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"We're... Thinking it might. Of course, with General Moon's Track record, he might kill us all with it."


The red stallion gave him a weird look.


"That was a Joke... I think." Said Sule, "Anyway, we need to know what his magic abilities are and how they can help us."


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the red stallion shook his head, "well since he is a malumai, we couldnt give him much, except something he could use to get him out of a sticky situation," he lifted midnights hoof again then touched midnights head with his horn, but was immiedietly thrown back by a green barrier.

"nnng....." he shoook his head as he was helped up by the mare, "from what youve told me, mind control correct?"

when sule nodded the unicorn smiled, "nova, should have known."


he shook his head, "anyway, he can conjure a small fireball, its not powerful but its enough to distract a guard long enough for midnight to escape, or he can manipulate a lock, we just gave him some abilities so he could escape, but with the proper tweaking, we could modify them to make them more powerful, give him, and therefor you an edge."


the mare looked at the stallion "arent you forgetting something?"

the stallion sighed and nodded "there is one power....though its inherently dangerous which is why we never told him he had it."


he turned to midnight, "i may tell you later, but for now, it will take awhile to get through this mind control somepony has put him in....we would need to give him, and all of you, a block of some sort, this is powerful magic, and if you get in close proximity to whoever started this, you may fall under it yourself."

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"How do we get this magical block?" asked Sule "And can we spread it to other ponies? My second in command is back at our camp with the Army. I would rather have them not fall under Shiri's or Nova's control"

Edited by Anony-Brony


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the red stallion smiled, then pointed a hoof at midnight, "through him," he trotted over, "midnight is more powerful then he realizes," he turned, "in any case, we have to break his mind control before he can learn anything."

the stallion and mare put their horns to midnights forehead, "this might hurt a bit midnight, brace yourself."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Indigo stared into the bottom of his mug. Why Sule thought Indigo could do anything while he was off adventuring in Horsestia or whatever the hell that so-called wonderful place was called was beyond him. It's not like it would've mattered, anyway. Everypony had jumped ship over to Tyrannus, Indigo believed, so instead of sitting at his desk in the commander's tent reviewing scout reports like he should've, Indigo was busy sitting at his desk in the commander's tent reviewing scout reports while calming his nerves with a mug of mead.


Or, rather, it was only "calming his nerves" about ten mugs ago.


"What's thish?" Indigo slurred, reading a new scout report that came in, regarding scouting of the city's exterior that Indigo ordered when he was still sober. "Tyrannush is posting, *hic*, posting archersh on the city walls? What does he think we are, earth ponies? Ugh, if Shule wasn't off to go make out with his marefriend, or whatever it wash he said he was doing, *hic*, then we could just dive in from the clouds and just, you know, take over."


"Uh, sir? I think you've had too much to drink." the guard standing guard to Indigo's side commented.


Indigo stood up, indignant. "Oh yeah!? Well, I think you've had too much, um, standing there! You and your ...armor...all shiny...and stuff. Fuck you."


The guard rolled his eyes. Oooh boy.


Indigo continued, "You know who Tyrannus is? He's all talk! Yeah! All talk. He just gets ponies to do his bidding by yelling at them and scaring them and threatening to kill and rape their families and all that! I think he's just a coward." Indigo stepped forward, staggering a bit. "Yeah, he's just a coward, all bark and no bite. I don't need an army. I can just sneak in through one of the windows, march all the way to the throne room, *hic* and give him a piece of my mind!"


Indigo marched forward, and immediately tripped on a dry root poking up out of the ground and fell down flat on his stomach. "Oof! Who put that there?" Indigo put his front hooves down in a feebile attempt to get up, but gave up quickly and let his hooves slide to the side. "You know? I think those earf ponies are on to something. The ground isn't that bad. Kinda hard, though." Indigo yawned, as the fatigue from the last few days finally set it. "Ground time now, I think, kick Sule's ass later. I mean, Tyrannus's ass. Or shomething." Indigo closed his eyes, and after a moment, passed out.

