Dew replied, before seeing a thoughtful look upon Jade's face. At the mention of a place he wanted to show her, Dew smiled with enthusiasm. "T-There, you see? I knew you could think of an idea..." She took a bite of her pancakes and sighed happily. "Mm. These pancakes are r-really good. Just let me k-know if you want seconds. We have some t-time. I w-watered my flowers e-earlier. I was planning to w-water them again, before opening the s-shop back up. So, t-there's no particular rush." She raised a curious eyebrow, but nodded in acceptance. "O-Okay, Mr. Top Secret. I-I guess we can play your g-game, for the time being. I can't help in wondering, w-while being kept in suspense..." She giggled, taking a drink of her beverage. "...I-Is there any way I c-can get some sort of h-hint as to w-where we are going to?"

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight put her stuff into the trunk "If she's anything like you I can see that happening." she chuckled, she really hoped his mother would approve of her, not because she was worried she didn't approve the relationship, but because Sunlight kinda liked the idea of having a mother figure, sure she was Dynamo's mother but there was nothing wrong with thinking it like that if she didn't say it out loud, right?

"I can say one thing, it's not in the city, so if it's aright with you, i'd suggest we don't go before the shop closes for the day since it will take some time for us to get there." Jade responded before continuing with his pancake, it was very good yes, but he didn't feel like asking for another, not too much of a good thing and all that. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
As Sunlight placed her staircase in the trunk, Dynamo smiled as he closed the trunk shut. Making sure that nothing would fall out during the drive to his old home. "You can say that again as that's pretty much a given. I think the old saying goes. Like mother, like son, or is it like father, like son...?" He chuckled, shaking his head as he shrugged his shoulders. "...I guess it's more because I take after my mom. At the same time, I take after my dad in the looks department. At the same time, I have a bit of his sense of humor." He walked around the taxi, before making his way into the vehicle. He held out a hoof for Sunlight to take, so he could help her into the vehicle.

Dew Drop:
"Not in the c-city, huh...?" Dew wondered as Jade's hint narrowed the choices of where they were going. She had an idea in mind, but she wasn't one hundred percent certain. "...W-Was the place y-you were mentioning that r-ruins you and your s-sister went to, or is it s-some different place...?" She recalled Jade mentioning the old library ruins over the course of time they spent together. However, she wasn't sure if the ruins was the exact location they were going towards. However, knowing that they were going outside of the city was kind of exhilarating. To Dew Drop, it seemed as if they were going on some adventure. "...O-Okay, then. Maybe we can close up the shop a little early, so we'll have time to m-make it towards our destination. P-Perhaps you can let me k-know when it'll be a good time t-to leave. That way, I'll make sure to c-close up the shop right around t-that time." Dew nodded in understanding. Grabbing the bottle of syrup to add to her small stack of pancakes.

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just chuckled, she took the hoof and let Dynamo to help her in. "I kinda envy you to certain extend, I have heard so many ponies comparing themselves to their parents, but I have no way of knowing how it feels to be able to do that...." she was quiet for a moment before continuing "...I wonder if we are based on somepony in similar way."

"Different place....somewhere I haven't been in for a while..." Jade simply responded "...I'll let you decide when you think it's a good time, but it will take at least two hours to get there, so decided based on that." he smiled 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo smiled as Sunlight had taken the offered hoof, before helping her into the taxi. After giving the driver the address, they had begun making their way towards his old home. "It's kind of surprising to hear that. I never thought I'd be the talk of being jealous from..." He chuckled with a smile, before nodding. "...I never really hear other ponies comparing themselves to their parents. Usually, it's mostly talks about how their parents embarrass them in one form or another..." He suddenly froze, before sighing and placing a forehoof over one of his eyes. "...I can only imagine what will happen when you and my mom meet. I just hope she doesn't bring up any embarrassing stories. Knowing her, she'll want to show my baby pictures..." His eyes shrank as he knew he shouldn't have said such a statement. He tried to think of a way to change the subject. He felt grateful that Sunlight helped in changing the subject, but frowned as he felt sympathy for his marefriend. Especially hearing what she had to say.

"...If we had a picture of what your parents looked like, then maybe you'd be able to compare yourself to them. Even learning a bit about them if there was any information to go by..." "...Hmm...that would be an interesting thing to think about. I've seen many different faces through gaming tournament or just seeing their faces in the newspaper. I can't honestly say for sure if you were based on someone by either looks or personality. Although, if that were true, then the fact still doesn't change how I feel. After all, I fell in love with you for who you are Sunny." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

Dew Drop:
"A d-different place that you h-haven't been to, huh? I-I'm honestly surprised as I-I thought the old r-ruins was the only place outside of t-the city. It s-seems like there's more than m-meets the eye, w-while being in Manehattan..." Dew responded, looking over at the time clock hanging upon the wall. "...O-Okay. Thanks for g-giving me a timeframe of h-how long it would take to g-get there. I think if I c-close up shop around e-early to mid afternoon, t-then we'll have enough time to make our w-way over to our destination." She says as she returned the smile. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just chuckled at Dynamo's concerns, she had never understood why ponies were so embarrassed about their foalhoods, but it was amusing to her 

"If there is parents..." Sunlight reminded "...and if we have them or not really depends on if we are originals or if we are replacing somepony..." she looked thoughtful for a moment "....I should probably look a bit into that, I just need to ask the princess for bit of help since I don't have the access to the needed information." she smiled after the kiss.

