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open Renewal of an Age


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Survivor gulped and scratched his head once again "yeah.. fire isn't that great" . He could have been burnt to a crisp! "I guess I have to brush up on my tracking skills huh" Survivor said with a light chuckle. He never trusted Unicorn magic , not that he didn't like Unicorns its just that he kind of saw them as a ticking magic bomb. 

He looked up at the princess "so uhh….why am I here? you and I both know that this isn't exactly my ideal setting and you went through all the trouble of sending me a invite to the biggest party in Equestria. What would you want with a lone earth pony who spends his time so deep in the wilderness that your guards have trouble finding him?" Survivor really hoped it was some thing to do with studying animals. He really hoped it wasn't anything to do with magic 

Edited by woodchunks66

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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 Celestia just smiled softly. "That's my own reasoning. Don't worry, though. It's nothing dangerous at all."

"I hope." She whispers softly to herself, too quietly for anypony to hear. 

"Though, I invited you mostly so I could speak to you. Ponies like you are rather intriguing to myself and my sister. Ponies are, obviously, herd-based. They very rarely enjoy traveling, yet you, as well as several others my sister and I invited, completely break the norm. That interests us."

She fans her wings out, gesturing toward the entire country. "You, against all normal expectations the world has for my little ponies, go and explore the dangerous, the wild, and the unexplored."

She sighs as her wings fold themselves against her side. "It reminds me so much of myself and my sister, eons ago before we ruled Equestria. Sometimes, we want to throw our crowns aside and just go. Where? I don't know."

"The crowns we wear weigh far more than the gold they are made of."

  • Brohoof 1
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At the mention of the various food Winter Bolts' stomach let out a loud rumble. His ears folded a little in embarrassment but he grinned sheepishly in spite of himself. His mind wandered to all the places mentioned and suddenly his eyes light up like a Hearths Warming Eve fire. He could think of one food he had traveled back to a two to try again and he just had to have it if could. 

"Princes, does this party happen to have the cheese covered hay fries that they make in Fillydelphia? Also if the Apple family is making some of the food I would love one of their fritters. Oooh, I hope you have tried them. I only had one once in Appleloosa when I was working a field for some friend or relative of theirs out that way. But it was so good even after being sent from Ponyville. Speaking of Ponyville ya know I think its the one part of Equestria that Ive never set hoof in?" 

He looked around finally feeling more relaxed at Gala and started to see that many of the ponies he met in his travels were in attendance. What astonished him were how many were smiling and giving little waves or nods of greeting. He was starting to feel a bit confused as he had always messed up something for these ponies. Be it upending apple carts or burying a town in too much snow. But it appeared that none held a grudge. 

He tried to smile back and wave feeling a bit overwhelmed but the sudden feeling of acceptance. The range of emotions that ran across his muzzle were almost comical from a quizzical crease to elated smiles. He seemed to be cycling through them faster then they were walking. Then straight ahead of him was his mother Honey Leaf was talking to the Mayor of Manehatten. She seemed slightly older then he remembered with more grey around her muzzle. Seeing her made Winter Bolt Flinch reflexively half expecting a scolding on sight. But hunger won over fear and he turned to Luna 

"Princess that is my mother over by the food tables. I suppose I should say hello before grabbing some food. Its been a while since I have been home. Not since my Uncle Spring Steps passing in fact." 

Edited by Jedishy

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Survivor look on in awe of the goddess, he studied the somber look on her face. Its strange if anyone he'd expected to like Luna more because of their similar back story's, both outshined by their sibling until inevitable exile. Only problem was that Survivor never went back to his home. But Princess Celestia carried a burden he could only imagine. He never really had anyone depended on him, except maybe a animal here or there. She cant leave, its a invisible prison.....A prison of duty.

 " I wish I could understand your burden princess, I think the reason ponies like me interest you so much is that we are polar opposites, but we are also alike. I'm a loner but you are the leader of the biggest herd in equestria but that itself makes you different, not part of the herd. We might not be very different. But you have a duty and I don't. 

"Hey I'm guessing it doesn't hurt to have gold though" Survivor gave a weak chuckle. 