Edited by Jadefire
  • Brohoof 2
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(OOC that was pretty funny)



The two unicorns enveloped Midnight in their magic. Midnight started shaking all over. He yelled in agony and collapsed on the ground, shaking all over. The Unicorns then stopped their spell, and the pink mare (Midnight's mom?) looked over at Sule.


"Done." She looked at Midnight, "I sorry my dear, you were under the most powerful of mind control spells. The pony who is controlled is mostly under their own mind, but their controller is more influential in the pony's decisions due to a motivaton. It is very subtle, and can go undetected for years, perhaps a life time. But he is free now."


"What about immunity for the soldiers?"


"You need a potion for that, I believe that there is a zebra named Zora around in Canterlot. She should be able to help you. Honey?" She looked at the red stallion, "go find Zora and tell her to brew the biggest batch of stong-mind potion ever. It is easy to make, so it won't take that long," He nodded and walked off.


"Thank you so much." Sule looked down, "Why are you helping us?"


"I hear word that the Malumai wish to join us in Equestria. Consider this the first step we will make to help you in that goal."


Sule smiled. Never in his life has he heard such uplifting words. He was about to cry in joy.


"Thank you. We very much appreciate it. But I have another thing I need to ask you. Would you also be willing to take the second step?"


"How so?"


"Our Military is at a huge disadvantage in this war. We don't know the exact number of troops Tyrannus has, but with mind control he has the whole city as his disposal. Chiroptera is a huge city, and Tyrannus will use everypony he can. We are easily outnumbered, we will be going in a city with almost no backup, and there will be ponies hiding everywhere."


"What are you asking?"


"Does Equestria have a military?"

"A combined remnant of the Pegasi, Unicorn, and Earth Pony militaries. As you can imagine, most of them are Pegasi."

"Will they be willing to deploy out to help us?"

"I will run it by the Council"


She left. Sule couldn't believe it. The Malumai may just become Equestrians, too. His dream was so close. He thought it over and began to think maybe they should just abandon the war and the military join the Equestrians, since they were already here.




His dream was for all Malumai. They needed to save the everypony from Tyrannus first.


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midnight muttered to himself slowly getting to his hooves, "nng...." he winced, "break the spell, unable to fix my broken wing," he smiled and chuckled, "o-ow hurts to laugh."

he looked up at sule, "well, now you know my history more then anypony," his hooves began to glow "do you believe me now?"

the shackles fell off with a clunk, sules guard reacted, but midnight just stood there, unthreatningly.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Yeah... About that. I think we won't be fixing your wing just yet. You can do magic, and I am still not 100% if we should trust you. I rather no have you flying around just yet."


Midnight looked really angry.


"Besides, you ran into a burning building. I think Tyrannus will be curious to see how your wing 'magically' got better after you were possibly captured.... Why did you go in that building?"

Edited by Anony-Brony


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((Jeez, I've been doing homework for two hours and my brain is mush. Can't wait to see how this post turns out - all that's going through my head is social studies xD))


When Storm woke up, her mind was fuzzy. As if she should remember something, but it wasn't there. She opened her eyes. It was dark. Did that mean it was still night? She squirmed down and closed her eyes again.


Then her mind blasted to the present day, and she remembered everything.


She jumped up, thoroughly panicked. Where was Clover? She was deciding whether to say something or just look around, when Clover walked over to her slowly. "Are you alright?" Clover asked with a frown. Storm nodded. "We should probably try and find a way out," Storm said. It was the only thing her mind could process. Clover looked around. The room was still dark, but there was a small window in one corner.


Storm flew up to the window, and looked through it. She couldn't see anything. "There's nothing there!" she said, getting frustrated. Clover concentrated, obviously trying to do some sort of magic that Storm knew nothing about. "My magic still isn't strong enough," she said, sounding equally frustrated. Then they heard a voice coming from the back of the room. "Why, hello there," it said, sounding both pleased and sarcastic.



