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private Artificial Love. (with Dynamo Pad)

Catpone Cerberus

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
Dynamo raised an eyebrow, before placing a hoof to his chin. "I get that you're way too advanced to be built by any known creature. I've never really seen any pony or creature who has gone to great lengths in creating different types of advanced technology. Regardless if the technology was artificial or something along those lines..." He glanced to Sunlight as his gaze met hers. "...You don't suppose that Princess Twilight might know more than she might be letting on. Such as knowing what you and Jade truly are? She's very insightful and smart, but maybe not on the level of smartness as you, Sunny. Given that you're able to learn a lot of info and can remember it easily."

Dew Drop:
As Jade made his return, everything had gone like clockwork. Nothing too special had happened during the day. Dew would attend to the customers and help with getting some arrangements completed. Whenever she needed Jade's help, it would either be to gather some flowers that she may have needed. If not, then she would ask for him to take charge of the register if she headed towards the greenhouse to retrieve a certain flower or two. 

Time skip to closing time.

After the last customer had made their leave, Dew sighed as she looked at the main store surrounding her. She was surprised that the whole room was spotless, but she soon understood that Jade had helped in cleaning up any stray leaves or dirt. She turned to her coltfriend and gave him a grateful and appreciative smile, before walking and pulling Jade into a hug. "T-Thank you for all of your h-help again today. T-Time seems to go by s-so much more quickly w-when you have friends working t-together. It's especially t-true when I work together w-with my special somepony..." She blushed slightly, before shyly nuzzling his cheek. "...S-So, what do you say? R-Ready to go on this trip that you were t-talking about earlier? W-Would it be necessary t-to grab some supplies for the t-trip?"

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@Dynamo Pad
"I doubt she knows exactly what we are, but I believe she knows something I don't..." Sunlight explained "...and no, I'm not smarter than her, she's lot smarter, I'm just more knowledgeable, there's a difference..."  "...just for simple example, back when she got her wings, Celestia said she had created new magic, that, for me, is impossible, as I only know spells, and not only that, I can't even use all of the spells I know." 

Jade smiled and returned the hug, smiling even wider at the nuzzle "You probably should grab something to eat for yourself, but other than that there shouldn't be any need for supplies..." he simply responded before giving a quick and gentle kiss on Dew's forehead "...do you think we should take a taxi to the edge of the city or do you want to fly the whole trip? Considering the traffic both ways take about the same amount of time." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"I wonder what that thing that she knows is. If she knows something, but doesn't know about your true self, then that has to be a lead to something. Hearing about all of this has made me curious on what's going on..." Dynamo responded with a nod. "...Hmm...I guess that makes sense. I mean, I always thought being smarter and knowledgeable were one in the same. I suppose that isn't the case from what you are saying..." "...I remember hearing that new magic from when she gained her wings. I didn't get it at first, but one could argue that the new magic is friendship magic. I don't know if I've discovered new magic as I want to use video games as the base. Sort of like how some games use magic spells in their attacks. I guess it doesn't work in that way, but I can dream, right...?" He chuckled with a grin. "...I know you said that Twilight is smarter and that you're more knowledgeable, but I still think that you're smart, in my opinion. I know that you can create a fog of mist and hearts, but I still think those spells are pretty cool." He says as the taxi was starting to pull up towards Dynamo's old home.

Dew Drop:
At the mention of packing something to eat, Dew nodded as she started to make her way back towards the door, which connected to the shop and house. "O-Okay. I guess we'll b-be at this place for a little w-while. Especially w-with how long you said it would t-take to get there. I-I'll also pack something to eat f-for you too. Also, n-no arguments as I want to. I w-wouldn't want you to feel h-hungry, Jade..." She giggled with a smile, closing her eyes as Jade walked over to her and kissed her forehead. She blushed, but smiled widely at the affection. "...I-I think flying would be the b-better option to get there. M-Maybe on the way home, we c-can take a taxi. I-It's a better way to save on the travel, s-so we won't feel tired if the t-travel distance is very far away."

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@Dynamo Pad
"I never said I'm not smart, just that i'm not smarter than the princess of friendship..." Sunlight said with faked nonchalance, she didn't really like bragging about her smartness, but she recognized her own strengths "...but that aside, I assume it's that house." she pointed at the house they seemed be going towards.