Edited by woodchunks66

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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With Princess Luna

The Lunar Diarch laughed as she nodded. "Yes, there are cheese-covered hay fries from Fillydelphia. There are, as I've said, treats from all around the world. I myself am rather partial to them, though I've heard they go straight to a mare's flanks. I also know there are apple fritters here as well, baked right before the party by Applejack herself.'

"I am surprised you haven't been to Ponyville, though. I went there for my first Nightmare Night since my return. I tasted one of her products not long after a certain...mishap, was resolved."

After Winter pointed out his mother, she spoke questioningly. "Why haven't you seen your mother since then? You don't visit her?"

With Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia smiled down at Survivor. While the words themselves did nothing to ease her weary burden, the effort and meaning behind it did wonders to help her. It was ponies like him that made her feel secure in her duty. Those like him were the very reason she never committed to leaving Equestria.

"I don't know, Mr. Hoof. After several thousand years of life, gold and wealth quickly begin to lose their appeal. Now a days, I don't really have an interest in any form of wealth. The moments I make with the ponies I meet mean far more to me than all of the wealth inside the Royal Treasury."

She sighed in happy memory. "Many times I've been sent forms of our featuring myself; paintings, books, poems. All of them, I keep; preservation spells keeping them healthy and readable for centuries. The art allows me to keep memories alive long after the artists have passed."

  • Brohoof 1
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Winter Bolts head ducked down a little bit at the question. It was something he hated to think about. The arguments, the scoldings, always feeling like he didn't measure up. He knew they meant well most of the time. But no matter how hard he tried to explain he just could not get them to understand. They had even scolded him at his uncles' memorial service for making it snow even though he knew his uncle would have loved to see one more snowfall with him. After that scolding and the lecture about a lack of proper work he just left before dawn and had only written them once or twice. He had gotten one response letter and then silence. So he had figured they preferred his absence and decided to only visit if he had news for them.

" I used to. But they never understood that I am not like them. I might be a skilled weather pony if they gave me the chance but any mistakes hurt their reputation with Manehattens upper crust. So they wanted me to get into something more out of sight and quietly respectable. I just could not deal with salad fork goes on the right Winter Bolt, why have you not found a nice mare to settle with Winter Bolt, manual labor is unbecoming your station son... any longer. So after my uncle passed we argued, I left and I have not returned since. They have not even written to me in the last year or so. The way I see it there is less for them to be embarrassed by the less I show myself." 

Honey Leaf looked up and her eyes grew wide. The sight of her son with Equestrian royalty was so shocking as to seem a prank. She excused herself from her current conversation with the Mayor and headed towards them. As she grew close a tinge of sadness haunted her features. She seemed to be bracing herself for something as she approached. Her son was so much bigger then she remembered him. He appeared to have matured a lot in his travels. But the news she must pass on was not something age made any easier. She bowed low to Princess Luna and then looked her son in the eyes so as to get this over with. 

" Winter ... honey your father has passed. I tried to find out where you were so I could tell you the news myself but you move around so much.... He had been on his final project trying to view some star that he could only see from the Yaket Mountain Range. There was an accident and they could not get your father out in time. I'm so sorry honey we could not find you and so we had a small ceremony next to your Uncle Spring Steps marker. "

She nuzzled him but Winter Bolt felt numb. Sure they had fought. Sure his father annoyed him. But Comet Tail was always supposed to be there to lecture him. There was always supposed to time to fix things. Lack of food and shock caught up with him. He swayed on his hooves and looked faint. Staggering slightly he accidentally bumped Princess Luna before bracing himself. He stood there as if frozen while Honey Leaf looked at Princess Luna with a small smile. 

" My son is stronger then he seems Princess and despite our differences, I get the feeling you have something important in mind for him. I also know he will want to rush home with me. But that won't fix things. He needs to sort this out on his own. In time I will send him his fathers letters and some of his inheritance but I know as all mothers do that he is not ready for that. I also know that whatever you have in mind is the key to his fulfillment. Can you please watch over him and pass on this letter when he recovers?"

The older mare bows and passes the Princess a letter that contains both her and her late husband's writing. She then slips away knowing that Winter Bolt always did the best processing these things with friends rather than family. She loved her son and understood him better then he knew. With a mothers intuition and the perspective of age, she trusted her sons' fate to the Princess she knew he admired for so long. 