((And my brain just died. Worst post ever - my head is complete mush.))

  • Brohoof 1

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midnight sighed, "i had to find something, something dear to me." he pushed past the guards, and rooted around in his saddlebag, then pulled out the locket and showed it to sule.

"this....is chrys, the mare i fell in love with," he sighed, "i loved her to death," he chuckled, "should have died instead of her, none of this would have happened." he looked at the floor then at his glowing hooves.

"magic huh.....i thought i was made by it, but never thought i actually had magical talent."


shiri stood behind tyrannus and whispered "midnight is missing, i believe he was captured, "


tyrannus rolled his eyes, "meh, serves the stallion right for trying to find that dusty old locket, but hes smart, he can get out on his own." he turned back and looked between the mares, "well well well, a unicorn, and pegasus, you two are a LONG way from home."

Edited by Midnight Moon
  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Sule looked at the picture in the locket. He could see why Midnight fell head over hooves for her. He looked into her eyes, and he could almost see Clover staring back.


He shook his head to get the image out of his mind. He wanted to avoid thinking about Clover. He didn't want to think about the way he just left her behind. Who knows what Tyrannus might be doing to her and Storm as they spoke.


Sule handed the locket back. "She's...very nice"


Midnight's mom came back.


"Good news! The council has agreed to the deployment of the Equestrian military! This will be their first sortie as a unified force."


"Hopefully the war won't last any longer than that. About the potion, will we be feeding it to everypony? I don't think you will have enough."


"No, it only works on ponies with magic. The unicorns will get it and can broadcast the effects to the soldiers around them. You can find a way to organize your soldiers so this will work." She pointed at Midnight, "It will be most powerful for him"


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midnight blinked, "m-me......why?"


his "mother" trotted forward, "beacuse midnight, we know you can do it, dispite your track record, i know you can do this, she would want you too."

midnight blinked looking down at chrys "hmm, alright, w-well what do you need me to do?"

his mother smiled "thats my boy, we will teach you a basic defensive and offensive spell, then how to amplify this potion, make sure most of sules men wont get caught, thats about it, we dont have much time."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"For the unicorns, how strong is the potion?" Asked Sule.


"It will only work on about 3-4 ponies. You can organize them in small teams" She then pointed at midnight. "his power will encompass the whole castle."


"Ok. So what can you tell me about Nova?"




(OOC midnight you made him up you explain it)


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midnight sighed, "well, i know more about him then anypony, but even then thats not much," he looked around "he was one of the unicorns that was chosen to create me, though hes a gizzled old pony, hes powerful and influential, hes more responsible for my violent behavior then anypony, i was born and kept in this underground place, didnt have much of a life, except for the two unicorns that raised me, and the one that taught me...."

he shook his head,

"in any case, i really dont know what he was trying to do, but he wanted the war to continue, for alot longer then possible," midnight jumped off the table he was sitting on "but when it stopped beacuse of you, i believe he went into hiding, until now."


he sighed and turned to his mother, "so.....what am i learning here?"

she smiled, "the basic fireball, see that target, light it on fire."

midnight blinked, "how....."

she rapped a hoof on his head, "you should know, just look somewhere in those memories of yours."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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There was a slight wind blowing as Commander Night Flash was walking up to Indigo who was apparently sleeping. As he got closer, he noticed the guards looking at Indigo with a worried face.


''Commander Night Flash reporting for duty!' 'Said Night Flash as he slammed his front left hoof on the ground.


''Uh...he drank to much.'' replied one of the guards who was standing behind the sleeping right-hand pony of Sule.


''Well, wake him up then Private. I was sent here with the reinforcements,I'm their leader. Didn't anypony tell him? Or was he too busy drinking?'' Night Flash said with an annoyed tone.


''Ah Sir, could you wake up? There's someone here to visit you.'' said the Private as he woke up Indigo. When Indigo woke up, the moment he looked left he saw a black Pegasus in golden armour, smiling at him.