"Fly we shall then..." Jade said with a smile, after which he made his way to the door to wait for Dew, he then would open it for her and close it after them, letting Dew to make sure it was locked. He would stand in place seeming thoughtful for a second, then suddenly point in a direction "...in that direction." he then took flight and offered his hoof for Dew to hold. 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Oh, I know. I just think that you're still just as awesome and deserve credit where credit is due..." He nodded with a chuckle. He could understand that Sunlight wasn't trying to brag as he could relate. He never tried to brag whenever it involved being good at video games. He recognized his strengths and flaws, but it only meant that he had a lot to improve upon. His ears perked as he looked over to where Sunlight was point towards. "...Eeyup. That's the same house that I used to live in when I lived back in this town..." He smiles as the taxi had come to a stop right next to the house in question. After thanking and paying the taxi driver, Dynamo exited the taxi and moved over towards the trunk. He made sure to grab their suitcases and that Sunlight was out of the vehicle, before seeing the taxi driving away towards it's next destination. "...So, what do you say, Sunny? Ready to go meet my mom?" He asks, offering his hoof for her to hold. He had remembered receiving a letter from his mom of when they could visit. So, both his mom and the couple knew that this wasn't a surprise, out of nowhere visit.

Dew Drop:
After returning with a container of regular sandwiches and bottles of water, Dew Drop placed her belongings in her saddlebag for safe keeping. She made sure everything had been secure, so as to not lose anything during their trip. As she returned, she smiled at seeing Jade, who was waiting for her at the front door. She followed towards him as he held the door open for her. She kissed his cheek as she appreciated the kind gesture, before making sure the front door was locked up. Once everything had been secure, she looked back to the green Pegasus, who had a thoughtful expression, before pointing in a direction. "Huh. I-It looks like we're g-going somewhere that's f-far out of town. I-I can only guess that it's s-somewhere that doesn't have that m-much civilization..." She pondered, before smiling softly and taking the hoof that Jade had offered for her to take. "...I'm r-ready to go whenever y-you are, Jade."

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
"Is there really a choice at this point?..." Sunlight asked humorously as she took Dynamo's hoof "...of course I am.". She would do the usual polite gesture when they'd see Dynamo's mother the first time, but other than that her actions would be depending on the actions of Dynamo and his mother, or in other word, the most polite action fitting the situation.

Jade started leading Dew into the direction he had pointed to, he had never gone there from this direction, but his combined knowledge of the area helped him to know where to go. "There's something I probably should mention just in case..." he suddenly stated, sounding warm, purposely avoiding serious tone "...It's about how my memory works, if I at any point start staring at nothing or start doing or talking something weird, I'm reliving memories..." He looked at Dew "...the reason I tell this now is because this place is kinda...significant to me, and like I said earlier, I haven't visited it in a while, so reliving memories is a possibility." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Hmm...well, there is the possibility of going to the arcade in town. That's where I gained my cutie mark and started my path to be a gamer. That, and my old teacher would be happy to see a familiar face..." Dynamo chuckled as he could hear the humor in her voice. "...Then, let's go and meet the mare of the hour." As Sunlight took his hoof, Dynamo lead her up the walkway and up the steps towards the front door. After knocking on the door, Dynamo began to wait patiently in hopes that someone would answer the door. As he waited, Dynamo took a deep breath, before letting out a soft sigh. To say he was nervous was an understatement. He knew his mom would most likely be welcoming, but he hoped that she would like Sunlight.

He was brought out of his thoughts as he heard the clicking of the front door being opened. He blinked as he saw the pony the couple was set to meet. A periwinkle colored mare, with sunflower blonde mane and tail with violet colored eyes. "Oh, honey! It's so nice to see you stopping by. Who's the one standing next to you?" Gentle asked, while having a good idea on who she was. "Hey, mom. It's good to see you again after a while. Also, let me introduce you. Mom, this is my marefriend, Sunlight Lavender. Sunlight, this is my mom, Gentle Step." At the mention of a marefriend, Gentle almost wanted to jump for joy at the news. "So, you're the Sunlight that I've heard so much about. I remember getting a letter about you and how he wouldn't stop talking about you. Like my son had just previously stated. My name is Gentle Step. It's so nice to meet you, Sunlight." She smiled, holding out a hoof in hopes of shaking Sunlight's hoof.