Edited by Jedishy

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Princess Luna's eyes shone with her sadness. Her father may have been gone for well over fifteen thousand years but she remembers how much it hurt when he had passed. She understood very well what it felt like to lose a father. Princess Luna leaned down and gently nuzzled Winter Bolt, her long muzzle brushing against his ear, making it twitch repeatedly. Her large wing tightened over his back and pulled him closer. No words were to be said, nothing would help in this situation. She knew it, Celestia knew it, and Winter's mother knew it as well.

Her magic twinkled in the night as her magic levitated the letter into her collarplate, folded up and safely stored inside the small section inside. It would be returned to Winter after he recovered from the news.

Luna frowned toward his mother. Tonight was not the night to bear the news of his father's death. It was supposed to be a happy party, meant to bring bonds further, nothing else. Instead, he was given news of his father's death.

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Honey Leaf was torn about what she did tonight. She knew that she violated the spirit of the Gala with the news. Worse she sprung it on her son out of nowhere after almost a year and a half of not seeing him. She had even exaggerated how hard she had tried to find him. But she was so close to a break through on zap apples. On getting them to bloom with the use of unicorn magic and not just as a natural event. The mare was blessed or cursed as one might see it with an obsessive personality and when close to her research she could hardly be driven to eat never mind the travel to Canterlot. The reality was that she would be back on the train to Manehatten tonight. She could only hope for forgiveness later. 

Winter Found his voice. Just barely a whisper but it rang clear. " I think I need to eat. Too much travel, no money for food last night, I need to clear my head and get some energy/"

He was so dazed by the news that he was not even thinking to hide the fact that he was starving. He was at this point on autopilot. The gentle touch of Luna had woken him from the stupor only partially. He still needed to gain the strength to fully process the situation he found himself in. Worse would come later when he realized his mothers' callous departure was related to her research but that was not for him to know now. Shakey legged and still coming to grips with it all he looked around as if lost before realizing what was going on around him.

"I'm sorry Princess. This is just all a shock. Some food and drink might help me get my wits about me. My mother being her was a surprise. Not to mention the rest." 

His voice trailed off. He looked around and could no longer spot his mother. Something deep inside told him she left. His face was torn between anger and relief at not having to face her just now. He managed to grab the attention of a passing server pony that was passing cider out. He took a deep drink from his glass. The cool tang soothed his nerves and the sugar gave him a spark of energy that got his hooves under him again. He bowed slighting to the Princess as he finished the drink. 

" Again my apologies for losing myself for a moment. Once I eat a bit and maybe have something stronger than the regular cider I am sure I will be a better companion for the evening." 

Edited by Jedishy

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Luna nuzzles him softly, gesturing him toward the table. "Come on, let's eat, Winter. There are plenty of things to chose from." 

She stopped as a thought struck her. No money, he said? Perhaps I'll change that. I can't let my newfound friend starve, now can I?

She led him slowly toward the table, levitating a small clump of hay-fries and an apple fritter onto a plate, then levitated it in front of Winter. "Come on, Winter. You need to eat. Don't think about what you've been told; you'll have plenty of time to mourn at a later time. Dwelling on it will not help you right now; I know it won't. I made that mistake before and it didn't help whatsoever."

"Your mother was wrong to tell you this news tonight. I even feel she had another reason to do so, and that bothers me. Push it away for now to give yourself time to recover. You need it."

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Winter Bolt nodded gently. He took the plate and found a seat so that he might eat at his own pace. Despite his hunger, he always took his time to enjoy his food and tonight was no different. Besides he had made the mistake of eating too fast after a period of no food. It generally leads to an upset stomach. So he took small mouthfuls of food chewing thoughtfully and letting the flavors of the fries and cheese wash over him. He sipped some water poured from the tables' carafe by yet another staff member that passed by. He let out a soft nicker of pleasure at the taste. It was cool without any ice and tasted as pure as snowmelt. 

" Princess where in Equestria did this water come from? It's like drinking a cloud or snowmelt." 

He again moved back to savoring his food. It had been a while since he had eaten and he was grateful for the heavy nature of the hay fries and cheese. In truth his last meal was just before he got the letter inviting himself to the Gala. He had gotten it and flown straight to Canterlot with hardly more than a water break in between. His endurance was impressive and so was his drive when triggered. From there he had gotten his room, cleaned up, and found some new clothing for the event. At which point he had exhausted everything but his last two bits. Tucked safely away in his room they were to get him one more meal before he found work to earn his keep.