''Well I'm here, and I got the troops you guys needed.'' said Night Flash with an inquisitive tone.

Edited by The Awesome One
  • Brohoof 1



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(OOC Awesome One fix your post so you command the equestrian army)


While Midnight was doing his magic training, Sule was out talking to some other ponies who were involved in Midnight's... creation.


"How did Nova... create him?" asked Sule, jerking his head towards Midnight, who was practicing.


One of the old unicorns shook his head. "I'm not sure. It is hard to create life from nonliving things, but Nova did it. Some say he used evil magic..."

"I heard Midnight was actually his colt, but tried to run experiments on him."

"I think he just kidnapped him and gave him those powers"


"So... basically you're all saying that you have no idea." said Sule. He sighed, this was like trying to get info from a guard during their 'happy hour'. "Ok then... Why?"


The unicorns thought it over. Finally, one said "He said it was for intellegence on you Malumai, but that seemed to be just a cover story. I think there was more going on"


Sule looked at midnight, who was startled when he made his target light on fire. How many other secrets was this stallion hiding?


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midnight sighed, he wasnt doing well, his fireballs werent powerful,

"relax, remember, fire comes from anger, find somepony you would rather see burn..."

midnight shut his eyes, first thinking of indigo, but shook his head, no, indigo had a right to be angry, he then thought of nova, and his dead mate.

he growled stood on his rear hooves put his front hooves together, as they exploded in fire, he then pushed his hooves forward in one smooth motion, as a bout of flame engulfed the target, and it immiedietly caught.


nopony said anything as the target fell to ashes, midnight breathing a little bit and staring at it, wishing he could have protected chrys, if he hand known about this magic earlier, he could have.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Indigo looked up at the new pegasus arrival, and immediately cringed as the daylight from the outside bombarded his sense. Indigo wondered how much he had to drink if it was daytime already. Dammit, Indigo cursed to himself, my sleeping patterns are gonna be so fucked up after this. Indigo groaned as the splitting headache hit him. Great, now I'm hungover. Ugh, who does this kinda thing to himself, anyway?


It was at this point he remembered the pegasus standing in front of him. "Hm? Who the hay are you?"

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midnight looked over "what are they talking about?" he looked over at sule, who had a look of surprise and horror at him, then he realized there was flames coming out of his front hooves, he looked kinda evil like that but he quickly shook the flames out.


His mother looked over, "i dont know, im here helping you, that was one target, you have four more to go before we move on."

midnight nodded and looked back at the targets, in a moment, one is flaming and close to ashes, he turns to the next but instead of flames coming from his hooves, the target and the one next to it spontaniously combusts, midnight blinkes, and slowly backs away, a scared expression on his face


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Alright then, if you don't know anything, can you tell me where his lab was?"


(OOC Sorry this is a filler post)

Edited by Anony-Brony


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one of the unicorns points sule down the trail towards a cave on the edge of the town, "be careful though, nopony has set hoof in there since nova was last seen years ago, so no telling if anything is still around."

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"I will keep that in mind."


Sule signaled his guards bring Midnight over.


"Sorry Midnight. I know you are training, but i think we need to check out Nova's lab."


Sule signaled for one guard to come with them, and they started down the trail.


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midnight blinked, "why?" he looked over, "all i know is i was created there, no reason to go back.....though i am kinda curious."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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midnight blinked, "why?" he looked over, "all i know is i was created there, no reason to go back.....though i am kinda curious."


"I have a feeling we will find something useful there"


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"I have a feeling we will find something useful there"


midnight nodded "well, guess where i was created might help with something."

he turned the corner and looked into the dark cave, "hmm....stupid caves," he shook his head, and picked up a torch, before lighting the tip on fire with his hoof and handing it to sules guard, "if theres something in here, ill need my hooves." he chuckled a little akwardly, before looking down, he didnt know if he could joke with sule or not, or even if he SHOULD.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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