Dew Drop:
As Jade started to lead the way, Dew's tilted her head as her coltfriend gave her a forewarning. Upon hearing his explanation, the ebony pegasus nodded as she could hear the warmth in his voice. "So, it's s-sort of like r-remembering a flashback, b-but it's almost like the m-memory is happening at that m-moment...?" She frowned slightly, giving Jade an apologetic look. "...I'm s-sorry if I worded it in a-a different way. I r-remember that you can recall a-all of the memory from your past and all the w-way up until now. I-It does sound pretty interesting, b-but I can imagine t-there are some moments that a-aren't always pleasant..." As Jade looked towards Dew, the ebony pegasus met his gaze and nodded. "...I-I guess this place holds a-a lot of value to you. So, it must b-be the reason as to w-why you told me about h-how you might relive s-some memories. T-Thank you for letting me know a-ahead of time, Jade."

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight shook the hoof, doing a polite nod as she did "It's nice to meet you too Mrs Step..." she knew that she probably didn't need to be so formal considering Gentle had called her with only her first name, but it was the polite thing to do when you didn't know the preferred way "...I hope what you have heard is at least mostly good." she said the latter part with humorous tone, indicating it was a joke, like it was. Other than that, her expression was happy yet polite.

"You could word it like that, other way to say it is that it's a dream that you have while awake, you don't realize it's happening until it's over..." Jade said with a nod "...And yes and no, the place doesn't necessarily have value to me, as there isn't any especially good memories tied to it or anything, but it is quite significant to my life....you'll understand when we are there." he then explained  

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Oh, you're so polite and formal..." Gentle smiled, nodding as Sunlight shook her hoof. "...Oh, trust me, dear. If there was anything bad, then you'd be the first to know..." She winked with a soft giggle, before pulling Sunlight towards her and giving the orange mare a hug. "...All I heard was that you are so kind, caring, sweet, funny, intelligent and last, but certainly not least, beautiful. Seeing you in person, I can tell my son wasn't joking. You definitely look very beautiful. It seems Dynamo has excellent taste when trying to find a girlfriend. It warms my heart to know that my son has such a wonderful marefriend. I look forward in getting to know you more and more." As he watched the exchange, Dynamo chuckled with a soft smile and shook his head. 'At least I warned her that my mom would act like that.' As Gentle pulled away from the hug, she grinned as she moved out of the doorframe for Sunlight to pass. "Oh, forgive me for being rude. Please, come on in. Make yourselves at home." Gentle responded, while Dynamo nodded, before carrying the suitcases with him into the house. 

Dew Drop:
"I-I think that's an a-actual thing that can happen, r-right? It's like going through a d-dream, but you're wide awake. A-Almost as if you're experiencing a s-specific flashback, or it's an m-moment that you might have e-experienced before. Sort of like deja vu, b-but that might not be the correct term..." Dew responded, tilting her head with wonder as Jade continued to explain. "...I...o-okay. I know it m-might not help, but maybe you'll be a-able to have better memories to have. N-Now that I'll be going with you t-to this location." She knew it might not help in saying that, but Dew was honestly confused. She wanted to ask why they were going to some place that was of no value, while not particularly good in memory. However, she stopped as not only would she understand in due time, but she felt that Jade might not answer the question. 

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just smiled, sure the hug had came bit out of nowhere, but she was prepared for it both because Dynamo's warning and because it seemed like something Dynamo's mother would do, though she did also blush just a bit since compliment from Dynamo's mother was different to compliment from Dynamo. "Thank you." she simply replied while doing a fitting gesture, after which she made her way inside, joining Dynamo where ever he headed.

"Yes, similar thing can happen with biological ponies too, but for us it's bit different...I don't really have a way to explain it...." Jade explained "...and it's not that there's any negative memories bound to the place either, if that's what you gathered from me saying there's no good memories...but like I said, you'll understand." he would lead Dew forward pretty quick pace, not because there was really any hurry or anything, he just wanted to get past the travelling part.

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@Catpone Cerberus

As they walked inside, Gentle closed the door behind her as she followed the couple into the house. "Would either of you like something to drink? It must have been a long travel to Fillydelphia." Dynamo smiled, but shook his head at the offer. "Thank you, but I"m okay, mom. How about you, Sunny? Would you like anything to drink?" Dynamo asks, Gentle clapping her front hooves, while her hooves were close to her heart. "Aw. My son gave you a nickname? That's just so adorable. Has there been any times where you have given him a nickname? You know, Sunlight. I was the same way when I met my husband. With how he always loved going to the track to race others, I and the other racer's always called him Speed Racer." Dynamo placed a hoof over his forehead, before shaking his head with a chuckle. "I can go get the drinks, if that's okay. I just need to put our stuff away. The room is in the same place as before, right, mom?" Gentle's reply was an affirmative nod.