May the Friendship be with you. 


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"It's quite literally is melted snow. After being purified magically of any dirt or other debris, the snow is melted slowly, then re-cooled to make it a good temperature for drinking." Princess Luna explained.

"The snow itself comes the peak of Canterlot Mountain. It's brought down and preserved, once again, by magic."

Her voice drops to a much softer tone. "Mr. Bolt, you mentioned that you had no money left? What do you mean?"

She was worried for him; it always bothered her when other ponies struggled for anything. It reminded her too much of how she and Celestia used to live years ago, long before Equestria had ever formed. Sometimes, it physically hurt her when she move down the street and see homeless ponies; it was why she pushed to have a homeless shelter built in Canterlot. Luna remembered when she ended up having to pay for it out of her own coffers.

"Don't be afraid of telling me the truth. I won't think any less of you. Sometimes, ponies just struggle."

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With a sigh, Winter Bolt met Lunas' eyes. He was not often ashamed of how he lived but then again he never really had anypony to share the details with. It was mostly one odd job in one random town after another moving on as soon as he did something clumsy. He was used to sleeping in the wilds and wintering down wherever he could get work as weather patrol support. 
But in this moment surrounded by finary, it felt like Manehatten and the judgment of more well to do peers all over again. It was only the kindness in her eyes and the sincere ring of her words the pushed him to drive on with the truth. 

" To be honest I have two bits, a wool blanket, a set of leather travel bags, a canvas tarp, a journal and this necklace to my name. Oh and I guess this vest now too. I neve stay in one place long and never do more than odd jobs. So I never have many bits to my name and have really only owned what I could carry in my bags. I spent my last few bits of earnings getting a room last night. I had traveled from Appleoosa to here in pretty much a straight shot only stopping to grab water and a bite to eat. So by the time I got here I was low on funds and could barely afford the room for the few nights needed to attend the Gala."

He had finished his hay fries and was now working on the fritter slowly enjoying each morsel. To go with it he had ordered a hard cider which was slowly helping him relax and find the jovial spirit he had before the ill-fated news. He was once more starting to smile in spite of his living situation. It never mattered before but now for some reason, it bothered him. Maybe because now he felt there was some chance at finding a place. At more than the life of a wandering pony who never really had a place. Or maybe it was just he wished he had more to show for all his travels. Even friendship had eluded him in the years he spent wandering. If somepony could pull Winter Bolt out of his head he would see his potential. If he missed that pony well who knew where he would drift to. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Copper politely offered the guard a respectful nod of his head as he quickly answered the inquiry "Somewhat, but clearly you gentlecolts have enough on your plate without being delayed by hearing the story. I hope you both have a good night." Aware of the fact that there appeared to be somepony waiting in line behind him, Strong Copper happily made his way past the guards and into the gala proper.

Of course, he didn't actually know what he was going to do with himself now that he was here; Even when he had lived in Canterlot he had tended to avoid parties and social gatherings like this one because he just found the whole affair so... pointless. He simply couldn't understand why events like this was so important to some ponies and just found it easier to avoid the situation completely. He wouldn't have even dreamed of coming if he hadn't received an invitation from one of the Princesses herself.

Thankfully he clearly wasn't the only one in the area who was out of place; He easily saw a blue earth pony who appeared to have stalled after crossing the threshold as well. The fact that he wasn't the only one to be overwhelmed was comforting in a way, but he didn't stop to say hello. He was promised that food was going to be provided and locating/raiding the banquet table was as good a place to start his night at the gala as any. It would also give him an excuse not to be dancing or anything like that if he had a plate full of food.

With head held high and hungry stomach driving him onward, Strong Copper began the search for substance.  

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With Princess Luna

"So little?" Princess Luna asked in despair. "I could help you, Mr. Bolt. I don't like when ponies have less than they deserve. I would like to help you, if you'll let me." 

"I won't lie to you, though." She adds. "I'm impressed that you do so well with so little. Very few could have ever done so well with the same funds you have now. I may have never known your situation if you hadn't mentioned it yourself."