Jade just nodded before finishing his pancakes and water, he then got up and proceeded to wash his own dishes "Do you need any help in the shop today? I'm more than happy to help if you do, but if you don't, I can always just see if any room needs to be cleaned up or something." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo smiled at Sunlight's chuckle as it seemed she was getting a kick out of his thoughts. "That's true as it's like you said. You're parents were rarely at home..." He whispered softly to her, while giving the orange mare a subtle wink. He looked over towards the taxi driver, who was still trotting and traveling the streets towards his old home. He took Sunlight's earlier words into consideration as he knew how she didn't like it when others knew about her secret. "...I wouldn't exactly say that you were replacing somepony in Equestria. I would have to go with the former option of being original, but I wouldn't throw the latter option away either. Maybe there was somepony that whoever made you was dear to the creator. Something must have happened that made the creator make you and Jade. Of course, this is just a theory as I could be wrong on that..." He pondered, before smiling with a nod. "...I think that's a good idea. If you want, then maybe I can help in trying to find any information that would lead into this. Maybe when we get back from our trip we can go see Princess Twilight. If not, then maybe Princess Celestia and Princess Luna might know something too."

Dew Drop:
"I-I might need a bit of help, if t-that's okay. I honestly a-appreciated your help the other day when h-handling the flower shop. It was a-also really pleasant in having s-somepony to talk to when the work day was s-slightly slow..." Dew responded as she finished up her brunch and orange juice. "...T-There's no need to clean up any room, b-but thank you for the thought. The o-only thing is the blankets and quilt t-that need to be straightened out, but t-that's all there is to do." She got out of her seat and pushed her chair in, before heading over towards the kitchen sink. She placed her dishes and utensils in the sink and proceeded to wash the dishes.

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@Dynamo Pad
"I was thinking of sending a letter..." Sunlight mentioned "...that way princess twilight can look into it when she has time and I know in advance what to look for, though I'm sure she will do a bit of her own research since she seemed quite fascinated by us..."   she spoke quietly to keep the conversation between them "...which reminds me, she had looked into it while we were on the vacation, and though she was yet to find anything, she too believes that we are not from Equestria." 

"I'll go do that and join you again after I'm done..." Jade said with a smile, and before Dew would be able to say anything "...I insist." he then made his way to deal with the blankets, and after finishing them, he made his way back to Dew

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“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"I think that's a good idea..." Dynamo responded. "...We don't know exactly how long we'll be staying in town. Just like how we stayed in Manehattan for a little while, before making our way back home. If Princess Twilight is unable to find any info, then she could always go talk to her mentor. I do believe she might find something. I remember how she asked for you and Jade specifically for that mission. Along with how you told me that she was fascinated on your special talent..." Dynamo made sure to keep the conversation at a whisper, while also being on the lookout for when they would arrive at the house. Looking at the passing scenery, the blue unicorn couldn't help in smiling. It was as if everything was coming back to him as the buildings started to look somewhat familiar. While there may have been a few new buildings, it still felt like the same old Fillydelphia that he grew up in. "...Really...?" He asks, eyes widening in slight surprise. "...So, she meant that you and Jade aren't from the land of Equestria? Maybe you're from another town that was far away from Ponyville or other civilization of ponies? I've heard Starlight telling me about a place called Klugetown. Apparently Princess Twilight and the others went there during the attack of the Storm King. Not only that, but there were creatures that weren't found anywhere else in the land of Equestria."

Dew Drop:
At the mention of his plan, Dew wanted to protest as he didn't need to go through the trouble. She soon stopped and smiled as he insisted that he should help out. "O-Okay. There's no way to c-change your mind, huh...?" She giggles and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug. "...I'll be out in the b-back to water the flowers, before g-going back to the shop and flipping the sign. J-Just to let them know that we are b-back from lunch break. I'll see you in a bit." After watching him leave, Dew had begun finishing up the dishes and putting everything away. She then proceeded towards the greenhouse to tend to her plants. Making sure that each flower was either watered or brought towards the front to be purchased by other customers. Once she made her way to the front of the shop, she placed the flowers in certain pots and shelves, before turning the closed sign to open. She sighed as she felt proud of her work, before turning around and smiling to see that Jade had made his return.

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight shrugged "Not Equestria was all she said, and the reasoning was what I have said earlier already, we are way too advanced to be build by any currently known creature..." she explained "...that's all she said out loud, but i could tell she didn't say everything." 

Jade did what he promised and then made his way to the shop. Nothing too special happened during the shop-day, Jade helped with everything he could and when Dew didn't need him, he spend his time cleaning up any leaves, dirt, or anything else tha might have dropped on the floor during the day.

Timeskip to closing time.

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“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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