"You've got that right, hon. It's the same place as it was before you left. Just take your time, okay? I'll keep Sunlight company while you're gone..." She smiled as Dynamo began walking up the steps to where they would be staying, before turning back to the orange mare. "...I hope you don't mind, but I was hoping I could have some one on one time and get to know you a bit more. You can take a seat on the love seat, if you'd like, dear. No need to be standing around or staring off into space..." She would giggle, while making her way over towards the couch. "...So, tell me about yourself. I'm interested in learning pretty much anything, really. How did you and my son meet each other?" She thought, trying to break the ice. At the same time, she wanted to know about Sunlight as she wanted to put the orange mare through the mother's test.

Dew Drop:
"I've heard a-about that, but I didn't think it was a-actually true..." Dew responded with a hesitant nod. Blushing in realization that Jade must have read her thoughts. "...I g-guess I had that sort of thinking, at first. T-The reason is by what y-you had said. Along with l-learning some things over the past c-couple of days. I d-don't mean t-that you're a negative p-pony. I j-just meant that you've r-really gone through a-a lot..." She didn't utter anything else as she had felt she had said something bad to Jade. She could only nod at his explanation that she would understand, before flapping her wings faster as Jade lead the ebony pegasus in a quick pace of flight.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight just shook her head for the drink offer, getting bit surprised by Gentle's reaction. "I sometimes call him Blue." she answered whenever she got the chance, and other than that she just observed the mother-son interaction with her usual smile.

She nodded when Gentle asked her to have chat and followed her, sitting down where she was asked to sit, she had expected some kind of questioning considering Dynamo's past experience with 'marefriend'. "I'm not sure what to tell about myself, I have a twin brother, I have lived in several places around Equestria, and I'm currently working for Princess Twilight, that's really all I know to tell without questions, but for how we met, well, we were playing at the arcade with my brother when your son, quite literally, rolled in.....he tripped on the way in. We started talking, became friends, and so on."

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@Catpone Cerberus

"Blue. As blue as the skies in Equestria. To some it seems kind of plain, but I think that's really sweet. I was always known as a 'fancy dancer' by my husband. I pretty much considered that my nickname as it fit my career in life. The reason being was also based on my cutie mark: a pair of ballet slippers. To some, it looks like I just take up ballet, but in actuality, I'm a pony who is able to dance to any and all dance styles." Gentle responded back, nodding as Sunlight declined the offer of a beverage. 

As Sunlight sat down across from her, Gentle listened intently as Sunlight began to talk about herself. "Oh, there's no need to worry, dear. Just take the time you need and tell me anything you'd like for me to know. I know how difficult it can be when it comes to talking about oneself. It's either you can have so much to describe, or there's not much to say..." "...I seem to recall my son mentioning your brother in a letter I received a month ago. I remember hearing that your brother, Jade, isn't one for words. However, he's very loyal and a good friend. You've lived in several places around Equestria...?" Gentle wondered, placing her front hooves together and resting her chin upon her hooves. "...That sounds rather interesting. Has it been for just traveling around, or mostly due to change in work? I've mostly lived in Fillydelphia for most of my life. It would be nice to move or find a place to take a vacation every now and then. Where have you been to, if you don't mind me asking..." Her eyes widened slightly at the mention of Princess Twilight.

"...Oh, now that's a huge honor. It must be nice to help out the Princess in whatever task she needs. What is it that you do for her? Have you had a job before being enlisted by the Princess...?" She held back a giggle, but was failing as she heard how her son had met Sunlight. "...That sounds like my son, alright. He takes after his father, who's a goofball at heart. That's something that I always loved about my husband. Even when things were at their worst, he always found a way to make things not seem so scary. Always trying to look on the bright side of things. Speaking of which..." Gentle took a deep breath as she felt it would be easy to start off with small questions. "From the way I saw you two, the both of you seem quite fond of each other, is that right?"

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@Dynamo Pad
"Reasons for our moving are many, everything from money and job related things to trouble with neighbors and just needing a change of environment. And for the places where we have been...pretty much every town and city, but the places where we have really settled down, are Manehattan twice, once here, and now in Ponyville..." Sunlight explained with a friendly tone "...and my job...or well, our job since my brother works for her too, is gathering information and reporting it back to the princess, you see, both of our talents is memory, so we can get information from sources that for reason or another can't be transported to Ponyville and bring it to her in our heads. And I have had several small/short jobs during my time moving around Equestria, but the current one is really the only one worth mentioning." she smiled at Gentle's little story about Dynamo's father, and for her question she nodded "I would say so, yes, we enjoy each other's company, our differences complete each other, and we have helped each other through problems we have faced either during our time together or in the past."