Princess Luna hummed as she teleported away quickly, returning with a large bottle of a pink liquid, which she proceeded to drink from the bottle. After she drank some of it, she lowered the bottle and spoke. "Very few drinks are made the same way they used to be. I'm honestly slightly disappointed. Now, only my sister and I know how to ferment Royal Pink. Would you like a drink?"

Princess Luna glanced to her side to see a tan-ish Unicorn entering the room, seemingly looking for something. That's one of the ponies my sister invited.

Reaching out mentally, she touched her sister's mind. "Tia, I believe Copper is here. He's in the banquet hall at the entrance."

Her reply came quickly. "I'll likely be there in a moment; I'm speaking to somepony right now."

"Fair enough, Tia. I'll see thee later." Luna replied.

With Strong Copper

"You seem familiar." Came a voice from behind Copper.

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As it turned out, it hadn't taken as long as he had feared to locate the banquet hall. Half forgotten memories of a school trip to the castle had arisen from the murky depths of his mind to help guide his way to the plunder he sort. He had just reached out with his magic to levitate a plate to his side and had just been looking over the offered food to figure out what he desired to claim for his own first when his ear twitched as a voice from behind him seemed to call out to him.

Unable to place the voice right away (or even who or what the speaker was), Copper quickly turned to see whom had been talking before he committed to saying anything more than "Oh hello..." After all, pretending to know someone if he hadn't met them before would have just been rude and a bit strange. Even if the call for food was ever present, his parents had taken the time to instruct him on how to be polite to ponies; Just because he didn't like talking to ponies didn't mean he didn't know how to after all.

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Winter Bolt was surprised by the offer of help. He was so used to figuring out his own way and being alone that the idea of anypony lending a hoof unpaid seemed almost nonsensical. As much as there was a pride to earning his way he had to admit that it would be hard to get by on two bits even looking for work. It left no room for error and little time to find work to earn something to keep going. Logically he ought to accept the offer and do his best to be an understanding Equestrian citizen to pay back the kindness shown to him by his Princess. Accepting the realities of his situation he nodded almost to himself more than anything. 

" Princess even if I wanted to be prideful right now I am in no real place to turn down a helping hoof. With two bits I would not get far and odd jobs are not easy to find this close to Canterlot. I humbly accept your offer to help. But I have to admit its not easy to say yes. I have earned my kee since I left home and never really had to ask anypony for a hoof without earning it. I've always thought I was too much trouble to have around and so I roamed and ask for nothing I did not work for. But it seems from a few ponies I saw here tonight that maybe my clumsy mishaps have not made a bad impression all over Equestria as I feared." 

The reality was that if the Princess or Winter Bolt asked around they would find out that rather then a bad impression left in his wake it was rather the opposite. Many ponies missed the affable pegasus with stories from all across Equestria. The enjoyed his soft manners and hard working spirit. His small blunders never bothered them and the ones that involved snow often made his somewhat of a mythical hero to the fillies and colts that got days off of school because of him. The adults always felt bad that he left so soon most times without half the pay the promised. To him, it was to repay what he messed up. To them, it was small sums of bits he was owed in various towns across Equestria. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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With Strong Copper

Behind Copper stood an average-height pony. His coat was a drab gray, his mane a simple dark white. His eyes were an unremarkable brown. He was clearly an Earth pony, the lack of wings or a horn proving as such. His only apparel was a simple, black coat. When Copper turned around, he spoke. "Ah, forgive me, I thought I recongized you."

His voice, too, was simple, neither high, nor deep. It wasn't cultured or country. It just was. "Your coat was familiar. I thought you were- nevermind. My apologies, sir. Have a good night."

The strange pony walked away, revealing his cutie mark for a short time. It was a single, unbroken black spiral. He headed deeper into the palace, likely toward one of the ballrooms. After a moment, an armored Minotaur followed slowly, his armor clinking together almost silently.

With Winter Bolt

"Wonderful! I'm glad you decided to accept my help. What are you interested in doing, Mr. Bolt? My programs have a wide variety of options; quite possible nearly every job that exists in our fair land, some of them more dangerous than others." She replied.

"Sister, the Bull and, ah, 'Blank,' went deeper into the palace after Blank spoke momentarily with Strong Copper."

"Keep an eye on them." Came the reply. "My Guards have already been ordered such."

Luna mentally agreed. "My Lunar Guards are already trailing them from the rafters. Tail and Claw are being watched as well."