"I know, there's no need to explain..." Jade simply stated "...besides, even if you didn't know what you know, it would be only logical to assume there's negative memories after I specifically stated there isn't any good ones..." "...it also probably doesn't help that a place with no special memories of any kind being important enough to show to a marefriend is quite confusing concept." 


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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"Oh, I understand. There are times that job transfers can be a thing, while trouble with neighbors is quite rare. I will admit that I've seen my fair share of neighbor gossip..." Gentle responded with an eye roll. "...Trust me. It can be quite obnoxious, but you just tend to ignore some neighbors after a while..." She raised a curious eyebrow at the places that Sunlight had moved to. "...I'm going to guess that Manehattan was the place you were born? I'm quite surprised to hear someone moved to Manehattan twice, but I guess it would make a bit of sense. Usually, I've seen neighbors make their return, but they live in a different part of town. It's quite a shame that you and your family had to move around quite a lot. It must have been difficult to say farewell to some friends..." She nodded with sympathy, before having a look of awe. "...A talent like that is pretty interesting. It's as if you don't need to write any information down. Seeing as how you can just relay any message from one to another. That must be some strong photographic memory. It's good hearing that you work together with your brother as two heads are always better than one..." She would giggle at her own remark. "...Speaking of which, I don't recall seeing your brother with you and my son. I'm guessing he's off on another job request by the Princess? I hope I wasn't keeping you from anything..."

"...You would say so...?" Gentle blinked at Sunlight's words. "...From the way I saw, it seemed like the two of you didn't want to separate from each other's presence. A mother can tell when they see their child and someone they love truly care for one another. I do believe that opposites do attract quite nicely. Given by how you mentioned that you both complete each other. I've raised my son to always be there for those that need help. He's a truly kind stallion who does his best. I know you said you became friends from meeting each other at the arcade, but what made you fall for my son? What does he have that another pony could already offer?"

Dew Drop:
Dew blinked a couple of times, shaking her head as Jade's remark was rather confusing. "I think y-you know way too much f-for me to know what you just m-mentioned..." She chuckled slightly, before nodding at his assumptions. "I g-get that it's probably logical, b-but I just didn't want to m-make any sort of a-assumptions. I think there's a c-certain rule about not making a-assumptions, but I can't be t-too sure. I will say that it's rather o-odd that we're going somewhere t-that doesn't hold any special memories. E-Even so, I still think it's important as y-you wanted me to go with you. I know you aren't one for words, o-or that there's still s-so much that I don't know about you. I still like a-and appreciate that I'm b-being able to learn more and more a-about you, Jade."

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@Dynamo Pad
"Actually no, we actually grew up here in Fillydelphia, I just didn't mention it because I only mentioned those where me and my brother have been by ourselves, my mistake...." Sunlight corrected slightly awkwardly "...and no, this visit didn't interfere with anything, my brother just is a busy stallion now that we have this job and he got a marefriend."

"What I meant with my wording is that from my point of view the answer is yes, and though I'm pretty sure Dynamo agrees, I'm not one to speak for him..." she informed after noticing the reaction to her choice of words "...and what made me fall for him...that's a challenging question, there necessarily isn't any one thing, and I can't really tell what was the exact moment either. It just kinda happened, we spent time together, then he asked me on a date, sure he didn't say it was a date right away, but it was quite obvious, and that's where it started. But if I have to list things about him, I'd say it's combination of his personality and how he treats me, he helped me to get over my dislike towards myself and just generally has made me happier in every way, that being something that even my brother wasn't able to do." 

"I would like to explain it to you better but there isn't a way to do so without telling what exactly the place is, and the reason why it's important enough to keep secret also can't be explained without doing that. That's why I say you will understand when we get there..." 
Jade explained, he then turned thoughtful for a moment "...but that aside, what do you mean when you say there's 'so much you don't know about me, is there something I haven't told? it's not on top of my memory right now." that was his way of saying he doesn't remember right now.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"There's no need to apologize, my dear. I was merely confused, is all. It's not every day where you hear someone moving to a place twice in a row. Unless there was a specific reason, of course. It's rather interesting that you did grow up in Fillydelphia. Did you happen to go to public school, or were you homeschooled? It just makes me wonder if you had ever met my son at an earlier age, or the most logical answer would be that you must have lived a further ways away..." Gentle concluded with a nod. "...Thanks for clearing that up, Sunlight. I'd hate to be taking you away from any and all responsibilities. It definitely sounds like your brother is busy from what you've told me."

"Oh, I understand. I can imagine my son would say the same exact thing, but he's upstairs at the moment..." She responded, taking note of Sunlight's answer to the earlier question. "...Sometimes, there's no right and/or wrong answer. It's more about how you feel that's within your heart. I'm surprised to hear that my son was able to accomplish something that not even your brother was able to help. I guess it's only because there are times that families say something because they are family. Sure, it's good to be honest and/or blunt, but it's better to support your family. I suppose you saw something in my son to help see the good from within yourself..." She took a deep breath as she prepared to ask a difficult question. "...This is a hypothetical question, but this is on my mind and I want your honest opinion. What would you say if I told the both of you that you couldn't be together...?" She held up a hoof to withhold any responses. "...Now, I'm not saying that I'm against the two of you being together. I said this is hypothetical. A majority of parents can be completely against the idea of some relationships in general. I've seen my son hurt and feel upset, while telling me that he's sick of relationships. I've always told him that he'll find someone special that will love him and that he would love in return. To which, he seemed somewhat doubtful. Now that I've seen that he has a marefriend, I just wanted to know if you're different than the rest." She remembered mentioning that there was no right or wrong answers in her questions. However, she knew there was a correct answer in this specific question. The only problem was if Sunlight would give her the correct answer.

Dew Drop:
"O-Oh, I understand now. I-If I learned the meaning b-behind the secret or the location, t-then it's not really a secret anymore. I g-guess that I just have to w-wait and see when we arrive at t-this location..." Dew replied, her eyes widening in slight shock over Jade's question. She felt she had said something wrong, but she could see a soft, yet thoughtful look in Jade's eyes. "I-I'm sorry, Jade. I didn't m-mean it in that way. What I meant was I r-remember the times that w-we hung out together. T-There wasn't much to say when I asked you a q-question, while you s-seemed sort of h-hostile on certain topics. At first, I d-didn't understand and it s-seemed as if you were conservative on s-saying much. However, o-over time, I started to learn a bit about you. E-Especially from Lunar, w-who explained how angry you could be on the s-subject of those who were close to you..." She held a hoof to her heart as she tried to keep calm. "...Now that I k-know a bit more about you're true self, I'm s-starting to slowly learn more and m-more about you. It's why I said there's s-so much that I still don't know about you. I know that you told me a-about your likes and dislikes, but I'd still like to learn more a-about you, Jade. I mean, w-who wouldn't want to learn and/or know more about her c-coltfriend...?" She smiled softly with a blush. "...I h-hope that answered the question. Once again, I-I'm sorry about asking a question l-like that."

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@Dynamo Pad
"Public, but I lived on the other side of the city." 

Sunlight was slightly surprised by the question, but she didn't show it in any obvious way "It would depend. If you gave a real reason for it, I would have a conversation about it between all three, but if the reason would be selfish, like for example you not liking my beliefs or something, I would ignore it and suggest Dynamo to do the same, because even though you're his mother, no parent has the right to choose who their adult son loves. I also know about his past experience with dating, and all I can say about is that if I was a part of that group, I would be doing pretty awful job considering that I along my brother are part of the reason that they all were arrested."  

"There's no need to apologize for anything, and no, it didn't really answer my question..."
Jade said calmly "...what are examples for something you would still like to learn about me? We have time to talk about them and I personally can't come up with things I haven't told at the moment because I'm focusing on different memories." 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"I see. I could only wonder what would happen if you and my son had met sooner if you both went to the same school." Gentle responded, shaking her head as she knew the past couldn't be changed.

As she listened to Sunlight's answer, the periwinkle unicorn was honestly surprised. She was expecting a different response from the orange unicorn, but nothing like this. To Gentle, it seemed as if Sunlight had used logic and facts to back up her reasoning. "Hmm...that's rather interesting..." She was about to continue, but stopped as she heard the sound of footsteps from the stairwell. "I have to agree with Sunlight on this one. Even if you did say that you didn't accept the relationship, then I would try and get you to believe. If you were still set on your decision, then I would just hope that you would come around and change your mind..." Dynamo replied, making his way down the steps and returning to the living room. "...Oh, Dynamo. I didn't know you were done unpacking. I hope everything was okay. I was just trying to have some time in talking to Sunlight..." "I know and I understand mom. I admit that I haven't had the best track record when it comes to finding a special somepony, but you have to believe me when I say that I truly care for Sunlight. Even since I met her, she's made me learn more about other things that I may not have known. She sees my faults, but doesn't look down upon me. She accepts me for who I am and I find comfort in her presence. It's the reason why I call her Sunny. She's the light that brightens up my whole world..." He smiles, walking over and taking a seat next to Sunlight. At the same time, Gentle looked at the couple with an apologetic look.