"I don't think Tail is a threat; he seems to be just a normal pony. My Guards checked his background; there's no hint of crime in Mr. Thorn's past."

"I'll keep an eye out anyway." Luna said.

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Winter got himself a second cup of hard cider and a candied apple to go with it. He sipped his drink carefully being mindful not to overindulge. Considering the offer before him he wondered where he could do the most good. What would he be most helpful at? But then a sudden fire sparked within him. No the voice seemed to whisper. Stop looking for ways to be useful and do what you love. That is when it struck him. He didn't want just any job. He didn't want to be useful or labor under a yoke anymore. He knew what he wanted. Deep down he knew what his spirit needed now more than ever. He wanted to fly. 

" I want to fly. I dont care what the job is I just want to be in the clouds. I want to feel the air in my mane and the clouds at my hoof. I want to come back smelling of sunshine and dew not earth and apples. Bucking has earned me a good bit but hurts my flanks. Pulling a plow just musses up my feathers and leaves my back sore for days after. I miss helping with the weather and feeling like my job fits me. So please more than anything I want to be able to help with something weather patrol related or at least that gets me off the ground"

The earnest look in his eyes was born of years of jobs that chained him to the ground sometimes literally. He had spent so long just getting by that the rare times he got to have fun while working stood out as bright as his sapphire necklace in his mind. He had missed the feel of moving the clouds and bending the weather to the schedule of a patrol leaders instruction. He missed the happy smiles a sunny day or cooling rain could bring. But most of all he missed making it snow. Somehow the pony that got his cutie mark for winter high jinx had been missing out on that fun for more years then he cared to admit.  

May the Friendship be with you. 


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It wasn't strange to see the elite of society employ the services of personal security; Not only was having a personal bodyguard or two on retainer a symbol of status that many couldn't afford, but it also had the wonderful benefit that in the event that something went wrong you had someone close at hoof that would either be able to handle it or slow the problem down long enough for you to run away safely. The fact that the pony with a spiral cutie mark had employed a minatour only improved the situation due to not just the inherited physical strength of his employee, but also benefiting from the exotic nature of a species that wasn't often seen in Canterlot. 

 Offering a simple "All good. These things happen." before the pony had a chance to wander off, Strong Copper turned his attention towards more pressing issues; Namely, did he want to try the apple fritter, the banana fritter or the pineapple fritter first and foremost. All of them smelt and looked amazing and each one of them was trying its best to convince him to try it first...

After a few long, painful moments, one of the banana fritters found itself lifted up and placed proudly on his plate.

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Blue Thorn was a little discouraged by the numerous ponies walking by him without a second thought. Perhaps this was for the best though. The palace was known for it's inviting atmosphere. Fine classical music, excellent decor and fair views of our beautiful country, and while company was great, one could never expect the ambiance to bleed through. "Hu. I guess even commoners don't have time for a blue-collar pony like myself. Oh well, I guess I should take in some of the scenery before it gets drowned out by the crowds."


Blue Thorn, being unfamiliar with the palace's layout, defaulted to following the left wall, just like the hedge mazes he worked on during his apprenticeship, it would no doubt lead him outside so he can see the best view in Canterlot. It didn't take long for him to find the exterior garden, but it did take him back as to how large it was. He would have to go quite a way out of his way to see the view, and it would be too far away for him to hear the music, so he decided to make his way to the ballroom. Hopefully there, he could find a drink so he can drink in both the scenery and whatever drinks they had available.


On his way to the ballroom, Blue Thorn stopped a stand to look at the drinks. Unfortunately, all that was on display was wine. Blue Thorn, not being used to finner drinking, tried for a more familiar drink, "Excuse me, sir. Do you have anything a little less..." Blue Thorn paused, "Fancy?"

Edited by Loud Opinion

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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"yeah those things tend to outlive us" Survivor frowned, he wasn't the best at philosophy. The most he would say to anyone was a quip to the cashier at the local store.

"I came from a family that valued money, or rather the ability to make money. My family sold ice, nothing to glamorous but it put hay on the table...but never enough  to buy something to immortalizing. I bet my family's ice farm is gone now....or maybe its still there. I have no clue I never went back. But no matter what that chapter of my is going to be forgotten, nothing I can do about it." Survivor usually hated talking about this family but he will make an exception for the princess

"You though princess, you are here to stay, and so far you are making your stay very memorable. Memorabilia in your likeness is a privilege you deserve, and one I have yet to earn." 



Edited by woodchunks66

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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With Winter Bolt

Princess Luna hummed to herself, taking a small sip from her drink. "Unfortunately, there's no shortage of weather ponies. It seems almost every Pegasus seeks that job, though it makes sense."

She set her drink down, continuing to think. "There are a few flight-based jobs, as well as a project that may or may not succeed."

The Lunar Diarch turned and looked at Winter, a contemplative look on her muzzle. "We have a need for explorers; ponies who expand the reaches of our maps. The south is entirely unexplored past a certain region. You can also be a deliverer, transporting goods by air, though that's not easy work. Scouts, too, are in need. Ponies who fly over our land and keep and eye out for anything suspicious. While my Guards are very skilled in this, there aren't many of them."

"As for the project? I seek to reclaim our old Castle, in the Everfree. Naturally, we need to tame it. I don't seek to tame the full Forest, just a path to the Castle and around the ruins themselves. The first step is taming the weather in the region, though, as I've said, it may not work. Even if it does, it would be dangerous, Mr. Bolt."

With Blue Thorn

"Of course, sir. We have several ciders, beers, and other brews from around Equestria. Is there anything in particular you are looking for?" The tender asked as several bottles levitated from a cart behind him and onto the wooden counter, each one designed differently and emanating a different scent.

With Survivor Hoof

Princess Celestia sighed, gratefully that he was trying to cheer her up, even if it wasn't really working. "Is it so strange that my sister and I don't really want to be remembered any more? I admit, my sister and I took pride in our positions when we first began to rule. We believed we simply deserved it, simply by right of defeating Discord."

"Now, though? Now we just want to be normal. To be able to go among our subjects without being treated any differently than anypony else. Instead, if we try, we're bowed to, our every word is considered an order or fact, and we're practically worshipped."

"Is it any wonder we mastered transformation spells so long ago?" She asked rhetorically.

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Blue Thorn looked at the different options with indecision. "Hmm..." Thorn was impressed at how thoroughly the cultural differences between the classes were minimized. The focus on variety was clearly a winning strategy for whoever was in charge of planning these events.


His train of thought led him to the purpose of the party: to socialize. He wouldn't look very approachable if he was carrying an empty glass around, so he would need something strong that he could sip on throughout the night. Besides, his last commission wasn't sparing him any soreness, so a little numbness could go a long way.


"The strongest stuff you have, please."


He probably wasn't in any danger of overdrinking, and besides, Thorn was a hardy pony with a good sense of moderation. At least, that was how he justified it to himself.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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"Er," The tender began hesitantly. "That's Royal Pink, a brew made for our Princesses since nothing else could affect them. Are you sure you want that?" 

As he spoke, the tender levitated a large, clear bottle filled with a glowing-pink liquid. The only emblem was a vague Alicorn shadow on the bottle. As he spoke, though, he also levitated a small keg on the stand. The wood cask was clearly aged, likely to make the drink within stronger. It smelled stronger than all the rest, minus Royal Pink which, oddly, had no scent to it. 

"This brew was imported from the Minotaur lands, Labyrinth. I don't know too much about it's specs, but I know it's considered the strongest mortal brew in the world. Surprisingly enough, it has no name, though it's got plenty of nicknames. Word is that it can easily put a pony out. Minotaurs, though? Not so much."

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The banana fritter was just the centerpiece of a quickly growing ugly monument of delicious food; The banana was soon joined by its apple and pineapple counterparts, a few additional pieces of fruit and a lovely looking scoop of whipped cream to give his mountain of food a delightfully white top. While Copper would have been the first to acknowledge that the plate looked more like a dessert dish then something to be eaten first at a formal event, he really didn't give a damn and just wanted to start off the night the way that he wanted to.

To that end, curiosity caused him to glance over at the bar and the... bottle with the strange, glowing pink liquid inside of it. As he glanced between the bartender and the same blue earth pony he had seen as he had entered the gala, a playful grin appeared on Copper's face as he decided to approach. "Hi. Not a big drinker myself but... Not going to like, that pink one caught my eye. Do you have something small like a shot glass so some of the substances can be sampled?"

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