"...I hope you can forgive me, Sunlight. I just worry about the well being of my son. After I lost my husband, Dynamo is pretty much all I have left. I worry if something has happened to him, or if he's doing okay in Ponyville. However, getting to know you a little bit, I can tell that he's in safe hooves. I can tell why he never stops talking about you now. Just the mention of you or you name is enough to put a bright smile upon his face..." She giggled, before frowning as a thought had crossed her mind. "Something is bothering me, though. What do you mean you would be doing an awful job? Did something happen between the two of you...?" She asks, Dynamo nodding in slight agreement. "...Yeah. I was making my way downstairs and I heard what you were saying, Sunny. You didn't do an awful job. If anything, I'm honestly grateful for your help. They were bullies who were set on not wanting to change. They wanted to hurt others and take away any and all happiness. So, we had to make sure that they were stopped."

Dew Drop:
Dew nodded at the mention of not needing to apologize, before nodding once more at knowing that Jade was still confused. "I g-guess what I said didn't make much sense. W-What I meant was just about anything and e-everything. Just knowing a-anything about you is absolutely p-perfect. To random facts, t-to random quirks that I m-might not have known. I k-know a bit about you, b-but it's always nice t-to learn more. Being with you is a-an absolute joy, Jade. It's why I-I l-love you." She responded, while whispering out 'I love you' in a hushed whisper. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad
"There's nothing to forgive, I understand, in fact, knowing what I know, I can imagine that if I was a mother, I would act similarly..."  Sunlight assured, she then shook her head when Gentle and Dynamo asked about her last comment "...You both misunderstood, I wasn't saying I did anything, I said that if I would be part of that group, that group being Frozen, that fake marefriend and so on, in that fictional situation I would be doing pretty bad job considering I have worked directly against them. I said it because I know you were worried that I would do the same as what that mare did, that's why you asked the question, right?." 

Jade seemed to be out of words for a moment, and he was, as the confession came out of nowhere, even if it necessarily wasn't a surprise at this point "I love you too..." it was still weird sentence to say to Jade, and it was clear from his tone as the way he said it was almost like he was feeling shy for that moment "...and I'd love to tell more about myself, but I need a question or some other kind of trigger to do so."  though he had his romantic moments, Jade was still quite hopeless romantic, and thus his response wasn't necessarily the best possible out there.

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"It's nice knowing that you understand and would have the same sense in that point of view..." Gentle replied with a smile, before she and Dynamo listened to her explanation. "...Oh, I see. That's honestly my bad because I was confused by the way you worded it all..." Dynamo replied with an apologetic look, while Gentle took notice of that. "I thought you would have said sorry, sweetheart. Did something happen...?" Dynamo blushed and looked away slightly, while running a hoof through his mane. "...Well, not exactly. Sunlight would usually boop my nose if I ever said sorry. Considering that I usually would say it multiple times for no reason whatsoever..." He blushed, which caused Gentle to chuckle. "...I guess that's one way to kick a potential bad habit, huh? I guess I have to thank you, Sunlight..." "...I was sort of confused too, but you cleared up any confusion I had. Besides, I don't think you'd be like Frozen or be a part of that group. Those foals were just a bunch of troublemakers. They were always reported to their parents, but they never seemed to have learned. It's honestly a shame, to be honest..." She sighed, a sort of guilty expression was present upon her face. "...Yes, that's right. It's like I said that I worry about my son. It's difficult to trust sometimes after what happened in the past. I have to realize that you can't change the past or stay in the past, but it's always so difficult to accept at times. I'm just glad that you understood why I had to ask some questions when I did."

Dew Drop:
As she heard Jade's remark, Dew could only blush as she felt her heart skip a beat. She didn't expect Jade to hear her, but just knowing he felt the same had put a smile upon her face. She thought she could hear the shyness in Jade's voice, but decided to change the subject. "I-I don't exactly have questions a-at the moment. What I was s-saying earlier was s-sort of like an example. If I do have a-any questions, then I'll be sure to ask. P-Perhaps I might learn something w-while we are visiting this place that w-we're visiting."

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@Dynamo Pad
Sunlight nodded slowly "I understand perfectly, I have my bad memories too, and i would be lying if I claimed I don't have trouble trusting ponies, in fact, before I met Dynamo, my brother was the only one I could fully trust, even my closest friends don't know everything about me..." she was aware this probably raised more questions for Gentle, but she knew how to avoid saying too much, so she wasn't worried. "...and I know how hard it's to get over one's past, having a memory like mine doesn't really help with that either." 

Jade just nodded with a smile, they were now outside the city, and Jade slowed down a bit, still keeping a faster than normal pace. He then suddenly slowed down more and seemed like he had only just realize how fast he was flying "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fly so fast, I'm so used to flying alone that I didn't realize to ask you for your preferred speed." he looked a bit apologetic 

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
"I too, can understand how you feel. Trust is easily breakable and difficult to earn. If the one's you care about truly earn that trust, then you found somepony special. Trusting your brother is a given as siblings have that trust with one another. I'm glad my son was able to earn that close trust that you speak of..." Gentle smiled softly with a nod. She started to wonder what Sunlight had meant by everything that's not know about Sunlight. However, she decided to not worry as she had just met the orange unicorn. "...It must be difficult to have that sort of memory. Being able to remember everything, while it could be called back at random. It must take a strong individual to be able to handle something of that magnitude. I do have another question. What do you hope to gain when dating my son? Maybe more along the lines of what do you look forward to in the unforeseeable future?"

Dew Drop:
As they made their way out of the city, Dew looked back to see Manehattan slowly fading away from their sights. He then noticed Jade had begun to slow down in his flight. "It's okay a-and there's no ned to a-apologize, silly..." She replied with a giggle. "B-Besides, that's something new that I d-didn't know about you. I-I'm a pretty decent f-flyer. So, any f-flight speed is o-okay by me. I-I'm guessing you've b-been flying alone for so long, that t-the idea didn't cross your mind. A-At least you won't have to be a-alone when it comes to flying a-around town, or something a-along those lines."

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@Dynamo Pad
"Well, I wish to gain your son, I'd really like to have him..." Sunlight joked "...but in all seriousness, for the future, I'd just like to have an average and peaceful life with him, a cozy home, no need to worry about anypony trying to harm either of us, maybe having some addition to the family at some point...things like that among few personal goals that aren't related to our relationship but I'd like to celebrate with Dynamo when reached." she had learned from the time she had replied to similar question by Dynamo so she gave some examples on what she meant by average life

"Well, it's hard to have someone to fly with when all of your friends are unicorns..." 
Jade pointed out slightly humorously "...or well, one of them have magical wings but they don't really like flying..." "...but yeah, it's nice to have somepony to fly with, even if it may take time to get used to."

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@Catpone Cerberus

Dynamo Pad:
As she listened to Sunlight's explanation, Gentle's smile widened at the answer she was given. She tried to see if there was any lies within Sunlight's response, but she found that her words were completely genuine. "It sounds like you've really found a keeper, honey. Just make sure to propose to her soon. Otherwise, you might lose her along the way..." Gentle joked and giggled as she saw Dynamo blush. "Mom! Sunny and I have been dating for a few months. I mean, I admit that I would love to marry Sunlight. Definitely in the future as there's no need to rush anything. I feel the same way, though. Just a nice peaceful life, nopony trying to harm us and/or harass us and maybe some addition to the family..." He smiled warmly as Gentle nodded. "...Oh, I know. I was just kidding, but I will say that I was a bit serious. Considering how I had dated my husband for about three years, before telling him to marry me. It was either he proposed, or I left him. You won't believe how quickly he got a ring and proposed to me..." She giggled, before shaking her head and looking to Sunlight. "...I have no doubt that you'll make a happy family together. Plus, I've always wanted to have grandchildren in the future. All I can say now is welcome to the family, Sunlight."

Dew Drop:
"Huh. T-That does sound like q-quite a hassle with nopony to f-fly alongside you. I-I have heard that some unicorns can f-fly with their magic. T-The only problem is that they w-would need precise m-magic control, in order to fly..." Dew responded humorously with a giggle. "...M-Magical wings? Are you t-talking about Lunar? I think she explained h-her profession when we f-flew to her shop one day..." "...I-I know the feeling as I n-never had somepony to fly alongside with. It'll t-take time to get used to, b-but I know we have a-all the time in the world. It's just nice t-to be by each other's side." She smiled, giving his front hoof a reassuring squeeze.

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